* This file is part of Bitcask Java
* Copyright (c) 2011 by Trifork
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.trifork.bitcask;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileFilter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
import com.trifork.bitcask.BitCaskLock.Type;
public class BitCask {
private static final ByteString TOMBSTONE = ByteString
/** bc_state */
File dirname;
BitCaskFile write_file = BitCaskFile.FRESH_FILE;
BitCaskLock write_lock;
Map<File, BitCaskFile> read_files = new HashMap<File, BitCaskFile>();
long max_file_size;
BitCaskOptions opts;
BitCaskKeyDir keydir;
public static BitCask open(File dirname, BitCaskOptions opts)
throws Exception {
BitCask result = new BitCask();
BitCaskFile.ensuredir(new File(dirname, "bitcask"));
if (opts.is_read_write()) {
BitCaskLock.delete_stale_lock(Type.WRITE, dirname);
result.write_file = BitCaskFile.FRESH_FILE;
result.dirname = dirname;
BitCaskKeyDir keydir;
keydir = BitCaskKeyDir.keydir_new(dirname, opts.open_timeout_secs);
result.keydir = keydir;
if (!keydir.is_ready()) {
File[] files = result.readable_files();
BitCask.scan_key_files(files, keydir);
result.max_file_size = opts.max_file_size;
result.dirname = dirname;
result.opts = opts;
return result;
public void close() throws IOException {
// release?
keydir = null;
for (BitCaskFile read_file : read_files.values()) {
if (write_file == null || write_file == BitCaskFile.FRESH_FILE) {
// ok
} else {
public void put(ByteString key, ByteString value) throws IOException {
if (write_file == null) {
throw new IOException("read only");
switch (write_file.check_write(key, value, max_file_size)) {
case WRAP: {
BitCaskFile last_write_file = write_file;
BitCaskFile nwf = BitCaskFile.create(dirname);
write_file = nwf;
read_files.put(last_write_file.filename, last_write_file);
case FRESH:
// time to start our first write file
BitCaskLock wl = BitCaskLock.acquire(Type.WRITE, dirname);
BitCaskFile nwf = BitCaskFile.create(dirname);
this.write_lock = wl;
this.write_file = nwf;
case OK:
// we're good to go
BitCaskEntry entry = write_file.write(key, value);
keydir.put(key, entry);
public ByteString get(ByteString key) throws IOException {
return get(key, 2);
private ByteString get(ByteString key, int try_num) throws IOException {
BitCaskEntry entry = keydir.get(key);
if (entry == null) {
return null;
if (entry.tstamp < opts.expiry_time()) {
return null;
BitCaskFile file_state = get_filestate(entry.file_id);
/** merging deleted file between keydir.get and here */
if (file_state == null) {
return get(key, try_num - 1);
ByteString[] kv = file_state.read(entry.offset, entry.total_sz);
if (kv[1].equals(TOMBSTONE)) {
return null;
} else {
return kv[1];
private BitCaskFile get_filestate(int fileId) throws IOException {
File fname = BitCaskFile.mk_filename(dirname, fileId);
BitCaskFile f = read_files.get(fname);
if (f != null) {
return f;
f = BitCaskFile.open(dirname, fileId);
read_files.put(fname, f);
return f;
private static final Comparator<? super File> REVERSE_DATA_FILE_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<File>() {
public int compare(File file0, File file1) {
int i0 = BitCaskFile.tstamp(file0);
int i1 = BitCaskFile.tstamp(file1);
if (i0 < i1)
return 1;
if (i0 == i1)
return 0;
return -1;
File[] readable_files() {
final File writing_file = BitCaskLock.read_activefile(Type.WRITE,
final File merging_file = BitCaskLock.read_activefile(Type.MERGE,
return list_data_files(writing_file, merging_file);
static Pattern DATA_FILE = Pattern.compile("[0-9]+.bitcask.data");
private File[] list_data_files(final File writing_file,
final File merging_file) {
File[] files = dirname.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File f) {
if (f == writing_file || f == merging_file)
return false;
return DATA_FILE.matcher(f.getName()).matches();
Arrays.sort(files, 0, files.length, REVERSE_DATA_FILE_COMPARATOR);
return files;
static void scan_key_files(File[] files, final BitCaskKeyDir keydir)
throws Exception {
for (File f : files) {
final BitCaskFile file = BitCaskFile.open(f);
file.fold_keys(new KeyIter<Void>() {
public Void each(ByteString key, int tstamp, long entryPos,
int entrySize, Void acc) throws Exception {
keydir.put(key, new BitCaskEntry(file.file_id, tstamp,
entryPos, entrySize));
return null;
}, null);
public void put(String key, String value) throws IOException {
put(ByteString.copyFromUtf8(key), ByteString.copyFromUtf8(value));
public String getString(String key) throws IOException {
ByteString val = get(ByteString.copyFromUtf8(key));
if (val == null)
return null;
return val.toStringUtf8();
public <T> T fold(final KeyValueIter<T> entryIter, T acc) throws IOException {
final int expiry_time = opts.expiry_time();
EntryIter<T> iter = new EntryIter<T>() {
public T each(ByteString key, ByteString value, int tstamp,
long entryPos, int entrySize, T acc) {
if (tstamp < expiry_time) {
return acc;
BitCaskEntry ent = keydir.get(key);
if (entryPos != ent.offset) {
return acc;
if (value.equals(TOMBSTONE)) {
return acc;
return entryIter.each(key, value, acc);
BitCaskFile[] files = open_fold_files();
if (files != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
acc = files[i].fold(iter, acc);
return acc;
private BitCaskFile[] open_fold_files() {
// TODO: retries ?
File[] files = list_data_files(null, null);
return open_files(files);
BitCaskFile[] open_files(File[] files) {
BitCaskFile[] out = new BitCaskFile[files.length];
for (int i = 0; i < out.length; i++) {
try {
out[i] = BitCaskFile.open(files[i]);
} catch (IOException e) {
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
try {
} catch (IOException e1) {
return null;
return out;