package com.cloudera.iterativereduce.yarn.appmaster;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.BlockLocation;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationAttemptId;
import org.junit.Test;
import com.cloudera.iterativereduce.ConfigFields;
import com.cloudera.iterativereduce.yarn.appmaster.ApplicationMaster.ConfigurationTuple;
import com.cloudera.iterativereduce.yarn.avro.generated.FileSplit;
import com.cloudera.iterativereduce.yarn.avro.generated.StartupConfiguration;
* Testing some ideas to get multiple files working as input splits
public class TestInputSplitMechanics {
private static JobConf defaultConf = new JobConf();
private static FileSystem localFs = null;
static {
try {
defaultConf.set("fs.defaultFS", "file:///");
localFs = FileSystem.getLocal(defaultConf);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("init failure", e);
private static Path input_file = new Path( "/Users/jpatterson/Downloads/datasets/20news-kboar/models/input/kboar_4_blocks.txt" );
public void listDir( String str_path ) throws IOException {
System.out.println( "List Path> " + str_path );
boolean good_path = true;
Path p = null;
try {
p = new Path( str_path );
//} catch(java.lang.IllegalArgumentException e) {
} catch(Exception e) {
good_path = false;
//FileStatus f = localFs.getFileStatus(p);
if ( good_path ) {
//FileStatus f = localFs.getFileStatus(p);
if ( localFs.exists(p) == false ) {
good_path = false;
System.out.println( "\tPath doesnt exist!" );
for (FileStatus child_fst : localFs.listStatus(p)) {
System.out.println( "\t> Dir: " + child_fst.isDirectory() + ", Path: " + child_fst.getPath().toString() );
} // for
} // if
System.out.println( "List Done\n\n" );
private HashSet<FileSplit> getSplitsForPath( String str_path ) throws IOException {
HashSet<FileSplit> splits = new HashSet<FileSplit>();
System.out.println( "\t\tgetSplitsForPath> " + str_path );
boolean good_path = true;
Path p = null;
try {
p = new Path( str_path );
//} catch(java.lang.IllegalArgumentException e) {
} catch(Exception e) {
good_path = false;
//FileStatus f = localFs.getFileStatus(p);
if ( good_path ) {
//FileStatus f = localFs.getFileStatus(p);
if ( localFs.exists(p) == false ) {
//good_path = false;
//System.out.println( "\tPath doesnt exist!" );
return splits;
FileStatus file_status = localFs.getFileStatus(p);
for (FileStatus child_fst : localFs.listStatus(p)) {
System.out.println( "\t\t\t> Dir: " + child_fst.isDirectory() + ", Path: " + child_fst.getPath().toString() );
if (false == child_fst.isDirectory() ) {
BlockLocation[] bl = localFs.getFileBlockLocations(child_fst.getPath(), 0, child_fst.getLen());
System.out.println( "\t\t\tfound blocks: " + bl.length );
for (BlockLocation b : bl) {
// FileSplit split = FileSplit.newBuilder().setPath(p.toString())
// .setOffset(b.getOffset()).setLength(b.getLength()).build();
FileSplit split = FileSplit.newBuilder().setPath(child_fst.getPath().toString())
splits.add( split );
System.out.println( "\t\t\tsplit: " + split.toString() );
} // for
} // for
} // if
return splits;
* First take a look at the files in the string, to see if there are multiple paths
* @param paths_string
* @return
* @throws IOException
public HashSet<FileSplit> getFileSplits_Proto( String paths_string ) throws IOException {
HashSet<FileSplit> splits = new HashSet<FileSplit>();
String[] found_paths = paths_string.split(",");
System.out.println( "> getFileSplits_Proto: Found Paths: " + found_paths.length );
for ( int x = 0; x < found_paths.length; x++ ) {
System.out.println( "\t> Path: " + found_paths[x] );
HashSet<FileSplit> partial_splits = getSplitsForPath( found_paths[x] );
} // for each path found
return splits;
* This is a simulated version of how ApplicationMaster does it
* --- there was an issue with some of the Avro stuff based on how the enclosing type did some things.
* @param paths
* @return
* @throws IOException
public HashSet<ConfigurationTuple> getSplits( String paths ) throws IOException {
System.out.println( "getSplits: " + paths );
HashSet<ConfigurationTuple> configTuples = new HashSet<ConfigurationTuple>();
//Path p = new Path(props.getProperty(ConfigFields.APP_INPUT_PATH));
ArrayList<String> paths_found = new ArrayList<String>();
String potential_paths = paths;
String[] found_paths = potential_paths.split(",");
int workerId = 0;
Properties props = new Properties();
// props.load(new FileInputStream(ConfigFields.APP_CONFIG_FILE)); // Should be
props.setProperty(ConfigFields.APP_INPUT_PATH, input_file.toString());
Map<CharSequence, CharSequence> appConfig = new HashMap<CharSequence, CharSequence>();
for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> prop : props.entrySet()) {
appConfig.put((String) prop.getKey(), (String) prop.getValue());
boolean good_path = true;
for ( int x = 0; x < found_paths.length; x++ ) {
System.out.println( "\tPath> " + found_paths[x] );
good_path = true;
Path p = null;
try {
p = new Path( found_paths[x] );
} catch(java.lang.IllegalArgumentException e) {
good_path = false;
if ( good_path ) {
FileStatus f = localFs.getFileStatus(p);
if (f.isDirectory()) {
// is dir: look at all immediately relative files
// also: we're not currently searching subdirs
//System.out.println( "Is a directory: " + found_paths[x] );
for (FileStatus child_fst : localFs.listStatus(f.getPath())) {
//for (FileStatus child_fst : localFs.listFiles(f.getPath(), false)) {
if (child_fst.isDirectory()) {
System.out.println( "\tIs SubDir: " + child_fst.toString() );
//String subdirlist = BuildDirList(fs, child_fst);
//if (subdirlist.length() > 0 && dirList.length() > 0) {
// dirList.append(",");
} else {
BlockLocation[] bl = localFs.getFileBlockLocations(p, 0, f.getLen());
System.out.println( "\tfound blocks: " + bl.length );
for (BlockLocation b : bl) {
FileSplit split = FileSplit.newBuilder().setPath(p.toString())
System.out.println( "\tsplit: " + split.toString() );
// StartupConfiguration config = StartupConfiguration.newBuilder()
// .setBatchSize(batchSize).setIterations(iterationCount)
// .setOther(appConfig).setSplit(split).build();
String wid = "worker-" + workerId;
ConfigurationTuple tuple = null; //new ConfigurationTuple(b.getHosts()[0], wid, config);
} // for
} else if (f.isFile()) {
//System.out.println( "Is a file: " + found_paths[x] );
BlockLocation[] bl = localFs.getFileBlockLocations(p, 0, f.getLen());
System.out.println( "\tfound blocks: " + bl.length );
for (BlockLocation b : bl) {
FileSplit split = FileSplit.newBuilder().setPath(p.toString())
System.out.println( "\tsplit: " + split.toString() );
// StartupConfiguration config = StartupConfiguration.newBuilder()
// .setBatchSize(batchSize).setIterations(iterationCount)
// .setOther(appConfig).setSplit(split).build();
String wid = "worker-" + workerId;
ConfigurationTuple tuple = null; //new ConfigurationTuple(b.getHosts()[0], wid, config);
} // if good path
} // for
//System.out.println( "done.\n\n" );
return configTuples;
public void checkDirs() throws IOException {
File KBoar_InputSplitTesting_dir = new File("/tmp/KBoar_InputSplitTesting");
if (!KBoar_InputSplitTesting_dir.exists()) {
System.out.println( "Creating dir... /tmp/KBoar_InputSplitTesting" );
File KBoar_InputSplitTesting_Alpha_dir = new File("/tmp/KBoar_InputSplitTesting/alpha");
if (!KBoar_InputSplitTesting_Alpha_dir.exists()) {
System.out.println( "Creating dir... /tmp/KBoar_InputSplitTesting/alpha" );
File KBoar_InputSplitTesting_Beta_dir = new File("/tmp/KBoar_InputSplitTesting/beta");
if (!KBoar_InputSplitTesting_Beta_dir.exists()) {
System.out.println( "Creating dir... /tmp/KBoar_InputSplitTesting/beta" );
File KBoar_InputSplitTesting_a_txt = new File("/tmp/KBoar_InputSplitTesting/a.txt");
if (!KBoar_InputSplitTesting_a_txt.exists()) {
System.out.println( "Creating file... /tmp/KBoar_InputSplitTesting/a.txt" );
File KBoar_InputSplitTesting_b_txt = new File("/tmp/KBoar_InputSplitTesting/b.txt");
if (!KBoar_InputSplitTesting_b_txt.exists()) {
System.out.println( "Creating file... /tmp/KBoar_InputSplitTesting/b.txt" );
File KBoar_InputSplitTesting_alpha_c_txt = new File("/tmp/KBoar_InputSplitTesting/alpha/c.txt");
if (!KBoar_InputSplitTesting_alpha_c_txt.exists()) {
System.out.println( "Creating file... /tmp/KBoar_InputSplitTesting/alpha/c.txt" );
File KBoar_InputSplitTesting_alpha_gamma = new File("/tmp/KBoar_InputSplitTesting/alpha/gamma");
if (!KBoar_InputSplitTesting_alpha_gamma.exists()) {
System.out.println( "Creating dir... /tmp/KBoar_InputSplitTesting/alpha/gamma" );
public void testInputPaths() throws IOException {
//String path0 = "";
//listDir( path0 );
// single file
String path0 = "/tmp/KBoar_InputSplitTesting/a.txt";
HashSet<FileSplit> splits0 = getFileSplits_Proto( path0 );
assertEquals( 1, splits0.size() );
// empty dir
String path1 = "";
HashSet<FileSplit> splits1 = getFileSplits_Proto( path1 );
assertEquals( 0, splits1.size() );
// dir with subdirs, no files
String path2 = "/tmp/KBoar_InputSplitTesting/beta/";
HashSet<FileSplit> splits2 = getFileSplits_Proto( path2 );
assertEquals( 0, splits2.size() );
// dir with subdirs, 1 files
String path3 = "/tmp/KBoar_InputSplitTesting/alpha/";
HashSet<FileSplit> splits3 = getFileSplits_Proto( path3 );
assertEquals( 1, splits3.size() );
// dir with subdirs, N files
String path4 = "/tmp/KBoar_InputSplitTesting/";
HashSet<FileSplit> splits4 = getFileSplits_Proto( path4 );
assertEquals( 2, splits4.size() );
String path5 = "/tmp/KBoar_InputSplitTesting/a.txt,/tmp/KBoar_InputSplitTesting/alpha/";
HashSet<FileSplit> splits5 = getFileSplits_Proto( path5 );
assertEquals( 2, splits5.size() );
// comma seperated list of file paths
String path6 = "/tmp/KBoar_InputSplitTesting/a.txt,/tmp/KBoar_InputSplitTesting/b.txt";
HashSet<FileSplit> splits6 = getFileSplits_Proto( path6 );
assertEquals( 2, splits6.size() );
// comma seperated list of directories
String path7 = "/tmp/KBoar_InputSplitTesting,/tmp/KBoar_InputSplitTesting/alpha";
HashSet<FileSplit> splits7 = getFileSplits_Proto( path7 );
assertEquals( 3, splits7.size() );
// mix of: comma seperated list of directories, file paths
String path8 = "/tmp/KBoar_InputSplitTesting/a.txt,/tmp/KBoar_InputSplitTesting/b.txt,/tmp/KBoar_InputSplitTesting/alpha";
HashSet<FileSplit> splits8 = getFileSplits_Proto( path8 );
assertEquals( 3, splits8.size() );
// What is the default behavior here? fail or just drop bad path?
// mix of: BAD PATH, comma seperated list of directories, file paths
String path9 = "/tmp/KBoar_InputSplitTesting/z.txt,/tmp/KBoar_InputSplitTesting/b.txt,/tmp/KBoar_InputSplitTesting/alpha";
HashSet<FileSplit> splits9 = getFileSplits_Proto( path9 );
assertEquals( 2, splits9.size() );
public void testSplits() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
//Configuration conf;
ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId;
String appName = "test_app";
Properties props;
props = new Properties();
// props.load(new FileInputStream(ConfigFields.APP_CONFIG_FILE)); // Should be
props.setProperty(ConfigFields.APP_INPUT_PATH, input_file.toString());
Map<CharSequence, CharSequence> appConfig = new HashMap<CharSequence, CharSequence>();
for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> prop : props.entrySet()) {
appConfig.put((String) prop.getKey(), (String) prop.getValue());
// setup ----------------------
Path p = new Path(props.getProperty(ConfigFields.APP_INPUT_PATH));
//FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
//FileStatus f = fs.getFileStatus(p);
FileStatus f = localFs.getFileStatus(p);
BlockLocation[] bl = localFs.getFileBlockLocations(p, 0, f.getLen());
Set<ConfigurationTuple> configTuples = new HashSet<ConfigurationTuple>();
int workerId = 0;
for (BlockLocation b : bl) {
FileSplit split = FileSplit.newBuilder().setPath(p.toString())
System.out.println( "split: " + split.toString() );
// StartupConfiguration config = StartupConfiguration.newBuilder()
// .setBatchSize(batchSize).setIterations(iterationCount)
// .setOther(appConfig).setSplit(split).build();
String wid = "worker-" + workerId;
// ConfigurationTuple tuple = new ConfigurationTuple(b.getHosts()[0], wid,
// config);
// configTuples.add(tuple);
//return configTuples;