* Copyright 2010-2011 Research In Motion Limited.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package net.rim.tumbler.serialize;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import net.rim.tumbler.config.WidgetAccess;
import net.rim.tumbler.config.WidgetConfig;
import net.rim.tumbler.config.WidgetFeature;
import net.rim.tumbler.exception.ValidationException;
import net.rim.tumbler.file.TemplateFile;
public class WidgetConfig_v1Serializer implements WidgetConfigSerializer {
private static final String EOL = System.getProperty("line.separator");
private static final String TAB = " ";
private static final String AUTOGEN_HEADER =
"package webworks.config"+EOL+
"import webworks.access.Access;"+EOL+
"import webworks.access.Feature;"+EOL+
"import webworks.config.ConfigConstants;"+EOL;
private StringBuffer _buffer;
private Map<String, String> _memberMap;
private WidgetConfig _widgetConfig;
private Map<String, Vector<String>> _entryClassTable;
public WidgetConfig_v1Serializer(WidgetConfig widgetConfig, Map<String, Vector<String>> entryClassTable) {
_buffer = new StringBuffer();
_memberMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
_entryClassTable = entryClassTable;
// populate the basic members
// MKS: special characters for Java source file: escape /, ", ' for Java source
_memberMap.put("version", widgetConfig.getVersion());
_memberMap.put("id", widgetConfig.getID());
_memberMap.put("name", widgetConfig.getName());
_memberMap.put("description", widgetConfig.getDescription());
_memberMap.put("content", widgetConfig.getContent());
_memberMap.put("configXML", widgetConfig.getConfigXML());
_memberMap.put("backButtonBehaviour", widgetConfig.getBackButtonBehaviour());
_memberMap.put("contentType", widgetConfig.getContentType());
_memberMap.put("contentCharset", widgetConfig.getContentCharSet());
_memberMap.put("license", widgetConfig.getLicense());
_memberMap.put("licenseURL", widgetConfig.getLicenseURL());
_memberMap.put("author", widgetConfig.getAuthor());
_memberMap.put("copyright", widgetConfig.getCopyright());
_memberMap.put("authorEmail", widgetConfig.getAuthorEmail());
_memberMap.put("loadingScreenColor", widgetConfig.getLoadingScreenColour());
_memberMap.put("backgroundImage", widgetConfig.getBackgroundImage());
_memberMap.put("foregroundImage", widgetConfig.getForegroundImage());
_memberMap.put("authorURL", widgetConfig.getAuthorURL());
_memberMap.put("backgroundSource", widgetConfig.getBackgroundSource());
_memberMap.put("foregroundSource", widgetConfig.getForegroundSource());
_widgetConfig = widgetConfig;
public byte[] serialize() throws ValidationException {
// add import for entryClass
for (String entryClass : _entryClassTable.keySet()) {
_buffer.append("import " + entryClass + ";" + EOL);
_buffer.append(TAB + "public class CustomData" + EOL);
_buffer.append(TAB + "{" + EOL);
_buffer.append(TAB + "// constants" + EOL);
_buffer.append(TAB + TAB + "public static const values:Object = {" + EOL);
Set<String> members = _memberMap.keySet();
// iterate memberMap
for( String member : members ) {
String value = _memberMap.get(member);
if (value != null) {
_buffer.append(makeLine("\""+ member + "\" : \"" + escapeSpecialCharacterForJavaSource(value) + "\",", 0));
// * present
if (_widgetConfig.allowMultiAccess()) {
_buffer.append(makeLine("\"hasMultiAccess\" : true,",0));
// add icons
if (_widgetConfig.getIconSrc().size() > 0) {
_buffer.append(makeLine("\"icon\" : \"" + _widgetConfig.getIconSrc().firstElement() + "\",", 0));
if (_widgetConfig.getHoverIconSrc().size() > 0) {
_buffer.append(makeLine("\"iconHover\" : \"" + _widgetConfig.getHoverIconSrc().firstElement() + "\",", 0)); }
// add custom headers
if (_widgetConfig.getCustomHeaders().size() > 0)
_buffer.append(makeLine("\"customHeaders\" : ", 0));
_buffer.append(makeLine("{", 0));
boolean first=true;
for( String key : _widgetConfig.getCustomHeaders().keySet()) {
if (!first) _buffer.append(",");
_buffer.append(makeLine("\"" + key + "\" : \"" + escapeSpecialCharacterForJavaSource(_widgetConfig.getCustomHeaders().get(key)) + "\"", 1));
_buffer.append(makeLine("},", 0));
// set navigation mode
if (_widgetConfig.getNavigationMode()) {
_buffer.append(makeLine("\"navigationMode\" : true,",0));
// add LoadingScreen configuration
_buffer.append(makeLine("\"onFirstLaunch\" : "+_widgetConfig.getFirstPageLoad()+",",0));
_buffer.append(makeLine("\"onRemotePageLoad\" : "+_widgetConfig.getRemotePageLoad()+",",0));
_buffer.append(makeLine("\"onLocalPageLoad\" : "+_widgetConfig.getLocalPageLoad()+",",0));
// add TransitionEffect configuration
if (_widgetConfig.getTransitionType() != null) {
_buffer.append(makeLine("\"transitionType\" : "+_widgetConfig.getTransitionType()+",",0));
if (_widgetConfig.getTransitionDuration() >= 0) {
_buffer.append(makeLine("\"transitionDuration\" : "+_widgetConfig.getTransitionDuration()+",",0));
if (_widgetConfig.getTransitionDirection() != null) {
_buffer.append(makeLine("\"transitionDirection\" : "+_widgetConfig.getTransitionDirection()+",",0));
// add cache options
if (_widgetConfig.isCacheEnabled() != null) {
_buffer.append(makeLine("\"disableAllCache\" : true,",0));
if (_widgetConfig.getAggressiveCacheAge() != null) {
// Enable aggressive caching if applicable
_buffer.append(makeLine("\"aggressiveCacheAge\" : " + _widgetConfig.getAggressiveCacheAge() + ",",0));
if (_widgetConfig.getMaxCacheSize() != null) {
_buffer.append(makeLine("\"maxCacheSizeTotal\" : " + _widgetConfig.getMaxCacheSize() + ",",0));
if (_widgetConfig.getMaxCacheItemSize() != null) {
_buffer.append(makeLine("\"maxCacheSizeItem\" : " + _widgetConfig.getMaxCacheItemSize() + ",",0));
if (_widgetConfig.getMaxCacheItemSize() != null) {
_buffer.append(makeLine("\"maxCacheSizeItem\" : " + _widgetConfig.getMaxCacheItemSize() + ",",0));
_buffer.append(makeLine("config.setProperty(ConfigConstants.MAXCACHESIZEITEM," + _widgetConfig.getMaxCacheItemSize() + ");", 0));
//Debug issue fix ?
if(_widgetConfig.isDebugEnabled()) {
_buffer.append(makeLine("\"debugEnabled\" : true,",0));
//Auto-Startup options
if(_widgetConfig.allowInvokeParams()) {
_buffer.append(makeLine("\"allowInvokeParams\" : " + _widgetConfig.allowInvokeParams() + ",",0));
if(_widgetConfig.isStartupEnabled()) {
_buffer.append(makeLine("\"runOnStartUp\" : " + _widgetConfig.isStartupEnabled() + ",",0));
// Not needed right now.
// add 3rd party extensions
for (int j = 0; j < _widgetConfig.getExtensionClasses().size(); j++) {
String extensionClass = _widgetConfig.getExtensionClasses().elementAt(j);
"_widgetExtensions.addElement(new " + extensionClass + "());", 0));
// add transport
if (_widgetConfig.getTransportTimeout() >= 0) {
_buffer.append(makeLine("config.setProperty(ConfigConstants.TRANSPORTTIMEOUT," + _widgetConfig.getTransportTimeout() + ");", 0));
if (_widgetConfig.getTransportOrder() != null) {
"_preferredTransports = new int[]{",0));
for(int i=0; i<_widgetConfig.getTransportOrder().length; i++) {
String transport = _widgetConfig.getTransportOrder()[i];
if (i+1 != _widgetConfig.getTransportOrder().length) {
transport += ",";
_buffer.append(makeLine(transport, 1));
_buffer.append(makeLine("};", 0));
// add access/features
if (_widgetConfig.getAccessTable().size() > 0) {
String line;
_buffer.append(makeLine("\"accessList\" : new Array(", 0));
int i=0;
int keySetSize = _widgetConfig.getAccessTable().keySet().size();
for (WidgetAccess key : _widgetConfig.getAccessTable().keySet()) {
String uri = key.getURI().toString();
if (uri.equals("WidgetConfig.WIDGET_LOCAL_DOMAIN")) {
line = "ConfigConstants.WIDGET_LOCAL_DOMAIN,";
} else {
line = "\"" + uri + "\"" + ",";
_buffer.append(makeLine("new Access(", 2));
_buffer.append(makeLine(line, 3));
line = (new Boolean(key.allowSubDomain())).toString() + ",";
_buffer.append(makeLine(line, 3));
Vector<?> wfList = (Vector<?>)_widgetConfig.getAccessTable().get(key);
if (wfList.size()>0)
_buffer.append(makeLine("new Array(", 3));
for (int j = 0; j < wfList.size(); j++) {
WidgetFeature wf = (WidgetFeature) wfList.get(j);
_buffer.append(makeLine("new Feature(", 4));
line = "\"" + wf.getID() + "\"" + ",";
_buffer.append(makeLine(line, 5));
line = (new Boolean(wf.isRequired())).toString() + ",";
_buffer.append(makeLine(line, 5));
line = "\"" + wf.getVersion() + "\"" + ",";
_buffer.append(makeLine(line, 5));
line = "null)";
if (j+1 != wfList.size()) {
line += ",";
_buffer.append(makeLine(line, 5));
_buffer.append(makeLine(")", 3));
_buffer.append(makeLine(")", 2));
if (i+1 != keySetSize) {
_buffer.append(makeLine(",", 1));
_buffer.append(makeLine("),", 1));
_buffer.append(EOL + TAB + TAB + "\"widgetExtensions\" : new Array(");
boolean first = true;
for (String entryClass : _entryClassTable.keySet()) {
if (!first) {
} else {
first = false;
_buffer.append(EOL + TAB + TAB + TAB + "{\"class\" : new " + entryClass + "(),");
_buffer.append(EOL + TAB + TAB + TAB + "\"requiredJSFiles\" : new Array(");
boolean innerFirst = true;
for (String jsPathname : _entryClassTable.get(entryClass)) {
if (!innerFirst) {
} else {
innerFirst = false;
_buffer.append(EOL + TAB + TAB + TAB + TAB + "\"" + jsPathname.replace('\\', '/') + "\"");
_buffer.append(EOL + TAB + TAB + TAB + "),");
_buffer.append(EOL + TAB + "\"name\" : \"value\"" + EOL);
_buffer.append(EOL + TAB + TAB + "}" + EOL + TAB + "}" + EOL + "}");
return _buffer.toString().getBytes();
private String makeLine(String toAdd, int level) {
String result = EOL + TAB + TAB;
for(int i=0; i<level; i++) {
result += TAB;
return result + toAdd;
private String escapeSpecialCharacterForJavaSource(String s) {
// process escaped characters
// " -> \\\\\"
// ' -> \\\\\'
// \ -> \\\\\\\\
// NOTE: \\\\ (4 SLASHES) stand for 1 \ (SLASH)
if (s == null) return null;
String ret =
s.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("\\"), "\\\\\\\\")
.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("\""), "\\\\\"")
.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("\'"), "\\\\\'");
return ret;