package game.entity;
import game.Tag;
import game.level.Level;
import game.level.NBTCapable;
import game.level.tile.Tile;
public abstract class Mob extends Entity implements NBTCapable {
protected String name;
protected int speed;
public int friction;
protected int numSteps = 0;
protected boolean isMoving;
protected int movingDir = 1;
protected int scale = 1;
protected boolean isSwimming = false;
* The type Mob cannot be instanciated due to it being an abstract type.
* @param level
* The Level the Mob is in.
* @param name
* The name of the mob.
* @param x
* The x coordinate at which the Mob will be.
* @param y
* The y coordinate at which the Mob will be.
* @param speed
* The maximum speed of the Mob. Usually this is 1.
public Mob(Level level, String name, int x, int y, int speed) {
super(level, x, y); = name;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.speed = speed;
// public Mob(World w, Region r, Tag tag) {
// super(w, r, tag);
// }
public Mob(Level level, Tag nbt) {
super(level, nbt);
* Handles the movement of the Mob and prevents it from moving to fast. Also
* sets the direction in which the Mob is moving.
* @param xa
* The difference to the last x coordinate.
* @param ya
* The differende to the last y coordinate.
public void move(int xa, int ya) {
if (xa != 0 && ya != 0) {
move(xa, 0);
move(0, ya);
if (!hasCollided(xa, ya)) {
if (ya < 0) {
movingDir = 0;
if (ya > 0) {
movingDir = 1;
if (xa < 0) {
movingDir = 2;
if (xa > 0) {
movingDir = 3;
if (tickCount % friction == 0) {
x += xa * speed;
y += ya * speed;
public Tile getTileUnder() {
return (level.getTile(this.x >> 3, this.y >> 3));
public boolean canStand() {
if (level.getTile((x + bounds.width) / 8, (y + bounds.height) / 8).canStandOn())
return true;
if (level.getTile((x + bounds.width) / 8, y / 8).canStandOn())
return true;
if (level.getTile(x / 8, (y + bounds.height) / 8).canStandOn())
return true;
if (level.getTile(x / 8, y / 8).canStandOn())
return true;
return false;
public abstract boolean hasCollided(int xa, int ya);
public boolean isSolidTile(int xa, int ya, int x, int y) {
if (level == null) {
return false;
Tile lastTile = level.getTile((this.x + x) >> 3, (this.y + y) >> 3);
Tile newTile = level.getTile((this.x + x + xa) >> 3,
(this.y + y + ya) >> 3);
if (!lastTile.equals(newTile) && newTile.isSolid()) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns the name of the Mob.
* @return Name of the Mob. If not specified, this will be the type of mob,
* like "Monster", "Villager".
public String getName() {
return name;
public Tag saveToNBT(Tag tag) {
tag.addTag(new Tag(Tag.Type.TAG_String, "NAME",;
tag.addTag(new Tag(Tag.Type.TAG_Int, "SPEED", this.speed));
return tag;
public void loadFromNBT(Tag tag) {
super.loadFromNBT(tag); = tag.findTagByName("NAME").getValue().toString();
this.speed = (int) tag.findTagByName("SPEED").getValue();