Package net.pms.dlna

Source Code of net.pms.dlna.PlaylistFolder$Entry

package net.pms.dlna;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import net.pms.configuration.PmsConfiguration;
import net.pms.PMS;
import net.pms.formats.Format;
import net.pms.formats.FormatFactory;
import net.pms.util.FileUtil;
import net.pms.util.ProcessUtil;
import net.pms.util.UMSUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class PlaylistFolder extends DLNAResource {
  private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PlaylistFolder.class);
  private static final PmsConfiguration configuration = PMS.getConfiguration();
  private String name;
  private String uri;
  private boolean valid = true;
  private boolean isweb = false;
  private int defaultContent = Format.VIDEO;

  public File getPlaylistfile() {
    return isweb ? null : new File(uri);

  public PlaylistFolder(String name, String uri, int type) { = name;
    this.uri = uri;
    isweb = FileUtil.isUrl(uri);
    setLastModified(isweb ? 0 : getPlaylistfile().lastModified());
    defaultContent = (type != 0 && type != Format.UNKNOWN) ? type : Format.VIDEO;

  public PlaylistFolder(File f) {
    name = f.getName();
    uri = f.getAbsolutePath();
    isweb = false;

  public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
    return null;

  public String getName() {
    return name;

  public String getSystemName() {
    return isweb ? uri : ProcessUtil.getShortFileNameIfWideChars(uri);

  public boolean isFolder() {
    return true;

  public boolean isValid() {
    return valid;

  public long length() {
    return 0;

  private BufferedReader getBufferedReader() throws IOException {
    if (FileUtil.isUrl(uri)) {
      return new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new URL(uri).openStream()));
    } else {
      File playlistfile = new File(uri);
      if (playlistfile.length() < 10000000) {
        return new BufferedReader(new FileReader(playlistfile));
    return null;

  protected void resolveOnce() {
    ArrayList<Entry> entries = new ArrayList<>();
    boolean m3u = false;
    boolean pls = false;
    try (BufferedReader br = getBufferedReader()) {
      String line;
      while (!m3u && !pls && (line = br.readLine()) != null) {
        line = line.trim();
        if (line.startsWith("#EXTM3U")) {
          m3u = true;
          LOGGER.debug("Reading m3u playlist: " + getName());
        } else if (line.length() > 0 && line.equals("[playlist]")) {
          pls = true;
          LOGGER.debug("Reading PLS playlist: " + getName());
      String fileName;
      String title = null;
      while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
        line = line.trim();
        if (pls) {
          if (line.length() > 0 && !line.startsWith("#")) {
            int eq = line.indexOf('=');
            if (eq != -1) {
              String value = line.substring(eq + 1);
              String var = line.substring(0, eq).toLowerCase();
              fileName = null;
              title = null;
              int index = 0;
              if (var.startsWith("file")) {
                index = Integer.valueOf(var.substring(4));
                fileName = value;
              } else if (var.startsWith("title")) {
                index = Integer.valueOf(var.substring(5));
                title = value;
              if (index > 0) {
                while (entries.size() < index) {
                Entry entry = entries.get(index - 1);
                if (entry == null) {
                  entry = new Entry();
                  entries.set(index - 1, entry);
                if (fileName != null) {
                  entry.fileName = fileName;
                if (title != null) {
                  entry.title = title;
        } else if (m3u) {
          if (line.startsWith("#EXTINF:")) {
            line = line.substring(8).trim();
            if (line.matches("^-?\\d+,.+")) {
              title = line.substring(line.indexOf(',') + 1).trim();
            } else {
              title = line;
          } else if (!line.startsWith("#") && !line.matches("^\\s*$")) {
            // Non-comment and non-empty line contains the filename
            fileName = line;
            Entry entry = new Entry();
            entry.fileName = fileName;
            entry.title = title;
            title = null;
    } catch (NumberFormatException | IOException e) {
      LOGGER.error(null, e);

    for (Entry entry : entries) {
      if (entry == null) {
      if (entry.title == null) {
        entry.title = new File(entry.fileName).getName();
      LOGGER.debug("Adding " + (pls ? "PLS " : (m3u ? "M3U " : "")) + "entry: " + entry);

      String ext = "." + FileUtil.getUrlExtension(entry.fileName);
      Format f = FormatFactory.getAssociatedFormat(ext);
      int type = f == null ? defaultContent : f.getType();

      if (! isweb && ! FileUtil.isUrl(entry.fileName)) {
        File en = new File(FilenameUtils.concat(getPlaylistfile().getParent(), entry.fileName));
        if (en.exists()) {
          addChild(type == Format.PLAYLIST ? new PlaylistFolder(en) : new RealFile(en, entry.title));
          valid = true;
      } else {
        String u = FileUtil.urlJoin(uri, entry.fileName);
        if (type == Format.PLAYLIST && ! entry.fileName.endsWith(ext)) {
          // If the filename continues past the "extension" (i.e. has a query string) it's
          // likely not a nested playlist but a media item, for instance Twitch TV media urls:
          //    ''
          type = defaultContent;
        DLNAResource d =
          type == Format.VIDEO ? new WebVideoStream(entry.title, u, null) :
          type == Format.AUDIO ? new WebAudioStream(entry.title, u, null) :
          type == Format.IMAGE ? new FeedItem(entry.title, u, null, null, Format.IMAGE) :
          type == Format.PLAYLIST ? getPlaylist(entry.title, u, 0) : null;
        if (d != null) {
          valid = true;
    if (! isweb) {
      PMS.get().storeFileInCache(getPlaylistfile(), Format.PLAYLIST);

    if (configuration.getSortMethod(getPlaylistfile()) == UMSUtils.SORT_RANDOM) {

    for (DLNAResource r : getChildren()) {

  private static class Entry {
    public String fileName;
    public String title;

    public String toString() {
      return "[" + fileName + "," + title + "]";

  public static DLNAResource getPlaylist(String name, String uri, int type) {
    Format f = FormatFactory.getAssociatedFormat("." + FileUtil.getUrlExtension(uri));
    if (f != null && f.getType() == Format.PLAYLIST) {
      switch (f.getMatchedExtension()) {
        case "m3u":
        case "m3u8":
        case "pls":
          return new PlaylistFolder(name, uri, type);
        case "cue":
          return FileUtil.isUrl(uri) ? null : new CueFolder(new File(uri));
    return null;

Related Classes of net.pms.dlna.PlaylistFolder$Entry

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