* Written by Doug Lea with assistance from members of JCP JSR-166
* Expert Group and released to the public domain, as explained at
* http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
package groovyx.gpars.extra166y;
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool;
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask;
import java.util.concurrent.RecursiveAction;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLongArray;
import static groovyx.gpars.extra166y.Ops.BinaryDoubleOp;
import static groovyx.gpars.extra166y.Ops.BinaryLongOp;
import static groovyx.gpars.extra166y.Ops.BinaryOp;
import static groovyx.gpars.extra166y.Ops.DoubleComparator;
import static groovyx.gpars.extra166y.Ops.DoubleGenerator;
import static groovyx.gpars.extra166y.Ops.DoubleOp;
import static groovyx.gpars.extra166y.Ops.DoubleProcedure;
import static groovyx.gpars.extra166y.Ops.DoubleReducer;
import static groovyx.gpars.extra166y.Ops.Generator;
import static groovyx.gpars.extra166y.Ops.IntAndDoubleToDouble;
import static groovyx.gpars.extra166y.Ops.IntAndLongToLong;
import static groovyx.gpars.extra166y.Ops.IntAndObjectToObject;
import static groovyx.gpars.extra166y.Ops.IntToDouble;
import static groovyx.gpars.extra166y.Ops.IntToLong;
import static groovyx.gpars.extra166y.Ops.IntToObject;
import static groovyx.gpars.extra166y.Ops.LongComparator;
import static groovyx.gpars.extra166y.Ops.LongGenerator;
import static groovyx.gpars.extra166y.Ops.LongOp;
import static groovyx.gpars.extra166y.Ops.LongProcedure;
import static groovyx.gpars.extra166y.Ops.LongReducer;
import static groovyx.gpars.extra166y.Ops.Op;
import static groovyx.gpars.extra166y.Ops.Procedure;
import static groovyx.gpars.extra166y.Ops.Reducer;
* Shared internal execution support for ParallelArray and
* specializations.
class PAS {
private PAS() {} // all-static, non-instantiable
/** Global default executor */
private static volatile ForkJoinPool defaultExecutor;
/** Lock for on-demand initialization of defaultExecutor */
private static final Object poolLock = new Object();
static ForkJoinPool defaultExecutor() {
ForkJoinPool p = defaultExecutor; // double-check
if (p == null) {
synchronized (poolLock) {
p = defaultExecutor;
if (p == null) {
// use ceil(7/8 * ncpus)
int nprocs = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
int nthreads = nprocs - (nprocs >>> 3);
defaultExecutor = p = new ForkJoinPool(nthreads);
return p;
* Base for most divide-and-conquer tasks used for computing
* ParallelArray operations. Rather than pure recursion, it links
* right-hand-sides and then joins up the tree, exploiting cases
* where tasks aren't stolen. This generates and joins tasks with
* a bit less overhead than pure recursive style -- there are only
* as many tasks as leaves (no strictly internal nodes).
* Split control relies on pap.getThreshold(), which is
* expected to err on the side of generating too many tasks. To
* counterbalance, if a task pops off its own smallest subtask, it
* directly runs its leaf action rather than possibly resplitting.
* There are, with a few exceptions, three flavors of each FJBase
* subclass, prefixed FJO (object reference), FJD (double) and FJL
* (long).
abstract static class FJBase extends RecursiveAction {
final AbstractParallelAnyArray pap;
final int lo;
final int hi;
final FJBase next; // the next task that creator should join
FJBase(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, FJBase next) {
this.pap = pap;
this.lo = lo;
this.hi = hi;
this.next = next;
public final void compute() {
int g = pap.getThreshold();
int l = lo;
int h = hi;
if (h - l > g)
internalCompute(l, h, g);
atLeaf(l, h);
final void internalCompute(int l, int h, int g) {
FJBase r = null;
do {
int rh = h;
h = (l + h) >>> 1;
(r = newSubtask(h, rh, r)).fork();
} while (h - l > g);
atLeaf(l, h);
do {
if (r.tryUnfork()) r.atLeaf(r.lo, r.hi); else r.join();
r = r.next;
} while (r != null);
/** Leaf computation */
abstract void atLeaf(int l, int h);
/** Operation performed after joining right subtask -- default noop */
void onReduce(FJBase right) {}
/** Factory method to create new subtask, normally of current type */
abstract FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r);
// apply
static final class FJOApply extends FJBase {
final Procedure procedure;
FJOApply(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, FJBase next,
Procedure procedure) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.procedure = procedure;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJOApply(pap, l, h, r, procedure);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
pap.leafApply(l, h, procedure);
static final class FJDApply extends FJBase {
final DoubleProcedure procedure;
FJDApply(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, FJBase next,
DoubleProcedure procedure) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.procedure = procedure;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJDApply(pap, l, h, r, procedure);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
pap.leafApply(l, h, procedure);
static final class FJLApply extends FJBase {
final LongProcedure procedure;
FJLApply(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, FJBase next,
LongProcedure procedure) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.procedure = procedure;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJLApply(pap, l, h, r, procedure);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
pap.leafApply(l, h, procedure);
// reduce
static final class FJOReduce extends FJBase {
final Reducer reducer;
Object result;
FJOReduce(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, FJBase next,
Reducer reducer, Object base) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.reducer = reducer;
this.result = base;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJOReduce(pap, l, h, r, reducer, result);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
result = pap.leafReduce(l, h, reducer, result);
void onReduce(FJBase right) {
result = reducer.op(result, ((FJOReduce)right).result);
static final class FJDReduce extends FJBase {
final DoubleReducer reducer;
double result;
FJDReduce(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, FJBase next,
DoubleReducer reducer, double base) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.reducer = reducer;
this.result = base;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJDReduce(pap, l, h, r, reducer, result);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
result = pap.leafReduce(l, h, reducer, result);
void onReduce(FJBase right) {
result = reducer.op(result, ((FJDReduce)right).result);
static final class FJLReduce extends FJBase {
final LongReducer reducer;
long result;
FJLReduce(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, FJBase next,
LongReducer reducer, long base) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.reducer = reducer;
this.result = base;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJLReduce(pap, l, h, r, reducer, result);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
result = pap.leafReduce(l, h, reducer, result);
void onReduce(FJBase right) {
result = reducer.op(result, ((FJLReduce)right).result);
// map
static final class FJOMap extends FJBase {
final Object[] dest;
final int offset;
FJOMap(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, FJBase next,
Object[] dest, int offset) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.dest = dest;
this.offset = offset;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJOMap(pap, l, h, r, dest, offset);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
pap.leafTransfer(l, h, dest, l + offset);
static final class FJDMap extends FJBase {
final double[] dest;
final int offset;
FJDMap(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, FJBase next,
double[] dest, int offset) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.dest = dest;
this.offset = offset;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJDMap(pap, l, h, r, dest, offset);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
pap.leafTransfer(l, h, dest, l + offset);
static final class FJLMap extends FJBase {
final long[] dest;
final int offset;
FJLMap(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, FJBase next,
long[] dest, int offset) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.dest = dest;
this.offset = offset;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJLMap(pap, l, h, r, dest, offset);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
pap.leafTransfer(l, h, dest, l + offset);
// transform
static final class FJOTransform extends FJBase {
final Op op;
FJOTransform(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, FJBase next,
Op op) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.op = op;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJOTransform(pap, l, h, r, op);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
pap.leafTransform(l, h, op);
static final class FJDTransform extends FJBase {
final DoubleOp op;
FJDTransform(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, FJBase next,
DoubleOp op) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.op = op;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJDTransform(pap, l, h, r, op);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
pap.leafTransform(l, h, op);
static final class FJLTransform extends FJBase {
final LongOp op;
FJLTransform(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, FJBase next,
LongOp op) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.op = op;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJLTransform(pap, l, h, r, op);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
pap.leafTransform(l, h, op);
// index map
static final class FJOIndexMap extends FJBase {
final IntToObject op;
FJOIndexMap(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, FJBase next,
IntToObject op) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.op = op;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJOIndexMap(pap, l, h, r, op);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
pap.leafIndexMap(l, h, op);
static final class FJDIndexMap extends FJBase {
final IntToDouble op;
FJDIndexMap(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, FJBase next,
IntToDouble op) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.op = op;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJDIndexMap(pap, l, h, r, op);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
pap.leafIndexMap(l, h, op);
static final class FJLIndexMap extends FJBase {
final IntToLong op;
FJLIndexMap(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, FJBase next,
IntToLong op) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.op = op;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJLIndexMap(pap, l, h, r, op);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
pap.leafIndexMap(l, h, op);
// binary index map
static final class FJOBinaryIndexMap extends FJBase {
final IntAndObjectToObject op;
FJOBinaryIndexMap(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi,
FJBase next, IntAndObjectToObject op) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.op = op;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJOBinaryIndexMap(pap, l, h, r, op);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
pap.leafBinaryIndexMap(l, h, op);
static final class FJDBinaryIndexMap extends FJBase {
final IntAndDoubleToDouble op;
FJDBinaryIndexMap(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi,
FJBase next, IntAndDoubleToDouble op) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.op = op;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJDBinaryIndexMap(pap, l, h, r, op);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
pap.leafBinaryIndexMap(l, h, op);
static final class FJLBinaryIndexMap extends FJBase {
final IntAndLongToLong op;
FJLBinaryIndexMap(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi,
FJBase next, IntAndLongToLong op) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.op = op;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJLBinaryIndexMap(pap, l, h, r, op);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
pap.leafBinaryIndexMap(l, h, op);
// generate
static final class FJOGenerate extends FJBase {
final Generator generator;
FJOGenerate(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, FJBase next,
Generator generator) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.generator = generator;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJOGenerate(pap, l, h, r, generator);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
pap.leafGenerate(l, h, generator);
static final class FJDGenerate extends FJBase {
final DoubleGenerator generator;
FJDGenerate(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, FJBase next,
DoubleGenerator generator) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.generator = generator;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJDGenerate(pap, l, h, r, generator);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
pap.leafGenerate(l, h, generator);
static final class FJLGenerate extends FJBase {
final LongGenerator generator;
FJLGenerate(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, FJBase next,
LongGenerator generator) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.generator = generator;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJLGenerate(pap, l, h, r, generator);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
pap.leafGenerate(l, h, generator);
// fill
static final class FJOFill extends FJBase {
final Object value;
FJOFill(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, FJBase next,
Object value) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.value = value;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJOFill(pap, l, h, r, value);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
pap.leafFill(l, h, value);
static final class FJDFill extends FJBase {
final double value;
FJDFill(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, FJBase next,
double value) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.value = value;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJDFill(pap, l, h, r, value);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
pap.leafFill(l, h, value);
static final class FJLFill extends FJBase {
final long value;
FJLFill(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, FJBase next,
long value) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.value = value;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJLFill(pap, l, h, r, value);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
pap.leafFill(l, h, value);
// combine in place
static final class FJOCombineInPlace extends FJBase {
final Object[] other;
final int otherOffset;
final BinaryOp combiner;
FJOCombineInPlace(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi,
FJBase next, Object[] other, int otherOffset,
BinaryOp combiner) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.other = other;
this.otherOffset = otherOffset;
this.combiner = combiner;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJOCombineInPlace
(pap, l, h, r, other, otherOffset, combiner);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
pap.leafCombineInPlace(l, h, other, otherOffset, combiner);
static final class FJDCombineInPlace extends FJBase {
final double[] other;
final int otherOffset;
final BinaryDoubleOp combiner;
FJDCombineInPlace(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi,
FJBase next, double[] other, int otherOffset,
BinaryDoubleOp combiner) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.other = other;
this.otherOffset = otherOffset;
this.combiner = combiner;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJDCombineInPlace
(pap, l, h, r, other, otherOffset, combiner);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
pap.leafCombineInPlace(l, h, other, otherOffset, combiner);
static final class FJLCombineInPlace extends FJBase {
final long[] other;
final int otherOffset;
final BinaryLongOp combiner;
FJLCombineInPlace(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi,
FJBase next, long[] other, int otherOffset,
BinaryLongOp combiner) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.other = other;
this.otherOffset = otherOffset;
this.combiner = combiner;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJLCombineInPlace
(pap, l, h, r, other, otherOffset, combiner);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
pap.leafCombineInPlace(l, h, other, otherOffset, combiner);
static final class FJOPACombineInPlace extends FJBase {
final ParallelArrayWithMapping other;
final int otherOffset;
final BinaryOp combiner;
FJOPACombineInPlace(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi,
FJBase next,
ParallelArrayWithMapping other, int otherOffset,
BinaryOp combiner) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.other = other;
this.otherOffset = otherOffset;
this.combiner = combiner;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJOPACombineInPlace
(pap, l, h, r, other, otherOffset, combiner);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
pap.leafCombineInPlace(l, h, other, otherOffset, combiner);
static final class FJDPACombineInPlace extends FJBase {
final ParallelDoubleArrayWithDoubleMapping other;
final int otherOffset;
final BinaryDoubleOp combiner;
FJDPACombineInPlace(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi,
FJBase next,
ParallelDoubleArrayWithDoubleMapping other,
int otherOffset, BinaryDoubleOp combiner) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.other = other;
this.otherOffset = otherOffset;
this.combiner = combiner;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJDPACombineInPlace
(pap, l, h, r, other, otherOffset, combiner);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
pap.leafCombineInPlace(l, h, other, otherOffset, combiner);
static final class FJLPACombineInPlace extends FJBase {
final ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping other;
final int otherOffset;
final BinaryLongOp combiner;
FJLPACombineInPlace(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi,
FJBase next,
ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping other,
int otherOffset, BinaryLongOp combiner) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.other = other;
this.otherOffset = otherOffset;
this.combiner = combiner;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJLPACombineInPlace
(pap, l, h, r, other, otherOffset, combiner);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
pap.leafCombineInPlace(l, h, other, otherOffset, combiner);
// stats
static final class FJOStats extends FJBase
implements ParallelArray.SummaryStatistics {
final Comparator comparator;
public int size() { return size; }
public Object min() { return min; }
public Object max() { return max; }
public int indexOfMin() { return indexOfMin; }
public int indexOfMax() { return indexOfMax; }
int size;
Object min;
Object max;
int indexOfMin;
int indexOfMax;
FJOStats(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, FJBase next,
Comparator comparator) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.comparator = comparator;
this.indexOfMin = -1;
this.indexOfMax = -1;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJOStats(pap, l, h, r, comparator);
void onReduce(FJBase right) {
FJOStats r = (FJOStats)right;
size += r.size;
updateMin(r.indexOfMin, r.min);
updateMax(r.indexOfMax, r.max);
void updateMin(int i, Object x) {
if (i >= 0 &&
(indexOfMin < 0 || comparator.compare(min, x) > 0)) {
min = x;
indexOfMin = i;
void updateMax(int i, Object x) {
if (i >= 0 &&
(indexOfMax < 0 || comparator.compare(max, x) < 0)) {
max = x;
indexOfMax = i;
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
if (pap.hasFilter())
filteredAtLeaf(l, h);
else {
size = h - l;
for (int i = l; i < h; ++i) {
Object x = pap.oget(i);
updateMin(i, x);
updateMax(i, x);
void filteredAtLeaf(int l, int h) {
for (int i = l; i < h; ++i) {
if (pap.isSelected(i)) {
Object x = pap.oget(i);
updateMin(i, x);
updateMax(i, x);
public String toString() {
"size: " + size +
" min: " + min + " (index " + indexOfMin +
") max: " + max + " (index " + indexOfMax + ")";
static final class FJDStats extends FJBase
implements ParallelDoubleArray.SummaryStatistics {
final DoubleComparator comparator;
public int size() { return size; }
public double min() { return min; }
public double max() { return max; }
public double sum() { return sum; }
public double average() { return sum / size; }
public int indexOfMin() { return indexOfMin; }
public int indexOfMax() { return indexOfMax; }
int size;
double min;
double max;
double sum;
int indexOfMin;
int indexOfMax;
FJDStats(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, FJBase next,
DoubleComparator comparator) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.comparator = comparator;
this.indexOfMin = -1;
this.indexOfMax = -1;
this.min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
this.max = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJDStats(pap, l, h, r, comparator);
void onReduce(FJBase right) {
FJDStats r = (FJDStats)right;
size += r.size;
sum += r.sum;
updateMin(r.indexOfMin, r.min);
updateMax(r.indexOfMax, r.max);
void updateMin(int i, double x) {
if (i >= 0 &&
(indexOfMin < 0 || comparator.compare(min, x) > 0)) {
min = x;
indexOfMin = i;
void updateMax(int i, double x) {
if (i >= 0 &&
(indexOfMax < 0 || comparator.compare(max, x) < 0)) {
max = x;
indexOfMax = i;
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
if (pap.hasFilter())
filteredAtLeaf(l, h);
else {
size = h - l;
for (int i = l; i < h; ++i) {
double x = pap.dget(i);
sum += x;
updateMin(i, x);
updateMax(i, x);
void filteredAtLeaf(int l, int h) {
for (int i = l; i < h; ++i) {
if (pap.isSelected(i)) {
double x = pap.dget(i);
sum += x;
updateMin(i, x);
updateMax(i, x);
public String toString() {
"size: " + size +
" min: " + min + " (index " + indexOfMin +
") max: " + max + " (index " + indexOfMax +
") sum: " + sum;
static final class FJLStats extends FJBase
implements ParallelLongArray.SummaryStatistics {
final LongComparator comparator;
public int size() { return size; }
public long min() { return min; }
public long max() { return max; }
public long sum() { return sum; }
public double average() { return (double)sum / size; }
public int indexOfMin() { return indexOfMin; }
public int indexOfMax() { return indexOfMax; }
int size;
long min;
long max;
long sum;
int indexOfMin;
int indexOfMax;
FJLStats(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, FJBase next,
LongComparator comparator) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.comparator = comparator;
this.indexOfMin = -1;
this.indexOfMax = -1;
this.min = Long.MAX_VALUE;
this.max = Long.MIN_VALUE;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJLStats(pap, l, h, r, comparator);
void onReduce(FJBase right) {
FJLStats r = (FJLStats)right;
size += r.size;
sum += r.sum;
updateMin(r.indexOfMin, r.min);
updateMax(r.indexOfMax, r.max);
void updateMin(int i, long x) {
if (i >= 0 &&
(indexOfMin < 0 || comparator.compare(min, x) > 0)) {
min = x;
indexOfMin = i;
void updateMax(int i, long x) {
if (i >= 0 &&
(indexOfMax < 0 || comparator.compare(max, x) < 0)) {
max = x;
indexOfMax = i;
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
if (pap.hasFilter())
filteredAtLeaf(l, h);
else {
size = h - l;
for (int i = l; i < h; ++i) {
long x = pap.lget(i);
sum += x;
updateMin(i, x);
updateMax(i, x);
void filteredAtLeaf(int l, int h) {
for (int i = l; i < h; ++i) {
if (pap.isSelected(i)) {
long x = pap.lget(i);
sum += x;
updateMin(i, x);
updateMax(i, x);
public String toString() {
"size: " + size +
" min: " + min + " (index " + indexOfMin +
") max: " + max + " (index " + indexOfMax +
") sum: " + sum;
// count
static final class FJCountSelected extends FJBase {
int count;
FJCountSelected(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi,
FJBase next) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJCountSelected(pap, l, h, r);
void onReduce(FJBase right) {
count += ((FJCountSelected)right).count;
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
int n = 0;
for (int i = l; i < h; ++i) {
if (pap.isSelected(i))
count = n;
* Base for cancellable search tasks. Same idea as FJBase
* but cancels tasks when result nonnegative.
abstract static class FJSearchBase extends RecursiveAction {
final AbstractParallelAnyArray pap;
final int lo;
final int hi;
final FJSearchBase next;
final AtomicInteger result;
FJSearchBase(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi,
FJSearchBase next,
AtomicInteger result) {
this.pap = pap;
this.lo = lo;
this.hi = hi;
this.next = next;
this.result = result;
public void compute() {
if (result.get() >= 0)
FJSearchBase r = null;
int l = lo;
int h = hi;
int g = pap.getThreshold();
while (h - l > g) {
int rh = h;
h = (l + h) >>> 1;
(r = newSubtask(h, rh, r)).fork();
atLeaf(l, h);
boolean stopping = false;
while (r != null) {
stopping |= result.get() >= 0;
if (r.tryUnfork()) {
if (!stopping)
r.atLeaf(r.lo, r.hi);
else if (stopping)
r = r.next;
abstract FJSearchBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJSearchBase r);
abstract void atLeaf(int l, int h);
// select any
static final class FJSelectAny extends FJSearchBase {
FJSelectAny(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi,
FJSearchBase next, AtomicInteger result) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next, result);
FJSearchBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJSearchBase r) {
return new FJSelectAny(pap, l, h, r, result);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
for (int i = l; i < h; ++i) {
if (pap.isSelected(i)) {
result.compareAndSet(-1, i);
else if (result.get() >= 0)
// index of
static final class FJOIndexOf extends FJSearchBase {
final Object target;
FJOIndexOf(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi,
FJSearchBase next, AtomicInteger result, Object target) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next, result);
this.target = target;
FJSearchBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJSearchBase r) {
return new FJOIndexOf(pap, l, h, r, result, target);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
final Object[] array = pap.ogetArray();
if (array == null) return;
for (int i = l; i < h; ++i) {
if (target.equals(array[i])) {
result.compareAndSet(-1, i);
else if (result.get() >= 0)
static final class FJDIndexOf extends FJSearchBase {
final double target;
FJDIndexOf(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi,
FJSearchBase next, AtomicInteger result, double target) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next, result);
this.target = target;
FJSearchBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJSearchBase r) {
return new FJDIndexOf(pap, l, h, r, result, target);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
final double[] array = pap.dgetArray();
if (array == null) return;
for (int i = l; i < h; ++i) {
if (target == (array[i])) {
result.compareAndSet(-1, i);
else if (result.get() >= 0)
static final class FJLIndexOf extends FJSearchBase {
final long target;
FJLIndexOf(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi,
FJSearchBase next, AtomicInteger result, long target) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next, result);
this.target = target;
FJSearchBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJSearchBase r) {
return new FJLIndexOf(pap, l, h, r, result, target);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
final long[] array = pap.lgetArray();
if (array == null) return;
for (int i = l; i < h; ++i) {
if (target == (array[i])) {
result.compareAndSet(-1, i);
else if (result.get() >= 0)
// select all
* SelectAll proceeds in two passes. In the first phase, indices
* of matching elements are recorded in indices array. In second
* pass, once the size of results is known and result array is
* constructed in driver, the matching elements are placed into
* corresponding result positions.
static final class FJSelectAll extends RecursiveAction {
final FJSelectAllDriver driver;
FJSelectAll left, right;
final int lo;
final int hi;
int count; // number of matching elements
int offset;
boolean isInternal; // true if this is a non-leaf node
final int threshold;
FJSelectAll(FJSelectAllDriver driver, int lo, int hi) {
this.driver = driver;
this.lo = lo;
this.hi = hi;
this.threshold = driver.pap.getThreshold();
public void compute() {
int l = lo;
int h = hi;
FJSelectAllDriver d = driver;
if (d.phase == 0) {
AbstractParallelAnyArray p = d.pap;
if (isInternal = (h - l > threshold))
count = p.leafIndexSelected(l, h, true, d.indices);
else if (count != 0) {
if (isInternal)
d.leafPhase1(l, l+count, offset);
void internalPhase0() {
int mid = (lo + hi) >>> 1;
FJSelectAll l = new FJSelectAll(driver, lo, mid);
FJSelectAll r = new FJSelectAll(driver, mid, hi);
if (r.tryUnfork()) r.compute(); else r.join();
int ln = l.count;
if (ln != 0)
left = l;
int rn = r.count;
if (rn != 0)
right = r;
count = ln + rn;
void internalPhase1() {
int k = offset;
if (left != null) {
int ln = left.count;
left.offset = k;
if (right != null) {
right.offset = k + ln;
if (right.tryUnfork()) right.compute(); else right.join();
else if (right != null) {
right.offset = k;
abstract static class FJSelectAllDriver extends RecursiveAction {
final int[] indices;
final AbstractParallelAnyArray pap;
final int initialOffset;
int phase;
int resultSize;
FJSelectAllDriver(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int initialOffset) {
this.pap = pap;
this.initialOffset = initialOffset;
int n = pap.fence - pap.origin;
indices = new int[n];
public final void compute() {
FJSelectAll r = new FJSelectAll(this, pap.origin, pap.fence);
r.offset = initialOffset;
createResults(resultSize = r.count);
phase = 1;
abstract void createResults(int size);
abstract void leafPhase1(int loIdx, int hiIdx, int offset);
static final class FJOSelectAllDriver extends FJSelectAllDriver {
final Class elementType;
Object[] results;
FJOSelectAllDriver(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, Class elementType) {
super(pap, 0);
this.elementType = elementType;
void createResults(int size) {
results = (Object[])Array.newInstance(elementType, size);
void leafPhase1(int loIdx, int hiIdx, int offset) {
pap.leafTransferByIndex(indices, loIdx, hiIdx, results, offset);
static final class FJDSelectAllDriver extends FJSelectAllDriver {
double[] results;
FJDSelectAllDriver(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap) {
super(pap, 0);
void createResults(int size) {
results = new double[size];
void leafPhase1(int loIdx, int hiIdx, int offset) {
pap.leafTransferByIndex(indices, loIdx, hiIdx, results, offset);
static final class FJLSelectAllDriver extends FJSelectAllDriver {
long[] results;
FJLSelectAllDriver(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap) {
super(pap, 0);
void createResults(int size) {
results = new long[size];
void leafPhase1(int loIdx, int hiIdx, int offset) {
pap.leafTransferByIndex(indices, loIdx, hiIdx, results, offset);
static final class FJOAppendAllDriver extends FJSelectAllDriver {
Object[] results;
FJOAppendAllDriver(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int initialOffset,
Object[] results) {
super(pap, 0);
this.results = results;
void createResults(int size) {
int newSize = initialOffset + size;
int oldLength = results.length;
if (newSize > oldLength) {
Class elementType = results.getClass().getComponentType();
Object[] r = (Object[])Array.newInstance(elementType, newSize);
System.arraycopy(results, 0, r, 0, oldLength);
results = r;
void leafPhase1(int loIdx, int hiIdx, int offset) {
pap.leafTransferByIndex(indices, loIdx, hiIdx, results, offset);
static final class FJDAppendAllDriver extends FJSelectAllDriver {
double[] results;
FJDAppendAllDriver(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int initialOffset,
double[] results) {
super(pap, initialOffset);
this.results = results;
void createResults(int size) {
int newSize = initialOffset + size;
int oldLength = results.length;
if (newSize > oldLength) {
double[] r = new double[newSize];
System.arraycopy(results, 0, r, 0, oldLength);
results = r;
void leafPhase1(int loIdx, int hiIdx, int offset) {
pap.leafTransferByIndex(indices, loIdx, hiIdx, results, offset);
static final class FJLAppendAllDriver extends FJSelectAllDriver {
long[] results;
FJLAppendAllDriver(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int initialOffset,
long[] results) {
super(pap, initialOffset);
this.results = results;
void createResults(int size) {
int newSize = initialOffset + size;
int oldLength = results.length;
if (newSize > oldLength) {
long[] r = new long[newSize];
System.arraycopy(results, 0, r, 0, oldLength);
results = r;
void leafPhase1(int loIdx, int hiIdx, int offset) {
pap.leafTransferByIndex(indices, loIdx, hiIdx, results, offset);
* Root node for FJRemoveAll. Spawns subtasks and shifts elements
* as indices become available, bypassing index array creation
* when offsets are known. This differs from SelectAll mainly in
* that data movement is all done by the driver rather than in a
* second parallel pass.
static final class FJRemoveAllDriver extends RecursiveAction {
final AbstractParallelAnyArray pap;
final int lo;
final int hi;
final int[] indices;
int offset;
final int threshold;
FJRemoveAllDriver(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi) {
this.pap = pap;
this.lo = lo;
this.hi = hi;
this.indices = new int[hi - lo];
this.threshold = pap.getThreshold();
public void compute() {
FJRemoveAll r = null;
int l = lo;
int h = hi;
int g = threshold;
while (h - l > g) {
int rh = h;
h = (l + h) >>> 1;
(r = new FJRemoveAll(pap, h, rh, r, indices)).fork();
int k = pap.leafMoveSelected(l, h, l, false);
while (r != null) {
if (r.tryUnfork())
k = pap.leafMoveSelected(r.lo, r.hi, k, false);
else {
int n = r.count;
if (n != 0)
pap.leafMoveByIndex(indices, r.lo, r.lo+n, k);
k += n;
FJRemoveAll rr = r.right;
if (rr != null)
k = inorderMove(rr, k);
r = r.next;
offset = k;
* Inorder traversal to move indexed elements across reachable
* nodes. This guarantees that element shifts don't overwrite
* those still being used by active subtasks.
static int inorderMove(FJRemoveAll t, int index) {
while (t != null) {
int n = t.count;
if (n != 0)
t.pap.leafMoveByIndex(t.indices, t.lo, t.lo+n, index);
index += n;
FJRemoveAll p = t.next;
if (p != null)
index = inorderMove(p, index);
t = t.right;
return index;
* Basic FJ task for non-root FJRemoveAll nodes. Differs from
* FJBase because it requires maintaining explicit right pointers so
* FJRemoveAllDriver can traverse them
static final class FJRemoveAll extends RecursiveAction {
final AbstractParallelAnyArray pap;
final int lo;
final int hi;
final FJRemoveAll next;
final int[] indices;
int count;
FJRemoveAll right;
final int threshold;
FJRemoveAll(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi,
FJRemoveAll next, int[] indices) {
this.pap = pap;
this.lo = lo;
this.hi = hi;
this.next = next;
this.indices = indices;
this.threshold = pap.getThreshold();
public void compute() {
FJRemoveAll r = null;
int l = lo;
int h = hi;
int g = threshold;
while (h - l > g) {
int rh = h;
h = (l + h) >>> 1;
(r = new FJRemoveAll(pap, h, rh, r, indices)).fork();
right = r;
count = pap.leafIndexSelected(l, h, false, indices);
while (r != null) {
if (r.tryUnfork())
r.count = pap.leafIndexSelected
(r.lo, r.hi, false, indices);
r = r.next;
// unique elements
static final class FJOUniquifier extends FJBase {
final UniquifierTable table;
int count;
FJOUniquifier(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, FJBase next,
UniquifierTable table) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.table = table;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJOUniquifier(pap, l, h, r, table);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
count = table.addObjects(l, h);
void onReduce(FJBase right) {
count += ((FJOUniquifier)right).count;
static final class FJDUniquifier extends FJBase {
final UniquifierTable table;
int count;
FJDUniquifier(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, FJBase next,
UniquifierTable table) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.table = table;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJDUniquifier(pap, l, h, r, table);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
count = table.addDoubles(l, h);
void onReduce(FJBase right) {
count += ((FJDUniquifier)right).count;
static final class FJLUniquifier extends FJBase {
final UniquifierTable table;
int count;
FJLUniquifier(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap, int lo, int hi, FJBase next,
UniquifierTable table) {
super(pap, lo, hi, next);
this.table = table;
FJBase newSubtask(int l, int h, FJBase r) {
return new FJLUniquifier(pap, l, h, r, table);
void atLeaf(int l, int h) {
count = table.addLongs(l, h);
void onReduce(FJBase right) {
count += ((FJLUniquifier)right).count;
* Base class of fixed-size hash tables for
* uniquification. Opportunistically subclasses
* AtomicLongArray. The high word of each slot is the cached
* massaged hash of an element, and the low word contains its
* index, plus one, to ensure that a zero tab entry means
* empty. The mechanics for this are just folded into the
* main addElements method.
* Each leaf step places source array elements into table,
* Even though this table undergoes a lot of contention when
* elements are concurrently inserted by parallel threads, it is
* generally faster to do this than to have separate tables and
* then merge them.
static final class UniquifierTable extends AtomicLongArray {
final AbstractParallelAnyArray pap;
final boolean byIdentity;
UniquifierTable(int size, AbstractParallelAnyArray pap,
boolean byIdentity) {
this.pap = pap;
this.byIdentity = byIdentity;
/** Returns a good size for table */
static int tableSizeFor(int n) {
int padded = n + (n >>> 1) + 1;
if (padded < n) // int overflow
throw new OutOfMemoryError();
int s = 8;
while (s < padded) s <<= 1;
return s;
// Same hashcode conditioning as HashMap
static int hash(int h) {
h ^= (h >>> 20) ^ (h >>> 12);
return h ^ (h >>> 7) ^ (h >>> 4);
int addObjects(int lo, int hi) {
boolean filtered = pap.hasFilter();
Object[] src = pap.ogetArray();
final int mask = length() - 1;
int count = 0;
for (int k = lo; k < hi; ++k) {
Object x;
if ((filtered && !pap.isSelected(k)) ||
(x = src[k]) == null)
int hc = byIdentity ? System.identityHashCode(x) : x.hashCode();
int hash = hash(hc);
long entry = (((long)hash) << 32) + (k + 1);
int idx = hash & mask;
for (;;) {
long d = get(idx);
if (d != 0) {
if ((int)(d >>> 32) == hash) {
Object y = src[(int)((d-1) & 0x7fffffffL)];
if (x == y || (!byIdentity && x.equals(y)))
idx = (idx + 1) & mask;
else if (compareAndSet(idx, 0, entry)) {
return count;
int addDoubles(int lo, int hi) {
boolean filtered = pap.hasFilter();
double[] src = pap.dgetArray();
final int mask = length() - 1;
int count = 0;
for (int k = lo; k < hi; ++k) {
if (filtered && !pap.isSelected(k))
double x = src[k];
long bits = Double.doubleToLongBits(x);
int hash = hash((int)(bits ^ (bits >>> 32)));
long entry = (((long)hash) << 32) + (k + 1);
int idx = hash & mask;
for (;;) {
long d = get(idx);
if (d != 0) {
if ((int)(d >>> 32) == hash &&
x == src[(int)((d - 1) & 0x7fffffffL)])
idx = (idx + 1) & mask;
else if (compareAndSet(idx, 0, entry)) {
return count;
int addLongs(int lo, int hi) {
boolean filtered = pap.hasFilter();
long[] src = pap.lgetArray();
final int mask = length() - 1;
int count = 0;
for (int k = lo; k < hi; ++k) {
if (filtered && !pap.isSelected(k))
long x = src[k];
int hash = hash((int)(x ^ (x >>> 32)));
long entry = (((long)hash) << 32) + (k + 1);
int idx = hash & mask;
for (;;) {
long d = get(idx);
if (d != 0) {
if ((int)(d >>> 32) == hash &&
x == src[(int)((d - 1) & 0x7fffffffL)])
idx = (idx + 1) & mask;
else if (compareAndSet(idx, 0, entry)) {
return count;
* Returns new array holding all elements.
Object[] uniqueObjects(int size) {
Object[] src = pap.ogetArray();
Class sclass = src.getClass().getComponentType();
Object[] res = (Object[])Array.newInstance(sclass, size);
int k = 0;
int n = length();
for (int i = 0; i < n && k < size; ++i) {
long d = get(i);
if (d != 0)
res[k++] = src[((int)((d - 1) & 0x7fffffffL))];
return res;
double[] uniqueDoubles(int size) {
double[] src = pap.dgetArray();
double[] res = new double[size];
int k = 0;
int n = length();
for (int i = 0; i < n && k < size; ++i) {
long d = get(i);
if (d != 0)
res[k++] = src[((int)((d - 1) & 0x7fffffffL))];
return res;
long[] uniqueLongs(int size) {
long[] src = pap.lgetArray();
long[] res = new long[size];
int k = 0;
int n = length();
for (int i = 0; i < n && k < size; ++i) {
long d = get(i);
if (d != 0)
res[k++] = src[((int)((d - 1) & 0x7fffffffL))];
return res;
* Sorter classes based mainly on CilkSort
* <A href="http://supertech.lcs.mit.edu/cilk/"> Cilk</A>:
* Basic algorithm:
* if array size is small, just use a sequential quicksort
* Otherwise:
* 1. Break array in half.
* 2. For each half,
* a. break the half in half (i.e., quarters),
* b. sort the quarters
* c. merge them together
* 3. merge together the two halves.
* One reason for splitting in quarters is that this guarantees
* that the final sort is in the main array, not the workspace
* array. (workspace and main swap roles on each subsort step.)
* Leaf-level sorts use a Sequential quicksort, that in turn uses
* insertion sort if under threshold. Otherwise it uses median of
* three to pick pivot, and loops rather than recurses along left
* path.
* It is sad but true that sort and merge performance are
* sensitive enough to inner comparison overhead to warrant
* creating 6 versions (not just 3) -- one each for natural
* comparisons vs supplied comparators.
static final class FJOSorter extends RecursiveAction {
final Comparator cmp;
final Object[] a; // array to be sorted.
final Object[] w; // workspace for merge
final int origin; // origin of the part of array we deal with
final int n; // Number of elements in (sub)arrays.
final int gran; // split control
FJOSorter(Comparator cmp,
Object[] a, Object[] w, int origin, int n, int gran) {
this.cmp = cmp;
this.a = a; this.w = w; this.origin = origin; this.n = n;
this.gran = gran;
public void compute() {
int l = origin;
int g = gran;
if (n > g) {
int h = n >>> 1; // half
int q = n >>> 2; // lower quarter index
int u = h + q; // upper quarter
FJSubSorter ls = new FJSubSorter
(new FJOSorter(cmp, a, w, l, q, g),
new FJOSorter(cmp, a, w, l+q, h-q, g),
new FJOMerger(cmp, a, w, l, q,
l+q, h-q, l, g, null));
FJSubSorter rs = new FJSubSorter
(new FJOSorter(cmp, a, w, l+h, q, g),
new FJOSorter(cmp, a, w, l+u, n-u, g),
new FJOMerger(cmp, a, w, l+h, q,
l+u, n-u, l+h, g, null));
if (rs.tryUnfork()) rs.compute(); else rs.join();
new FJOMerger(cmp, w, a, l, h,
l+h, n-h, l, g, null).compute();
Arrays.sort(a, l, l+n, cmp);
static final class FJOCSorter extends RecursiveAction {
final Comparable[] a; final Comparable[] w;
final int origin; final int n; final int gran;
FJOCSorter(Comparable[] a, Comparable[] w,
int origin, int n, int gran) {
this.a = a; this.w = w; this.origin = origin; this.n = n;
this.gran = gran;
public void compute() {
int l = origin;
int g = gran;
if (n > g) {
int h = n >>> 1;
int q = n >>> 2;
int u = h + q;
FJSubSorter ls = new FJSubSorter
(new FJOCSorter(a, w, l, q, g),
new FJOCSorter(a, w, l+q, h-q, g),
new FJOCMerger(a, w, l, q,
l+q, h-q, l, g, null));
FJSubSorter rs = new FJSubSorter
(new FJOCSorter(a, w, l+h, q, g),
new FJOCSorter(a, w, l+u, n-u, g),
new FJOCMerger(a, w, l+h, q,
l+u, n-u, l+h, g, null));
if (rs.tryUnfork()) rs.compute(); else rs.join();
new FJOCMerger(w, a, l, h,
l+h, n-h, l, g, null).compute();
Arrays.sort(a, l, l+n);
static final class FJDSorter extends RecursiveAction {
final DoubleComparator cmp; final double[] a; final double[] w;
final int origin; final int n; final int gran;
FJDSorter(DoubleComparator cmp,
double[] a, double[] w, int origin, int n, int gran) {
this.cmp = cmp;
this.a = a; this.w = w; this.origin = origin; this.n = n;
this.gran = gran;
public void compute() {
int l = origin;
int g = gran;
if (n > g) {
int h = n >>> 1;
int q = n >>> 2;
int u = h + q;
FJSubSorter ls = new FJSubSorter
(new FJDSorter(cmp, a, w, l, q, g),
new FJDSorter(cmp, a, w, l+q, h-q, g),
new FJDMerger(cmp, a, w, l, q,
l+q, h-q, l, g, null));
FJSubSorter rs = new FJSubSorter
(new FJDSorter(cmp, a, w, l+h, q, g),
new FJDSorter(cmp, a, w, l+u, n-u, g),
new FJDMerger(cmp, a, w, l+h, q,
l+u, n-u, l+h, g, null));
if (rs.tryUnfork()) rs.compute(); else rs.join();
new FJDMerger(cmp, w, a, l, h,
l+h, n-h, l, g, null).compute();
dquickSort(a, cmp, l, l+n-1);
static final class FJDCSorter extends RecursiveAction {
final double[] a; final double[] w;
final int origin; final int n; final int gran;
FJDCSorter(double[] a, double[] w, int origin,
int n, int gran) {
this.a = a; this.w = w; this.origin = origin; this.n = n;
this.gran = gran;
public void compute() {
int l = origin;
int g = gran;
if (n > g) {
int h = n >>> 1;
int q = n >>> 2;
int u = h + q;
FJSubSorter ls = new FJSubSorter
(new FJDCSorter(a, w, l, q, g),
new FJDCSorter(a, w, l+q, h-q, g),
new FJDCMerger(a, w, l, q,
l+q, h-q, l, g, null));
FJSubSorter rs = new FJSubSorter
(new FJDCSorter(a, w, l+h, q, g),
new FJDCSorter(a, w, l+u, n-u, g),
new FJDCMerger(a, w, l+h, q,
l+u, n-u, l+h, g, null));
if (rs.tryUnfork()) rs.compute(); else rs.join();
new FJDCMerger(w, a, l, h,
l+h, n-h, l, g, null).compute();
Arrays.sort(a, l, l+n);
static final class FJLSorter extends RecursiveAction {
final LongComparator cmp; final long[] a; final long[] w;
final int origin; final int n; final int gran;
FJLSorter(LongComparator cmp,
long[] a, long[] w, int origin, int n, int gran) {
this.cmp = cmp;
this.a = a; this.w = w; this.origin = origin; this.n = n;
this.gran = gran;
public void compute() {
int l = origin;
int g = gran;
if (n > g) {
int h = n >>> 1;
int q = n >>> 2;
int u = h + q;
FJSubSorter ls = new FJSubSorter
(new FJLSorter(cmp, a, w, l, q, g),
new FJLSorter(cmp, a, w, l+q, h-q, g),
new FJLMerger(cmp, a, w, l, q,
l+q, h-q, l, g, null));
FJSubSorter rs = new FJSubSorter
(new FJLSorter(cmp, a, w, l+h, q, g),
new FJLSorter(cmp, a, w, l+u, n-u, g),
new FJLMerger(cmp, a, w, l+h, q,
l+u, n-u, l+h, g, null));
if (rs.tryUnfork()) rs.compute(); else rs.join();
new FJLMerger(cmp, w, a, l, h,
l+h, n-h, l, g, null).compute();
lquickSort(a, cmp, l, l+n-1);
static final class FJLCSorter extends RecursiveAction {
final long[] a; final long[] w;
final int origin; final int n; final int gran;
FJLCSorter(long[] a, long[] w, int origin,
int n, int gran) {
this.a = a; this.w = w; this.origin = origin; this.n = n;
this.gran = gran;
public void compute() {
int l = origin;
int g = gran;
if (n > g) {
int h = n >>> 1;
int q = n >>> 2;
int u = h + q;
FJSubSorter ls = new FJSubSorter
(new FJLCSorter(a, w, l, q, g),
new FJLCSorter(a, w, l+q, h-q, g),
new FJLCMerger(a, w, l, q,
l+q, h-q, l, g, null));
FJSubSorter rs = new FJSubSorter
(new FJLCSorter(a, w, l+h, q, g),
new FJLCSorter(a, w, l+u, n-u, g),
new FJLCMerger(a, w, l+h, q,
l+u, n-u, l+h, g, null));
if (rs.tryUnfork()) rs.compute(); else rs.join();
new FJLCMerger(w, a, l, h,
l+h, n-h, l, g, null).compute();
Arrays.sort(a, l, l+n);
/** Utility class to sort half a partitioned array */
static final class FJSubSorter extends RecursiveAction {
final RecursiveAction left;
final RecursiveAction right;
final RecursiveAction merger;
FJSubSorter(RecursiveAction left, RecursiveAction right,
RecursiveAction merger) {
this.left = left; this.right = right; this.merger = merger;
public void compute() {
* Performs merging for FJSorter. If big enough, splits Left
* partition in half; finds the greatest point in Right partition
* less than the beginning of the second half of Left via binary
* search; and then, in parallel, merges left half of Left with
* elements of Right up to split point, and merges right half of
* Left with elements of R past split point. At leaf, it just
* sequentially merges. This is all messy to code; sadly we need
* six versions.
static final class FJOMerger extends RecursiveAction {
final Comparator cmp;
final Object[] a; // partitioned array.
final Object[] w; // Output array.
final int lo; // relative origin of left side of a
final int ln; // number of elements on left of a
final int ro; // relative origin of right side of a
final int rn; // number of elements on right of a
final int wo; // origin for output
final int gran;
final FJOMerger next;
FJOMerger(Comparator cmp, Object[] a, Object[] w,
int lo, int ln, int ro, int rn, int wo,
int gran, FJOMerger next) {
this.cmp = cmp;
this.a = a; this.w = w;
this.lo = lo; this.ln = ln;
this.ro = ro; this.rn = rn;
this.wo = wo;
this.gran = gran;
this.next = next;
public void compute() {
// spawn right subtasks
FJOMerger rights = null;
int nleft = ln;
int nright = rn;
while (nleft > gran) {
int lh = nleft >>> 1;
int splitIndex = lo + lh;
Object split = a[splitIndex];
// binary search r for split
int rl = 0;
int rh = nright;
while (rl < rh) {
int mid = (rl + rh) >>> 1;
if (cmp.compare(split, a[ro + mid]) <= 0)
rh = mid;
rl = mid + 1;
(rights = new FJOMerger
(cmp, a, w, splitIndex, nleft-lh, ro+rh,
nright-rh, wo+lh+rh, gran, rights)).fork();
nleft = lh;
nright = rh;
// sequentially merge
int l = lo;
int lFence = lo + nleft;
int r = ro;
int rFence = ro + nright;
int k = wo;
while (l < lFence && r < rFence) {
Object al = a[l];
Object ar = a[r];
Object t;
if (cmp.compare(al, ar) <= 0) {++l; t=al;} else {++r; t=ar;}
w[k++] = t;
while (l < lFence)
w[k++] = a[l++];
while (r < rFence)
w[k++] = a[r++];
// join subtasks
while (rights != null) {
if (rights.tryUnfork())
rights = rights.next;
static final class FJOCMerger extends RecursiveAction {
final Comparable[] a; final Comparable[] w;
final int lo; final int ln; final int ro; final int rn; final int wo;
final int gran;
final FJOCMerger next;
FJOCMerger(Comparable[] a, Comparable[] w, int lo,
int ln, int ro, int rn, int wo,
int gran, FJOCMerger next) {
this.a = a; this.w = w;
this.lo = lo; this.ln = ln; this.ro = ro; this.rn = rn;
this.wo = wo;
this.gran = gran;
this.next = next;
public void compute() {
FJOCMerger rights = null;
int nleft = ln;
int nright = rn;
while (nleft > gran) {
int lh = nleft >>> 1;
int splitIndex = lo + lh;
Comparable split = a[splitIndex];
int rl = 0;
int rh = nright;
while (rl < rh) {
int mid = (rl + rh) >>> 1;
if (split.compareTo(a[ro + mid]) <= 0)
rh = mid;
rl = mid + 1;
(rights = new FJOCMerger
(a, w, splitIndex, nleft-lh, ro+rh,
nright-rh, wo+lh+rh, gran, rights)).fork();
nleft = lh;
nright = rh;
int l = lo;
int lFence = lo + nleft;
int r = ro;
int rFence = ro + nright;
int k = wo;
while (l < lFence && r < rFence) {
Comparable al = a[l];
Comparable ar = a[r];
Comparable t;
if (al.compareTo(ar) <= 0) {++l; t=al;} else {++r; t=ar; }
w[k++] = t;
while (l < lFence)
w[k++] = a[l++];
while (r < rFence)
w[k++] = a[r++];
while (rights != null) {
if (rights.tryUnfork())
rights = rights.next;
static final class FJDMerger extends RecursiveAction {
final DoubleComparator cmp; final double[] a; final double[] w;
final int lo; final int ln; final int ro; final int rn; final int wo;
final int gran;
final FJDMerger next;
FJDMerger(DoubleComparator cmp, double[] a, double[] w,
int lo, int ln, int ro, int rn, int wo,
int gran, FJDMerger next) {
this.cmp = cmp;
this.a = a; this.w = w;
this.lo = lo; this.ln = ln;
this.ro = ro; this.rn = rn;
this.wo = wo;
this.gran = gran;
this.next = next;
public void compute() {
FJDMerger rights = null;
int nleft = ln;
int nright = rn;
while (nleft > gran) {
int lh = nleft >>> 1;
int splitIndex = lo + lh;
double split = a[splitIndex];
int rl = 0;
int rh = nright;
while (rl < rh) {
int mid = (rl + rh) >>> 1;
if (cmp.compare(split, a[ro + mid]) <= 0)
rh = mid;
rl = mid + 1;
(rights = new FJDMerger
(cmp, a, w, splitIndex, nleft-lh, ro+rh,
nright-rh, wo+lh+rh, gran, rights)).fork();
nleft = lh;
nright = rh;
int l = lo;
int lFence = lo + nleft;
int r = ro;
int rFence = ro + nright;
int k = wo;
while (l < lFence && r < rFence) {
double al = a[l];
double ar = a[r];
double t;
if (cmp.compare(al, ar) <= 0) {++l; t=al;} else {++r; t=ar; }
w[k++] = t;
while (l < lFence)
w[k++] = a[l++];
while (r < rFence)
w[k++] = a[r++];
while (rights != null) {
if (rights.tryUnfork())
rights = rights.next;
static final class FJDCMerger extends RecursiveAction {
final double[] a; final double[] w;
final int lo; final int ln; final int ro; final int rn; final int wo;
final int gran;
final FJDCMerger next;
FJDCMerger(double[] a, double[] w, int lo,
int ln, int ro, int rn, int wo,
int gran, FJDCMerger next) {
this.a = a; this.w = w;
this.lo = lo; this.ln = ln;
this.ro = ro; this.rn = rn;
this.wo = wo;
this.gran = gran;
this.next = next;
public void compute() {
FJDCMerger rights = null;
int nleft = ln;
int nright = rn;
while (nleft > gran) {
int lh = nleft >>> 1;
int splitIndex = lo + lh;
double split = a[splitIndex];
int rl = 0;
int rh = nright;
while (rl < rh) {
int mid = (rl + rh) >>> 1;
if (split <= a[ro + mid])
rh = mid;
rl = mid + 1;
(rights = new FJDCMerger
(a, w, splitIndex, nleft-lh, ro+rh,
nright-rh, wo+lh+rh, gran, rights)).fork();
nleft = lh;
nright = rh;
int l = lo;
int lFence = lo + nleft;
int r = ro;
int rFence = ro + nright;
int k = wo;
while (l < lFence && r < rFence) {
double al = a[l];
double ar = a[r];
double t;
if (al <= ar) {++l; t=al;} else {++r; t=ar; }
w[k++] = t;
while (l < lFence)
w[k++] = a[l++];
while (r < rFence)
w[k++] = a[r++];
while (rights != null) {
if (rights.tryUnfork())
rights = rights.next;
static final class FJLMerger extends RecursiveAction {
final LongComparator cmp; final long[] a; final long[] w;
final int lo; final int ln; final int ro; final int rn; final int wo;
final int gran;
final FJLMerger next;
FJLMerger(LongComparator cmp, long[] a, long[] w,
int lo, int ln, int ro, int rn, int wo,
int gran, FJLMerger next) {
this.cmp = cmp;
this.a = a; this.w = w;
this.lo = lo; this.ln = ln;
this.ro = ro; this.rn = rn;
this.wo = wo;
this.gran = gran;
this.next = next;
public void compute() {
FJLMerger rights = null;
int nleft = ln;
int nright = rn;
while (nleft > gran) {
int lh = nleft >>> 1;
int splitIndex = lo + lh;
long split = a[splitIndex];
int rl = 0;
int rh = nright;
while (rl < rh) {
int mid = (rl + rh) >>> 1;
if (cmp.compare(split, a[ro + mid]) <= 0)
rh = mid;
rl = mid + 1;
(rights = new FJLMerger
(cmp, a, w, splitIndex, nleft-lh, ro+rh,
nright-rh, wo+lh+rh, gran, rights)).fork();
nleft = lh;
nright = rh;
int l = lo;
int lFence = lo + nleft;
int r = ro;
int rFence = ro + nright;
int k = wo;
while (l < lFence && r < rFence) {
long al = a[l];
long ar = a[r];
long t;
if (cmp.compare(al, ar) <= 0) {++l; t=al;} else {++r; t=ar;}
w[k++] = t;
while (l < lFence)
w[k++] = a[l++];
while (r < rFence)
w[k++] = a[r++];
while (rights != null) {
if (rights.tryUnfork())
rights = rights.next;
static final class FJLCMerger extends RecursiveAction {
final long[] a; final long[] w;
final int lo; final int ln; final int ro; final int rn; final int wo;
final int gran;
final FJLCMerger next;
FJLCMerger(long[] a, long[] w, int lo,
int ln, int ro, int rn, int wo,
int gran, FJLCMerger next) {
this.a = a; this.w = w;
this.lo = lo; this.ln = ln;
this.ro = ro; this.rn = rn;
this.wo = wo;
this.gran = gran;
this.next = next;
public void compute() {
FJLCMerger rights = null;
int nleft = ln;
int nright = rn;
while (nleft > gran) {
int lh = nleft >>> 1;
int splitIndex = lo + lh;
long split = a[splitIndex];
int rl = 0;
int rh = nright;
while (rl < rh) {
int mid = (rl + rh) >>> 1;
if (split <= a[ro + mid])
rh = mid;
rl = mid + 1;
(rights = new FJLCMerger
(a, w, splitIndex, nleft-lh, ro+rh,
nright-rh, wo+lh+rh, gran, rights)).fork();
nleft = lh;
nright = rh;
int l = lo;
int lFence = lo + nleft;
int r = ro;
int rFence = ro + nright;
int k = wo;
while (l < lFence && r < rFence) {
long al = a[l];
long ar = a[r];
long t;
if (al <= ar) {++l; t=al;} else {++r; t = ar;}
w[k++] = t;
while (l < lFence)
w[k++] = a[l++];
while (r < rFence)
w[k++] = a[r++];
while (rights != null) {
if (rights.tryUnfork())
rights = rights.next;
/** Cutoff for when to use insertion-sort instead of quicksort */
static final int INSERTION_SORT_THRESHOLD = 8;
// versions of quicksort with comparators
static void dquickSort(double[] a, DoubleComparator cmp, int lo, int hi) {
for (;;) {
for (int i = lo + 1; i <= hi; i++) {
double t = a[i];
int j = i - 1;
while (j >= lo && cmp.compare(t, a[j]) < 0) {
a[j+1] = a[j];
a[j+1] = t;
int mid = (lo + hi) >>> 1;
if (cmp.compare(a[lo], a[mid]) > 0) {
double t = a[lo]; a[lo] = a[mid]; a[mid] = t;
if (cmp.compare(a[mid], a[hi]) > 0) {
double t = a[mid]; a[mid] = a[hi]; a[hi] = t;
if (cmp.compare(a[lo], a[mid]) > 0) {
double u = a[lo]; a[lo] = a[mid]; a[mid] = u;
double pivot = a[mid];
int left = lo+1;
int right = hi-1;
boolean sameLefts = true;
for (;;) {
while (cmp.compare(pivot, a[right]) < 0)
int c;
while (left < right &&
(c = cmp.compare(pivot, a[left])) >= 0) {
if (c != 0)
sameLefts = false;
if (left < right) {
double t = a[left]; a[left] = a[right]; a[right] = t;
else break;
if (sameLefts && right == hi - 1)
if (left - lo <= hi - right) {
dquickSort(a, cmp, lo, left);
lo = left + 1;
else {
dquickSort(a, cmp, right, hi);
hi = left;
static void lquickSort(long[] a, LongComparator cmp, int lo, int hi) {
for (;;) {
for (int i = lo + 1; i <= hi; i++) {
long t = a[i];
int j = i - 1;
while (j >= lo && cmp.compare(t, a[j]) < 0) {
a[j+1] = a[j];
a[j+1] = t;
int mid = (lo + hi) >>> 1;
if (cmp.compare(a[lo], a[mid]) > 0) {
long t = a[lo]; a[lo] = a[mid]; a[mid] = t;
if (cmp.compare(a[mid], a[hi]) > 0) {
long t = a[mid]; a[mid] = a[hi]; a[hi] = t;
if (cmp.compare(a[lo], a[mid]) > 0) {
long u = a[lo]; a[lo] = a[mid]; a[mid] = u;
long pivot = a[mid];
int left = lo+1;
int right = hi-1;
boolean sameLefts = true;
for (;;) {
while (cmp.compare(pivot, a[right]) < 0)
int c;
while (left < right &&
(c = cmp.compare(pivot, a[left])) >= 0) {
if (c != 0)
sameLefts = false;
if (left < right) {
long t = a[left]; a[left] = a[right]; a[right] = t;
else break;
if (sameLefts && right == hi - 1)
if (left - lo <= hi - right) {
lquickSort(a, cmp, lo, left);
lo = left + 1;
else {
lquickSort(a, cmp, right, hi);
hi = left;
* Cumulative scan
* A basic version of scan is straightforward.
* Keep dividing by two to threshold segment size, and then:
* Pass 1: Create tree of partial sums for each segment
* Pass 2: For each segment, cumulate with offset of left sibling
* See G. Blelloch's http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~scandal/alg/scan.html
* This version improves performance within FJ framework mainly by
* allowing second pass of ready left-hand sides to proceed even
* if some right-hand side first passes are still executing. It
* also combines first and second pass for leftmost segment, and
* for cumulate (not precumulate) also skips first pass for
* rightmost segment (whose result is not needed for second pass).
* To manage this, it relies on "phase" phase/state control field
* maintaining bits CUMULATE, SUMMED, and FINISHED. CUMULATE is
* main phase bit. When false, segments compute only their sum.
* When true, they cumulate array elements. CUMULATE is set at
* root at beginning of second pass and then propagated down. But
* it may also be set earlier for subtrees with lo==origin (the
* left spine of tree). SUMMED is a one bit join count. For leafs,
* set when summed. For internal nodes, becomes true when one
* child is summed. When second child finishes summing, it then
* moves up tree to trigger cumulate phase. FINISHED is also a one
* bit join count. For leafs, it is set when cumulated. For
* internal nodes, it becomes true when one child is cumulated.
* When second child finishes cumulating, it then moves up tree,
* executing complete() at the root.
* This class maintains only the basic control logic. Subclasses
* maintain the "in" and "out" fields, and *Ops classes perform
* computations.
abstract static class FJScan extends ForkJoinTask<Void> {
static final short CUMULATE = (short)1;
static final short SUMMED = (short)2;
static final short FINISHED = (short)4;
final FJScan parent;
final FJScanOp op;
FJScan left, right;
volatile int phase; // phase/state
final int lo;
final int hi;
static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<FJScan> phaseUpdater =
AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(FJScan.class, "phase");
FJScan(FJScan parent, FJScanOp op, int lo, int hi) {
this.parent = parent;
this.op = op;
this.lo = lo;
this.hi = hi;
public final Void getRawResult() { return null; }
protected final void setRawResult(Void mustBeNull) { }
/** Returns true if can CAS CUMULATE bit true */
final boolean transitionToCumulate() {
int c;
while (((c = phase) & CUMULATE) == 0)
if (phaseUpdater.compareAndSet(this, c, c | CUMULATE))
return true;
return false;
public final boolean exec() {
if (hi - lo > op.threshold) {
if (left == null) { // first pass
int mid = (lo + hi) >>> 1;
left = op.newSubtask(this, lo, mid);
right = op.newSubtask(this, mid, hi);
boolean cumulate = (phase & CUMULATE) != 0;
if (cumulate)
op.pushDown(this, left, right);
if (!cumulate || right.transitionToCumulate())
if (!cumulate || left.transitionToCumulate())
else {
int cb;
for (;;) { // Establish action: sum, cumulate, or both
int b = phase;
if ((b & FINISHED) != 0) // already done
return false;
if ((b & CUMULATE) != 0)
else if (lo == op.origin) // combine leftmost
cb = SUMMED;
if (phaseUpdater.compareAndSet(this, b, b|cb))
if (cb == SUMMED)
op.sumLeaf(lo, hi, this);
else if (cb == FINISHED)
op.cumulateLeaf(lo, hi, this);
else if (cb == (SUMMED|FINISHED))
op.sumAndCumulateLeaf(lo, hi, this);
// propagate up
FJScan ch = this;
FJScan par = parent;
for (;;) {
if (par == null) {
if ((cb & FINISHED) != 0)
int pb = par.phase;
if ((pb & cb & FINISHED) != 0) { // both finished
ch = par;
par = par.parent;
else if ((pb & cb & SUMMED) != 0) { // both summed
op.pushUp(par, par.left, par.right);
int refork =
((pb & CUMULATE) == 0 &&
par.lo == op.origin) ? CUMULATE : 0;
int nextPhase = pb|cb|refork;
if (pb == nextPhase ||
phaseUpdater.compareAndSet(par, pb, nextPhase)) {
if (refork != 0)
cb = SUMMED; // drop finished bit
ch = par;
par = par.parent;
else if (phaseUpdater.compareAndSet(par, pb, pb|cb))
return false;
// no-op versions of methods to get/set in/out, overridden as
// appropriate in subclasses
Object ogetIn() { return null; }
Object ogetOut() { return null; }
void rsetIn(Object x) { }
void rsetOut(Object x) { }
double dgetIn() { return 0; }
double dgetOut() { return 0; }
void dsetIn(double x) { }
void dsetOut(double x) { }
long lgetIn() { return 0; }
long lgetOut() { return 0; }
void lsetIn(long x) { }
void lsetOut(long x) { }
// Subclasses adding in/out fields of the appropriate type
static final class FJOScan extends FJScan {
Object in;
Object out;
FJOScan(FJScan parent, FJScanOp op, int lo, int hi) {
super(parent, op, lo, hi);
Object ogetIn() { return in; }
Object ogetOut() { return out; }
void rsetIn(Object x) { in = x; }
void rsetOut(Object x) { out = x; }
static final class FJDScan extends FJScan {
double in;
double out;
FJDScan(FJScan parent, FJScanOp op, int lo, int hi) {
super(parent, op, lo, hi);
double dgetIn() { return in; }
double dgetOut() { return out; }
void dsetIn(double x) { in = x; }
void dsetOut(double x) { out = x; }
static final class FJLScan extends FJScan {
long in;
long out;
FJLScan(FJScan parent, FJScanOp op, int lo, int hi) {
super(parent, op, lo, hi);
long lgetIn() { return in; }
long lgetOut() { return out; }
void lsetIn(long x) { in = x; }
void lsetOut(long x) { out = x; }
* Computational operations for FJScan
abstract static class FJScanOp {
final int threshold;
final int origin;
final int fence;
FJScanOp(AbstractParallelAnyArray pap) {
this.origin = pap.origin;
this.fence = pap.fence;
this.threshold = pap.computeThreshold();
abstract void pushDown(FJScan parent, FJScan left, FJScan right);
abstract void pushUp(FJScan parent, FJScan left, FJScan right);
abstract void sumLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f);
abstract void cumulateLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f);
abstract void sumAndCumulateLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f);
abstract FJScan newSubtask(FJScan parent, int lo, int hi);
abstract static class FJOScanOp extends FJScanOp {
final Object[] array;
final Reducer reducer;
final Object base;
FJOScanOp(AbstractParallelAnyArray.OPap pap,
Reducer reducer, Object base) {
this.array = pap.array;
this.reducer = reducer;
this.base = base;
final void pushDown(FJScan parent, FJScan left, FJScan right) {
Object pin = parent.ogetIn();
right.rsetIn(reducer.op(pin, left.ogetOut()));
final void pushUp(FJScan parent, FJScan left, FJScan right) {
final FJScan newSubtask(FJScan parent, int lo, int hi) {
FJOScan f = new FJOScan(parent, this, lo, hi);
f.in = base;
f.out = base;
return f;
static final class FJOCumulateOp extends FJOScanOp {
FJOCumulateOp(AbstractParallelAnyArray.OPap pap,
Reducer reducer, Object base) {
super(pap, reducer, base);
void sumLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f) {
Object sum = base;
if (hi != fence) {
Object[] arr = array;
for (int i = lo; i < hi; ++i)
sum = reducer.op(sum, arr[i]);
void cumulateLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f) {
Object[] arr = array;
Object sum = f.ogetIn();
for (int i = lo; i < hi; ++i)
arr[i] = sum = reducer.op(sum, arr[i]);
void sumAndCumulateLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f) {
Object[] arr = array;
Object sum = base;
for (int i = lo; i < hi; ++i)
arr[i] = sum = reducer.op(sum, arr[i]);
static final class FJOPrecumulateOp extends FJOScanOp {
FJOPrecumulateOp(AbstractParallelAnyArray.OPap pap,
Reducer reducer, Object base) {
super(pap, reducer, base);
void sumLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f) {
Object[] arr = array;
Object sum = base;
for (int i = lo; i < hi; ++i)
sum = reducer.op(sum, arr[i]);
void cumulateLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f) {
Object[] arr = array;
Object sum = f.ogetIn();
for (int i = lo; i < hi; ++i) {
Object x = arr[i];
arr[i] = sum;
sum = reducer.op(sum, x);
void sumAndCumulateLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f) {
Object[] arr = array;
Object sum = base;
for (int i = lo; i < hi; ++i) {
Object x = arr[i];
arr[i] = sum;
sum = reducer.op(sum, x);
abstract static class FJDScanOp extends FJScanOp {
final double[] array;
final DoubleReducer reducer;
final double base;
FJDScanOp(AbstractParallelAnyArray.DPap pap,
DoubleReducer reducer, double base) {
this.array = pap.array;
this.reducer = reducer;
this.base = base;
final void pushDown(FJScan parent, FJScan left, FJScan right) {
double pin = parent.dgetIn();
right.dsetIn(reducer.op(pin, left.dgetOut()));
final void pushUp(FJScan parent, FJScan left, FJScan right) {
final FJScan newSubtask(FJScan parent, int lo, int hi) {
FJDScan f = new FJDScan(parent, this, lo, hi);
f.in = base;
f.out = base;
return f;
static final class FJDCumulateOp extends FJDScanOp {
FJDCumulateOp(AbstractParallelAnyArray.DPap pap,
DoubleReducer reducer, double base) {
super(pap, reducer, base);
void sumLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f) {
double sum = base;
if (hi != fence) {
double[] arr = array;
for (int i = lo; i < hi; ++i)
sum = reducer.op(sum, arr[i]);
void cumulateLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f) {
double[] arr = array;
double sum = f.dgetIn();
for (int i = lo; i < hi; ++i)
arr[i] = sum = reducer.op(sum, arr[i]);
void sumAndCumulateLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f) {
double[] arr = array;
double sum = base;
for (int i = lo; i < hi; ++i)
arr[i] = sum = reducer.op(sum, arr[i]);
static final class FJDPrecumulateOp extends FJDScanOp {
FJDPrecumulateOp(AbstractParallelAnyArray.DPap pap,
DoubleReducer reducer, double base) {
super(pap, reducer, base);
void sumLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f) {
double[] arr = array;
double sum = base;
for (int i = lo; i < hi; ++i)
sum = reducer.op(sum, arr[i]);
void cumulateLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f) {
double[] arr = array;
double sum = f.dgetIn();
for (int i = lo; i < hi; ++i) {
double x = arr[i];
arr[i] = sum;
sum = reducer.op(sum, x);
void sumAndCumulateLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f) {
double[] arr = array;
double sum = base;
for (int i = lo; i < hi; ++i) {
double x = arr[i];
arr[i] = sum;
sum = reducer.op(sum, x);
abstract static class FJLScanOp extends FJScanOp {
final long[] array;
final LongReducer reducer;
final long base;
FJLScanOp(AbstractParallelAnyArray.LPap pap,
LongReducer reducer, long base) {
this.array = pap.array;
this.reducer = reducer;
this.base = base;
final void pushDown(FJScan parent, FJScan left, FJScan right) {
long pin = parent.lgetIn();
right.lsetIn(reducer.op(pin, left.lgetOut()));
final void pushUp(FJScan parent, FJScan left, FJScan right) {
final FJScan newSubtask(FJScan parent, int lo, int hi) {
FJLScan f = new FJLScan(parent, this, lo, hi);
f.in = base;
f.out = base;
return f;
static final class FJLCumulateOp extends FJLScanOp {
FJLCumulateOp(AbstractParallelAnyArray.LPap pap,
LongReducer reducer, long base) {
super(pap, reducer, base);
void sumLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f) {
long sum = base;
if (hi != fence) {
long[] arr = array;
for (int i = lo; i < hi; ++i)
sum = reducer.op(sum, arr[i]);
void cumulateLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f) {
long[] arr = array;
long sum = f.lgetIn();
for (int i = lo; i < hi; ++i)
arr[i] = sum = reducer.op(sum, arr[i]);
void sumAndCumulateLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f) {
long[] arr = array;
long sum = base;
for (int i = lo; i < hi; ++i)
arr[i] = sum = reducer.op(sum, arr[i]);
static final class FJLPrecumulateOp extends FJLScanOp {
FJLPrecumulateOp(AbstractParallelAnyArray.LPap pap,
LongReducer reducer, long base) {
super(pap, reducer, base);
void sumLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f) {
long[] arr = array;
long sum = base;
for (int i = lo; i < hi; ++i)
sum = reducer.op(sum, arr[i]);
void cumulateLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f) {
long[] arr = array;
long sum = f.lgetIn();
for (int i = lo; i < hi; ++i) {
long x = arr[i];
arr[i] = sum;
sum = reducer.op(sum, x);
void sumAndCumulateLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f) {
long[] arr = array;
long sum = base;
for (int i = lo; i < hi; ++i) {
long x = arr[i];
arr[i] = sum;
sum = reducer.op(sum, x);
// specialized versions for plus
abstract static class FJDScanPlusOp extends FJScanOp {
final double[] array;
FJDScanPlusOp(AbstractParallelAnyArray.DPap pap) {
this.array = pap.array;
final void pushDown(FJScan parent, FJScan left, FJScan right) {
double pin = parent.dgetIn();
right.dsetIn(pin + left.dgetOut());
final void pushUp(FJScan parent, FJScan left, FJScan right) {
parent.dsetOut(left.dgetOut() + right.dgetOut());
final FJScan newSubtask(FJScan parent, int lo, int hi) {
FJDScan f = new FJDScan(parent, this, lo, hi);
f.in = 0.0;
f.out = 0.0;
return f;
static final class FJDCumulatePlusOp extends FJDScanPlusOp {
FJDCumulatePlusOp(AbstractParallelAnyArray.DPap pap) {
void sumLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f) {
double sum = 0.0;
if (hi != fence) {
double[] arr = array;
for (int i = lo; i < hi; ++i)
sum += arr[i];
void cumulateLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f) {
double[] arr = array;
double sum = f.dgetIn();
for (int i = lo; i < hi; ++i)
arr[i] = sum += arr[i];
void sumAndCumulateLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f) {
double[] arr = array;
double sum = 0.0;
for (int i = lo; i < hi; ++i)
arr[i] = sum += arr[i];
static final class FJDPrecumulatePlusOp extends FJDScanPlusOp {
FJDPrecumulatePlusOp(AbstractParallelAnyArray.DPap pap) {
void sumLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f) {
double[] arr = array;
double sum = 0.0;
for (int i = lo; i < hi; ++i)
sum += arr[i];
void cumulateLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f) {
double[] arr = array;
double sum = f.dgetIn();
for (int i = lo; i < hi; ++i) {
double x = arr[i];
arr[i] = sum;
sum += x;
void sumAndCumulateLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f) {
double[] arr = array;
double sum = 0.0;
for (int i = lo; i < hi; ++i) {
double x = arr[i];
arr[i] = sum;
sum += x;
abstract static class FJLScanPlusOp extends FJScanOp {
final long[] array;
FJLScanPlusOp(AbstractParallelAnyArray.LPap pap) {
this.array = pap.array;
final void pushDown(FJScan parent, FJScan left, FJScan right) {
long pin = parent.lgetIn();
right.lsetIn(pin + left.lgetOut());
final void pushUp(FJScan parent, FJScan left, FJScan right) {
parent.lsetOut(left.lgetOut() + right.lgetOut());
final FJScan newSubtask(FJScan parent, int lo, int hi) {
FJLScan f = new FJLScan(parent, this, lo, hi);
f.in = 0L;
f.out = 0L;
return f;
static final class FJLCumulatePlusOp extends FJLScanPlusOp {
FJLCumulatePlusOp(AbstractParallelAnyArray.LPap pap) {
void sumLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f) {
long sum = 0L;
if (hi != fence) {
long[] arr = array;
for (int i = lo; i < hi; ++i)
sum += arr[i];
void cumulateLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f) {
long[] arr = array;
long sum = f.lgetIn();
for (int i = lo; i < hi; ++i)
arr[i] = sum += arr[i];
void sumAndCumulateLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f) {
long[] arr = array;
long sum = 0L;
for (int i = lo; i < hi; ++i)
arr[i] = sum += arr[i];
static final class FJLPrecumulatePlusOp extends FJLScanPlusOp {
FJLPrecumulatePlusOp(AbstractParallelAnyArray.LPap pap) {
void sumLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f) {
long[] arr = array;
long sum = 0L;
for (int i = lo; i < hi; ++i)
sum += arr[i];
void cumulateLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f) {
long[] arr = array;
long sum = f.lgetIn();
for (int i = lo; i < hi; ++i) {
long x = arr[i];
arr[i] = sum;
sum += x;
void sumAndCumulateLeaf(int lo, int hi, FJScan f) {
long[] arr = array;
long sum = 0L;
for (int i = lo; i < hi; ++i) {
long x = arr[i];
arr[i] = sum;
sum += x;