import org.codehaus.staxmate.SMInputFactory;
* Unit test for verifying that location-related information is properly
* kept track of, and accessible.
public class TestLocation
extends ReaderTestBase
* Unit test that will verify that "node count" is kept track of
* when using hierarchic (nested) cursors.
public void testNodeCountNested()
throws XMLStreamException
SMInputFactory sf = new SMInputFactory(XMLInputFactory.newInstance());
String XML = "<root><!--comment--><a>text</a><?pi?><leaf /></root>";
SMInputCursor rootc = sf.rootElementCursor(new StringReader(XML)).advance();
// let's traverse using element cursor, to skip comment
SMInputCursor crsr = rootc.childElementCursor();
assertEquals(0, crsr.getNodeCount());
// should skip over comment, bump into element
assertToken(SMEvent.START_ELEMENT, crsr.getNext());
assertEquals(2, crsr.getNodeCount());
// and then over children, its contents and PI
assertToken(SMEvent.START_ELEMENT, crsr.getNext());
assertEquals(4, crsr.getNodeCount());
* Unit test that will verify that "element count" is kept track of
* when using hierarchic (nested) cursors.
public void testElementCountNested()
throws XMLStreamException
SMInputFactory sf = new SMInputFactory(XMLInputFactory.newInstance());
String XML = "<root><!--comment--><a>text</a><?pi?><leaf /></root>";
SMInputCursor rootc = sf.rootElementCursor(new StringReader(XML)).advance();
// let's traverse using element cursor, to skip comment
SMInputCursor crsr = rootc.childElementCursor();
assertEquals(0, crsr.getElementCount());
// should skip over comment, bump into element
assertToken(SMEvent.START_ELEMENT, crsr.getNext());
assertEquals(1, crsr.getElementCount());
// and then over children, its contents and PI
assertToken(SMEvent.START_ELEMENT, crsr.getNext());
assertEquals(2, crsr.getElementCount());