package org.newdawn.slick.tiled;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import org.newdawn.slick.Image;
import org.newdawn.slick.SlickException;
import org.newdawn.slick.util.Log;
import org.newdawn.slick.util.ResourceLoader;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
* This class is intended to parse TilED maps. TilED is a generic tool for tile map editing and can
* be found at:
* @author kevin
public class TiledMap {
/** The width of the map */
protected int width;
/** The height of the map */
protected int height;
/** The width of the tiles used on the map */
protected int tileWidth;
/** The height of the tiles used on the map */
protected int tileHeight;
/** The location prefix where we can find tileset images */
protected String tilesLocation;
/** the properties of the map */
protected Properties props;
/** The list of tilesets defined in the map */
protected ArrayList tileSets = new ArrayList();
/** The list of layers defined in the map */
protected ArrayList layers = new ArrayList();
/** The list of object-groups defined in the map */
protected ArrayList objectGroups = new ArrayList();
/** True if we want to load tilesets - including their image data */
private boolean loadTileSets = true;
* Create a new tile map based on a given TMX file
* @param ref The location of the tile map to load
* @throws SlickException Indicates a failure to load the tilemap
public TiledMap(String ref) throws SlickException {
this(ref, true);
* Create a new tile map based on a given TMX file
* @param ref The location of the tile map to load
* @param loadTileSets True if we want to load tilesets - including their image data
* @throws SlickException Indicates a failure to load the tilemap
public TiledMap(String ref, boolean loadTileSets) throws SlickException {
this.loadTileSets = loadTileSets;
ref = ref.replace('\\','/');
load(ResourceLoader.getResourceAsStream(ref), ref.substring(0,ref.lastIndexOf("/")));
* Create a new tile map based on a given TMX file
* @param ref The location of the tile map to load
* @param tileSetsLocation The location where we can find the tileset images and other resources
* @throws SlickException Indicates a failure to load the tilemap
public TiledMap(String ref, String tileSetsLocation) throws SlickException {
load(ResourceLoader.getResourceAsStream(ref), tileSetsLocation);
* Load a tile map from an arbitary input stream
* @param in The input stream to load from
* @throws SlickException Indicates a failure to load the tilemap
public TiledMap(InputStream in) throws SlickException {
load(in, "");
* Load a tile map from an arbitary input stream
* @param in The input stream to load from
* @param tileSetsLocation The location at which we can find tileset images
* @throws SlickException Indicates a failure to load the tilemap
public TiledMap(InputStream in, String tileSetsLocation) throws SlickException {
load(in, tileSetsLocation);
* Get the location of the tile images specified
* @return The location of the tile images specified as a resource reference prefix
public String getTilesLocation() {
return tilesLocation;
* Get the index of the layer with given name
* @param name The name of the tile to search for
* @return The index of the layer or -1 if there is no layer with given name
public int getLayerIndex(String name) {
int idx = 0;
for (int i=0;i<layers.size();i++) {
Layer layer = (Layer) layers.get(i);
if ( {
return i;
return -1;
* Gets the Image used to draw the tile at the given x and y coordinates.
* @param x The x coordinate of the tile whose image should be retrieved
* @param y The y coordinate of the tile whose image should be retrieved
* @param layerIndex The index of the layer on which the tile whose image should be retrieve exists
* @return The image used to draw the specified tile or null if there is no image for the
* specified tile.
public Image getTileImage(int x, int y, int layerIndex) {
Layer layer = (Layer) layers.get(layerIndex);
int tileSetIndex =[x][y][0];
if ((tileSetIndex >= 0) && (tileSetIndex < tileSets.size())) {
TileSet tileSet = (TileSet) tileSets.get(tileSetIndex);
int sheetX = tileSet.getTileX([x][y][1]);
int sheetY = tileSet.getTileY([x][y][1]);
return tileSet.tiles.getSprite(sheetX, sheetY);
return null;
* Get the width of the map
* @return The width of the map (in tiles)
public int getWidth() {
return width;
* Get the height of the map
* @return The height of the map (in tiles)
public int getHeight() {
return height;
* Get the height of a single tile
* @return The height of a single tile (in pixels)
public int getTileHeight() {
return tileHeight;
* Get the width of a single tile
* @return The height of a single tile (in pixels)
public int getTileWidth() {
return tileWidth;
* Get the global ID of a tile at specified location in the map
* @param x
* The x location of the tile
* @param y
* The y location of the tile
* @param layerIndex
* The index of the layer to retireve the tile from
* @return The global ID of the tile
public int getTileId(int x,int y,int layerIndex) {
Layer layer = (Layer) layers.get(layerIndex);
return layer.getTileID(x,y);
* Set the global ID of a tile at specified location in the map
* @param x
* The x location of the tile
* @param y
* The y location of the tile
* @param layerIndex
* The index of the layer to set the new tileid
* @param tileid
* The tileid to be set
public void setTileId(int x, int y, int layerIndex, int tileid) {
Layer layer = (Layer) layers.get(layerIndex);
layer.setTileID(x, y, tileid);
* Get a property given to the map. Note that this method will
* not perform well and should not be used as part of the default code
* path in the game loop.
* @param propertyName The name of the property of the map to retrieve
* @param def The default value to return
* @return The value assigned to the property on the map (or the default value if none is supplied)
public String getMapProperty(String propertyName, String def) {
if (props == null)
return def;
return props.getProperty(propertyName, def);
* Get a property given to a particular layer. Note that this method will
* not perform well and should not be used as part of the default code
* path in the game loop.
* @param layerIndex The index of the layer to retrieve
* @param propertyName The name of the property of this layer to retrieve
* @param def The default value to return
* @return The value assigned to the property on the layer (or the default value if none is supplied)
public String getLayerProperty(int layerIndex, String propertyName, String def) {
Layer layer = (Layer) layers.get(layerIndex);
if (layer == null || layer.props == null)
return def;
return layer.props.getProperty(propertyName, def);
* Get a propety given to a particular tile. Note that this method will
* not perform well and should not be used as part of the default code
* path in the game loop.
* @param tileID The global ID of the tile to retrieve
* @param propertyName The name of the property to retireve
* @param def The default value to return
* @return The value assigned to the property on the tile (or the default value if none is supplied)
public String getTileProperty(int tileID, String propertyName, String def) {
if (tileID == 0) {
return def;
TileSet set = findTileSet(tileID);
Properties props = set.getProperties(tileID);
if (props == null) {
return def;
return props.getProperty(propertyName, def);
* Render the whole tile map at a given location
* @param x The x location to render at
* @param y The y location to render at
public void render(int x,int y) {
* Render a single layer from the map
* @param x The x location to render at
* @param y The y location to render at
* @param layer The layer to render
public void render(int x, int y, int layer) {
render(x, y, 0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight(), layer, false);
* Render a section of the tile map
* @param x The x location to render at
* @param y The y location to render at
* @param sx The x tile location to start rendering
* @param sy The y tile location to start rendering
* @param width The width of the section to render (in tiles)
* @param height The height of the secton to render (in tiles)
public void render(int x,int y,int sx,int sy,int width,int height) {
* Render a section of the tile map
* @param x The x location to render at
* @param y The y location to render at
* @param sx The x tile location to start rendering
* @param sy The y tile location to start rendering
* @param width The width of the section to render (in tiles)
* @param height The height of the secton to render (in tiles)
* @param l The index of the layer to render
* @param lineByLine True if we should render line by line, i.e. giving us a chance
* to render something else between lines (@see {@link #renderedLine(int, int, int)}
public void render(int x,int y,int sx,int sy,int width,int height,int l,boolean lineByLine) {
Layer layer = (Layer) layers.get(l);
for (int ty=0;ty<height;ty++) {
layer.render(x,y,sx,sy,width,ty,lineByLine, tileWidth, tileHeight);
* Render a section of the tile map
* @param x The x location to render at
* @param y The y location to render at
* @param sx The x tile location to start rendering
* @param sy The y tile location to start rendering
* @param width The width of the section to render (in tiles)
* @param height The height of the secton to render (in tiles)
* @param lineByLine True if we should render line by line, i.e. giving us a chance
* to render something else between lines (@see {@link #renderedLine(int, int, int)}
public void render(int x,int y,int sx,int sy,int width,int height, boolean lineByLine) {
for (int ty=0;ty<height;ty++) {
for (int i=0;i<layers.size();i++) {
Layer layer = (Layer) layers.get(i);
layer.render(x,y,sx,sy,width, ty,lineByLine, tileWidth, tileHeight);
* Retrieve a count of the number of layers available
* @return The number of layers available in this map
public int getLayerCount() {
return layers.size();
* Load a TilED map
* @param in The input stream from which to load the map
* @param tileSetsLocation The location from which we can retrieve tileset images
* @throws SlickException Indicates a failure to parse the map or find a tileset
private void load(InputStream in, String tileSetsLocation) throws SlickException {
tilesLocation = tileSetsLocation;
try {
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
builder.setEntityResolver(new EntityResolver() {
public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId,
String systemId) throws SAXException, IOException {
return new InputSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]));
Document doc = builder.parse(in);
Element docElement = doc.getDocumentElement();
String orient = docElement.getAttribute("orientation");
if (!orient.equals("orthogonal")) {
throw new SlickException("Only orthogonal maps supported, found: "+orient);
width = Integer.parseInt(docElement.getAttribute("width"));
height = Integer.parseInt(docElement.getAttribute("height"));
tileWidth = Integer.parseInt(docElement.getAttribute("tilewidth"));
tileHeight = Integer.parseInt(docElement.getAttribute("tileheight"));
// now read the map properties
Element propsElement = (Element) docElement.getElementsByTagName("properties").item(0);
if (propsElement != null) {
NodeList properties = propsElement.getElementsByTagName("property");
if (properties != null) {
props = new Properties();
for (int p = 0; p < properties.getLength();p++) {
Element propElement = (Element) properties.item(p);
String name = propElement.getAttribute("name");
String value = propElement.getAttribute("value");
props.setProperty(name, value);
if (loadTileSets) {
TileSet tileSet = null;
TileSet lastSet = null;
NodeList setNodes = docElement.getElementsByTagName("tileset");
for (int i=0;i<setNodes.getLength();i++) {
Element current = (Element) setNodes.item(i);
tileSet = new TileSet(this, current);
tileSet.index = i;
if (lastSet != null) {
lastSet = tileSet;
NodeList layerNodes = docElement.getElementsByTagName("layer");
for (int i=0;i<layerNodes.getLength();i++) {
Element current = (Element) layerNodes.item(i);
Layer layer = new Layer(this, current);
layer.index = i;
// acquire object-groups
NodeList objectGroupNodes = docElement.getElementsByTagName("objectgroup");
for (int i=0;i<objectGroupNodes.getLength();i++) {
Element current = (Element) objectGroupNodes.item(i);
ObjectGroup objectGroup = new ObjectGroup(current);
objectGroup.index = i;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SlickException("Failed to parse tilemap", e);
* Retrieve the number of tilesets available in this map
* @return The number of tilesets available in this map
public int getTileSetCount() {
return tileSets.size();
* Get a tileset at a particular index in the list of sets for this map
* @param index The index of the tileset.
* @return The TileSet requested
public TileSet getTileSet(int index) {
return (TileSet) tileSets.get(index);
* Get a tileset by a given global ID
* @param gid The global ID of the tileset to retrieve
* @return The tileset requested or null if no tileset matches
public TileSet getTileSetByGID(int gid) {
for (int i=0;i<tileSets.size();i++) {
TileSet set = (TileSet) tileSets.get(i);
if (set.contains(gid)) {
return set;
return null;
* Find a tile for a given global tile id
* @param gid The global tile id we're looking for
* @return The tileset in which that tile lives or null if the gid is not defined
public TileSet findTileSet(int gid) {
for (int i=0;i<tileSets.size();i++) {
TileSet set = (TileSet) tileSets.get(i);
if (set.contains(gid)) {
return set;
return null;
* Overrideable to allow other sprites to be rendered between lines of the
* map
* @param visualY The visual Y coordinate, i.e. 0->height
* @param mapY The map Y coordinate, i.e. y->y+height
* @param layer The layer being rendered
protected void renderedLine(int visualY, int mapY,int layer) {
* Returns the number of object-groups defined in the map.
* @return Number of object-groups on the map
public int getObjectGroupCount() {
return objectGroups.size();
* Returns the number of objects of a specific object-group.
* @param groupID The index of this object-group
* @return Number of the objects in the object-group or -1, when error occurred.
public int getObjectCount(int groupID) {
if (groupID >= 0 && groupID < objectGroups.size()) {
ObjectGroup grp = (ObjectGroup) objectGroups.get(groupID);
return grp.objects.size();
return -1;
* Return the name of a specific object from a specific group.
* @param groupID Index of a group
* @param objectID Index of an object
* @return The name of an object or null, when error occurred
public String getObjectName(int groupID, int objectID) {
if (groupID >= 0 && groupID < objectGroups.size()) {
ObjectGroup grp = (ObjectGroup) objectGroups.get(groupID);
if (objectID >= 0 && objectID < grp.objects.size()) {
GroupObject object = (GroupObject) grp.objects.get(objectID);
return null;
* Return the type of an specific object from a specific group.
* @param groupID Index of a group
* @param objectID Index of an object
* @return The type of an object or null, when error occurred
public String getObjectType(int groupID, int objectID) {
if (groupID >= 0 && groupID < objectGroups.size()) {
ObjectGroup grp = (ObjectGroup) objectGroups.get(groupID);
if (objectID >= 0 && objectID < grp.objects.size()) {
GroupObject object = (GroupObject) grp.objects.get(objectID);
return object.type;
return null;
* Returns the x-coordinate of a specific object from a specific group.
* @param groupID Index of a group
* @param objectID Index of an object
* @return The x-coordinate of an object, or -1, when error occurred
public int getObjectX(int groupID, int objectID) {
if (groupID >= 0 && groupID < objectGroups.size()) {
ObjectGroup grp = (ObjectGroup) objectGroups.get(groupID);
if (objectID >= 0 && objectID < grp.objects.size()) {
GroupObject object = (GroupObject) grp.objects.get(objectID);
return object.x;
return -1;
* Returns the y-coordinate of a specific object from a specific group.
* @param groupID Index of a group
* @param objectID Index of an object
* @return The y-coordinate of an object, or -1, when error occurred
public int getObjectY(int groupID, int objectID) {
if (groupID >= 0 && groupID < objectGroups.size()) {
ObjectGroup grp = (ObjectGroup) objectGroups.get(groupID);
if (objectID >= 0 && objectID < grp.objects.size()) {
GroupObject object = (GroupObject) grp.objects.get(objectID);
return object.y;
return -1;
* Returns the width of a specific object from a specific group.
* @param groupID Index of a group
* @param objectID Index of an object
* @return The width of an object, or -1, when error occurred
public int getObjectWidth(int groupID, int objectID) {
if (groupID >= 0 && groupID < objectGroups.size()) {
ObjectGroup grp = (ObjectGroup) objectGroups.get(groupID);
if (objectID >= 0 && objectID < grp.objects.size()) {
GroupObject object = (GroupObject) grp.objects.get(objectID);
return object.width;
return -1;
* Returns the height of a specific object from a specific group.
* @param groupID Index of a group
* @param objectID Index of an object
* @return The height of an object, or -1, when error occurred
public int getObjectHeight(int groupID, int objectID) {
if (groupID >= 0 && groupID < objectGroups.size()) {
ObjectGroup grp = (ObjectGroup) objectGroups.get(groupID);
if (objectID >= 0 && objectID < grp.objects.size()) {
GroupObject object = (GroupObject) grp.objects.get(objectID);
return object.height;
return -1;
* Retrieve the image source property for a given object
* @param groupID Index of a group
* @param objectID Index of an object
* @return The image source reference or null if one isn't defined
public String getObjectImage(int groupID, int objectID) {
if (groupID >= 0 && groupID < objectGroups.size()) {
ObjectGroup grp = (ObjectGroup) objectGroups.get(groupID);
if (objectID >= 0 && objectID < grp.objects.size()) {
GroupObject object = (GroupObject) grp.objects.get(objectID);
if (object == null) {
return null;
return object.image;
return null;
* Looks for a property with the given name and returns it's value. If no property is found,
* def is returned.
* @param groupID Index of a group
* @param objectID Index of an object
* @param propertyName Name of a property
* @param def default value to return, if no property is found
* @return The value of the property with the given name or def, if there is no property with that name.
public String getObjectProperty(int groupID, int objectID,
String propertyName, String def) {
if (groupID >= 0 && groupID < objectGroups.size()) {
ObjectGroup grp = (ObjectGroup) objectGroups.get(groupID);
if (objectID >= 0 && objectID < grp.objects.size()) {
GroupObject object = (GroupObject) grp.objects.get(objectID);
if (object == null) {
return def;
if (object.props == null) {
return def;
return object.props.getProperty(propertyName, def);
return def;
* A group of objects on the map (objects layer)
* @author kulpae
protected class ObjectGroup {
/** The index of this group */
public int index;
/** The name of this group - read from the XML */
public String name;
/** The Objects of this group*/
public ArrayList objects;
/** The width of this layer */
public int width;
/** The height of this layer */
public int height;
/** the properties of this group */
public Properties props;
* Create a new group based on the XML definition
* @param element The XML element describing the layer
* @throws SlickException Indicates a failure to parse the XML group
public ObjectGroup(Element element) throws SlickException {
name = element.getAttribute("name");
width = Integer.parseInt(element.getAttribute("width"));
height = Integer.parseInt(element.getAttribute("height"));
objects = new ArrayList();
// now read the layer properties
Element propsElement = (Element) element.getElementsByTagName(
if (propsElement != null) {
NodeList properties = propsElement
if (properties != null) {
props = new Properties();
for (int p = 0; p < properties.getLength(); p++) {
Element propElement = (Element) properties.item(p);
String name = propElement.getAttribute("name");
String value = propElement.getAttribute("value");
props.setProperty(name, value);
NodeList objectNodes = element.getElementsByTagName("object");
for (int i = 0; i < objectNodes.getLength(); i++) {
Element objElement = (Element) objectNodes.item(i);
GroupObject object = new GroupObject(objElement);
object.index = i;
* An object from a object-group on the map
* @author kulpae
protected class GroupObject {
/** The index of this object */
public int index;
/** The name of this object - read from the XML */
public String name;
/** The type of this object - read from the XML */
public String type;
/** The x-coordinate of this object */
public int x;
/** The y-coordinate of this object */
public int y;
/** The width of this object */
public int width;
/** The height of this object */
public int height;
/** The image source */
private String image;
/** the properties of this group */
public Properties props;
* Create a new group based on the XML definition
* @param element The XML element describing the layer
* @throws SlickException Indicates a failure to parse the XML group
public GroupObject(Element element) throws SlickException {
name = element.getAttribute("name");
type = element.getAttribute("type");
x = Integer.parseInt(element.getAttribute("x"));
y = Integer.parseInt(element.getAttribute("y"));
width = Integer.parseInt(element.getAttribute("width"));
height = Integer.parseInt(element.getAttribute("height"));
Element imageElement = (Element) element.getElementsByTagName(
if (imageElement != null) {
image = imageElement.getAttribute("source");
// now read the layer properties
Element propsElement = (Element) element.getElementsByTagName(
if (propsElement != null) {
NodeList properties = propsElement
if (properties != null) {
props = new Properties();
for (int p = 0; p < properties.getLength(); p++) {
Element propElement = (Element) properties.item(p);
String name = propElement.getAttribute("name");
String value = propElement.getAttribute("value");
props.setProperty(name, value);