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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import processing.core.PApplet;
import de.fhpotsdam.unfolding.geo.Location;

* Reads GeoRSS files and creates Features.
* Basic data reader to parse GeoRSS points, in W3C geo
public class GeoRSSReader extends GeoDataReader {

   * Loads features from RSS feed in W3C Geo format (geo:lat and geo:long)
   * @param p
   *            The PApplet.
   * @param fileName
   *            The name of the GeoRSS file (can be local or remote, i.e. a URI)
   * @return A list of geo features.
  public static List<Feature> loadData(PApplet p, String fileName) {
    List<Feature> features = new ArrayList<Feature>();

    XML rss = p.loadXML(fileName);
    // Get all items
    XML[] itemXML = rss.getChildren("channel/item");
    for (int i = 0; i < itemXML.length; i++) {
      // Sets lat,lon as locations for each item
      XML latXML = itemXML[i].getChild("geo:lat");
      XML lonXML = itemXML[i].getChild("geo:long");
      if (latXML != null && latXML.getContent() != null) {
        float lat = Float.valueOf(latXML.getContent());
        float lon = Float.valueOf(lonXML.getContent());

        Location location = new Location(lat, lon);
        PointFeature pointFeature = new PointFeature(location);

        // Sets title if existing
        XML titleXML = itemXML[i].getChild("title");
        if (titleXML != null && titleXML.getContent() != null) {
          pointFeature.putProperty("title", titleXML.getContent());

    return features;

   * Loads features from RSS feed in GeoRSS format (georss:point).
   * @param p
   *            The PApplet.
   * @param fileName
   *            The name of the GeoRSS file (can be local or remote, i.e. a URI)
   * @return A list of geo features.
  public static List<Feature> loadDataGeoRSS(PApplet p, String fileName) {
    List<Feature> features = new ArrayList<Feature>();

    XML rss = p.loadXML(fileName);
    // Get all items
    XML[] itemXML = rss.getChildren("entry");
    for (int i = 0; i < itemXML.length; i++) {
      // Sets lat,lon as locations for each item
      XML pointXML = itemXML[i].getChild("georss:point");
      if (pointXML != null && pointXML.getContent() != null) {
        String point = pointXML.getContent();
        String[] latLon = point.split(" ");
        float lat = Float.valueOf(latLon[0]);
        float lon = Float.valueOf(latLon[1]);

        Location location = new Location(lat, lon);
        PointFeature pointFeature = new PointFeature(location);

        // Sets title if existing
        XML titleXML = itemXML[i].getChild("title");
        if (titleXML != null && titleXML.getContent() != null) {
          pointFeature.putProperty("title", titleXML.getContent());

        // Sets date if existing
        XML dateXML = itemXML[i].getChild("dc:date");
        if (dateXML != null && dateXML.getContent() != null) {
          pointFeature.putProperty("date", dateXML.getContent());

        // Sets magnitude if existing
        XML[] catXML = itemXML[i].getChildren("category");
        for (int c = 0; c < catXML.length; c++) {
          String label = catXML[c].getString("label");
          if ("Magnitude".equals(label)) {
            Float magnitude = 0f;
            String magnitudeString = catXML[c].getString("term");
            if (magnitudeString.contains("Magnitude")) {
              magnitudeString = magnitudeString.replace("Magnitude", "");
            magnitude = Float.valueOf(magnitudeString);
            pointFeature.putProperty("magnitude", magnitude);
        // getChild("category[@label='Magnitude']"); // not supported by XMLElement


    return features;


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