Package org.omnifaces.facesviews

Source Code of org.omnifaces.facesviews.FacesViews

* Copyright 2012 OmniFaces.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
* an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package org.omnifaces.facesviews;

import static java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap;
import static java.util.Collections.unmodifiableSet;
import static java.util.Locale.US;
import static java.util.regex.Pattern.quote;
import static javax.faces.application.ProjectStage.Development;
import static javax.faces.application.ProjectStage.PROJECT_STAGE_PARAM_NAME;
import static javax.faces.view.facelets.ResourceResolver.FACELETS_RESOURCE_RESOLVER_PARAM_NAME;
import static org.omnifaces.facesviews.FacesServletDispatchMethod.DO_FILTER;
import static org.omnifaces.util.Faces.getApplicationAttribute;
import static org.omnifaces.util.Faces.getApplicationFromFactory;
import static org.omnifaces.util.Platform.getFacesServletRegistration;
import static org.omnifaces.util.ResourcePaths.filterExtension;
import static org.omnifaces.util.ResourcePaths.getExtension;
import static org.omnifaces.util.ResourcePaths.isDirectory;
import static org.omnifaces.util.ResourcePaths.isExtensionless;
import static org.omnifaces.util.ResourcePaths.stripExtension;
import static org.omnifaces.util.ResourcePaths.stripPrefixPath;
import static org.omnifaces.util.Servlets.getApplicationAttribute;
import static org.omnifaces.util.Servlets.getRequestBaseURL;
import static org.omnifaces.util.Utils.csvToList;
import static org.omnifaces.util.Utils.isEmpty;
import static org.omnifaces.util.Utils.reverse;
import static org.omnifaces.util.Utils.startsWithOneOf;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.faces.application.Application;
import javax.faces.context.ExternalContext;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet;
import javax.servlet.FilterRegistration;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletRegistration;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

import org.omnifaces.ApplicationInitializer;
import org.omnifaces.ApplicationListener;
import org.omnifaces.config.WebXml;

* <p>
* FacesViews is a mechanism to use SEO-friendly extensionless URLs in a JSF application without the need to enlist
* individual Facelet source files in some configuration file.
* <p>
* Instead, Facelets source files can be put into either the special <code>/WEB-INF/faces-views</code>
* directory, from where they will be automatically scanned (no configuration whatsoever required) or an
* explicit directory can be configured to be scanned. The web app root is supported as well.
* <h3>Installation</h3>
* <p>
* Example of configuring FacesViews to make all Facelets found in the root and its sub-directories (excluding /WEB-INF,
* /META-INF and /resources) available as extensionless URLs in <code>web.xml</code>:
* <pre>
* &lt;context-param&gt;
*     &lt;param-name&gt;org.omnifaces.FACES_VIEWS_SCAN_PATHS&lt;/param-name&gt;
*     &lt;param-value&gt;/*.xhtml&lt;/param-value&gt;
* &lt;/context-param&gt;
* </pre>
* <p>
* See <a href="package-summary.html">package documentation</a> for additional details.
* <h3>PrettyFaces</h3>
* <p>
* Note that there is some overlap between this feature and <a href="">PrettyFaces</a>.
* The difference is that FacesViews has a focus on zero- or very minimal config, where PrettyFaces has a focus on very
* powerful mapping mechanisms, which of course need some level of configuration. As such FacesViews will only focus on
* auto discovering views and mapping them to both <code>.xhtml</code> and to no-extension without needing to explicitly
* declare the <code>FacesServlet</code> in <code>web.xml</code>.
* <p>
* Specifically, FacesViews will thus <em>not</em> become a general URL rewriting tool (e.g. one that maps path segments
* to parameters, or that totally changes the name of the URL). For this the user is advised to look at the
* aforementioned <a href="">PrettyFaces</a>.
* @author Arjan Tijms
* @see FacesViewsForwardingFilter
* @see FacesViewsViewHandler
* @see FacesViewsViewHandlerInstaller
* @see FacesViewsResolver
public final class FacesViews {

  private FacesViews() {

   * A special dedicated "well-known" directory where facelets implementing views can be placed.
   * This directory is scanned by convention so that no explicit configuration is needed.
  public static final String WEB_INF_VIEWS = "/WEB-INF/faces-views/";

   * Web context parameter to switch auto-scanning completely off for Servlet 3.0 containers.
    public static final String FACES_VIEWS_ENABLED_PARAM_NAME = "org.omnifaces.FACES_VIEWS_ENABLED";

   * The name of the init parameter (in web.xml) where the value holds a comma separated list of paths that are to be
   * scanned by faces views.
  public static final String FACES_VIEWS_SCAN_PATHS_PARAM_NAME = "org.omnifaces.FACES_VIEWS_SCAN_PATHS";

   * The name of the init parameter (in web.xml) via which the user can set scanned views to be always rendered
   * extensionless. Without this setting (or it being set to false), it depends on whether the request URI uses an
   * extension or not. If it doesn't, links are also rendered without one, otherwise are rendered with an extension.

   * The name of the init parameter (in web.xml) that determines the action that is performed whenever a resource
   * is requested WITH extension that's also available without an extension. See {@link ExtensionAction}

   * The name of the init parameter (in web.xml) that determines the action that is performed whenever a resource
   * is requested in a public path that has been used for scanning views by faces views. See {@link PathAction}
  public static final String FACES_VIEWS_PATH_ACTION_PARAM_NAME = "org.omnifaces.FACES_VIEWS_PATH_ACTION";

   * The name of the init parameter (in web.xml) that determines the method used by FacesViews to invoke the FacesServlet.
   * See {@link FacesServletDispatchMethod}.

   * The name of the boolean init parameter (in web.xml) via which the user can set whether the {@link FacesViewsForwardingFilter}
   * should match before declared filters (false) or after declared filters (true);

   * The name of the boolean init parameter (in web.xml) via which the user can set whether the {@link FacesViewsViewHandler}
   * should strip the extension from the parent view handler's outcome or construct the URL itself and only take the query
   * parameters (if any) from the parent.

   * The name of the application scope context parameter under which a Set version of the paths that are to be scanned
   * by faces views are kept.
  public static final String SCAN_PATHS = "org.omnifaces.facesviews.scanpaths";

   * The name of the application scope context parameter under which a Set version of the public paths that are to be scanned
   * by faces views are kept. A public path is a path that is also directly accessible, e.g. is world readable. This excludes
   * the special path /, which is by definition world readable but not included in this set.
  public static final String PUBLIC_SCAN_PATHS = "org.omnifaces.facesviews.public.scanpaths";

   * The name of the application scope context parameter under which a Boolean version of the scanned views always
   * exensionless init parameter is kept.
  public static final String SCANNED_VIEWS_EXTENSIONLESS = "org.omnifaces.facesviews.scannedviewsextensionless";

   * The name of the application scope context parameter under which a Set that stores the extensions to which
   * the FacesServlet is mapped.
  public static final String FACES_SERVLET_EXTENSIONS = "org.omnifaces.facesviews.facesservletextensions";

  public static final String FACES_VIEWS_RESOURCES = "org.omnifaces.facesviews";
  public static final String FACES_VIEWS_REVERSE_RESOURCES = "org.omnifaces.facesviews.reverse.resources";
    public static final String FACES_VIEWS_RESOURCES_EXTENSIONS = "org.omnifaces.facesviews.extensions";

    public static final String FACES_VIEWS_ORIGINAL_SERVLET_PATH = "org.omnifaces.facesviews.original.servlet_path";

     * This will register the {@link FacesViewsForwardingFilter}.
     * @param servletContext The involved servlet context.
    public static void registerFilter(ServletContext servletContext) {

    if (!"false".equals(servletContext.getInitParameter(FACES_VIEWS_ENABLED_PARAM_NAME))) {

      // Scan our dedicated directory for Faces resources that need to be mapped
      Map<String, String> collectedViews = new HashMap<>();
      Set<String> collectedExtensions = new HashSet<>();
      scanViewsFromRootPaths(servletContext, collectedViews, collectedExtensions);

      if (!collectedViews.isEmpty()) {

        // Store the resources and extensions that were found in application scope, where others can find it.
        servletContext.setAttribute(FACES_VIEWS_RESOURCES, unmodifiableMap(collectedViews));
        servletContext.setAttribute(FACES_VIEWS_REVERSE_RESOURCES, unmodifiableMap(reverse(collectedViews)));
        servletContext.setAttribute(FACES_VIEWS_RESOURCES_EXTENSIONS, unmodifiableSet(collectedExtensions));

        // Register 3 artifacts with the Servlet container and JSF that help implement this feature:

        // 1. A Filter that forwards extensionless requests to an extension mapped request, e.g. /index to
        // /index.xhtml
        // (The FacesServlet doesn't work well with the exact mapping that we use for extensionless URLs).
        FilterRegistration facesViewsRegistration = servletContext.addFilter(FacesViewsForwardingFilter.class.getName(),

        // 2. A Facelets resource resolver that resolves requests like /index.xhtml to
        // /WEB-INF/faces-views/index.xhtml
        servletContext.setInitParameter(FACELETS_RESOURCE_RESOLVER_PARAM_NAME, FacesViewsResolver.class.getName());

        // 3. A ViewHandler that transforms the forwarded extension based URL back to an extensionless one, e.g.
        // /index.xhtml to /index
        // See FacesViewsForwardingFilter#init

        if ( &&
          getFacesServletDispatchMethod(servletContext) != DO_FILTER) {

          // In development mode map this Filter to "*", so we can catch requests to extensionless resources that
              // have been dynamically added. Note that resources with mapped extensions are already handled by the FacesViewsResolver.
              // Adding resources with new extensions still requires a restart.

          // Development mode only works when the dispatch mode is not DO_FILTER, since DO_FILTER mode depends
          // on the Faces Servlet being "exact"-mapped on the view resources.

          facesViewsRegistration.addMappingForUrlPatterns(null, isFilterAfterDeclaredFilters(servletContext), "/*");
        } else {

          // In non-development mode, only map this Filter to specific resources

          // Map the forwarding filter to all the resources we found.
          for (String resource : collectedViews.keySet()) {
            facesViewsRegistration.addMappingForUrlPatterns(null, isFilterAfterDeclaredFilters(servletContext), resource);

          // Additionally map the filter to all paths that were scanned and which are also directly
          // accessible. This is to give the filter an opportunity to block these.
          for (String path : getPublicRootPaths(servletContext)) {
            facesViewsRegistration.addMappingForUrlPatterns(null, false, path + "*");

        // We now need to map the Faces Servlet to the extensions we found, but at this point in time
        // this Faces Servlet might not be created yet, so we do this part in FacesViewInitializedListener.

     * This will map the {@link FacesServlet} to extensions found during scanning in {@link ApplicationInitializer}.
     * This part of the initialization is executed via {@link ApplicationListener}, because the {@link FacesServlet}
     * has to be available.
     * @param servletContext The involved servlet context.
    public static void addMappings(ServletContext servletContext) {

        if (!"false".equals(servletContext.getInitParameter(FACES_VIEWS_ENABLED_PARAM_NAME))) {

          Set<String> extensions = getApplicationAttribute(servletContext, FACES_VIEWS_RESOURCES_EXTENSIONS);

          if (!isEmpty(extensions)) {

            Set<String> mappings = new HashSet<>(extensions);
            for (String welcomeFile : WebXml.INSTANCE.init(servletContext).getWelcomeFiles()) {
              if (isExtensionless(welcomeFile)) {
                if (!welcomeFile.startsWith("/")) {
                  welcomeFile = "/" + welcomeFile;

            if (getFacesServletDispatchMethod(servletContext) == DO_FILTER) {
              // In order for the DO_FILTER method to work the FacesServlet, in addition the forward filter, has
              // to be mapped on all extensionless resources.
              Map<String, String> collectedViews = getApplicationAttribute(servletContext, FACES_VIEWS_RESOURCES);

            mapFacesServlet(servletContext, mappings);

     * Register a view handler that transforms a view id with extension back to an extensionless one.
     * @param servletContext The involved servlet context.
    public static void setViewHander(ServletContext servletContext) {
      if (isFacesViewsActive(servletContext)) {
          Application application = getApplicationFromFactory();
          application.setViewHandler(new FacesViewsViewHandler(application.getViewHandler()));

  public static boolean isFacesViewsActive(ServletContext servletContext) {
    if (!"false".equals(servletContext.getInitParameter(FACES_VIEWS_ENABLED_PARAM_NAME))) {
      return !isEmpty(getApplicationAttribute(servletContext, FACES_VIEWS_RESOURCES_EXTENSIONS));

    return false;

    public static void scanViewsFromRootPaths(ServletContext servletContext, Map<String, String> collectedViews, Set<String> collectedExtensions) {
    for (String rootPath : getRootPaths(servletContext)) {

      String extensionToScan = null;
      if (rootPath.contains("*")) {
        String[] pathAndExtension = rootPath.split(quote("*"));
        rootPath = pathAndExtension[0];
        extensionToScan = pathAndExtension[1];

      rootPath = normalizeRootPath(rootPath);

      scanViews(servletContext, rootPath, servletContext.getResourcePaths(rootPath), collectedViews, extensionToScan, collectedExtensions);

  public static Set<String> getRootPaths(ServletContext servletContext) {
    Set<String> rootPaths = (Set<String>) servletContext.getAttribute(SCAN_PATHS);

    if (rootPaths == null) {
      rootPaths = new HashSet<>(csvToList(servletContext.getInitParameter(FACES_VIEWS_SCAN_PATHS_PARAM_NAME)));
      servletContext.setAttribute(SCAN_PATHS, unmodifiableSet(rootPaths));

    return rootPaths;

  public static Set<String> getPublicRootPaths(ServletContext servletContext) {
    Set<String> publicRootPaths = (Set<String>) servletContext.getAttribute(PUBLIC_SCAN_PATHS);

    if (publicRootPaths == null) {
      Set<String> rootPaths = getRootPaths(servletContext);
      publicRootPaths = new HashSet<>();
      for (String rootPath : rootPaths) {

        if (rootPath.contains("*")) {
          String[] pathAndExtension = rootPath.split(quote("*"));
          rootPath = pathAndExtension[0];

        rootPath = normalizeRootPath(rootPath);

        if (!"/".equals(rootPath) && !startsWithOneOf(rootPath, "/WEB-INF/", "/META-INF/")) {
      servletContext.setAttribute(PUBLIC_SCAN_PATHS, unmodifiableSet(publicRootPaths));

    return publicRootPaths;

  public static String normalizeRootPath(String rootPath) {
    String normalizedPath = rootPath;
    if (!normalizedPath.startsWith("/")) {
      normalizedPath = "/" + normalizedPath;
    if (!normalizedPath.endsWith("/")) {
      normalizedPath = normalizedPath + "/";
    return normalizedPath;

  public static boolean isResourceInPublicPath(ServletContext servletContext, String resource) {
    Set<String> publicPaths = getPublicRootPaths(servletContext);
      for (String path : publicPaths) {
        if (resource.startsWith(path)) {
          return true;
      return false;

  public static ExtensionAction getExtensionAction(ServletContext servletContext) {
    String extensionActionString = servletContext.getInitParameter(FACES_VIEWS_EXTENSION_ACTION_PARAM_NAME);
    if (isEmpty(extensionActionString)) {
      return ExtensionAction.REDIRECT_TO_EXTENSIONLESS;

    try {
      return ExtensionAction.valueOf(extensionActionString.toUpperCase(US));
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "Value '%s' is not valid for context parameter for '%s'",
          extensionActionString, FACES_VIEWS_EXTENSION_ACTION_PARAM_NAME

  public static PathAction getPathAction(ServletContext servletContext) {
    String pathActionString = servletContext.getInitParameter(FACES_VIEWS_PATH_ACTION_PARAM_NAME);
    if (isEmpty(pathActionString)) {
      return PathAction.SEND_404;

    try {
      return PathAction.valueOf(pathActionString.toUpperCase(US));
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "Value '%s' is not valid for context parameter for '%s'",
          pathActionString, FACES_VIEWS_PATH_ACTION_PARAM_NAME

  public static FacesServletDispatchMethod getFacesServletDispatchMethod(ServletContext servletContext) {
    String dispatchMethodString = servletContext.getInitParameter(FACES_VIEWS_DISPATCH_METHOD_PARAM_NAME);
    if (isEmpty(dispatchMethodString)) {
      return FacesServletDispatchMethod.DO_FILTER;

    try {
      return FacesServletDispatchMethod.valueOf(dispatchMethodString.toUpperCase(US));
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "Value '%s' is not valid for context parameter for '%s'",
          dispatchMethodString, FACES_VIEWS_DISPATCH_METHOD_PARAM_NAME

  public static ViewHandlerMode getViewHandlerMode(FacesContext context) {
    return getViewHandlerMode((ServletContext) context.getExternalContext().getContext());

  public static ViewHandlerMode getViewHandlerMode(ServletContext servletContext) {
    String viewHandlerModeString = servletContext.getInitParameter(FACES_VIEWS_VIEW_HANDLER_MODE_PARAM_NAME);
    if (isEmpty(viewHandlerModeString)) {
      return ViewHandlerMode.STRIP_EXTENSION_FROM_PARENT;

    try {
      return ViewHandlerMode.valueOf(viewHandlerModeString.toUpperCase(US));
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "Value '%s' is not valid for context parameter for '%s'",

  public static boolean isFilterAfterDeclaredFilters(ServletContext servletContext) {
    String filterAfterDeclaredFilters = servletContext.getInitParameter(FACES_VIEWS_FILTER_AFTER_DECLARED_FILTERS_PARAM_NAME);

    if (filterAfterDeclaredFilters == null) {
      return true;

    return Boolean.valueOf(filterAfterDeclaredFilters);

  public static Boolean isScannedViewsAlwaysExtensionless(final FacesContext context) {

    ExternalContext externalContext = context.getExternalContext();
    Map<String, Object> applicationMap = externalContext.getApplicationMap();

    Boolean scannedViewsExtensionless = (Boolean) applicationMap.get(SCANNED_VIEWS_EXTENSIONLESS);
    if (scannedViewsExtensionless == null) {
      if (externalContext.getInitParameter(FACES_VIEWS_SCANNED_VIEWS_EXTENSIONLESS_PARAM_NAME) == null) {
        scannedViewsExtensionless = true;
      } else {
        scannedViewsExtensionless = Boolean.valueOf(externalContext.getInitParameter(FACES_VIEWS_SCANNED_VIEWS_EXTENSIONLESS_PARAM_NAME));
      applicationMap.put(SCANNED_VIEWS_EXTENSIONLESS, scannedViewsExtensionless);

    return scannedViewsExtensionless;

   * Scans resources (views) recursively starting with the given resource paths for a specific root path, and collects
   * those and all unique extensions encountered in a flat map respectively set.
   * @param servletContext The involved servlet context.
   * @param rootPath
   *            one of the paths from which views are scanned. By default this is typically /WEB-INF/faces-view/
   * @param resourcePaths
   *            collection of paths to be considered for scanning, can be either files or directories.
   * @param collectedViews
   *            a mapping of all views encountered during scanning. Mapping will be from the simplified form to the
   *            actual location relatively to the web root. E.g key "foo", value "/WEB-INF/faces-view/foo.xhtml"
   * @param extensionToScan
   *            a specific extension to scan for. Should start with a ., e.g. ".xhtml". If this is given, only
   *            resources with that extension will be scanned. If null, all resources will be scanned.
   * @param collectedExtensions
   *            set in which all unique extensions will be collected. May be null, in which case no extensions will be
   *            collected
  public static void scanViews(ServletContext servletContext, String rootPath, Set<String> resourcePaths, Map<String, String> collectedViews,
      String extensionToScan, Set<String> collectedExtensions) {

    if (!isEmpty(resourcePaths)) {
      for (String resourcePath : resourcePaths) {
        if (isDirectory(resourcePath)) {
          if (canScanDirectory(rootPath, resourcePath)) {
            scanViews(servletContext, rootPath, servletContext.getResourcePaths(resourcePath), collectedViews, extensionToScan, collectedExtensions);
        } else if (canScanResource(resourcePath, extensionToScan)) {

          // Strip the root path from the current path. E.g.
          // /WEB-INF/faces-views/foo.xhtml will become foo.xhtml if the root path = /WEB-INF/faces-view/
          String resource = stripPrefixPath(rootPath, resourcePath);

          // Store the resource with and without an extension, e.g. store both foo.xhtml and foo
          collectedViews.put(resource, resourcePath);
          collectedViews.put(stripExtension(resource), resourcePath);

          // Optionally, collect all unique extensions that we have encountered
          if (collectedExtensions != null) {
            collectedExtensions.add("*" + getExtension(resourcePath));

  public static boolean canScanDirectory(String rootPath, String directory) {

    if (!"/".equals(rootPath)) {
      // If a user has explicitly asked for scanning anything other than /, every sub directory of it can be scanned.
      return true;

    // For the special directory /, don't scan WEB-INF, META-INF and resources
    return !startsWithOneOf(directory, "/WEB-INF/", "/META-INF/", "/resources/");

  public static boolean canScanResource(String resource, String extensionToScan) {

    if (extensionToScan == null) {
      // If no extension has been explicitly defined, we scan all extensions encountered
      return true;

    return resource.endsWith(extensionToScan);

   * Scans resources (views) recursively starting with the given resource paths and returns a flat map containing all
   * resources encountered.
   * @param servletContext The involved servlet context.
   * @return views
  public static Map<String, String> scanViews(ServletContext servletContext) {
    Map<String, String> collectedViews = new HashMap<>();
    scanViewsFromRootPaths(servletContext, collectedViews, null);
    return collectedViews;

   * Checks if resources haven't been scanned yet, and if not does scanning and stores the result at the designated
   * location "org.omnifaces.facesviews" in the ServletContext.
   * @param context The involved servlet context.
  public static void tryScanAndStoreViews(ServletContext context) {
    if (getApplicationAttribute(context, FACES_VIEWS_RESOURCES) == null) {

   * Scans for faces-views resources and stores the result at the designated location "org.omnifaces.facesviews" in
   * the ServletContext.
   * @param context The involved servlet context.
   * @return the view found during scanning, or the empty map if no views encountered
  public static Map<String, String> scanAndStoreViews(ServletContext context) {
    Map<String, String> views = scanViews(context);
    if (!views.isEmpty()) {
      context.setAttribute(FACES_VIEWS_RESOURCES, unmodifiableMap(views));
      context.setAttribute(FACES_VIEWS_REVERSE_RESOURCES, unmodifiableMap(reverse(views)));
    return views;

   * Strips the special 'faces-views' prefix path from the resource if any.
   * @param resource The resource.
   * @return the resource without the special prefix path, or as-is if it didn't start with this prefix.
  public static String stripFacesViewsPrefix(final String resource) {
    return stripPrefixPath(WEB_INF_VIEWS, resource);

  public static String getMappedPath(String path) {
    String facesViewsPath = path;
    Map<String, String> mappedResources = getApplicationAttribute(FACES_VIEWS_RESOURCES);
    if (mappedResources != null && mappedResources.containsKey(path)) {
      facesViewsPath = mappedResources.get(path);

    return facesViewsPath;

   * Map the Facelets Servlet to the given extensions
   * @param servletContext The involved servlet context.
   * @param extensions collections of extensions (typically those as encountered during scanning)
  public static void mapFacesServlet(ServletContext servletContext, Set<String> extensions) {

      ServletRegistration facesServletRegistration = getFacesServletRegistration(servletContext);
      if (facesServletRegistration != null) {
          Collection<String> mappings = facesServletRegistration.getMappings();
          for (String extension : extensions) {
              if (!mappings.contains(extension)) {

  public static Set<String> getFacesServletExtensions(FacesContext context) {
    return getFacesServletExtensions((ServletContext) context.getExternalContext().getContext());

  public static Set<String> getFacesServletExtensions(ServletContext servletContext) {

    Set<String> extensions = (Set<String>) servletContext.getAttribute(FACES_SERVLET_EXTENSIONS);

    if (extensions == null) {
      extensions = new HashSet<>();
      ServletRegistration facesServletRegistration = getFacesServletRegistration(servletContext);
        if (facesServletRegistration != null) {
            Collection<String> mappings = facesServletRegistration.getMappings();
            for (String mapping : mappings) {
              if (mapping.startsWith("*")) {
        servletContext.setAttribute(FACES_SERVLET_EXTENSIONS, unmodifiableSet(extensions));

    return extensions;

   * Obtains the full request URL from the given request complete with the query string, but with the
   * extension (if any) cut out.
   * <p>
   * E.g. <code>http://localhost/foo/bar.xhtml?kaz=1</code> becomes <code>http://localhost/foo/bar?kaz=1</code>
   * @param request the request from the URL is obtained.
   * @return request URL with query parameters but without file extension
  public static String getExtensionlessURLWithQuery(HttpServletRequest request) {
    return getExtensionlessURLWithQuery(request, request.getServletPath());

   * Obtains the full request URL from the given request and the given resource complete with the query string, but with the
   * extension (if any) cut out.
   * <p>
   * E.g. <code>http://localhost/foo/bar.xhtml?kaz=1</code> becomes <code>http://localhost/foo/bar?kaz=1</code>
   * @param request the request from which the base URL is obtained.
   * @param resource the resource relative to the base URL
   * @return request URL with query parameters but without file extension
  public static String getExtensionlessURLWithQuery(HttpServletRequest request, String resource) {
    String queryString = !isEmpty(request.getQueryString()) ? "?" + request.getQueryString() : "";

    String baseURL = getRequestBaseURL(request);
    if (baseURL.endsWith("/")) {
      baseURL = baseURL.substring(0, baseURL.length()-1);

    return baseURL + stripExtension(resource) + queryString;


Related Classes of org.omnifaces.facesviews.FacesViews

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