package com.trsst.server;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import org.apache.abdera.Abdera;
import org.apache.abdera.i18n.iri.IRI;
import org.apache.abdera.model.Category;
import org.apache.abdera.model.Element;
import org.apache.abdera.model.Entry;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Document;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Field;
import org.apache.lucene.document.LongField;
import org.apache.lucene.document.StringField;
import org.apache.lucene.document.TextField;
import org.apache.lucene.index.AtomicReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.index.DirectoryReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriterConfig;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.core.QueryNodeException;
import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.standard.StandardQueryParser;
import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.standard.config.StandardQueryConfigHandler;
import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.standard.parser.ParseException;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Version;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.Text;
import org.w3c.tidy.Tidy;
import com.trsst.Common;
import com.trsst.client.Client;
* Manages storage and indexing of feed and entry documents, and delegates
* storage of resources to another Storage instance.
* @author mpowers
public class LuceneStorage implements Storage {
* Shared abdera instance.
private Abdera abdera;
* Deletable storage delegate: used for caching feeds fetched from other
* servers. Basically, if this storage went away, it would be no big deal.
private Storage cacheStorage;
* Persistent storage delegate: used for feeds managed by this server. This
* is basically the user's primary backup of all entries created.
private Storage persistentStorage;
* Lucene readers/writers are thread-safe and shared instances are
* recommended.
private IndexWriter writer;
private IndexReader reader;
private Analyzer analyzer;
* Default constructor manages individual feed, entry, and resource
* documents with a FileStorage.
* @throws IOException
public LuceneStorage() throws IOException {
this(new FileStorage());
* Manages index and calls to the specified storage delegate to handle
* individual feed, entry, and resource persistence.
* @param delegate
* @throws IOException
public LuceneStorage(Storage delegate) throws IOException {
this(delegate, null);
* Manages index and calls to the specified storage delegate to handle
* individual feed, entry, and resource persistence. Any feeds managed by
* this server will call to persistent storage rather than cache storage.
* @param delegate
* @throws IOException
public LuceneStorage(Storage cache, Storage persistent) throws IOException {
cacheStorage = cache;
persistentStorage = persistent;
abdera = Abdera.getInstance();
Directory dir = File(Common.getServerRoot(),
analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_46);
IndexWriterConfig iwc = new IndexWriterConfig(Version.LUCENE_46,
writer = new IndexWriter(dir, iwc);
private void refreshReader() throws IOException {
reader =, true);
* Returns feed ids with content hosted on this server. Feeds must be
* ordered by most recent update.
* @param start
* the start index from which to return results; if exceeds
* bounds of available results, zero results are returned.
* @param length
* the maximum number of results to return; servers may return
* fewer results.
* @return the specified feed ids hosted on this server.
public String[] getFeedIds(int start, int length) {
return persistentStorage.getFeedIds(start, length);
private boolean isManaged(String feedId) {
String[] feedIds = getFeedIds(0, 100);
for (String id : feedIds) {
if (id.equals(feedId)) {
return true;
return false;
private Storage getStorage(String feedId) {
if (persistentStorage == null) {
return cacheStorage;
if (isManaged(feedId)) {
return persistentStorage;
return cacheStorage;
* Returns categories mentioned in content hosted on this server. Categories
* should be ordered by most popular or recently used, or a combination of
* both ("trending").
* @param start
* the start index from which to return results; if exceeds
* bounds of available results, zero results are returned.
* @param length
* the maximum number of results to return; servers may return
* fewer results.
* @return the specified trending categories.
public String[] getCategories(int start, int length) {
// TODO: implement category tracking
// return most frequent categories for the past 100 or 1000 entries
return new String[0];
public int getEntryCount(Date after, Date before, String query,
String[] mentions, String[] tags, String verb) {
return getEntryCountForFeedId(null, after, before, query, mentions,
tags, verb);
public int getEntryCountForFeedId(String feedId, Date after, Date before,
String search, String[] mentions, String[] tags, String verb) {
try {
Filter filter = buildRangeFilter(after, before);
Query query = buildTextQuery(feedId, search, mentions, tags, verb);
CountCollector collector = new CountCollector();
new IndexSearcher(reader).search(query, filter, collector);
return collector.getCount();
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Unexpected error getting entry count for feed: "
+ feedId, e);
} catch (QueryNodeException e) {
log.error("Unexpected error executing count query for feed: "
+ feedId, e);
return -1;
public String[] getEntryIds(int start, int length, Date after, Date before,
String query, String[] mentions, String[] tags, String verb) {
return _getEntryIdsForFeedId(null, start, length, after, before, query,
mentions, tags, verb);
public long[] getEntryIdsForFeedId(String feedId, int start, int length,
Date after, Date before, String query, String[] mentions,
String[] tags, String verb) {
String[] ids = _getEntryIdsForFeedId(feedId, start, length, after,
before, query, mentions, tags, verb);
long[] result = null;
if (ids != null) {
result = new long[ids.length];
int i = 0;
int offset = feedId.length() + 1; // entry keys contain feed id
for (String id : ids) {
result[i++] = Long.parseLong(id.substring(offset), 16);
return result;
private String[] _getEntryIdsForFeedId(String feedId, int start,
int length, Date after, Date before, String search,
String[] mentions, String[] tags, String verb) {
try {
Filter filter = buildRangeFilter(after, before);
Query query = buildTextQuery(feedId, search, mentions, tags, verb);
TopDocs hits = new IndexSearcher(reader).search(query, filter,
start + length, new Sort(new SortField("updated",
SortField.Type.LONG, true)));
String[] result = new String[Math.min(length, hits.totalHits)];
int i = 0;
String id;
int replace;
Set<String> fields = new HashSet<String>();
fields.add("entry"); // we only need the entry field
for (ScoreDoc e : hits.scoreDocs) {
id = new IndexSearcher(reader).doc(e.doc).get("entry");
replace = id.lastIndexOf('-');
if (replace != -1) {
id = id.substring(0, replace) + ':'
+ id.substring(replace + 1);
result[i++] = id;
return result;
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Unexpected error getting query for feed: " + feedId, e);
} catch (QueryNodeException e) {
log.error("Unexpected error executing query for feed: " + feedId, e);
return null;
private Filter buildRangeFilter(Date after, Date before) {
if (after == null && before == null) {
return null;
long afterTime;
if (after != null) {
afterTime = after.getTime();
} else {
// all entries are after this key
afterTime = Long.MIN_VALUE;
long beforeTime;
if (before != null) {
beforeTime = before.getTime();
} else {
// all entries are before this key
beforeTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
return NumericRangeFilter.newLongRange("updated", afterTime,
beforeTime, false, false);
private Query buildTextQuery(String feedId, String search,
String[] mentions, String[] tags, String verb)
throws QueryNodeException {
if (search == null) {
search = "";
// feedId = "M9Dvwqp4GcRJe6gh7p73bCcQk8dKLG19z";
// search = "feed:\"HSzp9eneHcqsp4Vdt9pMfP1Qy83FZZwmE\"";
if (verb != null) {
search = search + " verb:" + verb;
if (tags != null) {
for (String tag : tags) {
tag = tag.trim();
if (tag.startsWith(Common.FEED_URN_PREFIX)) {
tag = tag.substring(Common.FEED_URN_PREFIX.length());
if (tag.startsWith(Common.ENTRY_URN_PREFIX)) {
tag = tag.substring(Common.ENTRY_URN_PREFIX.length());
search = search + " tag:\"" + tag.toLowerCase() + "\"";
if (mentions != null) {
for (String mention : mentions) {
mention = mention.trim();
if (mention.startsWith(Common.ACCOUNT_URN_PREFIX)) {
int index = mention.indexOf(Common.ACCOUNT_URN_FEED_PREFIX);
if (index != -1) {
// feed id instead
String id = mention.substring(index
+ Common.ACCOUNT_URN_FEED_PREFIX.length());
search = search + " tag:\"" + id + "\"";
// truncate feed id and continue
mention = mention.substring(0, index);
mention = mention.substring(Common.ACCOUNT_URN_PREFIX
if (mention.startsWith(Common.FEED_URN_PREFIX)) {
mention = mention
if (mention.startsWith(Common.ENTRY_URN_PREFIX)) {
mention = mention.substring(Common.ENTRY_URN_PREFIX
// mentions treated as tags in index
search = search + " tag:\"" + mention + "\"";
if (feedId != null) {
search = "feed:\"" + feedId + "\"" + search;
if (search.trim().length() == 0) {
log.trace("No search parameters: " + search);
search = "*"; // return everything
StandardQueryParser parser = new StandardQueryParser();
try {
return parser.parse(search, "text");
} catch (ParseException se) {
log.error("Could not parse query: " + search);
throw se;
* Returns the contents of the unmodified feed element which was previously
* passed to updateFeed for the specified feed; otherwise throws
* FileNotFoundException.
* @param feedId
* the specified feed.
* @return a signed feed element and child elements but excluding entry
* elements.
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* if the specified feed does not exist on this server.
* @throws IOException
* if an error occurs obtaining the entry data.
public String readFeed(String feedId) throws FileNotFoundException,
IOException {
return getStorage(feedId).readFeed(feedId);
* Receives the contents of a signed feed element to be stored and
* associated with the specified feed. The retured string contains a signed
* feed element and holds all meta-data attributes associated with the feed.
* These contents may be inspected, analyzed, and indexed, but must be
* returned unmodifed to callers of readFeed() so the signature remains
* intact. Note that the feed element DOES NOT contain entry elements.
* @param feedId
* the specified feed.
* @param lastUpdated
* the datetime when this feed says it was last updated; used for
* time range queries
* @param feed
* the contents to be persisted.
* @throws IOException
* if a error occurs persisting the entry data.
public void updateFeed(String feedId, Date lastUpdated, String content)
throws IOException {
try {
// NOTE: not yet sure if we want to index feeds
// as we haven't exposed a way to search them
// Feed feed = (Feed) abdera.getParser()
// .parse(new StringReader(content)).getRoot();
// if (feed.getTitle() != null) {
// Document document = new Document();
// document.add(new StringField("feed", feedId, Field.Store.NO));
// document.add(new TextField("title", feed.getTitle(),
// Field.Store.NO));
// document.add(new TextField("subtitle", feed.getSubtitle(),
// Field.Store.NO));
// Person author = feed.getAuthor();
// if (author != null) {
// if (author.getName() != null) {
// document.add(new TextField("name", author.getName(),
// Field.Store.NO));
// }
// if (author.getEmail() != null) {
// document.add(new StringField("address", author
// .getEmail(), Field.Store.NO));
// }
// }
getStorage(feedId).updateFeed(feedId, lastUpdated, content);
// feedWriter.updateDocument(new Term("feed", feedId), document);
// }
} catch (Throwable t) {
"Error from update feed: " + feedId + " : " + lastUpdated,
throw new IOException("Could not parse input for: " + feedId
+ " : " + t.getMessage());
* Returns the contents of a signed entry element for the specified feed
* which was previously passed to updateFeedEntry.
* @param feedId
* the specified feed.
* @param entryId
* the desired entry for the specified feed.
* @return a signed entry element.
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* if the specified entry does not exist.
* @throws IOException
* if a error occurs obtaining the entry data.
public String readEntry(String feedId, long entryId)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
return getStorage(feedId).readEntry(feedId, entryId);
* Receives the contents of a signed entry element to be stored and
* associated with the specified feed and unique identifier for later
* retrieval by readFeedEntry(). These contents may be inspected, analyzed,
* and indexed, but must be returned unmodifed to callers of readEntry() so
* the signature remains intact.
* @param feedId
* the specified feed.
* @param entryId
* the unique identifier for the entry to be persisted.
* @param publishDate
* the datetime when this entry says it was or will be published;
* used for date/time range queries
* @param entry
* an entry element whose contents are to be persisted.
* @throws IOException
* if a error occurs persisting the entry data.
public void updateEntry(String feedId, long entryId, Date publishDate,
String content) throws IOException {
try {
Entry entry = (Entry) abdera.getParser()
.parse(new StringReader(content)).getRoot();
// we also accumulate categories, mentions, and verbs into
// a single combined multivalue string index
Set<String> tags = new HashSet<String>();
// get verb
String verb = null; // "post" is default verb
Element verbElement = entry.getExtension(new QName(
"", "verb", "activity"));
if (verbElement != null) {
if (verbElement.getText() != null) {
verb = verbElement.getText().trim().toLowerCase();
while (verb.length() > 0
&& (verb.charAt(0) == '#' || verb.charAt(0) == '@')) {
// strip our "special" characters
verb = verb.substring(1);
if (verb == null || verb.length() == 0) {
verb = "post"; // "post" is default verb
// get categories
List<Category> categories = entry.getCategories();
if (categories != null) {
for (Category e : categories) {
IRI scheme = e.getScheme();
if (scheme != null
&& (Common.TAG_URN.equals(scheme.toString()) || Common.TAG_URN_LEGACY
.equals(scheme.toString()))) {
if (e.getTerm() != null) {
tags.add('#' + e.getTerm().trim().toLowerCase());
} else if (scheme != null
&& (Common.MENTION_URN.equals(scheme.toString()) || Common.MENTION_URN_LEGACY
.equals(scheme.toString()))) {
String mention = e.getTerm();
if (mention != null) {
mention = mention.trim();
if (mention.startsWith(Common.ACCOUNT_URN_PREFIX)) {
int index = mention
if (index != -1) {
// feed id instead
String id = mention.substring(index
tags.add('@' + id);
// truncate feed id and continue
mention = mention.substring(0, index);
mention = mention
if (mention.startsWith(Common.FEED_URN_PREFIX)) {
mention = mention
if (mention.startsWith(Common.ENTRY_URN_PREFIX)) {
mention = mention
tags.add('@' + mention);
// convert to list and persist
List<String> converted = new LinkedList<String>();
for (String tag : tags) {
// extract fields for full-text search index
Document document = new Document();
StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer();
document.add(new StringField("entry", getEntryKeyString(feedId,
entryId), Field.Store.YES));
text.append(entryId).append(' ');
document.add(new StringField("feed", feedId, Field.Store.NO));
text.append(feedId).append(' ');
document.add(new StringField("verb", verb, Field.Store.NO));
text.append(verb).append(' ');
document.add(new LongField("updated", entryId, Field.Store.NO));
text.append(verb).append(' ');
if (entry.getTitle() != null) {
String title = entry.getTitle().toLowerCase();
document.add(new TextField("title", title, Field.Store.NO));
text.append(title).append(' ');
if (entry.getSummary() != null) {
String summary = extractTextFromHtml(entry.getSummary())
// System.out.println("extracting: " + summary);
document.add(new TextField("summary", summary, Field.Store.NO));
text.append(summary).append(' ');
tags.remove(verb); // don't treat verb as tag in full-text search
for (String tag : tags) {
tag = tag.substring(1); // remove @ or #
document.add(new StringField("tag", tag, Field.Store.NO));
text.append(tag).append(' ');
document.add(new TextField("text", text.toString(), Field.Store.NO));
// persist the document
getStorage(feedId).updateEntry(feedId, entryId, publishDate,
new Term("entry", getEntryKeyString(feedId, entryId)),
} catch (Throwable t) {
log.error("Error from update entry: " + feedId + " : " + entryId, t);
throw new IOException("Could not parse input for: "
+ getEntryKeyString(feedId, entryId) + " : "
+ t.getMessage());
// borrowed from lai-xin-chu:
private String extractTextFromHtml(String html) {
Tidy tidy = new Tidy();
org.w3c.dom.Document root = tidy.parseDOM(new StringReader(html), null);
return getText(root.getDocumentElement());
// borrowed from lai-xin-chu:
private String getText(Node node) {
NodeList children = node.getChildNodes();
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
Node child = children.item(i);
switch (child.getNodeType()) {
sb.append(" ");
case Node.TEXT_NODE:
sb.append(((Text) child).getData());
return sb.toString();
* Delete an existing entry for the specified feed.
* @param feedId
* the specified feed.
* @param entryId
* the desired entry for the specified feed.
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* if the specified entry does not exist.
* @throws IOException
* if a error occurs while deleting the entry data.
public void deleteEntry(String feedId, long entryId)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
try {
writer.deleteDocuments(new Term("entry", getEntryKeyString(feedId,
} catch (Throwable t) {
log.error("Unexpected error from delete entry: " + feedId + " : "
+ entryId, t);
throw new IOException("Unexpected error while deleting: "
+ getEntryKeyString(feedId, entryId) + " : "
+ t.getMessage());
getStorage(feedId).deleteEntry(feedId, entryId);
private static final String getEntryKeyString(String feedId, long entityId) {
return feedId + '-' + Long.toHexString(entityId);
* Returns the mime-type of the contents of the resource data for the
* specified entry for the specified feed, if known. If not known, returns
* null.
* @param feedId
* the specified feed.
* @param entryId
* the specified entry.
* @param resourceId
* the desired resource id for the specified feed and entry.
* @return the mime type of the resource, or null if not known.
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* if the specified resource does not exist on this server.
* @throws IOException
* if a error occurs obtaining the resource data.
public String readFeedEntryResourceType(String feedId, long entryId,
String resourceId) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
return getStorage(feedId).readFeedEntryResourceType(feedId, entryId,
* Obtains an input stream to read the contents of the resource data for the
* specified entry for the specified feed. Callers must close the input
* stream when finished.
* @param feedId
* the specified feed.
* @param entryId
* the specified entry.
* @param resourceId
* the desired resource id for the specified feed and entry.
* @return an input stream to read the contents of the resource.
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* if the specified entry does not exist.
* @throws IOException
* if a error occurs obtaining the resource data.
public InputStream readFeedEntryResource(String feedId, long entryId,
String resourceId) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
return getStorage(feedId).readFeedEntryResource(feedId, entryId,
* Stores a binary resource for the specified feed and entry by reading the
* specified input stream and persisting the contents for later retrieval by
* readFeedEntryResource(). Implementors must close the input stream when
* finished.
* @param feedId
* the specified feed.
* @param entryId
* the specified entry.
* @param resourceId
* the desired resource id for the specified feed and entry.
* @param mimeType
* the mime type of the data if known, otherwise null.
* @param publishDate
* the datetime when the associated entry says it was or will be
* published; used for date/time range queries
* @param data
* an input stream whose contents are to be persisted.
* @throws IOException
* if a error occurs persisting the resource data.
public void updateFeedEntryResource(String feedId, long entryId,
String resourceId, String mimeType, Date publishDate, byte[] data)
throws IOException {
getStorage(feedId).updateFeedEntryResource(feedId, entryId, resourceId,
mimeType, publishDate, data);
* Delete an existing resource for the specified feed and entry.
* @param feedId
* the specified feed.
* @param entryId
* the specified entry.
* @param resourceId
* the desired resource id for the specified feed and entry.
* @throws IOException
* if a error occurs while deleting the resource data.
public void deleteFeedEntryResource(String feedId, long entryId,
String resourceId) throws IOException {
getStorage(feedId).deleteFeedEntryResource(feedId, entryId, resourceId);
private final static org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
private static class CountCollector extends Collector {
int count;
public void setScorer(Scorer scorer) throws IOException {
// ignore
public void collect(int doc) throws IOException {
public void setNextReader(AtomicReaderContext context)
throws IOException {
// ignore
public boolean acceptsDocsOutOfOrder() {
return true;
public int getCount() {
return count;