Package org.acme.example

Source Code of org.acme.example.MultiColPolicyTest$OnStiltsView

package org.acme.example;

import gov.nasa.arc.mct.components.AbstractComponent;
import gov.nasa.arc.mct.gui.View;
import gov.nasa.arc.mct.policy.ExecutionResult;
import gov.nasa.arc.mct.policy.Policy;
import gov.nasa.arc.mct.policy.PolicyContext;

import org.acme.example.policy.MultiColViewPolicy;
import org.acme.example.view.MultiColView;
import org.mockito.Mockito;
import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

* We test the execution of the policy associated with the multi-column view
* @author Harleigh
public class MultiColPolicyTest {

  private Policy policy;      //This policy will be a MultiColView policy
  private PolicyContext context;  //Note: PolicyContext is 'final' and so can not be mocked
  public void setup() {
    policy = new MultiColViewPolicy();
    context = new PolicyContext();
  /*Testing the execution of the MultiColView policy.  We are testing for the following behavior:
   * *When the viewClass context is MultiColView.class:
   *      -Components which are leaves may not be viewed by MultiColView; hence
   *       the policy should return false.
   *      -Components which are not leaves are viewable by MultiColView; hence
   *       the policy should return true.
   * *When the viewClass context is not MultiColView.class:
   *      -The policy should always return true (regardless of whether the component
   *       is or is not a leaf.
  public void testExecute() {
    ExecutionResult result = null;
    AbstractComponent mockComp = Mockito.mock(AbstractComponent.class);
    ViewInfo mockViewInfo = Mockito.mock(ViewInfo.class);
     * From (the below two lines), calling getProperty with the key 'PolicyContext.PropertyName.TARGET_COMPONENT.getName()'
     * returns our mocked component. Similarly calling getProperty with the key
     * 'PolicyContext.PropertyName.TARGET_VIEW_INFO.getName()' returns our mocked viewInfo.
    context.setProperty(PolicyContext.PropertyName.TARGET_COMPONENT.getName(), mockComp);
    context.setProperty(PolicyContext.PropertyName.TARGET_VIEW_INFO.getName(), mockViewInfo);

    //Now we test:

    /*Two tests (for leaf and non-leaf components) when the ViewInfo is from the MultiColView class*/
      //(1) Test for leaf-components:
        Mockito.when(mockComp.isLeaf()).thenReturn(true)//mocked component is a leaf
      result = policy.execute(context)//context is: the component is a leaf, and the viewInfo is from MultiColView
      Assert.assertEquals(result.getStatus(), false);    //components which are leaves may not be viewed wrt MultiColView
      //---end test on leaf-components
      //(2) Test for non-leaf components:
        Mockito.when(mockComp.isLeaf()).thenReturn(false)//mocked component is not a leaf
      result = policy.execute(context);          //context is: the component is a leaf, and the viewInfo is from MultiColView
      Assert.assertEquals(result.getStatus(), true);    //components which are leaves are viewable wrt MultiColView
      //---end test on non-leaf components
    /*Two tests (for leaf and non-leaf components) when the ViewInfo is not from the MultiColView class*/
      //(1) Test for leaf-components:
        Mockito.when(mockComp.isLeaf()).thenReturn(true)//mocked component is a leaf
      result = policy.execute(context)//context is: the component is a leaf, and the viewInfo is not from MultiColView
      Assert.assertEquals(result.getStatus(), true);    //policy should return true for views that are not MultiCol views
      //---end test on leaf-components
      //(2) Test for non-leaf components:
        Mockito.when(mockComp.isLeaf()).thenReturn(false)//mocked component is not a leaf
      result = policy.execute(context);          //context is: the component is a leaf, and the viewInfo is not from MultiColView
      Assert.assertEquals(result.getStatus(), true);    //policy should return true for views that are not MultiCol views
      //---end test on non-leaf components
   * This exists so we can test the MultiColView policy when executing the policy when the context has the viewInfo not being-from
   * the MultiCol class.  That is  we just needed a view which is not the view of the MultiColView class (Also, when you are on stilts,
   * your view is extended)
  private class OnStiltsView extends View {}

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