package hipi.imagebundle;
import hipi.image.FloatImage;
import hipi.image.ImageHeader;
import hipi.image.ImageHeader.ImageType;
import hipi.container.HARIndexContainer;
import hipi.util.HARIndexContainerSorter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.HarFileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
public class HARImageBundle extends AbstractImageBundle {
private HarFileSystem _harfs = null;
private FileStatus[] _filesInHar;
private int _current_image;
private int _imageCount;
private FSDataOutputStream _writer;
private FSDataInputStream _reader;
private FSDataOutputStream masterIndexStream = null;
private FSDataOutputStream indexStream = null;
private byte _cacheData[];
private int _cacheType;
private ArrayList<HARIndexContainer> indexHash;
public HARImageBundle(Path file_path, Configuration conf) {
super(file_path, conf);
System.out.println("1: "+file_path.toString());
System.out.println("2: "+_file_path.toString());
protected void openForWrite() throws IOException {
_imageCount = 0;
indexHash = new ArrayList<HARIndexContainer>();
System.out.println("3: "+_file_path.toString());
Path tmpOutputDir = new Path(_file_path.toUri().getPath());
String partname = "part-0"; //TODO: temp solution... need to figure how to have multiple splits
Path tmpOutput = new Path(tmpOutputDir, partname);
try {
//try to create har file parts
FileSystem destFs = tmpOutput.getFileSystem(_conf);
//this was a stale copy
if (destFs.exists(tmpOutput)) {
destFs.delete(tmpOutput, false);
_writer = destFs.create(tmpOutput);
} catch(IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
protected void openForRead() throws IOException {
_harfs = new HarFileSystem(FileSystem.get(_conf));
//Path qualifiedPath = new Path("har://", input_file.toUri() +
// Path.SEPARATOR + input_file.getParent().toUri().getPath());
Path qualifiedPath = new Path("har://", _file_path.toUri().getPath());
//Path.SEPARATOR + input_file.getParent().toUri().getPath());
_harfs.initialize(qualifiedPath.toUri(), _conf);
_filesInHar = _harfs.listStatus(qualifiedPath);
_imageCount = _filesInHar.length;
_current_image = 0;
public void addImage(InputStream image_stream, ImageType type)
throws IOException {
Path src_path = new Path(Path.SEPARATOR, "image_" + _imageCount);
int hash = HarFileSystem.getHarHash(src_path);
long writer_startPos = _writer.getPos();
int filelen = 0;
// write image to har "part" file
try {
byte[] data = new byte[image_stream.available()];;
filelen = Integer.SIZE + data.length;
} finally {
Path relPath = new Path(src_path.toUri().getPath());
String partname = "part-0";
String value = relPath.toString() + " file " + partname + " " + writer_startPos + " " + filelen + " ";
String towrite = value + "\n";
indexHash.add(new HARIndexContainer(hash, towrite));
public long getImageCount() {
return _imageCount;
protected ImageHeader readHeader() throws IOException {
if (_filesInHar != null) {
ImageDecoder decoder = CodecManager.getDecoder(ImageType.fromValue(_cacheType));
if (decoder == null)
return null;
ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(_cacheData);
ImageHeader header = decoder.decodeImageHeader(bis);
return header;
return null;
protected FloatImage readImage() throws IOException {
if (_filesInHar != null) {
ImageDecoder decoder = CodecManager.getDecoder(ImageType.fromValue(_cacheType));
if (decoder == null)
return null;
ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(_cacheData);
FloatImage image = decoder.decodeImage(bis);
return image;
return null;
protected boolean prepareNext() {
try {
if (_current_image < _imageCount) {
_reader =[_current_image].getPath());
_cacheType = (int)(_reader.readInt());
_cacheData = new byte[_reader.available()];;
return true;
} else {
return false;
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
public void close() throws IOException {
if (_reader != null) {
if (_writer != null) {
private void closeIndex() throws IOException{
//write "root" dir for har
Path relPath = new Path(Path.SEPARATOR);
String toWrite = relPath.toUri().getPath() + " dir none 0 0";
for(int i = 0; i < _imageCount; i++) {
toWrite += " image_" + i;
toWrite += "\n";
indexHash.add(new HARIndexContainer(HarFileSystem.getHarHash(relPath), toWrite));
// try to create index files
Path masterIndex = new Path(_file_path, "_masterindex");
Path index = new Path(_file_path, "_index");
FileSystem fs = masterIndex.getFileSystem(_conf);
if (fs.exists(masterIndex)) {
fs.delete(masterIndex, false);
if (fs.exists(index)) {
fs.delete(index, false);
indexStream = fs.create(index);
masterIndexStream = fs.create(masterIndex);
String version = HarFileSystem.VERSION + " \n";
long startPos = 0;
long startIndexHash = 0;
long endIndexHash = 0;
//write the last part of the master index.
// hash values must be sorted before writing indexes (normally this is done automatically by MapReduce)
Collections.sort(indexHash, new HARIndexContainerSorter());
int i = 0;
int hash = 0;
for(; i < indexHash.size(); i++){
hash = indexHash.get(i).hash;
if (i >0 && i%1000 == 0) {
// every 1000 indexes we add a master index entry
endIndexHash = hash;
String masterWrite = startIndexHash + " " + endIndexHash + " " + startPos
+ " " + indexStream.getPos() + " \n" ;
startPos = indexStream.getPos();
startIndexHash = endIndexHash;
if (i > 0 && i%1000 > 0) {
String masterWrite = startIndexHash + " " + hash + " " + startPos +
" " + indexStream.getPos() + " \n";
// close the streams