* Copyright (c) 2013 by Gerrit Grunwald
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package eu.hansolo.enzo.lcd;
import eu.hansolo.enzo.common.ValueEvent;
import eu.hansolo.enzo.lcd.skin.LcdSkin;
import javafx.animation.Animation;
import javafx.animation.AnimationTimer;
import javafx.animation.Interpolator;
import javafx.animation.Transition;
import javafx.beans.property.BooleanProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.BooleanPropertyBase;
import javafx.beans.property.DoubleProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.DoublePropertyBase;
import javafx.beans.property.IntegerProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.ObjectProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.ReadOnlyBooleanProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.ReadOnlyDoubleProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleBooleanProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleDoubleProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleIntegerProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleObjectProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleStringProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.StringProperty;
import javafx.css.PseudoClass;
import javafx.event.ActionEvent;
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.scene.control.Control;
import javafx.scene.control.Skin;
import javafx.util.Duration;
public class Lcd extends Control {
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_BEIGE = "lcd-beige";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_BLUE = "lcd-blue";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_ORANGE = "lcd-orange";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_RED = "lcd-red";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_YELLOW = "lcd-yellow";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_WHITE = "lcd-white";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_GRAY = "lcd-gray";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_BLACK = "lcd-black";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_GREEN = "lcd-green";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_GREEN_DARKGREEN = "lcd-green-darkgreen";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_BLUE2 = "lcd-blue2";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_BLUE_BLACK = "lcd-blue-black";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_BLUE_DARKBLUE = "lcd-blue-darkblue";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_BLUE_LIGHTBLUE = "lcd-blue-lightblue";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_BLUE_GRAY = "lcd-blue-gray";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_STANDARD = "lcd-standard";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_LIGHTGREEN = "lcd-lightgreen";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_STANDARD_GREEN = "lcd-standard-green";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_BLUE_BLUE = "lcd-blue-blue";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_RED_DARKRED = "lcd-red-darkred";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_DARKBLUE = "lcd-darkblue";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_PURPLE = "lcd-purple";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_BLACK_RED = "lcd-black-red";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_DARKGREEN = "lcd-darkgreen";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_AMBER = "lcd-amber";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_LIGHTBLUE = "lcd-lightblue";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_GREEN_BLACK = "lcd-green-black";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_YELLOW_BLACK = "lcd-yellow-black";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_BLACK_YELLOW = "lcd-black-yellow";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_LIGHTGREEN_BLACK = "lcd-lightgreen-black";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_DARKPURPLE = "lcd-darkpurple";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_DARKAMBER = "lcd-darkamber";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_BLUE_LIGHTBLUE2 = "lcd-blue-lightblue2";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_GRAY_PURPLE = "lcd-gray-purple";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_SECTIONS = "lcd-sections";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_YOCTOPUCE = "lcd-yoctopuce";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_FLAT_TURQOISE = "lcd-flat-turqoise";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_FLAT_GREEN_SEA = "lcd-flat-green-sea";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_FLAT_EMERLAND = "lcd-flat-emerland";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_FLAT_NEPHRITIS = "lcd-flat-nephritis";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_FLAT_PETER_RIVER = "lcd-flat-peter-river";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_FLAT_BELIZE_HOLE = "lcd-flat-belize-hole";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_FLAT_AMETHYST = "lcd-flat-amethyst";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_FLAT_WISTERIA = "lcd-flat-wisteria";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_FLAT_SUNFLOWER = "lcd-flat-sunflower";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_FLAT_ORANGE = "lcd-flat-orange";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_FLAT_CARROT = "lcd-flat-carrot";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_FLAT_PUMPKIN = "lcd-flat-pumpkin";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_FLAT_ALIZARIN = "lcd-flat-alizarin";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_FLAT_POMEGRANATE = "lcd-flat-pomegranate";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_FLAT_CLOUDS = "lcd-flat-clouds";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_FLAT_SILVER = "lcd-flat-silver";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_FLAT_CONCRETE = "lcd-flat-concrete";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_FLAT_ASBESTOS = "lcd-flat-asbestos";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_FLAT_WET_ASPHALT = "lcd-flat-wet-asphalt";
public static final String STYLE_CLASS_FLAT_MIDNIGHT_BLUE = "lcd-flat-midnight-blue";
public static enum LcdFont {
public static enum NumberSystem {
private String text;
private NumberSystem(final String TEXT) {
text = TEXT;
@Override public String toString() {
return text;
public static enum Trend {
// CSS pseudo classes
private static final PseudoClass NO_FRAME_PSEUDO_CLASS = PseudoClass.getPseudoClass("no-frame");
private BooleanProperty noFrame;
private boolean initialized;
private boolean firstTime;
private boolean keepAspect;
private boolean _textMode = false;
private BooleanProperty textMode;
private String _text = "";
private StringProperty text;
private DoubleProperty value;
private DoubleProperty currentValue;
private DoubleProperty formerValue;
private double _minValue = 0.0;
private DoubleProperty minValue;
private double _maxValue = 100.0;
private DoubleProperty maxValue;
private boolean _animated = true;
private BooleanProperty animated;
private double _animationDuration = 800;
private DoubleProperty animationDuration;
private double _minMeasuredValue = 100;
private DoubleProperty minMeasuredValue;
private double _maxMeasuredValue = 0;
private DoubleProperty maxMeasuredValue;
private int _minMeasuredValueDecimals = 2;
private IntegerProperty minMeasuredValueDecimals;
private int _maxMeasuredValueDecimals = 2;
private IntegerProperty maxMeasuredValueDecimals;
private double _threshold = 50.0;
private DoubleProperty threshold;
private boolean _thresholdBehaviorInverted = false;
private BooleanProperty thresholdBehaviorInverted;
private boolean thresholdExceeded = false;
private String _title = "";
private StringProperty title;
private String _unit = "";
private StringProperty unit;
private String _lowerCenterText = "";
private StringProperty lowerCenterText;
private boolean _lowerCenterCenterTextVisible = false;
private BooleanProperty lowerCenterTextVisible;
private String _lowerRightText = "";
private StringProperty lowerRightText;
private boolean _lowerRightTextVisible = false;
private BooleanProperty lowerRightTextVisible;
private String _upperLeftText = "";
private StringProperty upperLeftText;
private boolean _upperLeftTextVisible = false;
private BooleanProperty upperLeftTextVisible;
private String _upperRightText = "";
private StringProperty upperRightText;
private boolean _upperRightTextVisible = false;
private BooleanProperty upperRightTextVisible;
private NumberSystem _numberSystem = NumberSystem.DECIMAL;
private ObjectProperty<NumberSystem> numberSystem;
private Trend _trend = Trend.UNKNOWN;
private ObjectProperty<Trend> trend;
private double _batteryCharge = 0.0;
private DoubleProperty batteryCharge;
private double _signalStrength = 0.0;
private DoubleProperty signalStrength;
private boolean _valueVisible = true;
private BooleanProperty valueVisible;
private boolean _minMeasuredValueVisible = false;
private BooleanProperty minMeasuredValueVisible;
private boolean _maxMeasuredValueVisible = false;
private BooleanProperty maxMeasuredValueVisible;
private boolean _formerValueVisible = false;
private BooleanProperty formerValueVisible;
private boolean _thresholdVisible = false;
private BooleanProperty thresholdVisible;
private String _unitFont = "Open Sans";
private StringProperty unitFont;
private String _titleFont = "Open Sans";
private StringProperty titleFont;
private LcdFont _valueFont = LcdFont.LCD;
private ObjectProperty<LcdFont> valueFont;
private String _smallFont = "Open Sans";
private StringProperty smallFont;
private int _decimals = 0;
private IntegerProperty decimals;
private boolean _numberSystemVisible = false;
private BooleanProperty numberSystemVisible;
private boolean _blinking = false;
private BooleanProperty blinking;
private boolean _backgroundVisible = true;
private BooleanProperty backgroundVisible;
private boolean _crystalOverlayVisible = false;
private BooleanProperty crystalOverlayVisible;
private boolean _mainInnerShadowVisible = false;
private BooleanProperty mainInnerShadowVisible;
private boolean _foregroundShadowVisible = false;
private BooleanProperty foregroundShadowVisible;
private boolean _titleVisible = true;
private BooleanProperty titleVisible;
private boolean _unitVisible = true;
private BooleanProperty unitVisible;
private boolean _trendVisible = false;
private BooleanProperty trendVisible;
private boolean _batteryVisible = false;
private BooleanProperty batteryVisible;
private boolean _signalVisible = false;
private BooleanProperty signalVisible;
private boolean _alarmVisible = false;
private BooleanProperty alarmVisible;
private Transition toValueAnimation;
private boolean toggleValue;
private boolean toggleThreshold;
private long interval;
private long lastBlinkTimerCall;
private long lastThresholdTimerCall;
private AnimationTimer timer;
// ******************** Constructors **************************************
public Lcd() {
value = new DoublePropertyBase(0) {
@Override protected void invalidated() {
set(clamp(getMinValue(), getMaxValue(), get()));
@Override public Object getBean() { return this; }
@Override public String getName() { return "value"; }
currentValue = new SimpleDoubleProperty(0);
formerValue = new SimpleDoubleProperty(0);
initialized = false;
firstTime = true;
keepAspect = true;
toggleValue = false;
toggleThreshold = false;
interval = 500_000_000l;
lastBlinkTimerCall = System.nanoTime();
lastThresholdTimerCall = System.nanoTime();
timer = new AnimationTimer() {
@Override public void handle(final long NOW) {
if (isBlinking() && NOW > lastBlinkTimerCall + interval) {
toggleValue ^= true;
lastBlinkTimerCall = NOW;
if (thresholdExceeded && NOW > lastThresholdTimerCall + interval) {
toggleThreshold ^= true;
lastThresholdTimerCall = NOW;
toValueAnimation = new Transition() {
protected void interpolate(double frac) {
currentValue.set(getFormerValue() + (getValue() - getFormerValue()) * frac);
initialized = true;
// ******************** Initialization ************************************
private void init() {
valueProperty().addListener((ov, oldValue, newValue) -> {
if (toValueAnimation.getStatus() != Animation.Status.STOPPED) {
if (getAnimated()) {
toValueAnimation.setInterpolator(Interpolator.SPLINE(0.5, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0));
toValueAnimation.setOnFinished(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
@Override public void handle(final ActionEvent EVENT) {
if (firstTime) {
firstTime = false;
} else {
currentValueProperty().addListener(observable -> {
if (Double.compare(currentValue.get(), getMinMeasuredValue()) < 0 && !firstTime) {
if (Double.compare(currentValue.get(), getMaxMeasuredValue()) > 0 && !firstTime) {
// Check threshold
if (thresholdExceeded) {
if (currentValue.get() < getThreshold()) {
fireEvent(new ValueEvent(this, this, ValueEvent.VALUE_UNDERRUN));
thresholdExceeded = false;
} else {
if (currentValue.get() > getThreshold()) {
fireEvent(new ValueEvent(this, this, ValueEvent.VALUE_EXCEEDED));
thresholdExceeded = true;
// ******************** Methods *******************************************
public final boolean isKeepAspect() {
return keepAspect;
public final void setKeepAspect(final boolean KEEP_ASPECT) {
keepAspect = KEEP_ASPECT;
@Override public boolean isResizable() {
return true;
public final boolean isTextMode() {
return null == textMode ? _textMode : textMode.get();
public final void setTextMode(final boolean TEXT_MODE) {
if (null == textMode) {
_textMode = TEXT_MODE;
} else {
public final BooleanProperty textModeProperty() {
if (null == textMode) {
textMode = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "textMode", _textMode);
return textMode;
public final String getText() {
return null == text ? _text : text.get();
public final void setText(final String TEXT) {
if (null == text) {
_text = TEXT;
} else {
public final StringProperty textProperty() {
if (null == text) {
text = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "text", _text);
return text;
public final double getValue() {
return value.get();
public final void setValue(final double VALUE) {
public final DoubleProperty valueProperty() {
return value;
public final double getCurrentValue() {
return currentValue.get();
public final ReadOnlyDoubleProperty currentValueProperty() {
return currentValue;
public final double getFormerValue() {
return formerValue.get();
public final ReadOnlyDoubleProperty formerValueProperty() {
return formerValue;
public final boolean getAnimated() {
return null == animated ? _animated : animated.get();
public final void setAnimated(final boolean ANIMATED) {
if (null == animated) {
_animated = ANIMATED;
} else {
public final BooleanProperty animatedProperty() {
if (null == animated) {
animated = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "animated", _animated);
return animated;
public final double getAnimationDuration() {
return null == animationDuration ? _animationDuration : animationDuration.get();
public final void setAnimationDuration(final double ANIMATION_DURATION) {
if (null == animationDuration) {
_animationDuration = ANIMATION_DURATION;
} else {
public final DoubleProperty animationDurationProperty() {
if (null == animationDuration) {
animationDuration = new SimpleDoubleProperty(this, "animationDuration", _animationDuration);
return animationDuration;
public final double getMinValue() {
return null == minValue ? _minValue : minValue.get();
public final void setMinValue(final double MIN_VALUE) {
if (null == minValue) {
} else {
public final DoubleProperty minValueProperty() {
if (null == minValue) {
minValue = new DoublePropertyBase(_minValue) {
@Override protected void invalidated() {
set(clamp(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, get()));
@Override public Object getBean() { return this; }
@Override public String getName() { return "minValue"; }
return minValue;
public final double getMaxValue() {
return null == maxValue ? _maxValue : maxValue.get();
public final void setMaxValue(final double MAX_VALUE) {
if (null == maxValue) {
} else {
public final DoubleProperty maxValueProperty() {
if (null == maxValue) {
maxValue = new DoublePropertyBase(_maxValue) {
@Override protected void invalidated() {
set(clamp(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, get()));
@Override public Object getBean() { return this; }
@Override public String getName() { return "maxValue"; }
return maxValue;
public final double getRange() {
if (null == maxValue && null != minValue) {
return _maxValue - minValue.get();
} else if (null != maxValue && null == minValue) {
return maxValue.get() - _minValue;
} else if (null == maxValue && null == minValue) {
return _maxValue - _minValue;
} else {
return maxValue.subtract(minValue).get();
public final double getMinMeasuredValue() {
return null == minMeasuredValue ? _minMeasuredValue : minMeasuredValue.get();
public final void setMinMeasuredValue(final double MIN_MEASURED_VALUE) {
if (null == minMeasuredValue) {
_minMeasuredValue = MIN_MEASURED_VALUE;
} else {
public final DoubleProperty minMeasuredValueProperty() {
if (null == minMeasuredValue) {
minMeasuredValue = new SimpleDoubleProperty(this, "minMeasuredValue", _minMeasuredValue);
return minMeasuredValue;
public final void resetMinMeasuredValue() {
public final double getMaxMeasuredValue() {
return null == maxMeasuredValue ? _minMeasuredValue : maxMeasuredValue.get();
public final void setMaxMeasuredValue(final double MAX_MEASURED_VALUE) {
if (null == maxMeasuredValue) {
_maxMeasuredValue = MAX_MEASURED_VALUE;
} else {
public final DoubleProperty maxMeasuredValueProperty() {
if (null == maxMeasuredValue) {
maxMeasuredValue = new SimpleDoubleProperty(this, "maxMeasuredValue", _maxMeasuredValue);
return maxMeasuredValue;
public final void resetMaxMeasuredValue() {
public final void resetMinMaxMeasuredValue() {
public final double getThreshold() {
return null == threshold ? _threshold : threshold.get();
public final void setThreshold(final double THRESHOLD) {
if (null == threshold) {
_threshold = clamp(getMinValue(), getMaxValue(), THRESHOLD);
} else {
threshold.set(clamp(getMinValue(), getMaxValue(), THRESHOLD));
public final ReadOnlyDoubleProperty thresholdProperty() {
if (null == threshold) {
threshold = new SimpleDoubleProperty(this, "threshold", _threshold);
return threshold;
public final boolean isThresholdBehaviorInverted() {
return null == thresholdBehaviorInverted ? _thresholdBehaviorInverted : thresholdBehaviorInverted.get();
public final void setThresholdBehaviorInverted(final boolean THRESHOLD_BEHAVIOR_INVERTED) {
if (null == thresholdBehaviorInverted) {
_thresholdBehaviorInverted = THRESHOLD_BEHAVIOR_INVERTED;
} else {
public final BooleanProperty thresholdBehaviorInvertedProperty() {
if (null == thresholdBehaviorInverted) {
thresholdBehaviorInverted = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "thresholdBehaviorInverted", _thresholdBehaviorInverted);
return thresholdBehaviorInverted;
public final String getTitle() {
return null == title ? _title : title.get();
public final void setTitle(final String TITLE) {
if (null == title) {
_title = TITLE;
} else {
public final StringProperty titleProperty() {
if (null == title) {
title = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "title", _title);
return title;
public final String getUnit() {
return null == unit ? _unit : unit.get();
public final void setUnit(final String UNIT) {
if (null == unit) {
_unit = UNIT;
} else {
public final StringProperty unitProperty() {
if (null == unit) {
unit = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "unit", _unit);
return unit;
public final String getLowerCenterText() {
return null == lowerCenterText ? _lowerCenterText : lowerCenterText.get();
public final void setLowerCenterText(final String LOWER_CENTER_TEXT) {
if (null == lowerCenterText) {
_lowerCenterText = LOWER_CENTER_TEXT;
} else {
public final StringProperty lowerCenterTextProperty() {
if (null == lowerCenterText) {
lowerCenterText = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "lowerCenterText", _lowerCenterText);
return lowerCenterText;
public final boolean isLowerCenterTextVisible() {
return null == lowerCenterTextVisible ? _lowerCenterCenterTextVisible : lowerCenterTextVisible.get();
public final void setLowerCenterTextVisible(final boolean LOWER_CENTER_TEXT_VISIBLE) {
if (null == lowerCenterTextVisible) {
_lowerCenterCenterTextVisible = LOWER_CENTER_TEXT_VISIBLE;
} else {
public final BooleanProperty lowerCenterTextVisibleProperty() {
if (null == lowerCenterTextVisible) {
lowerCenterTextVisible = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "lowerCenterTextVisible", _lowerCenterCenterTextVisible);
return lowerCenterTextVisible;
public final String getLowerRightText() {
return null == lowerRightText ? _lowerRightText : lowerRightText.get();
public final void setLowerRightText(final String LOWER_RIGHT_TEXT) {
if (null == lowerRightText) {
_lowerRightText = LOWER_RIGHT_TEXT;
} else {
public final StringProperty lowerRightTextProperty() {
if (null == lowerRightText) {
lowerRightText = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "lowerRightText", _lowerRightText);
return lowerRightText;
public final boolean isLowerRightTextVisible() {
return null == lowerRightTextVisible ? _lowerRightTextVisible : lowerRightTextVisible.get();
public final void setLowerRightTextVisible(final boolean LOWER_RIGHT_TEXT_VISIBLE) {
if (null == lowerRightTextVisible) {
_lowerRightTextVisible = LOWER_RIGHT_TEXT_VISIBLE;
} else {
public final BooleanProperty lowerRightTextVisibleProperty() {
if (null == lowerRightTextVisible) {
lowerRightTextVisible = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "lowerRightTextVisible", _lowerRightTextVisible);
return lowerRightTextVisible;
public final String getUpperLeftText() {
return null == upperLeftText ? _upperLeftText : upperLeftText.get();
public final void setUpperLeftText(final String UPPER_LEFT_TEXT) {
if (null == upperLeftText) {
_upperLeftText = UPPER_LEFT_TEXT;
} else {
public final StringProperty upperLeftTextProperty() {
if (null == upperLeftText) {
upperLeftText = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "upperLeftText", _upperLeftText);
return upperLeftText;
public final boolean isUpperLeftTextVisible() {
return null == upperLeftTextVisible ? _upperLeftTextVisible : upperLeftTextVisible.get();
public final void setUpperLeftTextVisible(final boolean UPPER_LEFT_TEXT_VISIBLE) {
if (null == upperLeftTextVisible) {
_upperLeftTextVisible = UPPER_LEFT_TEXT_VISIBLE;
} else {
public final BooleanProperty upperLeftTextVisibleProperty() {
if (null == upperLeftTextVisible) {
upperLeftTextVisible = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "upperLeftTextVisible", _upperLeftTextVisible);
return upperLeftTextVisible;
public final String getUpperRightText() {
return null == upperRightText ? _upperRightText : upperRightText.get();
public final void setUpperRightText(final String UPPER_RIGHT_TEXT) {
if (null == upperRightText) {
_upperRightText = UPPER_RIGHT_TEXT;
} else {
public final StringProperty upperRightTextProperty() {
if (null == upperRightText) {
upperRightText = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "upperRightText", _upperRightText);
return upperRightText;
public final boolean isUpperRightTextVisible() {
return null == upperRightTextVisible ? _upperRightTextVisible : upperRightTextVisible.get();
public final void setUpperRightTextVisible(final boolean UPPER_RIGHT_TEXT_VISIBLE) {
if (null == upperRightTextVisible) {
_upperRightTextVisible = UPPER_RIGHT_TEXT_VISIBLE;
} else {
public final BooleanProperty upperRightTextVisibleProperty() {
if (null == upperRightTextVisible) {
upperRightTextVisible = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "upperRightTextVisible", _upperRightTextVisible);
return upperRightTextVisible;
public final NumberSystem getNumberSystem() {
return null == numberSystem ? _numberSystem : numberSystem.get();
public final void setNumberSystem(final NumberSystem NUMBER_SYSTEM) {
if (null == numberSystem) {
_numberSystem = NUMBER_SYSTEM;
} else {
public final ObjectProperty<NumberSystem> numberSystemProperty() {
if (null == numberSystem) {
numberSystem = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(this, "numberSystem", _numberSystem);
return numberSystem;
public final Trend getTrend() {
return null == trend ? _trend : trend.get();
public final void setTrend(final Trend TREND) {
if (null == trend ) {
_trend = TREND;
} else {
public final ObjectProperty<Trend> trendProperty() {
if (null == trend) {
trend = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(this, "trend", _trend);
return trend;
public final double getBatteryCharge() {
return null == batteryCharge ? _batteryCharge : batteryCharge.get();
public final void setBatteryCharge(final double BATTERY_CHARGE) {
if (null == batteryCharge) {
_batteryCharge = clamp(0.0, 1.0, BATTERY_CHARGE);
} else {
batteryCharge.set(clamp(0.0, 1.0, BATTERY_CHARGE));
public final DoubleProperty batteryChargeProperty() {
if (null == batteryCharge) {
batteryCharge = new SimpleDoubleProperty(this, "batteryCharge", _batteryCharge);
return batteryCharge;
public final double getSignalStrength() {
return null == signalStrength ? _signalStrength : signalStrength.get();
public final void setSignalStrength(final double SIGNAL_STRENGTH) {
if (null == signalStrength) {
_signalStrength = clamp(0.0, 1.0, SIGNAL_STRENGTH);
} else {
signalStrength.set(clamp(0.0, 1.0, SIGNAL_STRENGTH));
public final DoubleProperty signalStrengthProperty() {
if (null == signalStrength) {
signalStrength = new SimpleDoubleProperty(this, "signalStrength", _signalStrength);
return signalStrength;
public final boolean isValueVisible() {
return null == valueVisible ? _valueVisible : valueVisible.get();
private final void setValueVisible(final boolean VALUE_VISIBLE) {
if (null == valueVisible) {
_valueVisible = VALUE_VISIBLE;
} else {
public final ReadOnlyBooleanProperty valueVisibleProperty() {
if (null == valueVisible) {
valueVisible = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "valueVisible", _valueVisible);
return valueVisible;
public final boolean isMinMeasuredValueVisible() {
return null == minMeasuredValueVisible ? _minMeasuredValueVisible : minMeasuredValueVisible.get();
public final void setMinMeasuredValueVisible(final boolean MIN_MEASURED_VALUE_VISIBLE) {
if (null == minMeasuredValueVisible) {
_minMeasuredValueVisible = MIN_MEASURED_VALUE_VISIBLE;
} else {
public final BooleanProperty minMeasuredValueVisibleProperty() {
if (null == minMeasuredValueVisible) {
minMeasuredValueVisible = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "minMeasuredValueVisible", _minMeasuredValueVisible);
return minMeasuredValueVisible;
public final boolean isMaxMeasuredValueVisible() {
return null == maxMeasuredValueVisible ? _maxMeasuredValueVisible : maxMeasuredValueVisible.get();
public final void setMaxMeasuredValueVisible(final boolean MAX_MEASURED_VALUE_VISIBLE) {
if (null == maxMeasuredValueVisible) {
_maxMeasuredValueVisible = MAX_MEASURED_VALUE_VISIBLE;
} else {
public final BooleanProperty maxMeasuredValueVisibleProperty() {
if (null == maxMeasuredValueVisible) {
maxMeasuredValueVisible = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "maxMeasureValueVisible", _maxMeasuredValueVisible);
return maxMeasuredValueVisible;
public final boolean isThresholdVisible() {
return null == thresholdVisible ? _thresholdVisible : thresholdVisible.get();
public final void setThresholdVisible(final boolean THRESHOLD_VISIBLE) {
if (null == thresholdVisible) {
_thresholdVisible = THRESHOLD_VISIBLE;
} else {
public final BooleanProperty thresholdVisibleProperty() {
if (null == thresholdVisible) {
thresholdVisible = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "thresholdVisible", _thresholdVisible);
return thresholdVisible;
public final boolean isNoFrame() {
return null == noFrame ? true : noFrame.get();
public final void setNoFrame(final boolean NO_FRAME) {
public final BooleanProperty noFrameProperty() {
if (null == noFrame) {
noFrame = new BooleanPropertyBase(false) {
@Override protected void invalidated() {
pseudoClassStateChanged(NO_FRAME_PSEUDO_CLASS, get());
@Override public Object getBean() { return this; }
@Override public String getName() { return "noFrame"; }
return noFrame;
public final boolean isBackgroundVisible() {
return null == backgroundVisible ? _backgroundVisible : backgroundVisible.get();
public final void setBackgroundVisible(final boolean BACKGROUND_VISIBLE) {
if (null == backgroundVisible) {
_backgroundVisible = BACKGROUND_VISIBLE;
} else {
public final BooleanProperty backgroundVisibleProperty() {
if (null == backgroundVisible) {
backgroundVisible = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "backgroundVisible", _backgroundVisible);
return backgroundVisible;
public final boolean isCrystalOverlayVisible() {
return null == crystalOverlayVisible ? _crystalOverlayVisible : crystalOverlayVisible.get();
public final void setCrystalOverlayVisible(final boolean CRYSTAL_OVERLAY_VISIBLE) {
if (null == crystalOverlayVisible) {
_crystalOverlayVisible = CRYSTAL_OVERLAY_VISIBLE;
} else {
public final BooleanProperty crystalOverlayVisibleProperty() {
if (null == crystalOverlayVisible) {
crystalOverlayVisible = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "crystalOverlayVisible", _crystalOverlayVisible);
return crystalOverlayVisible;
public final boolean isMainInnerShadowVisible() {
return null == mainInnerShadowVisible ? _mainInnerShadowVisible : mainInnerShadowVisible.get();
public final void setMainInnerShadowVisible(final boolean MAIN_INNER_SHADOW_VISIBLE) {
if (null == mainInnerShadowVisible) {
_mainInnerShadowVisible = MAIN_INNER_SHADOW_VISIBLE;
} else {
public final BooleanProperty mainInnerShadowVisibleProperty() {
if (null == mainInnerShadowVisible) {
mainInnerShadowVisible = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "mainInnerShadowVisible", _mainInnerShadowVisible);
return mainInnerShadowVisible;
public final boolean isForegroundShadowVisible() {
return null == foregroundShadowVisible ? _foregroundShadowVisible : foregroundShadowVisible.get();
public final void setForegroundShadowVisible(final boolean FOREGROUND_SHADOW_VISIBLE) {
if (null == foregroundShadowVisible) {
_foregroundShadowVisible = FOREGROUND_SHADOW_VISIBLE;
} else {
public final BooleanProperty foregroundShadowVisibleProperty() {
if (null == foregroundShadowVisible) {
foregroundShadowVisible = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "foregroundShadowVisible", _foregroundShadowVisible);
return foregroundShadowVisible;
public final String getTitleFont() {
return null == titleFont ? _titleFont : titleFont.get();
public final void setTitleFont(final String TITLE_FONT) {
if (null == titleFont) {
_titleFont = TITLE_FONT;
} else {
public final StringProperty titleFontProperty() {
if (null == titleFont) {
titleFont = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "titleFont", _titleFont);
return titleFont;
public final String getUnitFont() {
return null == unitFont ? _unitFont : unitFont.get();
public final void setUnitFont(final String UNIT_FONT) {
if (null == unitFont) {
_unitFont = UNIT_FONT;
} else {
public final StringProperty unitFontProperty() {
if (null == unitFont) {
unitFont = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "unitFont", _unitFont);
return unitFont;
public final LcdFont getValueFont() {
return null == valueFont ? _valueFont : valueFont.get();
public final void setValueFont(final LcdFont VALUE_FONT) {
if (null == valueFont) {
_valueFont = VALUE_FONT;
} else {
public final ObjectProperty<LcdFont> valueFontProperty() {
if (null == valueFont) {
valueFont = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(this, "valueFont", _valueFont);
return valueFont;
public final String getSmallFont() {
return null == smallFont ? _smallFont : smallFont.get();
public final void setSmallFont(final String SMALL_FONT) {
if (null == smallFont) {
_smallFont = SMALL_FONT;
} else {
public final StringProperty smallFontProperty() {
if (null == smallFont) {
smallFont = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "smallFont", _smallFont);
return smallFont;
public final int getDecimals() {
return null == decimals ? _decimals : decimals.get();
public final void setDecimals(final int DECIMALS) {
final int dec = DECIMALS > 5 ? 5 : (DECIMALS < 0 ? 0 : DECIMALS);
if (null == decimals) {
_decimals = dec;
} else {
public final IntegerProperty decimalsProperty() {
if (null == decimals) {
decimals = new SimpleIntegerProperty(this, "decimals", _decimals);
return decimals;
public final boolean isNumberSystemVisible() {
return null == numberSystemVisible ? _numberSystemVisible : numberSystemVisible.get();
public final void setNumberSystemVisible(final boolean NUMBER_SYSTEM_VISIBLE) {
if (null == numberSystemVisible) {
_numberSystemVisible = NUMBER_SYSTEM_VISIBLE;
} else {
public final BooleanProperty numberSystemVisibleProperty() {
if (null == numberSystemVisible) {
numberSystemVisible = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "numberSystemVisible", _numberSystemVisible);
return numberSystemVisible;
public final boolean isBlinking() {
return null == blinking ? _blinking : blinking.get();
public final void setBlinking(final boolean BLINKING) {
if (null == blinking) {
_blinking = BLINKING;
} else {
} else {
public final BooleanProperty blinkingProperty() {
if (null == blinking) {
blinking = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "blinking", _blinking);
return blinking;
public final boolean isTitleVisible() {
return null == titleVisible ? _titleVisible : titleVisible.get();
public final void setTitleVisible(final boolean TITLE_VISIBLE) {
if (null == titleVisible) {
_titleVisible = TITLE_VISIBLE;
} else {
public final BooleanProperty titleVisibleProperty() {
if (null == titleVisible) {
titleVisible = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "titleVisible", _titleVisible);
return titleVisible;
public final boolean isUnitVisible() {
return null == unitVisible ? _unitVisible : unitVisible.get();
public final void setUnitVisible(final boolean UNIT_VISIBLE) {
if (null == unitVisible) {
_unitVisible = UNIT_VISIBLE;
} else {
public final BooleanProperty unitVisibleProperty() {
if (null == unitVisible) {
unitVisible = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "unitVisible", _unitVisible);
return unitVisible;
public final boolean isTrendVisible() {
return null == trendVisible ? _trendVisible : trendVisible.get();
public final void setTrendVisible(final boolean TREND_VISIBLE) {
if (null == trendVisible) {
_trendVisible = TREND_VISIBLE;
} else {
public final BooleanProperty trendVisibleProperty() {
if (null == trendVisible) {
trendVisible = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "trendVisible", _trendVisible);
return trendVisible;
public final boolean isBatteryVisible() {
return null == batteryVisible ? _batteryVisible : batteryVisible.get();
public final void setBatteryVisible(final boolean BATTERY_VISIBLE) {
if (null == batteryVisible) {
_batteryVisible = BATTERY_VISIBLE;
} else {
public final BooleanProperty batteryVisibleProperty() {
if (null == batteryVisible) {
batteryVisible = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "batteryVisible", _batteryVisible);
return batteryVisible;
public final boolean isSignalVisible() {
return null == signalVisible ? _signalVisible : signalVisible.get();
public final void setSignalVisible(final boolean SIGNAL_VISIBLE) {
if (null == signalVisible) {
_signalVisible = SIGNAL_VISIBLE;
} else {
public final BooleanProperty signalVisibleProperty() {
if (null == signalVisible) {
signalVisible = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "signalVisible", _signalVisible);
return signalVisible;
public final boolean isAlarmVisible() {
return null == alarmVisible ? _alarmVisible : alarmVisible.get();
public final void setAlarmVisible(final boolean ALARM_VISIBLE) {
if (null == alarmVisible) {
_alarmVisible = ALARM_VISIBLE;
} else {
public final BooleanProperty alarmVisibleProperty() {
if (null == alarmVisible) {
alarmVisible = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "alarmVisible", _alarmVisible);
return alarmVisible;
public final boolean isFormerValueVisible() {
return null == formerValueVisible ? _formerValueVisible : formerValueVisible.get();
public final void setFormerValueVisible(final boolean FORMER_VALUE_VISIBLE) {
if (null == formerValueVisible) {
_formerValueVisible = FORMER_VALUE_VISIBLE;
} else {
public final BooleanProperty formerValueVisibleProperty() {
if (null == formerValueVisible) {
formerValueVisible = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "formerValueVisible", _formerValueVisible);
return formerValueVisible;
public final int getMinMeasuredValueDecimals() {
return null == minMeasuredValueDecimals ? _minMeasuredValueDecimals : minMeasuredValueDecimals.get();
public final void setMinMeasuredValueDecimals(final int MIN_MEASURED_VALUE_DECIMALS) {
if (null == minMeasuredValueDecimals) {
_minMeasuredValueDecimals = MIN_MEASURED_VALUE_DECIMALS;
} else {
public final IntegerProperty minMeasuredValueDecimalsProperty() {
if (null == minMeasuredValueDecimals) {
minMeasuredValueDecimals = new SimpleIntegerProperty(this, "minMeasuredValueDecimals", _minMeasuredValueDecimals);
return maxMeasuredValueDecimals;
public final int getMaxMeasuredValueDecimals() {
return null == maxMeasuredValueDecimals ? _maxMeasuredValueDecimals : maxMeasuredValueDecimals.get();
public final void setMaxMeasuredValueDecimals(final int MAX_MEASURED_VALUE_DECIMALS) {
if (null == maxMeasuredValueDecimals) {
_maxMeasuredValueDecimals = MAX_MEASURED_VALUE_DECIMALS;
} else {
public final IntegerProperty maxMeasuredValueDecimalsProperty() {
if (null == maxMeasuredValueDecimals) {
maxMeasuredValueDecimals = new SimpleIntegerProperty(this, "maxMeasuredValueDecimals", _maxMeasuredValueDecimals);
return maxMeasuredValueDecimals;
// ******************** Utility Methods ***********************************
public static double clamp(final double MIN, final double MAX, final double VALUE) {
if (VALUE < MIN) return MIN;
if (VALUE > MAX) return MAX;
return VALUE;
// ******************** Style related *************************************
@Override protected Skin createDefaultSkin() {
return new LcdSkin(this);
@Override protected String getUserAgentStylesheet() {
return getClass().getResource(getClass().getSimpleName().toLowerCase() + ".css").toExternalForm();