package com.socrata.api;
import com.socrata.exceptions.*;
import com.socrata.model.SodaErrorResponse;
import com.socrata.model.requests.SodaRequest;
import com.socrata.utils.JacksonObjectMapperProvider;
import com.socrata.utils.streams.CompressingGzipInputStream;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.GenericType;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.config.ClientConfig;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.config.DefaultClientConfig;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.filter.HTTPBasicAuthFilter;
import com.sun.jersey.api.json.JSONConfiguration;
import com.sun.jersey.client.urlconnection.HttpURLConnectionFactory;
import com.sun.jersey.client.urlconnection.URLConnectionClientHandler;
import com.sun.jersey.multipart.FormDataMultiPart;
import com.sun.jersey.multipart.file.FileDataBodyPart;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
* Class to handle all the low level HTTP operations. This class provides the core data access methods
* for GET, PUT, POST, DELETE and wraps the appropriate authentications set-up for the connection.
* This library is based off the Jersey JAX-RS implementation. Most of this is hidden from the
* caller, but the Client object is available in case custom filters are required.
public final class HttpLowLevel
private static final DateTimeFormatter RFC1123_DATE_FORMAT = DateTimeFormat
.forPattern("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'")
protected static final int DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES = 200;
public static final long DEFAULT_RETRY_TIME = 4000;
protected static final int DEFAULT_STATUS_CHECK_ERROR_RETRIES = 5;
protected static final long DEFAULT_STATUS_CHECK_ERROR_TIME = 4000;
public static final String SODA_VERSION = "$$version";
public static final String NBE_FLAG = "nbe";
public static final String SOCRATA_TOKEN_HEADER = "X-App-Token";
public static final String SOCRATA_REQUEST_ID_HEADER = "X-Socrata-RequestId";
public static final String AUTH_REQUIRED_CODE = "authentication_required";
public static final String UNEXPECTED_ERROR = "uexpectedError";
public static final String MALFORMED_RESPONSE = "malformedResponse";
public static final Map<String, String> UTF_PARAMS = ImmutableMap.of("charset", "UTF-8");
public static final MediaType JSON_TYPE = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE;
public static final MediaType CSV_TYPE = new MediaType("text", "csv");
public static final MediaType UTF8_TEXT_TYPE = new MediaType("text", "plain", UTF_PARAMS);
public static final GenericType<List<Object>> MAP_OBJECT_TYPE = new GenericType<List<Object>>() {};
private final Client client;
private final String url;
private long retryTime = DEFAULT_RETRY_TIME;
private long maxRetries = DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES;
private ContentEncoding contentEncodingForUpserts = ContentEncoding.IDENTITY;
private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> additionalParams = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>();
private int statusCheckErrorRetries = DEFAULT_STATUS_CHECK_ERROR_RETRIES;
private long statusCheckErrorTime = DEFAULT_STATUS_CHECK_ERROR_TIME;
* Creates a client with the appropriate mappers and features turned on to
* most easily map from SODA2 data types to Java data types.
* This call will honor {@code https.proxyHost} and {@code https.proxyPort} for setting a proxy.
* @return the Client that was created.
private static Client createClient() {
String proxyHost = System.getProperty("https.proxyHost");
Integer proxyPort = null;
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(proxyHost)) {
final String proxyPortString = System.getProperty("https.proxyPort");
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(proxyPortString)) {
proxyPort = Integer.decode(proxyPortString);
return createClient(proxyHost, proxyPort);
* Creates a client with the appropriate mappers and features turned on to
* most easily map from SODA2 data types to Java data types.
* @param proxyHost the host to use a proxy. If {@code null}, this will not use a proxy.
* @param proxyPort the port to use for the proxy host. If {@code null}, this will use the default HTTP port.
* @return the Client that was created.
private static Client createClient(@Nullable final String proxyHost, @Nullable final Integer proxyPort) {
final ClientConfig clientConfig = new DefaultClientConfig();
clientConfig.getFeatures().put(JSONConfiguration.FEATURE_POJO_MAPPING, Boolean.TRUE);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(proxyHost)) {
Proxy proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress(proxyHost, proxyPort == null ? 443 : proxyPort));
return new Client(new URLConnectionClientHandler(new ProxyHandler(proxy)), clientConfig);
return Client.create(clientConfig);
* Create an anonymous connection to a SODA2 domain rooted at {@code url}
* @param url the base URL for the SODA2 domain to access.
* @return HttpLowLevel object that is completely configured to use.
public static final HttpLowLevel instantiate(@Nonnull final String url)
return new HttpLowLevel(createClient(), url);
* Create an HttpLowLevel object that is set-up with the appropriate authentication credentials.
* @param url the base URL for the SODA2 domain to access.
* @param userName user name to log in as
* @param password password to log in with
* @param token the App Token to use for authorization and usage tracking. If this is {@code null}, no value will be sent.
* @return HttpLowLevel object that is completely configured to use.
public static final HttpLowLevel instantiateBasic(@Nonnull final String url, @Nonnull final String userName, @Nonnull final String password, @Nullable final String token, @Nullable final String requestId)
final Client client = createClient();
client.addFilter(new HTTPBasicAuthFilter(userName, password));
if (token != null) {
client.addFilter(new SodaTokenFilter(token));
if (requestId != null) {
client.addFilter(new SodaRequestIdFilter(requestId));
client.setChunkedEncodingSize(10240); // enable streaming and not put whole inputstream in memory
//client.setConnectTimeout(1000 * 60);
return new HttpLowLevel(client, url);
* Constructor
* @param client the Jersey Client class that will be used for actually issuing requests
* @param url the base URL for the SODA2 domain to access.
public HttpLowLevel(Client client, final String url)
this.client = client;
this.url = url;
* Returns the Jersey Client object this connection will use.
* @return Jersey Client object this connection will use.
public Client getClient()
return client;
* Gets the number of milliseconds to wait before following a 202
* @return number of milliseconds to wait before following a 202
public long getRetryTime()
return retryTime;
* Sets the number of milliseconds to wait before following a 202
* @param retryTime number of milliseconds to wait before following a 202
public void setRetryTime(long retryTime)
this.retryTime = retryTime;
* Gets the max number of times to follow a 202 before failing
* @return max number of times to follow a 202 before failing
public long getMaxRetries()
return maxRetries;
* Sets the max number of times to follow a 202 before failing
* @param maxRetries max number of times to follow a 202 before failing
public void setMaxRetries(long maxRetries)
this.maxRetries = maxRetries;
* Get the number of status check retries on non-soda errors between long running request submission and completion
* @return the number of status check retries on non-soda errors between long running request submission and completion
public int getStatusCheckErrorRetries()
return statusCheckErrorRetries;
* Set the number of status check retries on non-soda errors between long running request submission and completion
* @param statusCheckErrorRetries number of status check retries on non-soda errors between long running request submission and completion
public void setStatusCheckErrorRetries(int statusCheckErrorRetries)
this.statusCheckErrorRetries = statusCheckErrorRetries;
* Get the status check interval time in ms on non-soda errors between long running request submission and completion
* @return the status check interval time in ms on non-soda errors between long running request submission and completion
public long getStatusCheckErrorTime()
return statusCheckErrorTime;
* Set the status check interval time in ms on non-soda errors between long running request submission and completion
* @param statusCheckErrorTime status check interval time in ms on non-soda errors between long running request submission and completion
public void setStatusCheckErrorTime(int statusCheckErrorTime)
this.statusCheckErrorTime = statusCheckErrorTime;
* Gets the content encoding for upserts. This defaults to GZIP, which basically
* means uncompressed streams will be gzipped before being sent up to the Socrata Service
* @return content encoding of the upserts. If this is Identity, no encodings will be added.
public ContentEncoding getContentEncodingForUpserts()
return contentEncodingForUpserts;
* Sets the content encoding for upserts. This defaults to GZIP, which basically
* means uncompressed streams will be gzipped before being sent up to the Socrata Service
* @param contentEncodingForUpserts content encoding of the upserts. If this is Identity, no encodings will be added.
public void setContentEncodingForUpserts(ContentEncoding contentEncodingForUpserts)
this.contentEncodingForUpserts = contentEncodingForUpserts;
* Get the map of additional parameters for this HttpLowLevel. These parameters
* will be added to every request. The map returned will be thread safe for modifications.
* @return map of additional parameters
public Map<String, String> getAdditionalParameters() {
return this.additionalParams;
public UriBuilder uriBuilder() {
return UriBuilder.fromUri(url);
* Follows a 202 response that comes back for long running queries.
* @param uri the URI to go back to
* @param retryTime the amount of time to wait for a retry
* @return the ClientResponse from this operation
* @throws InterruptedException if this thread is interrupted
* @throws LongRunningQueryException thrown if this query is long running and a 202 is returned. In this case,
* the caller likely wants to call follow202.
* @throws SodaError thrown if there is an error. Investigate the structure for more information.
public ClientResponse follow202(final URI uri, final MediaType mediaType, final long retryTime, final SodaRequest request2Rerun) throws InterruptedException, LongRunningQueryException, SodaError
if (retryTime > 0) {
synchronized (this) {
if (uri != null) {
return queryRaw(uri, mediaType);
} else {
return request2Rerun.issueRequest();
* Method to check the async callbacks for new responses.
* @param uri the URI to go to for responses.
* @param waitTime the time to wait until the first response
* @param numRetries the total number of times to retry before failing.
* @param cls the class of the object to return.
* @return the object returned for a successful response.
* @throws SodaError thrown if there is an error. Investigate the structure for more information.
* @throws InterruptedException throws is the thread is interrupted.
final public <T> T getAsyncResults(URI uri, long waitTime, long numRetries, Class<T> cls, final SodaRequest request2Rerun) throws SodaError, InterruptedException
final ClientResponse response = getAsyncResults(uri, HttpLowLevel.JSON_TYPE, waitTime, numRetries, request2Rerun);
return response.getEntity(cls);
* Method to check the async callbacks for new responses.
* @param uri the URI to go to for responses.
* @param waitTime the time to wait until the first response
* @param numRetries the total number of times to retry before failing.
* @param cls the GenericType describing the class of the object to return.
* @return the object returned for a successful response.
* @throws SodaError thrown if there is an error. Investigate the structure for more information.
* @throws InterruptedException throws is the thread is interrupted.
final public <T> T getAsyncResults(URI uri, MediaType mediaType, long waitTime, long numRetries, GenericType<T> cls, SodaRequest request2Rerun) throws SodaError, InterruptedException
final ClientResponse response = getAsyncResults(uri, mediaType, waitTime, numRetries, request2Rerun);
return response.getEntity(cls);
* Method to check the async callbacks for new responses.
* @param uri the URI to go to for responses.
* @param waitTime the time to wait until the first response
* @param numRetries the total number of times to retry before failing.
* @param request2Rerun the object to use to re-run the request.
* @return the ClientReponse for a successful response.
* @throws SodaError thrown if there is an error. Investigate the structure for more information.
* @throws InterruptedException throws is the thread is interrupted.
final public ClientResponse getAsyncResults(URI uri, MediaType mediaType, long waitTime, long numRetries, SodaRequest request2Rerun) throws SodaError, InterruptedException
for (int i=0; i<numRetries; i++) {
try {
final ClientResponse response = follow202(uri, mediaType, waitTime, request2Rerun);
return response;
} catch (LongRunningQueryException e) {
if (e.location != null) {
uri = e.location;
throw new SodaError("Long running result did not complete within the allotted time.");
* Raw version of the API for issuing a delete, doing common error processing and returning the ClientResponse.
* @param uri URI to issue a request to. Any id information should have already been added.
* @return the raw ClientReponse to the request. Any errors will have already been processed, and have thrown
* and exception.
* @throws LongRunningQueryException thrown if this query is long running and a 202 is returned. In this case,
* the caller likely wants to call follow202.
* @throws SodaError thrown if there is an error. Investigate the structure for more information.
public ClientResponse deleteRaw(final URI uri) throws LongRunningQueryException, SodaError
final WebResource.Builder builder = client.resource(soda2ifyUri(uri))
final ClientResponse response = builder.delete(ClientResponse.class);
return processErrors(response);
* Issues a raw GET to a URI. The URI should be properly formed, and the response will process the errors
* and throw if there are any.
* @param uri URI to issue a request to. Any id information should have already been added.
* @param acceptType the MIME Type accepted by this client
* @return the raw ClientReponse to the request. Any errors will have already been processed, and have thrown
* and exception.
* @throws LongRunningQueryException thrown if this query is long running and a 202 is returned. In this case,
* the caller likely wants to call follow202.
* @throws SodaError thrown if there is an error. Investigate the structure for more information.
public ClientResponse queryRaw(final URI uri, final MediaType acceptType) throws LongRunningQueryException, SodaError
final WebResource.Builder builder = client.resource(soda2ifyUri(uri))
final ClientResponse response = builder.get(ClientResponse.class);
return processErrors(response);
* Issues a raw POST to a URI. The URI should be properly formed, and the response will process the errors
* and throw if there are any.
* @param uri URI to issue a request to. Any id information should have already been added.
* @param mediaType the MIME type the object is to be sent to the server as.
* @param object the object to send down to the server. This can be a Jackson serializable object or a raw
* InputStream.
* @return the raw ClientReponse to the request. Any errors will have already been processed, and have thrown
* and exception.
* @throws LongRunningQueryException thrown if this query is long running and a 202 is returned. In this case,
* the caller likely wants to call follow202.
* @throws SodaError thrown if there is an error. Investigate the structure for more information.
public ClientResponse postRaw(final URI uri, final MediaType mediaType, final ContentEncoding contentEncoding, Object object) throws LongRunningQueryException, SodaError
final WebResource.Builder builder = client.resource(soda2ifyUri(uri))
final Object encodedObject = encodeContents(contentEncoding, builder, object);
final ClientResponse response =, encodedObject);
return processErrors(response);
* If true adds ?nbe=true flag to all URIs (to enable creating datasets on New Backend)
* @param useNbe iff true use New Backend, otherwise use old
public void setUseNewBackend(boolean useNbe) {
additionalParams.put(NBE_FLAG, "true");
private Object encodeContents(final ContentEncoding contentEncoding, final WebResource.Builder builder, final Object object) throws BadCompressionException
switch (contentEncoding) {
case GZIP: {
builder.header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_ENCODING, contentEncoding.header);
if (!(object instanceof InputStream)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can only compress puts that use an InputStream");
try {
return new CompressingGzipInputStream((InputStream)object) ;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new BadCompressionException(ioe);
case IDENTITY: {
return object;
default: {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown ContentEncoding");
public ClientResponse postFileRaw(final URI uri, final MediaType mediaType, final File file) throws LongRunningQueryException, SodaError {
return postFileRaw(uri, mediaType, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, file);
public ClientResponse postFileRaw(final URI uri, final MediaType mediaType, final MediaType acceptType, File file) throws LongRunningQueryException, SodaError
final WebResource.Builder builder = client.resource(soda2ifyUri(uri))
FormDataMultiPart form = new FormDataMultiPart();
form.bodyPart(new FileDataBodyPart(file.getName(), file, mediaType));
final ClientResponse response =, form);
return processErrors(response);
* Issues a raw PUT to a URI. The URI should be properly formed, and the response will process the errors
* and throw if there are any.
* @param uri URI to issue a request to. Any id information should have already been added.
* @param mediaType the MIME type the object is to be sent to the server as.
* @param object the object to send down to the server. This can be a Jackson serializable object or a raw
* InputStream.
* @return the raw ClientReponse to the request. Any errors will have already been processed, and have thrown
* and exception.
* @throws LongRunningQueryException thrown if this query is long running and a 202 is returned. In this case,
* the caller likely wants to call follow202.
* @throws SodaError thrown if there is an error. Investigate the structure for more information.
public <T> ClientResponse putRaw(final URI uri, final MediaType mediaType, final ContentEncoding contentEncoding, final Object object) throws LongRunningQueryException, SodaError
final WebResource.Builder builder = client.resource(soda2ifyUri(uri))
final Object encodedObject = encodeContents(contentEncoding, builder, object);
final ClientResponse response = builder.put(ClientResponse.class, encodedObject);
return processErrors(response);
public ClientResponse putFileRaw(final URI uri, final MediaType mediaType, final File file) throws LongRunningQueryException, SodaError {
return putFileRaw(uri, mediaType, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, file);
public ClientResponse putFileRaw(final URI uri, final MediaType mediaType, final MediaType acceptType, final File file) throws LongRunningQueryException, SodaError
final WebResource.Builder builder = client.resource(soda2ifyUri(uri))
FormDataMultiPart form = new FormDataMultiPart();
form.bodyPart(new FileDataBodyPart(file.getName(), file, mediaType));
final ClientResponse response = builder.put(ClientResponse.class, form);
return processErrors(response);
public void close() {
if (client != null) {
* Internal API to add any common parameters. In this case, it sets the version parameter
* so all our return types correspond to SODA2.
* @param uri URI to base the response on.
* @return a new URI with the version parameter added.
private URI soda2ifyUri(final URI uri) {
final UriBuilder builder = UriBuilder.fromUri(uri).queryParam(SODA_VERSION, "2.0");
for (String key : additionalParams.keySet()) {
builder.queryParam(key, additionalParams.get(key));
* Looks through a ClientResponse and throws any appropriate Java exceptions if there is an error.
* @param response ClientResponse to check for errors.
* @return response that was passed in.
* @throws LongRunningQueryException thrown if this query is long running and a 202 is returned. In this case,
* the caller likely wants to call follow202.
* @throws SodaError thrown if there is an error. Investigate the structure for more information.
private ClientResponse processErrors(final ClientResponse response) throws SodaError, LongRunningQueryException
int status = response.getStatus();
if (status == 200 || status == 201 || status == 204) {
return response;
final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
final String body = response.getEntity(String.class);
if (status == 202) {
final String location = response.getHeaders().getFirst("Location");
final String retryAfter = response.getHeaders().getFirst("Retry-After");
String ticket = null;
URI locationUri = null;
// There are actually two ways Socrata currently deals with 202s, in the newer mechanism, they use
// the Location and Retry-After headers to direct where the "future" result is. In the other mechanism,
// A specific "ticket" is created that needs to be combined with the original URL to get the "future"
// result.
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(location)) {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(body)) {
throw new SodaError("Illegal body for 202 response. No location and body is empty.");
try {
final Map<String, Object> bodyProperties = (Map<String, Object>)mapper.readValue(body, Object.class);
if (bodyProperties.get("ticket") != null) {
ticket = bodyProperties.get("ticket").toString();
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new SodaError("Illegal body for 202 response. No location or ticket. Body = " + body);
} else {
try {
locationUri = new URI(location);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new InvalidLocationError(location);
throw new LongRunningQueryException(locationUri, parseRetryAfter(retryAfter), ticket);
if (response.getType() != null && !response.getType().isCompatible(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE)) {
throw new SodaError(new SodaErrorResponse(UNEXPECTED_ERROR, body, null, null), status);
SodaErrorResponse sodaErrorResponse;
if(body.isEmpty()) {
sodaErrorResponse = new SodaErrorResponse(String.valueOf(status), null, null, null);
} else {
try {
sodaErrorResponse = mapper.readValue(body, SodaErrorResponse.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SodaError(new SodaErrorResponse(MALFORMED_RESPONSE, body, null, null), status);
switch (status) {
case 400:
if (sodaErrorResponse.message != null &&
sodaErrorResponse.message.startsWith("Row data was saved.")) {
throw new MetadataUpdateError(sodaErrorResponse);
throw new MalformedQueryError(sodaErrorResponse);
case 403:
if (AUTH_REQUIRED_CODE.equals(sodaErrorResponse.code)) {
throw new MustBeLoggedInException(sodaErrorResponse);
} else {
throw new QueryTooComplexException(sodaErrorResponse);
case 404:
throw new DoesNotExistException(sodaErrorResponse);
case 408:
throw new QueryTimeoutException(sodaErrorResponse);
case 409:
throw new ConflictOperationException(sodaErrorResponse);
throw new SodaError(sodaErrorResponse, status);
* Parses the RetryAfter dates to determine when to respond to a 202
* @param retryAfter the string returned from a 202 RetryAfter header
* @return The time in milliseconds the caller should retry. This is the time in milliseconds since the epoch,
* NOT the number of milliseconds to wait. To get milliseconds to wait, subtract current time.
private long parseRetryAfter(final String retryAfter) {
if (retryAfter == null) {
return getRetryTime();
if (StringUtils.isNumeric(retryAfter)) {
return System.currentTimeMillis() + Integer.parseInt(retryAfter) * 1000L;
} else {
try {
final DateTime date = RFC1123_DATE_FORMAT.parseDateTime(retryAfter);
if (date == null) {
return getRetryTime();
return date.getMillis();
} catch (Exception e) {
return getRetryTime();
* An internal class we use for setting the proxy for an Http connection.
private static class ProxyHandler implements HttpURLConnectionFactory
final Proxy proxy;
public ProxyHandler(@Nonnull Proxy proxy)
this.proxy = proxy;
public HttpURLConnection getHttpURLConnection(URL url) throws IOException
return (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection(proxy);