/* Copyright (C) 2003 Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst, Computer Science Dept.
This file is part of "MALLET" (MAchine Learning for LanguagE Toolkit).
This software is provided under the terms of the Common Public License,
version 1.0, as published by http://www.opensource.org. For further
information, see the file `LICENSE' included with this distribution. */
package cc.mallet.grmm.inference.gbp;
import gnu.trove.THashSet;
import java.util.*;
import cc.mallet.grmm.types.Factor;
import cc.mallet.grmm.types.VarSet;
import cc.mallet.grmm.types.Variable;
* Created: May 27, 2005
* @author <A HREF="mailto:casutton@cs.umass.edu>casutton@cs.umass.edu</A>
* @version $Id: RegionGraph.java,v 1.1 2007/10/22 21:37:58 mccallum Exp $
class RegionGraph {
private Set regions = new THashSet ();
private List edges = new ArrayList ();
public RegionGraph ()
void add (Region parent, Region child)
if (!isConnected (parent, child)) {
addRegion (parent);
addRegion (child);
child.isRoot = false;
if (parent.children == null)
parent.children = new ArrayList ();
parent.children.add (child);
if (child.parents == null)
child.parents = new ArrayList ();
child.parents.add (parent);
edges.add (new RegionEdge (parent, child));
private boolean isConnected (Region parent, Region child)
return (parent.children.contains (child));
private void addRegion (Region region)
if (regions.add (region)) {
if (region.index != -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Region "+region+" has already been added to a different region graph.");
region.index = regions.size() - 1;
int size () { return regions.size (); }
Iterator iterator () { return regions.iterator (); }
Iterator edgeIterator ()
return edges.iterator ();
public void computeInferenceCaches ()
computeDescendants ();
includeDescendantFactors ();
computeFactorsToSend ();
computeCountingNumbers ();
computeCousins ();
computeNeighboringParents ();
computeLoopingMessages ();
// todo: Compute D(P,R) as well
private void includeDescendantFactors ()
// Slightly inefficient: A recursive soln would be more efficient
for (Iterator it = iterator (); it.hasNext();) {
Region region = (Region) it.next ();
for (Iterator dIt = region.descendants.iterator (); dIt.hasNext ();) {
Region descendant = (Region) dIt.next ();
// factors is a set, so it avoids duplicates
region.factors.addAll (descendant.factors);
private void computeLoopingMessages ()
for (Iterator it = edgeIterator (); it.hasNext();) {
RegionEdge edge = (RegionEdge) it.next ();
Region to = edge.to;
List result = new ArrayList ();
for (Iterator cousinIt = edge.cousins.iterator (); cousinIt.hasNext ();) {
Region cousin = (Region) cousinIt.next ();
if (cousin == edge.from) continue;
for (Iterator edgeIt = cousin.children.iterator (); edgeIt.hasNext();) {
Region cousinChild = (Region) edgeIt.next ();
if (cousinChild == to || to.descendants.contains (cousinChild)) {
result.add (findEdge (cousin, cousinChild));
edge.loopingMessages = result;
// computes region graph counting numbers as defined in Yedidia et al.
private void computeCountingNumbers ()
LinkedList queue = new LinkedList ();
for (Iterator it = regions.iterator (); it.hasNext ();) {
Region region = (Region) it.next ();
if (region.isRoot) queue.add (region);
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
Region region = (Region) queue.removeFirst ();
int parentCnt = 0;
for (Iterator it = region.parents.iterator (); it.hasNext ();) {
Region parent = (Region) it.next ();
parentCnt += parent.countingNumber;
region.countingNumber = 1 - parentCnt;
queue.addAll (region.children);
private void computeFactorsToSend ()
for (Iterator it = edges.iterator (); it.hasNext ();) {
RegionEdge edge = (RegionEdge) it.next ();
edge.initializeFactorsToSend ();
private void computeCousins ()
for (Iterator it = edgeIterator (); it.hasNext();) {
RegionEdge edge = (RegionEdge) it.next ();
Set cousins = new THashSet (edge.from.descendants);
cousins.removeAll (edge.to.descendants);
cousins.remove (edge.to);
cousins.add (edge.from);
edge.cousins = cousins;
private void computeDescendants ()
for (Iterator it = regions.iterator (); it.hasNext ();) {
Region region = (Region) it.next ();
if (region.isRoot) {
computeDescendantsRec (region);
private void computeDescendantsRec (Region region)
Set descendants = new THashSet (region.children.size ());
// all region graphs are DAGs, so no infinite regress
for (Iterator it = region.children.iterator (); it.hasNext();) {
Region child = (Region) it.next ();
computeDescendantsRec (child);
descendants.add (child);
descendants.addAll (child.descendants);
region.descendants = descendants;
private void computeNeighboringParents ()
for (Iterator it = edgeIterator (); it.hasNext();) {
RegionEdge edge = (RegionEdge) it.next ();
edge.neighboringParents = new ArrayList ();
List l = new LinkedList (regions);
l.removeAll (edge.from.descendants);
l.remove (edge.from);
for (Iterator uncleIt = l.iterator (); uncleIt.hasNext ();) {
Region uncle = (Region) uncleIt.next ();
for (Iterator childIt = uncle.children.iterator (); childIt.hasNext();) {
Region cousin = (Region) childIt.next ();
if (edge.cousins.contains (cousin)) {
edge.neighboringParents.add (findEdge (uncle, cousin));
// horrifically inefficient
private RegionEdge findEdge (Region uncle, Region cousin)
int idx = edges.indexOf (new RegionEdge (uncle, cousin));
return (RegionEdge) edges.get (idx);
public String toString ()
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer ();
buf.append ("REGION GRAPH\nRegions:\n");
for (Iterator it = regions.iterator (); it.hasNext ();) {
Region region = (Region) it.next ();
buf.append ("\n ");
buf.append (region);
buf.append ("\nEdges:");
for (Iterator it = edges.iterator (); it.hasNext ();) {
RegionEdge edge = (RegionEdge) it.next ();
buf.append ("\n ");
buf.append (edge.from);
buf.append (" --> ");
buf.append (edge.to);
buf.append ("\n");
return buf.toString ();
public boolean contains (Region region)
return regions.contains (region);
/** Returns the region in this graph whose factor list contains only
* a given potential.
* @param ptl
* @param doCreate If true, an appropriate region will be created and added
* to graph if none is found.
* @return A region, or null if no region found and doCreate false.
public Region findRegion (Factor ptl, boolean doCreate)
Set allVars = ptl.varSet ();
for (Iterator it = regions.iterator (); it.hasNext ();) {
Region region = (Region) it.next ();
if (region.vars.size() == allVars.size() && region.vars.containsAll (allVars))
return region;
if (doCreate) {
Region region = new Region (ptl);
addRegion (region);
return region;
} else {
return null;
/** Returns the region in this graph whose variable list contains only
* a given variable.
* @param var
* @param doCreate If true, an appropriate region will be created and added
* to graph if none is found.
* @return A region, or null if no region found and doCreate false.
public Region findRegion (Variable var, boolean doCreate)
for (Iterator it = regions.iterator (); it.hasNext ();) {
Region region = (Region) it.next ();
if ((region.vars.size() == 1) && (region.vars.contains (var))) {
return region;
if (doCreate) {
Region region = new Region (var);
addRegion (region);
return region;
} else {
return null;
/** Finds the smallest region containing a given variable.
* This might return a region that contains many extraneous variables.
* @param variable
* @return
public Region findContainingRegion (Variable variable)
Region ret = null;
for (Iterator it = regions.iterator (); it.hasNext ();) {
Region region = (Region) it.next ();
if (region.vars.contains (variable)) {
if (ret == null || region.vars.size() < ret.vars.size ())
ret = region;
return ret;
/** Finds the smallest region containing all the variables in a given set.
* This might return a region that contains many extraneous variables.
* @param varSet
* @return
public Region findContainingRegion (VarSet varSet)
Region ret = null;
for (Iterator it = regions.iterator (); it.hasNext ();) {
Region region = (Region) it.next ();
if (region.vars.containsAll (varSet)) {
if (ret == null || region.vars.size() < ret.vars.size ())
ret = region;
return ret;
public int numEdges ()
return edges.size ();