* Copyright 2013 Netflix, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.netflix.zeno.fastblob.io;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import com.netflix.zeno.fastblob.FastBlobStateEngine;
import com.netflix.zeno.fastblob.record.VarInt;
import com.netflix.zeno.fastblob.state.FastBlobTypeDeserializationState;
import com.netflix.zeno.fastblob.state.FastBlobTypeSerializationState;
import com.netflix.zeno.fastblob.state.ThreadSafeBitSet;
* Writes FastBlob images to streams.
public class FastBlobWriter {
private final FastBlobStateEngine stateEngine;
private final int imageIndex;
private FastBlobHeaderWriter headerWriter;
public FastBlobWriter(FastBlobStateEngine stateEngine) {
this(stateEngine, 0);
public FastBlobWriter(FastBlobStateEngine stateEngine, int imageIndex) {
this(stateEngine, imageIndex, new ZenoFastBlobHeaderWriter());
public void setFastBlobHeaderWriter(FastBlobHeaderWriter headerWriter) {
this.headerWriter = headerWriter;
* This FastBlobWriter will write a single image to a stream, as either a snapshot or delta.<p/>
* The configuration for the image which this will write is contained in the list returned by <code>stateEngine.getImageConfigurations()</code>
* at the index specified by <code>imageIndex</code>
* @param stateEngine
* @param imageIndex
public FastBlobWriter(FastBlobStateEngine stateEngine, int imageIndex, FastBlobHeaderWriter headerWriter) {
this.stateEngine = stateEngine;
this.imageIndex = imageIndex;
this.headerWriter = headerWriter;
* Write a snapshot to the specified stream.
public void writeSnapshot(OutputStream os) throws Exception {
writeSnapshot(new DataOutputStream(os));
public void writeSnapshot(DataOutputStream os) throws IOException {
for(FastBlobTypeSerializationState<?> typeState : stateEngine.getOrderedSerializationStates()) {
throw new RuntimeException("This state engine is not ready for writing! Have you remembered to call stateEngine.prepareForWrite()?");
/// type flags byte -- reserved for later use
/// write the schema
ThreadSafeBitSet imageMembershipBitSet = typeState.getImageMembershipBitSet(imageIndex);
serializeTypeStateObjects(os, typeState, imageMembershipBitSet);
public void writeNonImageSpecificSnapshot(DataOutputStream os) throws IOException {
for(FastBlobTypeSerializationState<?> typeState : stateEngine.getOrderedSerializationStates()) {
throw new RuntimeException("This state engine is not ready for writing! Have you remembered to call stateEngine.prepareForWrite()?");
FastBlobTypeDeserializationState<?> typeDeserializationState = stateEngine.getTypeDeserializationState(typeState.getSchema().getName());
/// type flags byte -- reserved for later use
/// write the schema
serializeTypeStateObjects(os, typeState, typeDeserializationState);
* Write a delta to the specified stream.
public void writeDelta(OutputStream os) throws IOException {
writeDelta(new DataOutputStream(os));
public void writeDelta(DataOutputStream os) throws IOException {
for(FastBlobTypeSerializationState<?> typeState : stateEngine.getOrderedSerializationStates()) {
throw new RuntimeException("This state engine is not ready for writing! Have you remembered to call stateEngine.prepareForWrite()?");
/// type flags byte -- reserved for later use
/// write the schema
ThreadSafeBitSet currentImageMembershipBitSet = typeState.getImageMembershipBitSet(imageIndex);
ThreadSafeBitSet previousImageMembershipBitSet = typeState.getPreviousCycleImageMembershipBitSet(imageIndex);
serializeDelta(os, typeState, currentImageMembershipBitSet, previousImageMembershipBitSet);
* Write a reverse delta to the specified stream.
* A reverse delta is the opposite of a delta. A delta removes all unused objects from the previous state and adds all
* new objects in the current state. A reverse delta removes all new objects in the current state and adds all unused
* objects from the previous state.
public void writeReverseDelta(OutputStream os, String previousVersion) throws IOException {
writeReverseDelta(new DataOutputStream(os), previousVersion);
public void writeReverseDelta(DataOutputStream os, String previousVersion) throws IOException {
writeHeader(os, previousVersion);
for(FastBlobTypeSerializationState<?> typeState : stateEngine.getOrderedSerializationStates()) {
throw new RuntimeException("This state engine is not ready for writing! Have you remembered to call stateEngine.prepareForWrite()?");
if(typeState.getPreviousStateSchema() != null) {
/// type flags byte -- reserved for later use
/// write the schema
ThreadSafeBitSet currentImageMembershipBitSet = typeState.getImageMembershipBitSet(imageIndex);
ThreadSafeBitSet previousImageMembershipBitSet = typeState.getPreviousCycleImageMembershipBitSet(imageIndex);
serializeDelta(os, typeState, previousImageMembershipBitSet, currentImageMembershipBitSet);
private void serializeDelta(DataOutputStream os, FastBlobTypeSerializationState<?> typeState, ThreadSafeBitSet currentStateOrdinals, ThreadSafeBitSet prevStateOrdinals) throws IOException {
/// get all of the ordinals contained in the previous cycle, which are no longer contained in this cycle. These all need to be removed.
ThreadSafeBitSet removedTypeStateObjectsBitSet = prevStateOrdinals.andNot(currentStateOrdinals);
serializeTypeStateRemovals(os, removedTypeStateObjectsBitSet);
/// get all of the ordinals contained in this cycle, which were not contained in the previous cycle. These all need to be added.
ThreadSafeBitSet addedTypeStateObjectsBitSet = currentStateOrdinals.andNot(prevStateOrdinals);
serializeTypeStateObjects(os, typeState, addedTypeStateObjectsBitSet);
private void writeHeader(DataOutputStream os) throws IOException {
String version = stateEngine.getLatestVersion() != null ? stateEngine.getLatestVersion() : "";
writeHeader(os, version);
private void writeHeader(DataOutputStream os, String version) throws IOException {
FastBlobHeader header = new FastBlobHeader();
/// The deserialization StreamingByteData buffer size needs to accommodate the largest single object.
/// write the ceil(log2(maxSize)) as a single byte at the beginning of the stream.
/// upon deserialization, this byte will be read and the StreamingByteData buffer can be sized appropriately.
int deserializationBufferSizeHint = 32 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(stateEngine.getMaxSingleObjectLength() - 1);
private void serializeTypeStateObjects(DataOutputStream os, FastBlobTypeSerializationState<?> typeState, ThreadSafeBitSet includeOrdinals) throws IOException {
int currentBitSetCapacity = includeOrdinals.currentCapacity();
int currentOrdinal = 0;
/// write the number of objects
VarInt.writeVInt(os, includeOrdinals.cardinality());
for(int i=0;i<currentBitSetCapacity;i++) {
if(includeOrdinals.get(i)) {
/// gap-encoded ordinals
VarInt.writeVInt(os, i - currentOrdinal);
currentOrdinal = i;
/// typeState will use the ByteArrayOrdinalMap to write the length and
/// serialized representation of the object.
typeState.writeObjectTo(os, i);
private void serializeTypeStateObjects(DataOutputStream os, FastBlobTypeSerializationState<?> typeState,
FastBlobTypeDeserializationState<?> typeDeserializationState) throws IOException {
/// write the number of objects
VarInt.writeVInt(os, typeDeserializationState.countObjects());
int currentOrdinal = 0;
for(int i=0;i<=typeDeserializationState.maxOrdinal();i++) {
Object obj = typeDeserializationState.get(i);
if(obj != null) {
/// gap-encoded ordinals
VarInt.writeVInt(os, i - currentOrdinal);
currentOrdinal = i;
/// typeState will use the ByteArrayOrdinalMap to write the length and
/// serialized representation of the object.
typeState.writeObjectTo(os, i);
private void serializeTypeStateRemovals(DataOutputStream os, ThreadSafeBitSet removals) throws IOException {
int bitSetCapacity = removals.currentCapacity();
int currentRemoval = 0;
/// write the number of removals
VarInt.writeVInt(os, removals.cardinality());
for(int i=0;i<bitSetCapacity;i++) {
if(removals.get(i)) {
/// gap-encoded ordinals
VarInt.writeVInt(os, i - currentRemoval);
currentRemoval = i;