* Copyright 2004-2009 DTRules.com, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.dtrules.mapping;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import com.dtrules.entity.IREntity;
import com.dtrules.entity.REntity;
import com.dtrules.infrastructure.RulesException;
import com.dtrules.interpreter.IRObject;
import com.dtrules.interpreter.RArray;
import com.dtrules.interpreter.RBoolean;
import com.dtrules.interpreter.RDouble;
import com.dtrules.interpreter.RInteger;
import com.dtrules.interpreter.RName;
import com.dtrules.interpreter.RString;
import com.dtrules.interpreter.RTime;
import com.dtrules.interpreter.RXmlValue;
import com.dtrules.mapping.XMLNode;
import com.dtrules.session.DTState;
import com.dtrules.session.IRSession;
import com.dtrules.session.RSession;
public class LoadDatamapData extends LoadXMLData {
XMLNode xmltag = null;
public LoadDatamapData(Mapping _map){
public LoadDatamapData(Mapping _map, IRSession session, String _ruleSetName){
super(_map, session, _ruleSetName);
public void endTag(String[] tagstk, int tagstkptr, XMLNode tag, Object body,
HashMap attribs) throws Exception, IOException {
xmltag = tag;
if(attribs.containsKey("create entity")){
state.entityfetch(0).setRXmlValue(new RXmlValue(state,xmltag));
xmltag = null;
public void endTag(String[] tagstk, int tagstkptr, String tag, Object body,
HashMap attribs) throws Exception, IOException
String attr;
REntity entity = null;
if(attribs.containsKey("create entity")){ // For create Entity Tags, we pop the Entity from the Entity Stack on the End Tag.
attribs.remove("create entity");
entity = (REntity) state.entitypop();
Iterator pairs = map.attribute2listPairs.iterator();
body = ""; // Don't care about the Body if creating an Entity, but it can't be null either.
Object [] pair = (Object []) pairs.next();
RName.getRName((String) pair[1],true).execute(state);
// If this is a Date format, we are going to reformat it, and let it feed into
// the regular set attribute code.
if ((attr = (String) attribs.get("set attribute date"))!=null){ // Look and see if we have an attribute name defined.
attribs.remove("set attribute date");
if(body instanceof String && body != null ){
String sbody = body.toString();
if (sbody.trim().length() > 0)
Date date = cvd(body);
if(date == null){
throw new RuntimeException("Bad Date encountered: ("+tag+")="+body);
body = date;
attribs.put("set attribute",attr);
}else {
attr = (String) attribs.get("set attribute");
if (attr != null){
attribs.remove("set attribute");
// Look and see if we have an attribute name defined.
RName a = RName.getRName(attr);
IRObject value;
IREntity enclosingEntity = session.getState().findEntity(a);
throw new Exception ("No Entity is in the context that defines "+ a.stringValue());
int type = enclosingEntity.getEntry(a).type;
if(type == IRObject.iInteger){
value = RInteger.getRIntegerValue(getLong(body));
} else if (type == IRObject.iDouble) {
value = RDouble.getRDoubleValue(getDouble(body));
} else if (type == IRObject.iBoolean){
value = RBoolean.getRBoolean(body.toString());
} else if (type == IRObject.iTime){
Date date = cvd(body);
if(date != null ){
value = RTime.getRTime( cvd(body) );
throw new RuntimeException("Bad Date encountered: ("+tag+")="+body);
} else if (type == IRObject.iEntity) {
value = entity;
throw new RulesException("MappingError","LoadDatamapData","Entity Tags have to create some Entity Reference");
} else if (type == IRObject.iString) {
value = RString.newRString(body.toString());
} else if (type == IRObject.iXmlValue){
if(xmltag != null){
value = new RXmlValue(state,xmltag);
throw new RulesException("MappingError","LoadDatamapData","Somehow we are missing the XML Tag for the attribute: "+a);
} else {
throw new RulesException("MappingError","LoadDatamapData","Unsupported type encountered: "+RSession.typeInt2Str(type));
// conversion in the Rules Engine to do the proper thing.
state.traceInfo("message"," /"+a+" \""+body+"\" def");
private Date cvd(Object o){
if(o instanceof Date )return (Date) o;
String sbody = o.toString();
Date date;
try {
if(false && sbody.indexOf("7777")>=0){
date = new Date(0x7FFFFFFFFFFFL);
date = df_in.parse(sbody);
} catch (ParseException e) {
date = df_out.parse(sbody);
}catch (ParseException e2){
return null;
return date;
long getLong(Object num){
if(num.getClass()==BigDecimal.class)return ((BigDecimal)num).longValue();
if(num.getClass()==Long.class)return ((Long)num).longValue();
if(num.getClass()==Double.class)return ((Double)num).longValue();
if(num.getClass()==String.class)return Long.parseLong(num.toString());
throw new RuntimeException("Can't figure out the value "+num.toString()+" "+num.getClass().getName());
double getDouble(Object num){
if(num.getClass()==BigDecimal.class)return ((BigDecimal)num).doubleValue();
if(num.getClass()==Long.class)return ((Long)num).doubleValue();
if(num.getClass()==Double.class)return ((Double)num).doubleValue();
if(num.getClass()==String.class)return Double.parseDouble(num.toString());
throw new RuntimeException("Can't figure out the value "+num.toString()+" "+num.getClass().getName());
public boolean error(String v) throws Exception {
return true;
* We collect all the Entities we create as we go. These
* are stored as a value, and their id as the key. Then if
* we encounter the same key in the XML, we return the same
* Entity.
HashMap entities = new HashMap();
IREntity UpdateReferences(IREntity e)throws RulesException {
RName listname = RName.getRName(e.getName().stringValue()+"s");
// First add this entity to any list found on the entity stack.
for(int i=0; i< state.edepth(); i++){
// Look for all Array Lists on the Entity Stack that look like lists of this Entity
IRObject elist = state.getes(i).get(listname);
if(elist!=null && elist.type()==IRObject.iArray){
// If not a member of this list, then add it.
// Then update any reference to this entity that might be on the Entity Stack.
// DON'T mess with any entity's self reference though! That is BAD.
for(int i=0;i< state.edepth(); i++){
IREntity refto = state.getes(i);
if(! refto.getName().equals(e.getName())) // Update a reference to an Entity of the same name,
(state.getes(i)).put(e.getName(), e); // but only if it isn't a self reference.
return e;