package org.osmorc.impl;
import com.intellij.util.containers.HashSet;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.osgi.framework.Version;
import org.osmorc.manifest.BundleManifest;
import org.osmorc.manifest.ManifestHolder;
import org.osmorc.manifest.ManifestHolderDisposedException;
import java.util.*;
* The bundle cache holds information about all bundles within the project.
class BundleCache {
private volatile Set<ManifestHolder> myManifestHolders;
public BundleCache() {
myManifestHolders = new HashSet<ManifestHolder>();
* Clears the bundle cache.
public synchronized void clear() {
myManifestHolders = new HashSet<ManifestHolder>();
* Updates the cache with the given manifest holder.
* @param holder the holder
* @return true, if the holder was added to the cache, false if the holder was already known.
public synchronized boolean updateWith(@NotNull final ManifestHolder holder) {
if (!myManifestHolders.contains(holder)) {
// copy on write
HashSet<ManifestHolder> copy = new HashSet<ManifestHolder>(myManifestHolders);
myManifestHolders = copy;
return true;
else {
return false;
* Removes all stale holders from the cache.
* @return true if there were stale entries, false if nothing changed.
public synchronized boolean cleanup() {
Set<ManifestHolder> toRemove = new HashSet<ManifestHolder>();
for (ManifestHolder manifestHolder : myManifestHolders) {
if (manifestHolder.isDisposed()) {
if (toRemove.isEmpty()) {
return false;
// copy on write
HashSet<ManifestHolder> copy = new HashSet<ManifestHolder>(myManifestHolders);
myManifestHolders = copy;
return true;
* Returns all manifest holders which provide the given package via export-package.
* @param packageSpec the package specification (may include version ranges)
* @return set of matching manifest holders.
public Set<ManifestHolder> whoProvides(@NotNull final String packageSpec) {
Set<ManifestHolder> result = new HashSet<ManifestHolder>();
for (ManifestHolder manifestHolder : myManifestHolders) {
BundleManifest bundleManifest;
try {
bundleManifest = manifestHolder.getBundleManifest();
catch (ManifestHolderDisposedException ignore) {
// ok this thing is gone
if (bundleManifest != null) {
if (bundleManifest.isPackageExported(packageSpec)) {
return result;
* Returns a set of manifest holders that represent fragments of the given manifest holder. Note, that this is a potentially costly operation
* when there are many manifests.
* @param bundle the manifest holder to find the fragments for.
* @return a set of matching manifest holders. If there are no fragments known, returns an empty set.
public Set<ManifestHolder> getFragmentsForBundle(@NotNull ManifestHolder bundle) {
try {
BundleManifest bundleManifest = bundle.getBundleManifest();
// if it has no manifest, we can short cut here
if (bundleManifest == null) {
return Collections.emptySet();
Set<ManifestHolder> result = new HashSet<ManifestHolder>();
for (ManifestHolder manifestHolder : myManifestHolders) {
try {
BundleManifest potentialFragmentManifest = manifestHolder.getBundleManifest();
if (potentialFragmentManifest == null) {
if (bundleManifest.isFragmentHostFor(potentialFragmentManifest)) {
catch (ManifestHolderDisposedException ignore) {
// ignore.
return result;
catch (ManifestHolderDisposedException ignore) {
return Collections.emptySet();
* Gets all known fragment hosts for the given fragment.
* @param fragment the fragment
* @return a set of fragment hosts. returns an empty set if no hosts could be found or if the given manifest holder does not represent a fragment bundle.
public Set<ManifestHolder> getFragmentHosts(@NotNull ManifestHolder fragment) {
try {
BundleManifest fragmentManifest = fragment.getBundleManifest();
// if its not a fragment or has no manifest, we can short cut here
if (fragmentManifest == null || !fragmentManifest.isFragmentBundle()) {
return Collections.emptySet();
Set<ManifestHolder> result = new HashSet<ManifestHolder>();
for (ManifestHolder manifestHolder : myManifestHolders) {
try {
BundleManifest potentialHostManifest = manifestHolder.getBundleManifest();
if (potentialHostManifest == null) {
if (potentialHostManifest.isFragmentHostFor(fragmentManifest)) {
catch (ManifestHolderDisposedException ignore) {
// ignore.
return result;
catch (ManifestHolderDisposedException ignore) {
return Collections.emptySet();
* Returns the manifest holders that have the given symbolic name.
* @param bundleSymbolicName the symbolic name
* @return the matching manifest holders. If no holder matches, returns an empty list.
public List<ManifestHolder> whoIs(@NotNull final String bundleSymbolicName) {
List<ManifestHolder> result = new ArrayList<ManifestHolder>();
for (ManifestHolder manifestHolder : myManifestHolders) {
BundleManifest bundleManifest;
try {
bundleManifest = manifestHolder.getBundleManifest();
catch (ManifestHolderDisposedException ignore) {
if (bundleManifest != null) {
if (bundleSymbolicName.equals(bundleManifest.getBundleSymbolicName())) {
return result;
* Returns the manifest holder that confirms to the required-bundle specification. If multiple entities match, the one with the
* highest version is returned.
* @param requiredBundleSpec the required bundle specification
* @return the first matching manifest holder, or null if there is no match
public ManifestHolder whoIsRequiredBundle(@NotNull final String requiredBundleSpec) {
List<ManifestHolder> candidates = new ArrayList<ManifestHolder>();
for (ManifestHolder manifestHolder : myManifestHolders) {
BundleManifest bundleManifest;
try {
bundleManifest = manifestHolder.getBundleManifest();
catch (ManifestHolderDisposedException ignore) {
// this thing is gone
if (bundleManifest != null) {
if (bundleManifest.isRequiredBundle(requiredBundleSpec)) {
return getCandidateWithHighestVersion(candidates);
* Helper function which takes a collection of manifest holders, creates sets of manifest holders that have the same bundle symbolic name
* and returns the manifest holder with the highest version for each set.
* @param manifestHolders the manifest holders
* @return a set with an entry for each set of manifest holders that have the same bundle symbolic name. The entry is the manifest holder
* with the highest version in the respective set. If no highest version can be determined for any given set, then this result
* set will not contain an entry for the respective set.
public static Set<ManifestHolder> getCandidatesWithHighestVersions(@NotNull Collection<ManifestHolder> manifestHolders) {
Map<String, Set<ManifestHolder>> sets = new HashMap<String, Set<ManifestHolder>>();
// first build sets of entries with the same bundle symbolic name. This will also eliminate duplicate holders.
for (ManifestHolder holder : manifestHolders) {
try {
BundleManifest manifest = holder.getBundleManifest();
if (manifest != null) {
String bundleSymbolicName = manifest.getBundleSymbolicName();
Set<ManifestHolder> set;
if (sets.containsKey(bundleSymbolicName)) {
set = sets.get(bundleSymbolicName);
else {
set = new HashSet<ManifestHolder>();
sets.put(bundleSymbolicName, set);
catch (ManifestHolderDisposedException e) {
// its gone, ignore it
Set<ManifestHolder> result = new HashSet<ManifestHolder>();
for (Set<ManifestHolder> holders : sets.values()) {
ManifestHolder candidateWithHighestVersion = getCandidateWithHighestVersion(holders);
if (candidateWithHighestVersion != null) {
return result;
* Helper method which allows filtering a list of manifest holders and return the candidate with the highest version. It is assumed
* that the list only contains manifest holders with the same bundle-symbolic name. This method will not check this assumption and will
* also not depend on it, so the GIGO principle applies.
* @param candidates the list of candidates
* @return the candidate with the highest version or null if no such candidate could be determined.
public static ManifestHolder getCandidateWithHighestVersion(@NotNull Collection<ManifestHolder> candidates) {
if (candidates.isEmpty()) {
return null;
if (candidates.size() == 1) {
return candidates.iterator().next();
ManifestHolder result = null;
for (ManifestHolder candidate : candidates) {
if (result == null) {
result = candidate;
BundleManifest resultManifest;
try {
resultManifest = result.getBundleManifest();
if (resultManifest == null) {
// weird but may happen
result = candidate; // discard result and replace it with current candidate.
catch (ManifestHolderDisposedException e) {
// ok result is gone, replace it with the candidate
result = candidate;
try {
BundleManifest bundleManifest = candidate.getBundleManifest();
if (bundleManifest == null) {
// weird, but may happen, discard current candidate and go on with the next one
Version candidateVersion = bundleManifest.getBundleVersion();
Version resultVersion = resultManifest.getBundleVersion();
if (resultVersion.compareTo(candidateVersion) < 0) { // result version is smaller than candidate version
result = candidate; // candidate becomes next result
catch (ManifestHolderDisposedException e) {
// may happen on rare occasions in which case we ignore that candidate and keep the old result.
return result;
* Returns the manifest holder for the given bundle object.
* @param bundle the bundle object
* @return the manifest
public ManifestHolder getManifestHolder(@NotNull final Object bundle) {
for (ManifestHolder manifestHolder : myManifestHolders) {
Object boundObject;
try {
boundObject = manifestHolder.getBoundObject();
catch (ManifestHolderDisposedException ignore) {
if (boundObject.equals(bundle)) {
return manifestHolder;
return null;