package org.xdams.jstl;
import it.highwaytech.db.HierPath;
import javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.xdams.conf.master.ConfBean;
import org.xdams.user.bean.UserBean;
import org.xdams.utility.TitleManager;
import org.xdams.workflow.bean.WorkFlowBean;
public class GerarchiaJstl extends TagSupport {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7739100395468852973L;
private HierPath hierPath = null;
private String hierMode = "";
private String targetServlet = "";
// private ConfBean confBean = null;
// private UserBean userBean = null;
// private ViewBean viewBean = null;
public int doStartTag() {
try {
ConfBean confBean = (ConfBean) pageContext.findAttribute("confBean");
UserBean userBean = (UserBean) pageContext.findAttribute("userBean");
ViewBean viewBean = (ViewBean) pageContext.findAttribute("viewBean");
WorkFlowBean workFlowBean = (WorkFlowBean) pageContext.findAttribute("workFlowBean");
JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut();
if (targetServlet.equals("")) {
targetServlet = "_top";
TitleManager titleManager = new TitleManager(confBean.getTheXMLConfTitle());
int numeroLivelli = hierPath.depth();
String divHierPath = "";
if (getHierMode().equals("")) {
for (int i = 0; i < numeroLivelli - 1; i++) {
int spaziatore = 18 * (i - 1);
int theFatherTemp = hierPath.docNumber(i + 1);
divHierPath += "<div class=\"hierPath\">";
divHierPath += "<a href=\"" + pageContext.findAttribute("contextPath") + "/hier/" + workFlowBean.getAlias() + "/hierBrowser.html?docToggle=" + theFatherTemp + "&docStart=" + theFatherTemp + "\" target=\"" + targetServlet + "\">";
String strTitoloManager = titleManager.defaultParsedTitle(hierPath.getTitle(i + 1), "hierTitle");
divHierPath += strTitoloManager;
divHierPath += "</a>";
for (int i = 0; i < numeroLivelli - 1; i++) {
divHierPath += "</div>";
} else if (getHierMode().equals("tooltip")) {
for (int i = 0; i < numeroLivelli - 1; i++) {
divHierPath += "<div class=\"hierPath\">";
String strTitoloManager = titleManager.defaultParsedTitle(hierPath.getTitle(i + 1), "hierTitle");
divHierPath += strTitoloManager;
for (int i = 0; i < numeroLivelli - 1; i++) {
divHierPath += "</div>";
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new Error("Errore nella GerarchiaJstl.1");
return SKIP_BODY;
public int doEndTag() {
try {
JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut();
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new Error("Errore nella GerarchiaJstl.0");
return EVAL_PAGE;
public HierPath getHierPath() {
return hierPath;
public void setHierPath(HierPath hierPath) {
this.hierPath = hierPath;
* @return Returns the hierMode.
public String getHierMode() {
return hierMode;
* @param hierMode
* The hierMode to set.
public void setHierMode(String hierMode) {
this.hierMode = hierMode;
public String getTargetServlet() {
return targetServlet;
public void setTargetServlet(String targetServlet) {
this.targetServlet = targetServlet;