package de.fhpotsdam.unfolding.mapdisplay;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import processing.core.PApplet;
import processing.core.PConstants;
import processing.core.PGraphics;
import processing.core.PImage;
import processing.core.PMatrix3D;
import processing.core.PVector;
import de.fhpotsdam.unfolding.UnfoldingMap;
import de.fhpotsdam.unfolding.core.Coordinate;
import de.fhpotsdam.unfolding.geo.Location;
import de.fhpotsdam.unfolding.marker.Marker;
import de.fhpotsdam.unfolding.marker.MarkerManager;
import de.fhpotsdam.unfolding.providers.AbstractMapProvider;
import de.fhpotsdam.unfolding.tiles.TileLoader;
import de.fhpotsdam.unfolding.utils.ScreenPosition;
* The internal MapDisplay to handle the map display in Processing 2D (and used as super class for 3D)
public class Java2DMapDisplay extends AbstractMapDisplay implements PConstants {
public static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Java2DMapDisplay.class);
// Used for loadImage and float maths
public PApplet papplet;
/** The inner transformation matrix. Scales and rotates the map. */
protected PMatrix3D innerMatrix = new PMatrix3D();
/** The outer transformation matrix. Rotates the map pane. */
protected PMatrix3D matrix = new PMatrix3D();
// Background color
protected Integer bgColor = null;
// To notify client app when all tiles have been loaded
private static final String TILESLOADED_METHOD_NAME = "tilesLoaded";
private Method tilesLoadedMethod = null;
* Creates a new MapDisplay with full canvas size, and given provider
public Java2DMapDisplay(PApplet papplet, AbstractMapProvider provider) {
this(papplet, provider, 0, 0, papplet.width, papplet.height);
* Creates a new MapDisplay.
public Java2DMapDisplay(PApplet papplet, AbstractMapProvider provider, float offsetX, float offsetY, float width,
float height) {
super(provider, width, height);
this.papplet = papplet;
this.offsetX = offsetX;
this.offsetY = offsetY;
this.innerOffsetX = width / 2 - TILE_WIDTH / 2;
this.innerOffsetY = height / 2 - TILE_HEIGHT / 2;
setInnerTransformationCenter(new PVector(width / 2 + offsetX, height / 2 + offsetY));
private void registerTilesLoadedMethod() {
try {
Class<? extends PApplet> appletClass = papplet.getClass();
tilesLoadedMethod = appletClass.getMethod(TILESLOADED_METHOD_NAME);
} catch (SecurityException e) {
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
* Gets called if all tiles have been loaded. Invokes the tilesLoaded method in the client application if existing.
* TODO Pass the ID of this map to the method to enable handling multiple maps.
public void tilesLoaded() {
if (tilesLoadedMethod != null) {
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
// TRANSFORMATION --------------------------------------------------
* Updates the matrix to transform the map with.
* For the rotation the matrix has to be temporarily translated to the transformation center. Thus, it has to be
* reset with the original position, afterwards. Original position is calculated by inverting the current matrix.
* (As the matrix incorporates that position, it stores every transformation, even though the matrix is created
* anew.)
public void calculateMatrix() {
synchronized (this) {
PMatrix3D invMatrix = new PMatrix3D();
float originalCenterX = invMatrix.multX(transformationCenter.x, transformationCenter.y);
float originalCenterY = invMatrix.multY(transformationCenter.x, transformationCenter.y);
matrix = new PMatrix3D();
matrix.translate(transformationCenter.x, transformationCenter.y);
matrix.translate(-originalCenterX, -originalCenterY);
public void calculateInnerMatrix() {
// Synchronize on this to not interfere with tile loading (see getVisibleKeys)
synchronized (this) {
PMatrix3D invMatrix = new PMatrix3D();
float originalCenterX = invMatrix.multX(innerTransformationCenter.x, innerTransformationCenter.y);
float originalCenterY = invMatrix.multY(innerTransformationCenter.x, innerTransformationCenter.y);
innerMatrix = new PMatrix3D();
innerMatrix.translate(innerTransformationCenter.x, innerTransformationCenter.y);
innerMatrix.translate(-originalCenterX, -originalCenterY);
public float[] getObjectFromScreenPosition(float x, float y) {
return getTransformedPosition(x, y, true);
public float[] getScreenFromObjectPosition(float x, float y) {
return getTransformedPosition(x, y, false);
protected float[] getTransformedPosition(float x, float y, boolean inverse) {
if (inverse) {
x -= offsetX;
y -= offsetY;
float[] xyz = new float[3];
PMatrix3D m = new PMatrix3D();
if (inverse) {
m.mult(new float[] { x, y, 0 }, xyz);
if (!inverse) {
xyz[0] += offsetX;
xyz[1] += offsetY;
return xyz;
public float[] getObjectFromInnerObjectPosition(float x, float y) {
return getInnerTransformedPosition(x, y, false);
public float[] getInnerObjectFromObjectPosition(float x, float y) {
return getInnerTransformedPosition(x, y, true);
public float[] getScreenFromInnerObjectPosition(float x, float y) {
float objectXY[] = getObjectFromInnerObjectPosition(x, y);
float screenXY[] = getScreenFromObjectPosition(objectXY[0], objectXY[1]);
return screenXY;
public float[] getInnerObjectFromScreenPosition(float x, float y) {
float objectXY[] = getObjectFromScreenPosition(x, y);
float innerObjectXY[] = getInnerObjectFromObjectPosition(objectXY[0], objectXY[1]);
return innerObjectXY;
public float[] getInnerObject(ScreenPosition screenPosition) {
float objectXY[] = getObjectFromScreenPosition(screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y);
float innerObjectXY[] = getInnerObjectFromObjectPosition(objectXY[0], objectXY[1]);
return innerObjectXY;
public float[] getObjectFromLocation(Location location) {
float[] ixy = getInnerObjectFromLocation(location);
float[] xy = getObjectFromInnerObjectPosition(ixy[0], ixy[1]);
return xy;
private float[] getInnerTransformedPosition(float x, float y, boolean inverse) {
if (inverse) {
x -= innerOffsetX;
y -= innerOffsetY;
float[] xyz = new float[3];
PMatrix3D m = new PMatrix3D();
if (inverse) {
m.mult(new float[] { x, y, 0 }, xyz);
if (!inverse) {
xyz[0] += innerOffsetX;
xyz[1] += innerOffsetY;
return xyz;
// Location (instead of innerObj) methods ---------------
public Location getLocationFromInnerObjectPosition(float x, float y) {
Coordinate coord = getCoordinateFromInnerPosition(x, y);
return provider.coordinateLocation(coord);
private Coordinate getCoordinateFromInnerPosition(float x, float y) {
PMatrix3D m = new PMatrix3D();
float tl[] = new float[3];
m.mult(new float[] { 0, 0, 0 }, tl);
float br[] = new float[3];
m.mult(new float[] { TILE_WIDTH, TILE_HEIGHT, 0 }, br);
float col = (x - tl[0]) / (br[0] - tl[0]);
float row = (y - tl[1]) / (br[1] - tl[1]);
Coordinate coord = new Coordinate(row, col, 0);
return coord;
public Location getLocationFromScreenPosition(float x, float y) {
return getLocation(x, y);
public Location getLocation(float x, float y) {
synchronized (this) {
float innerObjectXY[] = getInnerObjectFromScreenPosition(x, y);
return getLocationFromInnerObjectPosition(innerObjectXY[0], innerObjectXY[1]);
public Location getLocation(ScreenPosition screenPosition) {
synchronized (this) {
float innerObjectXY[] = getInnerObjectFromScreenPosition(screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y);
return getLocationFromInnerObjectPosition(innerObjectXY[0], innerObjectXY[1]);
public Location getLocationFromObjectPosition(float x, float y) {
synchronized (this) {
float innerObjectXY[] = getInnerObjectFromObjectPosition(x, y);
return getLocationFromInnerObjectPosition(innerObjectXY[0], innerObjectXY[1]);
public float[] getInnerObjectFromLocation(Location location) {
Coordinate coord = provider.locationCoordinate(location).zoomTo(0);
return new float[] { coord.column * TILE_WIDTH, coord.row * TILE_HEIGHT, 0 };
// PMatrix3D m = new PMatrix3D();
// Coordinate coord = provider.locationCoordinate(location).zoomTo(0);
// float[] out = new float[3];
// m.mult(new float[] { coord.column * TILE_WIDTH, coord.row * TILE_HEIGHT, 0 }, out);
// log.debug("getInnerObjectFromLocation. " + (coord.column * TILE_WIDTH) + ", " + out[0]);
// return out;
public ScreenPosition getScreenPosition(Location location) {
synchronized (this) {
float innerObjectXY[] = getInnerObjectFromLocation(location);
return new ScreenPosition(getScreenFromInnerObjectPosition(innerObjectXY[0], innerObjectXY[1]));
public float[] getScreenPositionFromLocation(Location location) {
synchronized (this) {
float innerObjectXY[] = getInnerObjectFromLocation(location);
return getScreenFromInnerObjectPosition(innerObjectXY[0], innerObjectXY[1]);
// DRAWING --------------------------------------------------
public PGraphics getInnerPG() {
// NB Always inner graphics, this one not used. Implemented in sub classes.
return papplet.g;
public PGraphics getOuterPG() {
return papplet.g;
* Is called last in {@link #draw()}. May be implemented in sub-classes to handle drawing on outerPG.
protected void postDraw() {
// Draws all markers
for (MarkerManager<Marker> mm : markerManagerList) {
* Draws the on the PGraphics canvas.
public void draw() {
PGraphics pg = getInnerPG();
// Clears canvas (set to transparency, to not smudge previous map on panning)
if (bgColor != null) {
// Set background color if given (can also be transparent)
// translate and scale, from the middle
pg.translate((float) innerOffsetX, (float) innerOffsetY);
if (pg.is3D()) {
} else {
pg.applyMatrix(innerMatrix.m00, innerMatrix.m01, innerMatrix.m03, innerMatrix.m10, innerMatrix.m11,
Vector visibleKeys = getVisibleKeys(pg);
if (visibleKeys.size() > 0) {
Coordinate previous = (Coordinate) visibleKeys.get(0);
pg.scale(1.0f / PApplet.pow(2, previous.zoom));
for (int i = 0; i < visibleKeys.size(); i++) {
Coordinate coord = (Coordinate) visibleKeys.get(i);
if (coord.zoom != previous.zoom) {
pg.scale(1.0f / PApplet.pow(2, coord.zoom));
if (images.containsKey(coord)) {
PImage tile = (PImage) images.get(coord);
float x = coord.column * TILE_WIDTH;
float y = coord.row * TILE_HEIGHT;
// REVISIT For transparency, do not paint image (why no transparent imgs?)
pg.image(tile, x, y, TILE_WIDTH, TILE_HEIGHT);
if (recent_images.contains(tile)) {
* Sets background color of map.
* @param color
* Color for the background canvas. Can be semi-transparent. If null it is not used.
public void setBackgroundColor(Integer color) {
this.bgColor = color;
// Based on code by ModestMaps, Tom Carden
protected Vector getVisibleKeys(PGraphics pg) {
// Stores IDs of tiles already displayed
Vector visibleKeys = new Vector();
// Grid to load tiles for.
int minCol, maxCol, minRow, maxRow;
int zoomLevel = UnfoldingMap.getZoomLevelFromScale(innerScale);
// Synchronize on this to not interfere with tile loading (see getVisibleKeys)
// NB External threads can change innerMatrix, innerScale, and other properties while this method is
// running, which resulted in incorrect values, and in incorrect tile loading.
synchronized (this) {
// Gets outer object corner positions in inner object coordinate system
// to check which tiles to load: Always uses bounding box.
float[] innerTL = getInnerObjectFromObjectPosition(0, 0);
float[] innerTR = getInnerObjectFromObjectPosition(getWidth(), 0);
float[] innerBR = getInnerObjectFromObjectPosition(getWidth(), getHeight());
float[] innerBL = getInnerObjectFromObjectPosition(0, getHeight());
Coordinate coordTL = getCoordinateFromInnerPosition(innerTL[0], innerTL[1]).zoomTo(zoomLevel);
Coordinate coordTR = getCoordinateFromInnerPosition(innerTR[0], innerTR[1]).zoomTo(zoomLevel);
Coordinate coordBR = getCoordinateFromInnerPosition(innerBR[0], innerBR[1]).zoomTo(zoomLevel);
Coordinate coordBL = getCoordinateFromInnerPosition(innerBL[0], innerBL[1]).zoomTo(zoomLevel);
minCol = (int) PApplet.min(new float[] { coordTL.column, coordTR.column, coordBR.column, coordBL.column });
maxCol = (int) PApplet.max(new float[] { coordTL.column, coordTR.column, coordBR.column, coordBL.column });
minRow = (int) PApplet.min(new float[] { coordTL.row, coordTR.row, coordBR.row, coordBL.row });
maxRow = (int) PApplet.max(new float[] { coordTL.row, coordTR.row, coordBR.row, coordBL.row });
// Add tile padding (to pre-load, and because we might be zooming out between zoom levels)
minCol -= grid_padding;
minRow -= grid_padding;
maxCol += grid_padding;
maxRow += grid_padding;
// log.debug("getVisibleKeys: " + minCol + "," + maxCol + "; " + minRow + "," + maxRow);
// PApplet.println("getVisibleKeys: " + minCol + "," + maxCol + "; " + minRow + "," + maxRow);
// we don't wrap around the world yet, so:
int numberTiles = (int) UnfoldingMap.getScaleFromZoom(zoomLevel);
minCol = PApplet.constrain(minCol, 0, numberTiles);
maxCol = PApplet.constrain(maxCol, 0, numberTiles);
minRow = PApplet.constrain(minRow, 0, numberTiles);
maxRow = PApplet.constrain(maxRow, 0, numberTiles);
// grab coords for visible tiles
for (int col = minCol; col <= maxCol; col++) {
for (int row = minRow; row <= maxRow; row++) {
// source coordinate wraps around the world:
Coordinate coord = provider.sourceCoordinate(new Coordinate(row, col, zoomLevel));
// make sure we still have ints:
// keep this for later:
if (!images.containsKey(coord)) {
// fetch it if we don't have it
// see if we have a parent coord for this tile?
boolean gotParent = false;
for (int i = (int) coord.zoom; i > 0; i--) {
Coordinate zoomed = coord.zoomTo(i).container();
if (images.containsKey(zoomed)) {
gotParent = true;
// or if we have any of the children
if (!gotParent) {
Coordinate zoomed = coord.zoomBy(1).container();
Coordinate[] kids = { zoomed, zoomed.right(), zoomed.down(), zoomed.right().down() };
for (int i = 0; i < kids.length; i++) {
zoomed = kids[i];
// make sure we still have ints:
zoomed.row = PApplet.round(zoomed.row);
zoomed.column = PApplet.round(zoomed.column);
zoomed.zoom = PApplet.round(zoomed.zoom);
if (images.containsKey(zoomed)) {
} // rows
} // columns
// sort by zoom so we draw small zoom levels (big tiles) first:
Collections.sort(visibleKeys, zoomComparator);
// stop fetching things we can't see:
// (visibleKeys also has the parents and children, if needed, but that
// shouldn't matter)
// sort what's left by distance from center:
queueSorter.setCenter(new Coordinate((minRow + maxRow) / 2.0f, (minCol + maxCol) / 2.0f, zoomLevel));
Collections.sort(queue, queueSorter);
// load up to 4 more things:
return visibleKeys;
// TILE LOADING ---------------------------------------
protected TileLoader createTileLoader(Coordinate coord) {
return new TileLoader(papplet, provider, this, coord);
// TODO Make showDebug etc public.
// TileLoader tl = new TileLoader(papplet, provider, this, coord);
// tl.showDebugBorder();
// tl.showTileCoordinates();
// return tl;