import com.intellij.openapi.components.PersistentStateComponent;
import com.intellij.openapi.options.ConfigurationException;
import com.intellij.openapi.projectRoots.SdkAdditionalData;
import com.intellij.util.xmlb.XmlSerializerUtil;
* Author: Toader Mihai Claudiu <>
* <p/>
* Date: Aug 19, 2010
* Time: 8:07:05 AM
public class GoSdkData implements SdkAdditionalData, PersistentStateComponent<GoSdkData> {
public final static int LATEST_VERSION = 4;
public String GO_EXEC = "go";
public String GO_GOROOT_PATH = "";
public String GO_BIN_PATH = "";
public GoTargetOs TARGET_OS = null;
public GoTargetArch TARGET_ARCH = null;
public String VERSION_MAJOR = "";
public String VERSION_MINOR = "";
public int version = 0;
public GoSdkData() {
public GoSdkData(String homePath, String binaryPath, String goPath, GoTargetOs targetOs, GoTargetArch targetArch, String versionMajor, String versionMinor) {
this.GO_GOROOT_PATH = homePath;
this.GO_BIN_PATH = binaryPath;
this.TARGET_OS = targetOs;
this.TARGET_ARCH = targetArch;
this.VERSION_MAJOR = versionMajor;
this.VERSION_MINOR = versionMinor;
public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
return super.clone();
public void checkValid() throws ConfigurationException {
if (version != GoSdkData.LATEST_VERSION) {
throw new ConfigurationException("SDK configuration needs to be upgraded");
public GoSdkData getState() {
return this;
public void loadState(GoSdkData state) {
XmlSerializerUtil.copyBean(state, this);