* Copyright 2014 Netflix, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.netflix.zeno.fastblob.lazy;
import com.netflix.zeno.fastblob.io.FastBlobHeader;
import com.netflix.zeno.fastblob.io.FastBlobHeaderReader;
import com.netflix.zeno.fastblob.io.FastBlobReaderEventHandler;
import com.netflix.zeno.fastblob.io.ZenoFastBlobHeaderReader;
import com.netflix.zeno.fastblob.record.FastBlobDeserializationRecord;
import com.netflix.zeno.fastblob.record.StreamingByteData;
import com.netflix.zeno.fastblob.record.VarInt;
import com.netflix.zeno.fastblob.record.schema.FastBlobSchema;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
* Reads FastBlob snapshots and deltas from streams.<p/>
* The modifications will be applied to the FastBlobStateEngine supplied in the constructor.
public class LazyFastBlobReader {
private final LazyStateEngine stateEngine;
private FastBlobHeaderReader headerReader;
private FastBlobReaderEventHandler eventHandler = null;
public LazyFastBlobReader(LazyStateEngine stateEngine) {
this.stateEngine = stateEngine;
this.headerReader = new ZenoFastBlobHeaderReader();
public void setFastBlobHeaderReader(FastBlobHeaderReader headerReader) {
this.headerReader = headerReader;
public void setEventHandler(FastBlobReaderEventHandler eventHandler) {
this.eventHandler = eventHandler;
* Read a snapshot from the specified stream. Apply the snapshot to the FastBlobStateEngine supplied in the constructor of this class.
public void readSnapshot(InputStream is) throws IOException {
FastBlobHeader header = readHeader(is);
StreamingByteData byteData = getStreamingByteData(is, header.getDeserializationBufferSizeHint());
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(byteData);
int numTypes = header.getNumberOfTypes();
if(stateEngine.getLatestVersion() == null) {
readSnapshotTypes(byteData, dis, numTypes);
///The version must be set *after* the changes are applied. This will protect against
///bad data in the event of an Exception midway through parsing.
* Read a snapshot with no current states populated.
private void readSnapshotTypes(StreamingByteData byteData, DataInputStream dis, int numTypes) throws IOException {
for(int i=0;i<numTypes;i++) {
/// type flags byte -- reserved for later use
FastBlobSchema schema = FastBlobSchema.readFrom(dis);
readTypeStateObjects(byteData, schema);
* Read the header and return the version
private FastBlobHeader readHeader(InputStream is) throws IOException {
FastBlobHeader header = headerReader.readHeader(is);
return header;
private StreamingByteData getStreamingByteData(InputStream is, int deserializationBufferSizeHint) throws IOException {
StreamingByteData byteData = new StreamingByteData(is, deserializationBufferSizeHint);
return byteData;
private void readTypeStateObjects(StreamingByteData byteData,FastBlobSchema schema) throws IOException {
FastBlobDeserializationRecord rec = new FastBlobDeserializationRecord(schema, byteData);
LazyTypeDataState<?> typeDataState = stateEngine.getTypeDataState(schema.getName());
int numObjects = VarInt.readVInt(byteData);
if(numObjects != 0 && eventHandler != null) {
eventHandler.addedObjects(schema.getName(), numObjects);
int currentOrdinal = 0;
for(int j=0;j<numObjects;j++) {
int currentOrdinalDelta = VarInt.readVInt(byteData);
currentOrdinal += currentOrdinalDelta;
int objectSize = rec.position(byteData.currentStreamPosition());
if(typeDataState != null) {
typeDataState.add(currentOrdinal, byteData, byteData.currentStreamPosition(), objectSize);