package org.bukkit.material;
import org.bukkit.GrassSpecies;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.TreeSpecies;
* Represents a flower pot.
public class FlowerPot extends MaterialData {
* Default constructor for a flower pot.
public FlowerPot() {
* @deprecated Magic value
public FlowerPot(final int type) {
public FlowerPot(final Material type) {
* @deprecated Magic value
public FlowerPot(final int type, final byte data) {
super(type, data);
* @deprecated Magic value
public FlowerPot(final Material type, final byte data) {
super(type, data);
* Get the material in the flower pot
* @return material MaterialData for the block currently in the flower pot
* or null if empty
public MaterialData getContents() {
switch (getData()) {
case 1:
return new MaterialData(Material.RED_ROSE);
case 2:
return new MaterialData(Material.YELLOW_FLOWER);
case 3:
return new Tree(TreeSpecies.GENERIC);
case 4:
return new Tree(TreeSpecies.REDWOOD);
case 5:
return new Tree(TreeSpecies.BIRCH);
case 6:
return new Tree(TreeSpecies.JUNGLE);
case 7:
return new MaterialData(Material.RED_MUSHROOM);
case 8:
return new MaterialData(Material.BROWN_MUSHROOM);
case 9:
return new MaterialData(Material.CACTUS);
case 10:
return new MaterialData(Material.DEAD_BUSH);
case 11:
return new LongGrass(GrassSpecies.FERN_LIKE);
return null;
* Set the contents of the flower pot
* @param materialData MaterialData of the block to put in the flower pot.
public void setContents(MaterialData materialData) {
Material mat = materialData.getItemType();
if (mat == Material.RED_ROSE) {
setData((byte) 1);
} else if (mat == Material.YELLOW_FLOWER) {
setData((byte) 2);
} else if (mat == Material.RED_MUSHROOM) {
setData((byte) 7);
} else if (mat == Material.BROWN_MUSHROOM) {
setData((byte) 8);
} else if (mat == Material.CACTUS) {
setData((byte) 9);
} else if (mat == Material.DEAD_BUSH) {
setData((byte) 10);
} else if (mat == Material.SAPLING) {
TreeSpecies species = ((Tree) materialData).getSpecies();
if (species == TreeSpecies.GENERIC) {
setData((byte) 3);
} else if (species == TreeSpecies.REDWOOD) {
setData((byte) 4);
} else if (species == TreeSpecies.BIRCH) {
setData((byte) 5);
} else {
setData((byte) 6);
} else if (mat == Material.LONG_GRASS) {
GrassSpecies species = ((LongGrass) materialData).getSpecies();
if (species == GrassSpecies.FERN_LIKE) {
setData((byte) 11);
public String toString() {
return super.toString() + " containing " + getContents();
public FlowerPot clone() {
return (FlowerPot) super.clone();