* Copyright 2004-2011 DTRules.com, Inc.
* See http://DTRules.com for updates and documentation for the DTRules Rules Engine
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.dtrules.automapping.access;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import com.dtrules.automapping.AutoDataMap;
import com.dtrules.automapping.AutoDataMapDef;
import com.dtrules.automapping.Label;
import com.dtrules.automapping.LabelMap;
import com.dtrules.automapping.nodes.IMapNode;
import com.dtrules.automapping.nodes.MapNodeAttribute;
import com.dtrules.automapping.nodes.MapNodeList;
import com.dtrules.automapping.nodes.MapNodeMap;
import com.dtrules.automapping.nodes.MapNodeObject;
import com.dtrules.automapping.nodes.MapNodeRef;
import com.dtrules.entity.IREntity;
import com.dtrules.entity.REntityEntry;
import com.dtrules.infrastructure.RulesException;
import com.dtrules.interpreter.IRObject;
import com.dtrules.interpreter.RArray;
import com.dtrules.interpreter.RBoolean;
import com.dtrules.interpreter.RDouble;
import com.dtrules.interpreter.RInteger;
import com.dtrules.interpreter.RName;
import com.dtrules.interpreter.RNull;
import com.dtrules.interpreter.RString;
import com.dtrules.interpreter.RTable;
import com.dtrules.interpreter.RDate;
import com.dtrules.interpreter.RType;
import com.dtrules.session.DTState;
* @author Paul Snow
public class DTRulesTarget implements IDataTarget {
private final AutoDataMapDef autoDataMapDef;
* Every IDataTarget is associated with an autoDataMapDef, and has a
* name. No state should be stored in the iDataTarget specific to a
* particular session. General state can be stored, that applies to
* all sessions.
* @param autoDataMapDef
* @param name
public DTRulesTarget(AutoDataMapDef autoDataMapDef){
this.autoDataMapDef = autoDataMapDef;
static final RType strType = RType.getType("string");
* Looks to make sure that we have not yet created an Entity
* of this name with the given code. If we have, we return the
* earlier created Entity. Otherwise, we create a new instance.
* @param entity -- We assume this is a valid Entity name (no dot syntax)
* @param code
* @return Returns null if no entity was found.
* @throws RulesException
public IREntity findEntity(AutoDataMap autoDataMap, String entity, Label label, Object key) {
IREntity e = null;
IRObject iKey = iconvert(key);
try {
if(label.isSingular()){ // If singular, look for an instance
e = autoDataMap.getEntities().get(entity); // on the entity stack.
if(e==null){ // None found? create one.
e = autoDataMap.getSession().getState().findEntity(entity+"."+entity);
e = autoDataMap.getSession().createEntity(null,entity);
autoDataMap.getEntities().put(entity,e); // Remember the one we created, so we
} // don't create another one.
}else {
String skey = entity+"$"+iKey.stringValue();
if(key!=null &&
!(key instanceof String
&& ((String)key).length()==0)) { // NOTE: We are NOT allowing "" as a key here!
// If so, construct a key for that entity
e = (IREntity)autoDataMap.getEntities().get(skey); // and look for it.
if(e==null) { // Haven't created an entity with that key?
e = autoDataMap.getSession().createEntity(iKey,entity);// do so.
autoDataMap.getEntities().put(skey,e); // If we have a key, remember this entity!
if(e==null)throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create the entity "+entity);
if(key != null){
"", "", "","");
e.put(null, IREntity.mappingKey, iKey);
return e;
} catch (RulesException e1) {
return null;
* Convert a Java object into a Rules Engine object (generally allocate a wrapper
* around said java object).
* @param object
* @return
public IRObject iconvert(Object object){
if(object instanceof String){
return RString.newRString((String) object);
}else if (object instanceof Integer){
return RInteger.getRIntegerValue((Integer)object);
}else if (object instanceof Date){
return RDate.getRTime((Date)object);
}else if (object instanceof Double){
return RDouble.getRDoubleValue((Double) object);
}else if (object instanceof Long){
return RInteger.getRIntegerValue((Long) object);
}else if (object instanceof Boolean){
return RBoolean.getRBoolean((Boolean)object);
return RNull.getRNull();
* Convert a Rules Engine object into a Java object
* @param object
* @return
public Object convert(IRObject object){
try {
int otype = object.type().getId();
if(otype == IRObject.iString) return object.stringValue();
if(otype == IRObject.iInteger) return object.longValue();
if(otype == IRObject.iDouble) return object.doubleValue();
if(otype == IRObject.iName) return object.stringValue();
if(otype == IRObject.iDate) return object.timeValue();
if(otype == IRObject.iBoolean) return object.booleanValue();
if(otype == IRObject.iNull) return null;
} catch (RulesException e) { }
return null;
* Maps a list to the target. There are two sorts of lists supported. Lists of
* primitive objects (like strings, integers, dates, numbers, etc.) and lists of
* objects (like clients, addresses, providers, etc.).
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "deprecation" })
public Object mapList(AutoDataMap autoDataMap, LabelMap labelMap, MapNodeList node) {
IAttribute a = node.getAttribute();
try {
RArray list = null;
RName rname = null;
Object object = autoDataMap.getCurrentObject();
if(object instanceof IREntity){
IREntity entity = (IREntity) object;
rname = mapName(autoDataMap, labelMap, node.getLabel());
IRObject olist = entity.get(rname);
if(olist != null && olist.type().getId() == IRObject.iArray){
list = olist.rArrayValue();
// Handle Arrays of primitives ... We just keep a link to the list
// from our data source in this case.
if(list == null) return null;
if(node.getData()!=null) for (Object d : (List<Object>) node.getData()){
IRObject dobj = iconvert(d);
if (autoDataMap.getSession().getState().testState(DTState.TRACE)) {
"addto", "arrayId", ((RArray)list).getID() + "", dobj.postFix());
return list;
List<IMapNode> children = node.getChildren();
for(IMapNode c : children){
autoDataMap.pushMark(); // Make sure no children try and update our list's parent
Object o = c.mapNode(autoDataMap, labelMap);
if(o instanceof List && ((List<Object>)o).size()==1){ // Mostly we are going to get an array of length
o = ((List<Object>)o).get(0); // one of the object we want. If that's the
} // case, get the object we want from the List.
autoDataMap.pop(); // Remove the mark.
if(list!=null // If we have a list, and
&& o != null // a rules engine object
&& o instanceof IRObject){ // then add it to our list.
if (autoDataMap.getSession().getState().testState(DTState.TRACE)) {
"addto", "arrayId", ((RArray)list).getID() + "", ((IRObject)o).postFix());
} catch (RulesException e) {}
return null;
* Do any necessary mapping, and return the RName for the attribute/property.
* @param autoDataMap
* @param labelMap
* @param name
* @return
private RName mapName(AutoDataMap autoDataMap, LabelMap labelMap, String name){
String tname = labelMap.getMapAttributes().get(name);
if(tname == null) tname = name;
RName rname = RName.getRName(tname);
return rname;
public void update(AutoDataMap autoDataMap, MapNodeAttribute node) {
if(node.getParent() instanceof MapNodeObject){
MapNodeObject parentNode = (MapNodeObject)node.getParent();
Object tgtObj = parentNode.getTargetObject();
if(tgtObj == null) return;
IREntity entity = (IREntity) tgtObj;
RName attribute = RName.getRName(node.getAttribute().getName());
REntityEntry entry = entity.getEntry(attribute);
if(entry != null && entry.writable){
IRObject value = entity.get(node.getAttribute().getName());
Object v = convert(value);
public void update(AutoDataMap autoDataMap, MapNodeList node) {
if(node.getList() == null){
node.setList(new ArrayList<Object>());
RArray result = (RArray) node.getTargetList();
for(IRObject obj : result){
Object value = convert(obj);
public void update(AutoDataMap autoDataMap, MapNodeMap node) {
if(node.getMap() == null){
node.setMap(new HashMap<Object,Object>());
RTable result = (RTable) node.getTargetMap();
Set<IRObject> keys = result.getTable().keySet();
for(IRObject key : keys){
Object thekey = convert(key);
Object thevalue = null;
try {
thevalue = convert(result.getValue(key));
} catch (RulesException e) {}
node.getMap().put(thekey, thevalue);
public void update(AutoDataMap autoDataMap, MapNodeObject node) {
public void update(AutoDataMap autoDataMap, MapNodeRef node) {
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.dtrules.automapping.access.IDataTarget#mapRef(com.dtrules.automapping.AutoDataMap, com.dtrules.automapping.LabelMap, com.dtrules.automapping.nodes.IMapNode)
public Object mapRef(AutoDataMap autoDataMap, LabelMap labelMap, MapNodeRef node) {
// Ignore references where no data is stored.
if(node.getChild()==null)return null;
// We ignore whatever labelMap has been passed in. We need the one that maps
// the object we are referencing.
String sourceLabel = ((MapNodeObject) (node.getChild())).getLabel();
labelMap = autoDataMap.getAutoDataMapDef().findLabelMap(sourceLabel);
// Now we need the target label that matches this source label. There is a
// problem here, that we might need to map this label to multiple source
// objects in the target environment. In this case, it becomes unclear how
// to resolve such a reference.
while(labelMap != null && labelMap.getTargetGroup()!=autoDataMap.getCurrentGroup()){
labelMap = labelMap.getNext();
// If we don't have a Label Map, it needs to be created by our target source.
if(labelMap == null){
labelMap = autoDataMap.getCurrentGroup().getDataTarget()
.getLabelMap(autoDataMap, (MapNodeObject) node.getChild());
// We get the object first, because if the LabelMap is going to get cached, it
// is going to get cached as a result of this call.
List<Object> results = (List<Object>) node.getChild().mapNode(autoDataMap, labelMap);
IRObject ref = null;
if(results != null && results.size()==1){
ref = (IRObject) results.get(0);
if(labelMap == null){
labelMap = autoDataMap.getAutoDataMapDef().findLabelMap(sourceLabel);
while(labelMap != null && labelMap.getTargetGroup()!=autoDataMap.getCurrentGroup()){
labelMap = labelMap.getNext();
RName rname = mapName(autoDataMap, labelMap, node.getAttribute().getName());
IREntity entity = (IREntity) autoDataMap.getCurrentObject();
try{ // We are going to ignore assertion errors.
entity.put(autoDataMap.getSession(), rname, ref);
return ref;
}catch(Exception e){}
return ref;
public LabelMap getLabelMap(AutoDataMap autoDataMap, MapNodeObject node){
LabelMap labelMap = autoDataMapDef.findLabelMap(node.getLabel());
while(labelMap != null && labelMap.getTargetGroup() != autoDataMap.getCurrentGroup()){
labelMap = labelMap.getNext();
if(labelMap == null){
Label sourceLabel = node.getSourceLabel();
String targetLabelname = node.getLabel();
labelMap = new LabelMap(autoDataMapDef, node.getLabel(), targetLabelname);
return labelMap;
* We map the given object to the target context. If no labelMap yet exists
* for this mapping, we create one.
public Object mapObject(AutoDataMap autoDataMap, LabelMap labelMap, MapNodeObject node) {
Label target = autoDataMap.getCurrentGroup().findLabel(labelMap.getTarget());
IREntity entity = findEntity(autoDataMap, target.getSpec(),target, node.getKey());
return entity;
public Object mapAttribute(AutoDataMap autoDataMap, LabelMap labelMap, MapNodeAttribute node) {
RName rname = mapName(autoDataMap, labelMap, node.getAttribute().getName());
IREntity entity = (IREntity) autoDataMap.getCurrentObject();
if(entity == null){
return null;
Object data = node.getData();
IRObject value = iconvert(data);
try {
entity.put(autoDataMap.getSession(), rname, value);
value = entity.get(rname);
} catch (RulesException e) {
return value;
* Return the default Label name for an Object from a given source.
* @param obj
* @return
public String getName(Object obj){
return obj.getClass().getSimpleName();
public void init(AutoDataMap autoDataMap) {
String entryPoint = autoDataMap.getCurrentGroup().getAttribs().get("entryPoint");
}catch(Exception e){
throw new RuntimeException("Error initializing the session for accepting data. "+e);
public Object mapMap(AutoDataMap autoDataMap, LabelMap labelMap, MapNodeMap node){
RTable rTable = null;
try {
RName rname = null;
Object object = autoDataMap.getCurrentObject();
if(object instanceof IREntity){
IREntity entity = (IREntity) object;
rname = mapName(autoDataMap, labelMap, node.getAttribute().getName() );
IRObject olist = entity.get(rname);
if(olist != null && olist.type().getId() == IRObject.iTable){
rTable = olist.rTableValue();
if(rTable == null){
rTable = RTable.newRTable(autoDataMap.getSession().getEntityFactory(),
null , null);
if(node.getMap() != null){
Set<Object> keys = node.getMap().keySet();
for(Object key : keys ){
} catch (RulesException e) { }
return rTable;