package sun.jvm.hotspot.oops;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.gc_implementation.parallelScavenge.PSOldGen;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.gc_implementation.parallelScavenge.PSPermGen;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.gc_implementation.parallelScavenge.PSYoungGen;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.gc_implementation.parallelScavenge.ParallelScavengeHeap;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.gc_interface.CollectedHeap;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.memory.DefNewGeneration;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.memory.GenCollectedHeap;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.memory.Generation;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.VM;
public class TBObjectHistogramElement {
private Klass klass;
private long count; // Number of instances of klass
private long size; // Total size of all these instances
private long edenCount; // Number of instances of klass in eden
private long edenSize; // Total size of all instances in eden
private long survivorCount; // ditto in survivor
private long survivorSize; // ditto in survivor
private long oldCount; // ditto in old generation
private long oldSize; // ditto in old generation
private long permCount; // ditto in permanent generation
private long permSize; // ditto in permanent generation
private final static int Unknown = 0;
private final static int InEden = 1;
private final static int InSurvivor = 2;
private final static int InOld = 3;
private final static int InPerm = 4;
public TBObjectHistogramElement(Klass k) {
klass = k;
public void updateWith(Oop obj) {
long objSize = obj.getObjectSize();
count += 1;
size += objSize;
int result = getLocation(obj);
switch (result) {
case Unknown:
case InEden:
edenCount += 1;
edenSize += objSize;
case InSurvivor:
survivorCount += 1;
survivorSize += objSize;
case InOld:
oldCount += 1;
oldSize += objSize;
case InPerm:
permCount += 1;
permSize += objSize;
public int compare(TBObjectHistogramElement other) {
return (int) (other.size - size);
* Klass for this ObjectHistogramElement
public Klass getKlass() {
return klass;
* Number of instances of klass
public long getCount() {
return count;
* Total size of all these instances
public long getSize() {
return size;
* Number of old instances of klass
public long getOldCount() {
return oldCount;
* Total size of all old instances
public long getOldSize() {
return oldSize;
* Number of perm instances of klass
public long getPermCount() {
return permCount;
* Total size of all perm instances
public long getPermSize() {
return permSize;
private String getInternalName(Klass k) {
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
getKlass().printValueOn(new PrintStream(bos));
// '*' is used to denote VM internal klasses.
return "* " + bos.toString();
* Human readable description *
public String getDescription() {
Klass k = getKlass();
if (k instanceof InstanceKlass) {
return k.getName().asString().replace('/', '.');
} else if (k instanceof ArrayKlass) {
ArrayKlass ak = (ArrayKlass) k;
if (k instanceof TypeArrayKlass) {
TypeArrayKlass tak = (TypeArrayKlass) ak;
return tak.getElementTypeName() + "[]";
} else if (k instanceof ObjArrayKlass) {
ObjArrayKlass oak = (ObjArrayKlass) ak;
// See whether it's a "system objArray"
if (oak.equals(VM.getVM().getUniverse().systemObjArrayKlassObj())) {
return "* System ObjArray";
Klass bottom = oak.getBottomKlass();
int dim = (int) oak.getDimension();
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
if (bottom instanceof TypeArrayKlass) {
buf.append(((TypeArrayKlass) bottom).getElementTypeName());
} else if (bottom instanceof InstanceKlass) {
buf.append(bottom.getName().asString().replace('/', '.'));
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("should not reach here");
for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
return buf.toString();
return getInternalName(k);
public static void titleOn(PrintStream tty) {
tty.println("Object Histogram:");
tty.println("#num" + "\t" + "#all instances/bytes" + "\t"
+ "#eden instances/bytes" + "\t" + "#survivor instances/bytes" + "\t" + "#old instances/bytes"
+ "\t" + "#perm instances/bytes" + "\t" + "#Class description");
public static void titleOnOld(PrintStream tty) {
tty.println("Old Object Histogram:");
tty.println("#num" + "\t" + "#all instances/bytes" + "\t"
+ "#old instances/bytes" + "\t" + "#Class description");
public static void titleOnPerm(PrintStream tty) {
tty.println("Perm Object Histogram:");
tty.println("#num" + "\t" + "#all instances/bytes" + "\t"
+ "#Perm instances/bytes" + "\t" + "#Class description");
public void printOn(PrintStream tty) {
tty.print(count + "/" + size + "\t");
tty.print(edenCount + "/" + edenSize + "\t" + survivorCount + "/" + survivorSize + "\t" + oldCount + "/"
+ oldSize + "\t" + permCount + "/" + permSize + "\t");
public void printOnOld(PrintStream tty) {
tty.print(count + "/" + size + "\t");
tty.print(oldCount + "/" + oldSize + "\t");
public void printOnPerm(PrintStream tty) {
tty.print(count + "/" + size + "\t");
tty.print(permCount + "/" + permSize + "\t");
private static int getLocation(Oop obj) {
if (obj == null)
return Unknown;
CollectedHeap heap = VM.getVM().getUniverse().heap();
if (heap instanceof GenCollectedHeap) {
DefNewGeneration gen0 = (DefNewGeneration) ((GenCollectedHeap) heap).getGen(0);
if (gen0.eden().contains(obj.getHandle())) {
return InEden;
} else if (gen0.from().contains(obj.getHandle())) {
return InSurvivor;
Generation gen1 = ((GenCollectedHeap) heap).getGen(1);
if (gen1.isIn(obj.getHandle())) {
return InOld;
Generation permGen = ((GenCollectedHeap) heap).permGen();
if (permGen.isIn(obj.getHandle())) {
return InPerm;
} else if (heap instanceof ParallelScavengeHeap) {
PSYoungGen youngGen = ((ParallelScavengeHeap) heap).youngGen();
if (youngGen.edenSpace().contains(obj.getHandle())) {
return InEden;
} else if (youngGen.fromSpace().contains(obj.getHandle())) {
return InSurvivor;
PSOldGen oldGen = ((ParallelScavengeHeap) heap).oldGen();
if (oldGen.isIn(obj.getHandle())) {
return InOld;
PSPermGen permGen = ((ParallelScavengeHeap) heap).permGen();
if (permGen.isIn(obj.getHandle())) {
return InPerm;
return Unknown;