* PBox2d
* This is a simple little wrapper to help integrate JBox2d with Processing
* It doesn't do much right now and, in some ways, limits the user
* It's an open question as to whether this should really be a library
* or a set of examples. Right now, it's a little bit of both
* Daniel Shiffman <http://www.shiffman.net>
package shiffman.box2d;
import org.jbox2d.common.Transform;
import org.jbox2d.common.Vec2;
import org.jbox2d.dynamics.Body;
import org.jbox2d.dynamics.BodyDef;
import org.jbox2d.dynamics.World;
import org.jbox2d.dynamics.joints.Joint;
import org.jbox2d.dynamics.joints.JointDef;
import processing.core.PApplet;
import processing.core.PVector;
public class Box2DProcessing {
PApplet parent;
// The Box2D world
public World world;
// Variables to keep track of translating between world and screen coordinates
public float transX;// = 320.0f;
public float transY;// = 240.0f;
public float scaleFactor;// = 10.0f;
public float yFlip;// = -1.0f; //flip y coordinate
Body groundBody;
Box2DContactListener contactlistener;
// Construct with a default scaleFactor of 10
public Box2DProcessing(PApplet p) {
public Box2DProcessing(PApplet p, float sf) {
parent = p;
transX = parent.width/2;
transY = parent.height/2;
scaleFactor = sf;
yFlip = -1;
public void listenForCollisions() {
contactlistener = new Box2DContactListener(parent);
// Change the scaleFactor
public void setScaleFactor(float scale) {
scaleFactor = scale;
// This is the all important physics "step" function
// Says to move ahead one unit in time
// Default
public void step() {
float timeStep = 1.0f / 60f;
// Custom
public void step(float timeStep, int velocityIterations, int positionIterations) {
world.step(timeStep, velocityIterations, positionIterations);
public void setWarmStarting(boolean b) {
public void setContinuousPhysics(boolean b) {
// Create a default world with default gravity
public void createWorld() {
Vec2 gravity = new Vec2(0.0f, -10.0f);
public void createWorld(Vec2 gravity) {
// public void createWorld(Vec2 gravity, boolean doSleep, boolean warmStarting, boolean continous) {
// world = new World(gravity, doSleep);
// setWarmStarting(warmStarting);
// setContinuousPhysics(continous);
// }
public void createWorld(Vec2 gravity, boolean warmStarting, boolean continous) {
world = new World(gravity);
BodyDef bodyDef = new BodyDef();
groundBody = world.createBody(bodyDef);
public Body getGroundBody() {
return groundBody;
// Set the gravity (this can change in real-time)
public void setGravity(float x, float y) {
world.setGravity(new Vec2(x,y));
// These functions are very important
// Box2d has its own coordinate system and we have to move back and forth between them
// convert from Box2d world to pixel space
public Vec2 coordWorldToPixels(Vec2 world) {
return coordWorldToPixels(world.x,world.y);
public PVector coordWorldToPixelsPVector(Vec2 world) {
Vec2 v = coordWorldToPixels(world.x,world.y);
return new PVector(v.x,v.y);
public Vec2 coordWorldToPixels(float worldX, float worldY) {
float pixelX = PApplet.map(worldX, 0f, 1f, transX, transX+scaleFactor);
float pixelY = PApplet.map(worldY, 0f, 1f, transY, transY+scaleFactor);
if (yFlip == -1.0f) pixelY = PApplet.map(pixelY,0f,parent.height, parent.height,0f);
return new Vec2(pixelX, pixelY);
// convert Coordinate from pixel space to box2d world
public Vec2 coordPixelsToWorld(Vec2 screen) {
return coordPixelsToWorld(screen.x,screen.y);
public Vec2 coordPixelsToWorld(PVector screen) {
return coordPixelsToWorld(screen.x,screen.y);
public Vec2 coordPixelsToWorld(float pixelX, float pixelY) {
float worldX = PApplet.map(pixelX, transX, transX+scaleFactor, 0f, 1f);
float worldY = pixelY;
if (yFlip == -1.0f) worldY = PApplet.map(pixelY,parent.height,0f,0f,parent.height);
worldY = PApplet.map(worldY, transY, transY+scaleFactor, 0f, 1f);
return new Vec2(worldX,worldY);
// Scale scalar quantity between worlds
public float scalarPixelsToWorld(float val) {
return val / scaleFactor;
public float scalarWorldToPixels(float val) {
return val * scaleFactor;
// Scale vector between worlds
public Vec2 vectorPixelsToWorld(Vec2 v) {
Vec2 u = new Vec2(v.x/scaleFactor,v.y/scaleFactor);
u.y *= yFlip;
return u;
public Vec2 vectorPixelsToWorld(PVector v) {
Vec2 u = new Vec2(v.x/scaleFactor,v.y/scaleFactor);
u.y *= yFlip;
return u;
public Vec2 vectorPixelsToWorld(float x, float y) {
Vec2 u = new Vec2(x/scaleFactor,y/scaleFactor);
u.y *= yFlip;
return u;
public Vec2 vectorWorldToPixels(Vec2 v) {
Vec2 u = new Vec2(v.x*scaleFactor,v.y*scaleFactor);
u.y *= yFlip;
return u;
public PVector vectorWorldToPixelsPVector(Vec2 v) {
PVector u = new PVector(v.x*scaleFactor,v.y*scaleFactor);
u.y *= yFlip;
return u;
// A common task we have to do a lot
public Body createBody(BodyDef bd) {
return world.createBody(bd);
// A common task we have to do a lot
public Joint createJoint(JointDef jd) {
return world.createJoint(jd);
// Another common task, find the position of a body
// so that we can draw it
public Vec2 getBodyPixelCoord(Body b) {
Transform xf = b.getTransform();//b.getXForm();
//return coordWorldToPixels(xf.position);
return coordWorldToPixels(xf.p);
public PVector getBodyPixelCoordPVector(Body b) {
Transform xf = b.getTransform();
return coordWorldToPixelsPVector(xf.p);
public void destroyBody(Body b) {