Copyright 2008 WebAtlas
Authors : Mathieu Bastian, Mathieu Jacomy, Julian Bilcke
Website : http://www.gephi.org
This file is part of Gephi.
Gephi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Gephi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Gephi. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.gephi.plugins.layout.geo;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.gephi.graph.api.Graph;
import org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel;
import org.gephi.graph.api.Node;
import org.gephi.graph.spi.LayoutData;
import org.gephi.layout.spi.Layout;
import org.gephi.layout.spi.LayoutBuilder;
import org.gephi.layout.spi.LayoutProperty;
import org.gephi.ui.propertyeditor.NodeColumnNumbersEditor;
import org.openide.util.Lookup;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
import org.gephi.dynamic.api.*;
import org.gephi.data.attributes.type.*;
import org.gephi.data.attributes.api.*;
* @author Alexis Jacomy
public class GeoLayout implements Layout {
private GeoLayoutBuilder builder;
private GraphModel graphModel;
private boolean cancel;
private double focal = 150;
private double scale = 1000;
private boolean centered = true;
private AttributeColumn latitude;
private AttributeColumn longitude;
private boolean radian = false;
private String projection = "Mercator";
public static String[] rows = {"Mercator","Transverse Mercator","Miller cylindrical","Gall–Peters","Sinusoidal","Lambert cylindrical","Equirectangular","Winkel tripel"};
public GeoLayout(GeoLayoutBuilder builder) {
this.builder = builder;
public void resetPropertiesValues() {
AttributeModel attModel = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(AttributeController.class).getModel();
for (AttributeColumn c : attModel.getNodeTable().getColumns()) {
if (c.getId().equalsIgnoreCase("latitude")
|| c.getId().equalsIgnoreCase("lat")
|| c.getTitle().equalsIgnoreCase("latitude")
|| c.getTitle().equalsIgnoreCase("lat")) {
latitude = c;
} else if (c.getId().equalsIgnoreCase("longitude")
|| c.getId().equalsIgnoreCase("lon")
|| c.getTitle().equalsIgnoreCase("longitude")
|| c.getTitle().equalsIgnoreCase("lon")) {
longitude = c;
public void initAlgo() {
cancel = false;
public void goAlgo() {
double lon = 0;
double lat = 0;
float nodeX = 0;
float nodeY = 0;
float averageX = 0;
float averageY = 0;
Graph gr = graphModel.getGraph();
// try to handle dynamics
DynamicController dc = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(DynamicController.class);
DynamicModel dm = dc.getModel();
boolean isDynamic = dm.isDynamicGraph();
Graph graph = null;
Estimator estimator = null;
TimeInterval timeInt = null;
Interval currentInt = null;
if ( isDynamic ) {
DynamicGraph dg = dm.createDynamicGraph(gr);
timeInt = dm.getVisibleInterval();
// Presumably the graph at the given time interval
graph = dg.getSnapshotGraph(timeInt.getLow(), timeInt.getHigh());
estimator = dm.getEstimator();
// Handy for converting DynamicDouble to appropriate primitive
currentInt = new Interval(timeInt.getLow(), timeInt.getHigh());
} else {
graph = gr;
Node[] nodes = graph.getNodes().toArray();
Vector<Node> validNodes = new Vector<Node>();
Vector<Node> unvalidNodes = new Vector<Node>();
// Set valid and non valid nodes:
for(Node n: nodes){
AttributeRow row = (AttributeRow) n.getNodeData().getAttributes();
if(row.getValue(latitude)!=null && row.getValue(longitude)!=null){
// Mercantor
double lambda0 = 0;
//determine lambda0:
for(Node n: validNodes){
AttributeRow row = (AttributeRow) n.getNodeData().getAttributes();
if ( isDynamic ) {
lon = ((DynamicDouble)row.getValue(longitude)).getValue(currentInt, estimator);
} else {
lon = ((Number) row.getValue(longitude)).doubleValue();
lambda0 += lon;
lambda0 = lambda0/validNodes.size();
lambda0 = Math.toRadians(lambda0);
//apply the formula:
for(Node n: validNodes){
if (n.getNodeData().getLayoutData() == null || !(n.getNodeData().getLayoutData() instanceof GeoLayoutData)) {
n.getNodeData().setLayoutData(new GeoLayoutData());
AttributeRow row = (AttributeRow) n.getNodeData().getAttributes();
if ( isDynamic ) {
lat = ((DynamicDouble)row.getValue(latitude)).getValue(currentInt, estimator);
lon = ((DynamicDouble)row.getValue(longitude)).getValue(currentInt, estimator);
} else {
lat = ((Number) row.getValue(latitude)).doubleValue();
lon = ((Number) row.getValue(longitude)).doubleValue();
lat = Math.toRadians(lat);
lon = Math.toRadians(lon);
nodeX = (float)((lon-lambda0)*scale);
nodeY = (float)((Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI/4+lat/2)))*scale);
averageX += nodeX;
averageY += nodeY;
averageX = averageX/validNodes.size();
averageY = averageY/validNodes.size();
// Transverse Mercantor
else if(projection.equals("Transverse Mercator")){
//apply the formula:
for(Node n: validNodes){
if (n.getNodeData().getLayoutData() == null || !(n.getNodeData().getLayoutData() instanceof GeoLayoutData)) {
n.getNodeData().setLayoutData(new GeoLayoutData());
AttributeRow row = (AttributeRow) n.getNodeData().getAttributes();
if ( isDynamic ) {
lat = ((DynamicDouble)row.getValue(latitude)).getValue(currentInt, estimator);
lon = ((DynamicDouble)row.getValue(longitude)).getValue(currentInt, estimator);
} else {
lat = ((Number) row.getValue(latitude)).doubleValue();
lon = ((Number) row.getValue(longitude)).doubleValue();
lat = Math.toRadians(lat);
lon = Math.toRadians(lon);
nodeX = (float)(lon*scale);
nodeY = (float)(scale/2*Math.log((1+Math.sin(lat))/(1-Math.sin(lat))));
averageX += nodeX;
averageY += nodeY;
averageX = averageX/validNodes.size();
averageY = averageY/validNodes.size();
// Miller cylindrical
else if(projection.equals("Miller cylindrical")){
//apply the formula:
for(Node n: validNodes){
if (n.getNodeData().getLayoutData() == null || !(n.getNodeData().getLayoutData() instanceof GeoLayoutData)) {
n.getNodeData().setLayoutData(new GeoLayoutData());
AttributeRow row = (AttributeRow) n.getNodeData().getAttributes();
if ( isDynamic ) {
lat = ((DynamicDouble)row.getValue(latitude)).getValue(currentInt, estimator);
lon = ((DynamicDouble)row.getValue(longitude)).getValue(currentInt, estimator);
} else {
lat = ((Number) row.getValue(latitude)).doubleValue();
lon = ((Number) row.getValue(longitude)).doubleValue();
lat = Math.toRadians(lat);
lon = Math.toRadians(lon);
nodeX = (float)(lon*scale);
nodeY = (float)(Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI/4+2*lat/5))*scale*5/4);
averageX += nodeX;
averageY += nodeY;
averageX = averageX/validNodes.size();
averageY = averageY/validNodes.size();
// Gall–Peters
else if(projection.equals("Gall–Peters")){
//apply the formula:
for(Node n: validNodes){
if (n.getNodeData().getLayoutData() == null || !(n.getNodeData().getLayoutData() instanceof GeoLayoutData)) {
n.getNodeData().setLayoutData(new GeoLayoutData());
AttributeRow row = (AttributeRow) n.getNodeData().getAttributes();
if ( isDynamic ) {
lat = ((DynamicDouble)row.getValue(latitude)).getValue(currentInt, estimator);
lon = ((DynamicDouble)row.getValue(longitude)).getValue(currentInt, estimator);
} else {
lat = ((Number) row.getValue(latitude)).doubleValue();
lon = ((Number) row.getValue(longitude)).doubleValue();
lat = Math.toRadians(lat);
lon = Math.toRadians(lon);
nodeX = (float)(lon*scale);
nodeY = (float)(2*scale*Math.sin(lat));
averageX += nodeX;
averageY += nodeY;
averageX = averageX/validNodes.size();
averageY = averageY/validNodes.size();
// Sinusoidal
else if(projection.equals("Sinusoidal")){
double lambda0 = 0;
//determine lambda0:
for(Node n: validNodes){
AttributeRow row = (AttributeRow) n.getNodeData().getAttributes();
lon = ((Number) row.getValue(longitude)).doubleValue();
lambda0 += lon;
lambda0 = lambda0/validNodes.size();
lambda0 = Math.toRadians(lambda0);
//apply the formula:
for(Node n: validNodes){
if (n.getNodeData().getLayoutData() == null || !(n.getNodeData().getLayoutData() instanceof GeoLayoutData)) {
n.getNodeData().setLayoutData(new GeoLayoutData());
AttributeRow row = (AttributeRow) n.getNodeData().getAttributes();
if ( isDynamic ) {
lat = ((DynamicDouble)row.getValue(latitude)).getValue(currentInt, estimator);
lon = ((DynamicDouble)row.getValue(longitude)).getValue(currentInt, estimator);
} else {
lat = ((Number) row.getValue(latitude)).doubleValue();
lon = ((Number) row.getValue(longitude)).doubleValue();
lat = Math.toRadians(lat);
lon = Math.toRadians(lon);
nodeX = (float)((lon-lambda0)*Math.cos(lat)*scale);
nodeY = (float)(scale*lat);
averageX += nodeX;
averageY += nodeY;
averageX = averageX/validNodes.size();
averageY = averageY/validNodes.size();
// Lambert cylindrical equal-area
else if(projection.equals("Lambert cylindrical")){
double lambda0 = 0;
double phi0 = 0;
//determine lambda0:
for(Node n: validNodes){
AttributeRow row = (AttributeRow) n.getNodeData().getAttributes();
lat = ((Number) row.getValue(latitude)).doubleValue();
lon = ((Number) row.getValue(longitude)).doubleValue();
lambda0 += lon;
phi0 += lat;
lambda0 = lambda0/validNodes.size();
phi0 = phi0/validNodes.size();
lambda0 = Math.toRadians(lambda0);
phi0 = Math.toRadians(phi0);
//apply the formula:
for(Node n: validNodes){
if (n.getNodeData().getLayoutData() == null || !(n.getNodeData().getLayoutData() instanceof GeoLayoutData)) {
n.getNodeData().setLayoutData(new GeoLayoutData());
AttributeRow row = (AttributeRow) n.getNodeData().getAttributes();
if ( isDynamic ) {
lat = ((DynamicDouble)row.getValue(latitude)).getValue(currentInt, estimator);
lon = ((DynamicDouble)row.getValue(longitude)).getValue(currentInt, estimator);
} else {
lat = ((Number) row.getValue(latitude)).doubleValue();
lon = ((Number) row.getValue(longitude)).doubleValue();
lat = Math.toRadians(lat);
lon = Math.toRadians(lon);
nodeX = (float)((lon-lambda0)*Math.cos(phi0)*scale);
nodeY = (float)(scale*Math.sin(lat)/Math.cos(phi0));
averageX += nodeX;
averageY += nodeY;
averageX = averageX/validNodes.size();
averageY = averageY/validNodes.size();
// Equirectangular
else if(projection.equals("Equirectangular")){
//apply the formula:
for(Node n: validNodes){
if (n.getNodeData().getLayoutData() == null || !(n.getNodeData().getLayoutData() instanceof GeoLayoutData)) {
n.getNodeData().setLayoutData(new GeoLayoutData());
AttributeRow row = (AttributeRow) n.getNodeData().getAttributes();
if ( isDynamic ) {
lat = ((DynamicDouble)row.getValue(latitude)).getValue(currentInt, estimator);
lon = ((DynamicDouble)row.getValue(longitude)).getValue(currentInt, estimator);
} else {
lat = ((Number) row.getValue(latitude)).doubleValue();
lon = ((Number) row.getValue(longitude)).doubleValue();
lat = Math.toRadians(lat);
lon = Math.toRadians(lon);
nodeX = (float)(scale*lon);
nodeY = (float)(scale*lat);
averageX += nodeX;
averageY += nodeY;
averageX = averageX/validNodes.size();
averageY = averageY/validNodes.size();
// Winkel tripel
else if(projection.equals("Winkel tripel")){
double alpha = 0;
//apply the formula:
for(Node n: validNodes){
if (n.getNodeData().getLayoutData() == null || !(n.getNodeData().getLayoutData() instanceof GeoLayoutData)) {
n.getNodeData().setLayoutData(new GeoLayoutData());
AttributeRow row = (AttributeRow) n.getNodeData().getAttributes();
if ( isDynamic ) {
lat = ((DynamicDouble)row.getValue(latitude)).getValue(currentInt, estimator);
lon = ((DynamicDouble)row.getValue(longitude)).getValue(currentInt, estimator);
} else {
lat = ((Number) row.getValue(latitude)).doubleValue();
lon = ((Number) row.getValue(longitude)).doubleValue();
lat = Math.toRadians(lat);
lon = Math.toRadians(lon);
alpha = Math.acos(Math.cos(lon/2)*2/Math.PI);
nodeX = (float)(scale*((lon*2/Math.PI)+(2*Math.cos(lat)*Math.sin(lon/2)*alpha/Math.sin(alpha))));
nodeY = (float)(scale*(lat+Math.sin(lat)*alpha/Math.sin(alpha)));
averageX += nodeX;
averageY += nodeY;
averageX = averageX/validNodes.size();
averageY = averageY/validNodes.size();
if(validNodes.size()>0 && unvalidNodes.size()>0){
Node tempNode = validNodes.elementAt(0);
double xMin = tempNode.getNodeData().x();
double xMax = tempNode.getNodeData().x();
double yMin = tempNode.getNodeData().y();
double xTemp = 0;
double yTemp = 0;
for(Node n: validNodes){
xTemp = n.getNodeData().x();
yTemp = n.getNodeData().y();
if(xTemp<xMin) xMin = xTemp;
if(xTemp>xMax) xMax = xTemp;
if(yTemp<yMin) yMin = yTemp;
double i=0;
double step=(xMax-xMin)/(unvalidNodes.size()-1);
for(Node n: unvalidNodes){
n.getNodeData().setX((float) (xMin+i*step));
n.getNodeData().setY((float) (yMin-step));
tempNode = unvalidNodes.elementAt(0);
//recenter the graph
for(Node n: nodes){
nodeX = n.getNodeData().x() - averageX;
nodeY = n.getNodeData().y() - averageY;
cancel = true;
public void endAlgo() {
public boolean canAlgo() {
return !cancel && latitude != null && longitude != null;
public LayoutProperty[] getProperties() {
List<LayoutProperty> properties = new ArrayList<LayoutProperty>();
final String GEOLAYOUT = "Geo Layout";
try {
this, Double.class,
NbBundle.getMessage(GeoLayout.class, "GeoLayout.scale.name"),
NbBundle.getMessage(GeoLayout.class, "GeoLayout.scale.desc"),
"getScale", "setScale"));
this, AttributeColumn.class,
NbBundle.getMessage(GeoLayout.class, "GeoLayout.latitude.name"),
NbBundle.getMessage(GeoLayout.class, "GeoLayout.latitude.desc"),
"getLatitude", "setLatitude", NodeColumnNumbersEditor.class));
this, AttributeColumn.class,
NbBundle.getMessage(GeoLayout.class, "GeoLayout.longitude.name"),
NbBundle.getMessage(GeoLayout.class, "GeoLayout.longitude.desc"),
"getLongitude", "setLongitude", NodeColumnNumbersEditor.class));
this, String.class,
NbBundle.getMessage(GeoLayout.class, "GeoLayout.projection.name"),
NbBundle.getMessage(GeoLayout.class, "GeoLayout.projection.desc"),
"getProjection", "setProjection", CustomComboBoxEditor.class));
this, Boolean.class,
NbBundle.getMessage(GeoLayout.class, "GeoLayout.centered.name"),
NbBundle.getMessage(GeoLayout.class, "GeoLayout.centered.desc"),
"isCentered", "setCentered"));
} catch (Exception e) {
return properties.toArray(new LayoutProperty[0]);
public Boolean isCentered() {
return centered;
public void setCentered(Boolean centered) {
this.centered = centered;
public String getProjection() {
return projection;
public void setProjection(String projection) {
this.projection = projection;
public void setGraphModel(GraphModel graphModel) {
this.graphModel = graphModel;
public LayoutBuilder getBuilder() {
return builder;
public Double getScale() {
return scale;
public void setScale(Double scale) {
this.scale = scale;
public AttributeColumn getLatitude() {
return latitude;
public void setLatitude(AttributeColumn latitude) {
this.latitude = latitude;
public AttributeColumn getLongitude() {
return longitude;
public void setLongitude(AttributeColumn longitude) {
this.longitude = longitude;
private static class GeoLayoutData implements LayoutData {
public double x = 0f;
public double y = 0f;