* Copyright 2004-2011 DTRules.com, Inc.
* See http://DTRules.com for updates and documentation for the DTRules Rules Engine
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.dtrules.entity;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import com.dtrules.infrastructure.RulesException;
import com.dtrules.interpreter.ARObject;
import com.dtrules.interpreter.IRObject;
import com.dtrules.interpreter.RName;
import com.dtrules.interpreter.RNull;
import com.dtrules.interpreter.RString;
import com.dtrules.interpreter.RType;
import com.dtrules.interpreter.RXmlValue;
import com.dtrules.mapping.XMLNode;
import com.dtrules.session.IRSession;
import com.dtrules.session.RSession;
* Entities serve as the dictionaries of the Rules Engine. These
* Dictionaries are typed Hashtables. In other words, you can't
* just put any old object into an Entity. There has to be an
* attribute with the appropriate name and type in order to put
* a particular object with that name into an Entity.
* <br><br>
* This structure catches many data entry and program structure
* errors, as well as provides for a number of convienent automatic
* data conversions (if the compiler writer cares to provide such
* facilities).
* @author Paul Snow
public class REntity extends ARObject implements IREntity {
public static RType type = RType.newType("entity");
public void removeAttribute(RName attrib) {
/** This attribute's name */
final RName name;
final int id;
boolean readonly;
HashMap<RName,REntityEntry> attributes;
ArrayList<IRObject> values = new ArrayList<IRObject>();
String comment = "";
* @return the comment
public String getComment() {
return comment;
* @param comment the comment to set
public void setComment(String comment) {
this.comment = comment;
public Set<RName> getAttributeSet(){
return attributes.keySet();
* A readonly entity cannot be modified at run time.
public boolean isReadOnly(){ return readonly; }
* Returns the ID number for this instance of the entity. Entities with
* an ID of zero are reference entities.
* @return
public int getID(){ return id;}
* Returns an interator that provides all the names of all the attributes for this entity.
public Iterator<RName> getAttributeIterator(){
return attributes.keySet().iterator();
* Checks to see if the given attribute is defined by this entity.
* @param attName
* @return
public boolean containsAttribute(RName attName){
return attributes.containsKey(attName);
* Create a clone of an Entity.
public REntity( boolean _readonly, REntity entity, IRSession s) throws RulesException{
id = s.getUniqueID();
readonly = _readonly;
name = entity.name;
attributes = entity.attributes;
values = new ArrayList<IRObject>(entity.values);
put(null,name,this); //Patch up the self reference to point to self.
put(null,mappingKey,RNull.getRNull()); //Clear the mapping Key
for(int i=0;i<values.size();i++){
IRObject value = values.get(i);
if(value == this){ // make a clone of everything one level down, but don't clone ourselves.
values.set(i,value); // The clone references the same entity
* Regular Constructor. This should only be called when building the EntityFactory.
* However, we make it public so the EntityFactory can be defined in the Session
* package. We might like to reconsider that decision some time in the future.
* @param _name
public REntity( int id, boolean _readonly, RName _name) {
this.id = id;
readonly = _readonly;
name = _name;
attributes = new HashMap<RName,REntityEntry>();
this.addAttribute(_name, "", this, false, true, type(),null,"Self Reference","",""); // Add a reference to self!
this.addAttribute(mappingKey,"",RNull.getRNull(),false, true, RString.type, null,"Mapping Key","","");
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.dtrules.entity.IREntity#getName()
public RName getName(){
return name;
* Adds this REntityEntry to this Entity. If an EntityEntry already exists, it will
* be replaced by this new one, no questions asked. The assumption is that one is
* editing the Attributes of the Entity, and the latest is the the right one to keep.
* @param entry The new Attribute meta data.
public void addAttribute(REntityEntry entry){
REntityEntry oldentry = getEntry(entry.attribute);
if(oldentry!=null){ // If the attribute already exists
entry.index = oldentry.index; // replace the old one (keep their index)
entry.index = values.size(); // If the attribute is new, make a new
values.add(RNull.getRNull()); // value index.
if(entry.defaultvalue==null){ // Update with the default value.
values.set(entry.index, RNull.getRNull());
values.set(entry.index, entry.defaultvalue);
attributes.put(entry.attribute,entry); // Put the new Entity Entry into this Entity.
* This adds an attribute into the REntity. This is called by the Entity
* construction during the loading of the Entity Description Dictionary.
* @param defaultvalue Default value for this tag
* @param writable If true, the attribute is writable by decision tables
* @param readable If true, the attribute is readable by decision tables
* @param type
* @return null if successful, and an Error string if it failed.
public String addAttribute(RName attributeName,
String defaulttxt,
IRObject defaultvalue,
boolean writable,
boolean readable,
RType type,
String subtype,
String comment,
String input,
String output){
REntityEntry entry = getEntry(attributeName);
int index = values.size();
REntityEntry newEntry = new REntityEntry(
return null;
String type1 ="";
String type2 ="";
type1="("+ entry.type +") ";
type2="("+ type +")";
return "The entity '"+name.stringValue()+
"' has an attribute '"+attributeName.stringValue()+
"' with two types: "+type1+" and "+ type2+ "\n";
return null; // Entry already matches what we already have.
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.dtrules.entity.IREntity#put(com.dtrules.interpreter.RName, com.dtrules.interpreter.IRObject)
public void put( IRSession session, RName attrib, IRObject value) throws RulesException {
REntityEntry entry = (REntityEntry)attributes.get(attrib);
if(entry==null)throw new RulesException("Undefined", "REntity.put()", "Undefined Attribute "+attrib+" in Entity: "+name);
if(value.type().getId() != iNull && entry.type.getId() != value.type().getId()){
int entrytype = entry.type.getId();
if(entrytype == iInteger) value = value.rIntegerValue();
else if (entrytype == iDouble) value = value.rDoubleValue();
else if (entrytype == iBoolean) value = value.rBooleanValue();
else if (entrytype == iEntity) value = value.rEntityValue();
else if (entrytype == iName) value = value.rNameValue();
else if (entrytype == iString) value = value.rStringValue();
else if (entrytype == iDate) value = value.rTimeValue(session);
* Looks up the name of an attribute,
* and returns the associated value.
* If no value is defined, returns a null.
public IRObject get(String attribName)
return get(RName.getRName(attribName));
* Looks up the given name, and returns the associated value. If
* no value is defined, returns a null.
public IRObject get(RName attrib) {
REntityEntry entry = (REntityEntry)attributes.get(attrib);
if(entry==null)return null;
return (IRObject) values.get(entry.index);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.dtrules.entity.IREntity#get(int)
public IRObject get(int i) {
return (IRObject) values.get(i);
* Sets a value in the values array. Should only be used
* RARELY outside of REntity.
* @param i
* @param v
public void set(int i, IRObject v){
values.set(i, v);
* Returns an object that describes all the information we track about an
* Entity Attribute (the key to get its value). If the attribute is undefined,
* then a null is returned.
public REntityEntry getEntry(RName attrib) {
REntityEntry entry = (REntityEntry)attributes.get(attrib);
return entry;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.dtrules.entity.IREntity#getValue(int)
public IRObject getValue(int index) {
return (IRObject) values.get(index);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.dtrules.entity.IREntity#postFix()
public String postFix() {
return "/"+name.stringValue()+" "+id+" createEntity ";
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.dtrules.entity.IREntity#stringValue()
public String stringValue() {
return name.stringValue();
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.dtrules.entity.IREntity#type()
public RType type() {
return type;
public String toString(){
String v = name.stringValue()+" = {";
Iterator<RName> ia = getAttributeIterator();
RName n = ia.next();
IRObject o = get(n);
if(o==null){ // Protect ourselves from nulls.
o = RNull.getRNull();
v +=n.stringValue()+" = "+get(n).stringValue()+" ";
v +="}";
return v;
public IRObject clone(IRSession s) throws RulesException {
if(readonly)return this;
return new REntity(false,this,s);
* Returns itself
public IREntity rEntityValue() throws RulesException {
return this;
public void writeXML(PrintStream p) throws RulesException {
Iterator<RName> attribs = getAttributeIterator();
RName attrib = attribs.next();
if(attrib.equals(name))continue; // Skip the self reference.
REntityEntry entry = attributes.get(attrib);
p.print("<entity attribute=\"");
p.print("\" type =\"");
p.print("\" cdd_default_value=\"");
p.print("\" cdd_i_c=\"");
p.print("\" parseStr=\"\">");
RXmlValue rXmlValue;
* Get XML Node for this entity
public RXmlValue getRXmlValue(){
return rXmlValue;
* Set the XML Node for this entity
public void setRXmlValue(RXmlValue rXmlValue){
this.rXmlValue = rXmlValue;
* If the Entity is associated with an XML Node, that node
* is returned. Otherwise, a null is returned.
public IRObject rXmlValue() throws RulesException {
if(getRXmlValue()!= null) return getRXmlValue();
return RNull.getRNull();
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.dtrules.interpreter.ARObject#xmlTagValue()
public XMLNode xmlTagValue() throws RulesException {
return rXmlValue.xmlTagValue();