package com.esotericsoftware.kryonet.rmi;
import static com.esotericsoftware.minlog.Log.*;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.KryoException;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.KryoSerializable;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Serializer;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.serializers.FieldSerializer;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.util.IntMap;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.util.Util;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryonet.Connection;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryonet.EndPoint;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryonet.FrameworkMessage;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryonet.KryoNetException;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryonet.Listener;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryonet.util.ObjectIntMap;
import com.esotericsoftware.reflectasm.MethodAccess;
/** Allows methods on objects to be invoked remotely over TCP or UDP. Objects are {@link #register(int, Object) registered} with an
* ID. The remote end of connections that have been {@link #addConnection(Connection) added} are allowed to
* {@link #getRemoteObject(Connection, int, Class) access} registered objects.
* <p>
* It costs at least 2 bytes more to use remote method invocation than just sending the parameters. If the method has a return
* value which is not {@link RemoteObject#setNonBlocking(boolean) ignored}, an extra byte is written. If the type of a parameter is
* not final (note primitives are final) then an extra byte is written for that parameter.
* @author Nathan Sweet <> */
public class ObjectSpace {
static private final int returnValueMask = 1 << 7;
static private final int returnExceptionMask = 1 << 6;
static private final int responseIdMask = 0xff & ~returnValueMask & ~returnExceptionMask;
static private final Object instancesLock = new Object();
static ObjectSpace[] instances = new ObjectSpace[0];
static private final HashMap<Class, CachedMethod[]> methodCache = new HashMap();
static private boolean asm = true;
final IntMap idToObject = new IntMap();
final ObjectIntMap objectToID = new ObjectIntMap();
Connection[] connections = {};
final Object connectionsLock = new Object();
Executor executor;
private final Listener invokeListener = new Listener() {
public void received (final Connection connection, Object object) {
if (!(object instanceof InvokeMethod)) return;
if (connections != null) {
int i = 0, n = connections.length;
for (; i < n; i++)
if (connection == connections[i]) break;
if (i == n) return; // The InvokeMethod message is not for a connection in this ObjectSpace.
final InvokeMethod invokeMethod = (InvokeMethod)object;
final Object target = idToObject.get(invokeMethod.objectID);
if (target == null) {
if (WARN) warn("kryonet", "Ignoring remote invocation request for unknown object ID: " + invokeMethod.objectID);
if (executor == null)
invoke(connection, target, invokeMethod);
else {
executor.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run () {
invoke(connection, target, invokeMethod);
public void disconnected (Connection connection) {
/** Creates an ObjectSpace with no connections. Connections must be {@link #addConnection(Connection) added} to allow the remote
* end of the connections to access objects in this ObjectSpace. */
public ObjectSpace () {
synchronized (instancesLock) {
ObjectSpace[] instances = ObjectSpace.instances;
ObjectSpace[] newInstances = new ObjectSpace[instances.length + 1];
newInstances[0] = this;
System.arraycopy(instances, 0, newInstances, 1, instances.length);
ObjectSpace.instances = newInstances;
/** Creates an ObjectSpace with the specified connection. More connections can be {@link #addConnection(Connection) added}. */
public ObjectSpace (Connection connection) {
/** Sets the executor used to invoke methods when an invocation is received from a remote endpoint. By default, no executor is
* set and invocations occur on the network thread, which should not be blocked for long.
* @param executor May be null. */
public void setExecutor (Executor executor) {
this.executor = executor;
/** Registers an object to allow the remote end of the ObjectSpace's connections to access it using the specified ID.
* <p>
* If a connection is added to multiple ObjectSpaces, the same object ID should not be registered in more than one of those
* ObjectSpaces.
* @param objectID Must not be Integer.MAX_VALUE.
* @see #getRemoteObject(Connection, int, Class...) */
public void register (int objectID, Object object) {
if (objectID == Integer.MAX_VALUE) throw new IllegalArgumentException("objectID cannot be Integer.MAX_VALUE.");
if (object == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("object cannot be null.");
idToObject.put(objectID, object);
objectToID.put(object, objectID);
if (TRACE) trace("kryonet", "Object registered with ObjectSpace as " + objectID + ": " + object);
/** Removes an object. The remote end of the ObjectSpace's connections will no longer be able to access it. */
public void remove (int objectID) {
Object object = idToObject.remove(objectID);
if (object != null) objectToID.remove(object, 0);
if (TRACE) trace("kryonet", "Object " + objectID + " removed from ObjectSpace: " + object);
/** Removes an object. The remote end of the ObjectSpace's connections will no longer be able to access it. */
public void remove (Object object) {
if (!idToObject.containsValue(object, true)) return;
int objectID = idToObject.findKey(object, true, -1);
objectToID.remove(object, 0);
if (TRACE) trace("kryonet", "Object " + objectID + " removed from ObjectSpace: " + object);
/** Causes this ObjectSpace to stop listening to the connections for method invocation messages. */
public void close () {
Connection[] connections = this.connections;
for (int i = 0; i < connections.length; i++)
synchronized (instancesLock) {
ArrayList<Connection> temp = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(instances));
instances = temp.toArray(new ObjectSpace[temp.size()]);
if (TRACE) trace("kryonet", "Closed ObjectSpace.");
/** Allows the remote end of the specified connection to access objects registered in this ObjectSpace. */
public void addConnection (Connection connection) {
if (connection == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("connection cannot be null.");
synchronized (connectionsLock) {
Connection[] newConnections = new Connection[connections.length + 1];
newConnections[0] = connection;
System.arraycopy(connections, 0, newConnections, 1, connections.length);
connections = newConnections;
if (TRACE) trace("kryonet", "Added connection to ObjectSpace: " + connection);
/** Removes the specified connection, it will no longer be able to access objects registered in this ObjectSpace. */
public void removeConnection (Connection connection) {
if (connection == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("connection cannot be null.");
synchronized (connectionsLock) {
ArrayList<Connection> temp = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(connections));
connections = temp.toArray(new Connection[temp.size()]);
if (TRACE) trace("kryonet", "Removed connection from ObjectSpace: " + connection);
/** Invokes the method on the object and, if necessary, sends the result back to the connection that made the invocation
* request. This method is invoked on the update thread of the {@link EndPoint} for this ObjectSpace and unless an
* {@link #setExecutor(Executor) executor} has been set.
* @param connection The remote side of this connection requested the invocation. */
protected void invoke (Connection connection, Object target, InvokeMethod invokeMethod) {
if (DEBUG) {
String argString = "";
if (invokeMethod.args != null) {
argString = Arrays.deepToString(invokeMethod.args);
argString = argString.substring(1, argString.length() - 1);
connection + " received: " + target.getClass().getSimpleName() + "#" + invokeMethod.cachedMethod.method.getName()
+ "(" + argString + ")");
byte responseData = invokeMethod.responseData;
boolean transmitReturnValue = (responseData & returnValueMask) == returnValueMask;
boolean transmitExceptions = (responseData & returnExceptionMask) == returnExceptionMask;
int responseID = responseData & responseIdMask;
CachedMethod cachedMethod = invokeMethod.cachedMethod;
Object result = null;
try {
result = cachedMethod.invoke(target, invokeMethod.args);
} catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
if (transmitExceptions)
result = ex.getCause();
throw new KryoNetException("Error invoking method: " + cachedMethod.method.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "."
+ cachedMethod.method.getName(), ex);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new KryoNetException("Error invoking method: " + cachedMethod.method.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "."
+ cachedMethod.method.getName(), ex);
if (responseID == 0) return;
InvokeMethodResult invokeMethodResult = new InvokeMethodResult();
invokeMethodResult.objectID = invokeMethod.objectID;
invokeMethodResult.responseID = (byte)responseID;
// Do not return non-primitives if transmitReturnValue is false.
if (!transmitReturnValue && !invokeMethod.cachedMethod.method.getReturnType().isPrimitive()) {
invokeMethodResult.result = null;
} else {
invokeMethodResult.result = result;
int length = connection.sendTCP(invokeMethodResult);
if (DEBUG) debug("kryonet", connection + " sent TCP: " + result + " (" + length + ")");
/** Identical to {@link #getRemoteObject(Connection, int, Class...)} except returns the object cast to the specified interface
* type. The returned object still implements {@link RemoteObject}. */
static public <T> T getRemoteObject (final Connection connection, int objectID, Class<T> iface) {
return (T)getRemoteObject(connection, objectID, new Class[] {iface});
/** Returns a proxy object that implements the specified interfaces. Methods invoked on the proxy object will be invoked
* remotely on the object with the specified ID in the ObjectSpace for the specified connection. If the remote end of the
* connection has not {@link #addConnection(Connection) added} the connection to the ObjectSpace, the remote method invocations
* will be ignored.
* <p>
* Methods that return a value will throw {@link TimeoutException} if the response is not received with the
* {@link RemoteObject#setResponseTimeout(int) response timeout}.
* <p>
* If {@link RemoteObject#setNonBlocking(boolean) non-blocking} is false (the default), then methods that return a value must
* not be called from the update thread for the connection. An exception will be thrown if this occurs. Methods with a void
* return value can be called on the update thread.
* <p>
* If a proxy returned from this method is part of an object graph sent over the network, the object graph on the receiving
* side will have the proxy object replaced with the registered object.
* @see RemoteObject */
static public RemoteObject getRemoteObject (Connection connection, int objectID, Class... ifaces) {
if (connection == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("connection cannot be null.");
if (ifaces == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("ifaces cannot be null.");
Class[] temp = new Class[ifaces.length + 1];
temp[0] = RemoteObject.class;
System.arraycopy(ifaces, 0, temp, 1, ifaces.length);
return (RemoteObject)Proxy.newProxyInstance(ObjectSpace.class.getClassLoader(), temp, new RemoteInvocationHandler(
connection, objectID));
/** Handles network communication when methods are invoked on a proxy. */
static private class RemoteInvocationHandler implements InvocationHandler {
private final Connection connection;
final int objectID;
private int timeoutMillis = 3000;
private boolean nonBlocking;
private boolean transmitReturnValue = true;
private boolean transmitExceptions = true;
private boolean remoteToString;
private boolean udp;
private Byte lastResponseID;
private byte nextResponseId = 1;
private Listener responseListener;
final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();
final Condition responseCondition = lock.newCondition();
final InvokeMethodResult[] responseTable = new InvokeMethodResult[64];
final boolean[] pendingResponses = new boolean[64];
public RemoteInvocationHandler (Connection connection, final int objectID) {
this.connection = connection;
this.objectID = objectID;
responseListener = new Listener() {
public void received (Connection connection, Object object) {
if (!(object instanceof InvokeMethodResult)) return;
InvokeMethodResult invokeMethodResult = (InvokeMethodResult)object;
if (invokeMethodResult.objectID != objectID) return;
int responseID = invokeMethodResult.responseID;
synchronized (this) {
if (pendingResponses[responseID]) responseTable[responseID] = invokeMethodResult;
try {
} finally {
public void disconnected (Connection connection) {
public Object invoke (Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Exception {
Class declaringClass = method.getDeclaringClass();
if (declaringClass == RemoteObject.class) {
String name = method.getName();
if (name.equals("close")) {
return null;
} else if (name.equals("setResponseTimeout")) {
timeoutMillis = (Integer)args[0];
return null;
} else if (name.equals("setNonBlocking")) {
nonBlocking = (Boolean)args[0];
return null;
} else if (name.equals("setTransmitReturnValue")) {
transmitReturnValue = (Boolean)args[0];
return null;
} else if (name.equals("setUDP")) {
udp = (Boolean)args[0];
return null;
} else if (name.equals("setTransmitExceptions")) {
transmitExceptions = (Boolean)args[0];
return null;
} else if (name.equals("setRemoteToString")) {
remoteToString = (Boolean)args[0];
return null;
} else if (name.equals("waitForLastResponse")) {
if (lastResponseID == null) throw new IllegalStateException("There is no last response to wait for.");
return waitForResponse(lastResponseID);
} else if (name.equals("getLastResponseID")) {
if (lastResponseID == null) throw new IllegalStateException("There is no last response ID.");
return lastResponseID;
} else if (name.equals("waitForResponse")) {
if (!transmitReturnValue && !transmitExceptions && nonBlocking)
throw new IllegalStateException("This RemoteObject is currently set to ignore all responses.");
return waitForResponse((Byte)args[0]);
} else if (name.equals("getConnection")) {
return connection;
// Should never happen, for debugging purposes only
throw new KryoNetException("Invocation handler could not find RemoteObject method. Check");
} else if (!remoteToString && declaringClass == Object.class && method.getName().equals("toString")) //
return "<proxy>";
InvokeMethod invokeMethod = new InvokeMethod();
invokeMethod.objectID = objectID;
invokeMethod.args = args;
CachedMethod[] cachedMethods = getMethods(connection.getEndPoint().getKryo(), method.getDeclaringClass());
for (int i = 0, n = cachedMethods.length; i < n; i++) {
CachedMethod cachedMethod = cachedMethods[i];
if (cachedMethod.method.equals(method)) {
invokeMethod.cachedMethod = cachedMethod;
if (invokeMethod.cachedMethod == null) throw new KryoNetException("Method not found: " + method);
// A invocation doesn't need a response if it's async and no return values or exceptions are wanted back.
boolean needsResponse = !udp && (transmitReturnValue || transmitExceptions || !nonBlocking);
byte responseID = 0;
if (needsResponse) {
synchronized (this) {
// Increment the response counter and put it into the low bits of the responseID.
responseID = nextResponseId++;
if (nextResponseId > responseIdMask) nextResponseId = 1;
pendingResponses[responseID] = true;
// Pack other data into the high bits.
byte responseData = responseID;
if (transmitReturnValue) responseData |= returnValueMask;
if (transmitExceptions) responseData |= returnExceptionMask;
invokeMethod.responseData = responseData;
} else {
invokeMethod.responseData = 0; // A response data of 0 means to not respond.
int length = udp ? connection.sendUDP(invokeMethod) : connection.sendTCP(invokeMethod);
if (DEBUG) {
String argString = "";
if (args != null) {
argString = Arrays.deepToString(args);
argString = argString.substring(1, argString.length() - 1);
debug("kryonet", connection + " sent " + (udp ? "UDP" : "TCP") + ": " + method.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName()
+ "#" + method.getName() + "(" + argString + ") (" + length + ")");
lastResponseID = (byte)(invokeMethod.responseData & responseIdMask);
if (nonBlocking || udp) {
Class returnType = method.getReturnType();
if (returnType.isPrimitive()) {
if (returnType == int.class) return 0;
if (returnType == boolean.class) return Boolean.FALSE;
if (returnType == float.class) return 0f;
if (returnType == char.class) return (char)0;
if (returnType == long.class) return 0l;
if (returnType == short.class) return (short)0;
if (returnType == byte.class) return (byte)0;
if (returnType == double.class) return 0d;
return null;
try {
Object result = waitForResponse(lastResponseID);
if (result != null && result instanceof Exception)
throw (Exception)result;
return result;
} catch (TimeoutException ex) {
throw new TimeoutException("Response timed out: " + method.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "." + method.getName());
} finally {
synchronized (this) {
pendingResponses[responseID] = false;
responseTable[responseID] = null;
private Object waitForResponse (byte responseID) {
if (connection.getEndPoint().getUpdateThread() == Thread.currentThread())
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot wait for an RMI response on the connection's update thread.");
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutMillis;
while (true) {
long remaining = endTime - System.currentTimeMillis();
InvokeMethodResult invokeMethodResult;
synchronized (this) {
invokeMethodResult = responseTable[responseID];
if (invokeMethodResult != null) {
lastResponseID = null;
return invokeMethodResult.result;
} else {
if (remaining <= 0) throw new TimeoutException("Response timed out.");
try {
responseCondition.await(remaining, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new KryoNetException(e);
} finally {
void close () {
/** Internal message to invoke methods remotely. */
static public class InvokeMethod implements FrameworkMessage, KryoSerializable {
public int objectID;
public CachedMethod cachedMethod;
public Object[] args;
// The top bits of the ID indicate if the remote invocation should respond with return values and exceptions, respectively.
// The remaining bites are a counter. This means up to 63 responses can be stored before undefined behavior occurs due to
// possible duplicate IDs. A response data of 0 means to not respond.
public byte responseData;
public void write (Kryo kryo, Output output) {
output.writeInt(objectID, true);
output.writeInt(cachedMethod.methodClassID, true);
Serializer[] serializers = cachedMethod.serializers;
Object[] args = this.args;
for (int i = 0, n = serializers.length; i < n; i++) {
Serializer serializer = serializers[i];
if (serializer != null)
kryo.writeObjectOrNull(output, args[i], serializer);
kryo.writeClassAndObject(output, args[i]);
public void read (Kryo kryo, Input input) {
objectID = input.readInt(true);
int methodClassID = input.readInt(true);
Class methodClass = kryo.getRegistration(methodClassID).getType();
byte methodIndex = input.readByte();
try {
cachedMethod = getMethods(kryo, methodClass)[methodIndex];
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
throw new KryoException("Invalid method index " + methodIndex + " for class: " + methodClass.getName());
Serializer[] serializers = cachedMethod.serializers;
Class[] parameterTypes = cachedMethod.method.getParameterTypes();
Object[] args = new Object[serializers.length];
this.args = args;
for (int i = 0, n = args.length; i < n; i++) {
Serializer serializer = serializers[i];
if (serializer != null)
args[i] = kryo.readObjectOrNull(input, parameterTypes[i], serializer);
args[i] = kryo.readClassAndObject(input);
responseData = input.readByte();
/** Internal message to return the result of a remotely invoked method. */
static public class InvokeMethodResult implements FrameworkMessage {
public int objectID;
public byte responseID;
public Object result;
static CachedMethod[] getMethods (Kryo kryo, Class type) {
CachedMethod[] cachedMethods = methodCache.get(type); // Maybe should cache per Kryo instance?
if (cachedMethods != null) return cachedMethods;
ArrayList<Method> allMethods = new ArrayList();
Class nextClass = type;
while (nextClass != null) {
Collections.addAll(allMethods, nextClass.getDeclaredMethods());
nextClass = nextClass.getSuperclass();
if (nextClass == Object.class) break;
ArrayList<Method> methods = new ArrayList(Math.max(1, allMethods.size()));
for (int i = 0, n = allMethods.size(); i < n; i++) {
Method method = allMethods.get(i);
int modifiers = method.getModifiers();
if (Modifier.isStatic(modifiers)) continue;
if (Modifier.isPrivate(modifiers)) continue;
if (method.isSynthetic()) continue;
Collections.sort(methods, new Comparator<Method>() {
public int compare (Method o1, Method o2) {
// Methods are sorted so they can be represented as an index.
int diff = o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName());
if (diff != 0) return diff;
Class[] argTypes1 = o1.getParameterTypes();
Class[] argTypes2 = o2.getParameterTypes();
if (argTypes1.length > argTypes2.length) return 1;
if (argTypes1.length < argTypes2.length) return -1;
for (int i = 0; i < argTypes1.length; i++) {
diff = argTypes1[i].getName().compareTo(argTypes2[i].getName());
if (diff != 0) return diff;
throw new RuntimeException("Two methods with same signature!"); // Impossible.
Object methodAccess = null;
if (asm && !Util.isAndroid && Modifier.isPublic(type.getModifiers())) methodAccess = MethodAccess.get(type);
int n = methods.size();
cachedMethods = new CachedMethod[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Method method = methods.get(i);
Class[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
CachedMethod cachedMethod = null;
if (methodAccess != null) {
try {
AsmCachedMethod asmCachedMethod = new AsmCachedMethod();
asmCachedMethod.methodAccessIndex = ((MethodAccess)methodAccess).getIndex(method.getName(), parameterTypes);
asmCachedMethod.methodAccess = (MethodAccess)methodAccess;
cachedMethod = asmCachedMethod;
} catch (RuntimeException ignored) {
if (cachedMethod == null) cachedMethod = new CachedMethod();
cachedMethod.method = method;
cachedMethod.methodClassID = kryo.getRegistration(method.getDeclaringClass()).getId();
cachedMethod.methodIndex = i;
// Store the serializer for each final parameter.
cachedMethod.serializers = new Serializer[parameterTypes.length];
for (int ii = 0, nn = parameterTypes.length; ii < nn; ii++)
if (kryo.isFinal(parameterTypes[ii])) cachedMethod.serializers[ii] = kryo.getSerializer(parameterTypes[ii]);
cachedMethods[i] = cachedMethod;
methodCache.put(type, cachedMethods);
return cachedMethods;
/** Returns the first object registered with the specified ID in any of the ObjectSpaces the specified connection belongs to. */
static Object getRegisteredObject (Connection connection, int objectID) {
ObjectSpace[] instances = ObjectSpace.instances;
for (int i = 0, n = instances.length; i < n; i++) {
ObjectSpace objectSpace = instances[i];
// Check if the connection is in this ObjectSpace.
Connection[] connections = objectSpace.connections;
for (int j = 0; j < connections.length; j++) {
if (connections[j] != connection) continue;
// Find an object with the objectID.
Object object = objectSpace.idToObject.get(objectID);
if (object != null) return object;
return null;
/** Returns the first ID registered for the specified object with any of the ObjectSpaces the specified connection belongs to,
* or Integer.MAX_VALUE if not found. */
static int getRegisteredID (Connection connection, Object object) {
ObjectSpace[] instances = ObjectSpace.instances;
for (int i = 0, n = instances.length; i < n; i++) {
ObjectSpace objectSpace = instances[i];
// Check if the connection is in this ObjectSpace.
Connection[] connections = objectSpace.connections;
for (int j = 0; j < connections.length; j++) {
if (connections[j] != connection) continue;
// Find an ID with the object.
int id = objectSpace.objectToID.get(object, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
if (id != Integer.MAX_VALUE) return id;
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
/** Registers the classes needed to use ObjectSpaces. This should be called before any connections are opened.
* @see Kryo#register(Class, Serializer) */
static public void registerClasses (final Kryo kryo) {
FieldSerializer<InvokeMethodResult> resultSerializer = new FieldSerializer<InvokeMethodResult>(kryo,
InvokeMethodResult.class) {
public void write (Kryo kryo, Output output, InvokeMethodResult result) {
super.write(kryo, output, result);
output.writeInt(result.objectID, true);
public InvokeMethodResult read (Kryo kryo, Input input, Class<InvokeMethodResult> type) {
InvokeMethodResult result =, input, type);
result.objectID = input.readInt(true);
return result;
kryo.register(InvokeMethodResult.class, resultSerializer);
kryo.register(InvocationHandler.class, new Serializer() {
public void write (Kryo kryo, Output output, Object object) {
RemoteInvocationHandler handler = (RemoteInvocationHandler)Proxy.getInvocationHandler(object);
output.writeInt(handler.objectID, true);
public Object read (Kryo kryo, Input input, Class type) {
int objectID = input.readInt(true);
Connection connection = (Connection)kryo.getContext().get("connection");
Object object = getRegisteredObject(connection, objectID);
if (WARN && object == null) warn("kryonet", "Unknown object ID " + objectID + " for connection: " + connection);
return object;
/** If true, an attempt will be made to use ReflectASM for invoking methods. Default is true. */
static public void setAsm (boolean asm) {
ObjectSpace.asm = asm;
static class CachedMethod {
Method method;
int methodClassID;
int methodIndex;
Serializer[] serializers;
public Object invoke (Object target, Object[] args) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
return method.invoke(target, args);
static class AsmCachedMethod extends CachedMethod {
MethodAccess methodAccess;
int methodAccessIndex = -1;
public Object invoke (Object target, Object[] args) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
try {
return methodAccess.invoke(target, methodAccessIndex, args);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new InvocationTargetException(ex);
/** Serializes an object registered with an ObjectSpace so the receiving side gets a {@link RemoteObject} proxy rather than the
* bytes for the serialized object.
* @author Nathan Sweet <> */
static public class RemoteObjectSerializer extends Serializer {
public void write (Kryo kryo, Output output, Object object) {
Connection connection = (Connection)kryo.getContext().get("connection");
int id = getRegisteredID(connection, object);
if (id == Integer.MAX_VALUE) throw new KryoNetException("Object not found in an ObjectSpace: " + object);
output.writeInt(id, true);
public Object read (Kryo kryo, Input input, Class type) {
int objectID = input.readInt(true);
Connection connection = (Connection)kryo.getContext().get("connection");
return ObjectSpace.getRemoteObject(connection, objectID, type);