/* Copyright (C) 2002 Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst, Computer Science Dept.
This file is part of "MALLET" (MAchine Learning for LanguagE Toolkit).
This software is provided under the terms of the Common Public License,
version 1.0, as published by http://www.opensource.org. For further
information, see the file `LICENSE' included with this distribution. */
package cc.mallet.classify;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.util.Iterator;
import cc.mallet.classify.Classifier;
import cc.mallet.pipe.Noop;
import cc.mallet.pipe.Pipe;
import cc.mallet.types.Alphabet;
import cc.mallet.types.AlphabetCarrying;
import cc.mallet.types.FeatureSelection;
import cc.mallet.types.FeatureVector;
import cc.mallet.types.Instance;
import cc.mallet.types.InstanceList;
import cc.mallet.types.LabelVector;
import cc.mallet.types.Labeling;
import cc.mallet.types.Multinomial;
* Class used to generate a NaiveBayes classifier from a set of training data.
* In an Bayes classifier,
* the p(Classification|Data) = p(Data|Classification)p(Classification)/p(Data)
* <p>
* To compute the likelihood: <br>
* p(Data|Classification) = p(d1,d2,..dn | Classification) <br>
* Naive Bayes makes the assumption that all of the data are conditionally
* independent given the Classification: <br>
* p(d1,d2,...dn | Classification) = p(d1|Classification)p(d2|Classification)..
* <p>
* As with other classifiers in Mallet, NaiveBayes is implemented as two classes:
* a trainer and a classifier. The NaiveBayesTrainer produces estimates of the various
* p(dn|Classifier) and contructs this class with those estimates.
* <p>
* A call to train() or incrementalTrain() produces a
* {@link cc.mallet.classify.NaiveBayes} classifier that can
* can be used to classify instances. A call to incrementalTrain() does not throw
* away the internal state of the trainer; subsequent calls to incrementalTrain()
* train by extending the previous training set.
* <p>
* A NaiveBayesTrainer can be persisted using serialization.
* @see NaiveBayes
* @author Andrew McCallum <a href="mailto:mccallum@cs.umass.edu">mccallum@cs.umass.edu</a>
public class NaiveBayesTrainer extends ClassifierTrainer<NaiveBayes>
implements ClassifierTrainer.ByInstanceIncrements<NaiveBayes>, Boostable, AlphabetCarrying, Serializable
// These function as default selections for the kind of Estimator used
Multinomial.Estimator featureEstimator = new Multinomial.LaplaceEstimator();
Multinomial.Estimator priorEstimator = new Multinomial.LaplaceEstimator();
// Added to support incremental training.
// These are the counts formed after NaiveBayes training. Note that
// these are *not* the estimates passed to the NaiveBayes classifier;
// rather the estimates are formed from these counts.
// we could break these five fields out into a inner class.
Multinomial.Estimator[] me;
Multinomial.Estimator pe;
double docLengthNormalization = -1; // A value of -1 means don't do any document length normalization
NaiveBayes classifier;
// If this style of incremental training is successful, the following members
// should probably be moved up into IncrementalClassifierTrainer
Pipe instancePipe; // Needed to construct a new classifier
Alphabet dataAlphabet; // Extracted from InstanceList. Must be the same for all calls to incrementalTrain()
Alphabet targetAlphabet; // Extracted from InstanceList. Must be the same for all calls to incrementalTrain
public NaiveBayesTrainer (NaiveBayes initialClassifier) {
if (initialClassifier != null) {
this.instancePipe = initialClassifier.getInstancePipe();
this.dataAlphabet = initialClassifier.getAlphabet();
this.targetAlphabet = initialClassifier.getLabelAlphabet();
this.classifier = initialClassifier;
public NaiveBayesTrainer (Pipe instancePipe) {
this.instancePipe = instancePipe;
this.dataAlphabet = instancePipe.getDataAlphabet();
this.targetAlphabet = instancePipe.getTargetAlphabet();
public NaiveBayesTrainer () {
public NaiveBayes getClassifier () { return classifier; }
public NaiveBayesTrainer setDocLengthNormalization (double d) {
docLengthNormalization = d;
return this;
public double getDocLengthNormalization () {
return docLengthNormalization;
* Get the MultinomialEstimator instance used to specify the type of estimator
* for features.
* @return estimator to be cloned on next call to train() or first call
* to incrementalTrain()
public Multinomial.Estimator getFeatureMultinomialEstimator ()
return featureEstimator;
* Set the Multinomial Estimator used for features. The MulitnomialEstimator
* is internally cloned and the clone is used to maintain the counts
* that will be used to generate probability estimates
* the next time train() or an initial incrementalTrain() is run.
* Defaults to a Multinomial.LaplaceEstimator()
* @param me to be cloned on next call to train() or first call
* to incrementalTrain()
public NaiveBayesTrainer setFeatureMultinomialEstimator (Multinomial.Estimator me)
if (instancePipe != null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Can't set after incrementalTrain() is called");
featureEstimator = me;
return this;
* Get the MultinomialEstimator instance used to specify the type of estimator
* for priors.
* @return estimator to be cloned on next call to train() or first call
* to incrementalTrain()
public Multinomial.Estimator getPriorMultinomialEstimator ()
return priorEstimator;
* Set the Multinomial Estimator used for priors. The MulitnomialEstimator
* is internally cloned and the clone is used to maintain the counts
* that will be used to generate probability estimates
* the next time train() or an initial incrementalTrain() is run.
* Defaults to a Multinomial.LaplaceEstimator()
* @param me to be cloned on next call to train() or first call
* to incrementalTrain()
public NaiveBayesTrainer setPriorMultinomialEstimator (Multinomial.Estimator me)
if (instancePipe != null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Can't set after incrementalTrain() is called");
priorEstimator = me;
return this;
* Create a NaiveBayes classifier from a set of training data.
* The trainer uses counts of each feature in an instance's feature vector
* to provide an estimate of p(Labeling| feature). The internal state
* of the trainer is thrown away ( by a call to reset() ) when train() returns. Each
* call to train() is completely independent of any other.
* @param trainingList The InstanceList to be used to train the classifier.
* Within each instance the data slot is an instance of FeatureVector and the
* target slot is an instance of Labeling
* @param validationList Currently unused
* @param testSet Currently unused
* @param evaluator Currently unused
* @param initialClassifier Currently unused
* @return The NaiveBayes classifier as trained on the trainingList
public NaiveBayes train (InstanceList trainingList)
// Forget all the previous sufficient statistics counts;
me = null; pe = null;
// Train a new classifier based on this data
this.classifier = trainIncremental (trainingList);
return classifier;
public NaiveBayes trainIncremental (InstanceList trainingInstancesToAdd)
// Initialize and check instance variables as necessary...
setup(trainingInstancesToAdd, null);
// Incrementally add the counts of this new training data
for (Instance instance : trainingInstancesToAdd)
incorporateOneInstance(instance, trainingInstancesToAdd.getInstanceWeight(instance));
// Estimate multinomials, and return a new naive Bayes classifier.
// Note that, unlike MaxEnt, NaiveBayes is immutable, so we create a new one each time.
classifier = new NaiveBayes (instancePipe, pe.estimate(), estimateFeatureMultinomials());
return classifier;
public NaiveBayes trainIncremental (Instance instance) {
setup (null, instance);
// Incrementally add the counts of this new training instance
incorporateOneInstance (instance, 1.0);
if (instancePipe == null)
instancePipe = new Noop (dataAlphabet, targetAlphabet);
classifier = new NaiveBayes (instancePipe, pe.estimate(), estimateFeatureMultinomials());
return classifier;
private void setup (InstanceList instances, Instance instance) {
assert (instances != null || instance != null);
if (instance == null && instances != null)
instance = instances.get(0);
// Initialize the alphabets
if (dataAlphabet == null) {
this.dataAlphabet = instance.getDataAlphabet();
this.targetAlphabet = instance.getTargetAlphabet();
} else if (!Alphabet.alphabetsMatch(instance, this))
// Make sure the alphabets match
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Training set alphabets do not match those of NaiveBayesTrainer.");
// Initialize or check the instancePipe
if (instances != null) {
if (instancePipe == null)
instancePipe = instances.getPipe();
else if (instancePipe != instances.getPipe())
// Make sure that this pipes match. Is this really necessary??
// I don't think so, but it could be confusing to have each returned classifier have a different pipe? -akm 1/08
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Training set pipe does not match that of NaiveBayesTrainer.");
if (me == null) {
int numLabels = targetAlphabet.size();
me = new Multinomial.Estimator[numLabels];
for (int i = 0; i < numLabels; i++) {
me[i] = (Multinomial.Estimator) featureEstimator.clone();
pe = (Multinomial.Estimator) priorEstimator.clone();
if (targetAlphabet.size() > me.length) {
// target alphabet grew. increase size of our multinomial array
int targetAlphabetSize = targetAlphabet.size();
// copy over old values
Multinomial.Estimator[] newMe = new Multinomial.Estimator[targetAlphabetSize];
System.arraycopy (me, 0, newMe, 0, me.length);
// initialize new expanded space
for (int i= me.length; i<targetAlphabetSize; i++){
Multinomial.Estimator mest = (Multinomial.Estimator)featureEstimator.clone ();
mest.setAlphabet (dataAlphabet);
newMe[i] = mest;
me = newMe;
private void incorporateOneInstance (Instance instance, double instanceWeight)
Labeling labeling = instance.getLabeling ();
if (labeling == null) return; // Handle unlabeled instances by skipping them
FeatureVector fv = (FeatureVector) instance.getData ();
double oneNorm = fv.oneNorm();
if (oneNorm <= 0) return; // Skip instances that have no features present
if (docLengthNormalization > 0)
// Make the document have counts that sum to docLengthNormalization
// I.e., if 20, it would be as if the document had 20 words.
instanceWeight *= docLengthNormalization / oneNorm;
assert (instanceWeight > 0 && !Double.isInfinite(instanceWeight));
for (int lpos = 0; lpos < labeling.numLocations(); lpos++) {
int li = labeling.indexAtLocation (lpos);
double labelWeight = labeling.valueAtLocation (lpos);
if (labelWeight == 0) continue;
//System.out.println ("NaiveBayesTrainer me.increment "+ labelWeight * instanceWeight);
me[li].increment (fv, labelWeight * instanceWeight);
// This relies on labelWeight summing to 1 over all labels
pe.increment (li, labelWeight * instanceWeight);
private Multinomial[] estimateFeatureMultinomials () {
int numLabels = targetAlphabet.size();
Multinomial[] m = new Multinomial[numLabels];
for (int li = 0; li < numLabels; li++) {
//me[li].print (); // debugging
m[li] = me[li].estimate();
return m;
* Create a NaiveBayes classifier from a set of training data and the
* previous state of the trainer. Subsequent calls to incrementalTrain()
* add to the state of the trainer. An incremental training session
* should consist only of calls to incrementalTrain() and have no
* calls to train(); *
* @param trainingList The InstanceList to be used to train the classifier.
* Within each instance the data slot is an instance of FeatureVector and the
* target slot is an instance of Labeling
* @param validationList Currently unused
* @param testSet Currently unused
* @param evaluator Currently unused
* @param initialClassifier Currently unused
* @return The NaiveBayes classifier as trained on the trainingList and the previous
* trainingLists passed to incrementalTrain()
public String toString()
return "NaiveBayesTrainer";
// AlphabetCarrying interface
public boolean alphabetsMatch(AlphabetCarrying object) {
return Alphabet.alphabetsMatch (this, object);
public Alphabet getAlphabet() {
return dataAlphabet;
public Alphabet[] getAlphabets() {
return new Alphabet[] { dataAlphabet, targetAlphabet };
// Serialization
// serialVersionUID is overriden to prevent innocuous changes in this
// class from making the serialization mechanism think the external
// format has changed.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
private static final int CURRENT_SERIAL_VERSION = 1;
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
//default selections for the kind of Estimator used
// These are the counts formed after NaiveBayes training.
// pipe and alphabets
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
int version = in.readInt();
throw new ClassNotFoundException("Mismatched NaiveBayesTrainer versions: wanted " +
//default selections for the kind of Estimator used
featureEstimator = (Multinomial.Estimator) in.readObject();
priorEstimator = (Multinomial.Estimator) in.readObject();
// These are the counts formed after NaiveBayes training.
me = (Multinomial.Estimator []) in.readObject();
pe = (Multinomial.Estimator) in.readObject();
// pipe and alphabets
instancePipe = (Pipe) in.readObject();
dataAlphabet = (Alphabet) in.readObject();
targetAlphabet = (Alphabet) in.readObject();
public static class Factory extends ClassifierTrainer.Factory<NaiveBayesTrainer>
Multinomial.Estimator featureEstimator = new Multinomial.LaplaceEstimator();
Multinomial.Estimator priorEstimator = new Multinomial.LaplaceEstimator();
double docLengthNormalization = -1;
public NaiveBayesTrainer newClassifierTrainer(Classifier initialClassifier) {
return new NaiveBayesTrainer ((NaiveBayes)initialClassifier);
public NaiveBayesTrainer.Factory setDocLengthNormalization (double docLengthNormalization) {
this.docLengthNormalization = docLengthNormalization;
return this;
public NaiveBayesTrainer.Factory setFeatureMultinomialEstimator (Multinomial.Estimator featureEstimator) {
this.featureEstimator = featureEstimator;
return this;
public NaiveBayesTrainer.Factory setPriorMultinomialEstimator (Multinomial.Estimator priorEstimator) {
this.priorEstimator = priorEstimator;
return this;