package com.pardot.rhombus;
import com.datastax.driver.core.*;
import com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.AlreadyExistsException;
import com.datastax.driver.core.policies.DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy;
import com.datastax.driver.core.policies.LoadBalancingPolicy;
import com.datastax.driver.core.policies.TokenAwarePolicy;
import com.pardot.rhombus.cobject.*;
import com.pardot.rhombus.cobject.migrations.CObjectMigrationException;
import com.pardot.rhombus.cobject.statement.CQLStatement;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Pardot, an ExactTarget company
* User: Michael Frank
* Date: 4/17/13
public class ConnectionManager {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConnectionManager.class);
private List<String> contactPoints;
private final String localDatacenter;
private Map<String, ObjectMapper> objectMappers = Maps.newHashMap();
private CKeyspaceDefinition defaultKeyspace;
private Cluster cluster;
private boolean logCql = false;
private Integer nativeTransportPort = null;
private Long batchTimeout = 10000L;
private Integer individualNodeConnectionTimeout = 2000;
private Integer driverReadTimeoutMillis = 2000;
private Integer consistencyHorizon = null;
private LoadBalancingPolicy loadBalancingPolicy = null;
private Integer maxConnectionPerHostLocal = null;
private Integer maxConnectionPerHostRemote = null;
private Integer maxSimultaneousRequestsPerConnectionTreshold = null;
private String rhombusKeyspaceName = "rhombus_data";
private Session rhombusSession = null;
private ObjectMapper rhombusObjectMapper = null;
public ConnectionManager(CassandraConfiguration configuration) {
this.contactPoints = configuration.getContactPoints();
this.localDatacenter = configuration.getLocalDatacenter();
this.consistencyHorizon = configuration.getConsistencyHorizon();
this.maxConnectionPerHostLocal = configuration.getMaxConnectionPerHostLocal() == null ? 16 : configuration.getMaxConnectionPerHostLocal();
this.maxConnectionPerHostRemote = configuration.getMaxConnectionPerHostRemote() == null ? 4 : configuration.getMaxConnectionPerHostRemote();
this.maxSimultaneousRequestsPerConnectionTreshold = configuration.getMaxSimultaneousRequestsPerConnectionTreshold() == null ? 128 : configuration.getMaxSimultaneousRequestsPerConnectionTreshold();
if(configuration.getIndividualNodeConnectionTimeout() != null) {
this.individualNodeConnectionTimeout = configuration.getIndividualNodeConnectionTimeout();
if(configuration.getDriverReadTimeoutMillis() != null) {
this.driverReadTimeoutMillis = configuration.getDriverReadTimeoutMillis();
if(configuration.getBatchTimeout() != null) {
this.batchTimeout = configuration.getBatchTimeout();
if(configuration.getRhombusKeyspaceName() != null) {
this.rhombusKeyspaceName = configuration.getRhombusKeyspaceName();
* Build the cluster based on the CassandraConfiguration passed in the constructor
public Cluster buildCluster(){
return buildCluster(false);
public Cluster buildCluster(boolean withoutJMXReporting) {
Cluster.Builder builder = Cluster.builder();
for(String contactPoint : contactPoints) {
if(localDatacenter != null) {"Creating with DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy: {}", localDatacenter);
if(loadBalancingPolicy == null) {
loadBalancingPolicy = new DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy(localDatacenter);
builder.withLoadBalancingPolicy(new TokenAwarePolicy(loadBalancingPolicy));
if(this.nativeTransportPort != null) {
logger.debug("Setting native transport port to {}", this.nativeTransportPort);
PoolingOptions poolingOptions = new PoolingOptions();
if(maxConnectionPerHostLocal != null){
if(maxConnectionPerHostRemote != null){
if(maxSimultaneousRequestsPerConnectionTreshold != null){
SocketOptions socketOptions = new SocketOptions();
cluster = builder.withoutJMXReporting().build();
cluster =;
return cluster;
* Lazy getter for cached Rhombus session. Will create the keyspace if it does not exist.
* @param definition Keyspace definition to use as a template if we are creating the Rhombus keyspace
* @return Cached Rhombus session
protected Session getRhombusSession(CKeyspaceDefinition definition) {
if(this.rhombusSession == null) {
logger.debug("Creating new Rhombus session");
Session ret = null;
try {
ret = cluster.connect(rhombusKeyspaceName);
logger.debug("Successfully connected session for keyspace {}", rhombusKeyspaceName);
} catch(Exception e) {
logger.debug("Unable to connect session for keyspace {}, attempting to create it if it does not exist", rhombusKeyspaceName);
createKeyspaceIfNotExists(rhombusKeyspaceName, definition, true);
ret = cluster.connect(rhombusKeyspaceName);
this.rhombusSession = ret;
return this.rhombusSession;
* Lazy getter for cached Rhombus object mapper. This will also lazy get the Rhombus session
* Since this happens once per instantiation of Rhombus, it is not a big deal to make sure
* that our keyspace definition table exists.
* @param definition Keyspace definition to use as a template if we are creating the Rhombus keyspace
* @return Cached RhombusObjectMapper
protected ObjectMapper getRhombusObjectMapper(CKeyspaceDefinition definition) {
if(this.rhombusObjectMapper == null) {
logger.debug("Creating new Rhombus object mapper");
if(definition == null) {
definition = defaultKeyspace;
CKeyspaceDefinition rhombusKeyspaceDefinition = new CKeyspaceDefinition();
this.rhombusObjectMapper = new ObjectMapper(getRhombusSession(definition), rhombusKeyspaceDefinition, consistencyHorizon, batchTimeout);
return this.rhombusObjectMapper;
* @param keyspaceName Name of keyspace to get/create
* @param keyspace The keyspace to use as a template for replication information
* @return true if keyspace existed previously, false if it was created
private boolean createKeyspaceIfNotExists(String keyspaceName, CKeyspaceDefinition keyspace, boolean alterIfExists) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(keyspace, "A template keyspace must be supplied for replication information");
Session session = cluster.connect();
//First try to create the new keyspace
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(" WITH replication = { 'class' : '");
for(String key : keyspace.getReplicationFactors().keySet()) {
sb.append(", '");
sb.append("' : ");
try {
String cql = "CREATE KEYSPACE " + sb.toString();
logger.debug("Successfully created keyspace {}", keyspaceName);
return false;
} catch(AlreadyExistsException e) {
logger.debug("Keyspace {} already exists", keyspaceName);
// If the keyspace already existed, alter it to match the definition
if(alterIfExists) {
try {
session.execute("ALTER KEYSPACE " + sb.toString());
} catch(Exception e2) {
logger.error("Unable to alter keyspace {}", keyspaceName, e2);
return true;
* Get the default object mapper
* @return The default object mapper
public ObjectMapper getObjectMapper() throws Exception {
return getObjectMapper(defaultKeyspace);
* Gets an object mapper for the specified keyspace definition
* This method prefers keyspace definitions stored in the Rhombus data store in Cassandra
* This method will throw a warning if the definition passed in does not match the definition in Cassandra,
* as this likely indicates that a migration needs to be run.
* @param keyspaceDefinition The definition to get an object mapper for
* @return created object mapper
public ObjectMapper getObjectMapper(CKeyspaceDefinition keyspaceDefinition) throws Exception {
String keyspaceName = keyspaceDefinition.getName();
ObjectMapper objectMapper = objectMappers.get(keyspaceName);
if(objectMapper == null) {
CKeyspaceDefinition rhombusKeyspaceDefinition = null;
rhombusKeyspaceDefinition = hydrateLatestKeyspaceDefinitionFromCassandra(keyspaceDefinition);
if(rhombusKeyspaceDefinition == null) {
logger.warn("No definition for keyspace {} in Rhombus storage; creating it", keyspaceDefinition.getName());
} else {
if(!Objects.equal(keyspaceDefinition, rhombusKeyspaceDefinition)) {
logger.warn("Keyspace definitions for {} do not match, a migration may be required.", keyspaceDefinition.getName());
keyspaceDefinition = rhombusKeyspaceDefinition;
objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(getSessionForKeyspace(keyspaceDefinition), keyspaceDefinition, consistencyHorizon, batchTimeout);
objectMappers.put(keyspaceName, objectMapper);
return objectMapper;
* Get an object mapper for a named keyspace.
* This will first try to hydrate the keyspace by name from Cassandra.
* If unable to do so and the default keyspace matches the name passed in,
* the default keyspace definition will be used.
* @return Object mapper for the specified keyspace
public ObjectMapper getObjectMapper(String keyspaceName) throws Exception {
CKeyspaceDefinition keyspaceDefinition = null;
keyspaceDefinition = hydrateLatestKeyspaceDefinitionFromCassandra(keyspaceName);
if(keyspaceDefinition == null) {
logger.warn("Attempting to get an object mapper for keyspace {} which does not exist in rhombus storage");
if(defaultKeyspace != null && defaultKeyspace.getName().equals(keyspaceName)) {
logger.warn("using default keyspace with same name instead", keyspaceName);
keyspaceDefinition = defaultKeyspace;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Attempt to get keyspace by name, but it does not exist in rhombus storage and is not the default keyspace");
return getObjectMapper(keyspaceDefinition);
public List<CQLStatement> runMigration(CKeyspaceDefinition newKeyspaceDefinition, boolean executeCql) throws CObjectMigrationException {
List<CQLStatement> ret = Lists.newArrayList();
CKeyspaceDefinition oldKeyspaceDefinition = hydrateLatestKeyspaceDefinitionFromCassandra(newKeyspaceDefinition);
ObjectMapper om = getObjectMapper(newKeyspaceDefinition);
boolean oldExecuteAsync = om.getExecuteAsync();
om.runMigration(oldKeyspaceDefinition, newKeyspaceDefinition, executeCql);
if(executeCql) {
catch(Exception e){
throw new CObjectMigrationException(e);
return ret;
* Inserts the json definition of a keyspace into the Rhombus data store
* @param keyspaceDefinition Definition to add
* @return The inserted keyspace definition
public CKeyspaceDefinition addKeyspaceDefinitionToCassandra(CKeyspaceDefinition keyspaceDefinition){
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper om = new com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper();
String keyspaceDefinitionAsJson = om.writeValueAsString(keyspaceDefinition);
getRhombusObjectMapper(keyspaceDefinition).insertKeyspaceDefinition(keyspaceDefinition.getName(), keyspaceDefinitionAsJson);
} catch(Exception e){
logger.error("Unable to add keyspace definition {} to cassandra", keyspaceDefinition.getName(), e);
return keyspaceDefinition;
* Get the latest version of a keyspace definition from the Rhombus data store
* @param keyspaceDefinition Keyspace definition
* @return hydrated keyspace
public CKeyspaceDefinition hydrateLatestKeyspaceDefinitionFromCassandra(CKeyspaceDefinition keyspaceDefinition){
return getRhombusObjectMapper(keyspaceDefinition).hydrateRhombusKeyspaceDefinition(keyspaceDefinition.getName());
* Get the latest version of a keyspace definition from the Rhombus data store
* @param keyspaceName Name of keyspace
* @return hydrated keyspace
public CKeyspaceDefinition hydrateLatestKeyspaceDefinitionFromCassandra(String keyspaceName) {
return getRhombusObjectMapper(defaultKeyspace).hydrateRhombusKeyspaceDefinition(keyspaceName);
* This method rebuilds a keyspace from a definition. If forceRebuild is true, the process
* removes any existing keyspace with the same name. This operation is immediate and irreversible.
* @param keyspaceDefinition The definition to build the keyspace from
* @param forceRebuild Force destruction and rebuild of keyspace
public ObjectMapper buildKeyspace(CKeyspaceDefinition keyspaceDefinition, Boolean forceRebuild) throws Exception {
if(keyspaceDefinition == null) {
keyspaceDefinition = defaultKeyspace;
// Get a session for the new keyspace
Session session = getSessionForKeyspace(keyspaceDefinition);
// Use this session to create an object mapper and build the keyspace
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(session, keyspaceDefinition, consistencyHorizon, batchTimeout);
// Insert the keyspace definition into the Rhombus data store
// Add the object mapper to our cache
objectMappers.put(keyspaceDefinition.getName(), mapper);
return mapper;
* Some tests require a hard keyspace drop. This is a dangerous and expensive operation.
* Use this sparingly and with caution.
* @param keyspaceName Name of keyspace to remove
public void dropKeyspace(String keyspaceName) {
Session session = cluster.connect();
//First try to create the new keyspace
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("DROP KEYSPACE ");
try {
} catch(Exception e) {
logger.warn("Unable to drop keyspace {}", keyspaceName, e);
if(objectMappers.containsKey(keyspaceName)) {
* Create and return a new session for the specified cluster.
* The caller is responsible for terminating the session.
* @return Empty session
public Session getEmptySession() {
return cluster.connect();
private Session getSessionForKeyspace(CKeyspaceDefinition keyspace) throws Exception {
Session ret = null;
try {
ret = cluster.connect(keyspace.getName());
logger.debug("Successfully connected session for keyspace {}", keyspace.getName());
} catch(Exception e) {
logger.debug("Unable to connect session for keyspace {}, attempting to create it if it does not exist", keyspace.getName());
createKeyspaceIfNotExists(keyspace.getName(), keyspace, false);
ret = cluster.connect(keyspace.getName());
return ret;
* Tear down all connections contained in associated object mappers
* and shutdown the cluster.
public void teardown() {
for(ObjectMapper mapper : objectMappers.values()) {
public void setDefaultKeyspace(CKeyspaceDefinition keyspaceDefinition) {
this.defaultKeyspace = keyspaceDefinition;
public boolean isLogCql() {
return logCql;
public void setLogCql(boolean logCql) {
this.logCql = logCql;
public Integer getNativeTransportPort() {
return nativeTransportPort;
public void setNativeTransportPort(Integer nativeTransportPort) {
this.nativeTransportPort = nativeTransportPort;
public String getRhombusKeyspaceName() {
return rhombusKeyspaceName;
public void setRhombusKeyspaceName(String rhombusKeyspaceName) {
this.rhombusKeyspaceName = rhombusKeyspaceName;
public LoadBalancingPolicy getLoadBalancingPolicy() {
return loadBalancingPolicy;
public void setLoadBalancingPolicy(LoadBalancingPolicy loadBalancingPolicy) {
this.loadBalancingPolicy = loadBalancingPolicy;