package de.fhpotsdam.unfolding.providers;
import processing.core.PApplet;
import de.fhpotsdam.unfolding.core.Coordinate;
import de.fhpotsdam.unfolding.geo.MercatorProjection;
import de.fhpotsdam.unfolding.geo.Transformation;
* Various map tiles from Microsoft.
public class Microsoft {
public static abstract class MicrosoftProvider extends AbstractMapTileUrlProvider {
public MicrosoftProvider() {
super(new MercatorProjection(26, new Transformation(1.068070779e7, 0.0, 3.355443185e7, 0.0, -1.068070890e7,
public String getZoomString(Coordinate coordinate) {
return toQuadKey(coordinate);
public int tileWidth() {
return 256;
public int tileHeight() {
return 256;
public abstract String[] getTileUrls(Coordinate coordinate);
public static class RoadProvider extends MicrosoftProvider {
public String[] getTileUrls(Coordinate coordinate) {
String url = "http://r" + (int) random(0, 4) + ""
+ getZoomString(sourceCoordinate(coordinate)) + ".png?g=90&shading=hill";
return new String[] { url };
public static class AerialProvider extends MicrosoftProvider {
public String[] getTileUrls(Coordinate coordinate) {
String url = "http://a" + (int) random(0, 4) + ""
+ getZoomString(sourceCoordinate(coordinate)) + ".jpeg?g=90";
return new String[] { url };
public static class HybridProvider extends MicrosoftProvider {
public String[] getTileUrls(Coordinate coordinate) {
String url = "http://h" + (int) random(0, 4) + ""
+ getZoomString(sourceCoordinate(coordinate)) + ".jpeg?g=90";
return new String[] { url };
* Converts QuadKey string to Coordinates.
public static Coordinate fromQuadKey(String s) {
// Return column, row, zoom for Microsoft tile string.
String rowS = "";
String colS = "";
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
int v = Integer.parseInt("" + s.charAt(i));
String bv = PApplet.binary(v, 2);
rowS += bv.charAt(0);
colS += bv.charAt(1);
return new Coordinate(PApplet.unbinary(colS), PApplet.unbinary(rowS), s.length());
* Converts coordinates to QuadKey string.
public static String toQuadKey(Coordinate coord) {
return toQuadKey((int) coord.column, (int) coord.row, (int) coord.zoom);
public static String toQuadKey(int col, int row, int zoom) {
// Return string for Microsoft tile column, row, zoom
String y = PApplet.binary(row, zoom);
String x = PApplet.binary(col, zoom);
String out = "";
for (int i = 0; i < zoom; i++) {
out += PApplet.unbinary("" + y.charAt(i) + x.charAt(i));
return out;
public static Coordinate fromMicrosoftRoad(String s) {
// Return column, row, zoom for Microsoft Road tile string.
return fromQuadKey(s);
public static String toMicrosoftRoad(int col, int row, int zoom) {
// Return x, y, z for Microsoft Road tile column, row, zoom.
return toQuadKey(col, row, zoom);
public static Coordinate fromMicrosoftAerial(String s) {
// Return column, row, zoom for Microsoft Aerial tile string.
return fromQuadKey(s);
public static String toMicrosoftAerial(int col, int row, int zoom) {
// Return x, y, z for Microsoft Aerial tile column, row, zoom.
return toQuadKey(col, row, zoom);