
Source Code of

* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
*     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
*       this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
*     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
*       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
*       documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
*     * Neither the name of Business Objects nor the names of its contributors
*       may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
*       without specific prior written permission.

* Creation date: Sep 27, 2005.
* By: Joseph Wong

import java.text.BreakIterator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import javax.swing.text.html.CSS;
import javax.swing.text.html.HTML;

import org.openquark.util.Pair;

* This class implements the facility of converting CALDoc and metadata into HTML documentation.
* <p>
* Currently, the files that are generated include:
* <ul>
*   <li>one CSS file for formatting for regular display
*   <li>one CSS file for formatting for printing
*   <li>a frameset
*   <li>an overview page
*   <li>a modules list
*   <li>a cross-module search page
*   <li>per module:
*   <ul>
*     <li>the module's main documentation page
*     <li>a types list
*     <li>a functional agents list
*     <li>a type classes list
*     <li>a class instances list
*   </ul>
*   <li>one usage indices page per type
*   <li>one usage indices page per type class
* </ul>
* Not being public, this class is not mean to be accessed directly. To access this generator, go through the
* public interface encapsulated by CALDocTool.
* <p>
* A substantial portion of the high level traversal logic is encapsulated in the superclass, and as such this
* class's main focus is implementing the specific details of formatting the output in HTML. The class is organized
* in a way that is similar to a visitor in the visitor pattern, in that the implementation of the abstract methods
* are called to "visit" a particular CAL entity to generate its documentation.
* <p>
* The current visitation pattern is:
* <pre>
* generateDoc
*  - for each module: prepareGenerationForModule
*  beginDoc
*  generateModuleDoc
*      beginModuleDoc
*      generateModuleHeaderSection
*          generateModuleDescription
*          beginImportedModulesList
*          generateImportedModule
*          endImportedModuleList
*          beginFriendModulesList
*          generateFriendModule
*          endFriendModuleList
*          beginDirectlyDependentModulesList
*          generateDirectlyDependentModule
*          endDirectlyDependentModulesList
*          beginIndirectlyDependentModulesList
*          generateIndirectlyDependentModule
*          endIndirectlyDependentModulesList
*      generateModuleOverviewSection
*          beginModuleOverviewSection
*          beginTypeConsOverviewSection
*          generateTypeConsOverview
*              generateTypeConsOverviewHeader
*              beginDataConsOverviewList
*              generateDataConsOverview
*              endDataConsOverviewList
*              generateTypeConsOverviewFooter
*          endTypeConsOverviewSection
*          beginFunctionsOverviewSection
*          generateFunctionOverview
*          endFunctionsOverviewSection
*          beginTypeClassOverviewSection
*          generateTypeClassOverview
*              generateTypeClassOverviewHeader
*              beginClassMethodOverviewList
*              generateClassMethodOverview
*              endClassMethodOverviewList
*              generateTypeClassOverviewFooter
*          endTypeClassOverviewSection
*          beginClassInstancesOverviewSection
*          generateClassInstanceOverview
*              generateClassInstanceOverviewHeader
*              beginInstanceMethodOverviewList
*              generateInstanceMethodOverview
*              endInstanceMethodOverviewList
*              generateClassInstanceOverviewFooter
*          endClassInstancesOverviewSection
*          endModuleOverviewSection
*      generateModuleDetailsSection
*          generateTypeConsDocSection
*              beginTypeConsDocSection
*              generateTypeConsDoc
*                  generateTypeConsDocHeader
*                  beginDataConsDocList
*                  generateDataConsDoc
*                  endDataConsDocList
*                  beginKnownInstancesList
*                  generateKnownInstance
*                  endKnownInstancesList
*                  generateTypeConsDocFooter
*              endTypeConsDocSection
*          generateFunctionsDocSection
*              beginFunctionsDocSection
*              generateFunctionDoc
*              endFunctionsDocSection
*          generateTypeClassesDocSection
*              beginTypeClassesDocSection
*              generateTypeClassDoc
*                  generateTypeClassDocHeader
*                  beginClassMethodDocList
*                  generateClassMethodDoc
*                  endClassMethodDocList
*                  beginKnownInstancesList
*                  generateKnownInstance
*                  endKnownInstancesList
*                  generateTypeClassDocFooter
*              endTypeClassesDocSection
*          generateClassInstancesDocSection
*              beginClassInstancesDocSection
*              generateClassInstanceDoc
*                  generateClassInstanceDocHeader
*                  beginInstanceMethodDocList
*                  generateInstanceMethodDoc
*                  endInstanceMethodDocList
*                  generateClassInstanceDocFooter
*              endClassInstancesDocSection
*      endModuleDoc
*  genereateUsageIndices
*      beginTypeConsUsageDoc
*      generateUsageIndiciesForTypeConsOrTypeClass
*          generateUsageIndiciesForDependentModule
*              beginUsageDocGroupForDependentModule
*              beginUsageDocArgTypeIndex
*              generateUsageDocArgTypeIndexEntry
*              endUsageDocArgTypeIndex
*              beginUsageDocReturnTypeIndex
*              generateUsageDocReturnTypeIndexEntry
*              endUsageDocReturnTypeIndex
*              beginUsageDocInstanceIndex
*              generateUsageDocInstanceIndexEntry
*              endUsageDocInstanceIndex
*              endUsageDocGroupForDependentModule
*      endTypeConsUsageDoc
*      beginTypeClassUsageDoc
*      generateUsageIndiciesForTypeConsOrTypeClass
*          generateUsageIndiciesForDependentModule
*              beginUsageDocGroupForDependentModule
*              beginUsageDocArgTypeIndex
*              generateUsageDocArgTypeIndexEntry
*              endUsageDocArgTypeIndex
*              beginUsageDocReturnTypeIndex
*              generateUsageDocReturnTypeIndexEntry
*              endUsageDocReturnTypeIndex
*              beginUsageDocInstanceIndex
*              generateUsageDocInstanceIndexEntry
*              endUsageDocInstanceIndex
*              endUsageDocGroupForDependentModule
*      endTypeClassUsageDoc
*  endDoc
* </pre>
* @see CALDocTool
* @author Joseph Wong
final class HTMLDocumentationGenerator extends AbstractDocumentationGenerator {

    /** The name of the subdirectory containing the main documentation pages for the modules. */
    private static final String MODULES_SUBDIRECTORY = "modules";
    /** The name of the subdirectory containing the usage pages for types. */
    private static final String TYPE_CONS_USAGE_SUBDIRECTORY = "types";
    /** The name of the subdirectory containing the usage pages for type classes. */
    private static final String TYPE_CLASS_USAGE_SUBDIRECTORY = "typeClasses";
    /** The name of the subdirectory containing instance documentation that is separated from the main documentation pages. */
    private static final String SEPARATE_INSTANCE_DOC_SUBDIRECTORY = "instances";
    /** The name of the subdirectory containing the intra-module navigation pages. */
    private static final String NAV_SUBDIRECTORY = "nav";

    /** The dot used in constructing file names */
    private static final String DOT = ".";

    /** The separator between the main part of a file name and the postfix, which comes before the extension. */
    private static final String FILENAME_POSTFIX_SEPARATOR = "-";

    /** The file name postfix for the instance index of a module. */
    private static final String INSTANCE_INDEX_FILENAME_POSTFIX = "instanceIndex";

    /** The file name postfix for the type class index of a module. */
    private static final String TYPE_CLASS_INDEX_FILENAME_POSTFIX = "typeClassIndex";

    /** The file name postfix for the functional agent index of a module. */
    private static final String FUNCTIONAL_AGENT_INDEX_FILENAME_POSTFIX = "functionalAgentIndex";

    /** The file name postfix for the type index of a module. */
    private static final String TYPE_INDEX_FILENAME_POSTFIX = "typeIndex";
    /** The file name postfix for the separate instance documentation. */
    private static final String SEPARATE_INSTANCE_DOC_FILENAME_POSTFIX = "instances";

    /** The file extension for HTML. */
    private static final String HTML_FILE_EXTENSION = "html";

    /** The name of the default CSS file. */
    private static final String DEFAULT_CSS_FILENAME = "caldoc.css";

    /** The name of the CSS file for printing. */
    private static final String PRINTED_VERSION_CSS_FILENAME = "caldoc-print.css";
    /** The name of the main documentation HTML file. */
    private static final String MAIN_PAGE_FILENAME = "index.html";

    /** The name of the module list HTML file. */
    private static final String MODULE_LIST_FILENAME = "moduleList.html";

    /** The name of the overview page HTML file. */
    private static final String OVERVIEW_PAGE_FILENAME = "overview.html";

    /** The name of the master scoped entity index HTML file. */
    private static final String MASTER_SCOPED_ENTITY_SEARCH_PAGE_FILENAME = "search.html";

    /** The name for the module list frame in its frameset. */
    private static final String MODULE_LIST_FRAME_NAME = "moduleListFrame";
    /** The name of the navigation frame in its frameset. */
    private static final String NAV_FRAME_NAME = "navFrame";
    /** The name of the main frame in its frameset. */
    private static final String MAIN_FRAME_NAME = "mainFrame";
    /** The name of the search frame in its frameset. */
    private static final String SEARCH_FRAME_NAME = "searchFrame";

    /// Fields
    /** The configuration for this documentation generator. */
    private final HTMLDocumentationGeneratorConfiguration config;
    /** The CALWorkspace for metadata access. Can be null. */
    private final CALWorkspace workspace;
    /** Whether to globally disable all hyperlink generation. */
    private final boolean disableAllHyperlinks;
    /** Keeps track of the name of the current module whose documentation is being generated. */
    private ModuleName currentModuleName = null;
    /** The current HTML page being generated. */
    private HTMLBuilder currentPage = null;
    /** The main page being generated (for use to cache the {@link #currentPage} when generating separated instance doc. */
    private HTMLBuilder mainPageContext = null;
    /** Whether the generator is currently generating some separate instance documentation. */
    private boolean inSeparateInstanceDoc = false;
    /** The set of imported module names for the current module. */
    private Set<ModuleName> importedModules = null;
    /** The set of friend module names for the current module. */
    private Set<ModuleName> friendModules = null;
    /** The set of directly dependent module names for the current module. */
    private Set<ModuleName> directlyDependentModules = null;

    /** The set of indirectly dependent module names for the current module. */
    private Set<ModuleName> indirectlyDependentModules = null;

    // Some cached statistics about the current module.
    private int nTypeConstructorsInModule = 0;
    private int nFunctionsInModule = 0;
    private int nTypeClassesInModule = 0;
    private int nClassInstancesInModule = 0;
     * A nested map mapping:
     * <p>
     * lowercased module name -&gt; module name -&gt; disambiguated name
     * <p>
     * for determining how a module name should be rendered when used as part of a file name on a file system
     * that is case-insensitive.
     * <p>
     * A disambiguation map works like this: Given a name (with mixed upper and
     * lower case)
     * <ol>
     * <li>get the lowercase version of the name - names that conflict because
     * of case-insensitivity would map to the same lowercased name.
     * <li>using the lowercased name, get a map mapping the original names to
     * disambiguated names.
     * <li>if the map is empty, insert the pair (name, name) (the first-comer
     * gets to keep its name without disambiguation).
     * <li>if the map already has entries, the name needs to be mangled to
     * create a disambiguated version. Then the pair (name, disambiguated name)
     * is added to the map.
     * </ol>
     * For retrieval, simply repeat the same process as above, except instead of
     * adding an entry to the inner map, the inner map is simply accessed to
     * retrieve the mapping for the name.
    private final Map<String, Map<String, String>> disambiguationMapForModuleNames = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>();
     * A nested map mapping:
     * <p>
     * module name -&gt; lowercased type constructor name -&gt; type constructor name -&gt; disambiguated name
     * <p>
     * for determining how a type constructor name should be rendered when used as part of a file name on a file system
     * that is case-insensitive.
    private final Map<ModuleName, Map<String, Map<String, String>>> disambiguationMapForTypeConsNames = new HashMap<ModuleName, Map<String, Map<String, String>>>();

     * A nested map mapping:
     * <p>
     * module name -&gt; lowercased type class name -&gt; type class name -&gt; disambiguated name
     * <p>
     * for determining how a type class name should be rendered when used as part of a file name on a file system
     * that is case-insensitive.
    private final Map<ModuleName, Map<String, Map<String, String>>> disambiguationMapForTypeClassNames = new HashMap<ModuleName, Map<String, Map<String, String>>>();
    /** The reference generator for use with the conversion of CALDoc text blocks to HTML when the current directory is the modules subdirectory. */
    private final ReferenceGenerator inModulesSubdirectoryReferenceGenerator = new ReferenceGenerator();
    /// Inner classes
     * A type-safe enumeration of the localizable user-visible strings potentially
     * emitted by the documentation generator.
     * @author Joseph Wong
    private static final class LocalizableUserVisibleString {
        /// Stylesheet names
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString DEFAULT = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("default");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString FOR_PRINTING = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("forPrinting");
        /// Main documentation
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString WINDOW_TITLE_TEMPLATE = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("windowTitleTemplate");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString OVERVIEW = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("overview");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString MODULE_SUMMARY = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("moduleSummary");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString TYPE_CLASSES = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("typeClasses");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString MODULES = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("modules");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString INSTANCES = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("instances");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString TYPES = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("types");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString FUNCTIONS_CLASS_METHODS_AND_DATA_CONSTRUCTORS = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("functionsClassMethodsAndDataConstructors");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString FUNCTIONS = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("functions");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString TYPE_INDEX = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("typeIndex");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString FUNCTIONAL_AGENT_INDEX = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("functionalAgentIndex");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString TYPE_CLASS_INDEX = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("typeClassIndex");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString INSTANCE_INDEX = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("instanceIndex");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString DEPRECATED_COLON = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("deprecatedColon");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString RETURNS_COLON = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("returnsColon");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString COMMA_AND_SPACE = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("commaAndSpace");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString AUTHOR_COLON = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("authorColon");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString VERSION_COLON = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("versionColon");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString SEE_ALSO_COLON = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("seeAlsoColon");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString FOREIGN_TYPE_COLON = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("foreignTypeColon");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString IMPLEMENTATION_VISIBILITY_COLON = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("implementationVisibilityColon");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString CALDOC_INDICATOR = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("caldocIndicator");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString METADATA_INDICATOR = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("metadataIndicator");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString ARGUMENTS_COLON = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("argumentsColon");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString RETURN_VALUE_INDICATOR = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("returnValueIndicator");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString COLON = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("colon");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString IMPORTED_MODULES_COLON = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("importedModulesColon");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString FRIEND_MODULES_COLON = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("friendModulesColon");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString DIRECTLY_DEPENDENT_MODULES_COLON = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("directlyDependentModulesColon");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString INDIRECTLY_DEPENDENT_MODULES_COLON = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("indirectlyDependentModulesColon");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString DATA_CONSTRUCTORS = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("dataConstructors");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString CLASS_METHODS = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("classMethods");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString KNOWN_INSTANCES = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("knownInstances");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString INSTANCE_METHODS = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("instanceMethods");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString NAV_BAR_ITEM_SEPARATOR = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("navBarItemSeparator");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString OPTIONS = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("options");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString SCOPE_FILTER_COLON = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("scopeFilterColon");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString PUBLIC_ITEMS_ONLY = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("publicItemsOnly");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString SHOW_ALL_ITEMS = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("showAllItems");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString REQUIRED_METHOD_INDICATOR = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("requiredMethodIndicator");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString OPTIONAL_METHOD_INDICATOR = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("optionalMethodIndicator");
        /// Module list
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString VIEW_COLON = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("viewColon");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString FLAT = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("flat");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString GROUPED = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("grouped");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString HIERARCHICAL = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("hierarchical");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString EXPAND_ALL = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("expandAll");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString COLLAPSE_ALL = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("collapseAll");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString EXPAND_BUTTON_LABEL = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("expandButtonLabel");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString COLLAPSE_BUTTON_LABEL = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("collapseButtonLabel");
        /// Search page
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString SEARCH = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("search");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString HIDE = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("hide");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString NO_MATCHES = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("noMatches");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString ENTER_SEARCH_TERM_COLON = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("enterSearchTermColon");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString SEARCH_RESULT_SUMMARY = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("searchResultSummary");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString SEARCH_RESULT_SUMMARY_PUBLIC = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("searchResultSummaryPublic");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString SEARCH_RESULT_SUMMARY_PROTECTED = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("searchResultSummaryProtected");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString SEARCH_RESULT_SUMMARY_PRIVATE = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("searchResultSummaryPrivate");
        /// Links between main documentation and usage indices
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString USAGE_INDEX_ENTRY = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("usageIndexEntry");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString MAIN_ENTRY = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("mainEntry");
        /// Usage indices
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString USAGE_DOC_ARGUMENT_TYPE_INDEX = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("usageDocArgumentTypeIndex");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString USAGE_DOC_RETURN_TYPE_INDEX = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("usageDocReturnTypeIndex");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString USAGE_DOC_INSTANCE_INDEX_INSTANCES_OF = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("usageDocInstanceIndexInstancesOf");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString USAGE_DOC_INSTANCE_INDEX_INSTANCES_FOR = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("usageDocInstanceIndexInstancesFor");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString DEFINING_MODULE_COLON = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("definingModuleColon");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString DEPENDENT_MODULE_COLON = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("dependentModuleColon");
        /// Separate instance documentation
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString INSTANCE_DOC_TITLE = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("instanceDocTitle");
        /// CALDoc tooltips
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString MODULE = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("module");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString FIELD_OF_DATA_CONSTRUCTORS = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("fieldOfDataConstructors");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString FIELD_OF_DATA_CONSTRUCTOR_AND_SPACE = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("fieldOfDataConstructorAndSpace");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString LOCAL_FUNCTION = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("localFunction");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString LOCAL_PATTERN_MATCH_VARIABLE = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("localPatternMatchVariable");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString CASE_PATTERN_VARIABLE = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("casePatternVariable");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString PARAMETER_OF_AND_SPACE = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("parameterOfAndSpace");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString PARAMETER_OF_LOCAL_FUNCTION_AND_SPACE = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("parameterOfLocalFunctionAndSpace");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString PARAMETER_OF_LAMBDA_EXPRESSION = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("parameterOfLambdaExpression");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString PARAMETER_OF_INSTANCE_METHOD = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("parameterOfInstanceMethod");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString LOCAL_VARIABLE = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("localVariable");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString TYPE_VARIABLE = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("typeVariable");
        private static final LocalizableUserVisibleString RECORD_FIELD_NAME = new LocalizableUserVisibleString("recordFieldName");
        /** The key into the file. */
        private final String propKey;
        /** Private constructor. */
        private LocalizableUserVisibleString(String propKey) {
            if (propKey == null) {
                throw new NullPointerException();
            this.propKey = propKey;
         * {@inheritDoc}
        public String toString() {
            return "!" + propKey + "!";
         * @return the localized resource string.
        String toResourceString() {
            return CALDocMessages.getString(propKey);
         * @param arg0 the first substitution parameter.
         * @return the localized resource string.
        String toResourceString(String arg0) {
            return CALDocMessages.getString(propKey, arg0);
         * @param arg0 the first substitution parameter.
         * @param arg1 the second substitution parameter.
         * @return the localized resource string.
        String toResourceString(String arg0, String arg1) {
            return CALDocMessages.getString(propKey, arg0, arg1);

     * A set of the CAL fragment strings employed by the documentation generator.<p>
     * <em>These are not to be localized!</em>
     * @author Joseph Wong
    private static final class CALFragments {
        /** Private constructor. */
        private CALFragments() {}
        private static final String COMMA_AND_SPACE = ", ";
        private static final String DATA = "data";
        private static final String CLASS = "class";
        private static final String RARROW = "-&gt;";
        private static final String IMPLIES = "=&gt;";
        private static final String OPEN_PAREN = "(";
        private static final String CLOSE_PAREN = ")";
        private static final String UNIT_TYPE_CONS = "()";
        private static final String CLOSE_BRACKET = "]";
        private static final String OPEN_BRACKET = "[";
        private static final String CLOSE_BRACE = "}";
        private static final String OPEN_BRACE = "{";
        private static final String SEPARATOR_BETWEEN_BASE_RECORD_AND_EXTENSION_FIELDS = " | ";
        private static final String COLON_COLON = "::";
        private static final char BACKSLASH = '\\';
        private static final char DOT = '.';
        /** The standard type variable name to use for display purposes. */
        private static final String STANDARD_TYPE_VAR = "a";
    /** We use &lt;tt&gt; for formatting code fragments. */
    private static final HTML.Tag CODE_FORMATTING_TAG = HTML.Tag.TT;

     * A set of the HTML style class constants employed by the documentation generator.
     * @author Joseph Wong
    private static final class StyleClassConstants {
        /** Private constructor. */
        private StyleClassConstants() {}
        /// General style classes
        private static final StyleClass MAJOR_SECTION = new StyleClass("major");
        private static final StyleClass MINOR_SECTION = new StyleClass("minor");
        private static final StyleClass MINOR_SECTION_ALTERNATE = new StyleClass(MINOR_SECTION, "alt");
        private static final StyleClass NON_DISPLAYED_HEADER = new StyleClass("nonDisplayedHeader");
        private static final StyleClass ABSTRACT_DEPRECATED_BLOCK = new StyleClass("deprecated");
        private static final StyleClass NAME_AND_TYPE = new StyleClass("nameAndType");
        private static final StyleClass CODE_BLOCK = new StyleClass("codeBlock");
        private static final StyleClass PAGE_BOTTOM = new StyleClass("pageBottom");
        private static final StyleClass MAIN_CONTENT = new StyleClass("mainContent");
        private static final StyleClass WITH_MAIN_CONTENT = new StyleClass("withMainContent");
        private static final StyleClass SIDE_BAR_TITLE = new StyleClass("sideBarTitle");
        private static final StyleClass MODULE_LIST_PAGE_TITLE = new StyleClass(SIDE_BAR_TITLE, "moduleList");
        private static final StyleClass MODULE_LIST_SECTION_TITLE = new StyleClass("moduleListSectionTitle");
        private static final StyleClass SIDE_BAR_KHAKI_TITLE = new StyleClass(SIDE_BAR_TITLE, "khaki");
        private static final StyleClass SIDE_BAR_KHAKI_SUPERTITLE = new StyleClass(SIDE_BAR_TITLE, "superkhaki");
        /// Module list
        private static final StyleClass TREE_DIV = new StyleClass("treeDiv");
        private static final StyleClass TREE_NODE_TOGGLE = new StyleClass("treeToggle");
        private static final StyleClass TREE_NODE_TOGGLE_PLACEHOLDER = new StyleClass("treeNoToggle");
        /// Display mode toolbar
        private static final StyleClass TOOLBAR = new StyleClass("toolbar");
        private static final StyleClass SUB_TOOLBAR = new StyleClass(TOOLBAR, "sub");
        private static final StyleClass BUTTON_SELECTED = new StyleClass("btnSelected");
        private static final StyleClass BUTTON_NOT_SELECTED = new StyleClass("btnNotSelected");
        /// Overview page
        private static final StyleClass TREE_DIV_OVERVIEW_PAGE = new StyleClass(TREE_DIV, "ovw");
        private static final StyleClass DL_OVERVIEW_PAGE = new StyleClass("ovwDl");
        /// Search page
        private static final StyleClass SEARCH_BOX_TITLE = new StyleClass(SIDE_BAR_TITLE, "searchBoxTitle");
        private static final StyleClass SEARCH_BOX = new StyleClass("searchBox");
        private static final StyleClass SEARCH_FIELD = new StyleClass("searchField");
        /// Scope style classes
        private static final StyleClass PUBLIC_SCOPE = new StyleClass("pub");
        private static final StyleClass NON_PUBLIC_SCOPE = new StyleClass("nonPub");
        private static final StyleClass PROTECTED_SCOPE = new StyleClass(NON_PUBLIC_SCOPE, "prot");
        private static final StyleClass PRIVATE_SCOPE = new StyleClass(NON_PUBLIC_SCOPE, "priv");

        /// Module overview style classes
        private static final StyleClass RELATED_MODULES_LIST = new StyleClass("relatedModulesList");
        private static final StyleClass OVERVIEW_TABLE = new StyleClass("ovwTbl");
        private static final StyleClass OVERVIEW_TABLE_SCOPE_COLUMN = new StyleClass("ovwTblScope");
        private static final StyleClass OVERVIEW_NESTED_TABLE = new StyleClass("ovwNestedTbl");
        private static final StyleClass OVERVIEW_TABLE_DESCRIPTION = new StyleClass("ovwTblDesc");
        private static final StyleClass OVERVIEW_TABLE_OUTER_DESCRIPTION = new StyleClass(OVERVIEW_TABLE_DESCRIPTION, "outer");
        private static final StyleClass OVERVIEW_TABLE_NESTED_DESCRIPTION = new StyleClass(OVERVIEW_TABLE_DESCRIPTION, "nested");
        private static final StyleClass OVERVIEW_REFERENCE = new StyleClass("ovwRef");
        private static final StyleClass SHORT_DESCRIPTION_BLOCK = new StyleClass("ovwDesc");
        private static final StyleClass OVERVIEW_DEPRECATED_BLOCK = new StyleClass(ABSTRACT_DEPRECATED_BLOCK, "ovw");
        /// Details section: high-level style classes
        private static final StyleClass DETAILS_LIST = new StyleClass("detailsList");
        private static final StyleClass DATA_CONSTRUCTOR_LIST = new StyleClass(DETAILS_LIST, "dc");
        private static final StyleClass CLASS_METHOD_LIST = new StyleClass(DETAILS_LIST, "cm");
        private static final StyleClass KNOWN_INSTANCE_LIST = new StyleClass(DETAILS_LIST, "ki");
        private static final StyleClass INSTANCE_METHOD_LIST = new StyleClass(DETAILS_LIST, "im");
        private static final StyleClass DETAILS_LIST_HEADER = new StyleClass("detailsListHdr");
        private static final StyleClass DATA_CONSTRUCTOR_LIST_HEADER = new StyleClass(DETAILS_LIST_HEADER, "dc");
        private static final StyleClass CLASS_METHOD_LIST_HEADER = new StyleClass(DETAILS_LIST_HEADER, "cm");
        private static final StyleClass KNOWN_INSTANCE_LIST_HEADER = new StyleClass(DETAILS_LIST_HEADER, "ki");
        private static final StyleClass INSTANCE_METHOD_LIST_HEADER = new StyleClass(DETAILS_LIST_HEADER, "im");
        /// Details section: low-level style classes
        /// CALDoc/metadata indicator
        private static final StyleClass ABSTRACT_INDICATOR = new StyleClass("ind");
        private static final StyleClass METADATA_INDICATOR = new StyleClass(ABSTRACT_INDICATOR, "metadata");
        private static final StyleClass CALDOC_INDICATOR = new StyleClass(ABSTRACT_INDICATOR, "caldoc");
        /// Class method indicator
        private static final StyleClass CLASS_METHOD_INDICATOR = new StyleClass("cmInd");
        /// Description/attribute blocks
        private static final StyleClass ATTRIBUTE_HEADER = new StyleClass("attrHdr");
        private static final StyleClass DESCRIPTION_BLOCK = new StyleClass("desc");
        private static final StyleClass AUTHOR_BLOCK = new StyleClass("author");
        private static final StyleClass DEPRECATED_BLOCK = new StyleClass(ABSTRACT_DEPRECATED_BLOCK, "details");
        private static final StyleClass VERSION_BLOCK = new StyleClass("version");
        private static final StyleClass ARG_BLOCK = new StyleClass("arg");
        private static final StyleClass RETURN_BLOCK = new StyleClass("return");
        private static final StyleClass SEE_BLOCK = new StyleClass("see");
        private static final StyleClass RETURN_VALUE_INDICIATOR = new StyleClass("retval");
        /// Definition - header portion
        private static final StyleClass ABSTRACT_DEFINITION_SECTION_START = new StyleClass("defSecStart");
        private static final StyleClass FIRST_DEFINITION_SECTION_START = new StyleClass(ABSTRACT_DEFINITION_SECTION_START, "first");
        private static final StyleClass DEFINITION_SECTION_START = new StyleClass(ABSTRACT_DEFINITION_SECTION_START, "follow");
        private static final StyleClass DEFINITION_HEADER = new StyleClass("defHdr");
        private static final StyleClass DEFINITION_HEADER_FIRST_LINE = new StyleClass("defHdrFirstLine");
        private static final StyleClass DECLARATION = new StyleClass("decl");
        private static final StyleClass SCOPE = new StyleClass("scope");
        private static final StyleClass DECLARED_NAME = new StyleClass("declName");
        /// Argument name formatting
        private static final StyleClass ARG_NAME = new StyleClass("argName");
        private static final StyleClass ARG_NAME_FROM_CODE = new StyleClass(ARG_NAME, "fromCode");
        private static final StyleClass ARG_NAME_NOT_FROM_CODE = new StyleClass(ARG_NAME, "notFromCode");
        private static final StyleClass ARG_NAME_FROM_METADATA = new StyleClass(ARG_NAME_NOT_FROM_CODE, "fromMetadata");
        private static final StyleClass ARG_NAME_FROM_CALDOC = new StyleClass(ARG_NAME_NOT_FROM_CODE, "fromCALDoc");
        private static final StyleClass ARG_NAME_ARTIFICIAL = new StyleClass(ARG_NAME_NOT_FROM_CODE, "artificial");
        /// Type signature formatting
        private static final StyleClass TYPE_SIGNATURE = new StyleClass("typeSig");
        private static final StyleClass TYPE_CONSTRAINT = new StyleClass("typeConstraint");
        private static final StyleClass CAL_SYMBOL = new StyleClass("calSymbol");
        /// Navigation frames and bars
        private static final StyleClass DISABLED_LINK = new StyleClass("disabledLink");
        /// Navigation frames
        private static final StyleClass IMPORTANT_LINK = new StyleClass("importantLink");
        private static final StyleClass INDEX_NAV = new StyleClass("indexNav");
        private static final StyleClass INDEX_NAV_LINK = new StyleClass("indexNavLink");
        private static final StyleClass INDEX_NAV_CURRENT_LINK = new StyleClass("indexNavCurrentLink");
        /// Options Box
        private static final StyleClass OPTIONS_HEADER = new StyleClass("optionsHdr");
        private static final StyleClass OPTIONS_BODY = new StyleClass("optionsBody");
        private static final StyleClass OPTIONS_CHOICE = new StyleClass("optionsChoice");
        private static final StyleClass FAKE_LINK = new StyleClass("fakeLink");
        /// Navigation bars
        private static final StyleClass NAV_BAR = new StyleClass("navBar");
        private static final StyleClass NAV_BAR_GLOBAL_ROW = new StyleClass("navBarGlobalRow");
        private static final StyleClass NAV_BAR_LOCAL_ROW = new StyleClass("navBarLocalRow");
        private static final StyleClass NAV_BAR_HEADER_FOOTER = new StyleClass("navBarHeaderFooter");
        private static final StyleClass MODULE_LIST_NAV_BAR = new StyleClass("moduleListNavBar");
        /// CSS selectors for pseudo-classes
        private static final CSSBuilder.Selector A_LINK_PSEUDOCLASS_SELECTOR = CSSBuilder.Selector.makePseudoClass(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeType(HTML.Tag.A), "link");
        private static final CSSBuilder.Selector A_HOVER_PSEUDOCLASS_SELECTOR = CSSBuilder.Selector.makePseudoClass(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeType(HTML.Tag.A), "hover");
        private static final CSSBuilder.Selector A_VISITED_PSEUDOCLASS_SELECTOR = CSSBuilder.Selector.makePseudoClass(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeType(HTML.Tag.A), "visited");
        /// Tooltip fragments
        private static final StyleClass TOOLTIP_HEADER = new StyleClass("tooltipHeader");

     * A set of the HTML element identifiers employed by the documentation generator.
     * @author Joseph Wong
    private static final class ElementID {
        /** Private constructor. */
        private ElementID() {}
        private static final String OUTER_FRAMESET = "outerFrameset";
        private static final String SUMMARY_SECTION = "summarySection";
        private static final String TYPES_SECTION = "typesSection";
        private static final String FUNCTIONS_SECTION = "functionsSection";
        private static final String TYPE_CLASSES_SECTION = "typeClassesSection";
        private static final String INSTANCES_SECTION = "instancesSection";
        private static final String HIDE_NONPUBLIC_STYLE = "hideNonPub";
        private static final String MODULE_LIST_FLAT = "mlFlat";
        private static final String MODULE_LIST_GROUPED = "mlGrouped";
        private static final String MODULE_LIST_HIERARCHICAL = "mlHierarchical";
        private static final String SUB_TOOLBAR_MODULE_LIST_FLAT = "tbFlat";
        private static final String SUB_TOOLBAR_MODULE_LIST_GROUPED = "tbGrouped";
        private static final String SUB_TOOLBAR_MODULE_LIST_HIERARCHICAL = "tbHierarchical";
        private static final String DISPLAY_MODE_BUTTON_MODULE_LIST_FLAT = "dmFlat";
        private static final String DISPLAY_MODE_BUTTON_MODULE_LIST_GROUPED = "dmGrouped";
        private static final String DISPLAY_MODE_BUTTON_MODULE_LIST_HIERARCHICAL = "dmHierarchical";
        /// Search page
        private static final String KEY = "key";
        private static final String RESULTS = "results";
        /// Options box
        private static final String HIGHLIGHT_PUBLIC_STYLE = "highlightPub";
        private static final String HIGHLIGHT_NONPUBLIC_STYLE = "highlightNonPub";
        private static final String OPTIONS_BOX = "optionsBox";

     * A set of the style values employed by the documentation generator.
     * @author Joseph Wong
    private static final class StyleValueConstants {
        /** Private constructor. */
        private StyleValueConstants() {}
        /// Font constants
        private static final String SANS_SERIF_FONT_LIST = "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif";
        private static final String SERIF_FONT_LIST = "palatino, 'Palatino Linotype', 'Book Antiqua', serif";
        private static final String MONOSPACE_FONT_LIST = "'Lucida Console', 'Lucida Sans Typewriter', monospace";
        /// Colour constants
        private static final String OPENQUARK_BLUE = "#325087";
        private static final String OPENQUARK_CREAM = "#ffffe2";
        private static final String OPENQUARK_RED = "#f51e32";
        private static final String OPENQUARK_SECONDARY_LIGHT_BLUE = "#909fc9";
        private static final String OPENQUARK_SECONDARY_YELLOW = "#f9d37c";
        private static final String OPENQUARK_SECONDARY_KHAKI = "#ceca8d";
        private static final String OPENQUARK_WEBSITE_KHAKI = "#f2f1e1";
        private static final String OPENQUARK_WEBSITE_LIGHT_BLUE_HEADER_BACKGROUND = "#e8eff7";
        private static final String OPENQUARK_WEBSITE_LIGHT_BLUE_CONTENT_BACKGROUND = "#f5f9fc";
        private static final String WHITE = "white";
        private static final String DISABLED_LINK_COLOR = "gray";
        private static final String VISITED_LINK_COLOR ="#306";
        private static final String TYPE_CONSTRAINT_BACKGROUND_COLOR = "#eee";
        private static final String OVERVIEW_NESTED_TABLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR = "#fcfcfc";
        private static final String OVERVIEW_NESTED_TABLE_BORDER_COLOR = "#ccc";
        private static final String DEPRECATED_BLOCK_CODE_BLOCK_COLOR = "#fdd";
        private static final String DEPRECATED_BLOCK_BORDER_COLOR = "#fcc";
        private static final String DEPRECATED_BLOCK_BACKGROUND_COLOR = "#fee";
        private static final String METADATA_INDICATOR_COLOR = "green";
        private static final String CALDOC_INDICATOR_COLOR = OPENQUARK_BLUE;
        private static final String CODE_BLOCK_COLOR = "#574022";
        private static final String CODE_BLOCK_BACKGROUND_COLOR = "#f9f8f0";
        private static final String OPENQUARK_WEBSITE_KHAKI_SIDE_BAR_TITLE_COLOR = "#777";
        private static final String OPENQUARK_WEBSITE_KHAKI_SIDE_BAR_TITLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR = "#dfdec6";
        private static final String OPENQUARK_WEBSITE_KHAKI_LIGHTER = "#f9f9f0";
        private static final String CAL_EDITOR_HOVER_BACKGROUND_COLOR = OPENQUARK_CREAM;
        private static final String TOOLBAR_BACKGROUND_COLOR = "#d3f2eb";
        private static final String TOOLBAR_BUTTON_BACKGROUND_COLOR = "#defff8";
        private static final String TOOLBAR_BUTTON_BORDER_COLOR = "#9dccc2";
        private static final String SUB_TOOLBAR_BACKGROUND_COLOR = "#f2fffc";
        /// Text style constants
        private static final String BOLD = "bold";
        private static final String ITALIC = "italic";
        /// Text decoration constants
        private static final String UNDERLINE = "underline";
        /// Text size constants
        private static final String LARGER = "larger";
        private static final String X_LARGE = "x-large";
        private static final String LARGE = "large";
        private static final String MEDIUM = "medium";
        private static final String SMALLER = "smaller";
        private static final String INDICATOR_FONT_SIZE = "9px";
        /// Text alignment constants
        private static final String LEFT_ALIGN = "left";
        private static final String RIGHT_ALIGN = "right";
        /// Border style constants
        private static final String THIN = "thin";
        private static final String TWO_PX_THIN = "2px";
        private static final String SOLID = "solid";
        private static final String DOTTED = "dotted";
        private static final String OUTSET_BORDER_STYLE = "outset";
        private static final String INDEX_NAV_CURRENT_LINK_LEFT_BORDER_STYLE = "3px solid " + OPENQUARK_BLUE;
        private static final String INDEX_NAV_CURRENT_LINK_BORDER_STYLE = "1px solid #999";
        private static final String MODULE_LIST_SECTION_TITLE_LEFT_BORDER_STYLE = "3px solid " + OPENQUARK_RED;
        private static final String TREE_DIV_OVERVIEW_PAGE_LEFT_BORDER_STYLE = "1px dotted " + OPENQUARK_SECONDARY_LIGHT_BLUE;
        private static final String DL_OVERVIEW_PAGE_BORDER_STYLE = "1px solid " + OPENQUARK_SECONDARY_KHAKI;
        private static final String TOOLBAR_BUTTON_BORDER_STYLE = "1px solid " + TOOLBAR_BUTTON_BORDER_COLOR;
        private static final String TOOLBAR_BUTTON_BLACK_BORDER_STYLE = "1px solid black";
        private static final String TREE_NODE_TOGGLE_BORDER_STYLE = "1px solid #777";
        /// Width constants
        private static final String ZERO_WIDTH = "0px";
        private static final String ONE_EM_WIDTH = "1em";
        private static final String ONE_POINT_FIVE_EM_WIDTH = "1.5em";
        private static final String TWO_EM_WIDTH = "2em";
        private static final String MAJOR_SECTION_TOP_AND_SIDE_PADDING = "5px";
        private static final String DEPRECATED_BLOCK_CLEARANCE = "0.5em";
        private static final String DETAILS_LIST_MARGIN_TOP = "2.5em";
        private static final String DETAILS_LIST_PADDING = "3px";
        private static final String AUTO_WIDTH = "auto";
        private static final String TYPE_SIGNATURE_HANGING_INDENT = "6em";
        private static final String CODE_BLOCK_SIDE_PADDING = "0px";
        private static final String SEARCH_BOX_TOP_PADDING = "5px";
        private static final String SEARCH_BOX_RIGHT_PADDING = "10px";
        private static final String ONE_HUNDRED_PERCENT = "100%";
        private static final String MAIN_CONTENT_MARGIN = "8px";
        private static final String SIDE_BAR_TITLE_PADDING = "6px";
        private static final String INDEX_NAV_LINK_PADDING = "6px";
        private static final String INDEX_NAV_LINK_PADDING_HALF = "3px";
        private static final String INDEX_NAV_LINK_PADDING_HALF_MINUS_ONE = "2px";
        private static final String NAV_BAR_PADDING = "4px";
        private static final String SCOPE_DISPLAY_SETTINGS_PADDING = "2px";
        private static final String TREE_INDENT = "22px";
        private static final String TREE_DIV_OVERVIEW_PAGE_BOTTOM_MARGIN = "6px";
        private static final String DL_OVERVIEW_PAGE_BOTTOM_PADDING = "3px";
        private static final String TOOLBAR_PADDING = "6px";
        private static final String TOOLBAR_BUTTON_PADDING = "3px";
        private static final String SUB_TOOLBAR_BUTTON_TOP_BOTTOM_PADDING = "1px";
        private static final String RELATED_MODULES_GROUPED_LIST_HANGING_INDENT = "3em";
        /// Display style constants
        private static final String BLOCK = "block";
        private static final String NONE = "none";
        private static final String INLINE = "inline";
        /// Text wrap style constants
        private static final String NO_TEXT_WRAP = "none";
        private static final String SUPPRESS_TEXT_WRAP = "suppress";
        private static final String NOWRAP_WHITE_SPACE = "nowrap";
        /// Cursor style constants
        private static final String POINTER = "pointer";

     * CSS 2 attributes not in CSS.Attribute class.
     * @author Joseph Wong
    private static final class CSS2Attribute {
        /** Private constructor. */
        private CSS2Attribute() {}
        // good advice for preventing word-wrap can be found here:
        private static final String TEXT_WRAP = "text-wrap";
        private static final String CURSOR = "cursor";

     * HTML 4 tags and attributes not in HTML.Tag and HTML.Attribute classes.
     * @author Joseph Wong
    private static final class HTML4 {
        /** Private constructor. */
        private HTML4() {}
        private static final HTML.Tag TBODY_TAG = new HTML.Tag("tbody", true, true) {};
        private static final String RULES_ATTRIBUTE = "rules";
        private static final String ONLOAD_ATTRIBUTE = "onload";
        private static final String MEDIA_ATTRIBUTE = "media";
        private static final String ONCLICK_ATTRIBUTE = "onclick";

     * DocType declarations for HTML.
     * @author Joseph Wong
    private static final class DocTypeDecl {
        /** Private constructor. */
        private DocTypeDecl() {}
        /** DocType for HTML 4.01 Strict. */
        private static final String HTML_4_01_STRICT =
            "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN' ''>\n";
        /** DocType for HTML 4.01 Frameset. Used for the master frameset. */
        private static final String HTML_4_01_FRAMESET =
            "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN' ''>\n";
         * DocType for HTML 4.01 Transitional. Used for the navigation pages in
         * the smaller frames, because the 'target' attribute is <i>not</i> in
         * HTML 4.01 Strict.
         * Now also used for all documentation pages appearing in the main frame,
         * because of the appearance of the "Search" link targeting the right-hand-side frame.
        private static final String HTML_4_01_TRANSITIONAL =
            "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN' ''>\n";
     * A comparator for IndexEntry instances that orders them by their display names in a case-insensitive manner.
     * @author Joseph Wong
    private static final class IndexEntryComparator implements Comparator<IndexEntry> {
        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public int compare(IndexEntry a, IndexEntry b) {
            int ignoreCaseComparison = a.getDisplayName().compareToIgnoreCase(b.getDisplayName());
            if (ignoreCaseComparison != 0) {
                return ignoreCaseComparison;
            } else {
                return a.getDisplayName().compareTo(b.getDisplayName());
    /// Source model traverser for generating a hyperlinked type signature
     * This class implements a traverser which traverses through a type signature and generates its source representation,
     * with type classes and type constructors appropriate hyperlinked if requested.
     * @author Joseph Wong
    private class TypeSignatureHTMLGenerator extends SourceModelTraverser<Void, Void> {
        /** Whether hyperlinks should be generated. */
        private final boolean shouldGenerateHyperlinks;
         * Constructs an instance of this traverser/generator.
         * @param shouldGenerateHyperlinks whether hyperlinks should be generated.
        private TypeSignatureHTMLGenerator(boolean shouldGenerateHyperlinks) {
            this.shouldGenerateHyperlinks = shouldGenerateHyperlinks;
         * Generates the source representation of a type application, e.g. Either a b.
        public Void visit_TypeExprDefn_Application(SourceModel.TypeExprDefn.Application application, Void arg) {
            verifyArg(application, "application");
            /// Loop through each type expression in the application, and generate each one, properly parenthesized as required.
            final int nTypeExpressions = application.getNTypeExpressions();
            for (int i = 0; i < nTypeExpressions; i++) {
                if (i > 0) {
                    currentPage.addText(" ");
                SourceModel.TypeExprDefn nthTypeExpr = application.getNthTypeExpression(i);
                if (nthTypeExpr instanceof SourceModel.TypeExprDefn.Application || nthTypeExpr instanceof SourceModel.TypeExprDefn.Function) {
                    nthTypeExpr.accept(this, arg);
                } else {
                    nthTypeExpr.accept(this, arg);
            return null;
         * Generates the source representation of a function type, e.g. Int -> String.
        public Void visit_TypeExprDefn_Function(SourceModel.TypeExprDefn.Function function, Void arg) {
            verifyArg(function, "function");
            //we never need to parenthesize the type on the right hand side of a "->".
            //This is because "->" is the lowest precedence operator in the type grammar.
            //We only parenthesize the lhs if it is a "->".
            SourceModel.TypeExprDefn domain = function.getDomain();
            SourceModel.TypeExprDefn codomain = function.getCodomain();
            if (domain instanceof SourceModel.TypeExprDefn.Function) {
                domain.accept(this, arg);
            } else {
                domain.accept(this, arg);
            currentPage.addText(" ").addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.CAL_SYMBOL), CALFragments.RARROW + "&nbsp;");
            codomain.accept(this, arg);
            return null;
         * Generates the source representation of a list type, e.g. [Int].
        public Void visit_TypeExprDefn_List(SourceModel.TypeExprDefn.List list, Void arg) {
            verifyArg(list, "list");
            list.getElement().accept(this, arg);
            return null;
         * Generates the source representation of a record type, e.g. {r | a :: Int, b :: String}.
        public Void visit_TypeExprDefn_Record(SourceModel.TypeExprDefn.Record record, Void arg) {
            verifyArg(record, "record");
            final int nExtensionFields = record.getNExtensionFields();
            /// Generate the base record
            if (record.getBaseRecordVar() != null) {
                record.getBaseRecordVar().accept(this, arg);
                if (nExtensionFields > 0) {
            /// Generate the extension fields
            for (int i = 0; i < nExtensionFields; i++) {
                if (i > 0) {
                record.getNthExtensionField(i).accept(this, arg);
            return null;
         * Generates the source representation of a field-type pair in a record type, e.g. a :: Int.
        public Void visit_TypeExprDefn_Record_FieldTypePair(SourceModel.TypeExprDefn.Record.FieldTypePair pair, Void arg) {
            verifyArg(pair, "pair");
            currentPage.addText(pair.getFieldName().getName().getCalSourceForm() + "&nbsp;" + CALFragments.COLON_COLON + "&nbsp;");
            pair.getFieldType().accept(this, arg);
            return null;
         * Generates the source representation of a tuple type, e.g. (Int, String, a).
        public Void visit_TypeExprDefn_Tuple(SourceModel.TypeExprDefn.Tuple tuple, Void arg) {
            verifyArg(tuple, "tuple");
            /// Generate the source representation for each component
            final int nComponents = tuple.getNComponents();
            for (int i = 0; i < nComponents; i++) {
                if (i > 0) {
                tuple.getNthComponent(i).accept(this, arg);
            return null;
         * Generates the source representation of a type constructor type expression, hyperlinked if requested.
        public Void visit_TypeExprDefn_TypeCons(SourceModel.TypeExprDefn.TypeCons cons, Void arg) {
            verifyArg(cons, "cons");
            // NOTE: We require that the type cons name be fully qualified with a non-null module name.
            SourceModel.Name.TypeCons name = cons.getTypeConsName();
            if (shouldGenerateHyperlinks) {
                generateTypeConsReference(SourceModel.Name.Module.toModuleName(name.getModuleName()), name.getUnqualifiedName());
            } else {
                currentPage.addText(getAppropriatelyQualifiedName(SourceModel.Name.Module.toModuleName(name.getModuleName()), name.getUnqualifiedName()));
            return null;
         * Generates a reference to a type constructor, appropriately hyperlinked.<p>
         * This method is meant to be overridden in subclasses that need to generate the hyperlink differently.
         * @param moduleName the module name of the type constructor.
         * @param unqualifiedName the unqualified name of the type constructor.
        void generateTypeConsReference(ModuleName moduleName, String unqualifiedName) {
            HTMLDocumentationGenerator.this.generateTypeConsReference(moduleName, unqualifiedName);
         * Generates the source representation of a type variable type expression.
        public Void visit_TypeExprDefn_TypeVar(SourceModel.TypeExprDefn.TypeVar var, Void arg) {
            verifyArg(var, "var");
            return null;
         * Generates the source representation of the Unit type, i.e. ().
        public Void visit_TypeExprDefn_Unit(SourceModel.TypeExprDefn.Unit unit, Void arg) {
            verifyArg(unit, "unit");
            return null;
         * Generates the source representation of a lacks constraint, e.g. r\a.
        public Void visit_Constraint_Lacks(SourceModel.Constraint.Lacks lacks, Void arg) {
            verifyArg(lacks, "lacks");
            currentPage.addText(lacks.getTypeVarName().getName() + CALFragments.BACKSLASH + lacks.getLacksField().getName().getCalSourceForm());
            return null;
         * Generates the source representation of a type class constraint, hyperlinked if requested.
        public Void visit_Constraint_TypeClass(SourceModel.Constraint.TypeClass typeClass, Void arg) {
            verifyArg(typeClass, "typeClass");
            // NOTE: We require that the type class name be fully qualified with a non-null module name.
            SourceModel.Name.TypeClass name = typeClass.getTypeClassName();
            if (shouldGenerateHyperlinks) {
                generateTypeClassReference(SourceModel.Name.Module.toModuleName(name.getModuleName()), name.getUnqualifiedName());
            } else {
                currentPage.addText(getAppropriatelyQualifiedName(SourceModel.Name.Module.toModuleName(name.getModuleName()), name.getUnqualifiedName()));
            currentPage.addText(" " + typeClass.getTypeVarName().getName());
            return null;
         * Generates a reference to a type class, appropriately hyperlinked.<p>
         * This method is meant to be overriden in subclasses that need to generate the hyperlink differently.
         * @param moduleName the module name of the type class.
         * @param unqualifiedName the unqualified name of the type class.
        void generateTypeClassReference(ModuleName moduleName, String unqualifiedName) {
            HTMLDocumentationGenerator.this.generateTypeClassReference(moduleName, unqualifiedName);
         * Generates the source representation of a type signature.
        public Void visit_TypeSignature(SourceModel.TypeSignature signature, Void arg) {
            verifyArg(signature, "signature");
            generateConstraintsFromSignature(signature, arg);
            signature.getTypeExprDefn().accept(this, arg);
            return null;
         * Generates the source representation of the constraints portion of a type signature.
         * @param signature the type signature.
         * @param arg the argument to pass through the traversal.
        private void generateConstraintsFromSignature(SourceModel.TypeSignature signature, Void arg) {
            final int nConstraints = signature.getNConstraints();
            if (nConstraints > 0) {
                currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.TYPE_CONSTRAINT));
                if (nConstraints == 1) {
                    signature.getNthConstraint(0).accept(this, arg);
                } else {
                    for (int i = 0; i < nConstraints; i++) {
                        if (i > 0) {
                        signature.getNthConstraint(i).accept(this, arg);
                currentPage.addText(" ").addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.CAL_SYMBOL), CALFragments.IMPLIES).closeTag(HTML.Tag.SPAN).addText(" ");

     * A subclass of TypeSignatureHTMLGenerator that generates all its hyperlinks as non-local references.
     * @author Joseph Wong
    private final class TypeSignatureHTMLGeneratorUsingNonLocalReferences extends TypeSignatureHTMLGenerator {
        /** The relative path to the base directory for documentation generation. */
        private final String relativePathToBaseDirectory;
         * Constructs an instance of this traverser/generator.
         * @param relativePathToBaseDirectory the relative path to the base directory for documentation generation.
        TypeSignatureHTMLGeneratorUsingNonLocalReferences(String relativePathToBaseDirectory) {
            this.relativePathToBaseDirectory = relativePathToBaseDirectory;
         * Generates a reference to a type class, hyperlinked as non-local references.
         * @param moduleName the module name of the type class.
         * @param unqualifiedName the unqualified name of the type class.
        void generateTypeClassReference(ModuleName moduleName, String unqualifiedName) {
            String typeClassLabel = labelMaker.getTypeClassLabel(unqualifiedName);
            String appropriatelyQualifiedName = getAppropriatelyQualifiedName(moduleName, unqualifiedName);
            if (!isDocForTypeClassGenerated(moduleName, unqualifiedName)) {
            } else {
                generateNonLocalReference(currentPage, relativePathToBaseDirectory, moduleName, typeClassLabel, appropriatelyQualifiedName, getFullyQualifiedNameString(moduleName, unqualifiedName));
         * Generates a reference to a type constructor, hyperlinked as non-local references.
         * @param moduleName the module name of the type constructor.
         * @param unqualifiedName the unqualified name of the type constructor.
        void generateTypeConsReference(ModuleName moduleName, String unqualifiedName) {
            String typeConsLabel = labelMaker.getTypeConsLabel(unqualifiedName);
            String appropriatelyQualifiedName = getAppropriatelyQualifiedName(moduleName, unqualifiedName);
            if (!isDocForTypeConsGenerated(moduleName, unqualifiedName)) {
            } else {
                generateNonLocalReference(currentPage, relativePathToBaseDirectory, moduleName, typeConsLabel, appropriatelyQualifiedName, getFullyQualifiedNameString(moduleName, unqualifiedName));
     * Implements a cross-reference generator to be used by the text-block-to-HTML generation utility.
     * The implementation simply bridges to existing methods for generating references in the outer class.
     * @author Joseph Wong
    private final class ReferenceGenerator extends CALDocToHTMLUtilities.CrossReferenceHTMLGenerator {
         * The relative directory path for getting to the modules subdirectory.
        private final String relativeDirectory;
         * Constructs a ReferenceGenerator where the file to receive the cross-references is itself located
         * in the modules directory.
        private ReferenceGenerator() {
            this.relativeDirectory = null;
         * Constructs a ReferenceGenerator with the given relative directory path for getting to the modules subdirectory.
         * @param relativeDirectory the relative directory path for getting to the modules subdirectory.
        private ReferenceGenerator(String relativeDirectory) {
            this.relativeDirectory = relativeDirectory;

         * Generates HTML for a module cross-reference.
         * @param builder the HTMLBuilder to use for generating the cross-reference.
         * @param reference the module cross-reference.
        final void generateModuleReference(HTMLBuilder builder, CALDocComment.ModuleReference reference) {
            HTMLDocumentationGenerator.this.generateModuleReference(builder, relativeDirectory, reference);

         * Generates HTML for a type constructor cross-reference.
         * @param builder the HTMLBuilder to use for generating the cross-reference.
         * @param reference the type constructor cross-reference.
        final void generateTypeConsReference(HTMLBuilder builder, CALDocComment.ScopedEntityReference reference) {
            HTMLDocumentationGenerator.this.generateTypeConsReference(builder, relativeDirectory, reference.getName(), reference.getModuleNameInSource());

         * Generates HTML for a data constructor cross-reference.
         * @param builder the HTMLBuilder to use for generating the cross-reference.
         * @param reference the data constructor cross-reference.
        final void generateDataConsReference(HTMLBuilder builder, CALDocComment.ScopedEntityReference reference) {
            HTMLDocumentationGenerator.this.generateDataConsReference(builder, relativeDirectory, reference.getName(), reference.getModuleNameInSource());

         * Generates HTML for a function or class method cross-reference.
         * @param builder the HTMLBuilder to use for generating the cross-reference.
         * @param reference the function or class method cross-reference.
        final void generateFunctionOrClassMethodReference(HTMLBuilder builder, CALDocComment.ScopedEntityReference reference) {
            HTMLDocumentationGenerator.this.generateFunctionOrClassMethodReference(builder, relativeDirectory, reference.getName(), reference.getModuleNameInSource());

         * Generates HTML for a type class cross-reference.
         * @param builder the HTMLBuilder to use for generating the cross-reference.
         * @param reference the type class cross-reference.
        final void generateTypeClassReference(HTMLBuilder builder, CALDocComment.ScopedEntityReference reference) {
            HTMLDocumentationGenerator.this.generateTypeClassReference(builder, relativeDirectory, reference.getName(), reference.getModuleNameInSource());
     * Encapsulates the information for a node representing a module in a tree view
     * (e.g. in the module list and in the overview page).
     * @author Joseph Wong
    private static final class ModuleHierarchyInfo {
         * A sorted map from the pairs (ModuleName, (Boolean)isActualModule) of children to the corresponding ModuleHierarchyInfos.
        private final SortedMap<Pair<ModuleName, Boolean>, ModuleHierarchyInfo> children =
            new TreeMap<Pair<ModuleName, Boolean>, ModuleHierarchyInfo>(
                new Comparator<Pair<ModuleName, Boolean>>() {
                    public int compare(final Pair<ModuleName, Boolean> a, final Pair<ModuleName, Boolean> b) {
                        final int moduleNameResult = a.fst().compareTo(b.fst());
                        if (moduleNameResult != 0) {
                            // first order by module names
                            return moduleNameResult;
                        } else {
                            // if module names are equal
                            // we want true < false so that actual modules come before namespaces with the same name
                            if (a.snd() == Boolean.TRUE) {
                                if (b.snd() == Boolean.FALSE) {
                                    return -1;
                                } else {
                                    return 0;
                            } else {
                                if (b.snd() == Boolean.TRUE) {
                                    return 1;
                                } else {
                                    return 0;
         * Returns the ModuleHierarchyInfo for the child with the given name, creating it if necessary.
         * @param childName the name of the child.
         * @param isActualModule whether the child represents an actual module.
         * @return the ModuleHierarchyInfo for the child.
        ModuleHierarchyInfo makeChild(final ModuleName childName, final boolean isActualModule) {
            final Pair<ModuleName, Boolean> key = new Pair<ModuleName, Boolean>(childName, Boolean.valueOf(isActualModule));
            final ModuleHierarchyInfo childFromMap = children.get(key);
            if (childFromMap != null) {
                return childFromMap;
            } else {
                final ModuleHierarchyInfo newChild = new ModuleHierarchyInfo();
                children.put(key, newChild);
                return newChild;

         * Returns the children map.
         * @return the children map.
        SortedMap<Pair<ModuleName, Boolean>, ModuleHierarchyInfo> getChildren() {
            // this method is meant for internal use only, so we return the mutable map without wrapping it
            return children;
    /// Constructor and private helper methods

     * Package-scoped constructor for creating an instance of this class.
     * @param workspaceManager the workspace manager.
     * @param config the configuration.
    HTMLDocumentationGenerator(WorkspaceManager workspaceManager, HTMLDocumentationGeneratorConfiguration config) {
        this(workspaceManager, workspaceManager.getWorkspace(), config, false);
     * Package-scoped constructor for creating an instance of this class.
     * @param programModelManager the program model manager.
     * @param workspace the CALWorkspace for metadata access. Can be null.
     * @param config the configuration.
     * @param disableAllHyperlinks whether to disable all hyperlinks globally.
    HTMLDocumentationGenerator(final ProgramModelManager programModelManager, final CALWorkspace workspace, final HTMLDocumentationGeneratorConfiguration config, final boolean disableAllHyperlinks) {
        super(programModelManager, config.filter, config.shouldGenerateUsageIndices, config.logger);
        this.workspace = workspace;
        this.config = config;
        this.disableAllHyperlinks = disableAllHyperlinks;
     * @return whether the documentation should include metadata.
    private boolean shouldGenerateFromMetadata() {
        return config.shouldGenerateFromMetadata;
     * @return whether CALDoc should always be included in the documentation regardless of whether metadata is included or not.
    private boolean shouldAlwaysGenerateFromCALDoc() {
        return config.shouldAlwaysGenerateFromCALDoc;
     * @return whether author info should be generated.
    private boolean shouldGenerateAuthorInfo() {
        return config.shouldGenerateAuthorInfo;
     * @return whether version info should be generated.
    private boolean shouldGenerateVersionInfo() {
        return config.shouldGenerateVersionInfo;
     * @return whether Prelude names should always be displayed as unqualified.
    private boolean shouldDisplayPreludeNamesAsUnqualified() {
        return config.shouldDisplayPreludeNamesAsUnqualified;
     * @return the Locale for the generated documentation, in particular the metadata if included.
    private Locale getLocale() {
        return config.locale;
     * Generates a text file using the UTF-8 encoding.
     * @param fileName the name of the file to be generated.
     * @param content the content of the file to be generated.
    private void generateTextFile(String fileName, String content) {
        config.fileGenerator.generateTextFile(fileName, content, FileGenerator.UTF_8_CHARSET);
     * Generates a text file in a particular subdirectory of the base directory using the UTF-8 encoding.
     * The subdirectory will be created if it does not exist.
     * @param subdirectory the subdirectory name.
     * @param fileName the name of the file to be generated.
     * @param content the content of the file to be generated.
    private void generateTextFile(String subdirectory, String fileName, String content) {
        config.fileGenerator.generateTextFile(subdirectory, fileName, content, FileGenerator.UTF_8_CHARSET);
     * Returns the metadata for the given feature.
     * @param featureName the name of the feature.
     * @param locale the locale associated with the metadata.
     * @return the metadata, or which could be empty if the workspace is null or if there is no metadata for the feature.
    private CALFeatureMetadata getMetadata(final CALFeatureName featureName, final Locale locale) {
        if (workspace == null) {
            return MetadataManager.getEmptyMetadata(featureName, locale);
        } else {
            return workspace.getMetadata(featureName, locale);

     * Returns the metadata for a scoped entity.
     * @param entity the entity.
     * @param locale the locale associated with the metadata.
     * @return the metadata, or which could be empty if the workspace is null or if there is no metadata for the entity.
    private ScopedEntityMetadata getMetadata(final FunctionalAgent entity, final Locale locale) {
        if (workspace == null) {
            return MetadataManager.getEmptyMetadata(entity, locale);
        } else {
            return workspace.getMetadata(entity, locale);

     * Helper method to create a new HTMLBuilder to start a new page.
    private void startNewCurrentPage() {
        currentPage = new HTMLBuilder();
     * Helper method to create a new HTMLBuilder to start a new page.
    void startNewCurrentPageWithModule(ModuleName moduleName) {
        currentModuleName = moduleName;
     * Helper method (for other clients in this package) to obtain the HTML for the currently generated page.
     * @return the HTML.
    String getCurrentPageHTML() {
        return currentPage.toHTML();

    /// General HTML and CSS generation helpers
     * Constructs the title text of the page, to be displayed in the window title.
     * @param mainTitle the main identifying component of the title.
     * @return the proper title for the page.
    private String makePageTitle(String mainTitle) {
        if (config.windowTitle.length() > 0) {
            return LocalizableUserVisibleString.WINDOW_TITLE_TEMPLATE.toResourceString(mainTitle, config.windowTitle);
        } else {
            return mainTitle;
     * Constructs the HTML attributes for a <tt>link</tt> element for associating
     * the HTML page with an external CSS file.
     * @param rel the rel attribute.
     * @param title the title attribute.
     * @param href the href attribute.
     * @return the list of HTML attributes for the <tt>link</tt> element.
    private static HTMLBuilder.AttributeList getStylesheetAttributes(String rel, String title, String href) {
        return HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(
            HTML.Attribute.REL, rel,
            HTML.Attribute.TYPE, "text/css",
            HTML.Attribute.TITLE, title,
            HTML.Attribute.HREF, href);

     * Generates the <tt>head</tt> section of the HTML file.
     * @param title the title of the page.
     * @param relativePathToBaseDirectory the relative path to the base documentation directory.
     * @param linkTargetName if not null, specifies that a <tt>base</tt> element should be included containing the target name. Can be null.
     * @param javascript if not null, specifies a javascript section to be included with the head section.
     * @param additionalCSS if not null, specifies a Map (style id -> css text) of additional style sheets to include.
    private void generateHeadSection(String title, String relativePathToBaseDirectory, String linkTargetName, String javascript, Map<String, String> additionalCSS) {
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.TITLE, title)
            .emptyTag(HTML.Tag.META, HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(
                HTML.Attribute.HTTPEQUIV, "Content-Type",
                HTML.Attribute.CONTENT, "text/html; charset=UTF-8"));
        if (additionalCSS != null) {
            for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : additionalCSS.entrySet()) {
                String id = entry.getKey();
                String css = entry.getValue();
                currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.STYLE, idAttribute(id).concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.TYPE, "text/css")), css);
                getStylesheetAttributes("stylesheet", LocalizableUserVisibleString.DEFAULT.toResourceString(), relativePathToBaseDirectory + DEFAULT_CSS_FILENAME))
                getStylesheetAttributes("alternate stylesheet", LocalizableUserVisibleString.FOR_PRINTING.toResourceString(), relativePathToBaseDirectory + PRINTED_VERSION_CSS_FILENAME))
                HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML4.MEDIA_ATTRIBUTE, "print")
                .concat(getStylesheetAttributes("stylesheet", LocalizableUserVisibleString.FOR_PRINTING.toResourceString(), relativePathToBaseDirectory + PRINTED_VERSION_CSS_FILENAME)));
        if (linkTargetName != null) {
            currentPage.emptyTag(HTML.Tag.BASE, HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.TARGET, linkTargetName));
        if (javascript != null) {
            currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SCRIPT, HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.TYPE, "text/javascript"), javascript);
     * Generates the <tt>head</tt> section of the HTML file.
     * @param title the title of the page.
     * @param relativePathToBaseDirectory the relative path to the base documentation directory.
     * @param linkTargetName if not null, specifies that a <tt>base</tt> element should be included containing the target name. Can be null.
     * @param javascript if not null, specifies a javascript section to be included with the head section.
    private void generateHeadSection(String title, String relativePathToBaseDirectory, String linkTargetName, String javascript) {
        String hideNonPublicStyleCSS =
            new CSSBuilder().addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.NON_PUBLIC_SCOPE))
                .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.DISPLAY, StyleValueConstants.NONE)).toCSS();
        generateHeadSection(title, relativePathToBaseDirectory, linkTargetName, javascript, Collections.singletonMap(ElementID.HIDE_NONPUBLIC_STYLE, hideNonPublicStyleCSS));
     * Generates the javascript function for updating the scope display settings on the current page based on the settings
     * stored in the top level frameset (if it exists).
    private void generateUpdateScopeDisplaySettingsJavascript() {
        String script = getUpdateScopeDisplaySettingsJavascript();
        currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SCRIPT, HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.TYPE, "text/javascript"), script);

     * @return the javascript function for updating the scope display settings on the current page based on the settings
     * stored in the top level frameset (if it exists).
    private String getUpdateScopeDisplaySettingsJavascript() {
        String script =
            "\n" +
            "function getCssRule(styleElem, index) {\n" +
            "    if (styleElem.cssRules) {\n" +
            "        return styleElem.cssRules[index];\n" +
            "    } else if (styleElem.rules) {\n" +
            "        return styleElem.rules[index];\n" +
            "    }\n" +
            "}\n" +
            "var safari = (('' + navigator.vendor).indexOf('Apple') >= 0);\n" +
            "\n" +
            "function changeStyle(styleElem, disabled) {\n" +
            "    if (safari) {\n" +
            "        getCssRule(styleElem, 0).style.cssText = !parent.isPublicOnlyScope() ? '' : 'display: none';\n" +
            "    } else {\n" +
            "        styleElem.disabled = disabled;\n" +
            "    }\n" +
            "}\n" +
            "\n" +
            "function updateScopeDisplaySettings() {\n" +
            "    var styleElement = document.styleSheets[0]; //document.getElementById('" + ElementID.HIDE_NONPUBLIC_STYLE + "');\n" +
            "    if (styleElement) {\n" +
            "        if (parent && parent.isPublicOnlyScope) {\n" +
            "            changeStyle(styleElement, !parent.isPublicOnlyScope());\n" +
            "        } else {\n" +
            "            changeStyle(styleElement, true);\n" +
            "        }\n" +
            "    }\n" +
            "}\n" +
            "\n" +
            "updateScopeDisplaySettings(); // run it immediately\n";
        return script;
     * Constructs the text of the default CSS file for display within a small area.
     * @return the CSS file's contents.
     * @implementation this method is exposed via package scope to allow reuse by the CALDocToTooltipHTMLUtilities
    static String getCompactDisplayCSS() {
        CSSBuilder cssBuilder = new CSSBuilder();
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeType(HTML.Tag.BODY))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_FAMILY, StyleValueConstants.SANS_SERIF_FONT_LIST)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_SIZE, "11px")
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.LINE_HEIGHT, "14px")
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN, "3px")
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING, "0px"));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeType(HTML.Tag.DL))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_TOP, StyleValueConstants.TWO_PX_THIN));

        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeType(HTML.Tag.DD))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_LEFT, "10px"));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeDescendant(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeType(HTML.Tag.DD), CSSBuilder.Selector.makeType(HTML.Tag.DD)))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_LEFT, "20px"));

        return getStandardCSS(cssBuilder, "2px", StyleValueConstants.CAL_EDITOR_HOVER_BACKGROUND_COLOR);
     * Constructs the text of the default CSS file.
     * @return the CSS file's contents.
    private static String getDefaultCSS() {
        CSSBuilder cssBuilder = new CSSBuilder();
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeType(HTML.Tag.BODY))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_FAMILY, StyleValueConstants.SANS_SERIF_FONT_LIST)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_SIZE, "11px"));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeType(HTML.Tag.BODY))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.LINE_HEIGHT, "1.7em"));
        return getStandardCSS(cssBuilder, StyleValueConstants.ONE_EM_WIDTH,
     * Constructs the text of the CSS file for formatting for printing.
     * @return the CSS file's contents.
    private static String getPrintedVersionCSS() {
        CSSBuilder cssBuilder = new CSSBuilder();
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeType(HTML.Tag.BODY))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_FAMILY, StyleValueConstants.SERIF_FONT_LIST)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_SIZE, "11pt"));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeType(HTML.Tag.CODE))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_SIZE, "10pt"));
        return getStandardCSS(cssBuilder, StyleValueConstants.ONE_EM_WIDTH, StyleValueConstants.WHITE);
     * Constructs the common portion of the CSS files using the specified builder.
     * @param cssBuilder the builder to use for building the CSS.
     * @param defintionLineTopBottomMargin the top/bottom margin surrounding a line containing a definition.
     * @return the CSS file's contents.
    private static String getStandardCSS(final CSSBuilder cssBuilder,
                                         final String defintionLineTopBottomMargin,
                                         final String bodyBackgroundColor) {
        /// General styles
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.WITH_MAIN_CONTENT))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN, StyleValueConstants.ZERO_WIDTH)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING, StyleValueConstants.ZERO_WIDTH));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.MAIN_CONTENT))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN, StyleValueConstants.MAIN_CONTENT_MARGIN));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeType(HTML.Tag.BODY))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR, bodyBackgroundColor));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.NON_DISPLAYED_HEADER))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.DISPLAY, StyleValueConstants.NONE));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeType(HTML.Tag.H1))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_SIZE, StyleValueConstants.X_LARGE));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeType(HTML.Tag.H2))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_SIZE, StyleValueConstants.LARGE));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeType(HTML.Tag.H1), CSSBuilder.Selector.makeType(HTML.Tag.H2))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.COLOR, StyleValueConstants.OPENQUARK_BLUE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_FAMILY, StyleValueConstants.SANS_SERIF_FONT_LIST));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(StyleClassConstants.A_LINK_PSEUDOCLASS_SELECTOR)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.COLOR, StyleValueConstants.OPENQUARK_BLUE));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(
            CSSBuilder.Selector.makeDescendant(StyleClassConstants.A_HOVER_PSEUDOCLASS_SELECTOR, CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.TYPE_CONSTRAINT)))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR, StyleValueConstants.OPENQUARK_WEBSITE_KHAKI));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeDescendant(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeType(HTML.Tag.A), CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.TYPE_CONSTRAINT)))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.TEXT_DECORATION, StyleValueConstants.UNDERLINE));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(StyleClassConstants.A_VISITED_PSEUDOCLASS_SELECTOR)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.COLOR, StyleValueConstants.VISITED_LINK_COLOR));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.IMPORTANT_LINK))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_SIZE, StyleValueConstants.LARGER));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(
            CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeType(HTML.Tag.DIV), StyleClassConstants.PUBLIC_SCOPE),
            CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeType(HTML.Tag.DIV), StyleClassConstants.NON_PUBLIC_SCOPE))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN, StyleValueConstants.ZERO_WIDTH)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING, StyleValueConstants.ZERO_WIDTH));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.MAJOR_SECTION))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR, StyleValueConstants.OPENQUARK_WEBSITE_KHAKI)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING, StyleValueConstants.MAJOR_SECTION_TOP_AND_SIDE_PADDING)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_BOTTOM, StyleValueConstants.ONE_EM_WIDTH));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.MINOR_SECTION))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.COLOR, StyleValueConstants.OPENQUARK_BLUE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_FAMILY, StyleValueConstants.SANS_SERIF_FONT_LIST)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_SIZE, StyleValueConstants.LARGER)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_WEIGHT, StyleValueConstants.BOLD)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_BOTTOM, StyleValueConstants.TWO_PX_THIN + " " + StyleValueConstants.SOLID + " " + StyleValueConstants.OPENQUARK_RED));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.MINOR_SECTION_ALTERNATE))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_BOTTOM, StyleValueConstants.TWO_PX_THIN + " " + StyleValueConstants.SOLID + " " + StyleValueConstants.OPENQUARK_SECONDARY_KHAKI));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.PAGE_BOTTOM))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_SIZE, StyleValueConstants.SMALLER));
        // Create a hanging indent look for a type signature (namd and type).
        // This is done by making the type signature display as a block, with some padding on the left,
        // but with a *negative* text indent by the same amount applied so that the first line juts out to the left.
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.NAME_AND_TYPE))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.DISPLAY, StyleValueConstants.BLOCK)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_LEFT, StyleValueConstants.TYPE_SIGNATURE_HANGING_INDENT)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.TEXT_INDENT, "-" + StyleValueConstants.TYPE_SIGNATURE_HANGING_INDENT));
        /// Side bars
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.MODULE_LIST_PAGE_TITLE))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_SIZE, StyleValueConstants.MEDIUM)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.COLOR, StyleValueConstants.OPENQUARK_BLUE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN, StyleValueConstants.ZERO_WIDTH)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING, StyleValueConstants.NAV_BAR_PADDING)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_BOTTOM, StyleValueConstants.ZERO_WIDTH));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.MODULE_LIST_NAV_BAR))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING, StyleValueConstants.NAV_BAR_PADDING)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.COLOR, StyleValueConstants.OPENQUARK_BLUE));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.MODULE_LIST_SECTION_TITLE))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_WEIGHT, StyleValueConstants.BOLD)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR, StyleValueConstants.OPENQUARK_WEBSITE_KHAKI_LIGHTER)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_LEFT, StyleValueConstants.MODULE_LIST_SECTION_TITLE_LEFT_BORDER_STYLE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_LEFT, StyleValueConstants.INDEX_NAV_LINK_PADDING_HALF)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_TOP, StyleValueConstants.INDEX_NAV_CURRENT_LINK_BORDER_STYLE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_TOP, StyleValueConstants.INDEX_NAV_LINK_PADDING_HALF_MINUS_ONE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_BOTTOM, StyleValueConstants.INDEX_NAV_CURRENT_LINK_BORDER_STYLE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_BOTTOM, StyleValueConstants.INDEX_NAV_LINK_PADDING_HALF_MINUS_ONE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_RIGHT, StyleValueConstants.INDEX_NAV_CURRENT_LINK_BORDER_STYLE));

        // we do not indent the <div> for the outermost level, so we use a descendant selector
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeDescendant(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.TREE_DIV), CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.TREE_DIV)))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_LEFT, StyleValueConstants.TREE_INDENT));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.TREE_NODE_TOGGLE))
            .addAttribute(CSS2Attribute.CURSOR, StyleValueConstants.POINTER)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER, StyleValueConstants.TREE_NODE_TOGGLE_BORDER_STYLE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_LEFT, StyleValueConstants.TWO_PX_THIN)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_RIGHT, StyleValueConstants.TWO_PX_THIN)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_FAMILY, StyleValueConstants.MONOSPACE_FONT_LIST));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makePseudoClass(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.TREE_NODE_TOGGLE), "hover"))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR, StyleValueConstants.TREE_NODE_TOGGLE_HOVER_BACKGROUND_COLOR));

        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.TREE_NODE_TOGGLE_PLACEHOLDER))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.COLOR, StyleValueConstants.WHITE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_COLOR, StyleValueConstants.WHITE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_STYLE, StyleValueConstants.SOLID)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_WIDTH, StyleValueConstants.THIN)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_LEFT, StyleValueConstants.TWO_PX_THIN)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_RIGHT, StyleValueConstants.TWO_PX_THIN)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_FAMILY, StyleValueConstants.MONOSPACE_FONT_LIST));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.SIDE_BAR_KHAKI_TITLE))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_SIZE, StyleValueConstants.MEDIUM)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.COLOR, StyleValueConstants.OPENQUARK_WEBSITE_KHAKI_SIDE_BAR_TITLE_COLOR)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN, StyleValueConstants.ZERO_WIDTH)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING, StyleValueConstants.SIDE_BAR_TITLE_PADDING));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.SIDE_BAR_KHAKI_SUPERTITLE))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_WEIGHT, StyleValueConstants.BOLD)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.COLOR, StyleValueConstants.OPENQUARK_WEBSITE_KHAKI_SIDE_BAR_SUPERTITLE_COLOR)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING, StyleValueConstants.SIDE_BAR_TITLE_PADDING)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_BOTTOM, StyleValueConstants.ZERO_WIDTH));
        /// Display mode toolbar
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.TOOLBAR))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR, StyleValueConstants.TOOLBAR_BACKGROUND_COLOR)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING, StyleValueConstants.TOOLBAR_PADDING));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeDescendant(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.TOOLBAR), CSSBuilder.Selector.makeType(HTML.Tag.A)))
            .addAttribute(CSS2Attribute.CURSOR, StyleValueConstants.POINTER)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER, StyleValueConstants.TOOLBAR_BUTTON_BORDER_STYLE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR, StyleValueConstants.TOOLBAR_BUTTON_BACKGROUND_COLOR)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING, StyleValueConstants.TOOLBAR_BUTTON_PADDING));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeDescendant(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.TOOLBAR), StyleClassConstants.A_HOVER_PSEUDOCLASS_SELECTOR))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER, StyleValueConstants.TOOLBAR_BUTTON_BLACK_BORDER_STYLE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR, StyleValueConstants.TOOLBAR_BUTTON_HOVER_BACKGROUND_COLOR));

        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeDescendant(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.TOOLBAR), CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeType(HTML.Tag.A), StyleClassConstants.BUTTON_SELECTED)))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER, StyleValueConstants.TOOLBAR_BUTTON_BLACK_BORDER_STYLE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR, StyleValueConstants.TOOLBAR_BUTTON_SELECTED_BACKGROUND_COLOR));

        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.SUB_TOOLBAR))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.TEXT_ALIGN, StyleValueConstants.RIGHT_ALIGN)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR, StyleValueConstants.SUB_TOOLBAR_BACKGROUND_COLOR)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_TOP, StyleValueConstants.SUB_TOOLBAR_BUTTON_TOP_BOTTOM_PADDING)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_BOTTOM, StyleValueConstants.SUB_TOOLBAR_BUTTON_TOP_BOTTOM_PADDING));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeDescendant(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.SUB_TOOLBAR), CSSBuilder.Selector.makePseudoClass(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.TREE_NODE_TOGGLE), "hover")))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR, StyleValueConstants.TOOLBAR_BUTTON_HOVER_BACKGROUND_COLOR)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER, StyleValueConstants.TOOLBAR_BUTTON_BLACK_BORDER_STYLE));

        /// Overview Page
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeDescendant(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.TREE_DIV_OVERVIEW_PAGE), CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.TREE_DIV_OVERVIEW_PAGE)))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_LEFT, StyleValueConstants.TREE_DIV_OVERVIEW_PAGE_LEFT_BORDER_STYLE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_BOTTOM, StyleValueConstants.TREE_DIV_OVERVIEW_PAGE_BOTTOM_BORDER_STYLE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_BOTTOM, StyleValueConstants.ZERO_WIDTH)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_BOTTOM, StyleValueConstants.TREE_DIV_OVERVIEW_PAGE_BOTTOM_MARGIN));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.DL_OVERVIEW_PAGE))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_BOTTOM, StyleValueConstants.TREE_DIV_OVERVIEW_PAGE_BOTTOM_MARGIN)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_BOTTOM, StyleValueConstants.DL_OVERVIEW_PAGE_BOTTOM_PADDING)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_BOTTOM, StyleValueConstants.DL_OVERVIEW_PAGE_BORDER_STYLE));
        /// Search Page
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.SEARCH_BOX_TITLE))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_SIZE, StyleValueConstants.LARGER)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_WEIGHT, StyleValueConstants.BOLD)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.COLOR, StyleValueConstants.OPENQUARK_WEBSITE_KHAKI_SIDE_BAR_TITLE_COLOR)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN, StyleValueConstants.ZERO_WIDTH));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.SEARCH_BOX))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR, StyleValueConstants.OPENQUARK_WEBSITE_KHAKI)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING, StyleValueConstants.SEARCH_BOX_TOP_PADDING)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_RIGHT, StyleValueConstants.SEARCH_BOX_RIGHT_PADDING));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.SEARCH_FIELD))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.WIDTH, StyleValueConstants.ONE_HUNDRED_PERCENT));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeType(HTML.Tag.FORM))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN, StyleValueConstants.ZERO_WIDTH)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING, StyleValueConstants.ZERO_WIDTH));
        /// Code blocks
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.CODE_BLOCK))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_FAMILY, StyleValueConstants.MONOSPACE_FONT_LIST)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_LEFT, StyleValueConstants.CODE_BLOCK_SIDE_PADDING)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_RIGHT, StyleValueConstants.CODE_BLOCK_SIDE_PADDING)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.COLOR, StyleValueConstants.CODE_BLOCK_COLOR)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR, StyleValueConstants.CODE_BLOCK_BACKGROUND_COLOR));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeType(HTML.Tag.PRE), StyleClassConstants.CODE_BLOCK))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_STYLE, StyleValueConstants.SOLID)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_WIDTH, StyleValueConstants.THIN)
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeDescendant(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.CODE_BLOCK), CSSBuilder.Selector.makeType(HTML.Tag.A)))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.COLOR, StyleValueConstants.CODE_BLOCK_COLOR));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeDescendant(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.ABSTRACT_DEPRECATED_BLOCK), CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.CODE_BLOCK)))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR, StyleValueConstants.DEPRECATED_BLOCK_CODE_BLOCK_COLOR));
        /// Deprecated blocks
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.ABSTRACT_DEPRECATED_BLOCK))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR, StyleValueConstants.DEPRECATED_BLOCK_BACKGROUND_COLOR)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_WIDTH, StyleValueConstants.THIN)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_STYLE, StyleValueConstants.SOLID)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_COLOR, StyleValueConstants.DEPRECATED_BLOCK_BORDER_COLOR)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_STYLE, StyleValueConstants.ITALIC)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_LEFT, StyleValueConstants.ONE_EM_WIDTH));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_DEPRECATED_BLOCK))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_BOTTOM, StyleValueConstants.DEPRECATED_BLOCK_CLEARANCE));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.DEPRECATED_BLOCK))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_TOP, StyleValueConstants.DEPRECATED_BLOCK_CLEARANCE));
        /// Module overview
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_TABLE))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_BOTTOM, StyleValueConstants.TWO_EM_WIDTH));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeDescendant(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_TABLE), CSSBuilder.Selector.makeType(HTML.Tag.DL)))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_TOP, StyleValueConstants.ZERO_WIDTH)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_BOTTOM, StyleValueConstants.ZERO_WIDTH)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_TOP, StyleValueConstants.ZERO_WIDTH)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_BOTTOM, StyleValueConstants.ZERO_WIDTH));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeDescendant(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_TABLE), CSSBuilder.Selector.makeType(HTML.Tag.CAPTION)))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.WIDTH, StyleValueConstants.AUTO_WIDTH)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.TEXT_ALIGN, StyleValueConstants.LEFT_ALIGN));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_TABLE_SCOPE_COLUMN))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.WIDTH, StyleValueConstants.TWO_EM_WIDTH));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_NESTED_TABLE))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_TOP, StyleValueConstants.ONE_POINT_FIVE_EM_WIDTH)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR, StyleValueConstants.OVERVIEW_NESTED_TABLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_COLOR, StyleValueConstants.OVERVIEW_NESTED_TABLE_BORDER_COLOR));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_TABLE_DESCRIPTION))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_LEFT, StyleValueConstants.TWO_EM_WIDTH));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_REFERENCE))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_WEIGHT, StyleValueConstants.BOLD));
        // Create a hanging indent look for a related modules list.
        // This is done by making the display as a block, with some padding on the left,
        // but with a *negative* text indent by the same amount applied so that the first line juts out to the left.
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.RELATED_MODULES_LIST))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_LEFT, StyleValueConstants.RELATED_MODULES_GROUPED_LIST_HANGING_INDENT)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.TEXT_INDENT, "-" + StyleValueConstants.RELATED_MODULES_GROUPED_LIST_HANGING_INDENT));
        /// Details section: high-level style classes
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.DETAILS_LIST_HEADER))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.COLOR, StyleValueConstants.OPENQUARK_BLUE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR, StyleValueConstants.OPENQUARK_WEBSITE_KHAKI)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_FAMILY, StyleValueConstants.SANS_SERIF_FONT_LIST)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_WEIGHT, StyleValueConstants.BOLD));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.DETAILS_LIST))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR, StyleValueConstants.OVERVIEW_NESTED_TABLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_WIDTH, StyleValueConstants.THIN)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_STYLE, StyleValueConstants.OUTSET_BORDER_STYLE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING, StyleValueConstants.DETAILS_LIST_PADDING)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_TOP, StyleValueConstants.DETAILS_LIST_MARGIN_TOP));
        /// Details section: low-level style classes
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.ATTRIBUTE_HEADER))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_WEIGHT, StyleValueConstants.BOLD));
        /// CALDoc/metadata indicator
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.ABSTRACT_INDICATOR))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_FAMILY, StyleValueConstants.SANS_SERIF_FONT_LIST)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_SIZE, StyleValueConstants.INDICATOR_FONT_SIZE));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.METADATA_INDICATOR))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.COLOR, StyleValueConstants.METADATA_INDICATOR_COLOR));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.CALDOC_INDICATOR))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.COLOR, StyleValueConstants.CALDOC_INDICATOR_COLOR));
        /// Class method indicator
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.CLASS_METHOD_INDICATOR))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.DISPLAY, StyleValueConstants.BLOCK)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_STYLE, StyleValueConstants.ITALIC));
        /// Definition - header section
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.ABSTRACT_DEFINITION_SECTION_START))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_TOP, defintionLineTopBottomMargin));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.DEFINITION_SECTION_START))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_TOP, StyleValueConstants.THIN + " " + StyleValueConstants.SOLID)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_TOP, defintionLineTopBottomMargin));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.DEFINITION_HEADER))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_SIZE, StyleValueConstants.LARGER));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.DEFINITION_HEADER_FIRST_LINE))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.DISPLAY, StyleValueConstants.BLOCK)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_BOTTOM, defintionLineTopBottomMargin));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.DECLARED_NAME))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_WEIGHT, StyleValueConstants.BOLD));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.DESCRIPTION_BLOCK))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_TOP, StyleValueConstants.ONE_EM_WIDTH)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_BOTTOM, StyleValueConstants.ONE_EM_WIDTH));
        /// Argument names
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.ARG_NAME_NOT_FROM_CODE))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_STYLE, StyleValueConstants.ITALIC));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.RETURN_VALUE_INDICIATOR))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_STYLE, StyleValueConstants.ITALIC));
        /// Type signatures
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.TYPE_SIGNATURE))
            .addAttribute(CSS2Attribute.TEXT_WRAP, StyleValueConstants.SUPPRESS_TEXT_WRAP));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.TYPE_CONSTRAINT))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR, StyleValueConstants.TYPE_CONSTRAINT_BACKGROUND_COLOR));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.CAL_SYMBOL))
            .addAttribute(CSS2Attribute.TEXT_WRAP, StyleValueConstants.NO_TEXT_WRAP)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.WHITE_SPACE, StyleValueConstants.NOWRAP_WHITE_SPACE));
        /// Navigation frames
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.INDEX_NAV))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR, StyleValueConstants.OPENQUARK_WEBSITE_KHAKI)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_WEIGHT, StyleValueConstants.BOLD));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeDescendant(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.INDEX_NAV_LINK), CSSBuilder.Selector.makeType(HTML.Tag.A)))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.DISPLAY, StyleValueConstants.BLOCK)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_TOP, StyleValueConstants.INDEX_NAV_LINK_SEPARATOR_BORDER_STYLE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_TOP, StyleValueConstants.INDEX_NAV_LINK_PADDING_HALF_MINUS_ONE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_BOTTOM, StyleValueConstants.INDEX_NAV_LINK_PADDING_HALF)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_LEFT, StyleValueConstants.INDEX_NAV_LINK_PADDING)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_RIGHT, StyleValueConstants.INDEX_NAV_LINK_PADDING));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.INDEX_NAV_CURRENT_LINK))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_WEIGHT, StyleValueConstants.BOLD)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR, StyleValueConstants.OPENQUARK_WEBSITE_KHAKI_LIGHTER)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_LEFT, StyleValueConstants.INDEX_NAV_CURRENT_LINK_LEFT_BORDER_STYLE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_LEFT, StyleValueConstants.INDEX_NAV_LINK_PADDING_HALF)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_TOP, StyleValueConstants.INDEX_NAV_CURRENT_LINK_BORDER_STYLE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_TOP, StyleValueConstants.INDEX_NAV_LINK_PADDING_HALF_MINUS_ONE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_BOTTOM, StyleValueConstants.INDEX_NAV_CURRENT_LINK_BORDER_STYLE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_BOTTOM, StyleValueConstants.INDEX_NAV_LINK_PADDING_HALF_MINUS_ONE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_RIGHT, StyleValueConstants.INDEX_NAV_CURRENT_LINK_BORDER_STYLE));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeDescendant(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.INDEX_NAV_LINK), StyleClassConstants.A_HOVER_PSEUDOCLASS_SELECTOR))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_LEFT, StyleValueConstants.INDEX_NAV_CURRENT_LINK_LEFT_BORDER_STYLE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_LEFT, StyleValueConstants.INDEX_NAV_LINK_PADDING_HALF)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_TOP, StyleValueConstants.INDEX_NAV_LINK_SEPARATOR_BORDER_STYLE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_TOP, StyleValueConstants.INDEX_NAV_LINK_PADDING_HALF_MINUS_ONE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_BOTTOM, StyleValueConstants.INDEX_NAV_LINK_SEPARATOR_BORDER_STYLE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_BOTTOM, StyleValueConstants.INDEX_NAV_LINK_PADDING_HALF_MINUS_ONE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_RIGHT, StyleValueConstants.INDEX_NAV_LINK_SEPARATOR_BORDER_STYLE));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.DISABLED_LINK))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.COLOR, StyleValueConstants.DISABLED_LINK_COLOR));
        /// Options box
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeID(ElementID.OPTIONS_BOX))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.DISPLAY, StyleValueConstants.NONE));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.OPTIONS_HEADER))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.COLOR, StyleValueConstants.OPENQUARK_BLUE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING, StyleValueConstants.SCOPE_DISPLAY_SETTINGS_PADDING));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.OPTIONS_BODY))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR, StyleValueConstants.OPTIONS_BODY_BACKGROUND)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.COLOR, StyleValueConstants.OPENQUARK_BLUE)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING, StyleValueConstants.SCOPE_DISPLAY_SETTINGS_PADDING));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.OPTIONS_CHOICE))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_LEFT, StyleValueConstants.ONE_EM_WIDTH));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.FAKE_LINK))
            .addAttribute(CSS2Attribute.CURSOR, StyleValueConstants.POINTER)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.TEXT_DECORATION, StyleValueConstants.UNDERLINE));
        /// Navigation bars
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.NAV_BAR))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_SIZE, StyleValueConstants.LARGER));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeDescendant(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.NAV_BAR), CSSBuilder.Selector.makeType(HTML.Tag.DIV)))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.PADDING, StyleValueConstants.NAV_BAR_PADDING));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.NAV_BAR_GLOBAL_ROW))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.COLOR, StyleValueConstants.OPENQUARK_BLUE));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(
            CSSBuilder.Selector.makeDescendant(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.NAV_BAR_GLOBAL_ROW), StyleClassConstants.A_LINK_PSEUDOCLASS_SELECTOR),
            CSSBuilder.Selector.makeDescendant(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.NAV_BAR_GLOBAL_ROW), StyleClassConstants.A_VISITED_PSEUDOCLASS_SELECTOR))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.COLOR, StyleValueConstants.OPENQUARK_BLUE));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeDescendant(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.NAV_BAR_GLOBAL_ROW), StyleClassConstants.A_HOVER_PSEUDOCLASS_SELECTOR))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR, StyleValueConstants.OPENQUARK_WEBSITE_KHAKI)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.COLOR, StyleValueConstants.OPENQUARK_BLUE));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.NAV_BAR_LOCAL_ROW))
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeDescendant(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.NAV_BAR_LOCAL_ROW), StyleClassConstants.A_HOVER_PSEUDOCLASS_SELECTOR))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR, StyleValueConstants.OPENQUARK_WEBSITE_KHAKI));
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.NAV_BAR_HEADER_FOOTER))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.TEXT_ALIGN, StyleValueConstants.RIGHT_ALIGN)
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_WEIGHT, StyleValueConstants.BOLD));
        /// Tooltip fragments
        cssBuilder.addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.TOOLTIP_HEADER))
            .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_STYLE, StyleValueConstants.ITALIC));
        return cssBuilder.toCSS();
     * Constructs the contents for an HTML file that is to comply with HTML 4.01 Transitional.
     * @param htmlBuilder the builder containing the body of the HTML file (without the doctype).
     * @return the contents of the file, with the doctype prepended.
    private static String getHTMLFileContentsWithDocTypeForMainFramePage(HTMLBuilder htmlBuilder) {
        return DocTypeDecl.HTML_4_01_TRANSITIONAL + htmlBuilder.toHTML();
    /// Generation of auxiliary pages (main frameset, module list, overview, navigational indices)
     * Constructs the contents for the main documentation HTML file, i.e. the frameset.
     * @return the contents of the file.
    private String getMainPageHTML() {
        // Create the scope display javascript
        String javascript =
            "\n" +
            "var scopeDisplay = 'publicOnly';\n" +
            "function setPublicOnlyScope() { scopeDisplay = 'publicOnly'; updateFrames(); }\n" +
            "function isPublicOnlyScope() { return scopeDisplay == 'publicOnly'; }\n" +
            "function setDisplayAllScopes() { scopeDisplay = 'all'; updateFrames(); }\n" +
            "function updateFrames() { for (var i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) { var f = frames[i]; if (f.updateScopeDisplaySettings) { f.updateScopeDisplaySettings() } } }";
        String relativePathToBaseDirectory = ""; // the main page is in the base directory
        generateHeadSection(config.windowTitle, relativePathToBaseDirectory, null, javascript);
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.FRAMESET, idAttribute(ElementID.OUTER_FRAMESET).concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.COLS, "250, 100%, 0%")))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.FRAMESET, HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.ROWS, "45%, 55%"))
            .emptyTag(HTML.Tag.FRAME, HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.NAME, MODULE_LIST_FRAME_NAME, HTML.Attribute.SRC, MODULE_LIST_FILENAME, HTML.Attribute.SCROLLING, "yes"))
            .emptyTag(HTML.Tag.FRAME, HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.NAME, NAV_FRAME_NAME, HTML.Attribute.SCROLLING, "yes"))
            .emptyTag(HTML.Tag.FRAME, HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.NAME, MAIN_FRAME_NAME, HTML.Attribute.SRC, OVERVIEW_PAGE_FILENAME, HTML.Attribute.SCROLLING, "yes"))
            .emptyTag(HTML.Tag.FRAME, HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.NAME, SEARCH_FRAME_NAME, HTML.Attribute.SCROLLING, "yes"))
        return DocTypeDecl.HTML_4_01_FRAMESET + currentPage.toHTML();
     * Returns a representation of the modules arranged in a hierarchy.
     * @param moduleNames the names of the modules.
     * @return a representation of the modules arranged in a hierarchy.
    private ModuleHierarchyInfo getModuleHierarchy(final Set<ModuleName> moduleNames) {
        final ModuleHierarchyInfo root = new ModuleHierarchyInfo();
        for (final ModuleName moduleName : moduleNames) {
            final int nModuleNameComponents = moduleName.getNComponents();
            ModuleHierarchyInfo parent = root;
            for (int i = 0; i < nModuleNameComponents; i++) {
                final ModuleName prefix = moduleName.getPrefix(i+1); // goes from 1 to nComponents
                final boolean isActualModule = (i == nModuleNameComponents - 1);
                final ModuleHierarchyInfo child = parent.makeChild(prefix, isActualModule);
                // for next iteration:
                parent = child;
        return root;
     * Returns a representation of the modules arranged into groups, categorized by their
     * immediate prefixes.
     * @param moduleNames the names of the modules.
     * @return a representation of the modules arranged into groups.
    private ModuleHierarchyInfo getFlatModuleGrouping(final Set<ModuleName> moduleNames) {
        final ModuleHierarchyInfo root = new ModuleHierarchyInfo();
        for (final ModuleName moduleName : moduleNames) {
            final ModuleName immediatePrefix = moduleName.getImmediatePrefix();
            if (immediatePrefix == null) {
                root.makeChild(moduleName, true);
            } else {
                final ModuleHierarchyInfo parent = root.makeChild(immediatePrefix, false);
                parent.makeChild(moduleName, true);
        return root;
     * Constructs the contents for the module list HTML file.
     * @return the contents of the file.
    private String getModuleListPageHTML() {
        String highlightPublicCSS =
            new CSSBuilder()
                .addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.NON_PUBLIC_SCOPE))
                    .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.COLOR, StyleValueConstants.OPTIONS_BODY_BACKGROUND))
                .addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.PUBLIC_SCOPE))
                    .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.COLOR, StyleValueConstants.OPENQUARK_RED))
        String highlightNonPublicCSS =
            new CSSBuilder()
                .addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.NON_PUBLIC_SCOPE))
                    .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.COLOR, StyleValueConstants.OPENQUARK_RED))
                .addRuleSet(new CSSBuilder.RuleSet(CSSBuilder.Selector.makeClass(StyleClassConstants.PUBLIC_SCOPE))
                    .addAttribute(CSS.Attribute.COLOR, StyleValueConstants.OPTIONS_BODY_BACKGROUND))
        LinkedHashMap<String, String> cssMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
        cssMap.put(ElementID.HIGHLIGHT_PUBLIC_STYLE, highlightPublicCSS);
        cssMap.put(ElementID.HIGHLIGHT_NONPUBLIC_STYLE, highlightNonPublicCSS);
        String relativePathToBaseDirectory = ""; // the module list page is in the base directory
        currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.BODY, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.WITH_MAIN_CONTENT).concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML4.ONLOAD_ATTRIBUTE, "setInitialModuleListDisplayMode()")));
        /// Set up scope display options box's javascript support
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SCRIPT, HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.TYPE, "text/javascript"),
                "\n" +
                "var pubStyleElement = document.styleSheets[0]; //document.getElementById('" + ElementID.HIGHLIGHT_PUBLIC_STYLE + "');\n" +
                "var nonPubStyleElement = document.styleSheets[1]; //document.getElementById('" + ElementID.HIGHLIGHT_NONPUBLIC_STYLE + "');\n" +
                "\n" +
                "function getCssRule(styleElem, index) {\n" +
                "    if (styleElem.cssRules) {\n" +
                "        return styleElem.cssRules[index];\n" +
                "    } else if (styleElem.rules) {\n" +
                "        return styleElem.rules[index];\n" +
                "    }\n" +
                "}\n" +
                "\n" +
                "var allRules = new Array(\n" +
                "  new Array(\n" +
                "    getCssRule(pubStyleElement, 0).style.cssText,\n" +
                "    getCssRule(pubStyleElement, 1).style.cssText),\n" +
                "  new Array(\n" +
                "    getCssRule(nonPubStyleElement, 0).style.cssText,\n" +
                "    getCssRule(nonPubStyleElement, 1).style.cssText));\n" +
                "\n" +
                "var safari = (('' + navigator.vendor).indexOf('Apple') >= 0);\n" +
                "\n" +
                "function changeStyle(styleElem, rules, disabled) {\n" +
                "    if (safari) {\n" +
                "        for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {\n" +
                "            getCssRule(styleElem, i).style.cssText = disabled ? '' : rules[i];\n" +
                "        }\n" +
                "    } else {\n" +
                "        styleElem.disabled = disabled;\n" +
                "    }\n" +
                "}\n" +
                "\n" +
                "function updateScopeDisplaySettings() {\n" +
                "    if (pubStyleElement && nonPubStyleElement) {\n" +
                "        if (parent && parent.isPublicOnlyScope) {\n" +
                "            changeStyle(pubStyleElement, allRules[0], !parent.isPublicOnlyScope());\n" +
                "            changeStyle(nonPubStyleElement, allRules[1], parent.isPublicOnlyScope());\n" +
                "        } else {\n" +
                "            changeStyle(pubStyleElement, allRules[0], true);\n" +
                "            changeStyle(nonPubStyleElement, allRules[1], false);\n" +
                "        }\n" +
                "    }\n" +
                "}\n" +
                "\n" +
                "updateScopeDisplaySettings(); // run it immediately\n");
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SCRIPT, HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.TYPE, "text/javascript"),
                "\n" +
                "function toggleOptionsBox() {\n" +
                "    var optionsBox = document.getElementById('" + ElementID.OPTIONS_BOX + "');\n" +
                "    if (optionsBox && {\n" +
                "        if ( != 'block') {\n" + // by default the box is hidden, so the first toggle operation should show it
                "   = 'block';\n" +
                "        } else {\n" +
                "   = 'none';\n" +
                "        }\n" +
                "    }\n" +
                "}\n" +
                "\n" +
                "function setPublicOnlyScope() {\n" +
                "    if (parent && parent.setPublicOnlyScope) {\n" +
                "        parent.setPublicOnlyScope();\n" +
                "    }\n" +
                "}\n" +
                "\n" +
                "function setDisplayAllScopes() {\n" +
                "    if (parent && parent.setDisplayAllScopes) {\n" +
                "        parent.setDisplayAllScopes();\n" +
                "    }\n" +
        generateModuleListDisplayModeJavascript(0, "moduleList");
        /// Add the main links
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.H2, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.MODULE_LIST_PAGE_TITLE), config.docTitle)
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.MODULE_LIST_NAV_BAR))
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.A, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.IMPORTANT_LINK).concat(nonLocalHrefAttribute(OVERVIEW_PAGE_FILENAME)), LocalizableUserVisibleString.OVERVIEW.toResourceString())
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.A, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.IMPORTANT_LINK).concat(nonLocalHrefAttribute(MASTER_SCOPED_ENTITY_SEARCH_PAGE_FILENAME)).concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.TARGET, SEARCH_FRAME_NAME)), LocalizableUserVisibleString.SEARCH.toResourceString())
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.IMPORTANT_LINK))
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.A, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.FAKE_LINK).concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML4.ONCLICK_ATTRIBUTE, "toggleOptionsBox();")).concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.TARGET, SEARCH_FRAME_NAME)), LocalizableUserVisibleString.OPTIONS.toResourceString())
        /// Add scope display controls
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, idAttribute(ElementID.OPTIONS_BOX))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.MAIN_CONTENT))
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.OPTIONS_HEADER), LocalizableUserVisibleString.OPTIONS.toResourceString())
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.OPTIONS_BODY))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.OPTIONS_CHOICE))
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.PUBLIC_SCOPE), "&bull; ")
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.A, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.FAKE_LINK).concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML4.ONCLICK_ATTRIBUTE, "setPublicOnlyScope();")), LocalizableUserVisibleString.PUBLIC_ITEMS_ONLY.toResourceString())
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.OPTIONS_CHOICE))
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.NON_PUBLIC_SCOPE), "&bull; ")
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.A, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.FAKE_LINK).concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML4.ONCLICK_ATTRIBUTE, "setDisplayAllScopes();")), LocalizableUserVisibleString.SHOW_ALL_ITEMS.toResourceString())
        /// Generate a link for each module documented.
        /// The names of the documented modules form the keys in the moduleIndices map.
        currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.MAIN_CONTENT));
        currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, idAttribute(ElementID.MODULE_LIST_FLAT));
        currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, idAttribute(ElementID.MODULE_LIST_GROUPED));
        final List<String> groupedNodeElementIDs = generateGroupedModuleList(getFlatModuleGrouping(moduleIndices.keySet()), false, null);
        currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, idAttribute(ElementID.MODULE_LIST_HIERARCHICAL));
        final List<String> hierarchicalNodeElementIDs = generateHierarchicalModuleList(getModuleHierarchy(moduleIndices.keySet()), 0, null);
        generateExpandCollapseAllJavascript(groupedNodeElementIDs, hierarchicalNodeElementIDs);
        return DocTypeDecl.HTML_4_01_TRANSITIONAL + currentPage.toHTML();

     * Generates the display mode toolbar and the sub-toolbars for expanding and collapsing trees.
    private void generateDisplayModeToolbars() {
        // main toolbar
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.TOOLBAR))
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.B, LocalizableUserVisibleString.VIEW_COLON.toResourceString())
            .addText(" ")
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.A, idAttribute(ElementID.DISPLAY_MODE_BUTTON_MODULE_LIST_FLAT).concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML4.ONCLICK_ATTRIBUTE, "setModuleListDisplayMode(0);")), LocalizableUserVisibleString.FLAT.toResourceString())
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.A, idAttribute(ElementID.DISPLAY_MODE_BUTTON_MODULE_LIST_GROUPED).concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML4.ONCLICK_ATTRIBUTE, "setModuleListDisplayMode(1);")), LocalizableUserVisibleString.GROUPED.toResourceString())
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.A, idAttribute(ElementID.DISPLAY_MODE_BUTTON_MODULE_LIST_HIERARCHICAL).concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML4.ONCLICK_ATTRIBUTE, "setModuleListDisplayMode(2);")), LocalizableUserVisibleString.HIERARCHICAL.toResourceString())
        // flat tree toolbar (empty)
        currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DIV, idAttribute(ElementID.SUB_TOOLBAR_MODULE_LIST_FLAT), "");
        // grouped tree toolbar
        final String callToExpandAllGroupedNodes = "expandAllGroupedNodes();";
        final String callToCollapseAllGroupedNodes = "collapseAllGroupedNodes();";
        generateExpandCollapseAllSubToolbar(ElementID.SUB_TOOLBAR_MODULE_LIST_GROUPED, callToExpandAllGroupedNodes, callToCollapseAllGroupedNodes);
        // hierarchical tree toolbar
        final String callToExpandAllHierarchicalNodes = "expandAllHierarchicalNodes();";
        final String callToCollapseAllHierarchicalNodes = "collapseAllHierarchicalNodes();";
        generateExpandCollapseAllSubToolbar(ElementID.SUB_TOOLBAR_MODULE_LIST_HIERARCHICAL, callToExpandAllHierarchicalNodes, callToCollapseAllHierarchicalNodes);

     * Generates a sub-toolbar containing an "expand all" and a "collapse all" button.
     * @param subToolbarElementID the element ID for the toolbar.
     * @param callToExpandAll the javascript call to the expand all function.
     * @param callToCollapseAll the javascript call to the collapse all function.
    private void generateExpandCollapseAllSubToolbar(final String subToolbarElementID, final String callToExpandAll, final String callToCollapseAll) {
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, idAndClassAttributes(subToolbarElementID, StyleClassConstants.SUB_TOOLBAR))
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.TREE_NODE_TOGGLE).concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML4.ONCLICK_ATTRIBUTE, callToExpandAll)), LocalizableUserVisibleString.EXPAND_BUTTON_LABEL.toResourceString())
            .addText(LocalizableUserVisibleString.EXPAND_ALL.toResourceString().replaceAll(" ", "&nbsp;"))
            .addText(" ")
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.TREE_NODE_TOGGLE).concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML4.ONCLICK_ATTRIBUTE, callToCollapseAll)), LocalizableUserVisibleString.COLLAPSE_BUTTON_LABEL.toResourceString())
            .addText(LocalizableUserVisibleString.COLLAPSE_ALL.toResourceString().replaceAll(" ", "&nbsp;"))

     * Generates the javascript for switching the display mode of the module list and the overview page.
     * @param initialDisplayMode the initial display mode to use (if there is no persisted user preference).
     * @param cookiePrefix the prefix to use for the cookie for storing the user preference.
    private void generateModuleListDisplayModeJavascript(int initialDisplayMode, String cookiePrefix) {
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SCRIPT, HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.TYPE, "text/javascript"),
                "\n" +
                "function setModuleListDisplayMode(mode) {\n" +
                "    var moduleLists = new Array(\n" +
                "        document.getElementById('" + ElementID.MODULE_LIST_FLAT + "'),\n" +
                "        document.getElementById('" + ElementID.MODULE_LIST_GROUPED + "'),\n" +
                "        document.getElementById('" + ElementID.MODULE_LIST_HIERARCHICAL + "')\n" +
                "    );\n" +
                "    var subToolbars = new Array(\n" +
                "        document.getElementById('" + ElementID.SUB_TOOLBAR_MODULE_LIST_FLAT + "'),\n" +
                "        document.getElementById('" + ElementID.SUB_TOOLBAR_MODULE_LIST_GROUPED + "'),\n" +
                "        document.getElementById('" + ElementID.SUB_TOOLBAR_MODULE_LIST_HIERARCHICAL + "')\n" +
                "    );\n" +
                "    var displayModeButtons = new Array(\n" +
                "        document.getElementById('" + ElementID.DISPLAY_MODE_BUTTON_MODULE_LIST_FLAT + "'),\n" +
                "        document.getElementById('" + ElementID.DISPLAY_MODE_BUTTON_MODULE_LIST_GROUPED + "'),\n" +
                "        document.getElementById('" + ElementID.DISPLAY_MODE_BUTTON_MODULE_LIST_HIERARCHICAL + "')\n" +
                "    );\n" +
                "    for (var i in moduleLists) {\n" +
                "        var moduleList = moduleLists[i];\n" +
                "        var displayModeButton = displayModeButtons[i];\n" +
                "        var subToolbar = subToolbars[i];\n" +
                "        if (i == mode) {\n" +
                "   = 'block';\n" +
                "            displayModeButton.className = '" + StyleClassConstants.BUTTON_SELECTED + "';\n" +
                "   = 'block';\n" +
                "        } else {\n" +
                "   = 'none';\n" +
                "            displayModeButton.className = '" + StyleClassConstants.BUTTON_NOT_SELECTED + "';\n" +
                "   = 'none';\n" +
                "        }\n" +
                "    }\n" +
                "    // set the cookie\n" +
                "    var cookie = getCookieName() + '=' + mode + '; expires=' + (new Date(new Date().getTime() + 365*24*3600*1000).toUTCString()) + '; path=/';\n" +
                "    document.cookie = cookie;\n" +
                "}\n" +
                "function getCookieName() {\n" +
                "    return '" + cookiePrefix + ".displayMode';\n" +
                "}\n" +
                "function setInitialModuleListDisplayMode() {\n" +
                "    var cookies = document.cookie.split(/;\\s*/);\n" +
                "    var displayMode = " + initialDisplayMode + ";\n" +
                "    for (var i in cookies) {\n" +
                "        var cookie = cookies[i];\n" +
                "        if (cookie.indexOf(getCookieName() + '=') == 0) {\n" +
                "            displayMode = cookie.substr(getCookieName().length + 1);\n" +
                "        }\n" +
                "    }\n" +
                "    setModuleListDisplayMode(displayMode);\n" +
                "}\n" +
                "function setBlockDisplayMode(elementID, mode) {\n" +
                "    var isShown = false;\n" +
                "    var element = document.getElementById(elementID);\n" +
                "    if (element && {\n" +
                " = mode;\n" +
                "        isShown = (mode == 'block');\n" +
                "    }\n" +
                "    updateToggle(elementID, isShown);\n" +
                "}\n" +
                "function toggleBlockDisplayMode(elementID) {\n" +
                "    var isShown = false;\n" +
                "    var element = document.getElementById(elementID);\n" +
                "    if (element && {\n" +
                "        if ( != 'none') {\n" + // we assume that by default the element is displayed, so the first toggle operation should hide it
                "   = 'none';\n" +
                "        } else {\n" +
                "   = 'block';\n" +
                "            isShown = true;\n" +
                "        }\n" +
                "    }\n" +
                "    updateToggle(elementID, isShown);\n" +
                "}\n" +
                "function updateToggle(elementID, isShown) {\n" +
                "    var toggle = document.getElementById('tog:' + elementID);\n" +
                "    if (toggle) {\n" +
                "        toggle.innerHTML = isShown ? '" + LocalizableUserVisibleString.COLLAPSE_BUTTON_LABEL.toResourceString() + "' : '" + LocalizableUserVisibleString.EXPAND_BUTTON_LABEL.toResourceString() + "';\n" +
                "    }\n" +
     * Generates the javascript for the "expand all" and "collapse all" functionality.
     * @param groupedNodeElementIDs a list of the element IDs for the nodes in the "grouped" display.
     * @param hierarchicalNodeElementIDs a list of the element IDs for the nodes in the "hierarchical" display.
    private void generateExpandCollapseAllJavascript(final List<String> groupedNodeElementIDs, final List<String> hierarchicalNodeElementIDs) {
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SCRIPT, HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.TYPE, "text/javascript"),
                "\n" +
                "var groupedNodeElementIDs = " + getNewStringArrayJavascript(groupedNodeElementIDs) + ";\n" +
                "var hierarchicalNodeElementIDs = " + getNewStringArrayJavascript(hierarchicalNodeElementIDs) + ";\n" +
                "function expandAllGroupedNodes() {\n" +
                "    for (var i in groupedNodeElementIDs) {\n" +
                "        var groupedNodeElementID = groupedNodeElementIDs[i];\n" +
                "        setBlockDisplayMode(groupedNodeElementID, 'block');\n" +
                "    }\n" +
                "}\n" +
                "function collapseAllGroupedNodes() {\n" +
                "    for (var i in groupedNodeElementIDs) {\n" +
                "        var groupedNodeElementID = groupedNodeElementIDs[i];\n" +
                "        setBlockDisplayMode(groupedNodeElementID, 'none');\n" +
                "    }\n" +
                "}\n" +
                "function expandAllHierarchicalNodes() {\n" +
                "    for (var i in hierarchicalNodeElementIDs) {\n" +
                "        var hierarchicalNodeElementID = hierarchicalNodeElementIDs[i];\n" +
                "        setBlockDisplayMode(hierarchicalNodeElementID, 'block');\n" +
                "    }\n" +
                "}\n" +
                "function collapseAllHierarchicalNodes() {\n" +
                "    for (var i in hierarchicalNodeElementIDs) {\n" +
                "        var hierarchicalNodeElementID = hierarchicalNodeElementIDs[i];\n" +
                "        setBlockDisplayMode(hierarchicalNodeElementID, 'none');\n" +
                "    }\n" +
     * Returns a javascript expression for creating a new string array.
     * @param elements the elements to be put into the array.
     * @return the javascript expression.
    private String getNewStringArrayJavascript(final List<String> elements) {
        StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder("new Array(\n");
        for (int i = 0, n = elements.size(); i < n; i++) {
            if (i > 0) {
            buffer.append(" '").append(elements.get(i)).append("'");
        return buffer.toString();
     * Generates a hierarchical module list.
     * @param node the current node to process.
     * @param level the current level in the tree.
     * @param moduleNameOrNull the module name corresponding to the node, or null if this is the root of the tree.
     * @return a list of the element IDs for the DIVs generated (except the root).
    private List<String> generateHierarchicalModuleList(final ModuleHierarchyInfo node, final int level, final ModuleName moduleNameOrNull) {
        // just return if there are no children to generate
        if (node.getChildren().isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        final String moduleTreeNodeElementID = getModuleTreeNodeElementID("mlH", moduleNameOrNull);
        final List<String> elementIDs = new ArrayList<String>();
        if (moduleNameOrNull != null) {
            // the current node is not the root, so add the elementID
        currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, idAndClassAttributes(moduleTreeNodeElementID, StyleClassConstants.TREE_DIV));
        for (final Map.Entry<Pair<ModuleName, Boolean>, ModuleHierarchyInfo> entry : node.getChildren().entrySet()) {
            final Pair<ModuleName, Boolean> key = entry.getKey();
            final ModuleName childName = key.fst();
            final boolean childIsActualModule = key.snd().booleanValue();
            final ModuleHierarchyInfo child = entry.getValue();
            final String childDisplayName = childName.getNthComponent(level);
            final String fullyQualifiedNameForChildModule = getFullyQualifiedNameForModule(childName);
            final String childDivElementID = getModuleTreeNodeElementID("mlH", childName);


            generateModuleListTreeNodeToggle(childDivElementID, child.getChildren().isEmpty());
            if (childIsActualModule) {
                generateNonLocalReference(currentPage, MODULES_SUBDIRECTORY, childName, labelMaker.getModuleLabel(childName), childDisplayName, fullyQualifiedNameForChildModule);
            } else {
            final List<String> elementIDsFromChild = generateHierarchicalModuleList(child, level+1, childName);
        return elementIDs;

     * Generates a grouped module list.
     * @param node the current node to process.
     * @param isChildLevel whether this is the child level.
     * @param moduleNameOrNull the module name corresponding to the node, or null if this is the root of the tree.
     * @return a list of the element IDs for the DIVs generated (except the root).
    private List<String> generateGroupedModuleList(final ModuleHierarchyInfo node, final boolean isChildLevel, final ModuleName moduleNameOrNull) {
        // just return if there are no children to generate
        if (node.getChildren().isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        final String moduleTreeNodeElementID = getModuleTreeNodeElementID("mlG", moduleNameOrNull);
        final List<String> elementIDs = new ArrayList<String>();
        if (moduleNameOrNull != null) {
            // the current node is not the root, so add the elementID
        currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, idAndClassAttributes(moduleTreeNodeElementID, StyleClassConstants.TREE_DIV));
        for (final Map.Entry<Pair<ModuleName, Boolean>, ModuleHierarchyInfo> entry : node.getChildren().entrySet()) {
            final Pair<ModuleName, Boolean> key = entry.getKey();
            final ModuleName childName = key.fst();
            final boolean childIsActualModule = key.snd().booleanValue();
            final ModuleHierarchyInfo child = entry.getValue();
            final String childDisplayName = isChildLevel ? childName.getLastComponent() : childName.toSourceText();
            final String fullyQualifiedNameForChildModule = getFullyQualifiedNameForModule(childName);
            final String childDivElementID = getModuleTreeNodeElementID("mlG", childName);

            generateModuleListTreeNodeToggle(childDivElementID, child.getChildren().isEmpty());

            if (childIsActualModule) {
                generateNonLocalReference(currentPage, MODULES_SUBDIRECTORY, childName, labelMaker.getModuleLabel(childName), childDisplayName, fullyQualifiedNameForChildModule);
            } else {


            if (!isChildLevel) {
                final List<String> elementIDsFromChild = generateGroupedModuleList(child, true, childName);
        return elementIDs;
     * Generate a grouped view of a list of modules that are related to the current module
     * (e.g. the imported modules, the friend modules, the directly and the indirectly
     * dependent modules).
     * @param node the root node of a grouped (two-level) tree.
    private void generateGroupedListOfRelatedModules(final ModuleHierarchyInfo node) {
        SortedSet<ModuleName> rootLevelModules = new TreeSet<ModuleName>();
        for (final Map.Entry<Pair<ModuleName, Boolean>, ModuleHierarchyInfo> entry : node.getChildren().entrySet()) {
            final Pair<ModuleName, Boolean> key = entry.getKey();
            final ModuleName childName = key.fst();
            final ModuleHierarchyInfo child = entry.getValue();
            if (child.getChildren().isEmpty()) {
        // first list out the modules with "namespaces" (i.e. their names have >1 components)
        for (final Map.Entry<Pair<ModuleName, Boolean>, ModuleHierarchyInfo> entry : node.getChildren().entrySet()) {
            final Pair<ModuleName, Boolean> key = entry.getKey();
            final ModuleName childName = key.fst();
            final ModuleHierarchyInfo child = entry.getValue();
            if (rootLevelModules.contains(childName)) {
                .openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.RELATED_MODULES_LIST))
                .addText(" ");
            int counter2 = 0;
            for (final Pair<ModuleName, Boolean> key2 : child.getChildren().keySet()) {
                final ModuleName childName2 = key2.fst();
                if (counter2 > 0) {

                generateModuleReference(currentPage, null, childName2, childName2.getLastComponent());
        // now list out the modules under the "root namespace" (i.e. their names have just 1 component)
        int counter = 0;
        for (final ModuleName moduleName : rootLevelModules) {
            if (counter > 0) {
            generateModuleReference(currentPage, null, moduleName, moduleName.toSourceText());
     * Generates an attribute header and a grouped view of a list of modules that are related to the current module
     * (e.g. the imported modules, the friend modules, the directly and the indirectly
     * dependent modules).
     * @param attributeHeader the attribute header.
     * @param moduleNames a set of ModuleNames.
    private void generateRelatedModulesList(final String attributeHeader, final Set<ModuleName> moduleNames) {
        /// Generate the modules list only if there are some modules to list
        if (moduleNames.size() > 0) {
                .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DT, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.ATTRIBUTE_HEADER), attributeHeader)

     * Returns the element ID for a node in a module tree.
     * @param idPrefix the prefix to use for the ID.
     * @param moduleNameOrNull the module name corresponding to the node, or null if this is the root of the tree.
     * @return the element ID.
    private String getModuleTreeNodeElementID(final String idPrefix, final ModuleName moduleNameOrNull) {
        if (moduleNameOrNull == null) {
            return idPrefix + ":root";
        } else {
            return idPrefix + ":" + moduleNameOrNull.toSourceText();

     * Generates a toggle (or a placeholder) for a node in a module tree.
     * @param childDivElementID the element ID for the children block of the node whose display is to be controlled by the toggle.
     * @param isPlaceholderOnly whether this is to be an inactive placeholder for a toggle.
    private void generateModuleListTreeNodeToggle(final String childDivElementID, boolean isPlaceholderOnly) {

        final AttributeList attributes;
        final String toggleText;

        if (isPlaceholderOnly) {
            attributes = classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.TREE_NODE_TOGGLE_PLACEHOLDER);
            toggleText = "&nbsp;";

        } else {
            attributes = idAndClassAttributes("tog:" + childDivElementID, StyleClassConstants.TREE_NODE_TOGGLE).concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML4.ONCLICK_ATTRIBUTE, "toggleBlockDisplayMode(\"" + childDivElementID + "\");"));
            toggleText = LocalizableUserVisibleString.COLLAPSE_BUTTON_LABEL.toResourceString();
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, attributes, toggleText)
     * Generates a flat module list.
    private void generateFlatModuleList() {

        final SortedMap<String, ModuleName> displayNameToModuleNameMap = getAbbreviatedModuleNameToModuleNameMap();
        for (final Map.Entry<String, ModuleName> entry : displayNameToModuleNameMap.entrySet()) {
            final String displayName = entry.getKey();
            final ModuleName moduleName = entry.getValue();
            final String fullyQualifiedNameForModule = moduleName.toSourceText();
            generateNonLocalReference(currentPage, MODULES_SUBDIRECTORY, moduleName, labelMaker.getModuleLabel(moduleName), displayName, fullyQualifiedNameForModule);

     * Constructs a map from abbreviated names for modules to fully-qualified ModuleNames.
     * @return the map.
    private SortedMap<String, ModuleName> getAbbreviatedModuleNameToModuleNameMap() {
        final SortedMap<String, ModuleName> displayNameToModuleNameMap = new TreeMap<String, ModuleName>();
        for (final ModuleName moduleName : moduleIndices.keySet()) {
            final String lastComponent = moduleName.getLastComponent();
            final ModuleName minimallyQualifiedModuleName = getModuleNameResolverForDocumentedModules().getMinimallyQualifiedModuleName(moduleName);

            final String displayName;
            if (minimallyQualifiedModuleName.getNComponents() == 1) {
                displayName = lastComponent;
            } else {
                final int nMinusOne = minimallyQualifiedModuleName.getNComponents() - 1;

                final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(lastComponent).append(" (");

                for (int i = 0; i < nMinusOne; i++) {
                    if (i > 0) {
                displayName = sb.toString();
            displayNameToModuleNameMap.put(displayName, moduleName);
        return displayNameToModuleNameMap;

     * Constructs the contents for the overview page HTML file.
     * @return the contents of the file.
    private String getOverviewPageHTML() {
        String relativePathToBaseDirectory = ""; // the welcome page is in the base directory
        generateHeadSection(makePageTitle(LocalizableUserVisibleString.OVERVIEW.toResourceString()), relativePathToBaseDirectory, null, null);

        /// Generate the Javascript for changing the nav frame.
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.BODY, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.WITH_MAIN_CONTENT).concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML4.ONLOAD_ATTRIBUTE, "initPage()")))
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SCRIPT, HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.TYPE, "text/javascript"),
                "function initPage() {\n" +
                "   clearNav();\n" +
                "   setInitialModuleListDisplayMode();\n" +
                "}\n" +
                "function clearNav() {\n" +
                "   if (parent.frames != undefined && parent.frames[1] != undefined && parent.frames[1].location != undefined) {\n" +
                "      parent.frames[1].location.replace('about:blank');\n" +
                "   }\n" +

        generateModuleListDisplayModeJavascript(1, "overview");
        generateGenericNavBar(false, relativePathToBaseDirectory);
        /// Wrap the main content with a div tag
        currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.MAIN_CONTENT));
        /// Generate the page heading
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.H1, config.docTitle)
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.H2, LocalizableUserVisibleString.OVERVIEW.toResourceString());
        /// For each module documented, generate a link to it and its short description.
        /// The names of the documented modules form the keys in the moduleIndices map.

        /// Close the main content div tag
        /// Wrap the main content with a div tag
        currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.MAIN_CONTENT));
        currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, idAttribute(ElementID.MODULE_LIST_FLAT));
        currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, idAttribute(ElementID.MODULE_LIST_GROUPED));
        final List<String> groupedNodeElementIDs = generateGroupedOverview(getFlatModuleGrouping(moduleIndices.keySet()), false, null);
        currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, idAttribute(ElementID.MODULE_LIST_HIERARCHICAL));
        final List<String> hierarchicalNodeElementIDs = generateHierarchicalOverview(getModuleHierarchy(moduleIndices.keySet()), 0, null);
        /// Close the main content div tag
        generateGenericNavBar(true, "");
        generateExpandCollapseAllJavascript(groupedNodeElementIDs, hierarchicalNodeElementIDs);
        return getHTMLFileContentsWithDocTypeForMainFramePage(currentPage);

     * Generates the short description for a module.
     * @param moduleName the module to be described.
    private void generateShortDescriptionForModule(final ModuleName moduleName) {
        ModuleTypeInfo moduleTypeInfo = programModelManager.getModuleTypeInfo(moduleName);
        CALFeatureMetadata metadata = getMetadata(CALFeatureName.getModuleFeatureName(moduleName), getLocale());
        CALDocComment docComment = moduleTypeInfo.getCALDocComment();

        generateShortDescription(metadata, docComment, new ReferenceGenerator(MODULES_SUBDIRECTORY));
     * Generates a hierarchical view for the overview page.
     * @param node the current node to process.
     * @param level the current level in the tree.
     * @param moduleNameOrNull the module name corresponding to the node, or null if this is the root of the tree.
     * @return a list of the element IDs for the DIVs generated (except the root).
    private List<String> generateHierarchicalOverview(final ModuleHierarchyInfo node, final int level, final ModuleName moduleNameOrNull) {
        // just return if there are no children to generate
        if (node.getChildren().isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        final String moduleTreeNodeElementID = getModuleTreeNodeElementID("ovwH", moduleNameOrNull);
        final List<String> elementIDs = new ArrayList<String>();
        if (moduleNameOrNull != null) {
            // the current node is not the root, so add the elementID
        currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, idAndClassAttributes(moduleTreeNodeElementID, StyleClassConstants.TREE_DIV_OVERVIEW_PAGE));
        for (final Map.Entry<Pair<ModuleName, Boolean>, ModuleHierarchyInfo> entry : node.getChildren().entrySet()) {
            final Pair<ModuleName, Boolean> key = entry.getKey();
            final ModuleName childName = key.fst();
            final boolean childIsActualModule = key.snd().booleanValue();
            final ModuleHierarchyInfo child = entry.getValue();
            final String childDisplayName = childName.getNthComponent(level);
            final String fullyQualifiedNameForChildModule = getFullyQualifiedNameForModule(childName);
            final String childDivElementID = getModuleTreeNodeElementID("ovwH", childName);


            if (childIsActualModule) {
                currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DL, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DL_OVERVIEW_PAGE)).openTag(HTML.Tag.DT);
                generateModuleListTreeNodeToggle(childDivElementID, child.getChildren().isEmpty());
                generateNonLocalReference(currentPage, MODULES_SUBDIRECTORY, childName, labelMaker.getModuleLabel(childName), childDisplayName, fullyQualifiedNameForChildModule);
            } else {
                generateModuleListTreeNodeToggle(childDivElementID, child.getChildren().isEmpty());
            final List<String> elementIDsFromChild = generateHierarchicalOverview(child, level+1, childName);
        return elementIDs;

     * Generates a grouped view for the overview page.
     * @param node the current node to process.
     * @param isChildLevel whether this is the child level.
     * @param moduleNameOrNull the module name corresponding to the node, or null if this is the root of the tree.
     * @return a list of the element IDs for the DIVs generated (except the root).
    private List<String> generateGroupedOverview(final ModuleHierarchyInfo node, final boolean isChildLevel, final ModuleName moduleNameOrNull) {
        // just return if there are no children to generate
        if (node.getChildren().isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        final String moduleTreeNodeElementID = getModuleTreeNodeElementID("ovwG", moduleNameOrNull);
        final List<String> elementIDs = new ArrayList<String>();
        if (moduleNameOrNull != null) {
            // the current node is not the root, so add the elementID
        currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, idAndClassAttributes(moduleTreeNodeElementID, StyleClassConstants.TREE_DIV_OVERVIEW_PAGE));
        for (final Map.Entry<Pair<ModuleName, Boolean>, ModuleHierarchyInfo> entry : node.getChildren().entrySet()) {
            final Pair<ModuleName, Boolean> key = entry.getKey();
            final ModuleName childName = key.fst();
            final boolean childIsActualModule = key.snd().booleanValue();
            final ModuleHierarchyInfo child = entry.getValue();
            final String childDisplayName = isChildLevel ? childName.getLastComponent() : childName.toSourceText();
            final String fullyQualifiedNameForChildModule = getFullyQualifiedNameForModule(childName);
            final String childDivElementID = getModuleTreeNodeElementID("ovwG", childName);

            if (childIsActualModule) {
                currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DL, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DL_OVERVIEW_PAGE)).openTag(HTML.Tag.DT);
                generateModuleListTreeNodeToggle(childDivElementID, child.getChildren().isEmpty());
                generateNonLocalReference(currentPage, MODULES_SUBDIRECTORY, childName, labelMaker.getModuleLabel(childName), childDisplayName, fullyQualifiedNameForChildModule);
            } else {
                generateModuleListTreeNodeToggle(childDivElementID, child.getChildren().isEmpty());
            if (!isChildLevel) {
                final List<String> elementIDsFromChild = generateGroupedOverview(child, true, childName);
        return elementIDs;
     * Generates a flat view for the overview page.
    private void generateFlatOverview() {

        final SortedMap<String, ModuleName> displayNameToModuleNameMap = getAbbreviatedModuleNameToModuleNameMap();
        for (final Map.Entry<String, ModuleName> entry : displayNameToModuleNameMap.entrySet()) {
            final String displayName = entry.getKey();
            final ModuleName moduleName = entry.getValue();
            final String fullyQualifiedNameForModule = moduleName.toSourceText();
            currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DL, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DL_OVERVIEW_PAGE)).openTag(HTML.Tag.DT);
            generateNonLocalReference(currentPage, MODULES_SUBDIRECTORY, moduleName, labelMaker.getModuleLabel(moduleName), displayName, fullyQualifiedNameForModule);

     * Constructs the HTML contents of the master scoped entity search page.
     * @return the contents of the file.
    private String getMasterScopedEntitySearchPageHTML() {
        String relativePathToBaseDirectory = ""; // the master index page is in the base directory
        generateHeadSection(makePageTitle(LocalizableUserVisibleString.SEARCH.toResourceString()), relativePathToBaseDirectory, MAIN_FRAME_NAME, null);

        /// Build up the javascript that initializes the index data structures in the search page
        StringBuilder jsMasterIndexSetup = new StringBuilder("var modules = new Array(\n");
        List<String> prefixes = new ArrayList<String>();
        boolean isFirstTime = true;
        for (final ModuleName moduleName : moduleIndices.keySet()) {
            if (!isFirstTime) {
            isFirstTime = false;
            // For each module we generate 4 javascript arrays containing the index entries
            // for the 4 per-module indices. There arrays are assigned as fields to a javascript
            // object representing the module.
            List<IndexEntry> typeIndex = getPerModuleTypeIndex(moduleName);
            String jsTypeIndexSetup = getMasterScopedEntitySearchPageJavascriptForPerModuleIndex(typeIndex, prefixes);
            List<IndexEntry> typeClassIndex = getPerModuleTypeClassIndex(moduleName);
            String jsTypeClassIndexSetup = getMasterScopedEntitySearchPageJavascriptForPerModuleIndex(typeClassIndex, prefixes);
            // make a copy of the functional agent index, so we can sort it in the order we desire, which is case-insensitive lexicographical order
            List<IndexEntry> functionalAgentIndex = new ArrayList<IndexEntry>(getPerModuleFunctionalAgentIndex(moduleName));
            // sort the list of index entries
            Collections.sort(functionalAgentIndex, new IndexEntryComparator());
            String jsFunctionalAgentIndexSetup = getMasterScopedEntitySearchPageJavascriptForPerModuleIndex(functionalAgentIndex, prefixes);
        String jsSortMasterIndexCall =
                "modules.sort(\n" +
                "    function (a, b) {\n" +
                "        if (a.moduleName < b.moduleName) {\n" +
                "            return -1;\n" +
                "        } else if (a.moduleName > b.moduleName) {\n" +
                "            return 1;\n" +
                "        } else {\n" +
                "            return 0;\n" +
                "        }\n" +
                "    });\n";
        /// Now that we have looped through the index entries, we can produce the list of prefixes (which actually needs to
        /// come before the index data structures in the final javascript, because it is referenced by the pf() function).
        StringBuilder jsPrefixesSetup = new StringBuilder();
        jsPrefixesSetup.append("var prefixes = new Array(");
        for (int i = 0, n = prefixes.size(); i < n; i++) {
            if (i > 0) {
        /// Build up the javascript helper functions that implement the search functionality
        String jsMakeModuleEntryFunction = "\n" +
                "function moduleEntry(moduleName, typeIndex, typeClassIndex, functionalAgentIndex) {\n" +
                "    var entry = new Object();\n" +
                "    entry.moduleName = moduleName;\n" +
                "    entry.indices = new Object();" +
                "    entry.indices.typeIndex = typeIndex;\n" +
                "    entry.indices.typeClassIndex = typeClassIndex;\n" +
                "    entry.indices.functionalAgentIndex = functionalAgentIndex;\n" +
                "    return entry;\n" +
        String jsMakePairFunction = "\n" +
                "function pair(name, label) {\n" +
                "    var item = new Object();\n" +
                " = name;\n" +
                "    item.label = label;\n" +
                "    return item;\n" +
                "}\n" +
                "\n" +
                "function item(scope, name, label) {\n" +
                "    var item = new Object();\n" +
                "    item.scope = scope;\n" +
                " = name;\n" +
                "    item.label = label;\n" +
                "    return item;\n" +
        String jsMakePfFunction = "\n" +
                "function pf(scope, prefixIndex, name) {\n" +
                "    return item(scope, name, prefixes[prefixIndex] + name);\n" +

        String jsFindKeyFunction = "\n" +
                "function findKey(key, caseSensitive, useRegexp, includeModuleIndex, indices) {\n" +
                "    var scopeClass = new Array('" + StyleClassConstants.PRIVATE_SCOPE.toHTML() + "', '" + StyleClassConstants.PROTECTED_SCOPE.toHTML() + "', '" + StyleClassConstants.PUBLIC_SCOPE.toHTML() + "');\n" +
                "    var origKey = key;\n" +
                "    key = key.replace(/\\s+$/, '');\n" +
                "    if (key.length == 0) { return ''; }\n" +
                "    if (!useRegexp) { key = key.replace(/([^a-zA-Z0-9-_])/g, '\\\\$1').replace(/\\\\\\*/g, '.*').replace(/\\\\\\?/g, '.'); }\n" +
                "    var re = new RegExp('(' + key + ')', caseSensitive ? '' : 'i');\n" +
                "    var finalResults = '';\n" +
                "    var numResults = 0;\n" +
                "    var privateScope = 0;\n" +
                "    var protectedScope = 1;\n" +
                "    var publicScope = 2;\n" +
                "    var numResultsPerScope = new Array(0, 0, 0);\n" +
                "    if (includeModuleIndex) {\n" +
                "        var moduleResults = '';\n" +
                "        for (var i in modules) {\n" +
                "            var moduleName = modules[i].moduleName;\n" +
                "            if (moduleName.match(re)) {\n" +
                "                numResults++;\n" +
                "                numResultsPerScope[publicScope]++;\n" +
                "                var highlightedEntry = moduleName.replace(re, '<b>$1<\\/b>');\n" +
                "                moduleResults += \"&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='" + MODULES_SUBDIRECTORY + "/\" + moduleName + \".html'>\" + highlightedEntry + \"<\\/a><br>\\n\";\n" +
                "            }\n" +
                "        }\n" +
                "        if (moduleResults.length > 0) {\n" +
                "            finalResults += '<div class=\"" + StyleClassConstants.INDEX_NAV_CURRENT_LINK.toHTML() + "\">" + LocalizableUserVisibleString.MODULES.toResourceString() + "<\\/div>\\n<div class=\\'" + StyleClassConstants.MAIN_CONTENT.toHTML() + "\\'>' + moduleResults + '<\\/div>';\n" +
                "        }\n" +
                "    }\n" +
                "    for (var k in indices) {\n" +
                "        var indexInfo = indices[k];\n" +
                "        var indexName =;\n" +
                "        var indexDisplayName = indexInfo.label;\n" +
                "        var indexResults = '';\n" +
                "        var indexMaxScope = privateScope;\n" +
                "        for (var j in modules) {\n" +
                "            var moduleName = modules[j].moduleName;\n" +
                "            var results = '';\n" +
                "            var module = modules[j].indices;\n" +
                "            var index = module[indexName];\n" +
                "            var moduleHasMatches = false;\n" +
                "            var moduleMaxScope = privateScope;\n" +
                "            for (var i in index) {\n" +
                "                var item = index[i];\n" +
                "                var scope = item.scope;\n" +
                "                var entry =;\n" +
                "                var label = item.label;\n" +
                "                if (entry.match(re)) {\n" +
                "                    if (!moduleHasMatches) {\n" +
                "                        results += moduleName.bold() + '<br>\\n';\n" +
                "                    }\n" +
                "                    moduleHasMatches = true;\n" +
                "                    moduleMaxScope = Math.max(scope, moduleMaxScope);\n" +
                "                    numResults++;\n" +
                "                    numResultsPerScope[scope]++;\n" +
                "                    var highlightedEntry = entry.replace(re, '<b>$1<\\/b>');\n" +
                "                    results += \"<span class='\" + scopeClass[scope] + \"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='" + MODULES_SUBDIRECTORY + "/\" + moduleName + \".html#\" + label + \"'>\" + highlightedEntry +\"<\\/a><br><\\/span>\\n\";\n" +
                "                }\n" +
                "            }\n" +
                "            if (results.length > 0) {\n" +
                "                indexResults += \"<div class='\" + scopeClass[moduleMaxScope] + \"'>\" + results + \"<\\/div>\";\n" +
                "            }\n" +
                "            indexMaxScope = Math.max(moduleMaxScope, indexMaxScope);\n" +
                "        }\n" +
                "        if (indexResults.length > 0) {\n" +
                "            indexResults = '<div class=\"' + scopeClass[indexMaxScope] + '\"><div class=\"" + StyleClassConstants.INDEX_NAV_CURRENT_LINK.toHTML() + "\">' + indexDisplayName + '<\\/div>\\n<div class=\\'" + StyleClassConstants.MAIN_CONTENT.toHTML() + "\\'>' + indexResults + '<\\/div><\\/div>';\n" +
                "        }\n" +
                "        finalResults += indexResults;\n" +
                "    }\n" +
                "    if (numResults > 0) {\n" +
                "        finalResults = '<div class=\\'" + StyleClassConstants.MAIN_CONTENT.toHTML() + "\\'>' + '" + LocalizableUserVisibleString.SEARCH_RESULT_SUMMARY.toResourceString() + "'.replace('\\{0\\}', origKey.italics()).bold() +\n" +
                "                       '<div class=\"' + scopeClass[publicScope] + '\">&nbsp;&nbsp;' + '" + LocalizableUserVisibleString.SEARCH_RESULT_SUMMARY_PUBLIC.toResourceString() + "'.replace('\\{0\\}', numResultsPerScope[publicScope]).bold() + '<\\/div>' +\n" +
                "                       (numResultsPerScope[protectedScope] == 0 ? '' : '<div class=\"' + scopeClass[protectedScope] + '\">&nbsp;&nbsp;' + '" + LocalizableUserVisibleString.SEARCH_RESULT_SUMMARY_PROTECTED.toResourceString() + "'.replace('\\{0\\}', numResultsPerScope[protectedScope]).bold() + '<\\/div>') +\n" +
                "                       (numResultsPerScope[privateScope] == 0 ? '' : '<div class=\"' + scopeClass[privateScope] + '\">&nbsp;&nbsp;' + '" + LocalizableUserVisibleString.SEARCH_RESULT_SUMMARY_PRIVATE.toResourceString() + "'.replace('\\{0\\}', numResultsPerScope[privateScope]).bold() + '<\\/div>') +\n" +
                "                       '<\\/div>\\n' + finalResults;\n" +
                "    } else {\n" +
                "        finalResults = '<p class=\\'" + StyleClassConstants.MAIN_CONTENT.toHTML() + "\\'>' + '" + LocalizableUserVisibleString.NO_MATCHES.toResourceString() + "'.italics(); + '<\\/p>'\n" +
                "    }\n" +
                "    return finalResults;\n" +
        String jsPerformSearchFunction = "\n" +
                "function performSearch() {\n" +
                "    try {\n" +
                "        var key = document.getElementById('" + ElementID.KEY + "').value;\n" +
                "        var caseSensitive = false;\n" +
                "        var useRegexp = false;\n" +
                "        var includeModuleIndex = true;\n" +
                "        var indices = new Array(\n" +
                "            pair('typeIndex', '" + LocalizableUserVisibleString.TYPES.toResourceString() + "'),\n" +
                "            pair('functionalAgentIndex', '" + LocalizableUserVisibleString.FUNCTIONS_CLASS_METHODS_AND_DATA_CONSTRUCTORS.toResourceString() + "'),\n" +
                "            pair('typeClassIndex', '" + LocalizableUserVisibleString.TYPE_CLASSES.toResourceString() + "')\n" +
                "        );\n" +
                "        var results = findKey(key, caseSensitive, useRegexp, includeModuleIndex, indices);\n" +
                "        if (results.length > 0) {\n" +
                "            document.getElementById('" + ElementID.RESULTS + "').innerHTML = results;\n" +
                "        }\n" +
                "    } catch (e) {\n" +
                "        if (e.message != undefined) {\n" +
                "            alert(e.message);\n" +
                "        } else if (e.description != undefined) {\n" +
                "            alert(e.description);\n" +
                "        } else {\n" +
                "            alert(e);\n" +
                "        }\n" +
                "    }\n" +
        String jsExpandFrameFunction = "\n" +
                "function expandFrame() {\n" +
                "    if (parent.frames != undefined && parent.frames[3] != undefined) {\n" +
                "        parent.document.getElementById('" + ElementID.OUTER_FRAMESET + "').cols = '20%, 80%, 0%';\n" +
                "        parent.document.getElementById('" + ElementID.OUTER_FRAMESET + "').cols = '20%, 60%, 20%';\n" +
                "    }\n" +
        String jsHideFrameFunction = "\n" +
                "function hideFrame() {\n" +
                "    if (parent.frames != undefined && parent.frames[3] != undefined) {\n" +
                "        parent.document.getElementById('" + ElementID.OUTER_FRAMESET + "').cols = '20%, 80%, 0%';\n" +
                "    }\n" +

        String javascript = "\n" +
            getUpdateScopeDisplaySettingsJavascript() +
            jsPrefixesSetup.toString() +
            jsMasterIndexSetup.toString() +
            jsMakeModuleEntryFunction +
            jsMakePairFunction +
            jsMakePfFunction +
            jsFindKeyFunction +
            jsPerformSearchFunction +
            jsExpandFrameFunction +
        /// With the javascript built, now build up the HTML.
        currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.BODY, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.WITH_MAIN_CONTENT).concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML4.ONLOAD_ATTRIBUTE, "expandFrame()")));
        currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SCRIPT, HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.TYPE, "text/javascript"), javascript);
        // the title and the 'hide' button
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.TABLE, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.SEARCH_BOX_TITLE).concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.WIDTH, StyleValueConstants.ONE_HUNDRED_PERCENT)))
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.TD, HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.WIDTH, StyleValueConstants.ONE_HUNDRED_PERCENT), LocalizableUserVisibleString.SEARCH.toResourceString())
            .emptyTag(HTML.Tag.INPUT, HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.TYPE, "button", HTML.Attribute.VALUE, LocalizableUserVisibleString.HIDE.toResourceString()).concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML4.ONCLICK_ATTRIBUTE, "hideFrame()")))
        // the search box
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.FORM, HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.ACTION, "javascript:performSearch()", HTML.Attribute.TARGET, "_self"))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.TABLE, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.SEARCH_BOX).concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.WIDTH, StyleValueConstants.ONE_HUNDRED_PERCENT, HTML.Attribute.CELLSPACING, "0", HTML.Attribute.CELLPADDING, "0")))
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.TD, LocalizableUserVisibleString.ENTER_SEARCH_TERM_COLON.toResourceString())
            .emptyTag(HTML.Tag.INPUT, idAndClassAttributes(ElementID.KEY, StyleClassConstants.SEARCH_FIELD).concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.SIZE, "8192")))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.TD, HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.ALIGN, StyleValueConstants.RIGHT_ALIGN))
            .emptyTag(HTML.Tag.INPUT, HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.TYPE, "submit", HTML.Attribute.VALUE, LocalizableUserVisibleString.SEARCH.toResourceString()))
        // the results section
        currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DIV, idAttribute(ElementID.RESULTS), "");
        return DocTypeDecl.HTML_4_01_TRANSITIONAL + currentPage.toHTML();
     * Creates the javascript for initializing the an index array from a list of IndexEntry objects representing a per-module index.
     * @param index the list of IndexEntry objects representing a per-module index.
     * @param prefixes the list of label prefixes, to be appended when a new prefix is encountered.
     * @return the required javascript for initializing the index array.
    private String getMasterScopedEntitySearchPageJavascriptForPerModuleIndex(List<IndexEntry> index, List<String> prefixes) {
        StringBuilder jsIndexSetup = new StringBuilder("new Array(");
        for (int i = 0, n = index.size(); i < n; i++) {
            if (i > 0) {
            IndexEntry entry = index.get(i);
            String displayName = entry.getDisplayName();
            String label = entry.getLabel();
            int scopeNum;
            Scope scope = entry.getScope();
            if (scope.isPrivate()) {
                scopeNum = 0;
            } else if (scope.isProtected()) {
                scopeNum = 1;
            } else if (scope.isPublic()) {
                scopeNum = 2;
            } else {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid scope: " + scope);
            if (label.endsWith(displayName)) {
                // the label has the display name as its suffix, so extract the prefix and
                // store it in the prefixes list if it's not already in there, and use the index into
                // the list as a shorter representation of the prefix
                String prefix = label.substring(0, label.length() - displayName.length());
                int prefixIndex = prefixes.indexOf(prefix);
                if (prefixIndex == -1) {
                    prefixIndex = prefixes.size() - 1;
                jsIndexSetup.append("\n pf(").append(scopeNum).append(',').append(prefixIndex).append(",'").append(displayName).append("')");
            } else {
                jsIndexSetup.append("\n item(").append(scopeNum).append(",'").append(displayName).append("','").append(label).append("')");
        return jsIndexSetup.toString();
     * Constructs the HTML contents of the type index for the current module.
     * @param indexFileName the name of the index file.
     * @return the contents of the file.
    private String getTypeIndexPageHTML(String indexFileName) {
        return getIndexPageHTML(LocalizableUserVisibleString.TYPE_INDEX.toResourceString(), LocalizableUserVisibleString.TYPES.toResourceString(), getPerModuleTypeIndex(currentModuleName), indexFileName);
     * Constructs the HTML contents of the functional agent index for the current module.
     * @param indexFileName the name of the index file.
     * @return the contents of the file.
    private String getFunctionalAgentIndexPageHTML(String indexFileName) {
        // make a copy of the index, so we can sort it in the order we desire, which is case-insensitive lexicographical order
        List<IndexEntry> index = new ArrayList<IndexEntry>(getPerModuleFunctionalAgentIndex(currentModuleName));
        // sort the list of index entries
        Collections.sort(index, new IndexEntryComparator());
        return getIndexPageHTML(LocalizableUserVisibleString.FUNCTIONAL_AGENT_INDEX.toResourceString(), LocalizableUserVisibleString.FUNCTIONS_CLASS_METHODS_AND_DATA_CONSTRUCTORS.toResourceString(), index, indexFileName);
     * Constructs the HTML contents of the type class index for the current module.
     * @param indexFileName the name of the index file.
     * @return the contents of the file.
    private String getTypeClassIndexPageHTML(String indexFileName) {
        return getIndexPageHTML(LocalizableUserVisibleString.TYPE_CLASS_INDEX.toResourceString(), LocalizableUserVisibleString.TYPE_CLASSES.toResourceString(), getPerModuleTypeClassIndex(currentModuleName), indexFileName);
     * Constructs the HTML contents of the instance index for the current module.
     * @param indexFileName the name of the index file.
     * @return the contents of the file.
    private String getInstanceIndexPageHTML(String indexFileName) {
        return getIndexPageHTML(LocalizableUserVisibleString.INSTANCE_INDEX.toResourceString(), LocalizableUserVisibleString.INSTANCES.toResourceString(), getPerModuleInstanceIndex(currentModuleName), indexFileName);

     * Constructs the HTML contents of one of the four per-module navigational indices for the current module.
     * @param pageTitle the title of the page.
     * @param heading the heading of the page.
     * @param index the List of IndexEntry objects forming the index.
     * @param indexFileName the name of the index file.
     * @return the contents of the file.
    private String getIndexPageHTML(String pageTitle, String heading, List<IndexEntry> index, String indexFileName) {
        String relativePathToBaseDirectory = "../";
        generateHeadSection(makePageTitle(pageTitle), relativePathToBaseDirectory, MAIN_FRAME_NAME, null);
        /// Generate the heading and the intra-index links.
        currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.BODY, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.WITH_MAIN_CONTENT));

        /// If the module name has more than one component, break it up into two pieces: the immediate prefix and the last component
        final ModuleName immediatePrefix = currentModuleName.getImmediatePrefix();
        if (immediatePrefix != null) {
            currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.SIDE_BAR_KHAKI_SUPERTITLE), immediatePrefix.toSourceText());
        currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.H2, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.SIDE_BAR_KHAKI_TITLE), currentModuleName.getLastComponent());
        currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.INDEX_NAV));
        generateIndexPageNavLink(getPerModuleTypeIndex(currentModuleName), getPerModuleTypeIndexFileName(currentModuleName), indexFileName, LocalizableUserVisibleString.TYPES.toResourceString());
        generateIndexPageNavLink(getPerModuleFunctionalAgentIndex(currentModuleName), getPerModuleFunctionalAgentIndexFileName(currentModuleName), indexFileName, LocalizableUserVisibleString.FUNCTIONS_CLASS_METHODS_AND_DATA_CONSTRUCTORS.toResourceString());
        generateIndexPageNavLink(getPerModuleTypeClassIndex(currentModuleName), getPerModuleTypeClassIndexFileName(currentModuleName), indexFileName, LocalizableUserVisibleString.TYPE_CLASSES.toResourceString());
        generateIndexPageNavLink(getPerModuleInstanceIndex(currentModuleName), getPerModuleInstanceIndexFileName(currentModuleName), indexFileName, LocalizableUserVisibleString.INSTANCES.toResourceString());
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.MAIN_CONTENT))
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.H3, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.NON_DISPLAYED_HEADER), heading);

        /// Generate the index entries.
        for (int i = 0, n = index.size(); i < n; i++) {
            IndexEntry entry = index.get(i);
            currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(getScopeStyleClass(entry.getScope())));
            if (config.shouldSeparateInstanceDoc && entry.getKind() == IndexEntry.Kind.INSTANCE) {
                String filePath = relativePathToBaseDirectory + SEPARATE_INSTANCE_DOC_SUBDIRECTORY + "/" + getSeparateInstanceDocFileName(currentModuleName);
                currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.A, nonLocalHrefAttribute(filePath, entry.getLabel()), entry.getDisplayName());
            } else {
                generateNonLocalReference(currentPage, relativePathToBaseDirectory + MODULES_SUBDIRECTORY, currentModuleName, entry.getLabel(), entry.getDisplayName(), null);
        return DocTypeDecl.HTML_4_01_TRANSITIONAL + currentPage.toHTML();
    /// Generation of the navigation bar

     * Generates a navigational index for an intra-index link.
     * @param linkedIndex the List of IndexEntry objects forming the index being linked to.
     * @param linkedFileName the name of the index file being linked to.
     * @param thisFileName the name of the index file being generated.
     * @param displayName the display name for the link.
    private void generateIndexPageNavLink(List<IndexEntry> linkedIndex, String linkedFileName, String thisFileName, String displayName) {
        if (linkedFileName.equals(thisFileName)) {
                .openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.INDEX_NAV_CURRENT_LINK))
        } else if (linkedIndex.size() > 0) {
                .openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.INDEX_NAV_LINK))
                .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.A, nonLocalHrefAttribute(linkedFileName, null).concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.TARGET, "_self")), displayName)
     * Constructs the HTML attributes for the navigation bar at the top and bottom of each page.
     * @return the list of attributes.
    private HTMLBuilder.AttributeList getNavBarAttributes() {
        return classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.NAV_BAR);
     * Generates a generic navigation bar.
     * @param isFooter true if this bar forms the footer; false if this bar forms the header.
     * @param relativePathToBaseDirectory the relative path to the base directory for documentation generation.
    private void generateGenericNavBar(boolean isFooter, String relativePathToBaseDirectory) {
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, getNavBarAttributes());
        if (isFooter) {
        } else {
     * Generates a navigation bar for a module documentation page.
     * @param isFooter true if this bar forms the footer; false if this bar forms the header.
    private void generateModulePageNavBar(boolean isFooter, int nTypeConstructors, int nFunctions, int nTypeClasses, int nClassInstances) {
        String relativePathToBaseDirectory = "../";
        generateModulePageNavBar(isFooter, relativePathToBaseDirectory, nTypeConstructors, nFunctions, nTypeClasses, nClassInstances);

     * Generates a navigation bar for a module documentation page.
     * @param isFooter true if this bar forms the footer; false if this bar forms the header.
    private void generateModulePageNavBar(boolean isFooter, String relativePathToBaseDirectory, int nTypeConstructors, int nFunctions, int nTypeClasses, int nClassInstances) {
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, getNavBarAttributes());
        if (isFooter) {
            generateHorizontalNavBarLocalNavTableRow(relativePathToBaseDirectory, nTypeConstructors, nFunctions, nTypeClasses, nClassInstances);
        } else {
            generateHorizontalNavBarLocalNavTableRow(relativePathToBaseDirectory, nTypeConstructors, nFunctions, nTypeClasses, nClassInstances);

     * Generates the header/footer row in the navigation bar.
     * @param isFooter true if this bar forms the footer; false if this bar forms the header.
    private void generateHorizontalNavBarHeaderFooterRow(boolean isFooter) {
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.NAV_BAR_HEADER_FOOTER), isFooter ? config.footer : config.header);

     * Generates the global navigation portion of the navigation bar.
     * @param relativePathToBaseDirectory the relative path to the base directory for documentation generation.
    private void generateHorizontalNavBarGlobalNavTableRow(String relativePathToBaseDirectory) {
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.NAV_BAR_GLOBAL_ROW))
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.A, nonLocalHrefAttribute(relativePathToBaseDirectory + OVERVIEW_PAGE_FILENAME), LocalizableUserVisibleString.OVERVIEW.toResourceString())
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.A, nonLocalHrefAttribute(relativePathToBaseDirectory + MASTER_SCOPED_ENTITY_SEARCH_PAGE_FILENAME).concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.TARGET, SEARCH_FRAME_NAME)), LocalizableUserVisibleString.SEARCH.toResourceString())

     * Generates the local navigation portion of the navigation bar.
    private void generateHorizontalNavBarLocalNavTableRow(String relativePathToBaseDirectory, int nTypeConstructors, int nFunctions, int nTypeClasses, int nClassInstances) {
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.NAV_BAR_LOCAL_ROW));
        if (nTypeConstructors > 0 || nFunctions > 0 || nTypeClasses > 0 || nClassInstances > 0) {
            currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.A, localHrefAttribute(ElementID.SUMMARY_SECTION), LocalizableUserVisibleString.MODULE_SUMMARY.toResourceString());
        } else {
            currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DISABLED_LINK), LocalizableUserVisibleString.MODULE_SUMMARY.toResourceString());
        if (nTypeConstructors > 0) {
            HTMLBuilder.AttributeList hrefAttribute;
            if (inSeparateInstanceDoc) {
                hrefAttribute = nonLocalHrefAttribute(relativePathToBaseDirectory + MODULES_SUBDIRECTORY + "/" + getModuleFileName(currentModuleName), ElementID.TYPES_SECTION);
            } else {
                hrefAttribute = localHrefAttribute(ElementID.TYPES_SECTION);
            currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.A, hrefAttribute, LocalizableUserVisibleString.TYPES.toResourceString());
        } else {
            currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DISABLED_LINK), LocalizableUserVisibleString.TYPES.toResourceString());
        if (nFunctions > 0) {
            HTMLBuilder.AttributeList hrefAttribute;
            if (inSeparateInstanceDoc) {
                hrefAttribute = nonLocalHrefAttribute(relativePathToBaseDirectory + MODULES_SUBDIRECTORY + "/" + getModuleFileName(currentModuleName), ElementID.FUNCTIONS_SECTION);
            } else {
                hrefAttribute = localHrefAttribute(ElementID.FUNCTIONS_SECTION);
            currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.A, hrefAttribute, LocalizableUserVisibleString.FUNCTIONS.toResourceString());
        } else {
            currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DISABLED_LINK), LocalizableUserVisibleString.FUNCTIONS.toResourceString());
        if (nTypeClasses > 0) {
            HTMLBuilder.AttributeList hrefAttribute;
            if (inSeparateInstanceDoc) {
                hrefAttribute = nonLocalHrefAttribute(relativePathToBaseDirectory + MODULES_SUBDIRECTORY + "/" + getModuleFileName(currentModuleName), ElementID.TYPE_CLASSES_SECTION);
            } else {
                hrefAttribute = localHrefAttribute(ElementID.TYPE_CLASSES_SECTION);
            currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.A, hrefAttribute, LocalizableUserVisibleString.TYPE_CLASSES.toResourceString());
        } else {
            currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DISABLED_LINK), LocalizableUserVisibleString.TYPE_CLASSES.toResourceString());
        if (nClassInstances > 0) {
            HTMLBuilder.AttributeList hrefAttribute;
            if (config.shouldSeparateInstanceDoc && !inSeparateInstanceDoc) {
                hrefAttribute = nonLocalHrefAttribute(relativePathToBaseDirectory + SEPARATE_INSTANCE_DOC_SUBDIRECTORY + "/" + getSeparateInstanceDocFileName(currentModuleName), ElementID.INSTANCES_SECTION);
            } else {
                hrefAttribute = localHrefAttribute(ElementID.INSTANCES_SECTION);
            currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.A, hrefAttribute, LocalizableUserVisibleString.INSTANCES.toResourceString());
        } else {
            currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DISABLED_LINK), LocalizableUserVisibleString.INSTANCES.toResourceString());
     * Generates the fine print at the bottom of the page.
    private void generatePageBottom() {
        currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.PAGE_BOTTOM), config.bottom);

    /// File name builders
     * Constructs a file name for the main documentation page from a module name, properly disambiguated.
     * @param moduleName the module name.
     * @return the corresponding file name.
    private String getModuleFileName(ModuleName moduleName) {
        return getDisambiguatedNameForModule(moduleName) + DOT + HTML_FILE_EXTENSION;
     * Constructs a file name prefix for a per-module index from a module name, properly disambiguated.
     * @param moduleName the module name.
     * @return the corresponding file name prefix.
    private String getPerModuleIndexFileNamePrefix(ModuleName moduleName) {
        return getDisambiguatedNameForModule(moduleName) + FILENAME_POSTFIX_SEPARATOR;
     * Constructs a file name for the type index page from a module name, properly disambiguated.
     * @param moduleName the module name.
     * @return the corresponding file name.
    private String getPerModuleTypeIndexFileName(ModuleName moduleName) {
     * Constructs a file name for the functional agent index page from a module name, properly disambiguated.
     * @param moduleName the module name.
     * @return the corresponding file name.
    private String getPerModuleFunctionalAgentIndexFileName(ModuleName moduleName) {
     * Constructs a file name for the type class index page from a module name, properly disambiguated.
     * @param moduleName the module name.
     * @return the corresponding file name.
    private String getPerModuleTypeClassIndexFileName(ModuleName moduleName) {
     * Constructs a file name for the instance index page from a module name, properly disambiguated.
     * @param moduleName the module name.
     * @return the corresponding file name.
    private String getPerModuleInstanceIndexFileName(ModuleName moduleName) {
     * Constructs a file name for the type usage indices page from a type constructor name, properly disambiguated.
     * @param qualifiedName the qualified name of the type constructor.
     * @return the corresponding file name.
    private String getTypeConsUsageIndexFileName(QualifiedName qualifiedName) {
        ModuleName moduleName = qualifiedName.getModuleName();
        return getDisambiguatedNameForModule(moduleName) + DOT + getDisambiguatedNameForTypeCons(moduleName, qualifiedName.getUnqualifiedName()) + DOT + HTML_FILE_EXTENSION;
     * Constructs a file name for the type class usage indices page from a type class name, properly disambiguated.
     * @param qualifiedName the qualified name of the type class.
     * @return the corresponding file name.
    private String getTypeClassUsageIndexFileName(QualifiedName qualifiedName) {
        ModuleName moduleName = qualifiedName.getModuleName();
        return getDisambiguatedNameForModule(moduleName) + DOT + getDisambiguatedNameForTypeClass(moduleName, qualifiedName.getUnqualifiedName()) + DOT + HTML_FILE_EXTENSION;
     * Constructs a file name for the separate instance documentation from a module name, properly disambiguated.
     * @param moduleName the module name.
     * @return the corresponding file name.
    private String getSeparateInstanceDocFileName(ModuleName moduleName) {
    /// Helpers for building the module summary of a module documentation page, and the usage indices
     * Generates the start of an overview table.
     * @param caption the caption for the table.
     * @param nested whether the table is nested within another table.
    private void beginOverviewTable(String caption, boolean nested) {
        currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.TABLE, nested ? overviewNestedTableAttributes() : overviewTableAttributes());
        if (caption != null) {
            currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.CAPTION, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.MINOR_SECTION), caption);

     * Generates the end of an overview table.
    private void endOverviewTable() {
     * Generates the overview for a functional agent.
     * @param entity the functional agent entity.
     * @param metadata the metadata that may be generated.
     * @param docComment the CALDoc comment to be generated.
     * @param descriptionStyleClass the style class to use for the description.
    private void generateFunctionalAgentOverview(FunctionalAgent entity, String label, FunctionalAgentMetadata metadata, CALDocComment docComment, StyleClass descriptionStyleClass) {
        TypeExpr typeExpr = entity.getTypeExpr();
        /// Generate the cell for the scope
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.TR, classAttribute(getScopeStyleClass(entity.getScope())))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.TD, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_TABLE_SCOPE_COLUMN).concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.VALIGN, "baseline")))
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.SCOPE), entity.getScope().toString())
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.TD, HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.VALIGN, "baseline"))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.NAME_AND_TYPE))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_REFERENCE));

        /// Generate the entity name, hyperlinked
        generateLocalReference(label, entity.getName().getUnqualifiedName(), entity.getName().getQualifiedName());
        /// Generate the type signature, hyperlinked
        generateTypeSignature(typeExpr.toSourceModel(true, ScopedEntityNamingPolicy.FULLY_QUALIFIED));
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.DD, classAttribute(descriptionStyleClass));
        /// Generate the short description
        generateShortDescription(metadata, docComment, inModulesSubdirectoryReferenceGenerator);

     * If the entity is a class method, then generate the required/optional indicator.
     * @param entity the functional agent entity, which may or may not be a class method.
    private void maybeGenerateClassMethodIndicator(FunctionalAgent entity) {
        if (entity instanceof ClassMethod) {
            ClassMethod method = (ClassMethod)entity;
            final String text;
            if (method.getDefaultClassMethodName() == null) {
                // no default - required
                text = LocalizableUserVisibleString.REQUIRED_METHOD_INDICATOR.toResourceString();
            } else {
                // has default - optional
                text = LocalizableUserVisibleString.OPTIONAL_METHOD_INDICATOR.toResourceString();
                .addText(" ")
                .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.CLASS_METHOD_INDICATOR), text);

     * Generates an entry for a usage index.
     * @param entity the functional agent entity.
     * @param metadata the metadata that may be generated.
     * @param docComment the CALDoc comment to be generated.
     * @param descriptionStyleClass the style class to use for the description.
    private void generateUsageIndexEntry(FunctionalAgent entity, String label, FunctionalAgentMetadata metadata, CALDocComment docComment, StyleClass descriptionStyleClass) {
        TypeExpr typeExpr = entity.getTypeExpr();
        /// Generate the cell for the scope
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.TR, classAttribute(getScopeStyleClass(entity.getScope())))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.TD, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_TABLE_SCOPE_COLUMN).concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.VALIGN, "baseline")))
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.SCOPE), entity.getScope().toString())
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.TD, HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.VALIGN, "baseline"))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.NAME_AND_TYPE))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_REFERENCE));

        /// Generate the entity name, hyperlinked
        String relativePathToModulesSubdirectory = "../" + MODULES_SUBDIRECTORY;
        generateNonLocalReference(currentPage, relativePathToModulesSubdirectory, entity.getName().getModuleName(), label, entity.getName().getUnqualifiedName(), entity.getName().getQualifiedName());
        /// Generate the type signature, hyperlinked
        generateTypeSignature(typeExpr.toSourceModel(true, ScopedEntityNamingPolicy.FULLY_QUALIFIED), new TypeSignatureHTMLGeneratorUsingNonLocalReferences(relativePathToModulesSubdirectory));
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.DD, classAttribute(descriptionStyleClass));
        /// Generate the short description
        generateShortDescription(metadata, docComment, new ReferenceGenerator(relativePathToModulesSubdirectory));

    /// Generation of short descriptions
     * Generates the short description - the summary preceded by any deprecated block.
     * @param metadata the metadata that may be generated.
     * @param docComment the CALDoc comment to be generated.
     * @param referenceGenerator the reference generator to use for generating cross references.
    private void generateShortDescription(CALFeatureMetadata metadata, CALDocComment docComment, ReferenceGenerator referenceGenerator) {
        CALDocComment.TextBlock deprecatedBlock = null;

        if (docComment != null) {
            deprecatedBlock = docComment.getDeprecatedBlock();
        // Deprecated block
        generateHTMLForAttribute(StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_DEPRECATED_BLOCK, LocalizableUserVisibleString.DEPRECATED_COLON.toResourceString(), null, deprecatedBlock, referenceGenerator, deprecatedBlock != null);

        // Main description summary
            CALDocToHTMLUtilities.getSummaryFromCALDoc(docComment, referenceGenerator, getLocale(), LocalizableUserVisibleString.RETURNS_COLON.toResourceString(), StyleClassConstants.CODE_BLOCK, CODE_FORMATTING_TAG),
     * Obtains the first sentence from a piece of text.
     * @param text the text from which the first sentence is to be extracted. Can be null.
     * @return the first sentence, or null if none is available.
    private String getFirstSentence(String text) {
        if (text == null) {
            return null;
        /// Use BreakIterator to parse the text and identify the first sentence.
        Locale locale = getLocale();
        BreakIterator breakIterator;
        if (LocaleUtilities.isInvariantLocale(locale)) {
            breakIterator = BreakIterator.getSentenceInstance();
        } else {
            breakIterator = BreakIterator.getSentenceInstance(locale);
        /// The first sentence is from the start of the string to the first sentence boundary.
        int firstSentenceBoundary =;
        if (firstSentenceBoundary == BreakIterator.DONE) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return text.substring(0, firstSentenceBoundary).trim();

    /// Helpers for generating the details section of a module documentation page
     * Generates the standard description - the main description preceded by any deprecated block.
     * @param metadata the metadata that may be generated.
     * @param docComment the CALDoc comment to be generated.
     * @param referenceGenerator the reference generator to use for generating cross references.
    private void generateStandardDescription(CALFeatureMetadata metadata, CALDocComment docComment, ReferenceGenerator referenceGenerator) {
        // Obtain the various blocks from the CALDoc comment, if docComment is not null
        CALDocComment.TextBlock descriptionBlock = null;
        CALDocComment.TextBlock deprecatedBlock = null;

        if (docComment != null) {
            descriptionBlock = docComment.getDescriptionBlock();
            deprecatedBlock = docComment.getDeprecatedBlock();
        // Deprecated block
        generateHTMLForAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DEPRECATED_BLOCK, LocalizableUserVisibleString.DEPRECATED_COLON.toResourceString(), null, deprecatedBlock, referenceGenerator, deprecatedBlock != null);

        // Main description
        generateHTMLForAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DESCRIPTION_BLOCK, null, getBestDescriptionFromMetadata(metadata), descriptionBlock, referenceGenerator, false);

     * Generates the standard supplementary blocks - the author, version and see blocks.
     * @param metadata the metadata that may be generated.
     * @param docComment the CALDoc comment to be generated.
     * @param referenceGenerator the reference generator to use for generating cross references.
    private void generateStandardSupplementaryBlocks(final CALFeatureMetadata metadata, final CALDocComment docComment, ReferenceGenerator referenceGenerator) {
        /// Obtain the various blocks from the CALDoc comment, if docComment is not null
        CALDocComment.TextBlock versionBlock = null;
        ContentConvertibleToHTML valueFromAuthorBlocks = null;
        ContentConvertibleToHTML valueFromSeeBlocks = null;
        if (docComment != null) {
            versionBlock = docComment.getVersionBlock();
            /// Construct a ContentConvertibleToHTML instance to represent the contents of *all* the author blocks
            valueFromAuthorBlocks = new ContentConvertibleToHTML() {
                private final int nAuthorBlocks = docComment.getNAuthorBlocks();
                /** {@inheritDoc} */
                boolean isEmpty() {
                    return nAuthorBlocks == 0;
                /** {@inheritDoc} */
                void generateHTML(HTMLBuilder currentPage, CALDocToHTMLUtilities.CrossReferenceHTMLGenerator referenceGenerator) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < nAuthorBlocks; i++) {
                        if (i > 0) {
                        CALDocToHTMLUtilities.generateHTMLForCALDocTextBlock(docComment.getNthAuthorBlock(i), currentPage, referenceGenerator, StyleClassConstants.CODE_BLOCK, CODE_FORMATTING_TAG);
            /// Construct a ContentConvertibleToHTML instance to represent the contents of *all* the see blocks
            valueFromSeeBlocks = new ContentConvertibleToHTML() {
                private final int nModuleReferences = docComment.getNModuleReferences();
                private final int nTypeClassModuleReferences = docComment.getNTypeClassReferences();
                private final int nTypeConstructorReferences = docComment.getNTypeConstructorReferences();
                private final int nDataConstructorReferences = docComment.getNDataConstructorReferences();
                private final int nFunctionOrClassMethodReferences = docComment.getNFunctionOrClassMethodReferences();
                /** {@inheritDoc} */
                boolean isEmpty() {
                    return nModuleReferences + nTypeClassModuleReferences + nTypeConstructorReferences + nDataConstructorReferences + nFunctionOrClassMethodReferences == 0;
                /** {@inheritDoc} */
                void generateHTML(HTMLBuilder currentPage, CALDocToHTMLUtilities.CrossReferenceHTMLGenerator referenceGenerator) {
                    int masterCount = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < nModuleReferences; i++, masterCount++) {
                        if (masterCount > 0) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < nTypeClassModuleReferences; i++, masterCount++) {
                        if (masterCount > 0) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < nTypeConstructorReferences; i++, masterCount++) {
                        if (masterCount > 0) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < nDataConstructorReferences; i++, masterCount++) {
                        if (masterCount > 0) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < nFunctionOrClassMethodReferences; i++, masterCount++) {
                        if (masterCount > 0) {
        /// Author block
        if (shouldGenerateAuthorInfo()) {
            generateHTMLForAttribute(StyleClassConstants.AUTHOR_BLOCK, LocalizableUserVisibleString.AUTHOR_COLON.toResourceString(), metadata.getAuthor(), valueFromAuthorBlocks, referenceGenerator, false);
        /// Version block
        if (shouldGenerateVersionInfo()) {
            generateHTMLForAttribute(StyleClassConstants.VERSION_BLOCK, LocalizableUserVisibleString.VERSION_COLON.toResourceString(), metadata.getVersion(), versionBlock, referenceGenerator, false);
        /// See blocks
        ContentConvertibleToHTML relatedReferencesFromMetadata = new ContentConvertibleToHTML() {
            private final int nRelatedFeatures = metadata.getNRelatedFeatures();
            /** {@inheritDoc} */
            boolean isEmpty() {
                return nRelatedFeatures == 0;
            /** {@inheritDoc} */
            void generateHTML(HTMLBuilder currentPage, CALDocToHTMLUtilities.CrossReferenceHTMLGenerator referenceGenerator) {
                for (int i = 0; i < nRelatedFeatures; i++) {
                    if (i > 0) {
        generateHTMLForAttribute(StyleClassConstants.SEE_BLOCK, LocalizableUserVisibleString.SEE_ALSO_COLON.toResourceString(), relatedReferencesFromMetadata, valueFromSeeBlocks, referenceGenerator, false);
     * Get the "best" short description from metadata. If the short description is available, that is taken.
     * Otherwise the first sentence of the long description is taken.
     * @param metadata the metadata from which a short description is to be extracted. Can be null.
     * @return the short description, or null if none is available.
    private String getBestShortDescriptionFromMetadata(CALFeatureMetadata metadata) {
        if (metadata == null) {
            return null;
        String shortDesc = metadata.getShortDescription();
        if (shortDesc != null && shortDesc.length() > 0) {
            return shortDesc;
        String longDesc = metadata.getLongDescription();
        if (longDesc != null && longDesc.length() > 0) {
            return getFirstSentence(longDesc);
        return null;
     * Get the "best" description from metadata. If the long description is available, that is taken.
     * Otherwise the short description is taken.
     * @param metadata the metadata from which a description is to be extracted. Can be null.
     * @return the description, or null if none is available.
    private String getBestDescriptionFromMetadata(CALFeatureMetadata metadata) {
        if (metadata == null) {
            return null;
        String longDesc = metadata.getLongDescription();
        if (longDesc != null && longDesc.length() > 0) {
            return longDesc;
        String shortDesc = metadata.getShortDescription();
        if (shortDesc != null && shortDesc.length() > 0) {
            return shortDesc;
        return null;
     * Generates the HTML for an "attribute block" - a block that starts with an emphasized header followed by the body.
     * @param styleClass the style class to use for the block.
     * @param header the header text. Can be null.
     * @param metadataValue the value obtained from metadata for the attribute block. Can be null.
     * @param textBlock the CALDoc text block for the attribute block. Can be null
     * @param referenceGenerator the reference generator to use for generating cross references.
     * @param generateEvenIfEmpty to generate the attribute block even when it is empty.
    private void generateHTMLForAttribute(StyleClass styleClass, String header, String metadataValue, CALDocComment.TextBlock textBlock, ReferenceGenerator referenceGenerator, boolean generateEvenIfEmpty) {
        generateHTMLForAttribute(styleClass, header, metadataValue, new SingleTextBlockContent(textBlock, StyleClassConstants.CODE_BLOCK, CODE_FORMATTING_TAG), referenceGenerator, generateEvenIfEmpty);

     * Generates the HTML for an "attribute block" - a block that starts with an emphasized header followed by the body.
     * @param styleClass the style class to use for the block.
     * @param header the header text. Can be null.
     * @param metadataValue the value obtained from metadata for the attribute block. Can be null.
     * @param valueFromCALDoc the value obtained from CALDoc for the attribute block. Can be null
     * @param referenceGenerator the reference generator to use for generating cross references.
     * @param generateEvenIfEmpty to generate the attribute block even when it is empty.
    private void generateHTMLForAttribute(StyleClass styleClass, String header, String metadataValue, ContentConvertibleToHTML valueFromCALDoc, ReferenceGenerator referenceGenerator, boolean generateEvenIfEmpty) {
        generateHTMLForAttribute(styleClass, header, new SimpleStringContent(metadataValue), valueFromCALDoc, referenceGenerator, generateEvenIfEmpty);
     * Generates the HTML for an "attribute block" - a block that starts with an emphasized header followed by the body.
     * @param styleClass the style class to use for the block.
     * @param header the header text. Can be null.
     * @param metadataValue the value obtained from metadata for the attribute block. Can be null.
     * @param valueFromCALDoc the value obtained from CALDoc for the attribute block. Can be null
     * @param referenceGenerator the reference generator to use for generating cross references.
     * @param generateEvenIfEmpty to generate the attribute block even when it is empty.
    private void generateHTMLForAttribute(StyleClass styleClass, String header, ContentConvertibleToHTML metadataValue, ContentConvertibleToHTML valueFromCALDoc, ReferenceGenerator referenceGenerator, boolean generateEvenIfEmpty) {
        /// Figure out whether we need to generate a) metadata and b) CALDoc
        boolean genMetadata = (shouldGenerateFromMetadata() && metadataValue != null && !metadataValue.isEmpty());
        boolean genCALDoc = ((shouldAlwaysGenerateFromCALDoc() || !genMetadata) && valueFromCALDoc != null && !valueFromCALDoc.isEmpty());
        if (generateEvenIfEmpty || genMetadata || genCALDoc) {
            currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(styleClass));
            /// If the header is not null, generate a new definition list and use it as the definition term.
            if (header != null) {
                currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DL).addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DT, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.ATTRIBUTE_HEADER), header).openTag(HTML.Tag.DD);
            /// Generate the metadata, if required.
            if (genMetadata) {
                metadataValue.generateHTML(currentPage, referenceGenerator);
            /// Generate the CALDoc, if required.
            if (genCALDoc) {
                valueFromCALDoc.generateHTML(currentPage, referenceGenerator);
            /// Close the definition list if one was opened.
            if (header != null) {

     * Generates an indicator denoting that the following block came from CALDoc if and only if metadata is to be included with the documentation.
    private void maybeGenerateCALDocIndicator() {
        if (shouldGenerateFromMetadata()) {
            currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.CALDOC_INDICATOR), LocalizableUserVisibleString.CALDOC_INDICATOR.toResourceString()).newline();

     * Generates an indicator denoting that the following block came from metadata if and only if metadata is to be included with the documentation.
    private void maybeGenerateMetadataIndicator() {
        if (shouldGenerateFromMetadata()) {
            currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.METADATA_INDICATOR), LocalizableUserVisibleString.METADATA_INDICATOR.toResourceString()).newline();

    /// Helpers for generating type signatures, appropriately hyperlinked
     * Generates a type signature with the type classes and type constructors contained therein appropriately hyperlinked.
     * @param typeSignature the type signature.
    private void generateTypeSignature(SourceModel.TypeSignature typeSignature) {
        generateTypeSignature(typeSignature, new TypeSignatureHTMLGenerator(true));
     * Generates a type signature with the specified type signature HTML generator.
     * @param typeSignature the type signature.
     * @param typeSigHTMLGenerator the type signature HTML generator to use for the generation.
    private void generateTypeSignature(SourceModel.TypeSignature typeSignature, TypeSignatureHTMLGenerator typeSigHTMLGenerator) {
        currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.CODE, " " + CALFragments.COLON_COLON + " ");
        currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.TYPE_SIGNATURE)).openTag(HTML.Tag.CODE);
        typeSignature.accept(typeSigHTMLGenerator, null);
    /// Helpers for constructing commonly used HTML attributes
     * Constructs an HTML 'id' attribute.
     * @param id the id value. Can be null (an empty attribute list is returned).
     * @return a singleton attribute list.
    private HTMLBuilder.AttributeList idAttribute(String id) {
        if (id == null) {
            return HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make();
        } else {
            return HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.ID, id);
     * Constructs an HTML 'class' attribute.
     * @param styleClass the style class value. Can be null (an empty attribute list is returned).
     * @return a singleton attribute list.
    private HTMLBuilder.AttributeList classAttribute(StyleClass styleClass) {
        if (styleClass == null) {
            return HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make();
        } else {
            return HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.CLASS, styleClass.toHTML());
     * Constructs an HTML attribute list from the 'id' and 'class' attributes.
     * @param id the id value.
     * @param styleClass the style class value.
     * @return an attribute list with the two attributes.
    private HTMLBuilder.AttributeList idAndClassAttributes(String id, StyleClass styleClass) {
        return idAttribute(id).concat(classAttribute(styleClass));

     * Constructs an HTML 'href' attribute referring to an anchor on the same page.
     * @param id the name of the anchor.
     * @return a singleton attribute list.
    private HTMLBuilder.AttributeList localHrefAttribute(String id) {
        if (disableAllHyperlinks) {
            return HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make();
        } else {
            return HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.HREF, "#" + id);
     * Constructs an HTML 'href' attribute referring to another file.
     * @param filePath the path to the file being linked to.
     * @return a singleton attribute list.
    private HTMLBuilder.AttributeList nonLocalHrefAttribute(String filePath) {
        return nonLocalHrefAttribute(filePath, null);
     * Constructs an HTML 'href' attribute referring to another file, or an anchor in another file.
     * @param filePath the path to the file being linked to.
     * @param id the name of the anchor in the other file. Can be null.
     * @return a singleton attribute list.
    private HTMLBuilder.AttributeList nonLocalHrefAttribute(String filePath, String id) {
        if (disableAllHyperlinks) {
            return HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make();
        } else {
            if (id != null) {
                return HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.HREF, filePath + "#" + id);
            } else {
                return HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.HREF, filePath);
     * Constructs an HTML attribute list for an overview table with the specified style class.
     * @param styleClass the style class to use for the table.
     * @return the appropriate attribute list.
    private HTMLBuilder.AttributeList overviewTableAttributesWithStyleClass(StyleClass styleClass) {
        return classAttribute(styleClass)
            .concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML4.RULES_ATTRIBUTE, "rows"))
            .concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.CELLPADDING, "5"))
            .concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.CELLSPACING, "0"))
            .concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.BORDER, "1"))
            .concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.WIDTH, "100%"));

     * Constructs an HTML attribute list for an outer overview table.
     * @return the appropriate attribute list.
    private HTMLBuilder.AttributeList overviewTableAttributes() {
        return overviewTableAttributesWithStyleClass(StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_TABLE);

     * Constructs an HTML attribute list for a nested overview table.
     * @return the appropriate attribute list.
    private HTMLBuilder.AttributeList overviewNestedTableAttributes() {
        return overviewTableAttributesWithStyleClass(StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_NESTED_TABLE);
     * Generates a link to the usages page if usage indices are to be generated.
     * @param usageSubdirectory the subdirectory for the usage page to link to.
     * @param usageIndexFileName the usage page file name to link to.
    private void maybeGenerateUsageLink(String usageSubdirectory, String usageIndexFileName) {
        if (shouldGenerateUsageIndices) {
                .addText(" &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[")
                .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.A, nonLocalHrefAttribute("../" + usageSubdirectory + "/" + usageIndexFileName), LocalizableUserVisibleString.USAGE_INDEX_ENTRY.toResourceString())
    /// Helpers for generating argument names and hyperlinked references
     * Generates an argument name of an FunctionalAgent. If metadata is to be included in documentation, this gives
     * preference to the name coming from the metadata. Otherwise, it gives preference to the name given in
     * CALDoc, if it is different from the name appearing in the entity itself.
     * @param entity the FunctionalAgent whose argument name is being generated.
     * @param index the position of the argument in the argument list.
     * @param argMetadata the argument's metadata. Can be null.
     * @param docComment the CALDoc comment of the entity. Can be null.
     * @param setOfArgumentNames the (Set of Strings) of argument names already used (for disambiguation purposes).
    private void generateArgumentName(FunctionalAgent entity, int index, ArgumentMetadata argMetadata, CALDocComment docComment, Set<String> setOfArgumentNames) {
        /// First fetch the name from the entity. This will mostly be the same name as the one appearing in code, except for
        /// foreign functions, which may have their names extracted from the Java classes' debug info.
        String nameFromEntity = null;
        if (index < entity.getNArgumentNames()) {
            nameFromEntity = entity.getArgumentName(index);
        if (shouldGenerateFromMetadata() && argMetadata != null && argMetadata.getDisplayName() != null && argMetadata.getDisplayName().trim().length() > 0) {
            /// If metadata is to be included, and the metadata yields a non-empty display name for the argument, use it.
            String nameFromMetadata = argMetadata.getDisplayName().trim();
            currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.CODE, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.ARG_NAME_FROM_METADATA), nameFromMetadata);
        } else if (docComment != null && index < docComment.getNArgBlocks()) {
            /// Since either metadata is not to be included, or it is not available, we fallback to the CALDoc.
            String nameFromCALDoc = docComment.getNthArgBlock(index).getArgName().getCalSourceForm();
            /// We decorate the argument name with the appropriate style class depending on whether the CALDoc argument name
            /// matches the one found in the entity (in which case the name came from code).
            if (nameFromCALDoc.equals(nameFromEntity)) {
                currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.CODE, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.ARG_NAME_FROM_CODE), nameFromEntity);
            } else {
                currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.CODE, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.ARG_NAME_FROM_CALDOC), nameFromCALDoc);
        } else if (nameFromEntity != null) {
            /// If the entity yielded a name, use it.
            currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.CODE, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.ARG_NAME_FROM_CODE), nameFromEntity);
        } else {
            /// Since not even the entity yielded a name, construct an artificial one of the form arg_x, where x is the
            /// 1-based index of the argument in the argument list, or of the form arg_x_y if arg_x, arg_x_1, ...
            /// arg_x_(y-1) have all appeared previously in the argument list.
            // the base artificial name we'll attempt to use is arg_x, where x is the 1-based index of this argument
            String baseArtificialName = "arg_" + (index + 1);
            String artificialName = baseArtificialName;
            // if the base artificial name already appears in previous arguments, then
            // make the argument name arg_x_y, where y is a supplementary disambiguating number
            // chosen so that the resulting name will not collide with any of the previous argument names
            int supplementaryDisambiguator = 1;
            while (setOfArgumentNames.contains(artificialName)) {
                artificialName = baseArtificialName + "_" + supplementaryDisambiguator;
            currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.CODE, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.ARG_NAME_ARTIFICIAL), artificialName);
     * Generates a reference to another module, appropriately hyperlinked.
     * @param moduleName the name of the module to link to.
    private void generateModuleReference(ModuleName moduleName) {
        generateModuleReference(currentPage, moduleName);
     * Generates a reference to another module, appropriately hyperlinked.
     * @param builder the HTMLBuilder for generating the reference.
     * @param moduleName the name of the module to link to.
    private void generateModuleReference(HTMLBuilder builder, ModuleName moduleName) {
        generateModuleReference(builder, null, moduleName, getMinimallyQualifiedNameForModule(moduleName));
     * Generates a reference to another module, appropriately hyperlinked.
     * @param builder the HTMLBuilder for generating the reference.
     * @param relativeDirectory the relative directory path to get to the modules subdirectory. Can be null if the current directory is the modules subdirectory.
     * @param reference the name of the module to link to.
    private void generateModuleReference(HTMLBuilder builder, String relativeDirectory, CALDocComment.ModuleReference reference) {
        ModuleName moduleName = reference.getName();
        String displayName = reference.getModuleNameInSource();
        if (displayName.length() == 0) {
            displayName = getMinimallyQualifiedNameForModule(moduleName);
        generateModuleReference(builder, relativeDirectory, moduleName, displayName);

     * Generates a reference to another module, appropriately hyperlinked.
     * @param builder the HTMLBuilder for generating the reference.
     * @param relativeDirectory the relative directory path to get to the modules subdirectory. Can be null if the current directory is the modules subdirectory.
     * @param moduleName the name of the module to link to.
     * @param moduleDisplayName the name to be displayed for the module.
    private void generateModuleReference(HTMLBuilder builder, String relativeDirectory, ModuleName moduleName, String moduleDisplayName) {
        if (isDocForModuleGenerated(moduleName)) {
            generateNonLocalReference(builder, relativeDirectory, moduleName, labelMaker.getModuleLabel(moduleName), moduleDisplayName, getFullyQualifiedNameForModule(moduleName));
        } else {
     * Generates a reference to a type constructor, appropriately hyperlinked.
     * @param qualifiedName the name of the type constructor to link to.
    private void generateTypeConsReference(QualifiedName qualifiedName) {
        generateTypeConsReference(qualifiedName.getModuleName(), qualifiedName.getUnqualifiedName());
     * Generates a reference to a type constructor, appropriately hyperlinked.
     * @param builder the HTMLBuilder for generating the reference.
     * @param relativeDirectory the relative directory path to get to the modules subdirectory. Can be null if the current directory is the modules subdirectory.
     * @param qualifiedName the name of the type constructor to link to.
     * @param moduleNameInSource how the module name portion of the reference appears in source. Could be the empty string if the reference is unqualified in source.
    private void generateTypeConsReference(HTMLBuilder builder, String relativeDirectory, QualifiedName qualifiedName, String moduleNameInSource) {
        generateTypeConsReference(builder, relativeDirectory, qualifiedName.getModuleName(), qualifiedName.getUnqualifiedName(), moduleNameInSource);
     * Generates a reference to a type constructor, appropriately hyperlinked.
     * @param moduleName the name of the type constructor's module. Can be null.
     * @param unqualifiedName the unqualified name of the type constructor.
    private void generateTypeConsReference(ModuleName moduleName, String unqualifiedName) {
        generateTypeConsReference(currentPage, moduleName, unqualifiedName, getMinimallyQualifiedNameForModule(moduleName));
     * Generates a reference to a type constructor, appropriately hyperlinked.
     * @param builder the HTMLBuilder for generating the reference.
     * @param moduleName the name of the type constructor's module. Can be null.
     * @param unqualifiedName the unqualified name of the type constructor.
     * @param moduleNameInSource how the module name portion of the reference appears in source. Could be the empty string if the reference is unqualified in source.
    private void generateTypeConsReference(HTMLBuilder builder, ModuleName moduleName, String unqualifiedName, String moduleNameInSource) {
        generateTypeConsReference(builder, null, moduleName, unqualifiedName, moduleNameInSource);

     * Generates a reference to a type constructor, appropriately hyperlinked.
     * @param builder the HTMLBuilder for generating the reference.
     * @param relativeDirectory the relative directory path to get to the modules subdirectory. Can be null if the current directory is the modules subdirectory.
     * @param moduleName the name of the type constructor's module. Can be null.
     * @param unqualifiedName the unqualified name of the type constructor.
     * @param moduleNameInSource how the module name portion of the reference appears in source. Could be the empty string if the reference is unqualified in source.
    private void generateTypeConsReference(HTMLBuilder builder, String relativeDirectory, ModuleName moduleName, String unqualifiedName, String moduleNameInSource) {
        String typeConsLabel = labelMaker.getTypeConsLabel(unqualifiedName);
        String appropriatelyQualifiedName = getAppropriatelyQualifiedName(moduleName, unqualifiedName, moduleNameInSource);
        if (!isDocForTypeConsGenerated(moduleName, unqualifiedName)) {
        } else if ((moduleName == null || moduleName.equals(currentModuleName)) && !inSeparateInstanceDoc) {
            generateLocalReference(builder, typeConsLabel, unqualifiedName, getFullyQualifiedNameString(moduleName, unqualifiedName));
        } else {
            generateNonLocalReference(builder, relativeDirectory, moduleName, typeConsLabel, appropriatelyQualifiedName, getFullyQualifiedNameString(moduleName, unqualifiedName));

     * Generates a reference to a data constructor, appropriately hyperlinked.
     * @param qualifiedName the name of the data constructor to link to.
    private void generateDataConsReference(QualifiedName qualifiedName) {
        generateDataConsReference(qualifiedName.getModuleName(), qualifiedName.getUnqualifiedName());
     * Generates a reference to a data constructor, appropriately hyperlinked.
     * @param builder the HTMLBuilder for generating the reference.
     * @param relativeDirectory the relative directory path to get to the modules subdirectory. Can be null if the current directory is the modules subdirectory.
     * @param qualifiedName the name of the data constructor to link to.
     * @param moduleNameInSource how the module name portion of the reference appears in source. Could be the empty string if the reference is unqualified in source.
    private void generateDataConsReference(HTMLBuilder builder, String relativeDirectory, QualifiedName qualifiedName, String moduleNameInSource) {
        generateDataConsReference(builder, relativeDirectory, qualifiedName.getModuleName(), qualifiedName.getUnqualifiedName(), moduleNameInSource);
     * Generates a reference to a data constructor, appropriately hyperlinked.
     * @param moduleName the name of the data constructor's module. Can be null.
     * @param unqualifiedName the unqualified name of the data constructor.
    private void generateDataConsReference(ModuleName moduleName, String unqualifiedName) {
        generateDataConsReference(currentPage, moduleName, unqualifiedName, getMinimallyQualifiedNameForModule(moduleName));
     * Generates a reference to a data constructor, appropriately hyperlinked.
     * @param builder the HTMLBuilder for generating the reference.
     * @param moduleName the name of the data constructor's module. Can be null.
     * @param unqualifiedName the unqualified name of the data constructor.
     * @param moduleNameInSource how the module name portion of the reference appears in source. Could be the empty string if the reference is unqualified in source.
    private void generateDataConsReference(HTMLBuilder builder, ModuleName moduleName, String unqualifiedName, String moduleNameInSource) {
        generateDataConsReference(builder, null, moduleName, unqualifiedName, moduleNameInSource);
     * Generates a reference to a data constructor, appropriately hyperlinked.
     * @param builder the HTMLBuilder for generating the reference.
     * @param relativeDirectory the relative directory path to get to the modules subdirectory. Can be null if the current directory is the modules subdirectory.
     * @param moduleName the name of the data constructor's module. Can be null.
     * @param unqualifiedName the unqualified name of the data constructor.
     * @param moduleNameInSource how the module name portion of the reference appears in source. Could be the empty string if the reference is unqualified in source.
    private void generateDataConsReference(HTMLBuilder builder, String relativeDirectory, ModuleName moduleName, String unqualifiedName, String moduleNameInSource) {
        String dataConsLabel = labelMaker.getDataConsLabel(unqualifiedName);
        String appropriatelyQualifiedName = getAppropriatelyQualifiedName(moduleName, unqualifiedName, moduleNameInSource);
        if (!isDocForDataConsGenerated(moduleName, unqualifiedName)) {
        } else if ((moduleName == null || moduleName.equals(currentModuleName)) && !inSeparateInstanceDoc) {
            generateLocalReference(builder, dataConsLabel, unqualifiedName, getFullyQualifiedNameString(moduleName, unqualifiedName));
        } else {
            generateNonLocalReference(builder, relativeDirectory, moduleName, dataConsLabel, appropriatelyQualifiedName, getFullyQualifiedNameString(moduleName, unqualifiedName));

     * Generates a reference to a function or class method, appropriately hyperlinked.
     * @param qualifiedName the name of the function or class method to link to.
    private void generateFunctionOrClassMethodReference(QualifiedName qualifiedName) {
        generateFunctionOrClassMethodReference(qualifiedName.getModuleName(), qualifiedName.getUnqualifiedName());
     * Generates a reference to a function or class method, appropriately hyperlinked.
     * @param builder the HTMLBuilder for generating the reference.
     * @param relativeDirectory the relative directory path to get to the modules subdirectory. Can be null if the current directory is the modules subdirectory.
     * @param qualifiedName the name of the function or class method to link to.
     * @param moduleNameInSource how the module name portion of the reference appears in source. Could be the empty string if the reference is unqualified in source.
    private void generateFunctionOrClassMethodReference(HTMLBuilder builder, String relativeDirectory, QualifiedName qualifiedName, String moduleNameInSource) {
        generateFunctionOrClassMethodReference(builder, relativeDirectory, qualifiedName.getModuleName(), qualifiedName.getUnqualifiedName(), moduleNameInSource);
     * Generates a reference to a function or class method, appropriately hyperlinked.
     * @param moduleName the name of the function or class method's module. Can be null.
     * @param unqualifiedName the unqualified name of the function or class method.
    private void generateFunctionOrClassMethodReference(ModuleName moduleName, String unqualifiedName) {
        generateFunctionOrClassMethodReference(currentPage, moduleName, unqualifiedName, getMinimallyQualifiedNameForModule(moduleName));
     * Generates a reference to a function or class method, appropriately hyperlinked.
     * @param builder the HTMLBuilder for generating the reference.
     * @param moduleName the name of the function or class method's module. Can be null.
     * @param unqualifiedName the unqualified name of the function or class method.
     * @param moduleNameInSource how the module name portion of the reference appears in source. Could be the empty string if the reference is unqualified in source.
    private void generateFunctionOrClassMethodReference(HTMLBuilder builder, ModuleName moduleName, String unqualifiedName, String moduleNameInSource) {
        generateFunctionOrClassMethodReference(builder, null, moduleName, unqualifiedName, moduleNameInSource);

     * Generates a reference to a function or class method, appropriately hyperlinked.
     * @param builder the HTMLBuilder for generating the reference.
     * @param relativeDirectory the relative directory path to get to the modules subdirectory. Can be null if the current directory is the modules subdirectory.
     * @param moduleName the name of the function or class method's module. Can be null.
     * @param unqualifiedName the unqualified name of the function or class method.
     * @param moduleNameInSource how the module name portion of the reference appears in source. Could be the empty string if the reference is unqualified in source.
    private void generateFunctionOrClassMethodReference(HTMLBuilder builder, String relativeDirectory, ModuleName moduleName, String unqualifiedName, String moduleNameInSource) {
        String functionOrClassMethodLabel = labelMaker.getFunctionOrClassMethodLabel(unqualifiedName);
        String appropriatelyQualifiedName = getAppropriatelyQualifiedName(moduleName, unqualifiedName, moduleNameInSource);
        if (!isDocForFunctionOrClassMethodGenerated(moduleName, unqualifiedName)) {
        } else if ((moduleName == null || moduleName.equals(currentModuleName)) && !inSeparateInstanceDoc) {
            generateLocalReference(builder, functionOrClassMethodLabel, unqualifiedName, getFullyQualifiedNameString(moduleName, unqualifiedName));
        } else {
            generateNonLocalReference(builder, relativeDirectory, moduleName, functionOrClassMethodLabel, appropriatelyQualifiedName, getFullyQualifiedNameString(moduleName, unqualifiedName));
     * Generates a reference to a type class, appropriately hyperlinked.
     * @param qualifiedName the name of the type class to link to.
    private void generateTypeClassReference(QualifiedName qualifiedName) {
        generateTypeClassReference(qualifiedName.getModuleName(), qualifiedName.getUnqualifiedName());
     * Generates a reference to a type class, appropriately hyperlinked.
     * @param builder the HTMLBuilder for generating the reference.
     * @param relativeDirectory the relative directory path to get to the modules subdirectory. Can be null if the current directory is the modules subdirectory.
     * @param qualifiedName the name of the type class to link to.
     * @param moduleNameInSource how the module name portion of the reference appears in source. Could be the empty string if the reference is unqualified in source.
    private void generateTypeClassReference(HTMLBuilder builder, String relativeDirectory, QualifiedName qualifiedName, String moduleNameInSource) {
        generateTypeClassReference(builder, relativeDirectory, qualifiedName.getModuleName(), qualifiedName.getUnqualifiedName(), moduleNameInSource);
     * Generates a reference to a type class, appropriately hyperlinked.
     * @param moduleName the name of the type class's module. Can be null.
     * @param unqualifiedName the unqualified name of the type class.
    private void generateTypeClassReference(ModuleName moduleName, String unqualifiedName) {
        generateTypeClassReference(currentPage, moduleName, unqualifiedName, getMinimallyQualifiedNameForModule(moduleName));
     * Generates a reference to a type class, appropriately hyperlinked.
     * @param builder the HTMLBuilder for generating the reference.
     * @param moduleName the name of the type class's module. Can be null.
     * @param unqualifiedName the unqualified name of the type class.
     * @param moduleNameInSource how the module name portion of the reference appears in source. Could be the empty string if the reference is unqualified in source.
    private void generateTypeClassReference(HTMLBuilder builder, ModuleName moduleName, String unqualifiedName, String moduleNameInSource) {
        generateTypeClassReference(builder, null, moduleName, unqualifiedName, moduleNameInSource);

     * Generates a reference to a type class, appropriately hyperlinked.
     * @param builder the HTMLBuilder for generating the reference.
     * @param relativeDirectory the relative directory path to get to the modules subdirectory. Can be null if the current directory is the modules subdirectory.
     * @param moduleName the name of the type class's module. Can be null.
     * @param unqualifiedName the unqualified name of the type class.
     * @param moduleNameInSource how the module name portion of the reference appears in source. Could be the empty string if the reference is unqualified in source.
    private void generateTypeClassReference(HTMLBuilder builder, String relativeDirectory, ModuleName moduleName, String unqualifiedName, String moduleNameInSource) {
        String typeClassLabel = labelMaker.getTypeClassLabel(unqualifiedName);
        String appropriatelyQualifiedName = getAppropriatelyQualifiedName(moduleName, unqualifiedName, moduleNameInSource);
        if (!isDocForTypeClassGenerated(moduleName, unqualifiedName)) {
        } else if ((moduleName == null || moduleName.equals(currentModuleName)) && !inSeparateInstanceDoc) {
            generateLocalReference(builder, typeClassLabel, unqualifiedName, getFullyQualifiedNameString(moduleName, unqualifiedName));
        } else {
            generateNonLocalReference(builder, relativeDirectory, moduleName, typeClassLabel, appropriatelyQualifiedName, getFullyQualifiedNameString(moduleName, unqualifiedName));
     * Generates a reference to a class instance, appropriately hyperlinked.
     * @param classInstance the class instance to link to.
    private void generateClassInstanceReference(ClassInstance classInstance) {
        ModuleName definingModuleName = classInstance.getModuleName();
        ClassInstanceIdentifier identifier = classInstance.getIdentifier();
        String classInstanceLabel = labelMaker.getClassInstanceLabel(identifier);
        if (!isDocForClassInstanceGenerated(classInstance)) {
            // if the class instance is not documented, no hyperlink can be made.
            generateClassInstanceDeclarationName(classInstance, false);
        } else {
            // the instance is indeed documented, so create a hyperlinked reference to it
            HTMLBuilder.AttributeList hrefAttribute;
            if (config.shouldSeparateInstanceDoc) {
                if (inSeparateInstanceDoc) {
                    if (definingModuleName == null || definingModuleName.equals(currentModuleName)) {
                        hrefAttribute = localHrefAttribute(classInstanceLabel);
                    } else {
                        hrefAttribute = nonLocalHrefAttribute(getSeparateInstanceDocFileName(definingModuleName), classInstanceLabel);
                } else {
                    hrefAttribute = nonLocalHrefAttribute("../" + SEPARATE_INSTANCE_DOC_SUBDIRECTORY + "/" + getSeparateInstanceDocFileName(definingModuleName), classInstanceLabel);
            } else {
                if (definingModuleName == null || definingModuleName.equals(currentModuleName)) {
                    hrefAttribute = localHrefAttribute(classInstanceLabel);
                } else {
                    hrefAttribute = nonLocalHrefAttribute(getModuleFileName(definingModuleName), classInstanceLabel);
            currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.A, hrefAttribute);
            generateClassInstanceDeclarationName(classInstance, false);
     * Returns an href attribute for a non local reference to a class instance.
     * @param classInstance the class instance to link to.
     * @param relativePathToBaseDirectory the relative path to the base directory for documentation generation.
     * @return the href attribute.
    private HTMLBuilder.AttributeList getHrefAttributeForNonLocalClassInstanceReference(ClassInstance classInstance, String relativePathToBaseDirectory) {
        ModuleName definingModuleName = classInstance.getModuleName();
        ClassInstanceIdentifier identifier = classInstance.getIdentifier();
        String classInstanceLabel = labelMaker.getClassInstanceLabel(identifier);
        HTMLBuilder.AttributeList hrefAttribute;
        if (config.shouldSeparateInstanceDoc) {
            hrefAttribute = nonLocalHrefAttribute(relativePathToBaseDirectory + SEPARATE_INSTANCE_DOC_SUBDIRECTORY + "/" + getSeparateInstanceDocFileName(definingModuleName), classInstanceLabel);
        } else {
            hrefAttribute = nonLocalHrefAttribute(relativePathToBaseDirectory + MODULES_SUBDIRECTORY + "/" + getModuleFileName(definingModuleName), classInstanceLabel);
        return hrefAttribute;
     * Generates a reference to a class instance, appropriately hyperlinked.
     * @param identifier the class instance identifier.
     * @param definingModuleName the name of the module in which the instance is defined.
    private void generateClassInstanceReference(ClassInstanceIdentifier identifier, ModuleName definingModuleName) {
        ClassInstance classInstance = programModelManager.getModuleTypeInfo(definingModuleName).getClassInstance(identifier);
     * Generates a reference to an instance method, appropriately hyperlinked.
     * @param classInstance the class instance of the instance method.
     * @param methodName the name of the instance method.
    private void generateInstanceMethodReference(ClassInstance classInstance, String methodName) {
        ModuleName definingModuleName = classInstance.getModuleName();
        ClassInstanceIdentifier identifier = classInstance.getIdentifier();
        String instanceMethodLabel = labelMaker.getInstanceMethodLabel(identifier, methodName);
        if (!isDocForClassInstanceGenerated(classInstance)) {
            // if the class instance is not documented, no hyperlink can be made.
            generateClassInstanceDeclarationName(classInstance, false);
            currentPage.addText(" ").addText(methodName);
        } else {
            // the instance is indeed documented, so create a hyperlinked reference to the instance method
            HTMLBuilder.AttributeList hrefAttribute;
            if (config.shouldSeparateInstanceDoc) {
                if (inSeparateInstanceDoc) {
                    if (definingModuleName == null || definingModuleName.equals(currentModuleName)) {
                        hrefAttribute = localHrefAttribute(instanceMethodLabel);
                    } else {
                        hrefAttribute = nonLocalHrefAttribute(getSeparateInstanceDocFileName(definingModuleName), instanceMethodLabel);
                } else {
                    hrefAttribute = nonLocalHrefAttribute("../" + SEPARATE_INSTANCE_DOC_SUBDIRECTORY + "/" + getSeparateInstanceDocFileName(definingModuleName), instanceMethodLabel);
            } else {
                if (definingModuleName == null || definingModuleName.equals(currentModuleName)) {
                    hrefAttribute = localHrefAttribute(instanceMethodLabel);
                } else {
                    hrefAttribute = nonLocalHrefAttribute(getModuleFileName(definingModuleName), instanceMethodLabel);
            currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.A, hrefAttribute);
            generateClassInstanceDeclarationName(classInstance, false);
            currentPage.addText(" ").addText(methodName).closeTag(HTML.Tag.A);
     * Generates a reference to an instance method, appropriately hyperlinked.
     * @param identifier the class instance identifier.
     * @param definingModuleName the name of the module in which the instance is defined.
     * @param methodName the name of the instance method.
    private void generateInstanceMethodReference(ClassInstanceIdentifier identifier, ModuleName definingModuleName, String methodName) {
        ClassInstance classInstance = programModelManager.getModuleTypeInfo(definingModuleName).getClassInstance(identifier);
        generateInstanceMethodReference(classInstance, methodName);
     * Returns a qualified name constructed from a <em>fully qualified</em> module name and an unqualified name.
     * @param moduleName the name of the module.
     * @param unqualifiedName the unqualified name of the entity.
     * @return the fully qualified name as a string.
    private String getFullyQualifiedNameString(ModuleName moduleName, String unqualifiedName) {
        return getQualifiedNameString(getFullyQualifiedNameForModule(moduleName), unqualifiedName);
     * Returns a qualified name constructed from a module name and an unqualified name.
     * @param moduleNameString the name of the module.
     * @param unqualifiedName the unqualified name of the entity.
     * @return the qualified name as a string.
    private String getQualifiedNameString(String moduleNameString, String unqualifiedName) {
        return moduleNameString + CALFragments.DOT + unqualifiedName;
     * Constructs an appropriately qualified version of the given entity name. For the purpose of documentation generation,
     * all references to entities outside the current module are to be fully qualified. The exception is with Prelude
     * names, which may optionally remain unqualified depending on the configuration of this generator.
     * @param moduleName the name of the entity's module.
     * @param unqualifiedName the unqualified name of the entity.
     * @return an appropriately qualified version of the given name.
    private String getAppropriatelyQualifiedName(ModuleName moduleName, String unqualifiedName) {
        return getAppropriatelyQualifiedName(moduleName, unqualifiedName, getMinimallyQualifiedNameForModule(moduleName));

     * Constructs an appropriately qualified version of the given entity name. For the purpose of documentation generation,
     * all references to entities outside the current module are to be fully qualified. The exception is with Prelude
     * names, which may optionally remain unqualified depending on the configuration of this generator.
     * @param moduleName the name of the entity's module.
     * @param unqualifiedName the unqualified name of the entity.
     * @param moduleNameInSource how the module name portion of the reference appears in source. Could be the empty string if the reference is unqualified in source.
     * @return an appropriately qualified version of the given name.
    private String getAppropriatelyQualifiedName(ModuleName moduleName, String unqualifiedName, String moduleNameInSource) {
        if (moduleName == null || moduleName.equals(currentModuleName)) {
            return unqualifiedName;
        } else if (shouldDisplayPreludeNamesAsUnqualified() && moduleName.equals(CAL_Prelude.MODULE_NAME)) {
            return unqualifiedName;
        } else if (moduleNameInSource == null || moduleNameInSource.length() == 0) {
            return unqualifiedName;
        } else {
            return getQualifiedNameString(moduleNameInSource, unqualifiedName);
     * Returns the minimally-qualified name for a module (with respect to the names of all the documented modules).
     * @param moduleName the name of the module.
     * @return the minimally-qualified form of the name.
    private String getMinimallyQualifiedNameForModule(ModuleName moduleName) {
        return getModuleNameResolverForDocumentedModules().getMinimallyQualifiedModuleName(moduleName).toSourceText();

     * Returns the fully-qualified name for a module.
     * @param moduleName the name of the module.
     * @return the fully-qualified form of the name.
    private String getFullyQualifiedNameForModule(ModuleName moduleName) {
        return moduleName.toSourceText();

     * Generates the full name of a type class (i.e. including its parent classes), appropriately hyperlinked if requested.
     * @param typeClass the type class whose name is to be generated.
     * @param shouldGenerateHyperlinks whether hyperlinks should be generated.
     * @param styleClassForTypeClassName the style class to use for the type class name.
    private void generateTypeClassFullName(TypeClass typeClass, boolean shouldGenerateHyperlinks, StyleClass styleClassForTypeClassName) {
        int nParentClasses = typeClass.getNParentClasses();
        if (nParentClasses > 0) {
            /// Loop through each parent class and generate its name, appropriately hyperlinked.
            currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.TYPE_CONSTRAINT)).addText(CALFragments.OPEN_PAREN);
            for (int i = 0; i < nParentClasses; i++) {
                if (i > 0) {
                QualifiedName parentClassName = typeClass.getNthParentClass(i).getName();
                if (shouldGenerateHyperlinks) {
                } else {
                    currentPage.addText(getAppropriatelyQualifiedName(parentClassName.getModuleName(), parentClassName.getUnqualifiedName()));
                currentPage.addText("&nbsp;" + CALFragments.STANDARD_TYPE_VAR);
            currentPage.addText(CALFragments.CLOSE_PAREN).addText(" ").addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.CAL_SYMBOL), CALFragments.IMPLIES).closeTag(HTML.Tag.SPAN).addText(" ");
        /// Finally generate the name of the type class itself.
        currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(styleClassForTypeClassName), typeClass.getName().getUnqualifiedName() + "&nbsp;" + CALFragments.STANDARD_TYPE_VAR);
     * Generates the declaration name for a class instance, appropriately hyperlinked if requested.
     * @param classInstance the class instance whose name is to be generated.
     * @param shouldGenerateHyperlinks whether hyperlinks should be generated.
    private void generateClassInstanceDeclarationName(ClassInstance classInstance, boolean shouldGenerateHyperlinks) {
        TypeClass typeClass = classInstance.getTypeClass();
        TypeExpr instanceType = classInstance.getType();
        QualifiedName typeClassName = typeClass.getName();      
        SourceModel.TypeSignature typeSig = instanceType.toSourceModel(true, ScopedEntityNamingPolicy.FULLY_QUALIFIED);
        SourceModel.TypeExprDefn typeExprDefn = typeSig.getTypeExprDefn();
        TypeSignatureHTMLGenerator visitor = new TypeSignatureHTMLGenerator(shouldGenerateHyperlinks);
        /// First generate the constraints from the instance type signature - they form the constraints on the instance.
        visitor.generateConstraintsFromSignature(typeSig, null);
        /// Then generate the instance type class name.
        if (shouldGenerateHyperlinks) {
        } else {
            currentPage.addText(getAppropriatelyQualifiedName(typeClassName.getModuleName(), typeClassName.getUnqualifiedName()));
        currentPage.addText(" ");
        /// Finally, generate the remaining type expression portion of the instance type, parenthesized as needed
        // (e.g. 'Eq (Maybe a)' or 'Show (a -> b)', but simply 'Ord Int')
        if (typeExprDefn instanceof SourceModel.TypeExprDefn.Application || typeExprDefn instanceof SourceModel.TypeExprDefn.Function) {
            typeExprDefn.accept(visitor, null);
        } else {
            typeExprDefn.accept(visitor, null);

     * Generates a reference to a local label with the given display name for the link.
     * @param label the label for the reference. Must not be null.
     * @param displayName the display name.
     * @param tooltipText text for the tooltip. Can be null.
    private void generateLocalReference(String label, String displayName, String tooltipText) {
        generateLocalReference(currentPage, label, displayName, tooltipText);
     * Generates a reference to a local label with the given display name for the link.
     * @param builder the HTMLBuilder for generating the reference.
     * @param label the label for the reference. Must not be null.
     * @param displayName the display name.
     * @param tooltipText text for the tooltip. Can be null.
    private void generateLocalReference(HTMLBuilder builder, String label, String displayName, String tooltipText) {
        HTMLBuilder.AttributeList attribute = localHrefAttribute(label);
        if (tooltipText != null) {
            attribute = attribute.concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.TITLE, tooltipText));
        builder.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.A, attribute, displayName);
     * Generates a reference to another module, or to a label in another module, with the given display name for the link.
     * @param builder the HTMLBuilder for generating the reference.
     * @param relativeDirectory the relative directory path to get to the modules subdirectory. Can be null if the current directory is the modules subdirectory.
     * @param moduleName the name of the other module.
     * @param label the label for the reference. Can be null if the reference is simple to the module's page.
     * @param displayName the display name.
     * @param tooltipText text for the tooltip. Can be null.
    private void generateNonLocalReference(HTMLBuilder builder, String relativeDirectory, ModuleName moduleName, String label, String displayName, String tooltipText) {
        String filePath;
        if (inSeparateInstanceDoc) {
            // fix up the relative directory if we are in separate instance documentation.. we are in the right module,
            // but the wrong subdirectory
            if (relativeDirectory == null) {
                relativeDirectory = "../" + MODULES_SUBDIRECTORY;
        if (relativeDirectory != null) {
            filePath = relativeDirectory + "/" + getModuleFileName(moduleName);
        } else {
            filePath = getModuleFileName(moduleName);
        HTMLBuilder.AttributeList attribute = nonLocalHrefAttribute(filePath, label);
        if (tooltipText != null) {
            attribute = attribute.concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.TITLE, tooltipText));
        builder.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.A, attribute, displayName);
     * Generates a reference to a CAL feature, appropriately hyperlinked.
     * @param featureName the name of the CAL feature.
    private void generateCALFeatureReference(CALFeatureName featureName) {
        FeatureName.FeatureType type = featureName.getType();
        if (type == CALFeatureName.FUNCTION) {
        } else if (type == CALFeatureName.TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR) {
        } else if (type == CALFeatureName.TYPE_CLASS) {
        } else if (type == CALFeatureName.DATA_CONSTRUCTOR) {
        } else if (type == CALFeatureName.CLASS_METHOD) {
        } else if (type == CALFeatureName.MODULE) {
        } else if (type == CALFeatureName.CLASS_INSTANCE) {
            ClassInstanceIdentifier identifier = featureName.toInstanceIdentifier();
            ModuleName definingModuleName = featureName.toModuleName();
            generateClassInstanceReference(identifier, definingModuleName);
        } else if (type == CALFeatureName.INSTANCE_METHOD) {
            ClassInstanceIdentifier identifier = featureName.toInstanceIdentifier();
            ModuleName definingModuleName = featureName.toModuleName();
            String methodName = featureName.toInstanceMethodName();
            generateInstanceMethodReference(identifier, definingModuleName, methodName);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("feature type not supported: " + type);

    /// Helpers for generating the details documentation for a functional agent
     * Generates the detailed documentation for a functional agent (function, class method, or data constructor).
     * @param entity the FunctionalAgent of the functional agent.
     * @param label the label to be used to label the generated documentation block.
     * @param metadata the entity's metadata. Can be null if not available.
     * @param docComment the entity's CALDoc comment. Can be null if not available.
     * @param indexInList the position of the generated documentation in its enclosing list.
     * @param shouldDisplayReturnBlock whether the return block should be displayed.
    private void generateFunctionalAgentDoc(FunctionalAgent entity, String label, FunctionalAgentMetadata metadata, CALDocComment docComment, int indexInList, boolean shouldDisplayReturnBlock) {
        generateFunctionalAgentDoc(entity.getName().getUnqualifiedName(), entity, label, metadata, docComment, indexInList, shouldDisplayReturnBlock);

     * Generates the detailed documentation for a functional agent (function, class method, or data constructor).
     * @param unqualifiedName the unqualified name for the functional agent.
     * @param entity the FunctionalAgent of the functional agent.
     * @param label the label to be used to label the generated documentation block.
     * @param metadata the entity's metadata. Can be null if not available.
     * @param docComment the entity's CALDoc comment. Can be null if not available.
     * @param indexInList the position of the generated documentation in its enclosing list.
     * @param shouldDisplayReturnBlock whether the return block should be displayed.
     * @implementation this method is exposed via package scope to allow reuse by the CALDocToTooltipHTMLUtilities
    void generateFunctionalAgentDoc(String unqualifiedName, FunctionalAgent entity, String label, FunctionalAgentMetadata metadata, CALDocComment docComment, int indexInList, boolean shouldDisplayReturnBlock) {
        Scope scope = entity.getScope();
        TypeExpr typeExpr = entity.getTypeExpr();
        ArgumentMetadata[] argMetadataArray = metadata.getArguments();
        generateFunctionalAgentOrInstanceMethodDocHeading(scope, unqualifiedName, entity, typeExpr, label, argMetadataArray, docComment, indexInList, false);
        generateFunctionalAgentOrInstanceMethodDocBody(scope, entity, typeExpr, metadata, argMetadataArray, docComment, docComment, docComment, shouldDisplayReturnBlock);

     * Generates the heading portion of the detailed documentation for a functional agent or an instance method.
     * @param scope the scope of the documented functional agent. Can be null in the case of an instance method.
     * @param unqualifiedName the unqualified name of the documented functional agent or instance method.
     * @param entityWithArgumentNames the FunctionalAgent object from which argument names are to be extracted.
     * @param typeExpr the type expression of the functional agent or instance method.
     * @param label the label to be used to label the generated block.
     * @param argMetadataArray the array of argument metadata containing argument names.
     * @param docCommentForArguments the CALDoc comment potentially containing argument names.
     * @param indexInList the position of the generated documentation in its enclosing list.
     * @param isInstanceMethod whether the documentation is for an instance method.
    private void generateFunctionalAgentOrInstanceMethodDocHeading(Scope scope, String unqualifiedName, FunctionalAgent entityWithArgumentNames, TypeExpr typeExpr, String label, ArgumentMetadata[] argMetadataArray, CALDocComment docCommentForArguments, int indexInList, boolean isInstanceMethod) {
        int nArgs = typeExpr.getArity();
        /// Generate the name and type of the functional agent/instance method
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.DT, idAndClassAttributes(label, getDefinitionStartStyleClass(indexInList)))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(getScopeStyleClass(scope)))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DEFINITION_HEADER_FIRST_LINE))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.NAME_AND_TYPE))
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DEFINITION_HEADER), unqualifiedName);
        generateTypeSignature(typeExpr.toSourceModel(true, ScopedEntityNamingPolicy.FULLY_QUALIFIED));
        if (!isInstanceMethod) {
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.CODE, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DECLARATION));
        /// Generate the declaration containing the name and the arguments
        if (scope != null) {
            currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.SCOPE), scope.toString()).addText(" ");
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DECLARED_NAME), unqualifiedName);
        Set<String> setOfArgumentNames = new HashSet<String>();
        for (int i = 0 ; i < nArgs; i++) {
            currentPage.addText(" ");
            ArgumentMetadata argMetadata = (i < argMetadataArray.length) ? argMetadataArray[i] : null;
            generateArgumentName(entityWithArgumentNames, i, argMetadata, docCommentForArguments, setOfArgumentNames);
     * Generates the body portion of the detailed documentation for a functional agent or an instance method.
     * @param scope the scope of the documented functional agent. Can be null in the case of an instance method.
     * @param entityWithArgumentNames the FunctionalAgent object from which argument names are to be extracted.
     * @param typeExpr the type expression of the functional agent or instance method.
     * @param metadata the metadata from which attributes and their values are to be extracted.
     * @param argMetadataArray the array of argument metadata containing argument names.
     * @param docComment the CALDoc comment from which documentation blocks are to be extracted.
     * @param docCommentForArguments the CALDoc comment potentially containing argument names.
     * @param docCommentForReturnValue the CALDoc comment from which the return value description is to be extracted.
     * @param shouldDisplayReturnBlock whether the return block should be displayed.
    private void generateFunctionalAgentOrInstanceMethodDocBody(Scope scope, FunctionalAgent entityWithArgumentNames, TypeExpr typeExpr, CALFeatureMetadata metadata, ArgumentMetadata[] argMetadataArray, CALDocComment docComment, CALDocComment docCommentForArguments, CALDocComment docCommentForReturnValue, boolean shouldDisplayReturnBlock) {
        int nArgs = typeExpr.getArity();
        currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DD, classAttribute(getScopeStyleClass(scope)));
        /// First, generate the description
        generateStandardDescription(metadata, docComment, inModulesSubdirectoryReferenceGenerator);            
        /// Then generate the arguments
        if (nArgs > 0) {
                .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DT, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.ATTRIBUTE_HEADER), LocalizableUserVisibleString.ARGUMENTS_COLON.toResourceString())
        TypeExpr[] typePieces = typeExpr.getTypePieces();
        SourceModel.TypeSignature[] typePieceSignatures = TypeExpr.toSourceModelArray(typePieces, true, ScopedEntityNamingPolicy.FULLY_QUALIFIED);
        Set<String> setOfArgumentNames = new HashSet<String>();
        for (int i = 0; i < nArgs; i++) {
            ArgumentMetadata argMetadata = (i < argMetadataArray.length) ? argMetadataArray[i] : null;
            CALDocComment.TextBlock argTextBlock = (docCommentForArguments != null && i < docCommentForArguments.getNArgBlocks()) ? docCommentForArguments.getNthArgBlock(i).getTextBlock() : null;
            String metadataValue = getBestDescriptionFromMetadata(argMetadata);
            /// For each argument we independently determine whether to generate the metadata, the CALDoc, or both
            /// depending on the configuration and the availability of argument metadata.
            boolean genMetadata = (shouldGenerateFromMetadata() && metadataValue != null && metadataValue.length() > 0);
            boolean genCALDoc = ((shouldAlwaysGenerateFromCALDoc() || !genMetadata) && argTextBlock != null);
            currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.ARG_BLOCK));
            currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DL).openTag(HTML.Tag.DT).openTag(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.NAME_AND_TYPE));
            /// Generate the argument name and type signature
            generateArgumentName(entityWithArgumentNames, i, argMetadata, docCommentForArguments, setOfArgumentNames);
            /// Generate the metadata, if required.
            if (genMetadata) {
                // trim the metadata of leading and trailing whitespace
                metadataValue = metadataValue.trim();
            /// Generate the CALDoc, if required.
            if (genCALDoc) {
                CALDocToHTMLUtilities.generateHTMLForCALDocTextBlock(argTextBlock, currentPage, inModulesSubdirectoryReferenceGenerator, StyleClassConstants.CODE_BLOCK, CODE_FORMATTING_TAG);

        if (nArgs > 0) {
        /// Then generate the return value, if requested.
        if (shouldDisplayReturnBlock) {
            /// Generate the return value indicator and the return type
                .openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.RETURN_BLOCK))
                .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DT, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.ATTRIBUTE_HEADER), LocalizableUserVisibleString.RETURNS_COLON.toResourceString())
                .openTag(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.NAME_AND_TYPE))
                .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.RETURN_VALUE_INDICIATOR), LocalizableUserVisibleString.RETURN_VALUE_INDICATOR.toResourceString());
            /// Generate the return value description
            String metadataValue;
            if (metadata instanceof FunctionMetadata) {
                metadataValue = ((FunctionMetadata)metadata).getReturnValueDescription();
            } else if (metadata instanceof ClassMethodMetadata) {
                metadataValue = ((ClassMethodMetadata)metadata).getReturnValueDescription();
            } else if (metadata instanceof InstanceMethodMetadata) {
                metadataValue = ((InstanceMethodMetadata)metadata).getReturnValueDescription();
            } else {
                metadataValue = null;
            CALDocComment.TextBlock returnBlock = (docCommentForReturnValue != null) ? docCommentForReturnValue.getReturnBlock() : null;
            boolean genMetadata = (shouldGenerateFromMetadata() && metadataValue != null && metadataValue.length() > 0);
            boolean genCALDoc = ((shouldAlwaysGenerateFromCALDoc() || !genMetadata) && returnBlock != null);
            if (genMetadata) {
                // trim the metadata of leading and trailing whitespace
                metadataValue = metadataValue.trim();
            if (genCALDoc) {
                CALDocToHTMLUtilities.generateHTMLForCALDocTextBlock(returnBlock, currentPage, inModulesSubdirectoryReferenceGenerator, StyleClassConstants.CODE_BLOCK, CODE_FORMATTING_TAG);
        /// Finally, generate the supplementary blocks
        generateStandardSupplementaryBlocks(metadata, docComment, inModulesSubdirectoryReferenceGenerator);

     * Returns the appropriate style class for the start of a definition section, depending on the position
     * of the definition in its enclosing list.
     * @param index the position of the definition in its enclosing list.
     * @return the appropriate style class.
    private StyleClass getDefinitionStartStyleClass(int index) {
        return (index == 0) ? StyleClassConstants.FIRST_DEFINITION_SECTION_START : StyleClassConstants.DEFINITION_SECTION_START;
     * Adds a name to a generic disambiguation map of the form
     * <p>
     * (lowercased name -&gt; name -&gt; disambiguated name).
     * A disambiguation map works like this: Given a name (with mixed upper and
     * lower case)
     * <ol>
     * <li>get the lowercase version of the name - names that conflict because
     * of case-insensitivity would map to the same lowercased name.
     * <li>using the lowercased name, get a map mapping the original names to
     * disambiguated names.
     * <li>if the map is empty, insert the pair (name, name) (the first-comer
     * gets to keep its name without disambiguation).
     * <li>if the map already has entries, the name needs to be mangled to
     * create a disambiguated version. Then the pair (name, disambiguated name)
     * is added to the map.
     * </ol>
     * For retrieval, simply repeat the same process as above, except instead of
     * adding an entry to the inner map, the inner map is simply accessed to
     * retrieve the mapping for the name.
     * @param outerMap
     *            a Map<String, Map<String, String>> mapping lowercased name
     *            to a map mapping a name to its disambiguated name.
     * @param name
     *            the name to add to the map.
    private void addNameToGenericDisambiguationMap(Map<String, Map<String, String>> outerMap, String name) {
        /// Get the map from name to disambiguated name by keying the outerMap on the lowercase version of the name
        String lowercaseName = name.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
        Map<String, String> nameToDisambiguatedNameMap = outerMap.get(lowercaseName);
        boolean noPreviousEntriesWithSameLowercaseName = false;
        if (nameToDisambiguatedNameMap == null) {
            nameToDisambiguatedNameMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
            outerMap.put(lowercaseName, nameToDisambiguatedNameMap);
            noPreviousEntriesWithSameLowercaseName = true;
        /// Add the name and its disambiguated form to the inner map.
        String disambiguatedName = nameToDisambiguatedNameMap.get(name);
        if (disambiguatedName == null) {
            if (noPreviousEntriesWithSameLowercaseName) {
                // the first entry gets to keep its own name
                nameToDisambiguatedNameMap.put(name, name);
            } else {
                // the remaining entries have to use disambiguated names
                String newlyDisambiguatedName = disambiguateName(name);
                // make sure that the disambiguated name itself does not collide with other previously
                // disambiguated names
                while (nameToDisambiguatedNameMap.values().contains(newlyDisambiguatedName)) {
                    newlyDisambiguatedName += '-';
                nameToDisambiguatedNameMap.put(name, newlyDisambiguatedName);
     * Adds a module name to the module name disambiguation map.
     * @param moduleName the module name to be added.
    private void addModuleNameToDisambiguationMap(ModuleName moduleName) {
        addNameToGenericDisambiguationMap(disambiguationMapForModuleNames, moduleName.toSourceText());
     * Adds a type constructor name to the type constructor name disambiguation map.
     * @param moduleName the name of the type constructor's module.
     * @param unqualifiedName the unqualified name of the type constructor.
    private void addTypeConsNameToDisambiguationMap(ModuleName moduleName, String unqualifiedName) {
        Map<String, Map<String, String>> outerMap = disambiguationMapForTypeConsNames.get(moduleName);
        if (outerMap == null) {
            outerMap = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>();
            disambiguationMapForTypeConsNames.put(moduleName, outerMap);
        addNameToGenericDisambiguationMap(outerMap, unqualifiedName);
     * Adds a type class name to the type class name disambiguation map.
     * @param moduleName the name of the type class's module.
     * @param unqualifiedName the unqualified name of the type class.
    private void addTypeClassNameToDisambiguationMap(ModuleName moduleName, String unqualifiedName) {
        Map<String, Map<String, String>> outerMap = disambiguationMapForTypeClassNames.get(moduleName);
        if (outerMap == null) {
            outerMap = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>();
            disambiguationMapForTypeClassNames.put(moduleName, outerMap);
        addNameToGenericDisambiguationMap(outerMap, unqualifiedName);
     * Constructs a disambiguated version of the given name, by prefixing each character in the range [A-Z] with a '-'.
     * @param name the name to be whose disambiguated version is to be constructed.
     * @return the disambiguated version of the name.
    private String disambiguateName(String name) {
        return name.replaceAll("[A-Z]", "-$0");
     * Fetches an unambiguous version of the given name from a generic disambiguation map of the form (lowercased name -&gt; name -&gt; disambiguated name).
     * @param disambiguationMap a Map<String, Map<String, String>> mapping lowercased name to a map mapping a name to its disambiguated name.
     * @param name the name whose unambiguous version is requested.
     * @return the unambiguous version of the given name.
    private String getDisambiguatedName(Map<String, Map<String, String>> disambiguationMap, String name) {
        String lowercaseName = name.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
        Map<String, String> nameToDisambiguatedName = disambiguationMap.get(lowercaseName);
        if (nameToDisambiguatedName == null) {
            return name;
        String disambiguatedName = nameToDisambiguatedName.get(name);
        if (disambiguatedName == null) {
            return name;
        } else {
            return disambiguatedName;
     * Fetches an unambiguous version of the given module name.
     * @param moduleName the module name whose unambiguous version is requested.
     * @return the unambiguous version of the given name.
    private String getDisambiguatedNameForModule(ModuleName moduleName) {
        return getDisambiguatedName(disambiguationMapForModuleNames, moduleName.toSourceText());
     * Fetches an unambiguous version of the given type constructor name.
     * @param moduleName the name of the type constructor's module.
     * @param unqualifiedName the type constructor name whose unambiguous version is requested.
     * @return the unambiguous version of the given name.
    private String getDisambiguatedNameForTypeCons(ModuleName moduleName, String unqualifiedName) {
        Map<String, Map<String, String>> outerMap = disambiguationMapForTypeConsNames.get(moduleName);
        if (outerMap == null) {
            return unqualifiedName;
        return getDisambiguatedName(outerMap, unqualifiedName);
     * Fetches an unambiguous version of the given type class name.
     * @param moduleName the name of the type class's module.
     * @param unqualifiedName the type class name whose unambiguous version is requested.
     * @return the unambiguous version of the given name.
    private String getDisambiguatedNameForTypeClass(ModuleName moduleName, String unqualifiedName) {
        Map<String, Map<String, String>> outerMap = disambiguationMapForTypeClassNames.get(moduleName);
        if (outerMap == null) {
            return unqualifiedName;
        return getDisambiguatedName(outerMap, unqualifiedName);
    /// Helpers for scope-related smarts
     * Returns the style class corresponding to the given CAL scope.
     * @param scope the CAL scope. Can be null in the case of an instance method (which defaults to public).
     * @return the corresponding style class.
    private StyleClass getScopeStyleClass(Scope scope) {
        if (scope == null || scope == Scope.PUBLIC) {
            return StyleClassConstants.PUBLIC_SCOPE;
        } else if (scope == Scope.PROTECTED) {
            return StyleClassConstants.PROTECTED_SCOPE;
        } else if (scope == Scope.PRIVATE) {
            return StyleClassConstants.PRIVATE_SCOPE;
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    /// Helpers for tooltips
     * Generates the header and entry heading for a module in a tooltip.
     * @param moduleName the name of the module.
    void tooltip_generateModuleEntryHeader(final ModuleName moduleName) {
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.TOOLTIP_HEADER), LocalizableUserVisibleString.MODULE.toResourceString())
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DEFINITION_HEADER), moduleName.toSourceText());
     * Generates the header for a scoped entity in a tooltip.
     * @param moduleName the module name to be displayed.
    void tooltip_generateScopedEntityHeader(final ModuleName moduleName) {
        currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.TOOLTIP_HEADER), moduleName.toSourceText());
     * Generates the header for a data cons field name in a tooltip.
     * @param identifierInfo the identifier info.
    void tooltip_generateDataConsFieldNameHeader(final IdentifierInfo.DataConsFieldName identifierInfo) {
        if (identifierInfo.getAssociatedDataConstructors().size() > 1) {
                .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.TOOLTIP_HEADER), LocalizableUserVisibleString.FIELD_OF_DATA_CONSTRUCTORS.toResourceString())

            for (final IdentifierInfo.TopLevel.DataCons dataCons : identifierInfo.getAssociatedDataConstructors()) {
                    .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.TT, dataCons.getResolvedName().toSourceText())
        } else if (identifierInfo.getAssociatedDataConstructors().size() == 1) {
                .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.TOOLTIP_HEADER), LocalizableUserVisibleString.FIELD_OF_DATA_CONSTRUCTOR_AND_SPACE.toResourceString())
                .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.TT, identifierInfo.getFirstAssociatedDataConstructor().getResolvedName().toSourceText())
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("must have at least one associated data constructor");
     * Generates the header for a local name in a tooltip.
     * @param identifierInfo the identifier info.
    void tooltip_generateLocalNameHeader(final IdentifierInfo.Local identifierInfo) {
        if (identifierInfo instanceof IdentifierInfo.Local.Function) {
            currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.TOOLTIP_HEADER), LocalizableUserVisibleString.LOCAL_FUNCTION.toResourceString());
        } else if (identifierInfo instanceof IdentifierInfo.Local.PatternMatchVariable) {
            currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.TOOLTIP_HEADER), LocalizableUserVisibleString.LOCAL_PATTERN_MATCH_VARIABLE.toResourceString());
        } else if (identifierInfo instanceof IdentifierInfo.Local.CasePatternVariable) {
            currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.TOOLTIP_HEADER), LocalizableUserVisibleString.CASE_PATTERN_VARIABLE.toResourceString());
        } else if (identifierInfo instanceof IdentifierInfo.Local.Parameter.TopLevelFunctionOrClassMethod) {
            final IdentifierInfo.Local.Parameter.TopLevelFunctionOrClassMethod info =
                .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.TOOLTIP_HEADER), LocalizableUserVisibleString.PARAMETER_OF_AND_SPACE.toResourceString())
                .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.TT, info.getAssociatedFunction().getResolvedName().toSourceText())
        } else if (identifierInfo instanceof IdentifierInfo.Local.Parameter.LocalFunction) {
            final IdentifierInfo.Local.Parameter.LocalFunction info =
                .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.TOOLTIP_HEADER), LocalizableUserVisibleString.PARAMETER_OF_LOCAL_FUNCTION_AND_SPACE.toResourceString())
                .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.TT, info.getAssociatedFunction().getVarName())
        } else if (identifierInfo instanceof IdentifierInfo.Local.Parameter.Lambda) {
            currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.TOOLTIP_HEADER), LocalizableUserVisibleString.PARAMETER_OF_LAMBDA_EXPRESSION.toResourceString());
        } else if (identifierInfo instanceof IdentifierInfo.Local.Parameter.InstanceMethodCALDoc) {
            currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.TOOLTIP_HEADER), LocalizableUserVisibleString.PARAMETER_OF_INSTANCE_METHOD.toResourceString());
        } else {
            currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.TOOLTIP_HEADER), LocalizableUserVisibleString.LOCAL_VARIABLE.toResourceString());
     * Generates the header and entry for a type variable in a tooltip.
     * @param identifierInfo the identifier info.
    void tooltip_generateTypeVariableHeaderAndEntry(final IdentifierInfo.TypeVariable identifierInfo) {
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.TOOLTIP_HEADER), LocalizableUserVisibleString.TYPE_VARIABLE.toResourceString())
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DEFINITION_HEADER), identifierInfo.getTypeVarName());
     * Generates the header and entry for a record field name in a tooltip.
     * @param identifierInfo the identifier info.
    void tooltip_generateRecordFieldNameHeaderAndEntry(final IdentifierInfo.RecordFieldName identifierInfo) {
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.TOOLTIP_HEADER), LocalizableUserVisibleString.RECORD_FIELD_NAME.toResourceString())
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DEFINITION_HEADER), identifierInfo.getFieldName().getCalSourceForm());
     * Generates a horizontal separator in a tooltip.
    void tooltip_generateHorizontalRule() {
     * Generates the entry for a local name (without associated documentation) in a tooltip.
     * @param identifierInfo the identifier info.
    void tooltip_generateSimpleLocalNameEntry(final IdentifierInfo.Local identifierInfo) {
        currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DEFINITION_HEADER), identifierInfo.getVarName());
     * Generates the entry for a data cons field name in a tooltip.
     * @param identifierInfo the identifier info.
    void tooltip_generateDataConsFieldNameEntry(final IdentifierInfo.DataConsFieldName identifierInfo) {
        currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DEFINITION_HEADER), identifierInfo.getFieldName().getCalSourceForm());
     * Generates the start tag for a definition list in a tooltip.
    void tooltip_generateDefListOpen() {
     * Generates the end tag for a definition list in a tooltip.
    void tooltip_generateDefListClose() {
    /// Implementation of the abstract visitation methods in the superclass
     * {@inheritDoc}
    void prepareGenerationForModule(ModuleTypeInfo moduleTypeInfo) {
     * {@inheritDoc}
    void beginDoc() {
        /// Generate the CSS files and the main frameset.
        generateTextFile(DEFAULT_CSS_FILENAME, getDefaultCSS());
        generateTextFile(PRINTED_VERSION_CSS_FILENAME, getPrintedVersionCSS());
        generateTextFile(MAIN_PAGE_FILENAME, getMainPageHTML());

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void endDoc() {
        /// Now that all module and usage documentation has been generated, generate the module list, the overview page, and the master search page.
        generateTextFile(MODULE_LIST_FILENAME, getModuleListPageHTML());
        generateTextFile(OVERVIEW_PAGE_FILENAME, getOverviewPageHTML());
        generateTextFile(MASTER_SCOPED_ENTITY_SEARCH_PAGE_FILENAME, getMasterScopedEntitySearchPageHTML());

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void beginModuleDoc(ModuleTypeInfo moduleTypeInfo, int nTypeConstructors, int nFunctions, int nTypeClasses, int nClassInstances) {
        /// Start a new page
        /// Generate the head section
        String relativePathToBaseDirectory = "../"; // all module docs are in a subdirectory of the base directory
        String pageTitle = makePageTitle(getFullyQualifiedNameForModule(currentModuleName));
        generateHeadSection(pageTitle, relativePathToBaseDirectory, null, null);
        /// Start the body section with a javascript which changes the navigation index in the nav frame,
        /// and which changes the window title (needed if inside a frame).
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.BODY, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.WITH_MAIN_CONTENT).concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML4.ONLOAD_ATTRIBUTE, "showNavChangeTitle()")))
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SCRIPT, HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.TYPE, "text/javascript"),
                "\n" +
                "function showNavChangeTitle() {\n" +
                "   if (parent.frames != undefined && parent.frames[1] != undefined && parent.frames[1].location != undefined) {\n" +
                "      var urlPieces = new String(parent.frames[1].location).split('/');\n" +
                "      var filePortion = urlPieces[urlPieces.length - 1];\n" +
                "      if (filePortion.indexOf('" + getPerModuleIndexFileNamePrefix(currentModuleName) + "') != 0) {\n" +
                "         parent.frames[1].location.replace('" + relativePathToBaseDirectory + NAV_SUBDIRECTORY + "/" + getPerModuleFunctionalAgentIndexFileName(currentModuleName) + "');\n" +
                "      }\n" +
                "   }\n" +
                "   parent.document.title='" + pageTitle + "';\n" +
                "}\n" +
                "\n" +
                "showNavChangeTitle(); // run it immediately\n");
        /// Cache the statistics of this module
        nTypeConstructorsInModule = nTypeConstructors;
        nFunctionsInModule = nFunctions;
        nTypeClassesInModule = nTypeClasses;
        nClassInstancesInModule = nClassInstances;
        /// Generate the navigation bar
        generateModulePageNavBar(false, nTypeConstructors, nFunctions, nTypeClasses, nClassInstances);
        /// Wrap the main content with a div tag
        currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.MAIN_CONTENT));
        /// Generate the heading of the page using the module name
        currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.H1, getFullyQualifiedNameForModule(currentModuleName));

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void endModuleDoc(int nTypeConstructors, int nFunctions, int nTypeClasses, int nClassInstances) {
        /// Close the main content div tag
        /// Generate the navigation bar and the fine print
        generateModulePageNavBar(true, nTypeConstructors, nFunctions, nTypeClasses, nClassInstances);
        /// Write the completed module documentation out.
        generateTextFile(MODULES_SUBDIRECTORY, getModuleFileName(currentModuleName), getHTMLFileContentsWithDocTypeForMainFramePage(currentPage));
        /// Generate the four per-module indices: types, functional agents, type classes and instances
        String typeIndexFileName = getPerModuleTypeIndexFileName(currentModuleName);
        generateTextFile(NAV_SUBDIRECTORY, typeIndexFileName, getTypeIndexPageHTML(typeIndexFileName));
        String functionalAgentIndexFileName = getPerModuleFunctionalAgentIndexFileName(currentModuleName);
        generateTextFile(NAV_SUBDIRECTORY, functionalAgentIndexFileName, getFunctionalAgentIndexPageHTML(functionalAgentIndexFileName));
        String typeClassIndexFileName = getPerModuleTypeClassIndexFileName(currentModuleName);
        generateTextFile(NAV_SUBDIRECTORY, typeClassIndexFileName, getTypeClassIndexPageHTML(typeClassIndexFileName));
        String instanceIndexFileName = getPerModuleInstanceIndexFileName(currentModuleName);
        generateTextFile(NAV_SUBDIRECTORY, instanceIndexFileName, getInstanceIndexPageHTML(instanceIndexFileName));
     * {@inheritDoc}
    void beginImportedModulesList(int nImportedModules) {
        importedModules = new HashSet<ModuleName>();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void generateImportedModule(ModuleTypeInfo moduleTypeInfo, int index, int nImportedModules) {

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void endImportedModulesList(int nImportedModules) {
        generateRelatedModulesList(LocalizableUserVisibleString.IMPORTED_MODULES_COLON.toResourceString(), importedModules);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void beginFriendModulesList(int nFriendModules) {
        friendModules = new HashSet<ModuleName>();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void generateFriendModule(ModuleName moduleName, int index, int nFriendModules) {

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void endFriendModulesList(int nFriendModules) {
        generateRelatedModulesList(LocalizableUserVisibleString.FRIEND_MODULES_COLON.toResourceString(), friendModules);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void beginDirectlyDependentModulesList(int nDependentModules) {
        directlyDependentModules = new HashSet<ModuleName>();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void generateDirectlyDependentModule(ModuleName moduleName, int index, int nDependentModules) {

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void endDirectlyDependentModulesList(int nDependentModules) {
        generateRelatedModulesList(LocalizableUserVisibleString.DIRECTLY_DEPENDENT_MODULES_COLON.toResourceString(), directlyDependentModules);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void beginIndirectlyDependentModulesList(int nDependentModules) {
        indirectlyDependentModules = new HashSet<ModuleName>();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void generateIndirectlyDependentModule(ModuleName moduleName, int index, int nDependentModules) {

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void endIndirectlyDependentModulesList(int nDependentModules) {
        generateRelatedModulesList(LocalizableUserVisibleString.INDIRECTLY_DEPENDENT_MODULES_COLON.toResourceString(), indirectlyDependentModules);
     * {@inheritDoc}
    void generateModuleDescription(ModuleTypeInfo moduleTypeInfo) {
        ModuleName moduleName = moduleTypeInfo.getModuleName();
        CALFeatureMetadata metadata = getMetadata(CALFeatureName.getModuleFeatureName(moduleName), getLocale());
        CALDocComment docComment = moduleTypeInfo.getCALDocComment();

        /// For a module, just generate its description and supplementary blocks
        generateStandardDescription(metadata, docComment, inModulesSubdirectoryReferenceGenerator);
        generateStandardSupplementaryBlocks(metadata, docComment, inModulesSubdirectoryReferenceGenerator);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void beginModuleOverviewSection(boolean isOverviewSectionEmpty) {
        /// Generate a heading for the module overview section only if the section is non-empty
        if (!isOverviewSectionEmpty) {
            currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.H2, idAndClassAttributes(ElementID.SUMMARY_SECTION, StyleClassConstants.MAJOR_SECTION), LocalizableUserVisibleString.MODULE_SUMMARY.toResourceString());

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void endModuleOverviewSection(boolean isOverviewSectionEmpty) {
        // nothing to do

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void beginTypeConsOverviewSection(int nTypeConstructors, Scope maxScopeOfTypeConstructors) {
        /// Generate the start for the types overview section only if the section is non-empty
        if (nTypeConstructors > 0) {
            currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(getScopeStyleClass(maxScopeOfTypeConstructors)));
            beginOverviewTable(LocalizableUserVisibleString.TYPES.toResourceString(), false);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void endTypeConsOverviewSection(int nTypeConstructors) {
        /// Generate the end for the types overview section only if the section is non-empty
        if (nTypeConstructors > 0) {

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void beginFunctionsOverviewSection(int nFunctions, Scope maxScopeOfFunctions) {
        /// Generate the start for the functions overview section only if the section is non-empty
        if (nFunctions > 0) {
            currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(getScopeStyleClass(maxScopeOfFunctions)));
            beginOverviewTable(LocalizableUserVisibleString.FUNCTIONS.toResourceString(), false);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void endFunctionsOverviewSection(int nFunctions) {
        /// Generate the end for the functions overview section only if the section is non-empty
        if (nFunctions > 0) {

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void beginTypeClassOverviewSection(int nTypeClasses, Scope maxScopeOfTypeClasses) {
        /// Generate the start for the type class overview section only if the section is non-empty
        if (nTypeClasses > 0) {
            currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(getScopeStyleClass(maxScopeOfTypeClasses)));
            beginOverviewTable(LocalizableUserVisibleString.TYPE_CLASSES.toResourceString(), false);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void endTypeClassOverviewSection(int nTypeClasses) {
        /// Generate the end for the type class overview section only if the section is non-empty
        if (nTypeClasses > 0) {

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void beginClassInstancesOverviewSection(int nClassInstances, Scope maxScopeOfClassInstances) {
        /// Generate the start for the class instance overview section only if the section is non-empty
        if (nClassInstances > 0) {
            currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(getScopeStyleClass(maxScopeOfClassInstances)));
            beginOverviewTable(LocalizableUserVisibleString.INSTANCES.toResourceString(), false);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void endClassInstancesOverviewSection(int nClassInstances) {
        /// Generate the end for the class instance overview section only if the section is non-empty
        if (nClassInstances > 0) {

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void generateTypeConsOverviewHeader(TypeConstructor typeConstructor) {
        // First, add the type constructor's name to the disambiguation map.
        // By the time the details section is generated, all the colliding type constructors
        // would have had their overview generated and thus the disambiguation map properly
        // populated and ready to serve out disambiguated names.
        addTypeConsNameToDisambiguationMap(typeConstructor.getName().getModuleName(), typeConstructor.getName().getUnqualifiedName());
        CALFeatureMetadata metadata = getMetadata(CALFeatureName.getTypeConstructorFeatureName(typeConstructor.getName()), getLocale());
        CALDocComment docComment = typeConstructor.getCALDocComment();
        /// Generate the scope and name of the type constructor
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.TR, classAttribute(getScopeStyleClass(typeConstructor.getScope())))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.TD, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_TABLE_SCOPE_COLUMN).concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.VALIGN, "baseline")))
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.SCOPE), typeConstructor.getScope().toString())
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.TD, HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.VALIGN, "baseline"))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_REFERENCE));

            .openTag(HTML.Tag.DD, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_TABLE_OUTER_DESCRIPTION));
        /// Then generate the short description for the entry
        generateShortDescription(metadata, docComment, inModulesSubdirectoryReferenceGenerator);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void beginDataConsOverviewList(int nDataConstructors, Scope maxScopeOfDataConstructors) {
        /// Generate the start for the data constructor overview list only if the list is non-empty
        if (nDataConstructors > 0) {
            currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(getScopeStyleClass(maxScopeOfDataConstructors)));
            beginOverviewTable(null, true);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void generateDataConsOverview(DataConstructor dataConstructor) {
        FunctionalAgentMetadata metadata = (FunctionalAgentMetadata)getMetadata(CALFeatureName.getDataConstructorFeatureName(dataConstructor.getName()), getLocale());
        CALDocComment docComment = dataConstructor.getCALDocComment();
        // We delegate the generation to the helper that handles all function agents
        generateFunctionalAgentOverview(dataConstructor, labelMaker.getLabel(dataConstructor), metadata, docComment, StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_TABLE_NESTED_DESCRIPTION);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void endDataConsOverviewList(int nDataConstructors) {
        /// Generate the end for the data constructor overview list only if the list is non-empty
        if (nDataConstructors > 0) {
     * {@inheritDoc}
    void generateTypeConsOverviewFooter() {
        // Just close off the table row
     * {@inheritDoc}
    void generateFunctionOverview(Function function) {
        FunctionalAgentMetadata metadata = (FunctionalAgentMetadata)getMetadata(CALFeatureName.getFunctionFeatureName(function.getName()), getLocale());
        CALDocComment docComment = function.getCALDocComment();
        // We delegate the generation to the helper that handles all function agents
        generateFunctionalAgentOverview(function, labelMaker.getLabel(function), metadata, docComment, StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_TABLE_OUTER_DESCRIPTION);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void generateTypeClassOverviewHeader(TypeClass typeClass) {
        // First, add the type class's name to the disambiguation map.
        // By the time the details section is generated, all the colliding type classes
        // would have had their overview generated and thus the disambiguation map properly
        // populated and ready to serve out disambiguated names.
        addTypeClassNameToDisambiguationMap(typeClass.getName().getModuleName(), typeClass.getName().getUnqualifiedName());
        CALFeatureMetadata metadata = getMetadata(CALFeatureName.getTypeClassFeatureName(typeClass.getName()), getLocale());
        CALDocComment docComment = typeClass.getCALDocComment();
        /// Generate the scope and name of the type class
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.TR, classAttribute(getScopeStyleClass(typeClass.getScope())))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.TD, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_TABLE_SCOPE_COLUMN).concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.VALIGN, "baseline")))
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.SCOPE), typeClass.getScope().toString())
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.TD, HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.VALIGN, "baseline"))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_REFERENCE));
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.DD, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_TABLE_OUTER_DESCRIPTION));
        /// Then generate the short description for the entry
        generateShortDescription(metadata, docComment, inModulesSubdirectoryReferenceGenerator);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void beginClassMethodOverviewList(int nClassMethods) {
        /// Generate the start for the class method overview list only if the list is non-empty
        if (nClassMethods > 0) {
            beginOverviewTable(null, true);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void generateClassMethodOverview(ClassMethod classMethod) {
        FunctionalAgentMetadata metadata = (FunctionalAgentMetadata)getMetadata(CALFeatureName.getClassMethodFeatureName(classMethod.getName()), getLocale());
        CALDocComment docComment = classMethod.getCALDocComment();
        // We delegate the generation to the helper that handles all function agents
        generateFunctionalAgentOverview(classMethod, labelMaker.getLabel(classMethod), metadata, docComment, StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_TABLE_NESTED_DESCRIPTION);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void endClassMethodOverviewList(int nClassMethods) {
        /// Generate the end for the class method overview list only if the list is non-empty
        if (nClassMethods > 0) {
     * {@inheritDoc}
    void generateTypeClassOverviewFooter() {
        // Just close off the table row

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void generateClassInstanceOverviewHeader(ClassInstance classInstance) {
        CALFeatureMetadata metadata = getMetadata(CALFeatureName.getClassInstanceFeatureName(classInstance), getLocale());
        CALDocComment docComment = classInstance.getCALDocComment();

        /// Generate the name of the class instance
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.TR, classAttribute(getScopeStyleClass(minScopeForInstanceClassAndInstanceType(classInstance))))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.TD, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_TABLE_SCOPE_COLUMN).concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.VALIGN, "baseline")))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.TD, HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.VALIGN, "baseline"))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_REFERENCE));
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.DD, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_TABLE_OUTER_DESCRIPTION));
        /// Then generate the short description for the entry
        generateShortDescription(metadata, docComment, inModulesSubdirectoryReferenceGenerator);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void beginInstanceMethodOverviewList(int nInstanceMethods) {
        // nothing to do - we omit the instance method listing in the overview

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void generateInstanceMethodOverview(ClassInstance classInstance, String methodName) {
        // nothing to do - we omit the instance method listing in the overview

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void endInstanceMethodOverviewList(int nInstanceMethods) {
        // nothing to do - we omit the instance method listing in the overview
     * {@inheritDoc}
    void generateClassInstanceOverviewFooter() {
        // Just close off the table row
     * {@inheritDoc}
    void beginTypeConsDocSection(int nTypeConstructors, Scope maxScopeOfTypeConstructors) {
        /// Generate a major section heading only if there are type constructors to be documented
        if (nTypeConstructors > 0) {
                .openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(getScopeStyleClass(maxScopeOfTypeConstructors)))
                .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.H2, idAndClassAttributes(ElementID.TYPES_SECTION, StyleClassConstants.MAJOR_SECTION), LocalizableUserVisibleString.TYPES.toResourceString());

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void generateTypeConsDocHeader(TypeConstructor typeConstructor, int index) {
        CALFeatureMetadata metadata = getMetadata(CALFeatureName.getTypeConstructorFeatureName(typeConstructor.getName()), getLocale());
        CALDocComment docComment = typeConstructor.getCALDocComment();

        /// Generate the name of the type constructor as the header, followed by a link to the usages if necessary
        String unqualifiedName = typeConstructor.getName().getUnqualifiedName();
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.DL, classAttribute(getScopeStyleClass(typeConstructor.getScope())))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.DT, idAndClassAttributes(labelMaker.getLabel(typeConstructor), getDefinitionStartStyleClass(index)))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DEFINITION_HEADER_FIRST_LINE))
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DEFINITION_HEADER), unqualifiedName);
        maybeGenerateUsageLink(TYPE_CONS_USAGE_SUBDIRECTORY, getTypeConsUsageIndexFileName(typeConstructor.getName()));
        /// Generate the declaration for the type constructor including its scope
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.CODE, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DECLARATION))
            .addText(" ")
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.SCOPE), typeConstructor.getScope().toString())
            .addText(" ")
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DECLARED_NAME), unqualifiedName)
        /// Then generate its description, implementation info (if any), and supplementary blocks
        generateStandardDescription(metadata, docComment, inModulesSubdirectoryReferenceGenerator);
        generateStandardSupplementaryBlocks(metadata, docComment, inModulesSubdirectoryReferenceGenerator);

     * Generate implementation info for foreign type (if the implementation type is visible).
     * @param typeConstructor the type constructor, which may or may not correspond to a foreign type.
    private void generateForeignTypeInfo(TypeConstructor typeConstructor) {
        ForeignTypeInfo foreignTypeInfo = typeConstructor.getForeignTypeInfo();
        if (foreignTypeInfo != null) {
            Scope implScope = foreignTypeInfo.getImplementationVisibility();
            if (filter.shouldAcceptBasedOnScopeOnly(implScope)) {
                try {
                    String className = JavaTypeName.getFullJavaSourceName(foreignTypeInfo.getForeignType());
                        .openTag(HTML.Tag.DL, classAttribute(getScopeStyleClass(implScope)))
                        .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DT, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.ATTRIBUTE_HEADER), LocalizableUserVisibleString.IMPLEMENTATION_VISIBILITY_COLON.toResourceString())
                        .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DD, implScope.toString())
                        .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DT, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.ATTRIBUTE_HEADER), LocalizableUserVisibleString.FOREIGN_TYPE_COLON.toResourceString())
                        .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DD, className)
                } catch (UnableToResolveForeignEntityException e) {
                    logger.severe(CALDocMessages.getString("STATUS.cannotResolveForeignTypeInfo", e.getCompilerMessage().toString()));

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void beginDataConsDocList(int nDataConstructors, Scope maxScopeOfDataConstructors) {
        /// Generate the start for the data constructor list only if the list is non-empty
        if (nDataConstructors > 0) {
                .openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(getScopeStyleClass(maxScopeOfDataConstructors)))
                .openTag(HTML.Tag.DL, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DATA_CONSTRUCTOR_LIST))
                .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DT, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DATA_CONSTRUCTOR_LIST_HEADER), LocalizableUserVisibleString.DATA_CONSTRUCTORS.toResourceString())

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void generateDataConsDoc(DataConstructor dataConstructor, int index) {
        FunctionalAgentMetadata metadata = (FunctionalAgentMetadata)getMetadata(CALFeatureName.getDataConstructorFeatureName(dataConstructor.getName()), getLocale());
        CALDocComment docComment = dataConstructor.getCALDocComment();

        // We delegate the generation to the helper that handles all function agents
        generateFunctionalAgentDoc(dataConstructor, labelMaker.getLabel(dataConstructor), metadata, docComment, index, false);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void endDataConsDocList(int nDataConstructors) {
        /// Generate the end for the data constructor list only if the list is non-empty
        if (nDataConstructors > 0) {

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void generateTypeConsDocFooter(TypeConstructor typeConstructor, int index) {
        // Just close the definition list

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void endTypeConsDocSection(int nTypeConstructors) {
        if (nTypeConstructors > 0) {

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void beginFunctionsDocSection(int nFunctions, Scope maxScopeOfFunctions) {
        /// Generate a major section heading only if there are functions to be documented
        if (nFunctions > 0) {
                .openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(getScopeStyleClass(maxScopeOfFunctions)))
                .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.H2, idAndClassAttributes(ElementID.FUNCTIONS_SECTION, StyleClassConstants.MAJOR_SECTION), LocalizableUserVisibleString.FUNCTIONS.toResourceString());

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void generateFunctionDoc(Function function, int index) {
        FunctionalAgentMetadata metadata = (FunctionalAgentMetadata)getMetadata(CALFeatureName.getFunctionFeatureName(function.getName()), getLocale());
        CALDocComment docComment = function.getCALDocComment();
        // We delegate the generation to the helper that handles all function agents.
        // The helper expects to work in the context of a definition list, so we create one.
        currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DL, classAttribute(getScopeStyleClass(function.getScope())));
        generateFunctionalAgentDoc(function, labelMaker.getLabel(function), metadata, docComment, index, true);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void endFunctionsDocSection(int nFunctions) {
        if (nFunctions > 0) {

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void beginTypeClassesDocSection(int nTypeClasses, Scope maxScopeOfTypeClasses) {
        /// Generate a major section heading only if there are type classes to be documented
        if (nTypeClasses > 0) {
                .openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(getScopeStyleClass(maxScopeOfTypeClasses)))
                .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.H2, idAndClassAttributes(ElementID.TYPE_CLASSES_SECTION, StyleClassConstants.MAJOR_SECTION), LocalizableUserVisibleString.TYPE_CLASSES.toResourceString());

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void generateTypeClassDocHeader(TypeClass typeClass, int index) {
        CALFeatureMetadata metadata = getMetadata(CALFeatureName.getTypeClassFeatureName(typeClass.getName()), getLocale());
        CALDocComment docComment = typeClass.getCALDocComment();

        /// Generate the name of the type class as the header, followed by a link to the usages if necessary
        String unqualifiedName = typeClass.getName().getUnqualifiedName();
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.DL, classAttribute(getScopeStyleClass(typeClass.getScope())))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.DT, idAndClassAttributes(labelMaker.getLabel(typeClass), getDefinitionStartStyleClass(index)))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DEFINITION_HEADER_FIRST_LINE))
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DEFINITION_HEADER), unqualifiedName);
        maybeGenerateUsageLink(TYPE_CLASS_USAGE_SUBDIRECTORY, getTypeClassUsageIndexFileName(typeClass.getName()));
        /// Generate the full name for the type c
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.CODE, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DECLARATION))
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.SCOPE), typeClass.getScope().toString())
            .addText(" ")
            .addText(" ");
        generateTypeClassFullName(typeClass, true, StyleClassConstants.DECLARED_NAME);
        /// Then generate its description and supplementary blocks
        generateStandardDescription(metadata, docComment, inModulesSubdirectoryReferenceGenerator);
        generateStandardSupplementaryBlocks(metadata, docComment, inModulesSubdirectoryReferenceGenerator);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void beginClassMethodDocList(int nClassMethods) {
        /// Generate the start for the class method list only if the list is non-empty
        if (nClassMethods > 0) {
                .openTag(HTML.Tag.DL, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.CLASS_METHOD_LIST))
                .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DT, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.CLASS_METHOD_LIST_HEADER), LocalizableUserVisibleString.CLASS_METHODS.toResourceString())

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void generateClassMethodDoc(ClassMethod classMethod, int index) {
        FunctionalAgentMetadata metadata = (FunctionalAgentMetadata)getMetadata(CALFeatureName.getClassMethodFeatureName(classMethod.getName()), getLocale());
        CALDocComment docComment = classMethod.getCALDocComment();
        // We delegate the generation to the helper that handles all function agents
        generateFunctionalAgentDoc(classMethod, labelMaker.getLabel(classMethod), metadata, docComment, index, true);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void endClassMethodDocList(int nClassMethods) {
        /// Generate the start for the class method list only if the list is non-empty
        if (nClassMethods > 0) {

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void beginKnownInstancesList(int nKnownInstances, Scope maxScopeOfKnownInstances) {
        /// Generate the start for the known instances list only if the list is non-empty
        if (nKnownInstances > 0) {
                .openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(getScopeStyleClass(maxScopeOfKnownInstances)))
                .openTag(HTML.Tag.DL, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.KNOWN_INSTANCE_LIST))
                .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DT, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.KNOWN_INSTANCE_LIST_HEADER), LocalizableUserVisibleString.KNOWN_INSTANCES.toResourceString());

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void generateKnownInstance(ClassInstance classInstance, int index) {
        /// For a known instance we generate a reference to the instance in its own item in the definition list
        currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DD, classAttribute(getScopeStyleClass(minScopeForInstanceClassAndInstanceType(classInstance))));

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void endKnownInstancesList(int nKnownInstances) {
        /// Generate the end for the known instances list only if the list is non-empty
        if (nKnownInstances > 0) {

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void generateTypeClassDocFooter(TypeClass typeClass, int index) {
        // Just close the definition list

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void endTypeClassesDocSection(int nTypeClasses) {
        if (nTypeClasses > 0) {
     * Overrides the implementation in the superclass to obtain the name of a class instance,
     * appropriately qualified according to the configuration options.
     * @param classInstance the class instance.
     * @return the display name for the class instance.
    String getClassInstanceDisplayName(ClassInstance classInstance) {
        // Temporarily swap out the current HTML builder with a new one,
        // and use it to generate a class instance name (with no hyperlinks).
        // Then swap the original builder back in, and return the text in the new builder, trimmed.
        HTMLBuilder origCurrentPage = currentPage;
        try {
            generateClassInstanceDeclarationName(classInstance, false);
            return currentPage.toHTML().trim();
        } finally {
            currentPage = origCurrentPage;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void beginClassInstancesDocSection(int nClassInstances, ClassInstance[] classInstances, Scope maxScopeOfClassInstances) {
        if (config.shouldSeparateInstanceDoc) {
            /// Switch the current page to a separate instance documentation page
            mainPageContext = currentPage;
            inSeparateInstanceDoc = true;
            String pageName = LocalizableUserVisibleString.INSTANCE_DOC_TITLE.toResourceString(getFullyQualifiedNameForModule(currentModuleName));
            /// Generate the head section
            String relativePathToBaseDirectory = "../"; // all instance docs are in a subdirectory of the base directory
            String pageTitle = makePageTitle(pageName);
            generateHeadSection(pageTitle, relativePathToBaseDirectory, null, null);
            /// Start the body section with a javascript which changes the navigation index in the nav frame,
            /// and which changes the window title (needed if inside a frame).
                .openTag(HTML.Tag.BODY, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.WITH_MAIN_CONTENT).concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML4.ONLOAD_ATTRIBUTE, "showNavChangeTitle()")))
                .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SCRIPT, HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.TYPE, "text/javascript"),
                    "\n" +
                    "function showNavChangeTitle() {\n" +
                    "   if (parent.frames != undefined && parent.frames[1] != undefined && parent.frames[1].location != undefined) {\n" +
                    "      var urlPieces = new String(parent.frames[1].location).split('/');\n" +
                    "      var filePortion = urlPieces[urlPieces.length - 1];\n" +
                    "      if (filePortion.indexOf('" + getPerModuleIndexFileNamePrefix(currentModuleName) + "') != 0) {\n" +
                    "         parent.frames[1].location.replace('" + relativePathToBaseDirectory + NAV_SUBDIRECTORY + "/" + getPerModuleInstanceIndexFileName(currentModuleName) + "');\n" +
                    "      }\n" +
                    "   }\n" +
                    "   parent.document.title='" + pageTitle + "';\n" +
                    "}\n" +
                    "\n" +
                    "showNavChangeTitle(); // run it immediately\n");
            /// Generate the navigation bar
            generateModulePageNavBar(false, relativePathToBaseDirectory, nTypeConstructorsInModule, nFunctionsInModule, nTypeClassesInModule, nClassInstancesInModule);
            /// Wrap the main content with a div tag
            currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.MAIN_CONTENT));
            /// Generate the heading of the page using the qualified name
            currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.H1, pageName);
            /// Generate a dedicated overview section
            boolean isOverviewSectionEmpty = (nClassInstances == 0);
            beginClassInstancesOverviewSection(nClassInstances, maxScopeOfClassInstances);
            for (int i = 0; i < nClassInstances; i++) {
        /// Generate a major section heading only if there are class instances to be documented
        if (nClassInstances > 0) {
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(getScopeStyleClass(maxScopeOfClassInstances)))
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.H2, idAndClassAttributes(ElementID.INSTANCES_SECTION, StyleClassConstants.MAJOR_SECTION), LocalizableUserVisibleString.INSTANCES.toResourceString());

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void generateClassInstanceDocHeader(ClassInstance classInstance, int index) {
        CALFeatureMetadata metadata = getMetadata(CALFeatureName.getClassInstanceFeatureName(classInstance), getLocale());
        CALDocComment docComment = classInstance.getCALDocComment();

        /// Generate the name of the class instance as the header, followed by a link to the usages if necessary
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.DL, classAttribute(getScopeStyleClass(minScopeForInstanceClassAndInstanceType(classInstance))))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.DT, idAndClassAttributes(labelMaker.getLabel(classInstance), getDefinitionStartStyleClass(index)))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DEFINITION_HEADER_FIRST_LINE))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DEFINITION_HEADER));
        generateClassInstanceDeclarationName(classInstance, false);
        /// Generate the declaration for the class instance, with its contents appropriately hyperlinked
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.CODE, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DECLARATION))
            .addText("instance ")
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DECLARED_NAME));
        generateClassInstanceDeclarationName(classInstance, true);
        /// Then generate its description and supplementary blocks
        generateStandardDescription(metadata, docComment, inModulesSubdirectoryReferenceGenerator);
        generateStandardSupplementaryBlocks(metadata, docComment, inModulesSubdirectoryReferenceGenerator);
     * {@inheritDoc}
    void beginInstanceMethodDocList(int nInstanceMethods) {
        /// Generate the start for the instance method list only if the list is non-empty
        if (nInstanceMethods > 0) {
                .openTag(HTML.Tag.DL, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.INSTANCE_METHOD_LIST))
                .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.DT, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.INSTANCE_METHOD_LIST_HEADER), LocalizableUserVisibleString.INSTANCE_METHODS.toResourceString())

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void generateInstanceMethodDoc(ClassInstance classInstance, String methodName, ClassMethod classMethod, int index) {
        InstanceMethodMetadata metadata = (InstanceMethodMetadata)getMetadata(CALFeatureName.getInstanceMethodFeatureName(classInstance, methodName), getLocale());
        CALDocComment docComment = classInstance.getMethodCALDocComment(methodName);
        /// With an instance method, we attempt to figure out which CALDoc comment to refer to for documentation.
        /// Often it is the case that the instance method, or even the class instance, would be undocumented. In such situations,
        /// it would be beneficial to present the documentation on the class method, since after all it is a class method that
        /// ultimately ends up being used in expressions, not the instance method backing it.
        Scope scope = null;
        String unqualifiedName = methodName;
        FunctionalAgent entityWithArgumentNames = classMethod;
        CALDocComment classMethodCALDocComment = classMethod.getCALDocComment();
        TypeExpr typeExpr = classInstance.getInstanceMethodType(methodName);
        ArgumentMetadata[] argMetadataArray = metadata.getArguments();
        String label = labelMaker.getLabel(classInstance, methodName);
        /// If there are no @arg blocks for the instance method's CALDoc comment, or there is no CALDoc comment for the method at
        /// all, use the CALDoc comment for the class method
        final CALDocComment docCommentForArguments;
        if (docComment != null && docComment.getNArgBlocks() > 0) {
            docCommentForArguments = docComment;
        } else {
            docCommentForArguments = classMethodCALDocComment;
        /// If there is no @return block for the instance method's CALDoc comment, or there is no CALDoc comment for the method at
        /// all, use the CALDoc comment for the class method - but only if the class method's arity matches the instance method's arity.
        final CALDocComment docCommentForReturnValue;
        if (docComment != null && docComment.getReturnBlock() != null) {
            docCommentForReturnValue = docComment;
        } else if (classMethod.getTypeExpr().getArity() == typeExpr.getArity()) {
            // we only default to the class method's comment if the arities match
            // for example: the QuickCheck.Arbitrary instance for the function type a->b has an instance method:
            //    generateInstance :: (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => GenParams -> a -> b
            // but the class method has the type:
            //    generateInstance :: (Arbitrary a) => GenParams -> a
            // so we cannot use the return value description in the class method's comment (it would be describing the wrong thing)
            docCommentForReturnValue = classMethodCALDocComment;
        } else {
            docCommentForReturnValue = null;
        if (docComment == null) {
            docComment = classMethodCALDocComment;
        generateFunctionalAgentOrInstanceMethodDocHeading(scope, unqualifiedName, entityWithArgumentNames, typeExpr, label, argMetadataArray, docCommentForArguments, index, true);
        generateFunctionalAgentOrInstanceMethodDocBody(scope, entityWithArgumentNames, typeExpr, metadata, argMetadataArray, docComment, docCommentForArguments, docCommentForReturnValue, true);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void endInstanceMethodDocList(int nInstanceMethods) {
        /// Generate the end for the instance method list only if the list is non-empty
        if (nInstanceMethods > 0) {

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void generateClassInstanceDocFooter(ClassInstance classInstance, int index) {
        // Just close the definition list

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void endClassInstancesDocSection(int nClassInstances) {
        if (nClassInstances > 0) {
        if (config.shouldSeparateInstanceDoc) {
            /// Close the main content div tag
            /// Generate the navigation bar and the fine print
            String relativePathToBaseDirectory = "../"; // all instance docs are in a subdirectory of the base directory
            generateModulePageNavBar(true, relativePathToBaseDirectory, nTypeConstructorsInModule, nFunctionsInModule, nTypeClassesInModule, nClassInstancesInModule);
            /// Write the completed usage documentation out.
            generateTextFile(SEPARATE_INSTANCE_DOC_SUBDIRECTORY, getSeparateInstanceDocFileName(currentModuleName), getHTMLFileContentsWithDocTypeForMainFramePage(currentPage));
            /// Switch from the separate instance documentation page back to the main page
            inSeparateInstanceDoc = false;
            currentPage = mainPageContext;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void beginTypeConsUsageDoc(TypeConstructor typeConstructor) {
        ModuleName moduleName = typeConstructor.getName().getModuleName();
        String typeName = typeConstructor.getName().getUnqualifiedName();
        CALFeatureMetadata metadata = getMetadata(CALFeatureName.getTypeConstructorFeatureName(typeConstructor.getName()), getLocale());
        CALDocComment docComment = typeConstructor.getCALDocComment();
        String label = labelMaker.getLabel(typeConstructor);
        // We delegate the generation of everything before the declaration to a helper method.
        generateUsageDocStartBeforeDeclaration(typeConstructor.getName(), label);
        // Just generate the declaration for the type constructor
            .addText(" ")
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.SCOPE), typeConstructor.getScope().toString())
            .addText(" ")
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DECLARED_NAME), typeName);
        // We delegate the generation of everything after the declaration to a helper method.
        generateUsageDocStartAfterDeclaration(typeConstructor, moduleName, metadata, docComment, label);

     * Generates the first half of the start of the usage documentation, before the declaration of the entity.
     * @param qualifiedName the qualified name of the entity whose usage is being documented.
     * @param label the label for the entity.
    private void generateUsageDocStartBeforeDeclaration(QualifiedName qualifiedName, String label) {
        /// Start a new HTML page for the usage documentation
        /// Generate the head section
        String relativePathToBaseDirectory = "../"; // all usage docs are in a subdirectory of the base directory
        String pageTitle = makePageTitle(qualifiedName.getQualifiedName());
        generateHeadSection(pageTitle, relativePathToBaseDirectory, null, null);
        /// Start the body section with a javascript which changes the window title (needed if inside a frame)
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.BODY, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.WITH_MAIN_CONTENT).concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML4.ONLOAD_ATTRIBUTE, "changeTitle()")))
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SCRIPT, HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.TYPE, "text/javascript"), "function changeTitle() { parent.document.title='" + pageTitle + "'; }");
        /// Generate the navigation bar
        generateGenericNavBar(false, relativePathToBaseDirectory);
        /// Wrap the main content with a div tag
        currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.MAIN_CONTENT));
        /// Generate the heading of the page using the qualified name
        currentPage.addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.H1, qualifiedName.getQualifiedName());

        /// Prepare for the generation of the declaration
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.DT, idAndClassAttributes(label, StyleClassConstants.FIRST_DEFINITION_SECTION_START))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.CODE, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.DECLARATION));
     * Generates the second half of the start of the usage documentation, after the declaration of the entity.
     * @param moduleName the name of the entity's module.
     * @param metadata the metadata of the entity. Can be null if not available.
     * @param docComment the CALDoc comment of the entity. Can be null if not available.
     * @param label the label for the entity.
    private void generateUsageDocStartAfterDeclaration(ScopedEntity documentedEntity, ModuleName moduleName, CALFeatureMetadata metadata, CALDocComment docComment, String label) {
        /// Generate a link to the main documentation entry
            .addText(" &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[");
        String relativePathToModulesSubdirectory = "../" + MODULES_SUBDIRECTORY;
        generateNonLocalReference(currentPage, relativePathToModulesSubdirectory, moduleName, label, LocalizableUserVisibleString.MAIN_ENTRY.toResourceString(), null);
        /// Then generate the description and supplementary blocks
        ReferenceGenerator referenceGenerator = new ReferenceGenerator(relativePathToModulesSubdirectory);
        generateStandardDescription(metadata, docComment, referenceGenerator);
        if (documentedEntity instanceof TypeConstructor) {
        generateStandardSupplementaryBlocks(metadata, docComment, referenceGenerator);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void beginTypeClassUsageDoc(TypeClass typeClass) {
        ModuleName moduleName = typeClass.getName().getModuleName();
        CALFeatureMetadata metadata = getMetadata(CALFeatureName.getTypeClassFeatureName(typeClass.getName()), getLocale());
        CALDocComment docComment = typeClass.getCALDocComment();

        String label = labelMaker.getLabel(typeClass);
        // We delegate the generation of everything before the declaration to a helper method.
        generateUsageDocStartBeforeDeclaration(typeClass.getName(), label);
        // Just generate the declaration for the type class
            .addTaggedText(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.SCOPE), typeClass.getScope().toString())
            .addText(" ")
            .addText(" ");
        generateTypeClassFullName(typeClass, false, StyleClassConstants.DECLARED_NAME);
        // We delegate the generation of everything after the declaration to a helper method.
        generateUsageDocStartAfterDeclaration(typeClass, moduleName, metadata, docComment, label);
     * {@inheritDoc}
    void beginUsageDocGroupForDependentModule(ScopedEntity documentedEntity, ModuleName dependentModuleName) {
        ModuleName moduleName = documentedEntity.getName().getModuleName();
        /// Generate a major section heading for the dependent module
        currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.H2, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.MAJOR_SECTION));
        // We either display "Defining module:" or "Dependent module:" depending on whether the dependent module
        // is really the defining module of the entity being documented
        if (moduleName.equals(dependentModuleName)) {
            currentPage.addText(LocalizableUserVisibleString.DEFINING_MODULE_COLON.toResourceString()).addText(" ");
        } else {
            currentPage.addText(LocalizableUserVisibleString.DEPENDENT_MODULE_COLON.toResourceString()).addText(" ");
        // Generate a hyperlink to the dependent module if its documentation its generated, or otherwise simply generate its name
        if (isDocForModuleGenerated(dependentModuleName)) {
            generateNonLocalReference(currentPage, "../" + MODULES_SUBDIRECTORY, dependentModuleName, labelMaker.getModuleLabel(dependentModuleName), getFullyQualifiedNameForModule(dependentModuleName), getFullyQualifiedNameForModule(dependentModuleName));
        } else {

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void beginUsageDocArgTypeIndex(ScopedEntity documentedEntity, int nArgTypeIndexEntries, Scope maxScopeOfArgTypeIndexEntries) {
        /// Generate the start of the argument type index list only if the list is non-empty
        if (nArgTypeIndexEntries > 0) {
            currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(getScopeStyleClass(maxScopeOfArgTypeIndexEntries)));
            beginOverviewTable(LocalizableUserVisibleString.USAGE_DOC_ARGUMENT_TYPE_INDEX.toResourceString(documentedEntity.getName().getQualifiedName()), false);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void generateUsageDocArgTypeIndexEntry(ScopedEntity documentedEntity, FunctionalAgent entity) {
        FunctionalAgentMetadata metadata = (FunctionalAgentMetadata)getMetadata(entity, getLocale());
        CALDocComment docComment = entity.getCALDocComment();
        // We delegate to a helper method to generate a usage index entry
        generateUsageIndexEntry(entity, labelMaker.getLabel(entity), metadata, docComment, StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_TABLE_OUTER_DESCRIPTION);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void endUsageDocArgTypeIndex(ScopedEntity documentedEntity, int nArgTypeIndexEntries) {
        /// Generate the end of the argument type index list only if the list is non-empty
        if (nArgTypeIndexEntries > 0) {

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void beginUsageDocReturnTypeIndex(ScopedEntity documentedEntity, int nReturnTypeIndexEntries, Scope maxScopeOfReturnTypeIndexEntries) {
        /// Generate the start of the return type index list only if the list is non-empty
        if (nReturnTypeIndexEntries > 0) {
            currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(getScopeStyleClass(maxScopeOfReturnTypeIndexEntries)));
            beginOverviewTable(LocalizableUserVisibleString.USAGE_DOC_RETURN_TYPE_INDEX.toResourceString(documentedEntity.getName().getQualifiedName()), false);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void generateUsageDocReturnTypeIndexEntry(ScopedEntity documentedEntity, FunctionalAgent entity) {
        FunctionalAgentMetadata metadata = (FunctionalAgentMetadata)getMetadata(entity, getLocale());
        CALDocComment docComment = entity.getCALDocComment();
        // We delegate to a helper method to generate a usage index entry
        generateUsageIndexEntry(entity, labelMaker.getLabel(entity), metadata, docComment, StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_TABLE_OUTER_DESCRIPTION);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void endUsageDocReturnTypeIndex(ScopedEntity documentedEntity, int nReturnTypeIndexEntries) {
        /// Generate the end of the return type index list only if the list is non-empty
        if (nReturnTypeIndexEntries > 0) {

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void beginUsageDocInstanceIndex(ScopedEntity documentedEntity, int nInstances, Scope maxScopeOfInstanceIndexEntries) {
        /// Generate the start of the instance index list only if the list is non-empty
        if (nInstances > 0) {
            /// If the entity is a type class, we want to display "Instances of <class>", otherwise
            /// we want to display (for a type) "Instances for <type>".
            LocalizableUserVisibleString stringTemplate;
            if (documentedEntity instanceof TypeClass) {
                stringTemplate = LocalizableUserVisibleString.USAGE_DOC_INSTANCE_INDEX_INSTANCES_OF;
            } else {
                stringTemplate = LocalizableUserVisibleString.USAGE_DOC_INSTANCE_INDEX_INSTANCES_FOR;
            currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.DIV, classAttribute(getScopeStyleClass(maxScopeOfInstanceIndexEntries)));
            beginOverviewTable(stringTemplate.toResourceString(documentedEntity.getName().getQualifiedName()), false);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void generateUsageDocInstanceIndexEntry(ScopedEntity documentedEntity, ClassInstance classInstance) {
        CALFeatureMetadata metadata = getMetadata(CALFeatureName.getClassInstanceFeatureName(classInstance), getLocale());
        CALDocComment docComment = classInstance.getCALDocComment();

        /// Generate the name of the class instance
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.TR, classAttribute(getScopeStyleClass(minScopeForInstanceClassAndInstanceType(classInstance))))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.TD, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_TABLE_SCOPE_COLUMN).concat(HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.VALIGN, "baseline")))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.TD, HTMLBuilder.AttributeList.make(HTML.Attribute.VALIGN, "baseline"))
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.SPAN, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_REFERENCE));
        /// Generate a reference to the class instance, appropriately hyperlinked.
        String relativePathToBaseDirectory = "../";
        String relativePathToModulesSubdirectory = "../" + MODULES_SUBDIRECTORY;
        if (!isDocForClassInstanceGenerated(classInstance)) {
            // if the class instance is not documented, no hyperlink can be made.
            generateClassInstanceDeclarationName(classInstance, false);
        } else {
            // the instance is indeed documented, so create a hyperlinked reference to it
            HTMLBuilder.AttributeList hrefAttribute = getHrefAttributeForNonLocalClassInstanceReference(classInstance, relativePathToBaseDirectory);
            currentPage.openTag(HTML.Tag.A, hrefAttribute);
            generateClassInstanceDeclarationName(classInstance, false);
            .openTag(HTML.Tag.DD, classAttribute(StyleClassConstants.OVERVIEW_TABLE_OUTER_DESCRIPTION));
        /// Then generate the short description for the entry
        generateShortDescription(metadata, docComment, new ReferenceGenerator(relativePathToModulesSubdirectory));
        // Close off the table row

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void endUsageDocInstanceIndex(ScopedEntity documentedEntity, int nInstances) {
        /// Generate the end of the instance index list only if the list is non-empty
        if (nInstances > 0) {
     * {@inheritDoc}
    void endUsageDocGroupForDependentModule(ScopedEntity documentedEntity, ModuleName dependentModuleName) {
        // nothing to do

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void endTypeConsUsageDoc(TypeConstructor documentedEntity) {
        // Delegate to a helper method
        generateUsageDocEnd(TYPE_CONS_USAGE_SUBDIRECTORY, getTypeConsUsageIndexFileName(documentedEntity.getName()));

     * Generates the end of the usage documentation, and writes out the file.
     * @param usageSubdirectory the usage subdirectory to contain the generated file.
     * @param indexFileName the name of the index file to be written.
    private void generateUsageDocEnd(String usageSubdirectory, String indexFileName) {
        /// Close the main content div tag
        /// Generate the navigation bar and the fine print
        String relativePathToBaseDirectory = "../"; // all usage docs are in a subdirectory of the base directory
        generateGenericNavBar(true, relativePathToBaseDirectory);
        /// Write the completed usage documentation out.
        generateTextFile(usageSubdirectory, indexFileName, getHTMLFileContentsWithDocTypeForMainFramePage(currentPage));

     * {@inheritDoc}
    void endTypeClassUsageDoc(TypeClass documentedEntity) {
        // Delegate to a helper method
        generateUsageDocEnd(TYPE_CLASS_USAGE_SUBDIRECTORY, getTypeClassUsageIndexFileName(documentedEntity.getName()));

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