package cc.mallet.topics;
import cc.mallet.optimize.LimitedMemoryBFGS;
import cc.mallet.optimize.OptimizationException;
import cc.mallet.types.*;
import cc.mallet.classify.MaxEnt;
import cc.mallet.pipe.Pipe;
import cc.mallet.pipe.Noop;
import gnu.trove.TIntIntHashMap;
public class DMRTopicModel extends LDAHyper {
MaxEnt dmrParameters = null;
int numFeatures;
int defaultFeatureIndex;
Pipe parameterPipe = null;
double[][] alphaCache;
double[] alphaSumCache;
public DMRTopicModel(int numberOfTopics) {
public void estimate (int iterationsThisRound) throws IOException {
numFeatures = data.get(0).instance.getTargetAlphabet().size() + 1;
defaultFeatureIndex = numFeatures - 1;
int numDocs = data.size(); // TODO consider beginning by sub-sampling?
alphaCache = new double[numDocs][numTopics];
alphaSumCache = new double[numDocs];
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
int maxIteration = iterationsSoFar + iterationsThisRound;
for ( ; iterationsSoFar <= maxIteration; iterationsSoFar++) {
long iterationStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (showTopicsInterval != 0 && iterationsSoFar != 0 && iterationsSoFar % showTopicsInterval == 0) {
printTopWords (System.out, wordsPerTopic, false);
if (saveStateInterval != 0 && iterationsSoFar % saveStateInterval == 0) {
this.printState(new File(stateFilename + '.' + iterationsSoFar + ".gz"));
if (iterationsSoFar > burninPeriod && optimizeInterval != 0 &&
iterationsSoFar % optimizeInterval == 0) {
// Train regression parameters
// Loop over every document in the corpus
for (int doc = 0; doc < numDocs; doc++) {
FeatureSequence tokenSequence = (FeatureSequence) data.get(doc).instance.getData();
LabelSequence topicSequence = (LabelSequence) data.get(doc).topicSequence;
if (dmrParameters != null) {
// set appropriate Alpha parameters
sampleTopicsForOneDoc (tokenSequence, topicSequence,
false, false);
long ms = System.currentTimeMillis() - iterationStart;
if (ms > 1000) {
System.out.print(Math.round(ms / 1000) + "s ");
else {
System.out.print(ms + "ms ");
if (iterationsSoFar % 10 == 0) {
System.out.println ("<" + iterationsSoFar + "> ");
if (printLogLikelihood) System.out.println (modelLogLikelihood());
long seconds = Math.round((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)/1000.0);
long minutes = seconds / 60; seconds %= 60;
long hours = minutes / 60; minutes %= 60;
long days = hours / 24; hours %= 24;
System.out.print ("\nTotal time: ");
if (days != 0) { System.out.print(days); System.out.print(" days "); }
if (hours != 0) { System.out.print(hours); System.out.print(" hours "); }
if (minutes != 0) { System.out.print(minutes); System.out.print(" minutes "); }
System.out.print(seconds); System.out.println(" seconds");
* Use only the default features to set the topic prior (use no document features)
public void setAlphas() {
double[] parameters = dmrParameters.getParameters();
alphaSum = 0.0;
smoothingOnlyMass = 0.0;
// Use only the default features to set the topic prior (use no document features)
for (int topic=0; topic < numTopics; topic++) {
alpha[topic] = Math.exp( parameters[ (topic * numFeatures) + defaultFeatureIndex ] );
alphaSum += alpha[topic];
smoothingOnlyMass += alpha[topic] * beta / (tokensPerTopic[topic] + betaSum);
cachedCoefficients[topic] = alpha[topic] / (tokensPerTopic[topic] + betaSum);
/** This method sets the alphas for a hypothetical "document" that contains
* a single non-default feature.
public void setAlphas(int featureIndex) {
double[] parameters = dmrParameters.getParameters();
alphaSum = 0.0;
smoothingOnlyMass = 0.0;
// Use only the default features to set the topic prior (use no document features)
for (int topic=0; topic < numTopics; topic++) {
alpha[topic] = Math.exp(parameters[ (topic * numFeatures) + featureIndex ] +
parameters[ (topic * numFeatures) + defaultFeatureIndex ] );
alphaSum += alpha[topic];
smoothingOnlyMass += alpha[topic] * beta / (tokensPerTopic[topic] + betaSum);
cachedCoefficients[topic] = alpha[topic] / (tokensPerTopic[topic] + betaSum);
* Set alpha based on features in an instance
public void setAlphas(Instance instance) {
// we can't use the standard score functions from MaxEnt,
// since our features are currently in the Target.
FeatureVector features = (FeatureVector) instance.getTarget();
if (features == null) { setAlphas(); return; }
double[] parameters = dmrParameters.getParameters();
alphaSum = 0.0;
smoothingOnlyMass = 0.0;
for (int topic = 0; topic < numTopics; topic++) {
alpha[topic] = parameters[topic*numFeatures + defaultFeatureIndex]
+ MatrixOps.rowDotProduct (parameters,
topic, features,
alpha[topic] = Math.exp(alpha[topic]);
alphaSum += alpha[topic];
smoothingOnlyMass += alpha[topic] * beta / (tokensPerTopic[topic] + betaSum);
cachedCoefficients[topic] = alpha[topic] / (tokensPerTopic[topic] + betaSum);
public void learnParameters() {
// Create a "fake" pipe with the features in the data and
// a trove int-int hashmap of topic counts in the target.
if (parameterPipe == null) {
parameterPipe = new Noop();
InstanceList parameterInstances = new InstanceList(parameterPipe);
if (dmrParameters == null) {
dmrParameters = new MaxEnt(parameterPipe, new double[numFeatures * numTopics]);
for (int doc=0; doc < data.size(); doc++) {
if (data.get(doc).instance.getTarget() == null) {
FeatureCounter counter = new FeatureCounter(topicAlphabet);
for (int topic : data.get(doc).topicSequence.getFeatures()) {
// Put the real target in the data field, and the
// topic counts in the target field
parameterInstances.add( new Instance(data.get(doc).instance.getTarget(), counter.toFeatureVector(), null, null) );
DMROptimizable optimizable = new DMROptimizable(parameterInstances, dmrParameters);
LimitedMemoryBFGS optimizer = new LimitedMemoryBFGS(optimizable);
// Optimize once
try {
} catch (OptimizationException e) {
// step size too small
// Restart with a fresh initialization to improve likelihood
try {
} catch (OptimizationException e) {
// step size too small
dmrParameters = optimizable.getClassifier();
for (int doc=0; doc < data.size(); doc++) {
Instance instance = data.get(doc).instance;
FeatureSequence tokens = (FeatureSequence) instance.getData();
if (instance.getTarget() == null) { continue; }
int numTokens = tokens.getLength();
// This sets alpha[] and alphaSum
// Now cache alpha values
for (int topic=0; topic < numTopics; topic++) {
alphaCache[doc][topic] = alpha[topic];
alphaSumCache[doc] = alphaSum;
public void printTopWords (PrintStream out, int numWords, boolean usingNewLines) {
if (dmrParameters != null) { setAlphas(); }
super.printTopWords(out, numWords, usingNewLines);
public void writeParameters(File parameterFile) throws IOException {
if (dmrParameters != null) {
PrintStream out = new PrintStream(parameterFile);
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
private static final int CURRENT_SERIAL_VERSION = 0;
private static final int NULL_INTEGER = -1;
public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException {
InstanceList training = InstanceList.load (new File(args[0]));
int numTopics = args.length > 1 ? Integer.parseInt(args[1]) : 200;
InstanceList testing =
args.length > 2 ? InstanceList.load (new File(args[2])) : null;
DMRTopicModel lda = new DMRTopicModel (numTopics);
lda.setTopicDisplay(100, 10);
lda.writeParameters(new File("dmr.parameters"));
lda.printState(new File("dmr.state.gz"));