package scala_maven;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.apache.maven.reporting.MavenReport;
import org.apache.maven.reporting.MavenReportException;
import org.codehaus.doxia.sink.Sink;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
import scala_maven_executions.JavaMainCaller;
import scala_maven_executions.MainHelper;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
* Produces Scala API documentation.
* @goal doc
* @requiresDependencyResolution compile
* @execute phase="generate-sources"
public class ScalaDocMojo extends ScalaSourceMojoSupport implements MavenReport {
* Specify window title of generated HTML documentation.
* [scaladoc, vscaladoc]
* @parameter expression="${windowtitle}"
* default-value="${} ${project.version} API"
protected String windowtitle;
* Specifies the text to be placed at the bottom of each output file. If you
* want to use html you have to put it in a CDATA section, eg.
* <![CDATA[Copyright 2005, <a
* href="">MyCompany, Inc.<a>]]>
* [scaladoc, vscaladoc]
* @parameter expression="${bottom}"
* default-value="Copyright (c) {inceptionYear}-{currentYear} {organizationName}. All Rights Reserved."
protected String bottom;
* Charset for cross-platform viewing of generated documentation.
* [scaladoc, vscaladoc]
* @parameter expression="${charset}" default-value="ISO-8859-1"
protected String charset;
* Include title for the overview page.
* [scaladoc, scaladoc2, vscaladoc]
* @parameter expression="${doctitle}"
* default-value="${} ${project.version} API"
protected String doctitle;
* Include footer text for each page.
* [scaladoc, vscaladoc]
* @parameter expression="${footer}"
protected String footer;
* Include header text for each page
* [scaladoc, vscaladoc]
* @parameter expression="${header}"
protected String header;
* Generate source in HTML
* [scaladoc, vscaladoc]
* @parameter expression="${linksource}" default-value="true"
protected boolean linksource;
* Suppress description and tags, generate only declarations
* [scaladoc, vscaladoc]
* @parameter expression="${nocomment}" default-value="false"
protected boolean nocomment;
* File to change style of the generated documentation
* [scaladoc, vscaladoc]
* @parameter expression="${stylesheetfile}"
protected File stylesheetfile;
* Include top text for each page
* [scaladoc, vscaladoc]
* @parameter expression="${top}"
protected String top;
* Specifies the destination directory where scalaDoc saves the generated
* HTML files.
* @parameter expression="scaladocs"
* @required
protected String outputDirectory;
* Specifies the destination directory where javadoc saves the generated HTML files.
* @parameter expression="${project.reporting.outputDirectory}/scaladocs"
* @required
protected File reportOutputDirectory;
* The name of the Scaladoc report.
* @since 2.1
* @parameter expression="${name}" default-value="ScalaDocs"
private String name;
* The description of the Scaladoc report.
* @since 2.1
* @parameter expression="${description}" default-value="ScalaDoc API
* documentation."
private String description;
* className (FQN) of the main scaladoc to use, if not define, the the scalaClassName is used
* @parameter expression="${maven.scaladoc.className}"
protected String scaladocClassName;
* If you want to use vscaladoc to generate api instead of regular scaladoc, set the version of vscaladoc you want to use.
* @parameter expression="${maven.scaladoc.vscaladocVersion}"
protected String vscaladocVersion;
* To allow running aggregation only from command line use "-DforceAggregate=true" (avoid using in pom.xml).
* [scaladoc, vscaladoc]
* @parameter expression="${forceAggregate}" default-value="false"
protected boolean forceAggregate = false;
* If you want to aggregate only direct sub modules.
* @parameter expression="${maven.scaladoc.aggregateDirectOnly}" default-value="true"
protected boolean aggregateDirectOnly = true;
* The directory which contains scala/java source files
* @parameter expression="${}/../scala"
protected File sourceDir;
private List<File> _sourceFiles;
protected List<File> getSourceDirectories() throws Exception {
List<String> sources = project.getCompileSourceRoots();
//Quick fix in case the user has not added the "add-source" goal.
String scalaSourceDir = FileUtils.pathOf(sourceDir, useCanonicalPath);
if(!sources.contains(scalaSourceDir)) {
return normalize(sources);
public boolean canGenerateReport() {
// there is modules to aggregate
boolean back = ((project.isExecutionRoot() || forceAggregate) && canAggregate() && project.getCollectedProjects().size() > 0);
back = back || (findSourceFiles().size() != 0);
return back;
* @return
* @throws Exception
private List<File> findSourceFiles() {
if (_sourceFiles == null) {
try {
_sourceFiles = findSourceWithFilters();
} catch (Exception exc) {
throw new RuntimeException("can't define source to process", exc);
return _sourceFiles;
private boolean canAggregate() {
return StringUtils.isNotEmpty(vscaladocVersion) && (new VersionNumber(vscaladocVersion).compareTo(new VersionNumber("1.1")) >= 0);
public boolean isExternalReport() {
return true;
public String getCategoryName() {
public String getDescription(Locale locale) {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(description)) {
return "ScalaDoc API documentation";
return description;
public String getName(Locale locale) {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) {
return "ScalaDocs";
return name;
public String getOutputName() {
return outputDirectory + "/index";
public File getReportOutputDirectory() {
if (reportOutputDirectory == null) {
reportOutputDirectory = new File(project.getBasedir(), project.getReporting().getOutputDirectory() + "/" + outputDirectory).getAbsoluteFile();
return reportOutputDirectory;
public void setReportOutputDirectory(File v) {
if (v != null && outputDirectory != null && !v.getAbsolutePath().endsWith(outputDirectory)) {
this.reportOutputDirectory = new File(v, outputDirectory);
} else {
this.reportOutputDirectory = v;
public void doExecute() throws Exception {
// SiteRendererSink sink = siteRenderer.createSink(new
// File(project.getReporting().getOutputDirectory(), getOutputName() +
// ".html");
generate(null, Locale.getDefault());
protected JavaMainCaller getScalaCommand() throws Exception {
//This ensures we have a valid scala version...
VersionNumber sv = findScalaVersion();
boolean isPreviousScala271 = (new VersionNumber("2.7.1").compareTo(sv) > 0 && !sv.isZero());
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(scaladocClassName)) {
if (!isPreviousScala271) {
scaladocClassName = "";
} else {
scaladocClassName = scalaClassName;
JavaMainCaller jcmd = getEmptyScalaCommand(scaladocClassName);
if (isPreviousScala271){
// copy the classpathElements to not modify the global project definition see
List<String> paths = new ArrayList<String>(project.getCompileClasspathElements());
paths.remove(project.getBuild().getOutputDirectory()); //remove output to avoid "error for" : error: XXX is already defined as package XXX ... object XXX {
if (!paths.isEmpty())jcmd.addOption("-classpath", MainHelper.toMultiPath(paths));
//jcmd.addOption("-sourcepath", sourceDir.getAbsolutePath());
boolean isScaladoc2 = (new VersionNumber("2.8.0").compareTo(sv) <= 0 || sv.isZero()) && ("".equals(scaladocClassName));
if (isScaladoc2) {
jcmd.addOption("-doc-title", doctitle);
} else {
jcmd.addOption("-bottom", getBottomText());
jcmd.addOption("-charset", charset);
jcmd.addOption("-doctitle", doctitle);
jcmd.addOption("-footer", footer);
jcmd.addOption("-header", header);
jcmd.addOption("-linksource", linksource);
jcmd.addOption("-nocomment", nocomment);
jcmd.addOption("-stylesheetfile", stylesheetfile);
jcmd.addOption("-top", top);
jcmd.addOption("-windowtitle", windowtitle);
return jcmd;
public void generate(Sink sink, Locale locale) throws MavenReportException {
try {
if (!canGenerateReport()) {
getLog().info("No source files found");
File reportOutputDir = getReportOutputDirectory();
if (!reportOutputDir.exists()) {
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(vscaladocVersion)) {
scaladocClassName = "org.scala_tools.vscaladoc.Main";
BasicArtifact artifact = new BasicArtifact();
artifact.artifactId = "vscaladoc";
artifact.groupId = "org.scala-tools";
artifact.version = vscaladocVersion;
dependencies = new BasicArtifact[]{artifact};
List<File> sources = findSourceFiles();
if (sources.size() > 0) {
JavaMainCaller jcmd = getScalaCommand();
jcmd.addOption("-d", reportOutputDir.getAbsolutePath());
for (File x : sources) {
jcmd.addArgs(FileUtils.pathOf(x, useCanonicalPath));
if (forceAggregate) {
} else {
// Mojo could not be run from parent after all its children
// So the aggregation will be run after the last child
} catch (MavenReportException exc) {
throw exc;
} catch (RuntimeException exc) {
throw exc;
} catch (Exception exc) {
throw new MavenReportException("wrap: " + exc.getMessage(), exc);
protected void tryAggregateUpper(MavenProject prj) throws Exception {
if (prj != null && prj.hasParent() && canAggregate()) {
MavenProject parent = prj.getParent();
List<MavenProject> modules = parent.getCollectedProjects();
if ((modules.size() > 1) && prj.equals(modules.get(modules.size() - 1))) {
protected void aggregate(MavenProject parent) throws Exception {
List<MavenProject> modules = parent.getCollectedProjects();
File dest = new File(parent.getReporting().getOutputDirectory() +"/" + outputDirectory);
getLog().info("start aggregation into " + dest);
StringBuilder mpath = new StringBuilder();
for (MavenProject module : modules) {
if ( "pom".equals( module.getPackaging().toLowerCase() ) ) {
if (aggregateDirectOnly && module.getParent() != parent) {
File subScaladocPath = new File(module.getReporting().getOutputDirectory() +"/" + outputDirectory).getAbsoluteFile();
//System.out.println(" -> " + project.getModulePathAdjustment(module) +" // " + subScaladocPath + " // " + module.getBasedir() );
if (subScaladocPath.exists()) {
if (mpath.length() != 0) {
getLog().info("aggregate vscaladoc from : " + mpath);
JavaMainCaller jcmd = getScalaCommand();
jcmd.addOption("-d", dest.getAbsolutePath());
jcmd.addOption("-aggregate", mpath.toString());;
} else {
getLog().warn("no vscaladoc to aggregate");
* Method that sets the bottom text that will be displayed on the bottom of
* the javadocs.
* @return a String that contains the text that will be displayed at the
* bottom of the javadoc
private String getBottomText() {
String inceptionYear = project.getInceptionYear();
int actualYear = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR);
String year = String.valueOf(actualYear);
String theBottom = StringUtils.replace(bottom, "{currentYear}", year);
if (inceptionYear != null) {
if (inceptionYear.equals(year)) {
theBottom = StringUtils.replace(theBottom, "{inceptionYear}-", "");
} else {
theBottom = StringUtils.replace(theBottom, "{inceptionYear}", inceptionYear);
} else {
theBottom = StringUtils.replace(theBottom, "{inceptionYear}-", "");
if (project.getOrganization() == null) {
theBottom = StringUtils.replace(theBottom, " {organizationName}", "");
} else {
if ((project.getOrganization() != null) && (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(project.getOrganization().getName()))) {
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(project.getOrganization().getUrl())) {
theBottom = StringUtils.replace(theBottom, "{organizationName}", "<a href=\"" + project.getOrganization().getUrl() + "\">" + project.getOrganization().getName() + "</a>");
} else {
theBottom = StringUtils.replace(theBottom, "{organizationName}", project.getOrganization().getName());
} else {
theBottom = StringUtils.replace(theBottom, " {organizationName}", "");
return theBottom;