package de.agilecoders.wicket.less;
import com.github.sommeri.less4j.Less4jException;
import com.github.sommeri.less4j.LessCompiler;
import com.github.sommeri.less4j.LessSource;
import com.github.sommeri.less4j.core.ThreadUnsafeLessCompiler;
import org.apache.wicket.Application;
import org.apache.wicket.MetaDataKey;
import org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException;
import org.apache.wicket.util.time.Time;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
* A class that manages the generated CSS content for Less resources.
public class LessCacheManager {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LessCacheManager.class);
private static final MetaDataKey<LessCacheManager> KEY = new MetaDataKey<LessCacheManager>() {
* A cache that keeps the root LessSource.URLSource instance per URL.
* Each root LessSource keeps references to all imported LessSource's in it.
private final ConcurrentMap<URL, LessSource.URLSource> urlSourceCache =
new ConcurrentHashMap<URL, LessSource.URLSource>();
* A cache that keeps the generated CSS content per root LessSource
private final ConcurrentMap<LessSource.URLSource, ConcurrentMap<Time, String>> contentCache =
new ConcurrentHashMap<LessSource.URLSource, ConcurrentMap<Time, String>>();
* Returns the LessSource.URLSource per URL.
* If there is no entry in the cache then it will be automatically registered
* @param lessUrl the URL to the Less resource file
* @param scopeClass The name of the class used as a scope to resolve "package!" dependencies/imports
* @return The LessSource for the Less resource file
public LessSource.URLSource getLessSource(URL lessUrl, String scopeClass) {
LessSource.URLSource lessSource = new LessUrlSource(lessUrl, scopeClass);
LessSource.URLSource oldValue = urlSourceCache.putIfAbsent(lessUrl, lessSource);
if (oldValue != null) {
lessSource = oldValue;
return lessSource;
* Returns the generated CSS content per Less resource.
* If there is no cached content or the root LessSource or any of its imported resources
* is updated then the CSS content is (re-)generated
* @param lessSource The root LessSource for which to load its CSS representation
* @return The generated CSS content
public String getCss(LessSource.URLSource lessSource) {
ConcurrentMap<Time, String> timeToContentMap = contentCache.get(lessSource);
if (timeToContentMap == null) {
timeToContentMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Time, String>();
ConcurrentMap<Time, String> old = contentCache.putIfAbsent(lessSource, timeToContentMap);
if (old != null) {
timeToContentMap = old;
Time lastModifiedTime = getLastModifiedTime(lessSource);
String cssContent = timeToContentMap.get(lastModifiedTime);
if (cssContent == null) {
// clear any obsolete content
ThreadUnsafeLessCompiler compiler = new ThreadUnsafeLessCompiler();
LessCompiler.Configuration configuration = new LessCompiler.Configuration();
try {
LessCompiler.CompilationResult result = compiler.compile(lessSource, configuration);
List<LessCompiler.Problem> warnings = result.getWarnings();
for (LessCompiler.Problem warning : warnings) {
LOG.warn("There is a warning during compilation of '{}' at line {}, character {}. Message: {}",
lessSource.getInputURL(), warning.getLine(), warning.getCharacter(), warning.getMessage());
cssContent = result.getCss();
timeToContentMap.put(lastModifiedTime, cssContent);
} catch (Less4jException x) {
throw new WicketRuntimeException("An error occurred while compiling Less resource " + lessSource.getInputURL().toExternalForm(), x);
return cssContent;
* @param lessSource The root LessSource which last modification time should be calculated
* @return The time when either the root LessSource or any of the imported resources has been last modified
public Time getLastModifiedTime(LessSource.URLSource lessSource) {
Time modified = Time.START_OF_UNIX_TIME;
return findLastModified(lessSource, modified);
* Calculates the soonest time when a LessSource or any of its imported resources
* has been modified
* @param source The LessSource which time to check
* @param time The last modification time of the parent resource
* @return The latest modified time of the root LessSource and its imported resources
private Time findLastModified(LessSource.URLSource source, Time time) {
Time max = time;
try {
Time lastModified = Connections.getLastModified(source.getInputURL());
max = Time.maxNullSafe(time, lastModified);
Collection<LessSource> importedSources = source.getImportedSources();
if (importedSources != null) {
for (LessSource importedSource : importedSources) {
max = findLastModified((LessSource.URLSource) importedSource, max);
} catch (IOException iox) {
LOG.warn("Cannot read the last modification time of a resource " + source.getInputURL().toExternalForm(), iox);
return max;
* Registers this instance as the one which should be used in this application.
* @param app The application used as a scope
* @see #get()
public void install(Application app) {
app.setMetaData(KEY, this);
* @return the registered instance of this manager during the start up of the application
public static LessCacheManager get() {
if (Application.exists()) {
return get(Application.get());
throw new IllegalStateException("there is no active application assigned to this thread.");
* @param application the application that keeps the cache manage
* @return The registered instance of this manager during the start up of the application
private static LessCacheManager get(Application application) {
return application.getMetaData(KEY);