* Copyright (C) 2003 Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst, Computer Science Dept.
* This file is part of "MALLET" (MAchine Learning for LanguagE Toolkit).
* http://www.cs.umass.edu/~mccallum/mallet This software is provided under the
* terms of the Common Public License, version 1.0, as published by
* http://www.opensource.org. For further information, see the file `LICENSE'
* included with this distribution.
* Clusters a set of point via k-Means. The instances that are clustered are
* expected to be of the type FeatureVector.
* EMPTY_SINGLE and other changes implemented March 2005 Heuristic cluster
* selection implemented May 2005
* @author Jerod Weinman <A
* HREF="mailto:weinman@cs.umass.edu">weinman@cs.umass.edu</A>
* @author Mike Winter <a href =
* "mailto:mike.winter@gmail.com">mike.winter@gmail.com</a>
package cc.mallet.cluster;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import cc.mallet.pipe.Pipe;
import cc.mallet.types.Instance;
import cc.mallet.types.InstanceList;
import cc.mallet.types.Metric;
import cc.mallet.types.SparseVector;
import cc.mallet.util.VectorStats;
* KMeans Clusterer
* Clusters the points into k clusters by minimizing the total intra-cluster
* variance. It uses a given {@link Metric} to find the distance between
* {@link Instance}s, which should have {@link SparseVector}s in the data
* field.
public class KMeans extends Clusterer {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
// Stop after movement of means is less than this
static double MEANS_TOLERANCE = 1e-2;
// Maximum number of iterations
static int MAX_ITER = 100;
// Minimum fraction of points that move
static double POINTS_TOLERANCE = .005;
* Treat an empty cluster as an error condition.
public static final int EMPTY_ERROR = 0;
* Drop an empty cluster
public static final int EMPTY_DROP = 1;
* Place the single instance furthest from the previous cluster mean
public static final int EMPTY_SINGLE = 2;
Random randinator;
Metric metric;
int numClusters;
int emptyAction;
ArrayList<SparseVector> clusterMeans;
private static Logger logger = Logger
* Construct a KMeans object
* @param instancePipe Pipe for the instances being clustered
* @param numClusters Number of clusters to use
* @param metric Metric object to measure instance distances
* @param emptyAction Specify what should happen when an empty cluster occurs
public KMeans(Pipe instancePipe, int numClusters, Metric metric,
int emptyAction) {
this.emptyAction = emptyAction;
this.metric = metric;
this.numClusters = numClusters;
this.clusterMeans = new ArrayList<SparseVector>(numClusters);
this.randinator = new Random();
* Construct a KMeans object
* @param instancePipe Pipe for the instances being clustered
* @param numClusters Number of clusters to use
* @param metric Metric object to measure instance distances <p/> If an empty
* cluster occurs, it is considered an error.
public KMeans(Pipe instancePipe, int numClusters, Metric metric) {
this(instancePipe, numClusters, metric, EMPTY_ERROR);
* Cluster instances
* @param instances List of instances to cluster
public Clustering cluster(InstanceList instances) {
assert (instances.getPipe() == this.instancePipe);
// Initialize clusterMeans
initializeMeansSample(instances, this.metric);
int clusterLabels[] = new int[instances.size()];
ArrayList<InstanceList> instanceClusters = new ArrayList<InstanceList>(
int instClust;
double instClustDist, instDist;
double deltaMeans = Double.MAX_VALUE;
double deltaPoints = (double) instances.size();
int iterations = 0;
SparseVector clusterMean;
for (int c = 0; c < numClusters; c++) {
instanceClusters.add(c, new InstanceList(instancePipe));
logger.info("Entering KMeans iteration");
while (deltaMeans > MEANS_TOLERANCE && iterations < MAX_ITER
&& deltaPoints > instances.size() * POINTS_TOLERANCE) {
deltaPoints = 0;
// For each instance, measure its distance to the current cluster
// means, and subsequently assign it to the closest cluster
// by adding it to an corresponding instance list
// The mean of each cluster InstanceList is then updated.
for (int n = 0; n < instances.size(); n++) {
instClust = 0;
instClustDist = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (int c = 0; c < numClusters; c++) {
instDist = metric.distance(clusterMeans.get(c),
(SparseVector) instances.get(n).getData());
if (instDist < instClustDist) {
instClust = c;
instClustDist = instDist;
// Add to closest cluster & label it such
if (clusterLabels[n] != instClust) {
clusterLabels[n] = instClust;
deltaMeans = 0;
for (int c = 0; c < numClusters; c++) {
if (instanceClusters.get(c).size() > 0) {
clusterMean = VectorStats.mean(instanceClusters.get(c));
deltaMeans += metric.distance(clusterMeans.get(c), clusterMean);
clusterMeans.set(c, clusterMean);
instanceClusters.set(c, new InstanceList(instancePipe));
} else {
logger.info("Empty cluster found.");
switch (emptyAction) {
return null;
logger.fine("Removing cluster " + c);
for (int n = 0; n < instances.size(); n++) {
assert (clusterLabels[n] != c) : "Cluster size is "
+ instanceClusters.get(c).size()
+ "+ yet clusterLabels[n] is " + clusterLabels[n];
if (clusterLabels[n] > c)
c--; // <-- note this trickiness. bad style? maybe.
// it just means now that we've deleted the entry,
// we have to repeat the index to get the next entry.
// Get the instance the furthest from any centroid
// and make it a new centroid.
double newCentroidDist = 0;
int newCentroid = 0;
InstanceList cacheList = null;
for (int clusters = 0; clusters < clusterMeans.size(); clusters++) {
SparseVector centroid = clusterMeans.get(clusters);
InstanceList centInstances = instanceClusters.get(clusters);
// Dont't create new empty clusters.
if (centInstances.size() <= 1)
for (int n = 0; n < centInstances.size(); n++) {
double currentDist = metric.distance(centroid,
(SparseVector) centInstances.get(n).getData());
if (currentDist > newCentroidDist) {
newCentroid = n;
newCentroidDist = currentDist;
cacheList = centInstances;
if (cacheList == null) {
logger.info("Can't find an instance to move. Exiting.");
// Can't find an instance to move.
return null;
} else clusterMeans.set(c, (SparseVector) cacheList.get(
return null;
logger.info("Iter " + iterations + " deltaMeans = " + deltaMeans);
if (deltaMeans <= MEANS_TOLERANCE)
logger.info("KMeans converged with deltaMeans = " + deltaMeans);
else if (iterations >= MAX_ITER)
logger.info("Maximum number of iterations (" + MAX_ITER + ") reached.");
else if (deltaPoints <= instances.size() * POINTS_TOLERANCE)
logger.info("Minimum number of points (np*" + POINTS_TOLERANCE + "="
+ (int) (instances.size() * POINTS_TOLERANCE)
+ ") moved in last iteration. Saying converged.");
return new Clustering(instances, numClusters, clusterLabels);
* Uses a MAX-MIN heuristic to seed the initial cluster means..
* @param instList List of instances.
* @param metric Distance metric.
private void initializeMeansSample(InstanceList instList, Metric metric) {
// InstanceList has no remove() and null instances aren't
// parsed out by most Pipes, so we have to pre-process
// here and possibly leave some instances without
// cluster assignments.
ArrayList<Instance> instances = new ArrayList<Instance>(instList.size());
for (int i = 0; i < instList.size(); i++) {
Instance ins = instList.get(i);
SparseVector sparse = (SparseVector) ins.getData();
if (sparse.numLocations() == 0)
// Add next center that has the MAX of the MIN of the distances from
// each of the previous j-1 centers (idea from Andrew Moore tutorial,
// not sure who came up with it originally)
for (int i = 0; i < numClusters; i++) {
double max = 0;
int selected = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < instances.size(); k++) {
double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
Instance ins = instances.get(k);
SparseVector inst = (SparseVector) ins.getData();
for (int j = 0; j < clusterMeans.size(); j++) {
SparseVector centerInst = clusterMeans.get(j);
double dist = metric.distance(centerInst, inst);
if (dist < min)
min = dist;
if (min > max) {
selected = k;
max = min;
Instance newCenter = instances.remove(selected);
clusterMeans.add((SparseVector) newCenter.getData());
* Return the ArrayList of cluster means after a run of the algorithm.
* @return An ArrayList of Instances.
public ArrayList<SparseVector> getClusterMeans() {
return this.clusterMeans;