* Copyright 2004-2011 DTRules.com, Inc.
* See http://DTRules.com for updates and documentation for the DTRules Rules Engine
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.dtrules.interpreter;
import com.dtrules.infrastructure.RulesException;
import com.dtrules.interpreter.operators.ROperator;
import com.dtrules.session.DTState;
import com.dtrules.session.IRSession;
import com.dtrules.session.RuleSet;
* @author Paul Snow
public class RString extends ARObject {
public static RType type = RType.newType("string");
RString pair;
String value;
boolean executable = false;
public double doubleValue() throws RulesException {
double d;
try {
d = Double.parseDouble(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return super.doubleValue();
return d;
public int intValue() throws RulesException {
int i;
try {
i = Integer.parseInt(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return super.intValue();
return i;
public long longValue() throws RulesException {
long l;
try {
l = Long.parseLong(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return super.longValue();
return l;
public RDouble rDoubleValue() throws RulesException {
return RDouble.getRDoubleValue(doubleValue());
public RInteger rIntegerValue() throws RulesException {
return RInteger.getRIntegerValue(longValue());
public RName rNameValue() throws RulesException {
return RName.getRName(value);
public RString rStringValue() {
return this;
private RString(String v,boolean executable,RString pair){
value = v;
this.pair = pair;
this.executable = executable;
* Return a non Executable string
* @param v
* @return
static public RString newRString(String v){
return newRString(v,false);
* Return an RString of the given executable nature.
* @param v
* @param executable
* @return
static public RString newRString(String v, boolean executable){
RString s = new RString(v,executable,null);
s.pair = new RString(v,!executable,s);
return s;
public IRObject getExecutable() {
return this;
return pair;
public IRObject getNonExecutable() {
return pair;
return this;
* Returns a boolean value if the String can be reasonably
* interpreted as a boolean.
* @Override
public boolean booleanValue() throws RulesException {
return RBoolean.booleanValue(value);
public RBoolean rBooleanValue() throws RulesException {
return RBoolean.getRBoolean(booleanValue());
* Returns the type for this object.
public RType type() {
return type;
static RType iArray = RType.newType("array");
* Here we look to see if we can do a compile time lookup of
* an object. If we can't, we just return the object unchanged.
* But if we can, then we return the value we looked up. That
* saves many, many runtime lookups.
static IRObject lookup(IRSession session, RName name){
IRObject v = ROperator.getPrimitives().get(name); // First check if it is an operator
if(v==null){ // No? Then
try { // look for a decision table.
v = session.getEntityFactory().getDecisionTable(name);
} catch (RulesException e) { } // Any error just means the name isn't
} // a decision table. Not a problem.
if(v==null || v.type()== iArray) return name;
return v;
* Compiles the String and returns the executable Array Object
* that results. Unless the compilation fails, at which time
* we throw an exception.
* @return
* @throws RulesException
static public IRObject compile(IRSession session, String v, boolean executable) throws RulesException{
if(v==null)v=""; // Allow the compiling of null strings (we just don't do anything).
SimpleTokenizer tokenizer = new SimpleTokenizer(session, v);
IRObject result = compile(session.getRuleSet(), tokenizer, v, executable, 0);
return result;
* The compiles of Strings are recursive. When we see a [ or {,
* we recurse. Then on a close bracket ] or } we return the
* non-executable or executable array. The RString checks to make
* sure it is the right type, and throws an error if it isn't.
* The recursive depth is checked by compile();
* @param tokenizer
* @return
* @throws RulesException
static private IRObject compile(RuleSet ruleset, SimpleTokenizer tokenizer, String v, boolean executable, int depth) throws RulesException {
IRSession session = ruleset.newSession();
RArray result = RArray.newArray(session,true,executable);
Token token;
if(token.getType()== Token.Type.STRING) {
IRObject rs = RString.newRString(token.strValue);
}else if(token.getType()== Token.Type.LSQUARE) {
IRObject o = compile(ruleset,tokenizer, v, false, depth+1);
}else if(token.getType()== Token.Type.RSQUARE) {
if(depth==0 || executable){
throw new RulesException("Parsing Error",
"String Compile",
"\nError parsing <<"+v+">> \nThe token ']' was unexpected.");
return result;
}else if(token.getType()== Token.Type.LCURLY) {
IRObject o = compile(ruleset,tokenizer,v,true, depth+1);
}else if(token.getType()== Token.Type.RCURLY) {
if(depth==0 || !executable){
throw new RulesException("Parsing Error",
"String Compile",
"\nError parsing <<"+v+">> \nThe token '}' was unexpected.");
return result;
}else if(token.getType()== Token.Type.NAME) {
if(token.nameValue.isExecutable()){ // All executable names are checked for compile time lookup.
IRObject prim = lookup(session,token.nameValue);
if(prim == null){ // If this name is not a primitive, then
result.add(token.nameValue); // then add the name as it is to the array.
result.add(prim); // Otherwise, compile the reference to the operator.
}else if (token.getType() == Token.Type.DATE){
}else if (token.getType()== Token.Type.INT) {
RInteger i = RInteger.getRIntegerValue(token.longValue);
}else if (token.getType()== Token.Type.REAL) {
RDouble d = RDouble.getRDoubleValue(token.doubleValue);
throw new RulesException("Parsing Error",
"String Compile",
"\nError parsing << " + v + " >>\n missing a " + (executable ? "}" : "]"));
return (IRObject) result;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw new RulesException("Undefined","String Compile","Error compiling string: '"+v+"'\n"+e);
* Compiles this String and returns the object.
* @param executable
* @return
* @throws RulesException
public IRObject compile(IRSession session, boolean executable) throws RulesException{
return compile(session, value,executable);
public boolean isExecutable() {
return executable;
public void execute(DTState state) throws RulesException {
IRObject o = compile(state.getSession(),value,true);
public String stringValue() {
return value;
public String toString(){
return "\""+value+"\"";
* returns 0 if both are equal. -1 if this object is less than the argument.
* 1 if this object is greater than the argument
public int compare(IRObject irObject) throws RulesException {
int f = this.value.compareTo(irObject.stringValue());
if(f<0)return -1;
if(f>0)return 1;
return f;
public int hashCode() {
return this.value.hashCode();
public boolean equals(IRObject o) {
return value.equals(o.stringValue());
public boolean equals(Object object){
if(object instanceof IRObject){
return value.equals(((IRObject)object).stringValue());
return super.equals(object);
public RDate rTimeValue(IRSession session) throws RulesException {
return RDate.getRTime(session.getDateParser().getDate(value));