* Copyright (C) 2011 Flow86
* AdditionalBuildcraftObjects is open-source.
* It is distributed under the terms of my Open Source License.
* It grants rights to read, modify, compile or run the code.
* It does *NOT* grant the right to redistribute this software or its
* modifications in any form, binary or source, except if expressively
* granted by the copyright holder.
package abo.pipes.items;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeDirection;
import abo.ABO;
import abo.PipeIconProvider;
import abo.actions.ActionSwitchOnPipe;
import abo.actions.ActionToggleOffPipe;
import abo.actions.ActionToggleOnPipe;
import abo.pipes.ABOPipe;
import buildcraft.api.core.Position;
import buildcraft.api.core.SafeTimeTracker;
import buildcraft.api.gates.IAction;
import buildcraft.api.gates.IActionReceptor;
import buildcraft.core.inventory.InvUtils;
import buildcraft.core.utils.Utils;
import buildcraft.transport.BlockGenericPipe;
import buildcraft.transport.IPipeTransportItemsHook;
import buildcraft.transport.PipeTransportItems;
import buildcraft.transport.TileGenericPipe;
import buildcraft.transport.TransportConstants;
import buildcraft.transport.TravelingItem;
* @author Flow86
public class PipeItemsCompactor extends ABOPipe<PipeTransportItems> implements IPipeTransportItemsHook, IActionReceptor {
private final int onTexture = PipeIconProvider.PipeItemsCompactorOn;
private final int offTexture = PipeIconProvider.PipeItemsCompactorOff;
private boolean powered = false;
private boolean toggled = false;
private boolean switched = false;
private final TreeMap<ForgeDirection, PipeItemsCompactorInventory> receivedStacks = new TreeMap<ForgeDirection, PipeItemsCompactorInventory>();
private final SafeTimeTracker timeTracker = new SafeTimeTracker();
* @param itemID
public PipeItemsCompactor(int itemID) {
super(new PipeTransportItems(), itemID);
* @param orientation
* @param itemID
* @param stackSize
public void addItemToItemStack(ForgeDirection orientation, ItemStack stack) {
// System.out.println("in: Stack " + stack.toString());
if (!receivedStacks.containsKey(orientation))
receivedStacks.put(orientation, new PipeItemsCompactorInventory());
receivedStacks.get(orientation).addItemStack(container.worldObj, stack);
public void dropContents() {
powered = false;
toggled = false;
switched = false;
for (Entry<ForgeDirection, PipeItemsCompactorInventory> receivedStack : receivedStacks.entrySet()) {
receivedStack.getValue().dropContents(container.worldObj, container.xCoord, container.yCoord, container.zCoord);
public void entityEntered(TravelingItem item, ForgeDirection orientation) {
if (isPowered() && item.getItemStack().isStackable()) {
addItemToItemStack(orientation, item.getItemStack());
} else
public LinkedList<ForgeDirection> filterPossibleMovements(LinkedList<ForgeDirection> possibleOrientations, Position pos, TravelingItem item) {
return possibleOrientations;
public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound) {
powered = nbttagcompound.getBoolean("powered");
switched = nbttagcompound.getBoolean("switched");
toggled = nbttagcompound.getBoolean("toggled");
// System.out.println("readFromNBT");
NBTTagList nbtItems = nbttagcompound.getTagList("items");
for (int j = 0; j < nbtItems.tagCount(); ++j) {
try {
NBTTagCompound nbtTreeMap = (NBTTagCompound) nbtItems.tagAt(j);
ForgeDirection orientation = ForgeDirection.values()[nbtTreeMap.getInteger("orientation")];
if (!receivedStacks.containsKey(orientation))
receivedStacks.put(orientation, new PipeItemsCompactorInventory());
NBTTagCompound nbtItemStacks = (NBTTagCompound) nbtTreeMap.getTag("itemStacks");
receivedStacks.get(orientation).readFromNBT(container.worldObj, nbtItemStacks);
} catch (Throwable t) {
// It may be the case that entities cannot be reloaded between
// two versions - ignore these errors.
public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound) {
nbttagcompound.setBoolean("powered", powered);
nbttagcompound.setBoolean("switched", switched);
nbttagcompound.setBoolean("toggled", toggled);
// System.out.println("writeToNBT");
NBTTagList nbtItems = new NBTTagList();
for (Entry<ForgeDirection, PipeItemsCompactorInventory> receivedStack : receivedStacks.entrySet()) {
NBTTagCompound nbtTreeMap = new NBTTagCompound();
NBTTagCompound nbtItemStacks = new NBTTagCompound();
nbtTreeMap.setInteger("orientation", receivedStack.getKey().ordinal());
nbtTreeMap.setTag("itemStacks", nbtItemStacks);
nbttagcompound.setTag("items", nbtItems);
public boolean isPowered() {
return powered || switched || toggled;
public void updateRedstoneCurrent() {
boolean lastPowered = powered;
LinkedList<TileGenericPipe> neighbours = new LinkedList<TileGenericPipe>();
powered = false;
for (ForgeDirection o : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS) {
Position pos = new Position(container.xCoord, container.yCoord, container.zCoord, o);
TileEntity tile = container.getTile(o);
if (tile instanceof TileGenericPipe) {
TileGenericPipe pipe = (TileGenericPipe) tile;
if (BlockGenericPipe.isValid(pipe.pipe)) {
if (pipe.pipe.hasGate() && pipe.pipe.gate.isEmittingRedstone())
powered = true;
if (!powered)
powered = container.worldObj.isBlockIndirectlyGettingPowered(container.xCoord, container.yCoord, container.zCoord);
if (lastPowered != powered) {
for (TileGenericPipe pipe : neighbours) {
public void onNeighborBlockChange(int blockId) {
public LinkedList<IAction> getActions() {
LinkedList<IAction> actions = super.getActions();
return actions;
protected void actionsActivated(Map<IAction, Boolean> actions) {
boolean lastSwitched = switched;
boolean lastToggled = toggled;
switched = false;
// Activate the actions
for (IAction i : actions.keySet()) {
if (actions.get(i)) {
if (i instanceof ActionSwitchOnPipe) {
switched = true;
} else if (i instanceof ActionToggleOnPipe) {
toggled = true;
} else if (i instanceof ActionToggleOffPipe) {
toggled = false;
if ((lastSwitched != switched) || (lastToggled != toggled)) {
if (lastSwitched != switched && !switched)
toggled = false;
public void actionActivated(IAction action) {
boolean lastSwitched = switched;
boolean lastToggled = toggled;
switched = false;
// Activate the actions
if (action instanceof ActionToggleOnPipe) {
toggled = true;
} else if (action instanceof ActionToggleOffPipe) {
toggled = false;
if ((lastSwitched != switched) || (lastToggled != toggled)) {
if (lastSwitched != switched && !switched)
toggled = false;
public void updateEntity() {
if (isPowered() && timeTracker.markTimeIfDelay(container.worldObj, 25)) {
for (Entry<ForgeDirection, PipeItemsCompactorInventory> receivedStack : receivedStacks.entrySet()) {
ItemStack stack = receivedStack.getValue().findItemStackToRemove(container.worldObj, 16, 100);
if (stack != null) {
// System.out.println("out: Stack " + stack.toString());
stack.stackSize -= Utils.addToRandomPipeAround(container.worldObj, container.xCoord, container.yCoord, container.zCoord, receivedStack.getKey(), stack);
if (stack.stackSize > 0) {
Position destPos = new Position(container.xCoord, container.yCoord, container.zCoord, receivedStack.getKey());
InvUtils.dropItems(container.worldObj, stack, (int) destPos.x, (int) destPos.y, (int) destPos.z);
public void readjustSpeed(TravelingItem item) {
item.setSpeed(Math.min(Math.max(TransportConstants.PIPE_NORMAL_SPEED, item.getSpeed()) * 2f, TransportConstants.PIPE_NORMAL_SPEED * 20F));
public int getIconIndex(ForgeDirection direction) {
if (container != null && container.worldObj != null)
return (isPowered() ? onTexture : offTexture);
return offTexture;