import java.util.Map;
import org.restlet.Client;
import org.restlet.resource.Representation;
import org.restlet.ext.json.JsonRepresentation;
import org.restlet.util.*;
import org.json.*;
/* An example ReST client using Restlet 1.1
public class RestletSignal {
// need to supply all of these
static String server = "";
static String username = "";
static String password = "d3vnu11l";
// target for examplePostSignal()
static int group_id = 0;
static int account_id = 4;
static Client client;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
switch(args.length) {
case 3: password = args[2]; // fallthrough
case 2: username = args[1]; // fallthrough
case 1: server = args[0]; // fallthrough
default: break;
client = new Client(server.startsWith("https") ? Protocol.HTTPS : Protocol.HTTP);
/* Does a GET of /data/config, decoding it as JSON */
public static void exampleGetConfig() throws Throwable {
Request r = newJsonRequest(Method.GET, "/data/config");
Response resp = client.handle(r);
if (resp.getStatus().isError()) {
throw resp.getStatus().getThrowable();
try {
JsonRepresentation repr = new JsonRepresentation(resp.getEntity());
JSONObject o = repr.toJsonObject();
System.out.println("Server version: " + o.optString("server_version"));
System.out.println("ReST API version: " + o.optInt("api_version"));
catch (JSONException err) {
throw new Exception ("Cannot Decode JSON", err);
/* Generates a JSON signal and attempts to post it.
* The signal JSON looks like this:
* {
* "signal":"a signal from restlet-signal!",
* "group_ids":[...],
* "account_ids":[...],
* "annotations":[
* {"ua":{"name":"ExampleRestlet","java_version":"..."}}
* ]
* }
* The group and account ids are controled by the statics at the top of
* this class.
public static void examplePostSignal () throws Throwable {
try {
JSONArray groups = new JSONArray();
if (group_id > 0) groups.put(group_id);
JSONArray accounts = new JSONArray();
if (account_id > 0) accounts.put(account_id);
JSONObject ua_anno_props = new JSONObject();
JSONObject ua_anno = new JSONObject();
JSONArray annos = new JSONArray();
JSONObject signal = new JSONObject();
.put("signal", "a signal from restlet-signal!")
.put("group_ids", groups)
.put("account_ids", accounts)
.put("annotations", annos)
JsonRepresentation signal_repr = new JsonRepresentation(signal);
Request r = newJsonRequest(Method.POST, "/data/signals", signal_repr);
Response resp = client.handle(r);
if (resp.getStatus().isError()) {
throw resp.getStatus().getThrowable();
else {
Map<String,Object> attrs = resp.getAttributes();
Form headers = (Form) attrs.get("org.restlet.http.headers");
System.out.println("Posted signal ID " + headers.getFirstValue("X-Signal-ID",true,"0"));
System.out.println("Posted signal Hash " + headers.getFirstValue("X-Signal-Hash",true,"0"));
catch (Throwable err) {
throw new Exception("Couln't post signal",err);
public static Request newJsonRequest (Method method, String uri) {
return newJsonRequest(method,uri,null);
public static Request newJsonRequest (Method method, String uri, Representation entity) {
ChallengeResponse creds = new ChallengeResponse(ChallengeScheme.HTTP_BASIC, username, password);
String resource = server + uri;
Request r;
if (entity != null)
r = new Request(method,resource,entity);
r = new Request(method,resource);
r.getClientInfo().getAcceptedMediaTypes().add(new Preference<MediaType>(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON));
return r;