package controllers;
import actors.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import play.libs.Akka;
import play.libs.F;
import play.mvc.Controller;
import play.mvc.Result;
import play.mvc.WebSocket;
import scala.Option;
* The main web controller that handles returning the index page, setting up a WebSocket, and watching a stock.
public class Application extends Controller {
public static Result index() {
return ok(views.html.index.render());
public static WebSocket<JsonNode> ws() {
return new WebSocket<JsonNode>() {
public void onReady(final WebSocket.In<JsonNode> in, final WebSocket.Out<JsonNode> out) {
// create a new UserActor and give it the default stocks to watch
final ActorRef userActor = Akka.system().actorOf(Props.create(UserActor.class, out));
// send all WebSocket message to the UserActor
in.onMessage(new F.Callback<JsonNode>() {
public void invoke(JsonNode jsonNode) throws Throwable {
// parse the JSON into WatchStock
WatchStock watchStock = new WatchStock(jsonNode.get("symbol").textValue());
// send the watchStock message to the StocksActor
StocksActor.stocksActor().tell(watchStock, userActor);
// on close, tell the userActor to shutdown
in.onClose(new F.Callback0() {
public void invoke() throws Throwable {
final Option<String> none = Option.empty();
StocksActor.stocksActor().tell(new UnwatchStock(none), userActor);