/* Copyright (C) 2002 Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst, Computer Science Dept.
This file is part of "MALLET" (MAchine Learning for LanguagE Toolkit).
This software is provided under the terms of the Common Public License,
version 1.0, as published by http://www.opensource.org. For further
information, see the file `LICENSE' included with this distribution. */
package cc.mallet.pipe;
import cc.mallet.types.Alphabet;
import cc.mallet.types.Instance;
import cc.mallet.types.Label;
import cc.mallet.types.LabelAlphabet;
/** Convert object in the target field into a label in the target field.
@author Andrew McCallum <a href="mailto:mccallum@cs.umass.edu">mccallum@cs.umass.edu</a>
public class Target2Label extends Pipe
private final static long serialVersionUID = -461155063551297878L; //-8390758647439705273L;
// gsc: adding constructor that has an option for the data alphabet as well,
// this avoids the data alphabet getting set to null towards the end of a
// SerialPipes object because the data alphabet might have already been set
public Target2Label (Alphabet dataAlphabet, LabelAlphabet labelAlphabet) {
super(dataAlphabet, labelAlphabet);
public Target2Label ()
this(null, new LabelAlphabet());
public Target2Label (LabelAlphabet labelAlphabet)
this(null, labelAlphabet);
public Instance pipe (Instance carrier)
if (carrier.getTarget() != null) {
if (carrier.getTarget() instanceof Label)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Already a label.");
LabelAlphabet ldict = (LabelAlphabet) getTargetAlphabet();
carrier.setTarget(ldict.lookupLabel (carrier.getTarget()));
return carrier;