* PS3 Media Server, for streaming any medias to your PS3.
* Copyright (C) 2008 A.Brochard
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2
* of the License only.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
package net.pms.dlna;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import net.pms.Messages;
import net.pms.PMS;
import net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration;
import net.pms.configuration.PmsConfiguration;
import net.pms.configuration.RendererConfiguration;
import net.pms.dlna.virtual.TranscodeVirtualFolder;
import net.pms.dlna.virtual.VirtualFolder;
import net.pms.encoders.*;
import net.pms.external.AdditionalResourceFolderListener;
import net.pms.external.ExternalFactory;
import net.pms.external.ExternalListener;
import net.pms.external.StartStopListener;
import net.pms.formats.Format;
import net.pms.formats.FormatFactory;
import net.pms.io.OutputParams;
import net.pms.io.ProcessWrapper;
import net.pms.io.SizeLimitInputStream;
import net.pms.network.HTTPResource;
import net.pms.util.FileUtil;
import net.pms.util.ImagesUtil;
import net.pms.util.Iso639;
import net.pms.util.MpegUtil;
import static net.pms.util.StringUtil.*;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Represents any item that can be browsed via the UPNP ContentDirectory service.
* TODO: Change all instance variables to private. For backwards compatibility
* with external plugin code the variables have all been marked as deprecated
* instead of changed to private, but this will surely change in the future.
* When everything has been changed to private, the deprecated note can be
* removed.
public abstract class DLNAResource extends HTTPResource implements Cloneable, Runnable {
private final Map<String, Integer> requestIdToRefcount = new HashMap<>();
private boolean resolved;
private static final int STOP_PLAYING_DELAY = 4000;
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DLNAResource.class);
private final SimpleDateFormat SDF_DATE = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss", Locale.US);
private static final PmsConfiguration configuration = PMS.getConfiguration();
// private boolean subsAreValidForStreaming = false;
protected static final int MAX_ARCHIVE_ENTRY_SIZE = 10000000;
protected static final int MAX_ARCHIVE_SIZE_SEEK = 800000000;
* The name displayed on the renderer. Cached the first time getDisplayName(RendererConfiguration) is called.
private String displayName;
* The suffix added to the name. Contains additional info about audio and subtitles.
private String nameSuffix = "";
* @deprecated This field will be removed. Use {@link net.pms.configuration.PmsConfiguration#getTranscodeFolderName()} instead.
protected static final String TRANSCODE_FOLDER = Messages.getString("TranscodeVirtualFolder.0"); // localized #--TRANSCODE--#
* @deprecated Use standard getter and setter to access this field.
protected int specificType;
* @deprecated Use standard getter and setter to access this field.
protected String id;
* @deprecated Use standard getter and setter to access this field.
protected DLNAResource parent;
* @deprecated This field will be removed. Use {@link #getFormat()} and
* {@link #setFormat(Format)} instead.
protected Format ext;
* The format of this resource.
private Format format;
* @deprecated Use standard getter and setter to access this field.
protected DLNAMediaInfo media;
* @deprecated Use {@link #getMediaAudio()} and {@link
* #setMediaAudio(DLNAMediaAudio)} to access this field.
protected DLNAMediaAudio media_audio;
* @deprecated Use {@link #getMediaSubtitle()} and {@link
* #setMediaSubtitle(DLNAMediaSubtitle)} to access this field.
protected DLNAMediaSubtitle media_subtitle;
* @deprecated Use standard getter and setter to access this field.
protected long lastmodified; // TODO make private and rename lastmodified -> lastModified
* Represents the transformation to be used to the file. If null, then
* @see Player
private Player player;
* @deprecated Use standard getter and setter to access this field.
protected boolean discovered = false;
private ProcessWrapper externalProcess;
* @deprecated Use standard getter and setter to access this field.
protected boolean srtFile;
* @deprecated Use standard getter and setter to access this field.
protected int updateId = 1;
* @deprecated Use standard getter and setter to access this field.
public static int systemUpdateId = 1;
* @deprecated Use standard getter and setter to access this field.
protected boolean noName;
private int nametruncate;
private DLNAResource first;
private DLNAResource second;
* @deprecated Use standard getter and setter to access this field.
* The time range for the file containing the start and end time in seconds.
protected Range.Time splitRange = new Range.Time();
* @deprecated Use standard getter and setter to access this field.
protected int splitTrack;
* @deprecated Use standard getter and setter to access this field.
protected String fakeParentId;
* @deprecated Use standard getter and setter to access this field.
// Ditlew - needs this in one of the derived classes
protected RendererConfiguration defaultRenderer;
private String dlnaspec;
* @deprecated Use standard getter and setter to access this field.
protected boolean avisynth;
* @deprecated Use standard getter and setter to access this field.
protected boolean skipTranscode = false;
private boolean allChildrenAreFolders = true;
private String dlnaOrgOpFlags;
* @deprecated Use standard getter and setter to access this field.
* List of children objects associated with this DLNAResource. This is only valid when the DLNAResource is of the container type.
protected List<DLNAResource> children;
* @deprecated Use standard getter and setter to access this field.
* The numerical ID (1-based index) assigned to the last child of this folder. The next child is assigned this ID + 1.
// FIXME should be lastChildId
protected int lastChildrenId = 0; // XXX make private and rename lastChildrenId -> lastChildId
* @deprecated Use standard getter and setter to access this field.
* The last time refresh was called.
protected long lastRefreshTime;
private String lastSearch;
protected HashMap<String, Object> attachments = null;
* Returns parent object, usually a folder type of resource. In the DLDI
* queries, the UPNP server needs to give out the parent container where
* the item is. The <i>parent</i> represents such a container.
* @return Parent object.
public DLNAResource getParent() {
return parent;
* Set the parent object, usually a folder type of resource. In the DLDI
* queries, the UPNP server needs to give out the parent container where
* the item is. The <i>parent</i> represents such a container.
* @param parent Sets the parent object.
public void setParent(DLNAResource parent) {
this.parent = parent;
* Returns the id of this resource based on the index in its parent
* container. Its main purpose is to be unique in the parent container.
* @return The id string.
* @since 1.50
protected String getId() {
return id;
* Set the ID of this resource based on the index in its parent container.
* Its main purpose is to be unique in the parent container. The method is
* automatically called by addChildInternal, so most of the time it is not
* necessary to call it explicitly.
* @param id
* @since 1.50
* @see #addChildInternal(DLNAResource)
protected void setId(String id) {
this.id = id;
* String representing this resource ID. This string is used by the UPNP
* ContentDirectory service. There is no hard spec on the actual numbering
* except for the root container that always has to be "0". In PMS the
* format used is <i>number($number)+</i>. A common client that expects a
* different format than the one used here is the XBox360. PMS translates
* the XBox360 queries on the fly. For more info, check
* http://www.mperfect.net/whsUpnp360/ .
* @return The resource id.
* @since 1.50
public String getResourceId() {
if (getId() == null) {
return null;
if (parent != null) {
return parent.getResourceId() + '$' + getId();
} else {
return getId();
* @see #setId(String)
* @param id
protected void setIndexId(int id) {
* @return the unique id which identifies the DLNAResource relative to its parent.
public String getInternalId() {
return getId();
* @return true, if this contain can have a transcode folder
public boolean isTranscodeFolderAvailable() {
return true;
* Any {@link DLNAResource} needs to represent the container or item with a String.
* @return String to be showed in the UPNP client.
public abstract String getName();
public abstract String getSystemName();
public abstract long length();
// Ditlew
public long length(RendererConfiguration mediaRenderer) {
return length();
public abstract InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException;
public abstract boolean isFolder();
public String getDlnaContentFeatures() {
return (dlnaspec != null ? (dlnaspec + ";") : "") + getDlnaOrgOpFlags() + ";DLNA.ORG_CI=0;DLNA.ORG_FLAGS=01700000000000000000000000000000";
public DLNAResource getPrimaryResource() {
return first;
public DLNAResource getSecondaryResource() {
return second;
public String getFakeParentId() {
return fakeParentId;
public void setFakeParentId(String fakeParentId) {
this.fakeParentId = fakeParentId;
* @return the fake parent id if specified, or the real parent id
public String getParentId() {
if (getFakeParentId() != null) {
return getFakeParentId();
} else {
if (parent != null) {
return parent.getResourceId();
} else {
return "-1";
public DLNAResource() {
this.specificType = Format.UNKNOWN;
this.children = new ArrayList<>();
this.updateId = 1;
lastSearch = null;
resHash = 0;
masterParent = null;
public DLNAResource(int specificType) {
this.specificType = specificType;
* Recursive function that searches through all of the children until it finds
* a {@link DLNAResource} that matches the name.<p> Only used by
* {@link net.pms.dlna.RootFolder#addWebFolder(File webConf)
* addWebFolder(File webConf)} while parsing the web.conf file.
* @param name String to be compared the name to.
* @return Returns a {@link DLNAResource} whose name matches the parameter name
* @see #getName()
public DLNAResource searchByName(String name) {
for (DLNAResource child : children) {
if (child.getName().equals(name)) {
return child;
return null;
* @param renderer Renderer for which to check if file is supported.
* @return true if the given {@link net.pms.configuration.RendererConfiguration
* RendererConfiguration} can understand type of media. Also returns true
* if this DLNAResource is a container.
public boolean isCompatible(RendererConfiguration renderer) {
return format == null
|| format.isUnknown()
|| (format.isVideo() && renderer.isVideoSupported())
|| (format.isAudio() && renderer.isAudioSupported())
|| (format.isImage() && renderer.isImageSupported());
* Adds a new DLNAResource to the child list. Only useful if this object is
* of the container type.
* <P>
* TODO: (botijo) check what happens with the child object. This function
* can and will transform the child object. If the transcode option is set,
* the child item is converted to a container with the real item and the
* transcode option folder. There is also a parser in order to get the right
* name and type, I suppose. Is this the right place to be doing things like
* these?
* <p>
* FIXME: Ideally the logic below is completely renderer-agnostic. Focus on
* harvesting generic data and transform it for a specific renderer as late
* as possible.
* @param child
* DLNAResource to add to a container type.
public void addChild(DLNAResource child) {
addChild(child, true);
public void addChild(DLNAResource child, boolean isNew) {
// child may be null (spotted - via rootFolder.addChild() - in a misbehaving plugin
if (child == null) {
LOGGER.error("A plugin has attempted to add a null child to \"{}\"", getName());
LOGGER.debug("Error info:", new NullPointerException("Invalid DLNA resource"));
child.parent = this;
child.masterParent = masterParent;
if (parent != null) {
defaultRenderer = parent.getDefaultRenderer();
if (PMS.filter(defaultRenderer, child)) {
LOGGER.debug("Resource " + child.getName() + " is filtered out for render " + defaultRenderer.getRendererName());
try {
if (child.isValid()) {
LOGGER.trace("{} child \"{}\" with class \"{}\"", isNew ? "Adding new" : "Updating", child.getName(), child.getClass().getName());
if (allChildrenAreFolders && !child.isFolder()) {
allChildrenAreFolders = false;
child.resHash = Math.abs(child.getSystemName().hashCode() + resumeHash());
DLNAResource resumeRes = null;
boolean addResumeFile = false;
ResumeObj r = ResumeObj.create(child);
if (r != null) {
resumeRes = child.clone();
resumeRes.resume = r;
resumeRes.resHash = child.resHash;
addResumeFile = true;
boolean parserV2 = child.media != null && defaultRenderer != null && defaultRenderer.isMediaParserV2();
if (parserV2) {
// See which mime type the renderer prefers in case it supports the media
String mimeType = defaultRenderer.getFormatConfiguration().match(child.media);
if (mimeType != null) {
// Media is streamable
if (!configuration.isDisableSubtitles() && child.isSubsFile() && defaultRenderer.isSubtitlesStreamingSupported()) {
OutputParams params = new OutputParams(configuration);
Player.setAudioAndSubs(child.getSystemName(), child.media, params); // set proper subtitles in accordance with user setting
if (params.sid.isExternal() && defaultRenderer.isExternalSubtitlesFormatSupported(params.sid)) {
child.media_subtitle = params.sid;
LOGGER.trace("Set media_subtitle");
} else {
LOGGER.trace("Did not set media_subtitle because the subtitle format is not supported by this renderer");
} else {
LOGGER.trace("Did not set media_subtitle because configuration.isDisableSubtitles is true, this is not a subtitle, or the renderer does not support streaming subtitles");
if (!FormatConfiguration.MIMETYPE_AUTO.equals(mimeType)) {
// Override with the preferred mime type of the renderer
LOGGER.trace("Overriding detected mime type \"{}\" for file \"{}\" with renderer preferred mime type \"{}\"",
child.media.getMimeType(), child.getName(), mimeType);
LOGGER.trace("File \"{}\" can be streamed with mime type \"{}\"", child.getName(), child.media.getMimeType());
} else {
// Media is transcodable
LOGGER.trace("File \"{}\" can be transcoded", child.getName());
} else if (child.media != null && defaultRenderer != null) {
LOGGER.trace("Did not check for media_subtitle for \"{}\" because {} does not use MediaInfo, we will check for it soon", child.getName(), defaultRenderer);
if (child.format != null) {
String configurationSkipExtensions = configuration.getDisableTranscodeForExtensions();
String rendererSkipExtensions = null;
if (defaultRenderer != null) {
rendererSkipExtensions = defaultRenderer.getStreamedExtensions();
// Should transcoding be skipped for this format?
boolean skip = child.format.skip(configurationSkipExtensions, rendererSkipExtensions);
skipTranscode = skip;
if (skip) {
LOGGER.trace("File \"{}\" will be forced to skip transcoding by configuration", child.getName());
// Determine transcoding possibilities if either
// - the format is known to be transcodable
// - we have media info (via parserV2, playback info, or a plugin)
if (child.format.transcodable() || child.media != null) {
if (child.media == null) {
child.media = new DLNAMediaInfo();
// Try to determine a player to use for transcoding.
Player player = null;
// First, try to match a player from recently played folder or based on the name of the DLNAResource
// or its parent. If the name ends in "[unique player id]", that player
// is preferred.
String name = getName();
if (!configuration.isHideRecentlyPlayedFolder()) {
player = child.player;
} else {
for (Player p : PlayerFactory.getPlayers()) {
String end = "[" + p.id() + "]";
if (name.endsWith(end)) {
nametruncate = name.lastIndexOf(end);
player = p;
LOGGER.trace("Selecting player based on name end");
} else if (parent != null && parent.getName().endsWith(end)) {
parent.nametruncate = parent.getName().lastIndexOf(end);
player = p;
LOGGER.trace("Selecting player based on parent name end");
// If no preferred player could be determined from the name, try to
// match a player based on media information and format.
if (player == null) {
player = PlayerFactory.getPlayer(child);
if (player != null && !allChildrenAreFolders) {
String configurationForceExtensions = configuration.getForceTranscodeForExtensions();
String rendererForceExtensions = null;
if (defaultRenderer != null) {
rendererForceExtensions = defaultRenderer.getTranscodedExtensions();
// Should transcoding be forced for this format?
boolean forceTranscode = child.format.skip(configurationForceExtensions, rendererForceExtensions);
if (forceTranscode) {
LOGGER.trace("File \"{}\" will be forced to be transcoded by configuration", child.getName());
boolean hasEmbeddedSubs = false;
boolean hasAnySubs = child.media.getSubtitleTracksList().size() > 0 || child.isSubsFile();
boolean hasSubsToTranscode = false;
if (!configuration.isDisableSubtitles() && hasAnySubs) {
for (DLNAMediaSubtitle s : child.media.getSubtitleTracksList()) {
hasEmbeddedSubs = (hasEmbeddedSubs || s.isEmbedded());
if (!parserV2) {
if (child.isSubsFile() && defaultRenderer != null && defaultRenderer.isSubtitlesStreamingSupported()) {
OutputParams params = new OutputParams(configuration);
Player.setAudioAndSubs(child.getSystemName(), child.media, params); // set proper subtitles in accordance with user setting
if (params.sid.isExternal() && defaultRenderer.isExternalSubtitlesFormatSupported(params.sid)) {
child.media_subtitle = params.sid;
LOGGER.trace("Set media_subtitle");
} else {
LOGGER.trace("Did not set media_subtitle because the subtitle format is not supported by this renderer");
} else {
LOGGER.trace("Did not set media_subtitle because this file does not have external subtitles, or the renderer does not support streaming subtitles");
if (child.isSubsFile()) {
if (child.media_subtitle == null) {
// Subtitles are not set for streaming
forceTranscode = true;
hasSubsToTranscode = true;
LOGGER.trace("Subtitles for \"{}\" need to be transcoded because media_subtitle is null", child.getName());
} else {
LOGGER.trace("Subtitles for \"{}\" will not be transcoded because media_subtitle is not null", child.getName());
} else if (hasEmbeddedSubs) {
if (
defaultRenderer != null &&
(child.media_subtitle != null && !defaultRenderer.isEmbeddedSubtitlesFormatSupported(child.media_subtitle)) ||
) {
forceTranscode = true;
hasSubsToTranscode = true;
LOGGER.trace("Subtitles for \"{}\" need to be transcoded because the renderer does not support internal subtitles", child.getName());
} else {
LOGGER.trace("Subtitles for \"{}\" will not be transcoded because the renderer supports internal subtitles", child.getName());
boolean isIncompatible = false;
String audioTracksList = child.getName() + child.media.getAudioTracksList().toString();
String prependTraceReason = "File \"{}\" will not be streamed because ";
if (!child.format.isCompatible(child.media, defaultRenderer)) {
isIncompatible = true;
LOGGER.trace(prependTraceReason + "it is not supported by the renderer", child.getName());
} else if (
configuration.isEncodedAudioPassthrough() &&
audioTracksList.contains("audio codec: AC3") ||
audioTracksList.contains("audio codec: DTS")
) {
isIncompatible = true;
LOGGER.trace(prependTraceReason + "the audio will use the encoded audio passthrough feature", child.getName());
} else if (defaultRenderer != null) {
if (
defaultRenderer.isKeepAspectRatio() &&
) {
isIncompatible = true;
LOGGER.trace(prependTraceReason + "the renderer needs us to add borders to change the aspect ratio from {} to 16/9.", child.getName(), child.media.getAspectRatioContainer());
} else if (
defaultRenderer.isMaximumResolutionSpecified() &&
child.media.getWidth() > defaultRenderer.getMaxVideoWidth() ||
child.media.getHeight() > defaultRenderer.getMaxVideoHeight()
) {
isIncompatible = true;
LOGGER.trace(prependTraceReason + "the resolution is too high for the renderer.", child.getName());
} else if (child.media.getBitrate() > (defaultRenderer.getMaxBandwidth() / 2)) {
isIncompatible = true;
LOGGER.trace(prependTraceReason + "the bitrate is too high.", child.getName());
// Prefer transcoding over streaming if:
// 1) the media is unsupported by the renderer, or
// 2) there are subs to transcode
boolean preferTranscode = isIncompatible || hasSubsToTranscode;
// Transcode if:
// 1) transcoding is forced by configuration, or
// 2) transcoding is preferred and not prevented by configuration
if (forceTranscode || (preferTranscode && !isSkipTranscode())) {
child.player = player;
if (resumeRes != null) {
resumeRes.player = player;
if (parserV2) {
LOGGER.trace("Final verdict: \"{}\" will be transcoded with player \"{}\" with mime type \"{}\"", child.getName(), player.toString(), child.media.getMimeType());
} else {
LOGGER.trace("Final verdict: \"{}\" will be transcoded with player \"{}\"", child.getName(), player.toString());
} else {
LOGGER.trace("Final verdict: \"{}\" will be streamed", child.getName());
// Should the child be added to the #--TRANSCODE--# folder?
if ((child.format.isVideo() || child.format.isAudio()) && child.isTranscodeFolderAvailable()) {
// true: create (and append) the #--TRANSCODE--# folder to this
// folder if supported/enabled and if it doesn't already exist
VirtualFolder transcodeFolder = getTranscodeFolder(true);
if (transcodeFolder != null) {
VirtualFolder fileTranscodeFolder = new FileTranscodeVirtualFolder(child.getDisplayName(), null);
DLNAResource newChild = child.clone();
newChild.player = player;
newChild.media = child.media;
LOGGER.trace("Adding \"{}\" to transcode folder for player: \"{}\"", child.getName(), player.toString());
if (child.format.isVideo() && child.isSubSelectable() && !(this instanceof SubSelFile)) {
VirtualFolder vf = getSubSelector(true);
if (vf != null) {
DLNAResource newChild = child.clone();
LOGGER.trace("Duplicate subtitle " + child.getName() + " with player: " + player.toString());
vf.addChild(new SubSelFile(newChild));
for (ExternalListener listener : ExternalFactory.getExternalListeners()) {
if (listener instanceof AdditionalResourceFolderListener) {
try {
((AdditionalResourceFolderListener) listener).addAdditionalFolder(this, child);
} catch (Throwable t) {
LOGGER.error("Failed to add additional folder for listener of type: \"{}\"", listener.getClass(), t);
} else if (!child.format.isCompatible(child.media, defaultRenderer) && !child.isFolder()) {
LOGGER.trace("Ignoring file \"{}\" because it is not compatible with renderer \"{}\"", child.getName(), defaultRenderer.getRendererName());
if (resumeRes != null && resumeRes.media != null) {
if (
child.format.getSecondaryFormat() != null &&
child.media != null &&
defaultRenderer != null &&
) {
DLNAResource newChild = child.clone();
LOGGER.trace("Detected secondary format \"{}\" for \"{}\"", newChild.format.toString(), newChild.getName());
newChild.first = child;
child.second = newChild;
if (!newChild.format.isCompatible(newChild.media, defaultRenderer)) {
Player player = PlayerFactory.getPlayer(newChild);
LOGGER.trace("Secondary format \"{}\" will use player \"{}\" for \"{}\"", newChild.format.toString(), newChild.getPlayer().name(), newChild.getName());
if (child.media != null && child.media.isSecondaryFormatValid()) {
LOGGER.trace("Adding secondary format \"{}\" for \"{}\"", newChild.format.toString(), newChild.getName());
} else {
LOGGER.trace("Ignoring secondary format \"{}\" for \"{}\": invalid format", newChild.format.toString(), newChild.getName());
if (addResumeFile) {
if (isNew) {
} catch (Throwable t) {
LOGGER.error("Error adding child: \"{}\"", child.getName(), t);
child.parent = null;
* Return the transcode folder for this resource.
* If UMS is configured to hide transcode folders, null is returned.
* If no folder exists and the create argument is false, null is returned.
* If no folder exists and the create argument is true, a new transcode folder is created.
* This method is called on the parent folder each time a child is added to that parent
* (via {@link addChild(DLNAResource)}.
* @param create
* @return the transcode virtual folder
// XXX package-private: used by MapFile; should be protected?
TranscodeVirtualFolder getTranscodeFolder(boolean create) {
if (!isTranscodeFolderAvailable()) {
return null;
if (configuration.getHideTranscodeEnabled()) {
return null;
// search for transcode folder
for (DLNAResource child : children) {
if (child instanceof TranscodeVirtualFolder) {
return (TranscodeVirtualFolder) child;
if (create) {
TranscodeVirtualFolder transcodeFolder = new TranscodeVirtualFolder(null);
return transcodeFolder;
return null;
* (Re)sets the given DNLA resource as follows:
* - if it's already one of our children, renew it
* - or if we have another child with the same name, replace it
* - otherwise add it as a new child.
* @param child the DLNA resource to update
public void updateChild(DLNAResource child) {
DLNAResource found = children.contains(child) ?
child : searchByName(child.getName());
if (found != null) {
if (child != found) {
// Replace
child.parent = this;
children.set(children.indexOf(found), child);
// Renew
addChild(child, false);
} else {
// Not found, it's new
addChild(child, true);
* Adds the supplied DNLA resource in the internal list of child nodes,
* and sets the parent to the current node. Avoids the side-effects
* associated with the {@link #addChild(DLNAResource)} method.
* @param child the DLNA resource to add to this node's list of children
protected synchronized void addChildInternal(DLNAResource child) {
if (child.getInternalId() != null) {
"Node ({}) already has an ID ({}), which is overridden now. The previous parent node was: {}",
new Object[] {
child.parent = this;
setLastChildId(getLastChildId() + 1);
* First thing it does it searches for an item matching the given objectID.
* If children is false, then it returns the found object as the only object in the list.
* TODO: (botijo) This function does a lot more than this!
* @param objectId ID to search for.
* @param children State if you want all the children in the returned list.
* @param start
* @param count
* @param renderer Renderer for which to do the actions.
* @return List of DLNAResource items.
* @throws IOException
public synchronized List<DLNAResource> getDLNAResources(String objectId, boolean children, int start, int count, RendererConfiguration renderer) throws IOException {
return getDLNAResources(objectId, children, start, count, renderer, null);
public synchronized List<DLNAResource> getDLNAResources(String objectId, boolean returnChildren, int start, int count, RendererConfiguration renderer, String searchStr) throws IOException {
ArrayList<DLNAResource> resources = new ArrayList<>();
DLNAResource dlna = search(objectId, count, renderer, searchStr);
if (dlna != null) {
String systemName = dlna.getSystemName();
if (!returnChildren) {
} else {
dlna.discoverWithRenderer(renderer, count, true, searchStr);
if (count == 0) {
count = dlna.getChildren().size();
if (count > 0) {
ArrayBlockingQueue<Runnable> queue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(count);
int nParallelThreads = 3;
if (dlna instanceof DVDISOFile) {
nParallelThreads = 1; // Some DVD drives die with 3 parallel threads
ThreadPoolExecutor tpe = new ThreadPoolExecutor(
Math.min(count, nParallelThreads),
for (int i = start; i < start + count; i++) {
if (i < dlna.getChildren().size()) {
final DLNAResource child = dlna.getChildren().get(i);
if (child != null) {
} else {
LOGGER.warn("null child at index {} in {}", i, systemName);
try {
tpe.awaitTermination(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
LOGGER.error("error while shutting down thread pool executor for " + systemName, e);
LOGGER.trace("End of analysis for " + systemName);
lastSearch = searchStr;
return resources;
protected void refreshChildrenIfNeeded(String search) {
if (isDiscovered() && shouldRefresh(search)) {
* Update the last refresh time.
protected void notifyRefresh() {
lastRefreshTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
updateId += 1;
systemUpdateId += 1;
final protected void discoverWithRenderer(RendererConfiguration renderer, int count, boolean forced, String searchStr) {
// Discover children if it hasn't been done already
if (!isDiscovered()) {
if (configuration.getFolderLimit() && depthLimit()) {
if (renderer.getRendererName().equalsIgnoreCase("Playstation 3") || renderer.isXbox360()) {
LOGGER.info("Depth limit potentionally hit for " + getDisplayName());
if (defaultRenderer != null) {
boolean ready;
if (renderer.isMediaParserV2() && renderer.isDLNATreeHack()) {
ready = analyzeChildren(count);
} else {
ready = analyzeChildren(-1);
if (!renderer.isMediaParserV2() || ready) {
} else {
// if forced, then call the old 'refreshChildren' method
LOGGER.trace("discover {} refresh forced: {}", getResourceId(), forced);
if (forced) {
if (refreshChildren(searchStr)) {
} else {
// if not, then the regular isRefreshNeeded/doRefreshChildren pair.
if (shouldRefresh(searchStr)) {
private boolean shouldRefresh(String searchStr) {
return isRefreshNeeded();
public void run() {
if (first == null) {
if (second != null) {
* Recursive function that searches for a given ID.
* @param searchId ID to search for.
* @param count
* @param renderer
* @param searchStr
* @return Item found, or null otherwise.
* @see #getId()
public DLNAResource search(String searchId, int count, RendererConfiguration renderer, String searchStr) {
if (id != null && searchId != null) {
String[] indexPath = searchId.split("\\$", 2);
if (id.equals(indexPath[0])) {
if (indexPath.length == 1 || indexPath[1].length() == 0) {
return this;
} else {
discoverWithRenderer(renderer, count, false, null);
for (DLNAResource file : children) {
DLNAResource found = file.search(indexPath[1], count, renderer, null);
if (found != null) {
return found;
} else {
return null;
return null;
* TODO: (botijo) What is the intention of this function? Looks like a prototype to be overloaded.
public void discoverChildren() {
public void discoverChildren(String str) {
* TODO: (botijo) What is the intention of this function? Looks like a prototype to be overloaded.
* @param count
* @return Returns true
public boolean analyzeChildren(int count) {
return true;
* Reload the list of children.
public void doRefreshChildren() {
public void doRefreshChildren(String search) {
* @return true, if the container is changed, so refresh is needed.
* This could be called a lot of times.
public boolean isRefreshNeeded() {
return false;
* This method gets called only for the browsed folder, and not for the
* parent folders. (And in the media library scan step too). Override in
* plugins when you do not want to implement proper change tracking, and
* you do not care if the hierarchy of nodes getting invalid between.
* @return True when a refresh is needed, false otherwise.
public boolean refreshChildren() {
if (isRefreshNeeded()) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean refreshChildren(String search) {
if (shouldRefresh(search)) {
return true;
return false;
* @deprecated Use {@link #resolveFormat()} instead.
protected void checktype() {
* Sets the resource's {@link net.pms.formats.Format} according to its filename
* if it isn't set already.
* @since 1.90.0
protected void resolveFormat() {
if (format == null) {
format = FormatFactory.getAssociatedFormat(getSystemName());
if (format != null && format.isUnknown()) {
* Hook to lazily initialise immutable resources e.g. ISOs, zip files &c.
* @since 1.90.0
* @see #resolve()
protected void resolveOnce() { }
* Resolve events are hooks that allow DLNA resources to perform various forms
* of initialisation when navigated to or streamed i.e. they function as lazy
* constructors.
* This method is called by request handlers for a) requests for a stream
* or b) content directory browsing i.e. for potentially every request for a file or
* folder the renderer hasn't cached. Many resource types are immutable (e.g. playlists,
* zip files, DVD ISOs &c.) and only need to respond to this event once.
* Most resource types don't "subscribe" to this event at all. This default implementation
* provides hooks for immutable resources and handles the event for resource types that
* don't care about it. The rest override this method and handle it accordingly. Currently,
* the only resource type that overrides it is {@link RealFile}.
* Note: resolving a resource once (only) doesn't prevent children being added to or
* removed from it (if supported). There are other mechanisms for that e.g.
* {@link #doRefreshChildren()} (see {@link Feed} for an example).
public synchronized void resolve() {
if (!resolved) {
// if resolve() isn't overridden, this file/folder is immutable
// (or doesn't respond to resolve events, which amounts to the
// same thing), so don't spam it with this event again.
resolved = true;
// Ditlew
* Returns the display name for the default renderer.
* @return The display name.
* @see #getDisplayName(RendererConfiguration, boolean)
public String getDisplayName() {
return getDisplayName(null, true);
* @param mediaRenderer Media Renderer for which to show information.
* @return String representing the item.
* @see #getDisplayName(RendererConfiguration, boolean)
public String getDisplayName(RendererConfiguration mediaRenderer) {
return getDisplayName(mediaRenderer, true);
* Returns the DisplayName that is shown to the Renderer.
* Extra info might be appended depending on the settings, like item duration.
* This is based on {@link #getName()}.
* @param mediaRenderer Media Renderer for which to show information.
* @param withSuffix Whether to include additional media info
* @return String representing the item.
private String getDisplayName(RendererConfiguration mediaRenderer, boolean withSuffix) {
if (displayName != null) { // cached
return withSuffix ? (displayName + nameSuffix) : displayName;
displayName = getName();
String subtitleFormat;
String subtitleLanguage;
boolean isNamedNoEncoding = false;
boolean subsAreValidForStreaming = media_subtitle != null && media_subtitle.isStreamable() && player == null;
if (
this instanceof RealFile &&
configuration.isHideExtensions() ||
) &&
) {
if (configuration.isPrettifyFilenames() && getFormat() != null && getFormat().isVideo()) {
displayName = FileUtil.getFileNameWithRewriting(displayName);
} else {
displayName = FileUtil.getFileNameWithoutExtension(displayName);
if (player != null) {
if (isNoName()) {
displayName = "[" + player.name() + "]";
} else {
// Ditlew - WDTV Live don't show durations otherwise, and this is useful for finding the main title
if (mediaRenderer != null && mediaRenderer.isShowDVDTitleDuration() && media != null && media.getDvdtrack() > 0) {
nameSuffix += " - " + media.getDurationString();
if (!configuration.isHideEngineNames()) {
nameSuffix += " [" + player.name() + "]";
} else {
if (isNoName()) {
displayName = Messages.getString("DLNAResource.0");
isNamedNoEncoding = true;
if (subsAreValidForStreaming) {
isNamedNoEncoding = false;
} else if (nametruncate > 0) {
displayName = displayName.substring(0, nametruncate).trim();
if (
isSubsFile() &&
!isNamedNoEncoding &&
media_audio == null &&
media_subtitle == null &&
!configuration.hideSubsInfo() &&
player == null ||
) {
nameSuffix += " " + Messages.getString("DLNAResource.1");
if (getMediaAudio() != null) {
String audioLanguage = "/" + getMediaAudio().getLangFullName();
if ("/Undetermined".equals(audioLanguage)) {
audioLanguage = "";
displayName = player != null ? ("[" + player.name() + "]") : "";
nameSuffix = " {Audio: " + getMediaAudio().getAudioCodec() + audioLanguage + ((getMediaAudio().getFlavor() != null && mediaRenderer != null && mediaRenderer.isShowAudioMetadata()) ? (" (" + getMediaAudio().getFlavor() + ")") : "") + "}";
if (
media_subtitle != null &&
media_subtitle.getId() != -1 &&
) {
subtitleFormat = media_subtitle.getType().getDescription();
if ("(Advanced) SubStation Alpha".equals(subtitleFormat)) {
subtitleFormat = "SSA";
} else if ("Blu-ray subtitles".equals(subtitleFormat)) {
subtitleFormat = "PGS";
subtitleLanguage = "/" + media_subtitle.getLangFullName();
if ("/Undetermined".equals(subtitleLanguage)) {
subtitleLanguage = "";
String subsDescription = Messages.getString("DLNAResource.2") + subtitleFormat + subtitleLanguage + ((media_subtitle.getFlavor() != null && mediaRenderer != null && mediaRenderer.isShowSubMetadata()) ? (" (" + media_subtitle.getFlavor() + ")") : "");
if (subsAreValidForStreaming) {
nameSuffix += " {" + Messages.getString("DLNAResource.3") + subsDescription + "}";
} else {
nameSuffix += " {" + subsDescription + "}";
if (isAvisynth()) {
displayName = (player != null ? ("[" + player.name()) : "") + " + AviSynth]";
if (getSplitRange().isEndLimitAvailable()) {
displayName = ">> " + convertTimeToString(getSplitRange().getStart(), DURATION_TIME_FORMAT);
return withSuffix ? (displayName + nameSuffix) : displayName;
* Prototype for returning URLs.
* @return An empty URL
protected String getFileURL() {
return getURL("");
* @return Returns a URL pointing to an image representing the item. If
* none is available, "thumbnail0000.png" is used.
protected String getThumbnailURL() {
return getURL("thumbnail0000");
* @param prefix
* @return Returns a URL for a given media item. Not used for container types.
protected String getURL(String prefix) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(getResourceId()); //id
return sb.toString();
* @param subs
* @return Returns a URL for a given subtitles item. Not used for container types.
protected String getSubsURL(DLNAMediaSubtitle subs) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(getResourceId()); //id
return sb.toString();
* Transforms a String to UTF-8.
* @param s
* @return Transformed string s in UTF-8 encoding.
private static String encode(String s) {
try {
return URLEncoder.encode(s, "UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
LOGGER.debug("Caught exception", e);
return "";
* @return Number of children objects. This might be used in the DLDI
* response, as some renderers might not have enough memory to hold the
* list for all children.
public int childrenNumber() {
if (children == null) {
return 0;
return children.size();
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#clone()
protected DLNAResource clone() {
DLNAResource o = null;
try {
o = (DLNAResource) super.clone();
// Clear the cached display name and suffix
o.displayName = null;
o.nameSuffix = "";
// Make sure clones (typically #--TRANSCODE--# folder files)
// have the option to respond to resolve events
o.resolved = false;
if (media != null) {
o.media = (DLNAMediaInfo) media.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
LOGGER.error(null, e);
return o;
// this shouldn't be public
public String getFlags() {
return getDlnaOrgOpFlags();
// permit the renderer to seek by time, bytes or both
private String getDlnaOrgOpFlags() {
return "DLNA.ORG_OP=" + dlnaOrgOpFlags;
* @deprecated Use {@link #getDidlString(RendererConfiguration)} instead.
* @param mediaRenderer
* @return
public final String toString(RendererConfiguration mediaRenderer) {
return getDidlString(mediaRenderer);
* Returns an XML (DIDL) representation of the DLNA node. It gives a
* complete representation of the item, with as many tags as available.
* Recommendations as per UPNP specification are followed where possible.
* @param mediaRenderer
* Media Renderer for which to represent this information. Useful
* for some hacks.
* @return String representing the item. An example would start like this:
* {@code <container id="0$1" childCount="1" parentID="0" restricted="true">}
public final String getDidlString(RendererConfiguration mediaRenderer) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean subsAreValidForStreaming = false;
if (!isFolder()) {
if (
!configuration.isDisableSubtitles() &&
player == null &&
media_subtitle != null &&
) {
subsAreValidForStreaming = true;
LOGGER.trace("Setting subsAreValidForStreaming to true for " + media_subtitle.getExternalFile().getName());
} else if (subsAreValidForStreaming) {
LOGGER.trace("Not setting subsAreValidForStreaming and it is true for " + getName());
} else {
LOGGER.trace("Not setting subsAreValidForStreaming and it is false for " + getName());
openTag(sb, "item");
} else {
openTag(sb, "container");
addAttribute(sb, "id", getResourceId());
if (isFolder()) {
if (!isDiscovered() && childrenNumber() == 0) {
// When a folder has not been scanned for resources, it will automatically have zero children.
// Some renderers like XBMC will assume a folder is empty when encountering childCount="0" and
// will not display the folder. By returning childCount="1" these renderers will still display
// the folder. When it is opened, its children will be discovered and childrenNumber() will be
// set to the right value.
addAttribute(sb, "childCount", 1);
} else {
addAttribute(sb, "childCount", childrenNumber());
addAttribute(sb, "parentID", getParentId());
addAttribute(sb, "restricted", "true");
StringBuilder wireshark = new StringBuilder();
final DLNAMediaAudio firstAudioTrack = media != null ? media.getFirstAudioTrack() : null;
if (firstAudioTrack != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(firstAudioTrack.getSongname())) {
wireshark.append(firstAudioTrack.getSongname()).append(player != null && !configuration.isHideEngineNames() ? (" [" + player.name() + "]") : "");
encodeXML(mediaRenderer.getDcTitle(resumeStr(wireshark.toString()), nameSuffix, this))
} else { // Ditlew - org
// Ditlew
wireshark.append(((isFolder() || subsAreValidForStreaming) ? getDisplayName() : mediaRenderer.getUseSameExtension(getDisplayName(mediaRenderer))));
String tmp = (isFolder() || subsAreValidForStreaming) ? getDisplayName(null, false) : mediaRenderer.getUseSameExtension(getDisplayName(mediaRenderer, false));
encodeXML(mediaRenderer.getDcTitle(resumeStr(tmp), nameSuffix, this))
if (firstAudioTrack != null) {
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(firstAudioTrack.getAlbum())) {
addXMLTagAndAttribute(sb, "upnp:album", encodeXML(firstAudioTrack.getAlbum()));
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(firstAudioTrack.getArtist())) {
addXMLTagAndAttribute(sb, "upnp:artist", encodeXML(firstAudioTrack.getArtist()));
addXMLTagAndAttribute(sb, "dc:creator", encodeXML(firstAudioTrack.getArtist()));
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(firstAudioTrack.getGenre())) {
addXMLTagAndAttribute(sb, "upnp:genre", encodeXML(firstAudioTrack.getGenre()));
if (firstAudioTrack.getTrack() > 0) {
addXMLTagAndAttribute(sb, "upnp:originalTrackNumber", "" + firstAudioTrack.getTrack());
if (!isFolder()) {
int indexCount = 1;
if (mediaRenderer.isDLNALocalizationRequired()) {
indexCount = getDLNALocalesCount();
for (int c = 0; c < indexCount; c++) {
openTag(sb, "res");
* DLNA.ORG_OP flags
* Two booleans (binary digits) which determine what transport operations the renderer is allowed to
* perform (in the form of HTTP request headers): the first digit allows the renderer to send
* TimeSeekRange.DLNA.ORG (seek by time) headers; the second allows it to send RANGE (seek by byte)
* headers.
* 00 - no seeking (or even pausing) allowed
* 01 - seek by byte
* 10 - seek by time
* 11 - seek by both
* See here for an example of how these options can be mapped to keys on the renderer's controller:
* http://www.ps3mediaserver.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2908&p=12550#p12550
* Note that seek-by-byte is the preferred option for streamed files [1] and seek-by-time is the
* preferred option for transcoded files.
* [1] see http://www.ps3mediaserver.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=15841&p=76201#p76201
* seek-by-time requires a) support by the renderer (via the SeekByTime renderer conf option)
* and b) support by the transcode engine.
* The seek-by-byte fallback doesn't work well with transcoded files [2], but it's better than
* disabling seeking (and pausing) altogether.
* [2] http://www.ps3mediaserver.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3507&p=16567#p16567 (bottom post)
dlnaOrgOpFlags = "01"; // seek by byte (exclusive)
if (mediaRenderer.isSeekByTime() && player != null && player.isTimeSeekable()) {
* Some renderers - e.g. the PS3 and Panasonic TVs - behave erratically when
* transcoding if we keep the default seek-by-byte permission on when permitting
* seek-by-time: http://www.ps3mediaserver.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=15841
* It's not clear if this is a bug in the DLNA libraries of these renderers or a bug
* in UMS, but setting an option in the renderer conf that disables seek-by-byte when
* we permit seek-by-time - e.g.:
* SeekByTime = exclusive
* works around it.
* TODO (e.g. in a beta release): set seek-by-time (exclusive) here for *all* renderers:
* seek-by-byte isn't needed here (both the renderer and the engine support seek-by-time)
* and may be buggy on other renderers than the ones we currently handle.
* In the unlikely event that a renderer *requires* seek-by-both here, it can
* opt in with (e.g.):
* SeekByTime = both
if (mediaRenderer.isSeekByTimeExclusive()) {
dlnaOrgOpFlags = "10"; // seek by time (exclusive)
} else {
dlnaOrgOpFlags = "11"; // seek by both
addAttribute(sb, "xmlns:dlna", "urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/");
// FIXME: There is a flaw here. In addChild(DLNAResource) the mime type
// is determined for the default renderer. This renderer may rewrite the
// mime type based on its configuration. Looking up that mime type is
// not guaranteed to return a match for another renderer.
String mime = mediaRenderer.getMimeType(mimeType());
// Use our best guess if we have no valid mime type
if (mime == null || mime.contains("/transcode")) {
mime = HTTPResource.getDefaultMimeType(getType());
dlnaspec = null;
* In this code block, we determine the DLNA.ORG_PN to send.
* DLNA.ORG_PN is a string that tells the renderer what type of file to expect, like its
* container, framerate, codecs and resolution.
* Some renderers will not play a file if it has the wrong DLNA.ORG_PN string, while others
* are fine with any string or even nothing.
if (mediaRenderer.isDLNAOrgPNUsed()) {
if (mediaRenderer.isPS3()) {
if (mime.equals(DIVX_TYPEMIME)) {
dlnaspec = "DLNA.ORG_PN=AVI";
} else if (mime.equals(WMV_TYPEMIME) && media != null && media.getHeight() > 700) {
} else {
if (mime.equals(MPEG_TYPEMIME)) {
dlnaspec = "DLNA.ORG_PN=" + getMPEG_PS_PALLocalizedValue(c);
if (player != null) {
// VLC Web Video (Legacy) and tsMuxeR always output MPEG-TS
boolean isFileMPEGTS = TsMuxeRVideo.ID.equals(player.id()) || VideoLanVideoStreaming.ID.equals(player.id());
// Check if the renderer settings make the current engine always output MPEG-TS
if (
!isFileMPEGTS &&
mediaRenderer.isTranscodeToMPEGTS() &&
MEncoderVideo.ID.equals(player.id()) ||
FFMpegVideo.ID.equals(player.id()) ||
) {
isFileMPEGTS = true;
boolean isMuxableResult = getMedia() != null && getMedia().isMuxable(mediaRenderer);
// If the engine is capable of automatically muxing to MPEG-TS and the setting is enabled, it might be MPEG-TS
if (
!isFileMPEGTS &&
configuration.isMencoderMuxWhenCompatible() &&
) ||
configuration.isFFmpegMuxWithTsMuxerWhenCompatible() &&
) {
* Media renderer needs ORG_PN to be accurate.
* If the value does not match the media, it won't play the media.
* Often we can lazily predict the correct value to send, but due to
* MEncoder needing to mux via tsMuxeR, we need to work it all out
* before even sending the file list to these devices.
* This is very time-consuming so we should a) avoid using this
* chunk of code whenever possible, and b) design a better system.
* Ideally we would just mux to MPEG-PS instead of MPEG-TS so we could
* know it will always be PS, but most renderers will not accept H.264
* inside MPEG-PS. Another option may be to always produce MPEG-TS
* instead and we should check if that will be OK for all renderers.
if (mediaRenderer.isAccurateDLNAOrgPN()) {
OutputParams params = new OutputParams(configuration);
Player.setAudioAndSubs(getSystemName(), media, params);
media_audio = params.aid;
media_subtitle = params.sid;
if (media_subtitle == null) {
LOGGER.trace("We do not want a subtitle for " + getName());
} else {
LOGGER.trace("We do want a subtitle for " + getName());
* If:
* - There are no subtitles
* - This is not a DVD track
* - The media is muxable
* - The renderer accepts media muxed to MPEG-TS
* then the file is MPEG-TS
if (
media_subtitle == null &&
!isSubsFile() &&
media != null &&
media.getDvdtrack() == 0 &&
isMuxableResult &&
) {
isFileMPEGTS = true;
if (isFileMPEGTS) {
dlnaspec = "DLNA.ORG_PN=" + getMPEG_TS_SD_EU_ISOLocalizedValue(c);
if (
media.isH264() &&
!VideoLanVideoStreaming.ID.equals(player.id()) &&
) {
dlnaspec = "DLNA.ORG_PN=AVC_TS_HD_24_AC3_ISO";
if (mediaRenderer.isTranscodeToMPEGTSH264AAC()) {
dlnaspec = "DLNA.ORG_PN=AVC_TS_HP_HD_AAC";
} else if (media != null) {
if (media.isMpegTS()) {
dlnaspec = "DLNA.ORG_PN=" + getMPEG_TS_SD_EULocalizedValue(c);
if (media.isH264()) {
dlnaspec = "DLNA.ORG_PN=AVC_TS_HD_50_AC3";
if (mediaRenderer.isTranscodeToMPEGTSH264AAC()) {
dlnaspec = "DLNA.ORG_PN=AVC_TS_HP_HD_AAC";
} else if (mime.equals("video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts")) {
// patters - on Sony BDP m2ts clips aren't listed without this
dlnaspec = "DLNA.ORG_PN=" + getMPEG_TS_SD_EULocalizedValue(c);
} else if (mime.equals(JPEG_TYPEMIME)) {
dlnaspec = "DLNA.ORG_PN=JPEG_LRG";
} else if (mime.equals(AUDIO_MP3_TYPEMIME)) {
dlnaspec = "DLNA.ORG_PN=MP3";
} else if (mime.substring(0, 9).equals(AUDIO_LPCM_TYPEMIME) || mime.equals(AUDIO_WAV_TYPEMIME)) {
dlnaspec = "DLNA.ORG_PN=LPCM";
if (dlnaspec != null) {
dlnaspec = "DLNA.ORG_PN=" + mediaRenderer.getDLNAPN(dlnaspec.substring(12));
String tempString = "http-get:*:" + mime + ":" + (dlnaspec != null ? (dlnaspec + ";") : "") + getDlnaOrgOpFlags();
wireshark.append(" ").append(tempString);
addAttribute(sb, "protocolInfo", tempString);
if (subsAreValidForStreaming && !mediaRenderer.useClosedCaption()) {
addAttribute(sb, "pv:subtitleFileType", media_subtitle.getType().getExtension().toUpperCase());
wireshark.append(" pv:subtitleFileType=").append(media_subtitle.getType().getExtension().toUpperCase());
addAttribute(sb, "pv:subtitleFileUri", getSubsURL(media_subtitle));
wireshark.append(" pv:subtitleFileUri=").append(getSubsURL(media_subtitle));
if (getFormat() != null && getFormat().isVideo() && media != null && media.isMediaparsed()) {
if (player == null && media != null) {
wireshark.append(" size=").append(media.getSize());
addAttribute(sb, "size", media.getSize());
} else {
long transcoded_size = mediaRenderer.getTranscodedSize();
if (transcoded_size != 0) {
wireshark.append(" size=").append(transcoded_size);
addAttribute(sb, "size", transcoded_size);
if (media.getDuration() != null) {
if (getSplitRange().isEndLimitAvailable()) {
wireshark.append(" duration=").append(convertTimeToString(getSplitRange().getDuration(), DURATION_TIME_FORMAT));
addAttribute(sb, "duration", convertTimeToString(getSplitRange().getDuration(), DURATION_TIME_FORMAT));
} else {
wireshark.append(" duration=").append(media.getDurationString());
addAttribute(sb, "duration", media.getDurationString());
if (media.getResolution() != null) {
addAttribute(sb, "resolution", media.getResolution());
addAttribute(sb, "bitrate", media.getRealVideoBitrate());
if (firstAudioTrack != null) {
if (firstAudioTrack.getAudioProperties().getNumberOfChannels() > 0) {
addAttribute(sb, "nrAudioChannels", firstAudioTrack.getAudioProperties().getNumberOfChannels());
if (firstAudioTrack.getSampleFrequency() != null) {
addAttribute(sb, "sampleFrequency", firstAudioTrack.getSampleFrequency());
} else if (getFormat() != null && getFormat().isImage()) {
if (media != null && media.isMediaparsed()) {
wireshark.append(" size=").append(media.getSize());
addAttribute(sb, "size", media.getSize());
if (media.getResolution() != null) {
addAttribute(sb, "resolution", media.getResolution());
} else {
wireshark.append(" size=").append(length());
addAttribute(sb, "size", length());
} else if (getFormat() != null && getFormat().isAudio()) {
if (media != null && media.isMediaparsed()) {
addAttribute(sb, "bitrate", media.getBitrate());
if (media.getDuration() != null) {
wireshark.append(" duration=").append(convertTimeToString(media.getDuration(), DURATION_TIME_FORMAT));
addAttribute(sb, "duration", convertTimeToString(media.getDuration(), DURATION_TIME_FORMAT));
if (firstAudioTrack != null && firstAudioTrack.getSampleFrequency() != null) {
addAttribute(sb, "sampleFrequency", firstAudioTrack.getSampleFrequency());
if (firstAudioTrack != null) {
addAttribute(sb, "nrAudioChannels", firstAudioTrack.getAudioProperties().getNumberOfChannels());
if (player == null) {
wireshark.append(" size=").append(media.getSize());
addAttribute(sb, "size", media.getSize());
} else {
// Calculate WAV size
if (firstAudioTrack != null) {
int defaultFrequency = mediaRenderer.isTranscodeAudioTo441() ? 44100 : 48000;
if (!configuration.isAudioResample()) {
try {
// FIXME: Which exception could be thrown here?
defaultFrequency = firstAudioTrack.getSampleRate();
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.debug("Caught exception", e);
int na = firstAudioTrack.getAudioProperties().getNumberOfChannels();
if (na > 2) { // No 5.1 dump in MPlayer
na = 2;
int finalSize = (int) (media.getDurationInSeconds() * defaultFrequency * 2 * na);
LOGGER.trace("Calculated size for " + getSystemName() + ": " + finalSize);
wireshark.append(" size=").append(finalSize);
addAttribute(sb, "size", finalSize);
} else {
wireshark.append(" size=").append(length());
addAttribute(sb, "size", length());
} else {
wireshark.append(" size=").append(DLNAMediaInfo.TRANS_SIZE).append(" duration=09:59:59");
addAttribute(sb, "size", DLNAMediaInfo.TRANS_SIZE);
addAttribute(sb, "duration", "09:59:59");
addAttribute(sb, "bitrate", "1000000");
wireshark.append(" ").append(getFileURL());
LOGGER.trace("Network debugger: " + wireshark.toString());
closeTag(sb, "res");
if (subsAreValidForStreaming) {
String subsURL = getSubsURL(media_subtitle);
if (mediaRenderer.useClosedCaption()) {
openTag(sb, "sec:CaptionInfoEx");
addAttribute(sb, "sec:type", "srt");
closeTag(sb, "sec:CaptionInfoEx");
LOGGER.trace("Network debugger: sec:CaptionInfoEx: sec:type=srt " + subsURL);
} else {
openTag(sb, "res");
String format = media_subtitle.getType().getExtension();
if (StringUtils.isBlank(format)) {
format = "plain";
addAttribute(sb, "protocolInfo", "http-get:*:text/" + format + ":*");
closeTag(sb, "res");
LOGGER.trace("Network debugger: http-get:*:text/" + format + ":*" + subsURL);
appendThumbnail(mediaRenderer, sb, "JPEG_TN");
appendThumbnail(mediaRenderer, sb, "JPEG_SM");
if (getLastModified() > 0 && mediaRenderer.isSendDateMetadata()) {
addXMLTagAndAttribute(sb, "dc:date", SDF_DATE.format(new Date(getLastModified())));
String uclass;
if (first != null && media != null && !media.isSecondaryFormatValid()) {
uclass = "dummy";
} else {
if (isFolder()) {
uclass = "object.container.storageFolder";
boolean xbox360 = mediaRenderer.isXbox360();
if (xbox360 && getFakeParentId() != null && getFakeParentId().equals("7")) {
uclass = "object.container.album.musicAlbum";
} else if (xbox360 && getFakeParentId() != null && getFakeParentId().equals("6")) {
uclass = "object.container.person.musicArtist";
} else if (xbox360 && getFakeParentId() != null && getFakeParentId().equals("5")) {
uclass = "object.container.genre.musicGenre";
} else if (xbox360 && getFakeParentId() != null && getFakeParentId().equals("F")) {
uclass = "object.container.playlistContainer";
} else if (getFormat() != null && getFormat().isVideo()) {
uclass = "object.item.videoItem";
} else if (getFormat() != null && getFormat().isImage()) {
uclass = "object.item.imageItem.photo";
} else if (getFormat() != null && getFormat().isAudio()) {
uclass = "object.item.audioItem.musicTrack";
} else {
uclass = "object.item.videoItem";
addXMLTagAndAttribute(sb, "upnp:class", uclass);
if (isFolder()) {
closeTag(sb, "container");
} else {
closeTag(sb, "item");
return sb.toString();
* Generate and append the response for the thumbnail based on the
* configuration of the renderer.
* @param mediaRenderer The renderer configuration.
* @param sb The StringBuilder to append the response to.
private void appendThumbnail(RendererConfiguration mediaRenderer, StringBuilder sb, String format) {
final String thumbURL = getThumbnailURL();
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(thumbURL)) {
if (mediaRenderer.getThumbNailAsResource()) {
// Samsung 2012 (ES and EH) models do not recognize the "albumArtURI" element. Instead,
// the "res" element should be used.
// Also use "res" when faking JPEG thumbs.
openTag(sb, "res");
if (getThumbnailContentType().equals(PNG_TYPEMIME) && !mediaRenderer.isForceJPGThumbnails()) {
addAttribute(sb, "protocolInfo", "http-get:*:image/png:DLNA.ORG_PN=PNG_TN");
} else {
addAttribute(sb, "protocolInfo", "http-get:*:image/jpeg:DLNA.ORG_PN=" + format);
closeTag(sb, "res");
} else {
// Renderers that can handle the "albumArtURI" element.
openTag(sb, "upnp:albumArtURI");
addAttribute(sb, "xmlns:dlna", "urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/");
if (getThumbnailContentType().equals(PNG_TYPEMIME) && !mediaRenderer.isForceJPGThumbnails()) {
addAttribute(sb, "dlna:profileID", "PNG_TN");
} else {
addAttribute(sb, "dlna:profileID", format);
closeTag(sb, "upnp:albumArtURI");
private String getRequestId(String rendererId) {
return String.format("%s|%x|%s", rendererId, hashCode(), getSystemName());
* Plugin implementation. When this item is going to play, it will notify all the StartStopListener objects available.
* @see StartStopListener
public void startPlaying(final String rendererId) {
final String requestId = getRequestId(rendererId);
synchronized (requestIdToRefcount) {
Integer temp = requestIdToRefcount.get(requestId);
if (temp == null) {
temp = 0;
final Integer refCount = temp;
requestIdToRefcount.put(requestId, refCount + 1);
if (refCount == 0) {
final DLNAResource self = this;
Runnable r = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
InetAddress rendererIp;
try {
rendererIp = InetAddress.getByName(rendererId);
RendererConfiguration renderer = RendererConfiguration.getRendererConfigurationBySocketAddress(rendererIp);
String rendererName = "unknown renderer";
try {
rendererName = renderer.getRendererName().replaceAll("\n", "");
} catch (NullPointerException e) { }
LOGGER.info("Started playing " + getName() + " on your " + rendererName);
LOGGER.debug("The full filename of which is: " + getSystemName() + " and the address of the renderer is: " + rendererId);
} catch (UnknownHostException ex) {
LOGGER.debug("" + ex);
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (final ExternalListener listener : ExternalFactory.getExternalListeners()) {
if (listener instanceof StartStopListener) {
// run these asynchronously for slow handlers (e.g. logging, scrobbling)
Runnable fireStartStopEvent = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
((StartStopListener) listener).nowPlaying(media, self);
} catch (Throwable t) {
LOGGER.error("Notification of startPlaying event failed for StartStopListener {}", listener.getClass(), t);
new Thread(fireStartStopEvent, "StartPlaying Event for " + listener.name()).start();
new Thread(r, "StartPlaying Event").start();
* Plugin implementation. When this item is going to stop playing, it will notify all the StartStopListener
* objects available.
* @see StartStopListener
public void stopPlaying(final String rendererId) {
final DLNAResource self = this;
final String requestId = getRequestId(rendererId);
Runnable defer = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
LOGGER.error("stopPlaying sleep interrupted", e);
synchronized (requestIdToRefcount) {
final Integer refCount = requestIdToRefcount.get(requestId);
assert refCount != null;
assert refCount > 0;
requestIdToRefcount.put(requestId, refCount - 1);
Runnable r = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (refCount == 1) {
InetAddress rendererIp;
try {
rendererIp = InetAddress.getByName(rendererId);
RendererConfiguration renderer = RendererConfiguration.getRendererConfigurationBySocketAddress(rendererIp);
String rendererName = "unknown renderer";
try {
rendererName = renderer.getRendererName();
} catch (NullPointerException e) { }
LOGGER.info("Stopped playing " + getName() + " on your " + rendererName);
LOGGER.debug("The full filename of which is: " + getSystemName() + " and the address of the renderer is: " + rendererId);
} catch (UnknownHostException ex) {
LOGGER.debug("" + ex);
for (final ExternalListener listener : ExternalFactory.getExternalListeners()) {
if (listener instanceof StartStopListener) {
// run these asynchronously for slow handlers (e.g. logging, scrobbling)
Runnable fireStartStopEvent = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
((StartStopListener) listener).donePlaying(media, self);
} catch (Throwable t) {
LOGGER.error("Notification of donePlaying event failed for StartStopListener {}", listener.getClass(), t);
new Thread(fireStartStopEvent, "StopPlaying Event for " + listener.name()).start();
new Thread(r, "StopPlaying Event").start();
new Thread(defer, "StopPlaying Event Deferrer").start();
* Returns an InputStream of this DLNAResource that starts at a given time, if possible. Very useful if video chapters are being used.
* @param range
* @param mediarenderer
* @return The inputstream
* @throws IOException
private long lastStart;
public synchronized InputStream getInputStream(Range range, RendererConfiguration mediarenderer) throws IOException {
LOGGER.trace("Asked stream chunk : " + range + " of " + getName() + " and player " + player);
// shagrath: small fix, regression on chapters
boolean timeseek_auto = false;
// Ditlew - WDTV Live
// Ditlew - We convert byteoffset to timeoffset here. This needs the stream to be CBR!
int cbr_video_bitrate = mediarenderer.getCBRVideoBitrate();
long low = range.isByteRange() && range.isStartOffsetAvailable() ? range.asByteRange().getStart() : 0;
long high = range.isByteRange() && range.isEndLimitAvailable() ? range.asByteRange().getEnd() : -1;
Range.Time timeRange = range.createTimeRange();
if (player != null && low > 0 && cbr_video_bitrate > 0) {
int used_bit_rated = (int) ((cbr_video_bitrate + 256) * 1024 / (double) 8 * 1.04); // 1.04 = container overhead
if (low > used_bit_rated) {
timeRange.setStart(low / (double) (used_bit_rated));
low = 0;
// WDTV Live - if set to TS it asks multiple times and ends by
// asking for an invalid offset which kills MEncoder
if (timeRange.getStartOrZero() > media.getDurationInSeconds()) {
return null;
// Should we rewind a little (in case our overhead isn't accurate enough)
int rewind_secs = mediarenderer.getByteToTimeseekRewindSeconds();
// shagrath:
timeseek_auto = true;
// Determine source of the stream
if (player == null && !isResume()) {
// No transcoding
if (this instanceof IPushOutput) {
PipedOutputStream out = new PipedOutputStream();
InputStream fis = new PipedInputStream(out);
((IPushOutput) this).push(out);
if (low > 0) {
// http://www.ps3mediaserver.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=12035
return wrap(fis, high, low);
InputStream fis;
if (getFormat() != null && getFormat().isImage() && media != null && media.getOrientation() > 1 && mediarenderer.isAutoRotateBasedOnExif()) {
// seems it's a jpeg file with an orientation setting to take care of
fis = ImagesUtil.getAutoRotateInputStreamImage(getInputStream(), media.getOrientation());
if (fis == null) { // error, let's return the original one
fis = getInputStream();
} else {
fis = getInputStream();
if (fis != null) {
if (low > 0) {
// http://www.ps3mediaserver.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=12035
fis = wrap(fis, high, low);
if (timeRange.getStartOrZero() > 0 && this instanceof RealFile) {
fis.skip(MpegUtil.getPositionForTimeInMpeg(((RealFile) this).getFile(), (int) timeRange.getStartOrZero()));
return fis;
} else {
// Pipe transcoding result
OutputParams params = new OutputParams(configuration);
params.aid = getMediaAudio();
params.sid = media_subtitle;
params.header = getHeaders();
params.mediaRenderer = mediarenderer;
params.timeseek = timeRange.getStartOrZero();
params.timeend = timeRange.getEndOrZero();
params.shift_scr = timeseek_auto;
if (this instanceof IPushOutput) {
params.stdin = (IPushOutput) this;
if (resume != null) {
if (range.isTimeRange()) {
resume.update((Range.Time) range, this);
params.timeseek = (long) (resume.getTimeOffset() / 1000);
if (player == null) {
player = new FFMpegVideo();
if(System.currentTimeMillis() - lastStart < 500) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
LOGGER.error(null, e);
// (Re)start transcoding process if necessary
if (externalProcess == null || externalProcess.isDestroyed()) {
// First playback attempt => start new transcoding process
LOGGER.debug("Starting transcode/remux of " + getName() + " with media info: " + media.toString());
lastStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
externalProcess = player.launchTranscode(this, media, params);
if (params.waitbeforestart > 0) {
LOGGER.trace("Sleeping for {} milliseconds", params.waitbeforestart);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
LOGGER.error(null, e);
LOGGER.trace("Finished sleeping for " + params.waitbeforestart + " milliseconds");
} else if (
params.timeseek > 0 &&
media != null &&
media.isMediaparsed() &&
media.getDurationInSeconds() > 0
) {
// Time seek request => stop running transcode process and start a new one
LOGGER.debug("Requesting time seek: " + params.timeseek + " seconds");
params.minBufferSize = 1;
Runnable r = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
new Thread(r, "External Process Stopper").start();
lastStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
ProcessWrapper newExternalProcess = player.launchTranscode(this, media, params);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
LOGGER.error(null, e);
if (newExternalProcess == null) {
LOGGER.trace("External process instance is null... sounds not good");
externalProcess = newExternalProcess;
if (externalProcess == null) {
return null;
InputStream is = null;
int timer = 0;
while (is == null && timer < 10) {
is = externalProcess.getInputStream(low);
if (is == null) {
LOGGER.debug("External input stream instance is null... sounds not good, waiting 500ms");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// fail fast: don't leave a process running indefinitely if it's
// not producing output after params.waitbeforestart milliseconds + 5 seconds
// this cleans up lingering MEncoder web video transcode processes that hang
// instead of exiting
if (is == null && !externalProcess.isDestroyed()) {
Runnable r = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
LOGGER.error("External input stream instance is null... stopping process");
new Thread(r, "Hanging External Process Stopper").start();
return is;
* Wrap an {@link InputStream} in a {@link SizeLimitInputStream} that sets a
* limit to the maximum number of bytes to be read from the original input
* stream. The number of bytes is determined by the high and low value
* (bytes = high - low). If the high value is less than the low value, the
* input stream is not wrapped and returned as is.
* @param input
* The input stream to wrap.
* @param high
* The high value.
* @param low
* The low value.
* @return The resulting input stream.
private InputStream wrap(InputStream input, long high, long low) {
if (input != null && high > low) {
long bytes = (high - (low < 0 ? 0 : low)) + 1;
LOGGER.trace("Using size-limiting stream (" + bytes + " bytes)");
return new SizeLimitInputStream(input, bytes);
return input;
public String mimeType() {
if (player != null) {
// FIXME: This cannot be right. A player like FFmpeg can output many
// formats depending on the media and the renderer. Also, players are
// singletons. Therefore it is impossible to have exactly one mime
// type to return.
return player.mimeType();
} else if (media != null && media.isMediaparsed()) {
return media.getMimeType();
} else if (getFormat() != null) {
return getFormat().mimeType();
} else {
return getDefaultMimeType(getSpecificType());
* Prototype function. Original comment: need to override if some thumbnail work is to be done when mediaparserv2 enabled
public void checkThumbnail() {
// need to override if some thumbnail work is to be done when mediaparserv2 enabled
* Checks if a thumbnail exists, and, if not, generates one (if possible).
* Called from Request/RequestV2 in response to thumbnail requests e.g. HEAD /get/0$1$0$42$3/thumbnail0000%5BExample.mkv
* Calls DLNAMediaInfo.generateThumbnail, which in turn calls DLNAMediaInfo.parse.
* @param inputFile File to check or generate the thumbnail for.
protected void checkThumbnail(InputFile inputFile) {
if (media != null && !media.isThumbready() && configuration.isThumbnailGenerationEnabled()) {
Double seekPosition = (double) configuration.getThumbnailSeekPos();
if (isResume()) {
Double resumePosition = (double) (resume.getTimeOffset() / 1000);
if (media.getDurationInSeconds() > 0 && resumePosition < media.getDurationInSeconds()) {
seekPosition = resumePosition;
media.generateThumbnail(inputFile, getFormat(), getType(), seekPosition, isResume());
if (media.getThumb() != null && configuration.getUseCache() && inputFile.getFile() != null) {
PMS.get().getDatabase().updateThumbnail(inputFile.getFile().getAbsolutePath(), inputFile.getFile().lastModified(), getType(), media);
* Returns the input stream for this resource's generic thumbnail,
* which is the first of:
* - its Format icon, if any
* - the fallback image, if any
* - the default video icon
* @param fallback
* the fallback image, or null.
* @return The InputStream
* @throws IOException
public InputStream getGenericThumbnailInputStream(String fallback) throws IOException {
String thumb = fallback;
if (format != null && format.getIcon() != null) {
thumb = format.getIcon();
// Thumb could be:
if (thumb != null) {
// A local file
if (new File(thumb).exists()) {
return new FileInputStream(thumb);
// A jar resource
InputStream is;
if ((is = getResourceInputStream(thumb)) != null) {
return is;
// A URL
try {
return downloadAndSend(thumb, true);
} catch (Exception e) {}
// Or none of the above
String defaultThumbnailImage = "images/thumbnail-video-256.png";
if (isFolder()) {
defaultThumbnailImage = "images/thumbnail-folder-256.png";
if (defaultRenderer != null && defaultRenderer.isForceJPGThumbnails()) {
defaultThumbnailImage = "images/thumbnail-folder-120.jpg";
} else if (defaultRenderer != null && defaultRenderer.isForceJPGThumbnails()) {
defaultThumbnailImage = "images/thumbnail-video-120.jpg";
return getResourceInputStream(defaultThumbnailImage);
* Returns the input stream for this resource's thumbnail
* (or a default image if a thumbnail can't be found).
* Typically overridden by a subclass.
* @return The InputStream
* @throws IOException
public InputStream getThumbnailInputStream() throws IOException {
String id = null;
if (media_audio != null) {
id = media_audio.getLang();
if (media_subtitle != null && media_subtitle.getId() != -1) {
id = media_subtitle.getLang();
if ((media_subtitle != null || media_audio != null) && StringUtils.isBlank(id)) {
id = DLNAMediaLang.UND;
if (id != null) {
String code = Iso639.getISO639_2Code(id.toLowerCase());
return getResourceInputStream("/images/codes/" + code + ".png");
if (isAvisynth()) {
return getResourceInputStream("/images/logo-avisynth.png");
return getGenericThumbnailInputStream(null);
public String getThumbnailContentType() {
return HTTPResource.JPEG_TYPEMIME;
public int getType() {
if (getFormat() != null) {
return getFormat().getType();
} else {
return Format.UNKNOWN;
* Prototype function.
* @return true if child can be added to other folder.
* @see #addChild(DLNAResource)
public abstract boolean isValid();
public boolean allowScan() {
return false;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString() {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
result.append(" [id=");
result.append(", name=");
result.append(", full path=");
result.append(", ext=");
result.append(", discovered=");
return result.toString();
* Returns the specific type of resource. Valid types are defined in {@link Format}.
* @return The specific type
protected int getSpecificType() {
return specificType;
* Set the specific type of this resource. Valid types are defined in {@link Format}.
* @param specificType The specific type to set.
protected void setSpecificType(int specificType) {
this.specificType = specificType;
* Returns the {@link Format} of this resource, which defines its capabilities.
* @return The format of this resource.
public Format getFormat() {
return format;
* Sets the {@link Format} of this resource, thereby defining its capabilities.
* @param format The format to set.
protected void setFormat(Format format) {
this.format = format;
// Set deprecated variable for backwards compatibility
ext = format;
* @deprecated Use {@link #getFormat()} instead.
* @return The format of this resource.
public Format getExt() {
return getFormat();
* @deprecated Use {@link #setFormat(Format)} instead.
* @param format The format to set.
protected void setExt(Format format) {
* Returns the {@link DLNAMediaInfo} object for this resource, containing the
* specifics of this resource, e.g. the duration.
* @return The object containing detailed information.
public DLNAMediaInfo getMedia() {
return media;
* Sets the the {@link DLNAMediaInfo} object that contains all specifics for
* this resource.
* @param media The object containing detailed information.
* @since 1.50
public void setMedia(DLNAMediaInfo media) {
this.media = media;
* Returns the {@link DLNAMediaAudio} object for this resource that contains
* the audio specifics. A resource can have many audio tracks, this method
* returns the one that should be played.
* @return The audio object containing detailed information.
* @since 1.50
public DLNAMediaAudio getMediaAudio() {
return media_audio;
* Sets the {@link DLNAMediaAudio} object for this resource that contains
* the audio specifics. A resource can have many audio tracks, this method
* determines the one that should be played.
* @param mediaAudio The audio object containing detailed information.
* @since 1.50
protected void setMediaAudio(DLNAMediaAudio mediaAudio) {
this.media_audio = mediaAudio;
* Returns the {@link DLNAMediaSubtitle} object for this resource that
* contains the specifics for the subtitles. A resource can have many
* subtitles, this method returns the one that should be displayed.
* @return The subtitle object containing detailed information.
* @since 1.50
public DLNAMediaSubtitle getMediaSubtitle() {
return media_subtitle;
* Sets the {@link DLNAMediaSubtitle} object for this resource that
* contains the specifics for the subtitles. A resource can have many
* subtitles, this method determines the one that should be used.
* @param mediaSubtitle The subtitle object containing detailed information.
* @since 1.50
protected void setMediaSubtitle(DLNAMediaSubtitle mediaSubtitle) {
this.media_subtitle = mediaSubtitle;
* @deprecated Use {@link #getLastModified()} instead.
* Returns the timestamp at which this resource was last modified.
* @return The timestamp.
public long getLastmodified() {
return getLastModified();
* Returns the timestamp at which this resource was last modified.
* @return The timestamp.
* @since 1.71.0
public long getLastModified() {
return lastmodified; // TODO rename lastmodified -> lastModified
* @deprecated Use {@link #setLastModified(long)} instead.
* Sets the timestamp at which this resource was last modified.
* @param lastModified The timestamp to set.
* @since 1.50
protected void setLastmodified(long lastModified) {
* Sets the timestamp at which this resource was last modified.
* @param lastModified The timestamp to set.
* @since 1.71.0
protected void setLastModified(long lastModified) {
this.lastmodified = lastModified; // TODO rename lastmodified -> lastModified
* Returns the {@link Player} object that is used to encode this resource
* for the renderer. Can be null.
* @return The player object.
public Player getPlayer() {
return player;
* Sets the {@link Player} object that is to be used to encode this
* resource for the renderer. The player object can be null.
* @param player The player object to set.
* @since 1.50
public void setPlayer(Player player) {
this.player = player;
* Returns true when the details of this resource have already been
* investigated. This helps is not doing the same work twice.
* @return True if discovered, false otherwise.
public boolean isDiscovered() {
return discovered;
* Set to true when the details of this resource have already been
* investigated. This helps is not doing the same work twice.
* @param discovered Set to true if this resource is discovered,
* false otherwise.
* @since 1.50
protected void setDiscovered(boolean discovered) {
this.discovered = discovered;
* @Deprecated use {@link #isSubsFile()} instead
protected boolean isSrtFile() {
return isSubsFile();
* Returns true if this resource has subtitles in a file.
* @return the srtFile
* @since 1.50
protected boolean isSubsFile() {
return srtFile;
* @Deprecated use {@link #setSubsFile()} instead
protected void setSrtFile(boolean srtFile) {
* Set to true if this resource has subtitles in a file.
* @param srtFile the srtFile to set
* @since 1.50
protected void setSubsFile(boolean srtFile) {
this.srtFile = srtFile;
* Returns the update counter for this resource. When the resource needs
* to be refreshed, its counter is updated.
* @return The update counter.
* @see #notifyRefresh()
public int getUpdateId() {
return updateId;
* Sets the update counter for this resource. When the resource needs
* to be refreshed, its counter should be updated.
* @param updateId The counter value to set.
* @since 1.50
protected void setUpdateId(int updateId) {
this.updateId = updateId;
* Returns the update counter for all resources. When all resources need
* to be refreshed, this counter is updated.
* @return The system update counter.
* @since 1.50
public static int getSystemUpdateId() {
return systemUpdateId;
* Sets the update counter for all resources. When all resources need
* to be refreshed, this counter should be updated.
* @param systemUpdateId The system update counter to set.
* @since 1.50
public static void setSystemUpdateId(int systemUpdateId) {
DLNAResource.systemUpdateId = systemUpdateId;
* Returns whether or not this is a nameless resource.
* @return True if the resource is nameless.
public boolean isNoName() {
return noName;
* Sets whether or not this is a nameless resource. This is particularly
* useful in the virtual TRANSCODE folder for a file, where the same file
* is copied many times with different audio and subtitle settings. In that
* case the name of the file becomes irrelevant and only the settings
* need to be shown.
* @param noName Set to true if the resource is nameless.
* @since 1.50
protected void setNoName(boolean noName) {
this.noName = noName;
* Returns the from - to time range for this resource.
* @return The time range.
public Range.Time getSplitRange() {
return splitRange;
* Sets the from - to time range for this resource.
* @param splitRange The time range to set.
* @since 1.50
protected void setSplitRange(Range.Time splitRange) {
this.splitRange = splitRange;
* Returns the number of the track to split from this resource.
* @return the splitTrack
* @since 1.50
protected int getSplitTrack() {
return splitTrack;
* Sets the number of the track from this resource to split.
* @param splitTrack The track number.
* @since 1.50
protected void setSplitTrack(int splitTrack) {
this.splitTrack = splitTrack;
* Returns the default renderer configuration for this resource.
* @return The default renderer configuration.
* @since 1.50
public RendererConfiguration getDefaultRenderer() {
return defaultRenderer;
* Sets the default renderer configuration for this resource.
* @param defaultRenderer The default renderer configuration to set.
* @since 1.50
public void setDefaultRenderer(RendererConfiguration defaultRenderer) {
this.defaultRenderer = defaultRenderer;
* Returns whether or not this resource is handled by AviSynth.
* @return True if handled by AviSynth, otherwise false.
* @since 1.50
protected boolean isAvisynth() {
return avisynth;
* Sets whether or not this resource is handled by AviSynth.
* @param avisynth Set to true if handled by Avisyth, otherwise false.
* @since 1.50
protected void setAvisynth(boolean avisynth) {
this.avisynth = avisynth;
* Returns true if transcoding should be skipped for this resource.
* @return True if transcoding should be skipped, false otherwise.
* @since 1.50
protected boolean isSkipTranscode() {
return skipTranscode;
* Set to true if transcoding should be skipped for this resource.
* @param skipTranscode Set to true if trancoding should be skipped, false
* otherwise.
* @since 1.50
protected void setSkipTranscode(boolean skipTranscode) {
this.skipTranscode = skipTranscode;
* Returns the list of children for this resource.
* @return List of children objects.
public List<DLNAResource> getChildren() {
return children;
* Sets the list of children for this resource.
* @param children The list of children to set.
* @since 1.50
protected void setChildren(List<DLNAResource> children) {
this.children = children;
* @deprecated use {@link #getLastChildId()} instead.
protected int getLastChildrenId() {
return getLastChildId();
* Returns the numerical ID of the last child added.
* @return The ID.
* @since 1.80.0
protected int getLastChildId() {
return lastChildrenId;
* @deprecated use {@link #setLastChildId(int)} instead.
protected void setLastChildrenId(int lastChildId) {
* Sets the numerical ID of the last child added.
* @param lastChildId The ID to set.
* @since 1.80.0
protected void setLastChildId(int lastChildId) {
this.lastChildrenId = lastChildId;
* Returns the timestamp when this resource was last refreshed.
* @return The timestamp.
long getLastRefreshTime() {
return lastRefreshTime;
* Sets the timestamp when this resource was last refreshed.
* @param lastRefreshTime The timestamp to set.
* @since 1.50
protected void setLastRefreshTime(long lastRefreshTime) {
this.lastRefreshTime = lastRefreshTime;
private static final int DEPTH_WARNING_LIMIT = 7;
private boolean depthLimit() {
DLNAResource tmp = this;
int depth = 0;
while (tmp != null) {
tmp = tmp.parent;
return (depth > DEPTH_WARNING_LIMIT);
public boolean isSearched() {
return false;
public byte[] getHeaders() {
return null;
public void attach(String key, Object data) {
if (attachments == null) {
attachments = new HashMap<>();
attachments.put(key, data);
public Object getAttachment(String key) {
return attachments == null ? null : attachments.get(key);
public boolean isURLResolved() {
return false;
// Subtitle handling
private SubSelect getSubSelector(boolean create) {
if (
configuration.isDisableSubtitles() ||
!configuration.isAutoloadExternalSubtitles() ||
) {
return null;
// Search for transcode folder
for (DLNAResource r : children) {
if (r instanceof SubSelect) {
return (SubSelect) r;
if (create) {
SubSelect vf = new SubSelect();
return vf;
return null;
public boolean isSubSelectable() {
return false;
private boolean liveSubs(DLNAResource r) {
DLNAMediaSubtitle s = r.media_subtitle;
if (s != null) {
return StringUtils.isNotEmpty(s.getLiveSubURL());
return false;
// Resume handling
private ResumeObj resume;
private int resHash;
private long startTime;
private void internalStop() {
DLNAResource res = resumeStop();
final RootFolder root = ((defaultRenderer != null) ? defaultRenderer.getRootFolder() : null);
if (root != null) {
if (res == null) {
res = this.clone();
} else {
res = res.clone();
public int resumeHash() {
return resHash;
public ResumeObj getResume() {
return resume;
public void setResume(ResumeObj r) {
resume = r;
public boolean isResumeable() {
if (format != null) {
// Only resume videos
return format.isVideo();
return true;
private DLNAResource resumeStop() {
if (!configuration.isResumeEnabled() || !isResumeable()) {
return null;
if (resume != null) {
resume.stop(startTime, (long) (media.getDurationInSeconds() * 1000));
if (resume.isDone()) {
} else if (getMedia() != null) {
} else {
for (DLNAResource res : parent.getChildren()) {
if (res.isResume() && res.getName().equals(getName())) {
res.resume.stop(startTime, (long) (media.getDurationInSeconds() * 1000));
if (res.resume.isDone()) {
return null;
if (res.getMedia() != null) {
return res;
ResumeObj r = ResumeObj.store(this, startTime);
if (r != null) {
DLNAResource clone = this.clone();
clone.resume = r;
clone.resHash = resHash;
if (clone.media != null) {
clone.player = player;
return clone;
return null;
public final boolean isResume() {
return isResumeable() && (resume != null);
public int minPlayTime() {
return configuration.getMinPlayTime();
private String resumeStr(String s) {
if (isResume()) {
return Messages.getString("PMS.134") + ": " + s;
} else {
return s;
public String resumeName() {
return resumeStr(getDisplayName());
* Handle last played stuff
* This method should be overridden by all media types that should be
* added to the last played list.
* By default it just returns null which means the resource is ignored
* in the last played file.
public String write() {
return null;
private ExternalListener masterParent;
public void setMasterParent(ExternalListener r) {
if (masterParent == null) {
// If master is already set ignore this
masterParent = r;
public ExternalListener getMasterParent() {
return masterParent;