* Copyright 2013 Raffael Herzog
* This file is part of pegdown-doclet.
* pegdown-doclet is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* pegdown-doclet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with pegdown-doclet. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package ch.raffael.doclets.pegdown;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import com.google.common.io.ByteStreams;
import com.google.common.io.Files;
import com.sun.javadoc.AnnotationTypeDoc;
import com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc;
import com.sun.javadoc.Doc;
import com.sun.javadoc.DocErrorReporter;
import com.sun.javadoc.LanguageVersion;
import com.sun.javadoc.MemberDoc;
import com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc;
import com.sun.javadoc.RootDoc;
import com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition;
import com.sun.javadoc.Tag;
import com.sun.tools.doclets.standard.Standard;
import com.sun.tools.javadoc.Main;
import org.parboiled.errors.ParserRuntimeException;
* The Doclet implementation. This implementation uses [Pegdown](http://www.pegdown.org/)
* to process the JavaDoc comments and tags, and sets a new JavaDoc comment using
* {@link Doc#setRawCommentText(String)}. It then passes the `RootDoc` to the standard
* Doclet.
* @author <a href="mailto:herzog@raffael.ch">Raffael Herzog</a>
* @see "[The Doclet Specification](http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/javadoc/doclet/spec/index.html)"
public class PegdownDoclet implements DocErrorReporter {
public static final String HIGHLIGHT_JS_HTML =
"<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" + "{@docRoot}/highlight.pack.js" + "\"></script>\n"
+ "<script type=\"text/javascript\"><!--\nhljs.initHighlightingOnLoad();\n//--></script>";
private final Map<String, TagRenderer<?>> tagRenderers = new HashMap<>();
private final Set<PackageDoc> packages = new HashSet<>();
private final Options options;
private final RootDoc rootDoc;
private boolean error = false;
* Construct a new Pegdown Doclet.
* @param options The command line options.
* @param rootDoc The root document.
public PegdownDoclet(Options options, RootDoc rootDoc) {
this.options = options;
this.rootDoc = rootDoc;
tagRenderers.put("@author", SimpleTagRenderer.INSTANCE);
tagRenderers.put("@version", SimpleTagRenderer.INSTANCE);
tagRenderers.put("@return", SimpleTagRenderer.INSTANCE);
tagRenderers.put("@deprecated", SimpleTagRenderer.INSTANCE);
tagRenderers.put("@since", SimpleTagRenderer.INSTANCE);
tagRenderers.put("@param", ParamTagRenderer.INSTANCE);
tagRenderers.put("@throws", ThrowsTagRenderer.INSTANCE);
tagRenderers.put("@see", SeeTagRenderer.INSTANCE);
UmlTagRenderer umlTagRenderer = new UmlTagRenderer();
tagRenderers.put("@uml", umlTagRenderer);
tagRenderers.put("@startuml", umlTagRenderer);
tagRenderers.put("@enduml", TagRenderer.ELIDE);
tagRenderers.put("@todo", new TodoTagRenderer());
* As specified by the Doclet specification.
* @return Java 1.5.
* @see com.sun.javadoc.Doclet#languageVersion()
public static LanguageVersion languageVersion() {
return LanguageVersion.JAVA_1_5;
* As specified by the Doclet specification.
* @param option The option name.
* @return The length of the option.
* @see com.sun.javadoc.Doclet#optionLength(String)
public static int optionLength(String option) {
return Options.optionLength(option);
* As specified by the Doclet specification.
* @param rootDoc The root doc.
* @return `true`, if process was successful.
* @see com.sun.javadoc.Doclet#start(RootDoc)
public static boolean start(RootDoc rootDoc) {
Options options = new Options();
if ( !options.load(rootDoc.options(), rootDoc) ) {
return false;
PegdownDoclet doclet = new PegdownDoclet(options, rootDoc);
if ( doclet.isError() ) {
return false;
RootDocWrapper rootDocWrapper = new RootDocWrapper(rootDoc, options.forwardedOptions());
if ( options.isHighlightEnabled() ) {
// find the footer option
int i = 0;
for ( ; i < rootDocWrapper.options().length; i++ ) {
if ( rootDocWrapper.options()[i][0].equals("-footer") ) {
rootDocWrapper.options()[i][1] += HIGHLIGHT_JS_HTML;
if ( i >= rootDocWrapper.options().length ) {
rootDocWrapper.appendOption("-footer", HIGHLIGHT_JS_HTML);
return Standard.start(rootDocWrapper) && doclet.postProcess();
* As specified by the Doclet specification.
* @param options The command line options.
* @param errorReporter An error reporter to print errors.
* @return `true`, if the options are valid.
public static boolean validOptions(String[][] options, DocErrorReporter errorReporter) {
return new Options().load(options, errorReporter);
* Removes all tag renderers.
public void clearTagRenderers() {
* Adds a tag renderer for the specified {@link com.sun.javadoc.Tag#kind() kind}.
* @param kind The kind of the tag the renderer renders.
* @param renderer The tag renderer.
public void addTagRenderer(String kind, TagRenderer<?> renderer) {
tagRenderers.put(kind, renderer);
* Removes a tag renderer for the specified {@link com.sun.javadoc.Tag#kind() kind}.
* @param kind The kind of the tag.
public void removeTagRenderer(String kind) {
* Get the options.
* @return The options.
public Options getOptions() {
return options;
* Get the root doc.
* @return The root doc.
public RootDoc getRootDoc() {
return rootDoc;
* Process the documentation tree. If any errors occur during processing,
* {@link #isError()} will return `true` afterwards.
public void process() {
for ( ClassDoc doc : rootDoc.classes() ) {
for ( PackageDoc doc : packages ) {
* Called after the standard Doclet *successfully* did its work.
* @return `true` if postprocessing succeeded.
public boolean postProcess() {
boolean success = true;
if ( options.getStylesheetFile() == null ) {
success &= copyResource("stylesheet.css", "stylesheet.css", "CSS stylesheet");
if ( options.isHighlightEnabled() ) {
success &= copyResource("highlight.pack.7.3.js", "highlight.pack.js", "highlight.js");
success &= copyResource("highlight-LICENSE.txt", "highlight-LICENSE.txt", "highlight.js license");
success &= copyResource("classref.txt", "classref.txt", "highlight.js class reference");
success &= copyResource("highlight-styles/" + options.getHighlightStyle() + ".css", "highlight.css", "highlight.js style '" + options.getHighlightStyle() + "'");
else {
success &= copyResource("no-highlight.css", "highlight.css", "no-highlight CSS");
return success;
private boolean copyResource(String resource, String destination, String description) {
try (
InputStream in = PegdownDoclet.class.getResourceAsStream(resource);
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(new File(options.getDestinationDir(), destination))
ByteStreams.copy(in, out);
return true;
catch ( IOException e ) {
printError("Error writing " + description + ": " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
return false;
* Check whether any errors occurred during processing of the documentation tree.
* @return `true` if there were errors processing the documentation tree.
public boolean isError() {
return error;
* Process the overview file, if specified.
protected void processOverview() {
if ( options.getOverviewFile() != null ) {
try {
rootDoc.setRawCommentText(Files.toString(options.getOverviewFile(), options.getEncoding()));
defaultProcess(rootDoc, false);
catch ( IOException e ) {
printError("Error loading overview from " + options.getOverviewFile() + ": " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
* Process the class documentation.
* @param doc The class documentation.
protected void processClass(ClassDoc doc) {
defaultProcess(doc, true);
for ( MemberDoc member : doc.fields() ) {
for ( MemberDoc member : doc.constructors() ) {
for ( MemberDoc member : doc.methods() ) {
if ( doc instanceof AnnotationTypeDoc ) {
for ( MemberDoc member : ((AnnotationTypeDoc)doc).elements() ) {
* Process the member documentation.
* @param doc The member documentation.
protected void processMember(MemberDoc doc) {
defaultProcess(doc, true);
* Process the package documentation.
* @param doc The package documentation.
protected void processPackage(PackageDoc doc) {
// (#1) Set foundDoc to false if possible.
// foundDoc will be set to true when setRawCommentText() is called, if the method
// is called again, JavaDoc will issue a warning about multiple sources for the
// package documentation. If there actually *are* multiple sources, the warning
// has already been issued at this point, we will, however, use it to set the
// resulting HTML. So, we're setting it back to false here, to suppress the
// warning.
try {
Field foundDoc = doc.getClass().getDeclaredField("foundDoc");
foundDoc.set(doc, false);
catch ( Exception e ) {
printWarning(doc.position(), "Cannot suppress warning about multiple package sources: " + e + "\n"
+ "Please report this at https://github.com/Abnaxos/pegdown-doclet/issues with the exact JavaDoc version you're using");
defaultProcess(doc, true);
* Default processing of any documentation node.
* @param doc The documentation.
* @param fixLeadingSpaces `true` if leading spaces should be fixed.
* @see Options#toHtml(String, boolean)
protected void defaultProcess(Doc doc, boolean fixLeadingSpaces) {
try {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
buf.append(getOptions().toHtml(doc.commentText(), fixLeadingSpaces));
for ( Tag tag : doc.tags() ) {
processTag(tag, buf);
catch ( final ParserRuntimeException e ) {
if ( doc instanceof RootDoc ) {
printError(new SourcePosition() {
public File file() {
return options.getOverviewFile();
public int line() {
return 0;
public int column() {
return 0;
}, e.getMessage());
else {
printError(doc.position(), e.getMessage());
* Process a tag.
* @param tag The tag.
* @param target The target string builder.
protected void processTag(Tag tag, StringBuilder target) {
TagRenderer<Tag> renderer = (TagRenderer<Tag>)tagRenderers.get(tag.kind());
if ( renderer == null ) {
renderer = TagRenderer.VERBATIM;
renderer.render(tag, target, this);
* Convert the given markup to HTML according to the {@link Options}.
* @param markup The Markdown source.
* @return The resulting HTML.
public String toHtml(String markup) {
return options.toHtml(markup);
* Convert the given markup to HTML according to the {@link Options}.
* @param markup The Markdown source.
* @param fixLeadingSpaces `true` to strip one leading space if present.
* @return The resulting HTML.
public String toHtml(String markup, boolean fixLeadingSpaces) {
return options.toHtml(markup, fixLeadingSpaces);
* Indicate that an error occurred. This method will also be called by
* {@link #printError(String)} and
* {@link #printError(com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition, String)}.
public void error() {
error = true;
public void printError(String msg) {
public void printError(SourcePosition pos, String msg) {
rootDoc.printError(pos, msg);
public void printWarning(String msg) {
public void printWarning(SourcePosition pos,
String msg)
rootDoc.printWarning(pos, msg);
public void printNotice(String msg) {
public void printNotice(SourcePosition pos, String msg) {
rootDoc.printNotice(pos, msg);
* Returns a prefix for relative URLs from a documentation element relative to the
* given package. This prefix can be used to refer to the root URL of the
* documentation:
* ```java
* doc = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\""
* + rootUrlPrefix(classDoc.containingPackage()) + "highlight.js"
* + "\"></script>";
* ```
* @param doc The package containing the element from where to reference the root.
* @return A URL prefix for URLs referring to the doc root.
public String rootUrlPrefix(PackageDoc doc) {
if ( doc == null || doc.name().isEmpty() ) {
return "";
else {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
for ( int i = 0; i < doc.name().length(); i++ ) {
if ( doc.name().charAt(i) == '.' ) {
return buf.toString();
* Just a main method for debugging.
* @param args The command line arguments.
* @throws Exception If anything goes wrong.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
args = Arrays.copyOf(args, args.length + 2);
args[args.length - 2] = "-doclet";
args[args.length - 1] = PegdownDoclet.class.getName();