/* Copyright (C) 2002 Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst, Computer Science Dept.
This file is part of "MALLET" (MAchine Learning for LanguagE Toolkit).
This software is provided under the terms of the Common Public License,
version 1.0, as published by http://www.opensource.org. For further
information, see the file `LICENSE' included with this distribution. */
package cc.mallet.classify;
import java.util.logging.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import cc.mallet.classify.Classifier;
import cc.mallet.optimize.ConjugateGradient;
import cc.mallet.optimize.InvalidOptimizableException;
import cc.mallet.optimize.LimitedMemoryBFGS;
import cc.mallet.optimize.Optimizable;
import cc.mallet.optimize.OptimizationException;
import cc.mallet.optimize.Optimizer;
import cc.mallet.optimize.OrthantWiseLimitedMemoryBFGS;
import cc.mallet.optimize.tests.*;
import cc.mallet.pipe.Pipe;
import cc.mallet.types.Alphabet;
import cc.mallet.types.ExpGain;
import cc.mallet.types.FeatureInducer;
import cc.mallet.types.FeatureSelection;
import cc.mallet.types.FeatureVector;
import cc.mallet.types.GradientGain;
import cc.mallet.types.InfoGain;
import cc.mallet.types.Instance;
import cc.mallet.types.InstanceList;
import cc.mallet.types.Label;
import cc.mallet.types.LabelAlphabet;
import cc.mallet.types.LabelVector;
import cc.mallet.types.Labeling;
import cc.mallet.types.MatrixOps;
import cc.mallet.types.RankedFeatureVector;
import cc.mallet.types.Vector;
import cc.mallet.util.CommandOption;
import cc.mallet.util.MalletLogger;
import cc.mallet.util.MalletProgressMessageLogger;
import cc.mallet.util.Maths;
//Does not currently handle instances that are labeled with distributions
//instead of a single label.
* The trainer for a Maximum Entropy classifier.
@author Andrew McCallum <a href="mailto:mccallum@cs.umass.edu">mccallum@cs.umass.edu</a>
public class MaxEntTrainer extends ClassifierTrainer<MaxEnt>
implements ClassifierTrainer.ByOptimization<MaxEnt>, Boostable, Serializable {
private static Logger logger = MalletLogger.getLogger(MaxEntTrainer.class.getName());
private static Logger progressLogger = MalletProgressMessageLogger.getLogger(MaxEntTrainer.class.getName()+"-pl");
int numIterations = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
//public static final String EXP_GAIN = "exp";
//public static final String GRADIENT_GAIN = "grad";
//public static final String INFORMATION_GAIN = "info";
// xxx Why does TestMaximizable fail when this variance is very small?
static final double DEFAULT_GAUSSIAN_PRIOR_VARIANCE = 1;
static final double DEFAULT_L1_WEIGHT = 0.0;
static final Class DEFAULT_MAXIMIZER_CLASS = LimitedMemoryBFGS.class;
double gaussianPriorVariance = DEFAULT_GAUSSIAN_PRIOR_VARIANCE;
double l1Weight = DEFAULT_L1_WEIGHT;
Class maximizerClass = DEFAULT_MAXIMIZER_CLASS;
InstanceList trainingSet = null;
MaxEnt initialClassifier;
MaxEntOptimizableByLabelLikelihood optimizable = null;
Optimizer optimizer = null;
public MaxEntTrainer () {}
/** Construct a MaxEnt trainer using a trained classifier as
* initial values.
public MaxEntTrainer (MaxEnt theClassifierToTrain) {
this.initialClassifier = theClassifierToTrain;
/** Constructs a trainer with a parameter to avoid overtraining. 1.0 is
* the default value. */
public MaxEntTrainer (double gaussianPriorVariance) {
this.gaussianPriorVariance = gaussianPriorVariance;
// CLASSIFIER OBJECT: stores parameters
public MaxEnt getClassifier () {
if (optimizable != null)
return optimizable.getClassifier();
return initialClassifier;
* Initialize parameters using the provided classifier.
public void setClassifier (MaxEnt theClassifierToTrain) {
// Is this necessary? What is the caller is about to set the training set to something different? -akm
assert (trainingSet == null || Alphabet.alphabetsMatch(theClassifierToTrain, trainingSet));
if (this.initialClassifier != theClassifierToTrain) {
this.initialClassifier = theClassifierToTrain;
optimizable = null;
optimizer = null;
// OPTIMIZABLE OBJECT: implements value and gradient functions
public Optimizable getOptimizable () {
return optimizable;
public MaxEntOptimizableByLabelLikelihood getOptimizable (InstanceList trainingSet) {
return getOptimizable(trainingSet, getClassifier());
public MaxEntOptimizableByLabelLikelihood getOptimizable (InstanceList trainingSet, MaxEnt initialClassifier) {
if (trainingSet != this.trainingSet || this.initialClassifier != initialClassifier) {
this.trainingSet = trainingSet;
this.initialClassifier = initialClassifier;
if (optimizable == null || optimizable.trainingList != trainingSet) {
optimizable = new MaxEntOptimizableByLabelLikelihood (trainingSet, initialClassifier);
if (l1Weight == 0.0) {
else {
// the prior term for L1-regularized classifiers
// is implemented as part of the optimizer,
// so don't include a prior calculation in the value and
// gradient functions.
optimizer = null;
return optimizable;
// OPTIMIZER OBJECT: maximizes value function
public Optimizer getOptimizer () {
if (optimizer == null && optimizable != null) {
optimizer = new ConjugateGradient(optimizable);
return optimizer;
/** This method is called by the train method.
* This is the main entry point for the optimizable and optimizer
* compontents.
public Optimizer getOptimizer (InstanceList trainingSet) {
// If the data is not set, or has changed,
// initialize the optimizable object and
// replace the optimizer.
if (trainingSet != this.trainingSet ||
optimizable == null) {
optimizer = null;
// Build a new optimizer
if (optimizer == null) {
// If l1Weight is 0, this devolves to
// standard L-BFGS, but the implementation
// may be faster.
optimizer = new LimitedMemoryBFGS(optimizable);
//OrthantWiseLimitedMemoryBFGS(optimizable, l1Weight);
return optimizer;
* Specifies the maximum number of iterations to run during a single call
* to <code>train</code> or <code>trainWithFeatureInduction</code>. Not
* currently functional.
* @return This trainer
// XXX Since we maximize before using numIterations, this doesn't work.
// Is that a bug? If so, should the default numIterations be higher?
public MaxEntTrainer setNumIterations (int i) {
numIterations = i;
return this;
public int getIteration () {
if (optimizable == null)
return 0;
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// return optimizer.getIteration ();
* Sets a parameter to prevent overtraining. A smaller variance for the prior
* means that feature weights are expected to hover closer to 0, so extra
* evidence is required to set a higher weight.
* @return This trainer
public MaxEntTrainer setGaussianPriorVariance (double gaussianPriorVariance) {
this.gaussianPriorVariance = gaussianPriorVariance;
return this;
* Use an L1 prior. Larger values mean parameters will be closer to 0.
* Note that this setting overrides any Gaussian prior.
public MaxEntTrainer setL1Weight(double l1Weight) {
this.l1Weight = l1Weight;
return this;
public MaxEnt train (InstanceList trainingSet) {
return train (trainingSet, numIterations);
public MaxEnt train (InstanceList trainingSet, int numIterations)
logger.fine ("trainingSet.size() = "+trainingSet.size());
getOptimizer (trainingSet); // This will set this.optimizer, this.optimizable
for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++) {
try {
finishedTraining = optimizer.optimize (1);
} catch (InvalidOptimizableException e) {
logger.warning("Catching InvalidOptimizatinException! saying converged.");
finishedTraining = true;
} catch (OptimizationException e) {
logger.info ("Catching OptimizationException; saying converged.");
finishedTraining = true;
if (finishedTraining)
// only if any number of iterations is allowed
if (numIterations == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
// Run it again because in our and Sam Roweis' experience, BFGS can still
// eke out more likelihood after first convergence by re-running without
// being restricted by its gradient history.
optimizer = null;
try {
finishedTraining = optimizer.optimize ();
} catch (InvalidOptimizableException e) {
logger.warning("Catching InvalidOptimizatinException! saying converged.");
finishedTraining = true;
} catch (OptimizationException e) {
logger.info ("Catching OptimizationException; saying converged.");
finishedTraining = true;
//TestMaximizable.testValueAndGradientCurrentParameters (mt);
progressLogger.info("\n"); // progress messages are on one line; move on.
//logger.info("MaxEnt ngetValueCalls:"+getValueCalls()+"\nMaxEnt ngetValueGradientCalls:"+getValueGradientCalls());
return optimizable.getClassifier();
* <p>Trains a maximum entropy model using feature selection and feature induction
* (adding conjunctions of features as new features).</p>
* @param trainingData A list of <code>Instance</code>s whose <code>data</code>
* fields are binary, augmentable <code>FeatureVector</code>s.
* and whose <code>target</code> fields are <code>Label</code>s.
* @param validationData [not currently used] As <code>trainingData</code>,
* or <code>null</code>.
* @param testingData As <code>trainingData</code>, or <code>null</code>.
* @param evaluator The evaluator to track training progress and decide whether
* to continue, or <code>null</code>.
* @param totalIterations The maximum total number of training iterations,
* including those taken during feature induction.
* @param numIterationsBetweenFeatureInductions How many iterations to train
* between one round of feature induction and the next; this should usually
* be fairly small, like 5 or 10, to avoid overfitting with current features.
* @param numFeatureInductions How many rounds of feature induction to run
* before beginning normal training.
* @param numFeaturesPerFeatureInduction The maximum number of features to
* choose during each round of featureInduction.
* @return The trained <code>MaxEnt</code> classifier
// added - cjmaloof@linc.cis.upenn.edu
public Classifier trainWithFeatureInduction (InstanceList trainingData,
int totalIterations,
int numIterationsBetweenFeatureInductions,
int numFeatureInductions,
int numFeaturesPerFeatureInduction) {
return trainWithFeatureInduction (trainingData,
* <p>Like the other version of <code>trainWithFeatureInduction</code>, but
* allows some default options to be changed.</p>
* @param maxent An initial partially-trained classifier (default <code>null</code>).
* This classifier may be modified during training.
* @param gainName The estimate of gain (log-likelihood increase) we want our chosen
* features to maximize.
* Should be one of <code>MaxEntTrainer.EXP_GAIN</code>,
* <code>MaxEntTrainer.GRADIENT_GAIN</code>, or
* <code>MaxEntTrainer.INFORMATION_GAIN</code> (default <code>EXP_GAIN</code>).
* @return The trained <code>MaxEnt</code> classifier
/* // Temporarily removed until I figure out how to handle induceFeaturesFor (testData)
public Classifier trainWithFeatureInduction (InstanceList trainingData,
int totalIterations,
int numIterationsBetweenFeatureInductions,
int numFeatureInductions,
int numFeaturesPerFeatureInduction,
String gainName) {
// XXX This ought to be a parameter, except that setting it to true can
// crash training ("Jump too small").
boolean saveParametersDuringFI = false;
Alphabet inputAlphabet = trainingData.getDataAlphabet();
Alphabet outputAlphabet = trainingData.getTargetAlphabet();
int trainingIteration = 0;
int numLabels = outputAlphabet.size();
MaxEnt maxent = getClassifier();
// Initialize feature selection
FeatureSelection globalFS = trainingData.getFeatureSelection();
if (globalFS == null) {
// Mask out all features; some will be added later by FeatureInducer.induceFeaturesFor(.)
globalFS = new FeatureSelection (trainingData.getDataAlphabet());
trainingData.setFeatureSelection (globalFS);
//if (validationData != null) validationData.setFeatureSelection (globalFS);
//if (testingData != null) testingData.setFeatureSelection (globalFS);
getOptimizer(trainingData); // This will initialize this.me so getClassifier() below works
// Run feature induction
for (int featureInductionIteration = 0; featureInductionIteration < numFeatureInductions; featureInductionIteration++) {
// Print out some feature information
logger.info ("Feature induction iteration "+featureInductionIteration);
// Train the model a little bit. We don't care whether it converges; we
// execute all feature induction iterations no matter what.
if (featureInductionIteration != 0) {
// Don't train until we have added some features
train (trainingData);
trainingIteration += numIterationsBetweenFeatureInductions;
logger.info ("Starting feature induction with "+(1+inputAlphabet.size())+
" features over "+numLabels+" labels.");
// Create the list of error tokens
InstanceList errorInstances = new InstanceList (trainingData.getDataAlphabet(),
// This errorInstances.featureSelection will get examined by FeatureInducer,
// so it can know how to add "new" singleton features
errorInstances.setFeatureSelection (globalFS);
List errorLabelVectors = new ArrayList(); // these are length-1 vectors
for (int i = 0; i < trainingData.size(); i++) {
Instance instance = trainingData.get(i);
FeatureVector inputVector = (FeatureVector) instance.getData();
Label trueLabel = (Label) instance.getTarget();
// Having trained using just the current features, see how we classify
// the training data now.
Classification classification = maxent.classify(instance);
if (!classification.bestLabelIsCorrect()) {
errorInstances.add(inputVector, trueLabel, null, null);
logger.info ("Error instance list size = "+errorInstances.size());
int s = errorLabelVectors.size();
LabelVector[] lvs = new LabelVector[s];
for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) {
lvs[i] = (LabelVector)errorLabelVectors.get(i);
RankedFeatureVector.Factory gainFactory = null;
if (gainName.equals (EXP_GAIN))
gainFactory = new ExpGain.Factory (lvs, gaussianPriorVariance);
else if (gainName.equals(GRADIENT_GAIN))
gainFactory = new GradientGain.Factory (lvs);
else if (gainName.equals(INFORMATION_GAIN))
gainFactory = new InfoGain.Factory ();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported gain name: "+gainName);
FeatureInducer klfi =
new FeatureInducer (gainFactory,
// Note that this adds features globally, but not on a per-transition basis
klfi.induceFeaturesFor (trainingData, false, false);
if (testingData != null) klfi.induceFeaturesFor (testingData, false, false);
logger.info ("MaxEnt FeatureSelection now includes "+globalFS.cardinality()+" features");
klfi = null;
double[] newParameters = new double[(1+inputAlphabet.size()) * outputAlphabet.size()];
// XXX (Executing this block often causes an error during training; I don't know why.)
if (saveParametersDuringFI) {
// Keep current parameter values
// XXX This relies on the implementation detail that the most recent features
// added to an Alphabet get the highest indices.
// Count parameters per output label
int oldParamCount = maxent.parameters.length / outputAlphabet.size();
int newParamCount = 1+inputAlphabet.size();
// Copy params into the proper locations
for (int i=0; i<outputAlphabet.size(); i++) {
System.arraycopy(maxent.parameters, i*oldParamCount,
newParameters, i*newParamCount,
for (int i=0; i<oldParamCount; i++)
if (maxent.parameters[i] != newParameters[i]) {
System.out.println(maxent.parameters[i]+" "+newParameters[i]);
maxent.parameters = newParameters;
maxent.defaultFeatureIndex = inputAlphabet.size();
// Finished feature induction
logger.info("Ended with "+globalFS.cardinality()+" features.");
setNumIterations(totalIterations - trainingIteration);
train (trainingData);
return maxent;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
if (numIterations < Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
builder.append(",numIterations=" + numIterations);
if (l1Weight != 0.0) {
builder.append(",l1Weight=" + l1Weight);
else {
builder.append(",gaussianPriorVariance=" + gaussianPriorVariance);
return builder.toString();