package com.jcloisterzone.ui.plugin;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.Area;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import com.jcloisterzone.Expansion;
import com.jcloisterzone.board.Location;
import com.jcloisterzone.board.Tile;
import com.jcloisterzone.feature.Bridge;
import com.jcloisterzone.feature.Castle;
import com.jcloisterzone.feature.City;
import com.jcloisterzone.feature.Farm;
import com.jcloisterzone.feature.Feature;
import com.jcloisterzone.feature.Road;
import com.jcloisterzone.feature.Tower;
import com.jcloisterzone.figure.Barn;
import com.jcloisterzone.figure.Meeple;
import com.jcloisterzone.ui.ImmutablePoint;
import com.jcloisterzone.ui.resources.ResourceManager;
import com.jcloisterzone.ui.theme.FeatureDescriptor;
import com.jcloisterzone.ui.theme.ThemeGeometry;
public class ResourcePlugin extends Plugin implements ResourceManager {
public static final int NORMALIZED_SIZE = 1000;
private static ThemeGeometry defaultGeometry;
private ThemeGeometry pluginGeometry;
private Set<String> supportedExpansions = new HashSet<>(); //expansion codes
static {
try {
defaultGeometry = new ThemeGeometry(ResourcePlugin.class.getClassLoader(), "defaults");
} catch (IOException | SAXException | ParserConfigurationException e) {
LoggerFactory.getLogger(ThemeGeometry.class).error(e.getMessage(), e);
public ResourcePlugin(URL url) throws Exception {
pluginGeometry = new ThemeGeometry(getLoader(), "tiles");
protected void parseMetadata(Element rootElement) throws Exception {
NodeList nl = rootElement.getElementsByTagName("expansions");
if (nl.getLength() == 0) throw new Exception("Supported expansions missing in plugin.xml for " + getId());
Element expansion = (Element) nl.item(0);
nl = expansion.getElementsByTagName("expansion");
if (nl.getLength() == 0) throw new Exception("No expansion is supported by " + getId());
for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) {
String expName = nl.item(i).getFirstChild().getNodeValue().trim();
Expansion exp = Expansion.valueOf(expName);
protected Image getImageResource(String path) {
logger.debug("Trying to load image resource {}:{}", getTitle(), path);
URL url = getLoader().getResource(path);
if (url == null) return null;
return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(url);
protected boolean containsTile(String tileId) {
String expCode = tileId.substring(0, 2);
return supportedExpansions.contains(expCode);
public Image getTileImage(Tile tile) {
return getTileImage(tile.getId());
public Image getAbbeyImage() {
return getTileImage(Tile.ABBEY_TILE_ID);
private Image getTileImage(String tileId) {
//return null;
if (!containsTile(tileId)) return null;
String fileName = "tiles/"+tileId.substring(0, 2) + "/" + tileId.substring(3) + ".jpg";
Image img = getImageResource(fileName);
if (img == null) return null;
return (new ImageIcon(img)).getImage();
public ImmutablePoint getMeeplePlacement(Tile tile, Class<? extends Meeple> type, Location loc) {
if (!containsTile(tile.getId())) return null;
if (type.equals(Barn.class)) return null;
Feature piece = tile.getFeature(loc);
ImmutablePoint point = pluginGeometry.getMeeplePlacement(tile, piece.getClass(), loc);
if (point == null) {
point = defaultGeometry.getMeeplePlacement(tile, piece.getClass(), piece.getLocation());
if (point == null) {
logger.warn("No point defined for <" + (new FeatureDescriptor(tile, piece.getClass(), loc)) + ">");
point = new ImmutablePoint(0, 0);
return point;
private Area getArea(Tile tile, Class<? extends Feature> featureClass, Location loc) {
if (loc == Location.ABBOT) loc = Location.CLOISTER;
if (Castle.class.equals(featureClass)) {
featureClass = City.class;
Area area = pluginGeometry.getArea(tile, featureClass, loc);
if (area == null) {
area = defaultGeometry.getArea(tile, featureClass, loc);
if (area == null) {
logger.error("No shape defined for <" + (new FeatureDescriptor(tile, featureClass, loc)) + ">");
area = new Area();
return area;
private Area getSubstractionArea(Tile tile, boolean farm) {
Area d = defaultGeometry.getSubstractionArea(tile, farm),
p = pluginGeometry.getSubstractionArea(tile, farm),
area = new Area();
if (d != null) area.add(d);
if (p != null) area.add(p);
return area;
private boolean isFarmComplement(Tile tile, Location loc) {
if (pluginGeometry.isFarmComplement(tile, loc)) return true;
if (defaultGeometry.isFarmComplement(tile, loc)) return true;
return false;
public Map<Location, Area> getFeatureAreas(Tile tile, int size, Set<Location> locations) {
if (!containsTile(tile.getId())) return null;
Map<Location, Area> areas = new HashMap<>();
Area subsBridge = getBaseRoadAndCitySubstractions(tile);
Area subsRoadCity = new Area(subsBridge);
substractBridge(subsRoadCity, tile);
Area subsFarm = getFarmSubstractions(tile);
for (Feature piece : tile.getFeatures()) {
boolean aliasAbbot = false;
Location loc = piece.getLocation();
if (loc == Location.CLOISTER && locations.contains(Location.ABBOT)) {
aliasAbbot = true;
if (!aliasAbbot && !locations.contains(loc)) {
if (piece instanceof Farm) {
areas.put(loc, getFarmArea(loc, tile, subsFarm));
Area a = getArea(tile, piece.getClass(), loc);
if (piece instanceof City || piece instanceof Road) {
Area subs = subsRoadCity;
if (piece instanceof Bridge) {
subs = subsBridge;
if (!subs.isEmpty()) {
a = new Area(a); //copy to preserve original
areas.put(aliasAbbot ? Location.ABBOT : loc, a);
if (locations.contains(Location.FLIER)) {
areas.put(Location.FLIER, getArea(tile, null, Location.FLIER));
Map<Location, Area> transformed = new HashMap<>();
AffineTransform transform1;
if (size == NORMALIZED_SIZE) {
transform1 = new AffineTransform();
} else {
double ratio = size/(double)NORMALIZED_SIZE;
transform1 = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(ratio,ratio);
//TODO rotation - 3 rotations are done - Location rotation, getArea and this affine
AffineTransform transform2 = tile.getRotation().getAffineTransform(size);
for (Entry<Location, Area> entry : areas.entrySet()) {
Area a = entry.getValue();
a = a.createTransformedArea(transform1);
a = a.createTransformedArea(transform2);
transformed.put(entry.getKey(), a);
return transformed;
public Map<Location, Area> getBarnTileAreas(Tile tile, int size, Set<Location> corners) {
return null;
//TODO Move to default provider ???
public Map<Location, Area> getBridgeAreas(Tile tile, int size, Set<Location> locations) {
Map<Location, Area> result = new HashMap<>();
for (Location loc : locations) {
result.put(loc, getBridgeArea(size, loc));
return result;
//TODO move to Area Provider ???
private Area getBridgeArea(int size, Location loc) {
AffineTransform transform1;
if (size == NORMALIZED_SIZE) {
transform1 = new AffineTransform();
} else {
double ratio = size/(double)NORMALIZED_SIZE;
transform1 = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(ratio,ratio);
return pluginGeometry.getBridgeArea(loc).createTransformedArea(transform1);
private void substractBridge(Area substractions, Tile tile) {
Bridge bridge = tile.getBridge();
if (bridge != null) {
Area area;
area = getArea(tile, Bridge.class, bridge.getLocation());
private Area getBaseRoadAndCitySubstractions(Tile tile) {
Area sub = new Area();
if (tile.getTower() != null) {
sub.add(getArea(tile, Tower.class, Location.TOWER));
if (tile.getFlier() != null) {
sub.add(getArea(tile, null, Location.FLIER));
sub.add(getSubstractionArea(tile, false));
return sub;
private Area getFarmSubstractions(Tile tile) {
Area sub = new Area();
for (Feature piece : tile.getFeatures()) {
if (!(piece instanceof Farm)) {
Area area = getArea(tile, piece.getClass(), piece.getLocation());
if (tile.getFlier() != null) {
sub.add(getArea(tile, null, Location.FLIER));
sub.add(getSubstractionArea(tile, true));
return sub;
private Area getFarmArea(Location farm, Tile tile, Area sub) {
Area base;
if (isFarmComplement(tile, farm)) { //is complement farm
base = new Area(new Rectangle(0,0, NORMALIZED_SIZE, NORMALIZED_SIZE));
for (Feature piece : tile.getFeatures()) {
if (piece instanceof Farm && piece.getLocation() != farm) {
Area area = getArea(tile, Farm.class, piece.getLocation());
} else {
base = getArea(tile, Farm.class, farm);
base = new Area(base); //copy area to not substract from original
if (!sub.isEmpty()) {
return base;