import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
* Class which handles the conversion of GDB/MI messages to Java objects.
public class GdbMiMessageConverter {
private static final Logger m_log =
* Special value that can be returned by value processors to indicate that the normal automatic
* processing should be applied to the value.
public static final Object ValueProcessorPassThrough = new Object();
* Converts the given GDB/MI result record into a suitable Java object.
* @param record The GDB result record.
* @return The new object, or null if it could not be created.
public static GdbEvent processRecord(GdbMiResultRecord record) {
return processRecord(record, null);
* Converts the given GDB/MI result record into a suitable Java object.
* @param record The GDB result record.
* @param commandType The original command type (excluding any parameters) that was sent which
* caused GDB to send the record. This is used for mapping 'done' events to the appropriate
* type.
* @return The new object, or null if it could not be created.
public static GdbEvent processRecord(GdbMiResultRecord record, String commandType) {
// Iterate through the list of event types
GdbEvent event = null;
for (Class<?> clazz : GdbMiEventTypes.classes) {
// Verify the type has a GdbMiEvent annotation
GdbMiEvent eventAnnotation = clazz.getAnnotation(GdbMiEvent.class);
if (eventAnnotation == null) {
m_log.warn("Class " + clazz.getName() + " is in the GdbMiEventTypes.classes list " +
"but does not have a GdbMiEvent annotation");
// Check if this type is appropriate for the record
if (eventAnnotation.recordType() == record.type) {
boolean match = false;
for (String className : eventAnnotation.className()) {
if (className.equals(record.className)) {
match = true;
if (match) {
// Found a matching event type wrapper
List<GdbMiResult> results = record.results;
// If it is a 'done' event then search for a more specific event type
if (commandType != null && clazz.equals(GdbDoneEvent.class)) {
for (Class<?> doneEventClass : GdbMiEventTypes.doneEventTypes) {
GdbMiDoneEvent doneEventAnnotation =
if (doneEventAnnotation == null) {
m_log.warn("Class " + doneEventClass.getName() + " is in the " +
"GdbMiEventTypes.doneEventTypes list but does not have a" +
"GdbMiDoneEvent annotation");
if (doneEventAnnotation.command().equals(commandType)) {
// Found a match; check if we need to transpose a specific result
// onto this class
if (!doneEventAnnotation.transpose().isEmpty()) {
List<GdbMiResult> transposedResults = transposeDoneEvent(record,
if (transposedResults == null) {
m_log.warn("Class " + doneEventClass.getName() + " is " +
"trying to transpose '" +
doneEventAnnotation.transpose() + "', but the result " +
"does not exist or is not a tuple or list of results");
results = transposedResults;
clazz = doneEventClass;
// Process the object
event = (GdbEvent) processObject(clazz, results);
return event;
* Extracts data from the result requested by the class.
* @param record The result record.
* @param doneEventAnnotation The annotation on the class.
* @return The new list of results, or null if it could not be transposed.
private static List<GdbMiResult> transposeDoneEvent(GdbMiResultRecord record,
GdbMiDoneEvent doneEventAnnotation) {
// Search for the requested result
for (GdbMiResult result : record.results) {
if (result.variable.equals(doneEventAnnotation.transpose())) {
// Found it; check it is an appropriate type (it must be a tuple or a list of
// results)
if (!(result.value.type == GdbMiValue.Type.Tuple ||
(result.value.type == GdbMiValue.Type.List &&
(result.value.list.type == GdbMiList.Type.Empty ||
result.value.list.type == GdbMiList.Type.Results)))) {
return null;
return result.value.type ==
GdbMiValue.Type.Tuple ? result.value.tuple : result.value.list.results;
return null;
* Converts the given list of GDB/MI results to an object of the given type.
* @param clazz The type of object to create.
* @param results The results from GDB.
* @return The new object, or null if it could not be created.
public static Object processObject(Class<?> clazz, List<GdbMiResult> results) {
try {
Object object = clazz.newInstance();
// Populate the fields with data from the result
Field[] fields = clazz.getFields();
for (Field field : fields) {
GdbMiField fieldAnnotation = field.getAnnotation(GdbMiField.class);
if (fieldAnnotation == null) {
// Find a result with the requested variable name
for (GdbMiResult result : results) {
if (! {
// Found a matching field; convert the value
convertField(object, clazz, field, fieldAnnotation, result);
return object;
} catch (Throwable ex) {
m_log.warn("Failed to convert GDB/MI message to a Java object", ex);
return null;
* Converts a GdbMiResult into a suitable Java type and puts it in the given field on the given
* object.
* @param event The object to put the value into.
* @param clazz The class of the object.
* @param field The field on the object to put the value into.
* @param fieldAnnotation The GdbMiField annotation on the field.
* @param result The result to get the data from.
private static void convertField(Object event, Class<?> clazz, Field field,
GdbMiField fieldAnnotation, GdbMiResult result) throws InvocationTargetException,
IllegalAccessException {
// Check the result type is supported by the field
boolean foundValueType = false;
for (GdbMiValue.Type valueType : fieldAnnotation.valueType()) {
if (valueType == result.value.type) {
foundValueType = true;
if (!foundValueType) {
m_log.warn("Annotation on \"" + field.getName() + "\" requires on of GDB/MI types \"" +
Arrays.toString(fieldAnnotation.valueType()) + "\"; got \"" + result.value.type + "\"");
if (!fieldAnnotation.valueProcessor().isEmpty()) {
// Field has a custom value processor
convertFieldUsingValueProcessor(event, clazz, field, fieldAnnotation, result);
} else {
// Field does not have a custom value processor; convert it manually
convertFieldManually(event, field, result);
* Converts a GdbMiResult into a suitable Java type and puts it in the given field on the given
* object using a custom value processor defined by the field.
* @param event The object to put the value into.
* @param clazz The class of the object.
* @param field The field on the object to put the value into.
* @param fieldAnnotation The GdbMiField annotation on the field.
* @param result The result to get the data from.
private static void convertFieldUsingValueProcessor(Object event, Class<?> clazz, Field field,
GdbMiField fieldAnnotation, GdbMiResult result) throws InvocationTargetException,
IllegalAccessException {
// Get the value processor function
Method valueProcessor;
try {
String valueProcessorName = fieldAnnotation.valueProcessor();
int lastDotIndex = valueProcessorName.lastIndexOf('.');
if (lastDotIndex == -1) {
// Value processor is a function on the parent class
valueProcessor = clazz.getMethod(valueProcessorName, GdbMiValue.class);
} else {
// Value processor is a fully-qualified name
String className = valueProcessorName.substring(0, lastDotIndex);
String methodName = valueProcessorName.substring(lastDotIndex + 1);
Class<?> valueProcessorClass = Class.forName(className);
valueProcessor = valueProcessorClass.getMethod(methodName, GdbMiValue.class);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
m_log.warn("Annotation on " + field.getName() + " has value processor " +
fieldAnnotation.valueProcessor() + ", but no such function exists on the class " +
"(or it does not take the right arguments)", ex);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
m_log.warn("Annotation on " + field.getName() + " has value processor " +
fieldAnnotation.valueProcessor() + ", but the referenced class does not exist", ex);
// Invoke the method
Object resultValue = null;
Object value;
try {
value = valueProcessor.invoke(event, result.value);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
m_log.warn("Field to invoke value processor for field " + field.getName() + " with " +
"value " + resultValue, ex);
// We don't need to do anything if the value processor returned null
if (value == null) {
// If the value processor returns the special value ValueProcessorPassThrough then we need
// to apply the default processing to the value
if (value == ValueProcessorPassThrough) {
convertFieldManually(event, field, result);
// Check the returned value is of the correct type
if (!field.getType().isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) {
m_log.warn("Field " + field.getName() + " is of type " + field.getType() + ", but " +
"the value processor returned " + value + " [type=" + value.getClass() + "]");
// Set the value on the field
try {
field.set(event, value);
} catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
m_log.warn("Failed to set value on field " + field, ex);
* Converts a GdbMiResult into a suitable Java type and puts it in the given field on the given
* object using built-in value processors.
* @param event The object to put the value into.
* @param field The field on the object to put the value into.
* @param result The result to get the data from.
static void convertFieldManually(Object event, Field field, GdbMiResult result) throws
InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException {
ParameterizedType genericType = null;
Type basicGenericType = field.getGenericType();
if (basicGenericType instanceof ParameterizedType) {
genericType = (ParameterizedType) basicGenericType;
Object value = applyConversionRules(field.getType(), genericType, result.value);
if (value != null) {
field.set(event, value);
} else {
m_log.warn("No conversion rules were available to convert GDB/MI result '" +
result + "' for field " + field);
* Applies the conversion rules to the given GDB/MI result and returns the converted object.
* @param targetType The type of object to be created.
* @param genericTargetType The generic type of the object to be created. May be null.
* @param value The value to get the data from.
* @return The new object, or null if it could not be created.
static Object applyConversionRules(Class<?> targetType, ParameterizedType genericTargetType,
GdbMiValue value) throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException {
// Apply the conversion rules until we get a match
Object jValue = null;
Method[] methods = GdbMiValueConversionRules.class.getMethods();
for (Method method : methods) {
// Verify it is a conversion rule
if (method.getAnnotation(GdbMiConversionRule.class) == null) {
jValue = method.invoke(null, targetType, genericTargetType, value);
if (jValue != null) {
return jValue;