/* Copyright (C) 2003 Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst, Computer Science Dept.
This file is part of "MALLET" (MAchine Learning for LanguagE Toolkit).
This software is provided under the terms of the Common Public License,
version 1.0, as published by http://www.opensource.org. For further
information, see the file `LICENSE' included with this distribution. */
package cc.mallet.pipe;
import cc.mallet.pipe.Pipe;
import cc.mallet.pipe.SerialPipes;
import cc.mallet.types.Alphabet;
* Created: Aug 28, 2005
* @author <A HREF="mailto:casutton@cs.umass.edu>casutton@cs.umass.edu</A>
* @version $Id: PipeUtils.java,v 1.1 2007/10/22 21:37:39 mccallum Exp $
public class PipeUtils {
private PipeUtils () {}; // no instances
public static Pipe concatenatePipes (Pipe p1, Pipe p2)
Alphabet dataDict = combinedDataDicts (p1, p2);
Alphabet targetDict = combinedTargetDicts (p1, p2);
Pipe ret = new SerialPipes (new Pipe[] { p1, p2 });
if (dataDict != null) ret.dataAlphabetResolved = true;
if (targetDict != null) ret.targetAlphabetResolved = true;
ret.dataAlphabet = dataDict;
ret.targetAlphabet = targetDict;
return ret;
private static Alphabet combinedDataDicts (Pipe p1, Pipe p2)
if (p1.dataAlphabet == null) return p2.dataAlphabet;
if (p2.dataAlphabet == null) return p1.dataAlphabet;
if (p1.dataAlphabet == p2.dataAlphabet) return p2.dataAlphabet;
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Attempt to concat pipes with incompatible data dicts.");
private static Alphabet combinedTargetDicts (Pipe p1, Pipe p2)
if (p1.targetAlphabet == null) return p2.targetAlphabet;
if (p2.targetAlphabet == null) return p1.targetAlphabet;
if (p1.targetAlphabet == p2.targetAlphabet) return p2.targetAlphabet;
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Attempt to concat pipes with incompatible target dicts.");