Package com.dtrules.SampleProject2.application

Source Code of com.dtrules.SampleProject2.application.Application

package com.dtrules.SampleProject2.application;


import com.dtrules.entity.IREntity;
import com.dtrules.infrastructure.RulesException;
import com.dtrules.interpreter.IRObject;
import com.dtrules.interpreter.RArray;
import com.dtrules.mapping.Mapping;
import com.dtrules.session.DTState;
import com.dtrules.session.IRSession;
import com.dtrules.session.RuleSet;
import com.dtrules.session.RulesDirectory;
import com.dtrules.xmlparser.XMLPrinter;

public class Application {
  public static String decisionTable   = "Compute_Eligibility";
  public static String path        = System.getProperty("user.dir")+"/";
   * Runs the SampleProject2 rule set as a stand alone application.   
   * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {
      try {
        // First we need to get a Rules Directory.  The Rules Directory knows
        // about all the Rule Sets we have defined within is configuration
        // file. 
        // We supply the path to the configuration file, and the name of the
        // configuration file.
        // Normally, the configuration file is named DTRules.xml.  But
        // this is just a convention, and its name is supplied when creating
        // the Rules Directory.
        RulesDirectory rd      = new RulesDirectory(
        // The RuleSet is built by loading the XML for the project.  This is
        // done only once, and the results cached by the RulesDirectory.
        RuleSet        rs      = rd.getRuleSet("SampleProject2");
        // A Session creates an instance of a Rules Set.  The Rules Engine is
        // factored so that all the Rules Engine State is built off of the
        // DTState object in the Session.  The Rules Engine is Thread safe,
        // so multiple threads can have sessions that run against the same
        // Rule Set, and the only objects unique to a session is the DTState
        // object and objects it holds.
        IRSession      session = rs.newSession();
        // We are going to map the data into the session with the default mapping
        // defined by the RuleSet.  Generally a Rule Set will use only one
        // mapping file.  However, you can build other mapping files.
        Mapping        mapping = session.getMapping();
        // We are going to get our Data from an XML source.  The Mapping file
        // and the XML Data source is all we need to populate the Rules
        // Session.
        mapping.loadData(session, path+"testfiles/"+"TestCase_001.xml");
        // We will begin Execution at the main Decision Table for our Rule Set.
        // Furthermore, we are going to only execute the Decision Tables once.
        // You may, however, interact with the state of the Rules Engine, load
        // more data, and execute any of the Decision Tables as needed.  This
        // would allow one or more Rule Sets to manage the behavior of an
        // application in an on going mannor.
        // Once the Decision Tables have executed, we need to extract the data
        // from the Rules engine.  We will use a modified version of the
        // printReport() method from the SamplesProject2, the Rules Development
        // Project for our application.
        printReport(session, System.out);
      }catch(RulesException e){
        // Should any error occur, print out the message.

     * printReport produces an XML stream to the given PrintStream using the XML formatter
     * provided by DTRules.
     * @param session      The Rules Engine session
     * @param _out        The PrintStream we will write the XML stream to.
     * @throws RulesException
    public static void printReport(IRSession session, PrintStream _out) throws RulesException {
        XMLPrinter xout = new XMLPrinter(_out);    // Get an instance of the XML Formatter.
        DTState state   = session.getState();    // Get all the state information from our
                                //   Session.
        IREntity job     = state.findEntity("job"); // Get the Job Entity from the Entity Stack
        RArray   results = job.get("job.results").rArrayValue(); // Get the Rules Engine list
                              //   of result Entities
        for(IRObject r :results){          // For each result entity
            IREntity result = r.rEntityValue();    //   (which we will alias to an IREntity
                                //    pointer to cut down on type casting).

            xout.opentag("Client","id",result.get("client_id").stringValue()); // Output the
                                // client tag and the client ID
              prt(xout,result,"totalGroupIncome");// Print the totalGroupIncome
              prt(xout,result,"client_fpl");    // Print the fpl percentage
              if(result.get("eligible").booleanValue()){  // Test their eligiblity result
                  xout.printdata("eligibility", "Approved")// If approved, print the details of their     
                  prt(xout,result,"program");    //   approval. 
                xout.printdata("eligibility", "Not Approved"); // If not approved, print the
                  prt(xout,result,"program");    //   details of their rejection.       
              RArray notes = result.get("notes").rArrayValue();
              xout.opentag("Notes");        // Print out any notes attached to the result.
                  for(IRObject n : notes){
              xout.closetag();          // Close tags
        xout.close();                // Closes any remaining open tags.
     * Helper function that pulls the given attribute from the given entity, and uses
     * the attribute name as the tag to write the data out to the XML stream.
     * @param xout
     * @param entity
     * @param attrib
    private static void prt(XMLPrinter xout, IREntity entity, String attrib){
        IRObject value = entity.get(attrib);

Related Classes of com.dtrules.SampleProject2.application.Application

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